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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1899)
TH IK AMfiRIO AN, Tiir.WAU sivmxvuY MOW? nttM Of tOU HlHIf , 4 ., air.4 I tk k a.-t--.-t hM 4 k t ..-- im R'lkti Ik rtaif nf war, i k l I'liato rwt. Nr Yotk, Fk H. IMi H rtkf Of Hi', ft mn ae rwf--. ..r of tti.tkematic Ik lUnttttow tttltrt fcia k langki atko and rl4 til V th-oiiih ltmltin, nn"tntlt itM Ing law ikf-, ana k ron-pi.t-! ki t Mr at tk I nltr-lt Ia ikw la Nw Y k II lkn nir4 la ta Hew of Mann tarna, H.t lot atl nrktn waa friu4 wltk Jhn It Utrnhn, and th nt ana Witiar4 PaMIHt, hn k'm Judga f Ik an'rm roiirl, Mr. rWi m mimm 4 alia III toanblpal reform m wenl la Nw Ynfc Hi) la IT1 la 1TI ti lh republican candidal fur Judgn nf lh court f common pl. lint n defeated, though polling a latg vol. waa rhairntaa if lh Hpu bl Iran nmnly cnntmliten In lti anil m7, and for many )ar fcu Hvn nirmlM-r of lh Twenty-fir! a UMilily ttlntrlrt, II wa appointed by IValdml Arthur a T nlip.l mate al- fir MM, Ki.intr hoot. torney fur thn nouthern dlalrlrt of New York ami nerved I wo year. Dur ing III lung cur per on a lawyer Mr. Hoot hu Ik en leading 'ou n'l In muny noted cam', notably for Twc(J ami In gnraoll on thn rxpouurn of lh fraud perpetrated upon tint county of New York by the Tweed ring, for Judge Hil ton In thn Htewart will cae, fur Out executor In thn lloyt ami llnvenieyrr will eaae. and for the coutentant In tha llamnicraltiy will rawe, Hn U now caunaul for and director In vninl ImnkH, la altortipy for anvprnl atrani lallroada and th clili'f oiIvImit of thn ayndlrat rontrolllng Din lliimdwny railroad, II iJ alno cotina! for many lurga prlvata corporation!, Mr. Hoot waa chairman of flovinor Hook evclt'a cutnpalKn roiiiinltii'n liul yritr, PUNCHBOWL Hu a I'riiiiiiiiiii'!! Nui'm, Imt a l lilna til Hl'lt NTllll'l. Tha hai hclor girl had a liounn cool ing thn oilier tilxlil, Thn lioiinn warm ing la ao effete Hint aha dladalna II, and limiriid glvna ficiiucnt and merry Iioiikk coolings, Thn Iioiina cooling take pi ii en whenever ah movea, and an ahn movea whenever aha get tlrd of thn wall decoratlona her purlieu ar onw of tha atandhya of thn nenon, Thn lanl ma hefora Imr an in in ec flight took plecn thn other availing In tha literary colony, which atlll f!ourlh over In Oreenwlili vlllagn, It did n.a differ from tha ordlniry, ccpt that a hug punchhowl, auriounded hy llaccha nallan wreath of grapevlnea, completed tha artlallc heruty of Imr dining table, Whether tha claret cup waa better than tiaual or whM'ier It only Hemd ao, who can tell? At any rata, tha hou cooling waa a aucccxa, ao much ao thai tha next fiat talglihor atayei) after tha laat gueat had fluttered away, and when tha next flat neighbor atopped to din elm matter It wna a aurn algn that tha avenlng waa a red letter on, "Tall m,"uld tha lioxieHK, after thn portlera had gathered II J llia lid foldn logi'lher, "waa It all rlghtT Could you dete tr Tha next flat neighbor demanded fur ther explanation, "Why, the punch, bowl," whlapered tlm bachelor girl, "If h lynx aye of my dearet friend did not dlwover It I could triiNt my rnry, That punchbowl, wit li IN lliu'cbanallan wreath of grapevine, u only an old waahbowl which 1 borrowed for I ha ccalon," ttU of AuUiiir. How