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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1899)
THre AMERICAN. JESUS FROU A JEW'S STANDPOINT. Aih Jrih ChttUn movr cii I it tasuWrs under U, midnfolh dMnp i f I'aul, -tutor. I iiuh itrohoilioin il n,nf th rry 1rml tf his ttimdotn that it ptOy alarm, d Iho utliotiitt. Our f tlc jmUiucs tf Nn h llouuu rmperor, w th burning Uhe Make tf iiutnheiWs tunocoiil Christians, limply Wan ibry rrc unwilling to forssW their fsilh. Thus has Christian, in com. mon with Jew, had the fullest hare of persecution. No sooner, Knunvrr. iti.l ( ilist Allt ilie. of Rome, iulojt Christianity and incorporate therein many hen thenish customs and practices anil make it the state religion of tho Koman world, when the Christians in turn became the persecutors, ntnl during the long viuin wnturiea which has since nusscd they have sacrificed in tho name of Jesus, untold venerations of innocent men, women and children. How Jesus can he held re sponsible for such conduct on the part of his misguided fol lowers seems inconceivable. No one deplores tho savage and cruol persecutions carried on in the name of Jesus, to which, for hundreds of years, the Jew was subjected, moro than does the intelligent Chns tiau of to-day, who looks upon the record of priestly crimo and bloodshed, oi religious lorturo and outrage, as a blot on the fair name of Chriktiunity and n atnin on tlio mcinorv of the gentle Nazarene! ' Tho Jew of to-day lesents the idea of being held responsible for tho crucifixion of Jteus. The Jw of to-day must not, there fore, hold tho memory of Jesus responsible for tho acts commit ted by his blinded followers aftci his death and in violence of his teachings of non-resist-anco. Imagine, if you can, this gen tle teacher in Israel coming back to life and seeing his Cath olic follower burning at the stake, his Protestant followers all in tho name of Jcrus. Or, 'imagine Him returned to earth and finding both his Catholic .1 l-,.i .1 I nAKe1i!rkirii tnr socuting in His name the mom ... - bors of tho faith in which Jie was born and lived and died Persecuting His own brethren whom Ho loved and for whom Ho stood ready to make any sacrifice, What, think you would bo His feelings? Unless His spirit was very different from the oiio given Him by Uu disciples, lucluccnei would rack and dtMraet Him. To foci Him self tho innWont canto for the shedding of innocent blood would make Him cry out in tho agony of His soul, and to stretch out His hands in tho attempt to stop tho murderous work going on in His name. If Ho could como to UVagain and learn of tho myriads of he Iplcss mon and women who, in His name, have 'Jon racked and tortured and nut to horriblo deaths, He would bemoan the hour that first gave Him birth, and foel Himself to have been u blighting curse where He had hoped to be a Mewing. W M I H I N T R K PR ET E l TKACIUXOH If. restored to life, He were to learn of the endless and blood- thirsty religious wars which for decades were waged a m on g il i !u tf Its nUM..U-l f .;. m t, if U wti to Utu ft ilif ttn sd dn.diti', f lb toilr n.t mil sw-Vr i if , f th 'M't r ni tioot vl iviiiflj aoed , iiiiil if rpiftf l I hit'g, Hp would lit III ik h tli tmd hr ktvl S UM tuelf to th guih f 3 l.;.sV" i.M Uod, in 111 idom, h r ilfliiird that joy shall rimiv front . . tt rtt . Utt