The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 01, 1899, Image 2

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S-tistilhi ol me WeilltiHinej ol futon Wlo Ate niaoos Wallzers
' ' priceless (oiledtos ol toe.
i.a f ,, .1 .! I v Mi 1
. ......
I. g ..f the ! Hi., 4
. . . .. . ......
Him tik
if uiiM.r.a
. a. "
I I'l in ntU4'"i
Kt !"'
Ik ' '" '"' ,,,
1 nil II .. '" ",
I ll i f nh l U ! tl f'"
. M4 lt k4 ssl h
the fit in ! f ' I" '"
ilk Mir A'" blt """
4 M4 ",,' ",lm
U.. It..ftit4i ..(.) Mf I x"4
W hf ! flf lf SI I ' '
rtt, aM th who Ih I rfc
M fc'4 f M i'ft- .-
bottlkl rt1 tit b't ''fc ihttm,
an., re t kM, every day ''",
ever, -1Mb of fisttteM,
(Hi III uMffrfflty luh-
t.flBiB fMrm 4
Ms UUtiaf 4 bit of asale fIr
thai be be Il"l by Ik 'pl;
sad th yimng !ihM of HVffli
ftilrl!tt B' nwj-int of hf Br
flH I" B tit H brt of r';4
h wrdered m4 a4 Mil kef la l
lb lr W' bf twHilil m !!'
of K Man ! h'f ,
ftif llf U h' f'4 fct '
lf H f"!4 f"" l''
4r tlt t"" tmtf 1"
ttriUt f lk '' I"
tif lfct to imu 'if .u'.f f l
fft I4 If1f !! 4I,''
liit rtif Bi i
' tntt'HUm ff4 flf
tt "l fr -4u tli
rrmM fcr lll. ! !" '
fca'a twra 4'a, I' ifctr
4tf M lil tr . alfM
; If M ! A l !JI
ffMr v tff thm f'f a I !
ftvrttr; Vl kW-H ffnr '"
acalMrf ! HaM fc!a1f wf
tmhk( fcf kWll f'f fcf fH
rrmm4 fa trW If fcr vaf
a tail t4 fntttt a
fa, r g1wa, i , 1
ifkf f W(4:y mi mMm th 4'
nlc(a, , Hralaf
lr IW a4 4Vhri'.t r-
f Mif, ivf ll a w! N fix
n, fa wfOf m f4 l V f'
Ik! rt rvtf rV.f 0rt4 at
all, ft 1 att n"mmm la K Trfe
int aa itilfrTii 4!f w 1r Vtfa
t a rl !! aalatf (
alta :mSf a ftrm U
',4ii la a 4U(at aailwar, 4laf
ff fl0M f lf! yfe
Hi tf trvk,
WfeMYr U a wihW.i 4'
ting caa miitff tktr piii at aay
Yvft t'rwi wf, vr la
Tw1i lJf drtaa Ik ;a'f, Tf
M, la ff, avfcf rtr la !k
anf-4 (H Vaa, afli mkr
mtnr f muMvtt tnn k
09 f Ik fk ('.! Maa ffr
fM ff Ik Mwa a Ik Wa
: at " la rrrv44 t"m at
Iuti(f, wjfm ot la Umbm,
( -4 . M' uin 4
tf 411. . I ' ' IN-fcM
i. .r-l'M If M fcl
Mit Rl fl I"
r., .,f rM !)'' W'
br Mi t.k!y Kfcih'l' 1
i .t, I f fir 1" nilfii
!,,, a fci.4t4 '
Id k h
4t It ' ''f
i f m t ".
I k t,tl f '
l'lllB '
fnft tiif'ril.
t .ifrt
! Il1f'ftl
IfiM Mra, Tf
Tail'f, a iif mf
Kttrif than Mr.
iiii)! kb4
kr rival I
J k A'r,
k. h' net. la
Ta ..Ifl Olf ll ill. f.
! 5H-tP la
fcat Ik f wh
nta a r f r
bUltf at a ('l.'"i
b Ij
lln4'r ' 14
tka UlMral 'W
llvtif, fn Ik
ma II k It, a4 fk
VAUi U farariabif
(nmr144 Sti a )-
kaiM k a
ifck ik X T'f k aa
H 4 v a )! a Ik wrm
'lfM'l k l' Ik
lux tM4 d Hrr i.ii, 4
i.n f Ikk tfilttt miiSli". '! l
lk Itil Hr ! tjr MlI'Vil. I
I ts), ). Mi J -ka
h. IN il
4 talual.l li I mrl'. f'r
H.xi.r '"
bl(t.m In that fwilf, '
rltaM Mr WMIiniw K Van -lrblU
ma t. ih !
kr l'h ' lil44 awitl Mr
!'iii;t .
at. II mH'M itiriM i a
hi' i4ffiifitufc f.t l
nrt it ti intfiilaa !'! t1:!
nri Mfm OkLh-4 .n,i'aa
l1r ' l l-tit4 kuiiiUl
H i.tth l. n rraafiia'ailiia f hr
'rn n Ik utmmniltrtt rfi4.
l.lakt.Arint ram fnrk trt Ik rffwl that
Mr. Thu. h li h1! ' !