novellata wrlta will alwiiy bn of Inlereat to rdri, Iflucli aeema to hava aonio favorlta plain for attack' Ing tha mua. Hoe wrola "Near to Nature' Heart," Hay "At tha Ha aide," and IWaant "All In a Harden Kalr," Veriia wrota "Twenty Thou aand Iaguea 1,'nder tha Hea," Drydeii "In Mutiny lnda," and Auerlmch "On lha Hulghla," While (llbbon wrote "For J'k of Hold" and I'ayna "In J'crll and rrlvallon," Illaik wrota "In Hllk Attire" and Haven "Out of Debt, Dot of Dangnr," Horatio Alger wrote, "Hlow and rlura," Wllllama "On and Off," and I'lkfl "Kvery Hay," Moat ciirlmia of all wr Hellumy, who wrota "hooking Hackward'and I'arker, who wrta "( jmlda I)own,"ruck, It Hi la h KMltaniiliiri, Tbr ara only avn ainbaxkadiiia rapreaentlng England abroad, Tha avail graal power entitled to reva (hem ara France, A nutria, (larmany, Italy, Itula, tha United Hlate and Turkey. Their aaiarfea ranga from f.15,000 to M,00Q, tha Hrltl-h a in bun aedor at I'arla receiving the hlgheiit mim, and holding tha intuit covated ;ont In tba diplomatic aarvlca abroad, tt 4 h a I V.. f eil a tt iktt ! t-m 4 ltiM ln tn !' iH Ma fi, Mt i "! a-ni lit ti la imi. . a' aaai Urgl tka k-.g ' Van tl rMa'4 ika tir la wtDea im).i4 a t r rl Kt t.wr w. K aa.lenag ititita aa(ital tt tea Mt4 It g.n1 ap 1 it, s'mi)g ll'lMeeM at (wiktH Dm a in i lh f a Ivxua ..n fa mm4 aai i'4 ai fc lta tP l) krt!f jll Aaai -t1- r'n Hr krrr tii4 a loag h'C a4 Ik4 II lnl lh ri f lag Itiat la Ht t'4 " aa4 b lotie4. Iml la ral Iiil4 Ihii.Ipi. Aaat hH la taut of meal and li4 mn t. in h an4 thntw hrm riitavi ! lit tat lt After a nwpl of mli l Rtaatng la Ik anaft cawl. Annt hp her rl a lnl fir, and l'hilim al Annle'a bam not a nifnl for lh nr f in ! Vntca at U mlaht h cmth had knit not to n rnhirrn.tnte, Karly In lh wlntr lb nilnr In lh Orwn Mountain, lh Mountain (n and othrr ahafla In lha Vlrliilty Imttalned they heard round imilar to ihi maii by a lk In fant. I.trr the aame nolx wera heard In lh Ananinda. Mountain View, dray Itmk. MimIoc, Mountain t'htrf, llaiiiK and lh other wmklnK un tha Mi-adervlll lpe. While aome rhtl diTn wn playing tiar lha dump of the (ilua mine thev were atarlled upon beholding a rat tumbling down a pl! of rock with a of want that had Jut been dumped. The rat meowed plteouely an II rolled over Jllxt In tlmo to reapi it big chunk that cama hounding nnt. The children ran to ihn recii and found a eorry look ing upeclea of the cat family. Ha hair whh niattetl an aolb-d, Its cjea red, and It waa com and liime, The only Mark of Identification wu thn llttlo ribbon nbout Ita neik', to which waa attttiheil a kiuhII Iiiuhh bell. The fe line underground explorer wa ra turned to Ita owner at once. CUBAN WOMEN liniw Olil )nlkt.r, but heep Their llu rluiia If ft in III lnl. A a rule, thn Cubiin womnn U round In flgura and pretty In feature. Her fiico la aeldom vIvacloiiK-oiin looka In vain for tha beauty of exprenalon. Her hair i often a "glory" to her, and l aometlmea nf Unit blivck-blua ahada only poHNlbta with thn daughter of autithcrn Kuropa and their demend n n In, though occtinloiwilly tha ('uban girl vnrle thn ptogrnmmn by being blonde, and, to be plain, rather fnt, Till I inly I often n womnn nt 12, and thn mother nf n large family at 10 or 20. Ho pretty In her youth, In ngn kIio