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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1899)
4z THIH AMERICAN. r HOW WARSHIPS AKB TESTBD. Miniature Win in Arc IVueliccd. r fllf AMf flfleea Mitil (ti hMtft. tlief f Ik f I Ho 4 Ik V. haa be 4V (( In Mitr h build! of a ft' fwitmeat) Mial had II Mtil htwM r. rif t handler a Nit a lul abut imtmi' Wiefct ti4 been rietiaed In h'i build if by nlhar Milil H iaw h l Ilk Ik dr . Ihla in l(U btn llul li We n until liard Hi i In f Ik fifty futiiih nt.t tbt b wa abl id aecnt an tiroM Uilim of Ik netry linotx in (mI kli plti Into operation, Th need iif 'uh (ink ha bee if i Hun Unit (ir a anil lunger tlrr-e. hut Ik gnvrrnmenl hav hiUlr4 In go Into II audit leaily in attain Ik ll reaiiiu. Mi. William icnn, h itiii( tuogreaFii of Hi Rfiiirh builder, and lh owner nf ih only -nival .ltt In lh witild, I.I recently In riiiutiralng lh ajticr.i Inn : "Of all iti -iiilili ina about a Hegiiiit-hlp Ik only one Incapable of being aolv J at Hi prercnt miiinmi by priori method ar I In m t IhIIiij lo pee, mill ttowcr. No ability Mnl tin Irulnlnu will enabl cvtn lh nuwl aklllful art hllcrt In overcome Ik want or an xprl nicnlal Innk In roping with th I wit question," It I to nnil mil I III Ideal liull Hi on Ikat will aliuln lb min imum rrtill f apeed, of carrying pow er, or of whatever other quality Hint max dealrrd- that Iti I' Hlalca haa arreted, aflr many rr of kolli ltallon on lh putt of Hi fan reaa of i final rin lion ami repair, thla nnrmoita baln. I'll haaln waa an tkorlreil by rongrena- two ycara nan, and already partial expcrlmenia have lin begun In determine thn beat fthapca fur tha liull nf Hi new war Nhlp aut horded laat March, 'Hi tiink lia a length of KM) feet and along each of ita long alii la laid a railway m which run "towing carriage," which extend lk 4 bridge over th lank from aid ti aid,' When th real wlht l th hlil, twenty-five ton, la taken Into coiinI deration, aa well a th rapid" if y with which It ftmva and th prfct ciintfitl un dr which It opr ai at nil llmca, It will b aallf un IcraUMxl that tba wind pro'' of flppraflnn It IlltU jihurt of mrfliMi, In fact lh motor rarrlag nf th model liaul la niMcbanftal wonder and thine alnuwl nllrcy unlii. On It I rompllcal4 plc tit machlu'ry, work4 by th Ward - J,nnard ayalam of lclrlcl con I rut, capiilil of drivinf th car rlg along at Iwealy fir mil an hour, within 2'W ft of th alanine lilac, I f M n at to Ibla brld: carrla by matM of a dy amtimtr, will model which It ba la lb varlou dealgnrd to teat, each loaded ao aa to float tba raaet proportional depth dalgnd lif th ahlo, Aa Ih rarrlag awp along towtng th model, Hi dyna momtr will rgif h rWrie of lh wtr that particular form of Ikiw at ach pced from on knot an hour up Ut thirty. If It la found that h rltnc la greater tba a H ahould ,, lUm modnl wilt b taken baik t' Iba earpetrlg tab)li.binnl and trlmmd down or Nllt out, a may l ihoogbt licat, and then tried again and again until Ih vry bet hp for tb purMr Intended la rolvd upon. When on la finally adopted, lb r llnc of tb wir to It progier at rartouK apda will l (arcfully noicd, and from tbt It will ry almpl to lcult Ih act power of lb en girt ru)r4 to h'P. h"' fttillt, tb gtatl Pcd, Hereafter hr will t no danger that lb en gine will b found tMi weak, tbua loalng apeed, or too heavy and rong, tbua loalng wlgbt, that might b bet tar dyoted to m ihr part of lb cl, Ther la on apcl advantage In th high p4 which can h attained fa th tank which a