Hmi rlmrih tntrr, 4
ftmuii tllM i4!1, kl4, Ihfi
fur. In ih 111(1111 li.imm tina II
lt!iplr4 a ttfilll moll'in If
b had w a famrnia r tlr-, Tbt
t!r, tirn In lcm, Mr. Thorn fur
bur any i f bT I'l la-.
Ul NrillMA S11U
tMILt ApVt JuiOMKr.
, B'firffr, a - -
l 4 itt tkU ("" '
if iff !. . jL. ,
r 'Baakkaaaai
-rr L
7 kt, t, I
Ilk It, a4
art ikw, Hk Ai t,if nAin,
XMhlm Urimt a4 lfrrf fkr, ak
aV tfcS r'i l?a w4r1i1 '
I, Tkr ar tk aa ka bm4
M a r' l"f ir m aa4 fe rarry
avrl r!ra ut aK k!4 f1 t a
tH, aa4 af fvt a 4SVM
rrtr4 la tWa a !
art a - atMwr- TW, I'
fca larr(4w4 fa ar aa4 rry
grtf imtrm4 aV4 la JaaHaf af
Uklf r W fJat rrl la-
ta4 M Ht fc4, a4 kan
!f k44: f at kaf'k, a)l a!f
fclMra; but Im n, AWa anl
Mr, Vaft4rWJi 4r X Ttrk -
lt kaa k-w ga-4 rf Mm
wrk (H"r valuay a4 auilful
tmN f rr a4 aattau tll
4 fff r attf Mra, Wolf aar-
mu4 kif la Iftin frl4a kr mt
la la rf f'r aetlq
kVw, a4 tk k viliiad al4
art' fa wrrvnim tm aar rare aa-
iUn k r'aH f4, OI4 U
aa fcr aD aaaala, kt kr DmII
kaa La al!r mfUtbV4 br tin
Um mrm, ra at If lv
k r at4, arH't44 It la tb mm
pffUH yAnt 4 l)'"n la tk arkt,
At anrba ah rr4 tb wa?
H ll a 4 r '
afc4 "
iifct la 4nw a)" ,,r
al a al la.
i.Ai., .. u u V D f mi tit J
Kf Nap..i N. Va , I'l flt
n.aa bi I ihai4 rlH'
tllilllit tf Ik Uuorking ut a '' b!M
r br riu ran lBt " ,h
faful arrl ,0
4hII l.lbr Ilia rl Will
tr4fiitl i.ff Ih t it Ulik. Whfl
It I aM lhal Mr, hmir
tliarc tf lha arraogmr.U f or
laiitirblnia lkt any othrr mn I" h
I'tillKl Hlal, kB4 pouimy pa ""r"'
It muat U 4ml(til tbat b b A ttH
tn paa an rill)lo!l Umn th uli)i-it.
Purina hi rnartl(in ltn tna nip
build ln Itnlii. fry ha bat bail rhr of
ivnljrvu iuccfu launrbliu.
liMrl'a aa lfra
Ma at Ih WWi ItawM.
Wbln fr, Nw Turk Mall
nl KtprMi; Tb bom of Mra. I. .
Oranl. lliiall In lb li lurwju pari
of Walilliliin br MaaibutU
anu mra Into lha bllla tf tha
liixk I'mk National fark, Is on or
ttm moat ltrtlii( ctrlat dwalHiufa
' . - .. . . . ... 1. Vf .
aill IMII I niauirir mmi'iim,
(iraut, altboucb tarly kO yra of an,
la ailtl ai ll, Binlal!y an4 phyaU ally.
