The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 01, 1899, Image 1

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"AM t NH A ttK AXir.Ktl ANn " ts,.M (tut all mm at A . M (we AllUn.e U th I nMrd nuifi anewta! iwii.
OMAHA, NKItUAHK a, ihhuv, Hi.rniMitr.u I, lw!.
-" r
I'Nu r. rh r. i r nth
Wi.'Mt IX.
Npmmn n"
. WH,; I,
I- -Ml
TM iir(l) I nered In th. rt
elite by Mr, lilt bard Mail, an l"n
llh Hmi-n Catholic tf ittstlmtlon, In
n anule thai published In an
Italian periodical recently, anil haa
Wn translated lntt English fr Ml
tell Living Ark if Hoalon, Mr. Hagot
aya he welected the Italian journal,
Nimva A nlotKiH, fur hla article In or
tier t lint the vallran may bo enlighten
iit regarding Ilia faltaclou hope that
England will some time In-come Roman
Catholic "I am convinced," ha aaya,
"thai the English people hava not for
aaken and will never foraake that
atronit and mbiiat Protestantism to
which It haa remained faithful for
something like four ccttturle,"
The article aliould bn rrad In full,
but we quote gencroualy from It In or
der tlmt our readera may see how the
.-'"hierarchy and the Jeaulta and Patillsts
have deceived the people by their
boostings that England and the United
Btntea were "going over to Rome.". The
tide la all the other way; Cat holloa are
becoming Proteatanta far more numer
ously ten to one than all the accca
alone to Home. Archblahop Ireland
nld at the Catholic Congress In Haltl
more In lStl, "We muat make Ameri
ca Catholic. God wllla It." No. It ia
1he will of Ood that the Cathollca In
America ahoi'ld come to the knowl
edge of the truth, and they are coming.
Aa to England becoming Catholic Mr.
Hagot aaya:
"With the death of Cardinal Man
ning there died, a well, all th true
and genuine progress of the Roman
church In England, and there waa at
the aamo time Inaugurated an epoch of
eeeleslnatlcnl agitation and dema
"ltogtte whom Mannlng",wii1d ""never
have encouraged.
"The truth la that Roman Cotholl
clum In England, fur from being a pro
gressive movement, la and haa been for
aeveral years quite stationary, If not
on the decline,
"Yet the Catholic press, both Eng
lish and foreign, assures us that no
month pusses w'lhout a considerable
number of con veils being received Into
the fold of the Roman church, and
every little while their pnpera publish
Imposing lists of these conversions,
"We also read of new churchna built,
of the foundation of monasteries and
religious houses In short, of a general
atlr, which la supposed to algnlfy an
extraordinary activity and an Increas
ing development on the part of the
Catholic ehun h In flreat llrltaln,
"Now, In point of fact, no one has
ever thought of denying the missionary
genl of the Romun church tinder all
circumstances, but as for the spreod of
Catholicism among my fellow-countrymen
1 shall try to show that It has only
been A superficial movement, Influenc
ing neither the thought nor the real
religious sentiment of the Anglo-Haxon
race, .
"Having seen the superb Catholic
fhurehes of London and the other En
glish cltlee ao crowded with devout
worshippers of both aexee, .while the
functions of the Roman faith are per
formed with a luxury and ponvp hard
ly to be found In Rome Itself, what
wonder If the foreigner remains Im
pressed and goes away after mnss
firmly persuaded that the triumph of
Catholicism In England can be the af
fair of but a few years at the most?
I low Is the foreigner to know that of
that crowd which he has seen present
at the servbe three-fourths are prob
ably not Catholics at all and have not
the slightest Intention of submitting
thnniHelves to the spiritual authority
of the pope?
'The majority go out of curiosity, to
enjoy the music and the spectacle
for few are diversions of an English
Sunday. And If we examine closely the
much vaunted converslona to Catholi
cism we shall find that only a .very
few of the convert uiw of a calibre
HiH W thim t Mm anf
stmtig rtn Influent mrr th
thought i the U AiituKi the re
rmlt that (he Catholic rhtitt h tiaa en
listed In I'tmUM during the lt twen-ir-fHe
inn ther are barely a duren
prominent prisons Mm if m h-m e, uf
letter and f poln one and all. save
fur the rarest en pilous, are mnspli
linns by their atwett,- front Hie list
of the con t cried; it Is not among these
that Catholicism gains Ha new adher
ents, "The majority of the conversion oc
cur among tradespeople and women of
the middle rtas In the great cities.