layman will re. aarity ortook, It reiulla from tb tendency of a nhlp to bor downwarda In Ih w)r, 'lb faater ah go tb 4 pr ah will Iwite, lh more of her wlfl b aubmerged and lata will b th dlplcement, Yur Imtam th oat dfn ) Monterey, when running at full apd, plung br n tlr IVidy nndr water, thn offering a much gratr aurfac to th water and lncralng th rltnr to hr p g. It fa evident that porilon of tb bow-whieh ara well out of tb wa ter at fa knota-th maalmum ap4 atlalnabla In any of lb Kuropean lank will ba aubmrgd entirely at twenty knot, and that aa much car ahould b taken to dlgn ao aa to of far tba lt rifn of lh upper portloa to tb water a I taken with th lower portion, rfcUb are alway btrg4. Yet avr In tk history f th4 world baa It ba pll to Which t lie Models Pinin Ik l. akat f f lhm I di if aitnat Imi afir Ik akip ba ! inmpiffird "f rtiHt, II la imi li fnr aliaiiiinn HhJit'itn mir Imi 4 Ikal Ik lank nflrra, afir ll. only aiviHith tr f 4 MM ). and will mil ih lilm a In nik in a war At m end nf lh tank la la b p''"l a powtful pinifr, ahlih III vend watc li ii lh riihI qiiii airinty pro IhiiiIi ntljr In lb alt aa ar likely lit be rionnlrd by tk )iii In lh up ac. I'mihrr, in mi ciirnr iif lb bullillna wblih lnili lh cnllr lank will b plaid powerful clcrirlc Inn, bl It itt I up a viy good linl (Hon of a rjI of wind 411 the polnla wr r'tbil out very i Hii'fiill)' by Naval I'linairiii'tur I Mi 'lil W, TaHnr befor lh bullillna m ih pUnl waa Ii mii, and Hiti' a Ihmiiclli ally no dniiM thai all wdiiII ork corriHtly. HUH, careful teta wr uetcrnilned upon to bow that the i jlriiUtlnii wer acciirat. In other word, in mk veryihln; per fectly aaf, th "nm" bad to b "Iirovcd." for thli pnrpoe, mii'lcla bav been or ar being contrncted of the Iowa, th llronklyn, Hi lUlelith, and other veaael at preaent In eklnlenc, Abund ant record, of coiir, elt aa to Hi ped of Hi actual vicl In all aorta if weal tier and under all condi tion". If, when their Model ar tet.ted In Hi lank, they ahmild give reauli hlih, when woiked imt, ahotild stii-e tvllh lh rrxull In aWiml iraitl-e, It Mould b proof that oilier hlpa built un model obtained In Hi tank would alan glv th perled remill-i, If, on th oilier band, It wer found that the renulla wer aoinwht different, they would glv a baala for calculating th amount by which th final ablp ahould b mad to differ from th tank model. Naturally, Mr, Tator felt mora or lea anilety In regard to Ih flrat ( perlment, Thla waa mad with a iwniy-foot wooden model of th Iowa, doubt th length of any model ud abroad, f. far, thU ha been lealed at yarloua pcd up to twelv knot, and lh rult hav been practical ly Iden tical with thou bown by tb Iowa a tog bmiki. In a few day prlmnt will b mad at greater pda, At preaent th machinery I tut new that It la not thought prudent to too great velocity, Aa lh varlou parta yet adjuitod to each othr, and th mm (littery, o t apeak, "flnda" lfcf( th apeed will b Increaaed till they rea h Ih miilmiun, At preaent avery thing I rotith and dbrordant, and make a great d of nolae, Thla, lh men in charge y, will aoon wr off, MAtf A riNTVRY AGO. tthr rl tMilWt Weeit Vetl I Tkoa llaya, tieorg H, Hoiiiwill, ei governor and aenaur, writ to th lloaton flloli: "Ther la ry good reaaon why pei pl need trior vacation now than in th paat. Today th hour of labor for tb average m(hanl may b vry tmuh lera than formerly, but Ih kind of labor that h perform I grtly mor xae(lng and wearing than th work of a mchnle waa M year ago, A man laboring