Ktn !' com from pin ; tttnt protjtTtt IU come ftom adtemty . that pio. wtltv shall riHin from tuufof. tune i thnt tolerance- shall route from pnemilion ; that rtilight. pumenl hll romp from igno ranee and that love hSl con? from hatred That Uod is alt wUe and all knowing is utado manifrst on all idps. That His ways, which sernt to us mysterious, are the ways of goodness and wis dom, is proven every day of our lives. That things which seem Jod's curves turn into blessings, U shown us time and again. It has been truly said that God often communes with His children, and that when Ho has a message to convey, He chooses His messenger and sends us His word in His own inscrutable way. When OoJ felt th- hour had come to reveal Himself to man, He choso for His messen ger the Patriarch Abraham, and gavo to him tho courage to pro claim, in the midst of idolatry, tho belief in an unknowable and unseeable God. When the Ah michty felt the time was at hand to uplift his people He chose Moses as his messenger and touched him with the spark of divinity, and the children of Israel became tho possessors of the immortal 'len Commam! ments. When the hour arrived for these commandments to bo spread among tho nations of tho world. Jesus was chosen, who through his disciple, Paul, be came tho herald of God's word, and thus brought to tho ho numbed and benighted minds o tho heathen nations a moral joy and spiritual bliss theretofore to them nnknown. Had there been no Abraham there would have been no Moses Hd thero been no Moses there would have been no Jesus. Had there been no Jesus, there would have becij no Paul. Had thero been no Paul, there would have been no Christiani ty. Had thero been no Christian ity, thero would have been no Luther, Had there been no Luthers, thero would have been no I'll grim Fathers to land on these shores with the Jewish Uihlo under their arms. Had thero been no Pilgrim Father, there would have been no civil or religious liberty, lyt' anny and despotism would ft till ofthiji u ttia rule the earth, and the human family Would still live In menial, moral and physical bondage. Had there boon no Jesus and no Paul, the God (.f Israel would still bo tho God of a handful, the God of a petty, obscure and nsignificunt tribe of Jews, Had there been no Jesus and no Paul, the magnificent moral teachings of Moses would still bo confined to the thinly scat tcred believers in Judaism, and tho creat world of men and women would have been left so much tho poorer because of their ignorance of these benign teachings. MISSION 01' Til K JKWS. Let those tf us who are Jews bo thankful that there was a Jesus and a Paul. U't us more keenly uMirceiato that, through the wonderful influence of these heroic characters, the mission tt f.t Sot -! I U tn.uir-t -- . . . . . ...III. ,Mi-t (IMfH I lor "i ii i CI.MUoity, " t '.'! ') bb h mi'.!! ! b I mo, nuA hU t pikl tM ih-1 ioptr .1 " H i t f lt 01, thH Ugh the IoiUm ur i f )ei and Paul, th tin lommiind. mrnts i f Moin, Ih ubtime jI trrame f WiiUh, of Mienh, of Ji remirth, lb pi.rrl of Holo mon mid the jualios of lUud, hae brouclil and ate briucing and nlll ottlnui to bring, balm and t omfort, joy and hsppiueM, sniritual blins mid m rt un ..... nhine into iintobl luillions r liOIUKa Thus is the t'hrlMidii, through Jcius and Paul, deeply indebted to the Jew, and thus i the Je, alio