Now. It I perfectly evident that to one
who Is concerned merely with the form
of faith professed by a human being,
the soul of a cheesemonger la Just aa
valuable as that of minister of atate.
Hut. from a practical point of view.
the value of a conversion depends es
sentially on the Intellectual or social
position of the convert. J
"Now, while statistics show us that
Roman Catholicism In Englnnd la sta
tionary, with a tendency to retrograde,
the International Catholic press and
clergy assure u that It Is steadily on
the Incrense. How are we to reconcile
these contradictory statements? That
the spiritual part of Catholicism haa
made noteworthy progress during the
last fifty years la an undeniable fact.
The development of the 'Oxford move
ment' haa led to a reform of the Angli
can on the line of the Catholic church.
There la not a function of the Roman
church which Is not Imitated by the
Ritualists, lint this would seem to
show,' Itallnn renders will exclaim,
'that Catholicism la really becoming
popular among the English!' Not at '
all! There Is no Roman Catholicism J
without the pope, and In the Anglican J
churchea every one fa free to be hla
own pope, One large eeetlon of the '
Anglican church bar, Imitated the
spiritual and dogmatic stand of the
Roman church, but It has omitted alt
Ha political aide and has raised up In
these last forty yeari a self-styled
Catholic church, which gets on very
well without any pope and want noth
ing to do with one,
"The hierarchy of the Roman church
In Englnnd, no less than the Vatican,
view this pseudo Catholicism with
acorn; but at the same time with a cer
tain satisfaction, because they fancy
that it Is their game which the Ritual
ists are really ploying when they ac
custom the English public to those
dogmas and doctrlnea which belong
In reality to the Holy Roman Hue, This
suppiKdllon Is, however, another Il
lusion of which they will eventually
be disabused,
"Recent events In England show
clearly that there la a limit to the tol
erance of the Roman Catholic religion,
which not even the Anglican church
could pasa without the traditional Pro
testantism of the English nation rising
In revolt. Unluckily for the hope of
the Roman Catholic parly this robust
Protestantism explodes over precisely
those doctrlnea which are Integral and
essential parts of the Roman faith, as
the supremacy of the pope and com
pulsory confession,
"If the Anglican church finds Itself
powerlesa, aa It most certainly doea, to
Introduce the confessional Into English
religious life, how can Roman Catho
llca delude themselves with the notion
that Its Introduction will be permitted
to them? On the other hand, that the
Roman cnurch should make conces
sions to English prejudice In the mat
ter of the confessional Is simply lm
poHsllile. The system of obligatory cou
fesalnn Is too powerful a weapon, both
spiritually and politically, for the Ro
man church to be able to abandon It,
even at the price of winning s hlsmntlc
England back Into the fold.
"There are many other clrcum
etances, social as well as dismal !c end
political, which will always present
Insuperable obstaclea to the conversion
of my country td Roman Catholicism."