In a ahop or a factory or on tb farm today mot do every thing with great car and akfll. If h work only lght hour a day th work 1 aieady and uninterrupted and It demand an expndltnr of conald erable ltelle tual effort. When I wa a boy, a farm hand, for example, wnt about hla taaka l!ur1y, attpped to talk and to reat frequently during th day, and lnUfd on ao orcaalonal draft of rum. Ilia hour of lalxir may hav Men from aim up to aun down, but hi actual tlm of labor waa mm k Uaa than that of a farm hand today. Fifty yr ago it waa tba aarn In every other kind of occupation, K meihaalc wt about hla work with out any of hurry, Nobody im cd to hurry la tho dya, Tb bnl Beaa maa bad fwr care and lighter 1 T'iLT" S"i v tr M'!""- 1ti kM.iiw a mk i.iit aHiibiei lie. a. Ik t iIIMIhi fur iitkia ' iil ' Mmr UK a lh ai l.'itat, 1 hn waa iaitrii ka I a ''n, !) ipk. llk), 't day na lml. I.MIHklHa eatl W a lnt M' a ! ! am r.ihiniit aiiainiaa d Ik aatltla of ek wet .il an it a Ik iitiea i.t a d ". I ki a It ii alait t.f Ik prnfrltiaa Ik ileilimaa had In ptMt k wl on H in day, but lb kind uf wimu Ikat eiei t, of him did M il ltinl rim aiudy of mlewwifry altii iur tug Ik week b ilid pi'iilt a b liked, th eiftmn tint) baa I kticterabl iittini!i on hl Mm nd crrgy, Hk all a In da of rkatliadl and phlUnibroplc and mhI fieri t projiit and rati!fHon. It mut li a man of aeilv af?lr. Hltly )eta 'i lh lwera had an Inflnliely aar roWer fli Id. people went In law abimt a rlrlp of 'and or a till In a pleca of property, Todar th lawyt handle caea Involving lb mie-l lntrlt imn meriial compllcatlona and cngg In Ih afltlenient of (Hupulei over Hill llnna of dollar, Titer wer no pmenl caxe half a century ago, and today titer ar Ihoiomndu, and the lw)r who ha;iil!s then mttat l good toe. ihanlc aa well a Ira i lied In th law. Hn It I true of every ptofeoHlon and almoat every mcuimtlon toddy, A fnim wotk harder and lunger, and ba greatpr anilety iu heavier reaponal blllty, I Ix'llevn (hat vacation rave many Uvea, They ar very fieicrmiry, bicauaf lh llfn that w lend drain Ih ayalrtn of Ha aireigth, and lh me hvnlf in ii t atop for nvt and repair or break down," NIPPONI9M IN JAPAN. It f llrawlna; lliteh Into I lie Ulallonal aiiell, A Japni boy, a mlddle-iwhool atti- dent, cam Into my atudy th other day and afd It did not lul lev In nlnz any forlgn languag In pklng to foreigner, ay th Kol Herald. If belter all Jpancft ought t n their own language, and mak forefyn- era learn to pek In Japan, Tbi wa mi unl'iu and rfrblng, Krnlng from a fodnf, that f waa In quan dary for a moment, not knowing how In taka Ir, flut h Informed m that h wa a Nippon Nhngl man, and that wa th way to prrv national In atttiiflon. Ther I a growing drtd among a larg clua of J pa tie tb' th national inafltutton ar In danger of being awal!oed up In th hurrtd Kuropeanlrlng of thing; bene th epread of Nlpponlsm, h drawing bak Into a national hil, Tb naiiottal pfrlt will le Joat If loo much leaning i)rd foreign thing I allowed, bene lb tem of any Kng!lh on th r- eent Imiu of pig at amp, Th May number of th Tlyo baa not o wtra of KnglUh In ft not even Tb Hun on tba till page, No mor Knglldh con tent, no Kngllah name under the pic lure, MpponUm ha gon mad. aileela A1lee, A flever bit of campaign rparf I ccrdlld to 1- rlrcblld, tba Cal ifornia orator who leaped Into nation al repiii In lal, II waa acnt Into a Hon! hern ta to advwat fb gold atJindard, At a certain plae h waa Informed by th eommltte that, th "rally" would begin