become either lean and dried or fnt and unwieldy. Hhn fiidni early, and, for wmit of Nlrrugth of cluirucler, I apt to loan control nf her Inixlmnd, who, iievrrlheleH, allll contlinicn to need auch conlrol a badly ft any man of hi time, Hut, whatever hn tuny grow lo aeciu, her a yea never fade, To the IiinI, through nil vlclinltudc, th'iy ore big and lilneli. MI88 H ARRADKN'S NEW NOVtL. Ilealrlen IMrritden' Intent novel ha been one of thn grealeat literary auc cchc of Dm eiion In ICngliind, and In thl country It hit had a large nle, Mle Harradnn rther dlcoiinted her early auccea In Hhlp That Pa In lha Night hy writing aeveral alorlea which treated In a commonplaca way ara ax Itemnly dbagreeahla people, Jt waa A aurprlan therefore when her new nova) appeared recently to find that aha had miuta anch great atrldn In literary aklll and had acipilred ao much com mand of her exceptional raaourcna In nut I rb til humor, Upon her herolni IlKATItlCIC HAIlltAniCN, hn ha certainly lavished great pain, yet thn girl doc not alrlkn ona aa dif fering from aeveral other girl of tha aanm type In recent fiction, Thn vil lain, however, bi orlglnul, and hi con tentment In eintllnliliiK a mallgnnnt mental aupremacy over a young and linpreioiloiiiiiite girl in uianlc, Tha bet character of lha bonk, Nil me luabd, I a purely original craation and It I wall worth reading lh novel to make her aeojiulntnncn, Thn alory ahow fa miliarity with aorrow, for no otm who ha not paid through "wintry ter ror" could hava put ao much feellnf Into lha wim of Ihn herolna, Where fl Nve Marrj. Ona nf thn qiie.llon confronting Lord I'urxon, thn viceroy of India, li how ha hi going to Introduce mar rlage, A thing are femuln educating I out. of tha queatlon and lha honor aula, happy it1 of wifehood and motherhood la Impimnlbla, Tha horn hit no xltenc, while tba tla of mu tual lova and honor which unite pa rent and children li unknown. Tha cuatom U known a "marumakato yam." una tuns is viuu iu,i: MMin wmu i 1t ttiNK atv4-a i an kvi w.a t-N a4 tl ! fS:i "W i-i-.4 la Sa nt n ' U Ik aa ,. ,( -,a; h it ! fc - .f4 I k kan i4--' 4 K Kr4 tiifikk ( rl iak liie X I, U Kf a rfat fr He It k4 ka a- i'i nw4 Ik f'r lllrt l la t-nWl rlivwivinaa'- an4 twit f ki hKi.W kal a latwanmi tkat h i a Ik ff liwing kl kK Yk iHini jtkv kaa hrrm ptMn-4 tif tw lrtkk. aa4 It I rr tka I Vrh lkt ih kind f f' til ' f" fnr lh ti iii'ng kim hvm lb MiMiiM.attnn and Ika! iviiit a,-ntiu f',U ik a-ttfa lkiaira,l Ilea l!rnlk k Wa pt-cnunrnl guit In N Jerv poli tic fr many ) Hi fl(M al lh Heittlll.aa contention la HtptemtMr. ina, fir nomination Im guvernor U ntenior-ahl in lh ann' of New Jer v Milltti lrp.t h lh entli Utand A t my of the Mepubllr elmeni of th tai b went lh oonven- OHN. k, u, Hon. On tha firat ballot ha lucked only a raw vole of thn nomination. (In the aecond ballot ha wept lha conven tion and waa nominated hy acclitmii Hon. In thn bitter campaign which followed den. fl rttbb wa defeated and I. enn Abbott wna alecled. Hen. (Irubli ha been ronalderrrt wealthy and hi entertitlnnienta at hla recldctica at Rdgewiiler I'ark hiiva been on g grand aiale, Jlo h.ta given dlnnera at otm tlma or anolhcr to nearly nil thn for eign rcprenenlatlve acnt lo thl coun try, and hi home tin ulwnya been open for thn