Like all Intelligent, honest and hon-
I'istilr llnmsn Caihollia, Mr l.t i-
ttin the Ji-tii end Panil Juaatieg
whltk tlf epiNrttta the truth frgurd
lug riHitrlon to Humanism Cardinal
Manning knew the Jesuit aril and
kepi them at a distance Afir his
ibslh the famuli lfly rsme tnto
fetoi lit England aa the pautUts did
here, and as Mr, Itegnt aa. "Ihete
was Inaugurated an rpmtt of eccleal
astlcal aglistora and demagogue
hum Manning would liner have en
couraged" He paya this tribute to
Manning, In we eyea were opened to
the real spirit of Romanism In the laat
ten year of hla life, during which
he did not once visit Rome:
"Cardinal Manning waa thoroughly
acquainted with hla fellow country
men, and cherished no Illusions about
their probable conversion to the Cath
olic fth. Horn a Protestant, educated
at a Protestant university, for many
yeara a prominent ecclesiastic of the
Established Church, he had enjoyed
every opportunity for atudylng the
English character. It la, therefore, fair
to presume that he could clearly dla
tlngulsh between that tolerance which
the English are wont to accord to
every form of religion believing as
they do that each man ahould be free
to choose hla own roud to paradise
and a disposition to embrace the Ro
man Catholic faith," ,
Roman Catholicism la no more con
genial to the American people than it
Is to the English, It I not and never
will be acceptable to the Anglo-Haxon
race. As In England and Hcotland, aa
Mr. Ilagot anys, "the greater part of
those who profess the Catholic faith
are of Irish descent," ao In the I'nlted
fltatea there are ao few American Cath
ollca that they are lost In the crowd
of Irish and Germans. To the great
mass of American people Romanism
Is the religion of the foreign tdemeit j
of the population, and this will always
be the case while the relation of the
Individual to Ood must be determined
by a pope In Rome, a foreigner, who
claims divine right to govern the souls
and bodies of men. Archbishop Ire
land and few men of hla way of
thinking would like to see the church
In tills) country "Americanized," and
this waa the Inducement held out by
the Paullst Fathers to the Protestants
who listened to them for the lust few
years, "We will have a Catholic
church here distinct from the super
stitious Roman type," fhey said In sub
stance, "It will be American, suited
to the genius and adapted to the free
Institutions of our country,"
(The above was taken from the
Converted Catholic, and Is about one
half or two-thirds of the article which
we Intended ta print In full, but owing
to carelessness or design on the part
of some employe In the office where we
have our type set, the remainder
of the copy was burned In such a way
as to render It useless, If possible we
will secure another copy of the Con
verted Catholic and continue the
article In a future Issue of The Ameri
can. Edltor,
Priest Persone, of Trinidad, Colo,,
calls the public achools, "godless pub
lic schools," He probably means the
schools have no Images In them.
If people parade the streets In a
town In Prance and cry, "Down with
the Jeaiiits" the I'nlted Htate had
belter tuke a hint.
The Roman Catholic church prefers
the reign of General Oils to Agulrr
nldo. Why? Otis uses government
money to pay the priests for praying
for souls that the priests say are In
purgatory, but who cannot prove It.
General Otis seems to be fired with
zeal by the pupal religion, and be
should be "fired" with Xul by lb
I'nlted States, a proper man put In his
The klMNing bug has found lis way t
the Philippines. Th" lltfle black faces
run and say, "General, Oh! 'tis," The
Roman Cathollca can be popular iu
that line ttoe. It I fa the Hp il
I'M-tr Utile Mark Hmh Catholic In
the lnUtt'W ItnliMtn oitlt had one to
ak the tutor, luit III the tl.llipplnM
the wimhIs aie full of Hh' II
If tli-m isl IHIs finds th' if I danaer
if hla Mm mlle.l bsik to lh In I I'd
Histr he mlsht appeal to the minister
In Hp I u to hate that nation ue b"f
Influent e with the t'nitcd Metis to
hate him retained. Title would alo
he Well plem ng to Ih pope, and
Archbishop Ireland.
It la reported that He v. A. Mi Keln
haa distributed 2,r.oo bible In I'orto
Rico, This Is exactly what they need
there, and that will help to destroy
the paganism which they have been
taught f'ir oure Christianity. If Mr.
McKeln were to go to the Philippine
Islands General Otl would be very apt
to aend him home, because of the
wishes of the Roman Catholic arch
bishop, who la the power behind the
throne, If report may be relied upon.
and there are many of them.
The Mission and Hunday Hi boot
work being done by the Cbrla-
tliin Herald ahould be assisted by all
people. Ignorance, aa a result of
Romish teachings. Is the cause of this
necessity for special effort,
New York, the city of the many
Roman Cathollca, la having a revival
on Hroadway. The gospel tent haa
some of the best preachera In the coun
try to call the people to fepenf (if theli
meanness, and the Roman Cathollca ot
that town have their share, l-t the
good work go on till Mr, Corrlgan,
the aon of the saloon-keeper, ma'ies
his appearance on the ecene,
Almost all of Hpaln'a pos
sessions have gone that she may have
bread to feed her hungry and sustain
her many Roman Catholic priests and
her papal Institutions, The way of
Hi transgreaaor la bard.