and end about th m flm, and that not lnc II3 bad any republican iekr ben pr mined to flnlah a apei h ther, t-'pon 1 timing tbt fh apeaker aa a rul had been abl to get out of tb town and fill their neat appointment, Fair child determined to mr th altAmpt a billed, II advlaed tba chairman to hav no mnalc and to Inlrodue him by aaylng to th audlenca, "Ton ar ih poopl and her in th pkf," Th chairman followed Inatruetlonn a llttl too lltorally, II lmply pointed at tb andtene and then at th pak ar and dlppari behind tha cna, Kairehlld began hla pch at ofl' with on of hi famoua atorlea, Tha audleni wan partd, Ih colored folk all bwfng In th gallery, and only whit popl hlow. In about flva minute th apeaker mad a pointed thniwt It th opponent party, when as organlaad body of young ma In te . eii'e. t.f . lkt'r i,.ie la inh.eii !( rain mil 'ii f a tftH, n4 Ika tle t't .a4 t ik it'if Mid 'Wn', rum di 4 U lk t'Mawat rodeia' Ik ti i.'. 1r ekr la iliie. ik i.Ml In Ik rHr t4 ' akmitd btt a thai blk klltald f I ea ainp 11 ii4 kk IM'i t4a iif l"i'a" ... . DtWtt l wllinr Vt fVM, .fc m lit tar titMt Ik A I mi W f , 1 her tll In MiM'ia Ik piraeal lite a ma wkn ba ka Admiral ! for ik tkiitf dufiita hiik i iheir -a'tatntam k ha walked by lb In il friendly and oiil laincmK'. In aakln( t.f lb Itn ikiitr I'f lit fa mini ttv hern Ihla friend aald "Tbei I llllle illfferem Irfltteen Ik lleway if tiMtay and Ik Hewey f SS )at ago I'ewey ,aa aa pipilr an offlrer aa could b found In lb naty, and durina our rrulae k wa alwaia llealieU iral t lini('iela, II Wl aplendld meramaie, full if manly nenUtnt nl, and ever rti y to 14 Ik mlody of hla eei lenor voir In a i ho til a. On trait Dial al at' trailed Hi at lent Ion of Hi an n'latui -am of Admiral te-y wa hi ri Ircuinly beat appcrani. lie lreaed In th morning with a atrlei regard for Ih rii-fiiNtirl of a profeanlnnal imin, and when b left hi anartiui ma for lit club 'n Hi evening hi oiiifll tould li need a a model for a l'-iy m.iti. Ill flgur I rather le-low medluin helgbt, but litm and welt knit, Krom lh conrvtlvly rhaind bl to th round tried nboe wore, everything bor th earmark of gi-nil!liy and refinement, II waa f.itidlou aliout. cvtry fcainr of hi drera, and alway had hi ntioc mad on th aame- hpei laaf, 'I It car It ubnerveil In hla dre waa followed In the arrange- ment of bl wardrobe, Kverylhlng had It4 p1ce, and li knew exactly whert to find a haudkercbl"f, Klilrt or col lar. In f' I, h might b railed a crank on tb nubject, having Invented odd cttalorn for ki'lng bl ahlita o that on could not b worn oftener than an other. They ar all numbered, rang ing from I to 21, Iti had a chiffonier containing an eijual number of dtaw era, Joat wld enough to rcv a ablrt, II liegln at Ih ftp and wear tha fthlrt In drawer No, I, then th gr ment In drawer No, 3, and t on down Hi lift. II la jot a particular about other pacta of hla wardr'ite, alao' Ifrooklya Kgl, )VaM,lr' freata Mrnth, On March 4, mi, th dy afer tba great Napoleon died, A tf torn rr fa J, hf phyalcian, took a pl'er cat of hla fa-, and for thla death mk ba waa mum afterward r-ffered iin.txti by a wealthy fs,n4un i'ilUlor of cnrloal tla, refuired th offer and retained th maxk In bl poreraion until h had acurd a p"rtH copy of It la bronre, 'fb wlglnal ct wa then offered for ) In lndon, Ih prb aeked Ming flrt kt.M), and after ward No purchawr, how ever, appeared, and tb aarn waa tba raw In Hrula, wber tb prb akd waa lw,ooo franc, Th bronx mk had meanwhll fwom Ih property of th octy