entertainment of aoldler. Whlla he wa mlnller to Hpaln. to which pl ha waa appointed by l'rl dent llarrliton, h entertained on a mgnlflceul. acale. lln waa born In Iluillngton, N. J., In 1841. and ha al waya claimed Kurlington county aa hi home, Ha enllaled In tha Third New Jerey regiment at tha outbreak of the civil war and aervd with dlallnetlon, lln wa bravalled brigadier general for bravery on th field, lln wa for tunny yeara thn commander of tha fumou City Troop of Philadelphia. When the war with Hpnln waa declued lien, (1 nihil recruited regiment In Nfw Jcraey, FORCERS NOT DETECTED. Toriiieiila Niift'-ireil tif lloneat llleii Mho Vlelil lit Ti niillliin, "At IciiNt otic-bnlf of I ho folgcilc .ommltted In any great city are never delected," until an old bunk clerk to a New Oilcan Tlmea-Dciiiocrat mint. "I baan that, atitteiiient upon the obrcrvu Hon of year, It hitppcn now mid then Hint oinn man llnd hloiKcIf In deaperatn peul of money, yield to tha temptation mid dlrcount a note bear ing a forged Indorsement, Thn mh tide til in over thn crlee and by the tlmo tha paper mature ha la abln to la ltd It up and put It In thn tire, That wlpea out tha mnlerlnl evblcncn and lha aecret remain locked In hi limit, OccaNlunally ha fall lo ml km tlio money In llnm and then, of courae, tha nffalr come out and he I ruined; hut I am convinced that thn proportion nf dlHcnvery I ainall, Thn feeling of a man who hit been honrnt be fore and who penult himaelf to lake uny Niu h dcaperal chance limit lm terrible, A proeperoit merchant coufcaaed g trniiNnctlon of that kind to ma once, and I Imvn never forgotten hi atory. It wna ahortlyafter ha atiirled In tiual pe.i and In a moment of frightful preuxa ha caihed a forged note for II, 11)0, Tha paper had nltrly day to run and ha fell certain ha would ha abla to collect enough outatandlng ac count to pay It befora lha time elapaed, Hut one tba deed wa dona ba bee m n a. pray to all manner of hor rible apprehenxlona, HUka and poa ilbllllle hn had never dreamed of aud denly loomed tike mountain. Il heard acfldnntaSly that th bank raah- t 4 k V4 w4 kfet4 4t W lav tl k wt --4 k ta , i.' ijka .k.-a.M tk-wntk m Hk a kIM k ! .-4 4 la M'k a' k if4 u i 'nt t tka p 4ii kf Ni't ir it-4 n kn . Ika ! t 4 .t, ,.(- iH kk f44 Ik m k4 Ik t-Hl l kia Itimi k4 M a rk mi-g tkal tk wit t-f lk lad krH k'nt tk k tiakt ik ! kn" a" All HIV IN IHWktl, k1 lltall k la ' k "a rt 1 wik-i ai -k t ) n ' k rat Pa'i I a k)tt kt,k nt tf4 I t " I t Ikr kK ie )M ! kl ! kite a 1m 't thai tta) Itnna kiaki it (! I aatinan ktt ta tar kMi ? ant i. tk ki'tt- rif the iiiiih mwier ttilkttt and e lHtivt. li.r two rtflttrti of Ik kerk tk 'akro ri- nt' tmlim its! V dinner ait tr4, lh lifting 1mVik -At-h. a. Ih-tan4 tk tarrl ol ilrrrk n4 'ki-r hra lnr ln of lh timing me brtonglng l a tammii dtplnmalle roip lot ail th nioney h kd navrd to ci'oniplifk ki ninrrlag a few nnuiitm later, and In wnwrtjuene k bt m of lite flnel Imd of ll ' rxinult rt, Anoiher ll m ntuih ntiiitry Ihat k a torn- (miuin pelted to renin n und anil for ICuropn, and then thn chief of the aeveral mill latrlc and coiiMiilnlnN put their hciid loKclher n nd ciimn to thn coticluitlon Unit aomelhlng mmt lm done, How It wa accompllHlied wh never known, hut thn grand dinner pintle