Mony clflwna of the United Htafea
are expecting that China will soon
take on a new lease of life, by being
divided between the nations or by
some other method, If this Is the
case, the presence of the United Hlates
In the Philippines will help the civil
ization of that country. Rut, In that
case we must not have the manage
ment of the Islands In the bands of
Roman Catholics, a la Oils,
When Japan began to develop It
waa a emprise to many to see the In
crease In the newspapers, and now a
similar thing In occurring In China.
If Otis continue hla retgn In the Phil
ippines we may not expect many news
papers there very soon.
If the large number of bible In
India la greater than former time It
ia a sign that Romanism I correspond
ingly weaker there.
If $10,000 baa been appropriated for
Hawaiian Missionary Hoard to prose
cute the work In the Philippine Islands,
It Is a good Idea, They will help much
to show the natives that they are not
the pope' pet, and will thereby save
the live of many eoldlere.
If Imdon preacher are preaching
by telephone to the sick In the hospi
tals why can they not spare a wire for
the Vatican at Rome, where the pope
la a prisoner.
It la stated that the American lllble
aoclety haa distributed over r,f 000,000
volume of Herlpture In a hundred
languages. Hut please do not tell the
pope this or he will surely curse the
It Is proposed by Roman Catholic
authorities to have a celebration at
the dawn of the twentieth century.
and among other things they want a
huge bonfire, This will remind them
of the inquisition, and that they may
be able to aid their Imagination. It
might, be wise to have some nlicgers
tied to a stake and place It In the cen
ter of this large bonfire. And there
might be a few bibles to be burned to
give flavor to the oceoslon. 8cmer
It Is thought that a home fur ex
priests will be established St Hevres,
Hlx more Roman Catholic prlcnts have
lift the (! and ie piepailng lhm
ultra fot the Ptflmtiant MiinUMf
jt the ! oik fi on I he pop
I afield of I'lanie and Ilia bad wolk
ilnhe Hot by the pup I Ihunh ttisr
hat a r-aitlon and our let Pmieai
ant work ir b In that land of the
Ml liatihiilmiirtt a ma' r.
11 the people ih that the l,foo tifl
lift If Hold. C. lulling of Huston il--
lio ail Into the hand of thuae whoa
re It a Ion iti'nslty Is "too numerout
to mention," and always ready to 1m
servant of the public If well paid for
The Csar of Itoaal la on the rlabl
traik now. There are Room village
In liul where lucre are no s hoots
He mey hava recognised that Intelli
gence helped the United Htste against
Hpaln, and therefore Ixglna to act.
It the pope etso take a hint, If he
wldhea to atay In the prm esuloii.
In five months there were I0,ooo
copies of the gospel sold In Uganda,
Africa. If General Otla had been there
he would have told those gospeller
that they had no business "nosing"
aleiut there and would have eenl them
out of the country, aa he did In one
district In the Philippine,
If It tranrplrea, a It haa been sug
gested, that Hreyfu will be convicted
again to aave certain army officials, It
might be very aafe to euggoat that
those army official are either Roman
Cathollca or are Influenced by Roman
The American at Manila are being
pralsd by Roman Catholic prleata In
the United Htate. That look bad.
Kornethlng la wrong, They did not
praise the American much when (hey
were In Cuba. Ask Otla about If,
There la a similarity between the
action of Nero, fhe emperor ofRoroe,
and the Roman Catholic church at the
ptesent time; at least the wire pulling
element of the church, which f very
Important part of It, According to
careful historians, Nero either set the
city of Rome on fire, or It waa set ou
fire and Nero rejoiced In If.
Nero hated those who were true to
Christ and hi Word, He had no use
for them, He thought a dead Chris
tian was better than a live one, That
peace and freroiulllty would be com
panions to him If this class of people
were not In hi presence, effy or coon
try, After Nero bad rejoiced In the faH
that ftonie wa burning he bad an
Idea, It w not put Into hi mind
by a Jeaifft, hoc mm the Jesuit were
not fn existence at that time. The
Roman Catholic did not really come
Into existence until about five hundred
year tur this. Rut Nero had an
Idea. It was a Jeaultlcal Idea; or we
may aay that the Jesuit have Ideaa
from the same guardian angel that
visited Nero. He put the blame of
firing the city upon the Christian,
and had them put to death, Horn
think Nero et the city on fire that
he might have an excuse to kill the
Christian, and when lie rejoiced It
was not especially because of the city
burning, but because of hi Intense In
terest In hi little anH-Chrlatlan
tu heme.