entitled tb Hon of Oiory, all tit whom wr at on tlrn ofllcr tit th grand army, Whenever a mem ber of tha aoclety died tb mk waa placed on hla coffin during lh tnnrl arv(c, After Ih death of Ih (ant member lb mk paaaed Into lb po elon of Mlra Korty, n Kngllah tdy, Kli baa jut died, and at tha aal of hr effect th on' famoua mak fetch ed a comparatively ml aum - rldlcri loualy amall, Indeed, when compared with th aum wblrb wa one offered to Automafcbf. AwHee Him tirrtlH. Th famoua Wu grotto of f'aprl haa now a rival In th tt of Mlnneaota, It crura In a lak on Ih ahore of which ther la a cavern of wbiu lm aton flooded with water, A awlmmer anter tha cav, and, turning to look upward, a tb mint beautiful had of green and bin In th wtr and a all very abs vr bfa ubmrgd limb. CM MwMer, Top of worn-out fcoota or maka excellent Iron holder. bo , rsi:iri, ixswr. if m iNiiiai'i n am k to Hit ajMt HN A fit, HfiHN (Ml'al Willi.! aifiill toil Waa I l ik ) i a ! ! ! tieta. M Whii aitte.iltatu'e, iin" and piHil, a rtiie nM all er ih aft4 in KaM ! t ailed Mite 4eiiml it aifi'ul I tit hM jnal ami edd In Wttkiftg al leaai eti ! I aid It ta H uk l talalei fiult lkl imrkali devel I'ntval nf ii'tnl'iratiim nf rntoniot ar and ab mUhi lll natl lb fruit rut of Ih We.l to ti trull to Ah.erii and in of ta commerit! tain H fa mini and . elient Mint i n fit. I'nr mr yer t'ufi.rai a frnit gmwei kale tiled In m lo ral tkt rlbiilrly 4eirlle fruit. Mmh tnoney w waattil for plann t,d nil tlnaa, expert fmtn Kin) in and tb Medlfetiatiean ehutea wer brumM liet by privaie i r"ti. ami iltn aad labor were itendri ptlently to ao as Mil. When lb etll of tb federul government kga their In ligation th t'allfotniMa wer about ready to abandon tb attempt, lul HOW Ibeie aeim Ut be hard)) a f bam of fallur, all owing :o lb tub row op and the tuicntlMt ith bl lb,ile, Tby bav dot, what Ih "pimilial" orchard cner could not do with aJI bl rxperlenie, Th federl governni' tit'a expert found that th Mtttyrun fig would not grow bei heiauMt w lnkd llttlt Inarct Ibat lived on tb leave of tb tree n Hmyrn and. by flying from on to th other, fertilized them, Ko it one from Wiiahlnt;tm ordfa went to Miriyrrui for aotne of tbe Dull hug, which wer ct'tlniencd with lb hard and timlccrvcd i.jui of IllUHfo- phaga. Th utieatlon tmA b-n atudled for om tlmn by Dr. Klen of tb t'ull fornU Academy of rblem, Oeorg V. Roeillng tt rno, Cal,, and John Ifmh of Nile, (al. At t'reano and Nile many Hmyrna. Iga, aa well a wild fig from aouibern Kurop, in which th ferttll'd Irtnect develop, wr tartd. Dr. Howard, tb cnto mologlat of tba depart merit of agri culture, went lo California to look over th ground to learn tba condi tion and to aeffl on tb beet point at which to attempt fh Introduction of tba Kuropean In ace t, Anoihey agent of tho departmefit, Waiter T, Hwlngle, wa (writ to aortfhrro Kurutm, pnrilf to twnd to fbl country cutting of all varb'tiea of wild flg wbbb could ba fwind, and to tid oer living pcl men of tha Itiaarophnga, It wa worth wbil to rid fo thla country lb fruit of fb wild ft, or tba Capri fig, a It la called, containing th living Irtnecia, and thla waa don on mny mtunUitm by Mr. ifwlngfo, A Capr! fig tr wa In clined at Mr, Itoedlnaa plaa at Vr m, and, on tha arrival of tba Kuro pean fig, tba Inaecta, which wra found to b In pxA rmlUUm, wr Wrtri within tb Inebwura, Tha living Inaeet prevlualy bad tn off fln4 by corrpondenca by Jam Kblnn of Nile and by Mr, itoedlng, but tha Inaecf had died lfora repro