ending with a plunge at haccurut nt tha Turk lull mlnlater'g putnee wera mnlilenly RtiHpcndcd, All I'Vrrough Ilcy hue been thn moat eccentric; figure In thn diplomatic lilxlory of WaNhlngton, lln I prob ably thn Irani popular of all the for eign rcpreaentnllvt1, and hi going would not en nun any pnbllii demon".! ra tion of regret, Thn nilnlxter I g hand no inn man, pollahcd by education, if ai.mewhat over candid by nature, Ha adopted a remarkable familiarity with thn Imlle at ball and dinner- a man ner which at fimt wn regarded a pi quant and original, but which after, wind grew to bo hineaonie and Indeed All my. Impertinent even In am h a high of! Hiil, Thl continued for noine month, hi friend eatriinglng ona by onn un til cama tha gambling rplaode, Anoth er Incident which madn It aay Into thn paper and wa largely commented upon wa tha bnatuwal of a royal aul tanlc order upon an American lady a decoration which he led her to belief wu conferred by Ihn ultan hlmaelf, and for whbh Ihn mlnlater wn called upon by thn mlnlter of foreign affaln In Turkey fur explanation, A I'hIH INMlnnte. No other overelgn ha what ICmper or Wllllaai h. Thl la a IIHIa pot ofltca all for bl own un, Titer I a aperlal ataff of oftlcer detailed lo look after, aort and dlnlrlbuta tha hundred of letter Ihlt ootn for th einperoi vary day. s tih. iw.ok n.vr.u toi t likU I rt , H kwt ka - m t-t t4 Ik V I .f ', ., ka U - W! Ik kll4 !!! ta w4f Ik " tl k m k k-f frtc l Ik tat-r-aik a f Ik t -- a imMlkl fittem-. rf tVI 4 tkongk Iniif't rtr Ha ml . k Ik tk k4 ot tk tat i t,t ttit-r-it kit f.in4 kt Ik kitft-ttt of M.nittrt-a an4 tk Imrcui r.u nf kt ttitin1 !-! kit k.te ta4e kint at atttktM--It n a tfUoa t-tf-r, Itfkotd an! ktl 'k II1 lnnttti Ik Ai.l tit kat nndrr rti)iltitMt Ik k Ulna of jr'tew letrr, ar4 ke kai oren wniltni tag rirr'"nni fr Urn ht kUk lo liiTitrr. if fiM-thl, an antt- Yk ffi of ki tm a a pc rat(t t Iwtng wauked lik Inter! la Ikt r-inntty Wtt Inking kt ! gfe ta Ika I nltrltv of 8inn In Hanatrlt, .tu.lted al I'avlt and at pail nd aleo In llet many, nt.tklca a tal ly of lh alitdy of Itphold and rkulera and on or Inn other maladlra diriu', hy Iheaupply of Impure water. K Ik Paetrur ln(ltute he gave imrlif uler at' ti-nUuu to lha water ot lh Seine and Ml. SANAIHCI.l.t. (tin water anpply of Veraalllc lie !o lated thn vllirlon tif cholera and dUeov ercd thn ratixn of ll relative liiirmlcm lie, Thn rrmill of thene lnvei;tlg tlon mitdu li I m known among aclentltlc men, and til.t further reaenrchea have brought him Into pro in I tie nee. lilt ap pointment to the cliitl r of hyglcnn In the t'nlveralty of Rlenna In -Italy fol lowed, Thn offer of a department de voted lolely to original renenreh itlotig thn lino of thn I'lixtcir Inxtltitle nt a anhry of 5,titi0 a year Induced him to gn to Ihn I'nlveritliy of Montevideo, wlieie he haa iittracled vide ntttcnilnii, FASHIONS CHANOE. Ami It imr t Iii.IiIiiii in lirt t n liiurrleil. New York Tribune! A group of lit tle girl, from 12 lo 11, were talking with each oilier onn day on llnlley' bench at Newport, a few day ugo, mid a alranger citrlon to hear what Ihn children of the elect convereeit about, took a acat on the Hand In their neigh' borliood, They were tnlMng nf thn fu ture, a children of their ugo urn