through Jius and Paul, lecldy indebted to the Chris tian. The Christian add Jew of to-day, rat h in his way, is iiuiu fully striving to peiform his urt in preaching the belief in a God whom they havo in com mon. and who is all just, all wise and all-knowing ; each Is trvina to do his share to fullill lis mission by spreading among lis fellow men a love for moral ity and righteousness Christianity and Judaism are sunnlemeutal to each other, Had there been no Judaism, there could have been no Chris- tianity. Hud there been no Christianity, tho messuge of Ju- dalsm could not havo become so ilv universalized Thero "i ... is amide room in this broad world for tho followers of both beliefs to accomplish, side by side, a most heroic religious and moral work. A difference In matters of theology need in no way interfere with Jew and Christian preaching and teach ing tho fatherhood of God, and livinc In tho spirit of tho broth erhood of man. Ho to teach and so to live, whether bom under the influence of church or syn Hgoguo, whether looking upon the No .a rone as man or Uod, is to win moral happiness In this world and in the world here after. It is not necessary that Jew hall become Christian, nor that Christian shall become Jew ; each in his own way can be true to his faith and can continue to observe tho laws of God us he i A tirui tt ti I at tli mm. to worMiln UIIUVIP""'" v f a his creator in accordance with the dictates of his own con science. JJoth may continue to live side by side in pence and In harmony, respecting each oth er's beliefs, manifesting the fullest tolerance for each other's fftl.tlmitf fttiinionK. uiU. CUCh f loi v - j W r-t credit for good intentions, lov ing each other for their virtue and casting the mantle of char. jty over each olh-r failings FOft A COMMON HUMAXirV, May Jew and Christian con- tinue to seek out the ninny be- liefs thoy liftve in common and to join hands In woiklng to gether for common humanity. Mhv th ob eel Jesson become multiplied ii thousand fold tho world over, which for years ex. luted in my own city, whero our worthy rabbi worked in the most rterfect harmony with a Protestant cx-clergyman and a devout Catholic, fortho common purpose of saving tho, youth in our midst from vice auddegrad. iitlon. What a ehry and a joy it would ho to the Nttitrene were ho now to return to life and find his beloved Jewish brethren and his earn'M Chris. tian followers living side by side in peace and in harmony and working together for a common good. Mnv the Jew continue to cul itvate a broad and liberal spirit, Inll r Mfll tb )Uvlf 1 1, Ugh ill 4ththtMt H lb pi. an. an t Htd hore f old hi m i.pibi M O lisisir .i idm, hi iflifiicU l.otlr.oi til t ! If I, Slol IOV hit il illt i f b h lalM f bnolor hU t i. tl-'? My lbHtUn vont lima t pir t h an I to piaitii e the rth. It I f Jl lUiMtl Si t l"lth Hi the (M l h will III th Nr TrsUnniit. Ms bf atlivo to iliioioftt from tMnisUanhy the rh ioi nt of prtgnliii ptafli d into it doling ltscailicrbitoi), and nmv hi do. tilms become utitl moiepuGrtcd and bronchi buck to thu pute and simple bf Hrf tsuijht by the humble cut penter from tislih-e. May Jew an I Chriitiuu thus be brought into "iU elon r touch and into still greater bar. mony and fellowship. Mav each of us, in our own wav, strive to fulfill the noble teachings of our beliefs and to