U( lat yara aba baa I" loin nor
alKbt, but uthrlH ab l tb aatna
iiroija wornaa b praill In tni
Wlilta iUmtm. NotbInK kv br mt
tnw h pl-aiir a Vi abow br bouae-
boll tr-ir to hr fripna ana to
tnlaln tb Mibrtlc llttla blatorls
itmutf t4 tb a b. be baa In tbl
(alalia! ananalua moat of tba furnltur
tb wbl. b ah aad br llluatrbju bua-
band alrt4 kwikpin; Dearly w
inn mma. Tba met umulatlon of gifta
.nrl aouvrulra aratii4 during Oen
ra rafa Vm offli lai lira ara aiao
..infir.iil -atrrd tbrouabout bla
bom, la fwl. arary ebalr, Ubl. pic
tun and Uk baa aoru aodtlon
wblh Mr. Craat tbarmlngly rlt.
la tb crat nlranr ball I a macnlfl
-nt Tarklan rug. glo Ut tb gnral
by a awrfbaat prima or imrus
"Wa wat Ut bla atore," aaya Mra,
Orant. "Ut lur aoma ruaa and afu-
alra far Mrla and our eblMrn. Wa
hwtht tbr or tmr and gar our bote!
addraaa Ut bar tbm dllrd, Wa
a-r satonlabad to find bfl tba pack
aa arrlr4 tbl rug, with a gorgeona
1 mbi)a4 lttr frm th merchant,
aablnar birtl Ut fM tbl gift, aa It
gara bim tb gratt ptaur to offr
tb fint of tia froa)on to tnt
: lull A JVLn kSw
M. V. D.
Tfc rt T1"r !
br 4fl't ft a4 iwppl -,,M
br iVMy r, f'k C'"''
aiiia, f fc4 I w rr4
ff",y ar'ua4 tb
fsf oa bf (hwajraai'a' ku,df, asf
if fa-k ay fw kf kMf. Wlb
kr kt4 Wt fr to ttrrt y
wail bgig or br traia, a x'fa
aa i fruJ 4 yi fi
ar a b an,
t of mrrbxt ! oad by tb
frit' rMII't, aad aad-r tbat prla
aaavbU kwm ddiag ril
MM tf"MOtk w Jrrtd.
Tk. k.H a1 aitra I UB of all tb If
ra go out to a rwrkabJ t of
lbfwJa lw"t of tk rVbt Va-
tXa r
"r-f w v 1 " '
thtt rVti m Ut ' ,r0'
K4 itt mm'p'M !'' -'fttr
f ;l-ke r'-rf l b r
rt tb irUr. r tfc Fbi!W'
ibi lmirf, "Ail nira. -t,"
waf r-r "I :n
,'f t yr "'"
f;l at lb W K'
... W i-kjsr La to rla at kt
Mi yaMf4 srri4 "
ffiBrtS8-, Tfc ;-r tl1i'r
aay tfc W tr of wra'b tfct
fcm'.ef, "So t.1 BBt, r," b
b:y ip:!r4, "fou . ' J
Ik! wy; Tfc rt Iklag
kf, and ,l rtr
ymth". pria', too, W tr to
a ga fr'i obr prfa'a k4
H'ky! ft' If b d i tk 'fc
f fc'wt a !$. Ik Ja
t. 4 la tfc f;tftf, Tk'.
i.l at ouatr bpp to I of mr
t.i thia yro I. Tu probably '
4rt4 ?? ba ir brk
aay'blag la a botJ or rrnt b
baa to T 1' H Bi ,f Pf"bw"
mm UIV4WJIB4 ky ll wa tiiat I
mitau fill rour g! a X
put It d'a ao tbt I wild pl'k It up
A rr H ptln b)mJf t
.lib tufTui AnM: a '
Amtrfran warrior; and ti fr
ibr a4d4 tbat bla Bpww had
fm.rht la tb arwli of tb Loiuid
Kii under Gnral Grant,
Of Va (.'anaaorrtol f alaav
Savaonab. a.. Kw: Cbarl NH
aoa, a farmer of Floyd county, Iowa,
I odavorlng to ral eoff. III
plant, grown from ad put Into lk
rHint laat CDrinC. r BOW tl Inch
blgh, tt of an wr b pu to gt
Br pourv44 of coir, wnun mining ai
inii, ti.r tha tlma and labor XDnd
4 to tb cultivation of th Vrrl b
rakuiat will coat him abortt IX pr
pound, rarmr ffion a expenmni in
erfe ralng B Iowa rmlndat''r''ry
rnub of tba ta rI!ng p,mnt
n K.nfh Carolina. Kllmlnat tb an'
turn ot rot la b r and tbr la
bo doub that rofff ca U produced
Among tba vl that hava left the
waya under bla direction were ma
firat-claae battleahlpe Keamarge, Ken
tucky and Illinois, tba gunboata Nash
ville, Helena and Wilmington, the four
Morgan line ateamera that were trans
formed Into aaillUry cruisers during
tho war with floaln. and the Plant line
steamer Grand Ducbea, wblcb
mum uaMl aa a tranaoort. Tb crom-
wall llnor rrx.l una th hfMDlUl hlO
Hotavne, also received ber baptism under
bla direction. la speaking of a amp
at tba present time, with such enor-
wmib ilimcnalnna la not onlr a matter
of careful calculation, but ona of great
kill and labor, Bbouid anytning nsp-
nofl in ihm vcai ibioaa ttreoaraa.