wont to do, and, nf cinirac, th" pruiipecllvn bridegroom came In for ii huge almre of their attention, "Ye. I ahull mar ry," announced uiiiiiellotiHby thn beauty of the parly, it lovely girl of 11, "but," aha added with calm conviction, "I do not think I elm II aluy married long, I get tired of people ao eally, I hnll probably get n divorce after a faw year, Her aentlmcnla did not em to excite any aurprlne or dlmip proval, but otm of I hn group hu l) timid ly! "My mother Ihlnka It I very wrong to ba divorced, Hha any a It I a inlemn vow for better or wore, and If It I for worte, why people 11111' land It," Tim oilier laughed muck- , Ingly, and lha II rat rpeaker who aerm- d to be Ihn apoke-miin for the parly aimwercd wlili Hie wearied nlr nf it woman of the world, which nlm had ucrem fill coplca irotu annm ndmlred friend of her mother', "How funny you ar. Margery, with your old fault loned IdeiiM. KiiNhbin clmiigB in nun rlagn like In everything eUn, and Jut now It la the fiiKliloti to get titimutrlcd vhencver 11 want to," How t aueeeed nil Hi !, "'lha peraonal iuall Ileal Ion nf the girl who eik a life (in thn alag" uliould be, rt, Inborn driimnllc tnl put; then, youth, health, mnguetlam and abundant capai l'y for Rood, bard liiuicHt work, A vulu.'ibln ndjuiiet I it tnmpentmetit which will nimble her, when th cloud nf adverlty am thlrtet, to wait until thn mill ablne again, with abiding faith In heradf and hr own lucky ir. The aplr ant pueMltig tiiea qiiiilltb' will auoner or later find a plai n In (he pro flon, and there I alwnv room for her, To aiiuly for the atrtge, a girl kIiimiIiI atmly everything, Itrond nil lure I of IncMtliiuible ndvnnliige, Kb ahoulil atudy people, aee good acting and ahould begin lo ai t heieir at the arlleat pimaihl moment, Cnnchlng befor (lie ftl plunge I a gret help, for In a abort time one then able lo acquit many little thing- which otherwlan would tali" month to m-ter,"- Florence Hoikwell, In ,eflu'a WeMy, llaelt l arlmllr. Onn nf lha rurbinliie nf lha tin 11 k nf Kngland I to be aeen In the printing room. A man lt at a dek, and every tbrea aeeonda a maihliii deliver to him twu cnmpleta live pound note, If h alt thr alx hour he receive ovr 1 70,000, and la SU0 day over 20,000,. Ml " 'I WOMtN UfH lYIlk, Mtthktl.t t- St !.. -( ill k tkl'. 4 t tk. ( ' k N II k k a tatt -k k (Ho t-iM M.t-M Vr i -4 t ' utt k-a t H a t ,k-tv kw4 ! 4 tk nIi vt Ikt. It. -! twt 1kt "i k .4f k f t M l It "k- tk ..k 4 kttfW k4 wknt N lNta Ht knekt t r -f 't tt l ke4 4 l rn' k ki nkk-ar ttnk 'k tt a.ntaiM- k. n at t"i aa iW' kt mtit 4t--- r-Mt" la t if.H t of -w-el-t Ik Htklt k ln'i4 !-!"; II tn4 l(.U at t.l lwkt l ' tatnal an w-rk a ! kr-iHl itk Ik ttk, wn kating 4t4 In ll Ik rtnk rtk wnnanat in tk 4at t t tnW a4 r- " ' ti rttth wrtHta In H t-wlat 4-keif-,. lit Ita t an tvf ltng ll w litttt hf k aiwdtt f hkprj and Ikt ka la him4 wllk 4ta mmlnattng IndtiMty and Intelligent p-Mtetam for a gen allow Yka )er bk of tk ttnh tor Ik romlng of l kkow Ik cam Itgld adhetTnc In lh ttlel, Ika tlntt meet weekly and through No vemtirr ' King John" "lll l aindlml. ditld.-d Into four nterttng, lb lop!' of whbh ar aa follow a; I, art I and i, S, acta 1, I and R; 3, anll of Ihn pi); I, inagoa thnrta. It-timber l devot, lo I be nam rarrfttl analvala of "A Ynti 11; Junntry, "Hlch aid HI," with a anpplrntenlary Ian line. Itt Krbrtinrv, MHirh and April, 'lit hollo.' 