ducing, Mr, Kwlngla adopted a nw method tit pa king for t ran port M'n, cb fig lining carefully wrapped fa tin Ml and aealcd with wax, Tha flrat apclmn wera rlvd at Kreano In tba mrty prt ot May, lattf, but, ao far aa roul4 M olervd, nana of thm laid egg either from thla or mtlnm ijnent neadtnga. All Ihrwigh fh In tervening yer wild fig i,uuing bava Men rclv4 and atrtd undr vary ing eondlilii, It wa rUrM that tba attempt tbua far derl"d wera problematical In tfcHr reaulta, and tha chance tit ancca wer amall. It waa planned, Iherefora, to transplant (.'aprl fig tra Into largo 11 and rurry them acrotta Iba Atlantic In growing condition with their fruit nnd tha ccfttlnd lnca; and ona rbr larga tre waa t vcr lat aprlng by Mr, Hwlngl. ft wow turna mi, however, lht fy great good fortune mtnm tit tba In '1 brought over In 1'A did uwri In penetrating lb cloned flower of tha Capri fig growing at I'rno, and that tbey laid Ibcir egg and bv firtulUttllf ealabllnbed ffarrieye In f.'allfornia. The firat tj of Iba ax pcrlmertfaf work la, fberefore, a auo ceaa, Hlnce tb Inaeet ba maintained ltlf fur an entlr year, ther la raw turn to aopno that It will continu fo breed, and that California In the near fiiur will be able fo place a fig upon th market which will poa th m auperlor flavor a that wbbh haa glvn tb Imported Hmynn fig their pre-eminent commercial rank, Thla flavor m without doult l m dependent upon the number of ripened need within tba fruit, Thla fat ha Men learnad through experlmenta fa tha artificial fertilization t4 Hmyrna fig grown fit California, experiment wera wade by Ir, Klen and Mr, Itoed Ing, with the tranafer of pollen from Capri fig by mean of a toothpbk and by men of a blowpipe. In tbi way a lrg number of jda wera fertilized, probably half aa many aa ara fertlllzad by tb work of tba lilaa tophagaln Aal Minor, but already tba rhrarlefle; tnvttr tit tba Knropean fig waa noticed, Tk (It ker M nf ft. From th Chicago Nwi; mi fat tha depot ''It mut b awfully hard for tb pofif foreigner who coma to thla country to find thrmiHv frngr In a atranga land," Ha "(ih, they don't mind It, Yon aea, they are ttned to It, having bea born and rald In foreign land," ha "True; I nvr thought of that" r Aii ti naaut ut a ae a fet la k t e My t aaa at Mr H IMlaw aaik iMt itke la Ihi d U'eH. a ltl, Wkl e la 4a i i tw a icmi f iat w m it ' tt I fiMiMea I fxnifie af lr 4ik. hul k 4e4 la, ttwrilf Ifcrmiik I let, ftrtM ihmi n. ) r. It writ "tiiiwt wva la bir4 fwitwa and I ca, -far 4 fr !, Ik wnwi la Iba Irwt it I re4 aa ttkr r"H mm ik.mak ker ka'f wa daik. h k4 pwl bin Her lfa tre wr iwker rlM4 l'k III'! ' bce-e 4 I ll.4 (hat her Hp, tie tn4 .if her eai 4 her finger Hp i a a'aed a dull t4, Hk awtd m la Moorih ri-nrh, and aked If I wmild ni Ilk to lak ker away from ih Ji kit of Mor and Arab. I i4 t a atranier. a waifarer, and If her today miaht b ff tomorrow, Kh told m ah ( Wot a Arwh ('At- lak he praled!'i' and not a Moor, allh- r. but a Kouloiirtl-thal I, th hlbJ of a Mimrlah woman by Turklnh fa ther, fin girl' fi and manner Ira- prraeed m greatly, Hh wa not beaxn llfut, hatdly pretty, but ah had ng tilarly wlnaom face, with lrg, fine. lrr lie like eyea, Hh waa a Kurnpean, a Hinlrd, f.m on of th na!rt fate, Htrangely, ah wa very fair, with blonde hair full of a duky gold aheen, Hh ha been tken lo (Van, at th eifrem weatern end of Algfl, by Hpanlh naval officer, and ther In w week had ben dert!. For mimn mon'ha aim waa a derelict In that old lllepano Maureen town. After her child