If It I possible for a Jesuit to play
a double game he will do It. It I hi
duty to do It, If by It he can aid the
work of the Holy Roman Catholic
church, the mother of all ihurh,
The work might dishonor Christ; It
might cmuh the death of many of
Christ true followers, but to their
' fid these Christian are heretic,
nd therefore, to them, enemies, and
the Nero schemes are the kind to work
from morning till night, In the city
and country, In municipal affair and
In affairs of the government, at home
aid broii d. The Nero gam I lb"
"watchword," Work for your chunh
and hide your tracks, He that 1 not
with us. upholding all that the pope
claims, is against us. Eight every fw,
either In the dark or throw dust In
the fuxiple tf i thr hno4
' W e t the end ibm I ro (he im..
Hut Irf me trtl iutt now,
1he deed of it't and libaaly
Aad l our nip It. Imk Hipe w
" T. I A.
A tit All r
1h Human Cslnollia are afraid of
the lnfiinr nf r, King lunik, and
Hoy might well be afraid or If, h"
tense It w,:i ahaka the prop on wttlih
thetr (MdlHtal religion stand Ir,
King haa apenl many yeara In this
wuik end he now la reusing hi In
fluence to b felt. When all Ih ron
greaamen read that book and bgln t
act. the pope manager will find that
the ghoaf of the A. P. A. solely still
I In the land and will not down,
T. It. C.
MWkuv.ov tin: j:m it.
Coot loin d from tlb Page,
balance but that which ha owes (
the gernral of hi order; he ha nn
right to go, no right to ty except
upon the expre order of hi superior;
he I a pec of clay In fhe hand of the
man who I above him, and la mould
ed and fashioned a that man desire
him to be; he I slave; he doe not
dare practbe the right that are nat
ural or Inalienable to all mankind, ard
he haa taken the most drr.l.! tw,
against I'nHfKtutilM ml c .Inst on
Catholle j;' yet, he tm the
efTontry to apjr la public print and
attempt to settle ojfMti of morallfy
and of government for a fre and en
lightened people! The Je this Jeatijf,
ha lo y In thl community the let
ter off will hi unsavory order be,
for the people of Omaha are a reading
and a thinking class, and ft, will take
more than one iml to hid the
crime against liberty of eonwlenr
that have ben perpetrated In the
name of religion by the Moodfaln4,
perjuring, treasonable order of which
he I memfier, If he become tor
A man who belleye blak la white If
his superior fells him that la a fat,
A man who mut be a staff In an
old fnan'ft hand, moving In whatever
direct (on bis superior wlshe
A man who haa no will of hi own.
but doe the will of tb Jesuit who U
In authority over him.
A man who aasume the roll of a
beggar fdy, a phUmipiifr tomorrow,
a prlnee the nxt day tt-r,
A man who can kill, Ife, perjure, de
fraud, dlaeemble, foernent atrlf, nt
a pea- maker, Intrigue, raise Insur
rections, If eclafcl ntl'lfy de
mands. A man without a country and with
out a home.
A man who prmtUm evil fhet A
may com.
A man with a double alleglan out
wardly, but a single allegiance fa hi
A knave, it traitor. tool.
An Implaable, ui'lrlng, 1epfe
enemy of everything protestant.
A true follower and disciple of that
In short, a Jesuit Is a militiaman of
the devil,
A former patriot fell, sfabfied t
death by a Jesuit, U-tum of his oppo
ltlon fo that Infamous ofd'-r, he
snatched fh dagger from hi wound,
held ft aloft, and In a voi that should
resound through the are exclaimed.
"Heboid the fen of the papay," fro
today while a Je,i(t in Ornaha la
hypocritically writing of liberty of
conwlerice being a natural and an In
alienable right of man, w exclaim,
"Hi hold Hpaln, Ecuador, Chi!, Por
tugal, and the south of Ireland, sam
ples of the brand of liberty of con--ec
tolerated by the society of
Jesuits and the church of Rom." fo
you want ft In the United Htate?