'Iwrlfitt NIrIiI" and "Ju Una I'lieair" at lakrn t rei-peil-lively. THEY KISSKIJ VICTORIA. ta-t tlnnif III tine Man- , himl tllrl la H-ait. Mi. Iclianor Jeffrey, ICngllah, from ItlllelRh, Kaex, tiled lit till i lly yealef. day, aged PM, ey a Pttila correaponiU cut. With her disappeared the Hoclel.a t.f the Kla Royal, of which aim waa tba only surviving member. Tba aoelely wa comported originally nf forly-flv young women who had kled (jneeii Victoria al the coat of a ahllllng each. That luippcned when her graclou ma Jealy waa an Infant In tba cradle, t)M . day her nil rn had taken her out In a pony cart for nn Hiring In Richmond park. The tiny prince wa rceog. nixed by tlm aiudi'iiiM nf ona of tha moat arlatocrntlc glrla' aclionl In l.on dun, 1'hey mil rounded th llllla car riage and one of thn glrla offered to give the nurae a atillllng if aim would let her klH the pretty Imby, Thn nuraa flicepted, Then all thn oilier allldent, amid great laughter und endearment to thn child, in turn puld Ihn loll ami MNid tlm piluciMH, and tha aervant mil do tpilla lit tit aunt. When Vic toria tin il aitcreeitid to tha tbrotia of Kngland the girl who bad kld Hia nuecn formed ft friendly mtaoilatlon, the Hoclcty of lb" Kin Royal, which Victoria honored ebortly nflerward wllh a very grncloii, good buinored Biitogmpli letter, Hint finally paaei In to lln' pimaeaaliin of Mr, Jeffreya, Ihi luat memlicr, CANADA'S ORKAT POLITICIAN, Wilfrid Lnurler, premier of Canadit and leader of the liberal parly In lha dominion, ba obtained world-wldn fume a on" nf Ihn nineteenth centu ry' moat forceful alataamen, III declaration In tha limine of coininoii that, thn Alaakan boundary dlnpula wllh tba Pulled Mlalea can ba nettled "only by arbitration or war" la thor oughly In linn with hla rutomry ag grenalveneM, though It I alo charact erlntlc nf hltn (lint ba followed (hla aeemlngly belllcoan alateinenl wllh lha pnclfli) aaaerllon that "wa ttiimt find aomn mean of bringing about a peaca fnl letticmcnt," Th" not In accord. Wll.lMHH I.M'niKU, with hi polllb'iil view y lhal In I1I4 pri ao 11 11 1 nppearatiin ha affeclu tha tor, mid add Hint li live up to tha re'emblarne hy malting Hienlrlcal ortlclal ullerance. However till 111 11 v li ba ha a teuini kahly at rung bold upon the affrciloii of lha Canadian el"clnrat, a I evident ed by lha fad Hint of hi Pfty-nlghl yearn practically half have been penl In official life, A tiaUva of HI l.lii, Quebec, lm I g law yer by proflnn, but a pollilcian and alnteaman by long vocation, III 1 1 1 rtallntii I dei tared lo be of lha altictly HrlHxh type, and lgnl appreclaibin ul hla aarvlce wa r Idenced by yueea Victoria Winn aim confetred knight hood upon hi in June ID, INM7, A llitititaiini AdHilaalttn, Cugland In tin counlry which hold Ihn rcord for (hn eoiiauinpllon of al cohol, Kiigllnliineii, and even tfng Hahwomen, drink mormon qoanHHea of alcohol, and thn vie I even mora piavalent In lielund, where It ba a aumed unheard of proportion, Hut wn in tt a t not nailer onrvetve lhal wa ar much baiter In Franca, Pnhapptlf alciholiam la Ineraaalng alitrmlngty l our counlry.- Ilnidoaux l.a P'nar, vv' V' vJI ?