aii'h aa 4lava la larln the abln of
ber shores and blocks, or by a paeslng
easel, then corses a moment or intense
anxiety to the man baring the launch
ing In charge. He knows Just bow long
ba can wait, and boar Ion the limit of
safety extends, gbould the ship refuse
to slide from th ways, or stick, a It Is
icrnifil uit onlr la tha safetr of the
veeael Involved, but such a catastrophe
means a great pecuniary loas to the
builders. The cause for "sticking" Is
InvsrlaMr blamed on th tallow with
which tb ways are greaxed, and while
this mar not always be responsible, I
will not dtxpute its Justice, for the
launch oa- maxter baa trouble fnoiffn
In other direction. He should have
something to relieve bis mind, for
ahmitff th vciael "stick" he Is forced
to trt all through t rime process
axsln. and tb4 conditions In the secobd
cm are not always quit so favorable
as In the first, Consequently bla doubt
and satiety Is doubled at tba second
attemtt Even after th ship baa
started doh Ih way to meet her
atr Led th(.n is a vr mentsl
s'rsln upn Ih mn having charg of
the launching, Tor While th bip is in
nuriUin ha I tblhklng alKut bow she
wilt be received Vr the water; for
hMiM ha have been mistaken In his
ealculatlone and tb ablp fall after her
etrn bad passed tb wiler end of tha
around wars. Icred of raising, as In
tended, th probability Is tbt she
wouW dis'odg h crsdl at lb iw
m...A t an1 fall 1cln the War I,
Who could tell the amount of damage
la such a case? On th wber nni,
ahotiM the stern ftr aft- nd of the
ship rais vnr thsn lfirenun, thus
4hiwin tKi muf h weight on the for
ward end of the ps king upon wnim
tb ship Is resting, Ibe vessel would
t. anMecied to an extrs'rdlnary
strain, s she would then be brrne Utr-
ward by tb timber as well aa by tn
ac at. ber ern, Tb damage sb
wrrtjld sustain In this condition I also
difficult to Imagine,
"Tra ara also other damages
caused by the rhlp lifting at the fr
end too tn, thus throwing tw grt
m iiiif rufwara. rinuii vn
plngor laahings, which sre placed to
tr. th nackln and bllg W4VS, (if
slides, from spreading, break, tb prob
ability Is tbat tb vejuei woun wi ne
twn th wars. nr. on the other hand,
If Ibe trapping should nH part at the
proper moment tb cngr i mat tn
forward packing wouiu b lorceu
thrmtth the Wlom of tb ship, caus-
i hr tn ti't and tn down. The dan
ger of disaster in launching large ships
should '" tb man naving cnarga
M th lannchlnr ta carefully calculsi
all conditions wbn h lays the keel frr
the ship. This, together with the care
fni Uvinc of th lower ground ways,
upon wblcb the ship Is to slide down,
Insures a successful launcs.
ftltBlM) Mm WOllNU TPkATKO
Baa) tS ! tb I tn4
lfMt fi'
II b.iit e-f New XmM
In a teKt li h4 a t'-mmtmh atin
fr. llf V. A i.irll ft tbat rttf
titi an a"MM ff a '! a"
hu ailel al lit m a ami '
vin4 b b4 trrl4 it, ls left !"
arm, a be mi."-l fn"tt a nig
rug Ha eakfd fur treatment, and lb
HniU if Ih eiaiKlaallnti and treat
tnnt lr Itvirrall t fmh a" M
lira 'lh uoMBil was rwcelv"!
lb rni-'tfltig ff iw' , M I fu4
eiaminailin 'hi! tt'r th lapKulum
ulna w SB rl"ailn of a Mm lha
dlametf-r of a ltr I '"t piece, re
scmijllrg in hi! A '.r') ""iafuw.