aim to live lu accordance with the many lofty ntnl beautiful truths Imbibed at the breast of Judaism by the Naareno and bv Paul, which they gavo Inn k to tho world clothed in a newer and brighter form. May tho Christian, in accord anco with tho dictates of his conscience, continue to prem h Jesus as "the divine man who lived humanly," Md may the Jew learn to look upon him as th human man who lived a I tl If .... f. ...... I. ...I., i,l divinely. way jco, iopv-i. of being the dividing line be- tweeu Jew and Christian, thus become the connecting link bo- tween tho divine mother relig ion, Judaism, and her noble daughter. Christianity. Mav we, as Jews, and you, as Christians, in this spirit, loom to truly lovo our neighbors as ourselves, and, by examplw as well as by precept, become na tions of priests and ft b!siugto the human family. WHAT OUK WIFE OFFERS, Knowing to what extent diseose has attacked the human race and also knowing that Catarrh, Rheumatism, Consumption, Fe vers, Pneumonia, Tonsolitls, Di- uhetis, l.rlghls Disease, Coughs, i. ... , ). . I - M s'l ,i f . Ms ) 1 1 t i" i I ii. .n ! (.' K I" t-ui, i.wi(t'Hti n i l-I t ( tr ixl! I mtA I H 1t tnit.4 on ! lS 'i ' ,( .tiO I lit" I I 1 lfiil II stl. ) tr.iOh lll f" B,I j,la-.-t H-I 00.t . rn,i. t I niw Mi.s l"M la. h rH't ,"0 km ls sii'i " tiOi tt"l ll' ihioih aMtliiHliliii l1,,.t).l III. I B1l t t' """" HOll t.l nilioi llirlr t tamlilrtl r" ii... 1. 1.. ia kilt Into iHrll (' to MaitiiOliv. ol.t liy, sn t m UI o on it, im Hi tooiilifit Mti'i usi I ...ii rtMiiunniiiliatioi l Mi ,ltl"Hi ...I O la iiaIiI l. wit, liiillil a li"' f il 1 ' r- iImikIi 111' rtiMiw ot fiioiiomoili a IKlll n i t Hi sll '' VliU In ttin iiinpt Imiiili of mmhii m nt to i tin ion hy any ''i" sy s rara. Tin1 S'l '"l not dim lo l srit-r a If- "Ml AfO-r lisv K ilHM.IH'tl Sll Htl-W SIMllS slt.Mltt' III. MVf tti III ll is ci-Halnlr riiltlli'il to H H.'itt mi (Im. Ol't Harry'a rlnlil p -rim fKA N im cUKC,, OH "OMIV Hev. Chas Cblnt quy; cloth, 12.00. Tiny Yfaia in Hit Church of Home, t doth) liy Rev. (Hiarlcs ('lilnltjiiy .,..$100 Tli I'iIchi, Ilia Woman ami ttn f'onffaalonal, (cloth) hy Hr, 'li'irlcs Cliltilqiiy 11-00 i mi mvisii to1 Hits i ' v 'ti A ... 4 . i .lit t I ! ' ' ' (!. ! t (" -t I' I I . III:' Ultttt " I , .t!. t IS l'"lw, ( ItU t ." kll, ifert tM K.0 !., 'Ill ( ( )! lr I lliimtl U l i mmlng' t.iiiOt'liW H t' l UllO It llltnt l "'"l l lU l im Ho rot fctHit t H Wtlb. I i' Ulllrttiml, Vl.t mis ilh ! il-i. t,nt!i-tir Mil lln lHilltll lililtlMl ttif tilimpta M.lil mo Im ni t"'i l'i" ii'tiion. , I. MI.IV tlllM.I That sl our t-lino'ii' 'H"1 '' l( ip i io lii n il Aim-Mi a l.itK In Ho' litilioiti ail Uu' tnm (If liiimioill)f (hi fmrtlom In Hie ikI, All Hit lntf of liumaiill l SSei ifl Id i'iiiim, tllyniils lieara lo Colitml'l' hi1 niiwcil atiui'Pa. In t'lfiy liioir of our count iy's illr i ills- 1 1 CM 11m iintii liy lit'Hvni ili'i H'tMl, TIm Iiuiu ly Iich"!! iiiralaint. Tli1 nmn liy licavt-n IhhiohmI, by (ioit lllllllllH'll, Him ttiiiin forth lu iii' t Hm iiitllna" liccil, Rivera of Lllwrty! DilMmi of lr AiiicrltS, Hi-NiKilr nut! 11 not yor IwsrU Im (rmililt'il, 'I h lllyiiii'lii comes! I'lovlilftnfl, It. I., Jims iZ, ISMll, j- jfl "i ur KVESIVTHINCT IN MUIO A BEAniltl ATfACKEI!'