waa horn ah had rn Inland to h!!t-t Tlemeen, the old Mxirlli tewn that atanda within alght of Ui frontier of Morocco, Tlicr a rich Moor bad taken tier to hla harem. On hi doth a few month later aha had been ptirchaaed by Jew from Alglera, and atrslghlway aold to a young Turk at Itona, Tba Turk, when tired of tir. dlpoed of hi property to an Arab hlk, who had grown lire! of her in turn and placed her In the atreet cage, an article for !. For aome minute f atood talking to a poor Imprisoned creature, when a p.iaalng guard took nolle of the Incident and wblapered to me In French to mov away at one and relnrn Ut th foreign quarter, II had paed on bfor I could ae hi faee, Th next moment I decried th evil countetiaiic of a Jewlali-looklng Moor, behind th cage of th Oran woman. He wa her owner and h bad ten llatenlng to our con venation. When b discovered that b bad not a purchaaer to deal with h came forward brufouely, 'Ito you want hr or notT be demanded, aaecrlngiy. In guttural Algerian French, 'No? Then b off with yon, Infldej dog, and by th way you ram If yon value your akin,'" A NATURE-LOVER'S WEALTH Tit following extract from an Inter view with, Mr. Jobu Uurrousthn, recent ly publlhfd In Huceeax, contain thing that ar well worth thinking about; "I connlder tha dealr which moat peraoca have for th luxurl that money can buy an error of mind, H man nothing except a lack of blglier tat. tw h want ar not neceaaary wanta. not. honor 11 want. If rou cannot gt wealth with a noble pur- poi!. It la blur ut abandon ii aui gat aoiiething ala. "feat ot mind f on of th let thing to eek-and finer taate and feeling, Tba man who get the, and maintain blmxelf comfortably, la much mora admlrabia and aucceMtful than th maa who get money and neglect the. The realm of power ha no facfflMon for w, f would rather bava my clulon and pca of mind. "Thl br hut, with Ita bar floor, I aufficlent, I am t down among tba beaut I of natur, and In no danger ot loafng tb rich that ara mattered all about. No one wilt take my walk or my brook away from m. Flow er, bird and animal ara plentifully provided, I bav enough Ut eat and l wear, and tlm to how beautiful Ih world fa, and to enjoy It, "Tba whole world I after your money, or tb thing yoti hav bought with your money, n the trying to keep t))i-in that make them eem ao preelou. "I live to broaden and enjoy my own llf, bllvlng that fo tut doing I do what 1 bent for every one, If I had run after bird only fo writ about them, f ahould never bava written anything that any one ee would have cared to rd, I mut write from aympatby and love-that la, from an- oyment-r not at all. Where fh Oreat fwrl Ar, A table In H'-di abow that Can ada lead all other countrlc In tb extent of br forU, Hb poaaeae IVt.tM.VM a'-re of foreat-covered land, agalna 4W,tm,om m r In tba Unit d Htate. Itnaala la credited wlih 4'4,ZaO,OUO acre, about WtM.WX) mor lltanjibe t'nlM Hiate, Jndia come next with J40,foW,uOO, Germany ba tUMVXi't acre. Franc 23,tiJd,t50, and tba fttltUb Uland only 2,!5,0O0, Th tbla doe not Include Africa or Houth America, both of which contain Im mna foreta, u may aurprla aom reader to iern tht th wrccntag of fort-covred land fa larger fn avral European countrle, firmany fitr fn atanc, than fn th l.'itd Mtalea, lRere flee, Flrat Tragedin-Jut liaten to thla; fn California thr ar otrlcb ggi weighing thre pound," flecond Tra gedian- Orat Hcott! len t ft lucky aur troupe didn't get a chance to play fa California thla year? r m I, v t it V .7 i ,iy.