(in this war funr dlmiin t l.i.ttiH'1inl
elilta. the nntrt slKmt lh eighth
of an Imb In lengih. Th rll b
bulk of th hand rie soiln ahd
flu Ion and sitrnalnn of th fltie.
ka accompanied uk pain and at iff-.
ness. A dllTiiaed rd, erylplatl'l
eruption exieniled from Ih wotitid l
lha bend of tb lliow, covering nearly
half tb rlreiimfeienr of tha fiwearns
at Ha upper part. There waa bo pair
on pressure In th axilla. Tb patient
did not complain of great pain, nor
was there mm h constitutional die
turbance. On the day before my pa
tient said be had been driving on I -org
Islaud, and hud been bitten by an ln
scct, wblrh be had supposed to be a.
klaalng bug,' although be nan not seen
It. II had don nothing for the bite,
thinking It would heal spontaneously.
Mr treatmant rrmalnlfil In nalntlng
the Inflamed area with the tincture of
Iodine and directing the patient to
Laka a one-tenth craln tablet of the
sulphide of calelum every two hours.
He waa also dire. td to apply carbolic
acid ointment upon the parts and
cover thia with a linen cloth. This
treatment was followed by rapid Im
provement The next day the erup
tion bad retreated to within two
Inchea of the wrist, and now the fin-.
gera move freely and painlessly, and
the eruption naa almost entirely oia
appeared. The patient called but once
at my ofllce, but I followed the rase as
I waa Interested In it course. The
tincture of Iodine waa applied onljr
It la predicted tbat the French
royalist will soon make another das
perat attempt to overthrow the repub
lic. On tb Idea of helping th cause
of Prince Louis Nspoteon It Is claimed,
that certain assurances of encourage
ment bava been received by the royal
ists from the czar of Russia. Thia baa.
been denied, I it many, nevertheless,
believe It to be true. Prince Louts Na
poleon, In whose favor his elder
brother, Victor, some time ago resigned
bis claims to the French throne, la a.
great favorite at the Russian court
Prlnc Louis was educated for aervica
in th French army, but left tbe coun
try when bis fasker waa banished.
After a short aervke in tbe army of
lUly be entered tbe service of the csar,
being rapidly promoted to the post of
colonel In the cxarlna'a lancers. Some
time ago It was predicted thst the
young prince would enter France and
boldly demand tbe privilege of serving
In the French arror. if only as a pri
vate soldier. Tbe time for striking tbe
v. ,y. vv i
t,i,w ha not arrived, however, and tho la still waiting tb signal from
bis adherent is J'aris,
ark W risk eaetkae.
'Are women more subject to seasick
ness than men V An Atlantic captain
reolles: "fee, but, on the other hanU
(h aland it better. A woman strug
gles tip to the point of decpslr axi'nu
the wbat I might call toe impropri-
i i,l the tb ng, H&e im i so roucn
i.riiirail hv the osnxs as sne I wor
rld by tbe prwpect of becoming dis
heveled, haggard and drsg;ld. Kb
fight against It to the ana keeps
im annearanccs s long as ss csn
Kiull limtm r.a with llsrdr.
Mr. Kluliuc. while on a visit to Mr,
Hardy, went to see bouse wblcb tbe
author of "Life'a IJttle Ironies"
thought would suit him. When Mr.
Kipling moved out of earshot Mr, Har
dy observed to tba occupant; "i may
mention to you that tbls gentleman Is
no other th Mr, UnCytri Kipling."
"Is tbat so?" sti riI!d; "I never
heard the cam bfore." presently
Mr, Kipling, In turn, found himself
slone with tbe lady ana remarkea;
"Possibly you may eot b aware that
tbe gentleman who brought me b'-re
liday Is Mr. Hardy, (be eminent au
thor," "Oh, Indeed," was her reply;
"I don't know bis Bam," London
Daily Chronicle,
Ia mi Wawtmrnm.
Prot. NurdeBskloId. tbe famous Arc-
tb! explorer, bas Just lost tbe whole
of bis fortune. He waa on Intimate
terms wltli th beads of tbi great
Stockholm publishing firm of Messrs.
F. O. llsjer, which has failed, with
I liabilities stated at 1,2&0,000. Unfor
tunately, Nordenskjold is deeply In
volve tn in speculations csrriea on
by th firm, ftom time since be had to
sell the whole of bis valuable geo
graphical library, and now It is stated
that all bis Ilfu s savings, amounting
to i3i,vvu, nave gone in tne erasu.
Hu Wa ( haiim.
Qullp-lt tjok bis w lie's delb vary
bard. Kb died suddenly, you know,
and the poor fellow bad no chance te
tell her sb hud made blm a gooa wue.
I Philip-How long had be been married
to her7 U'Uitt i wen'.y wu
r1 Jj'.mm'.f f)js4e pKiy o ar wHb
I Topics,
in f;a and t't In Koutn Carolina,
bold up her fcesd,"
fa urt; ::y ta If fp of tfc