!! IRITATIMCI 8TK1PWCD INSfRtRWlS Iims hn alJ4 to tl.o wall known Hour TIKPWl m CASH, 120 KOPTIICtT. With Klool Hnd Hcu rf. MADE IN 0AK,WAUUrf and NAM0HANT ' Writ Tor I'MrtkolHrN. SIceplesmeM, and other dredd ' p' comi.laiiits can be overcome it' ,pl and driven out of iheiyslem without tho use of medicines and while you sleep, I have taken th iig'mey for the instru. ment which I am willing to guarantee will cure any of the above mimed diseases. Its name is the "Oxygfuor King"; its price is 125. Money will he refunded if instrument fails to do as advertised, when instruc tions are followed and on sur render of the "Oxyg-iior," U Is practically "No cure, no pay." If you sutler, Jet mo sell you an "Oxygenor King." Y V.TIIOMI'HOK, JOIh and (Jniftd ave, Omaha, am off, MKMI'HM, Ti'iin.. Ao, St jaiiaiM-n, "t IMvM'-r. HI- IM'r-r I ty SAMANTIIA AT SARATOGA: By JOSIAH ALLEN'S WIFE. 'I I.I. U nlil.. m.i ,liil,l On. in..-1 l.n lniiu,mi Ifi'ili nl IliinU Hf lltiiM, II . ttriilrii l-r Willfit K'lll'r I" imt'k Allva'f Wlf"), mcl Im" l'!! Iln Mi'i-I KI'K-PJf n il Dim HHiimaniif fDipw l....'l I... I ......... I...l a ) j.ii.,nnl.u tl Hatalut" iMH lllrf (h ii liMiliiri. i.r KmiKiiiliif Imiiili Afr i iixi I lll t'iS' .... k. ......... ... . . i . . Iiih, H "M M I" 111"1 '""f.'i "' ' nu'Vn mil wm-w iiii,it, l llki wlw ilind li Im i iniiiiii! Ki' llil wiiirrfil ui I.. n, l.....,i i,l O.s A ), nr. Il II 1,1 liidill i f lll fr. ii(nk, illiill i'illi, hf aid Imili MHU'ii Oflii'i H'llltH III ll. i,iiif' oli, mm tun m o;"J' "y ni j I'lmr i" Iiiin.iirmin l iiiii.'ul ilic r in (at r.i A oli II TU i,. li, lli.lli-r," " Hi I li' il'l i f It.i' Jol'i'itti ;t' '," " AnVIH ! Mttwiim ," " V. .lrflti'i-il'ROii"(;i-," " i Ii- - 'hwiiikO.h 'lul 'ii I ..Mr Hn't," " ! I llniiliin ," " ;!lll V-'l liilin Hi.i.nH," " Vl'li ii.ili'.lii'itmi I imii i.iii.i," " r.tlmi(i( mV," " I i.lt0i.i" '' i'liirn 'it," " Al a I s I rr," 'i 'I lie wll fiii'in Swim,' "All Ait.!iil lh Hi- iilo," Hi-. ' fir, tuiif l,.i!.fi( i'(,f il.f ndii til il'.ii ',iUin nt Oil. ! !. i-s mui i'i,vii,,ih, ' il.l ii(Cr .(.iit. nil il,, I, ( 1 1 Hi .iHkIimiI, linit II l .iiW1Ii"'I III Mh'ImiKi I' m". ) MHK'i.f !)'. .. i!'., II .Oniil If' iii Urn i im kinii itiir, tin Mll.lii"! ttllh Wiliiiiiffiii tlliiiiiilliiii Sf 0., iiiy f Oi'Hi ...ii ........ u...t i ..lili.IU l...f..l In lll.liiil.fif l ll.illi. fleiliifrf III ' .. . . . ,j i. .. .i...i......i,..i mM .Mth t.'iN In an IllrfVi. mil mt Mt ! - It Hbia Hi 'it lit all, ' 'ii'J"t'ti'iiili t S(iim'ii"l.f wialiI I'lMiwnrm liHftf I III I lll. I mm mi 5 M-m f HOLD BV THE AMERICAN. ONLY ONE DOLLAR DOWN OIK Qi VIW CENTS' OR s2. uniFs. x&rr mm mm? Wir. I III M mtitlHttlii.H A J ft'' M. f-nu mipwm ,H- 0 '( ft ( ftit'1 t ... i. 11 1 tu.Wl H ii ti mit mi tm9r mm pans lr -i(inal f ft. mrfH tlt 4ttu,f Jtt - 'i4 L , tfc lull I f I "I til ) H.IIMtl. Ill H" ,(( lit 4U f -SI 'a . Ii.,!.. ff 1. 1 ,,.i. ..ui.. ft j,: '::T-'ii. ' i- -'" '"" l,.,lll ,...! '"'-" L- !"..'..'.... . lj ..,,,,,,,1.1 all .! .'! ! r;i;iri'H. "''' scars, woeduck k co.t chicacoill. mMmmmmw m RM,rfM(Ett.rbrook, of tl., Wjjr S ."""'. .,. l.l K. ne . ur t. on Aur 1 ,LJhu, tfoum! ymr Dr. Kay'i Kidneycura helped roy ; kidnsv trouble t"'"" f"u'r ""r"u:r f'- nd alw Inwimnla. Aftr Uklntf only i,m ls of your Dr. Kay's Lung Baling h waa almoat fiBtlrH r of o-r niirh a..l A 'fc gf niaiiah.-ral.H plHit.-r. Wafin-i your rmU work hko a charm, i Jti,g.ovlr. ..awO. i. o - , wllll,