mi 11 OC AMIcK.llUAlio I A M M.Y h VM'AI I It, ! Vol IX, 'AVt.kU'A tlf AMI tih'AMl." H.-M t.t all m at Ahi ti Mm AHif IM VntUtt l wild.! t-il imU-m I'Mi ; MVr, I I. ft 'I'M. Ni'MPun !t. OMAHA, M'HHAHKA, KlilHAV, At'Ul'nr V TIIOS, E, WATSON GIVES oriNION of nouAtiisn. . . ... . ... , lion Thm K Wtm, KMiiHMil, h. mnf ! n.1t:nl I'll tli- ........... . irr.1Hil HI III! Unl rillUon ni HUI'"" r-m'-n i wir nnnniii iinmn.n lm fUminitiUhril nlm.lf nt lii. ..iUn uf twil upr (M h Jnl .nh. llnhH irniitiil if mnmi mnl hul- ml)' Mftlury I'iniup, ItiMiiiRh Mm - IiiIIInii A t'u I tin tiiililUlirii hi III .n m..Tim..lll..ilHl uku...! I.y I'tm- rn-lf hli h wn Iiph iiipy rnllin. It wnt rnillli-,1 "A (IihmI l'mluili.M W think w ntulu Dili Hull) v lu ll wn ny Hint wn mn fron fiiiin lilmit 1 y iinni llio nubJiM I of H'IIhIoii. We hv jii rrjinllii wliiiiivi,i' n (tn I nut g ill Urn lirrmmp ip h Mnili imIInI, Kilmiiiillnti nr I hIIkiIIi - wh lirllig nf th IliipllM fiilth, nut tnn imTfrcitrn iii'iwfin imip ( liuri li ni'itiinlitnllon mnl wiiot hr, iniiy I m it mutter of PHlU'itm nlMlrul 1 111 porlnncn, mnl w I'miiml iiiiilumtnriil how any Mtmlniit iohvimkhiiI wlih 110II tlinl hlnlnry run l lnitllliriiit to th l..inllr hlernn hy of (hn rmhollP ihiin h No nllitir cliiirrh 01 Kiinliit luii t lnlniM mill i-xr.lni'N tlm right to my whut honkN It tiii'tiilim' hIimII rmnl; no other chnnli opitily tnhuN mrt In (lollt'inl uffNlrn; no other 1 linn li m-ikIm mnl rr- ihIvkii MmlmMNNilom; 110 ollmr rhurch IioIiIn court tt whli h royul ceieinoriliil U olmerved, mnhmmle. from foielmi IcovernmenlN rwHve.1, mnl fur-rwh. In tieNllonit of Intel nutioiiiit policy dehllled mill dchled, There In not 11 government nf llm civilized world ut wIiona rmiltMt the ('mholli! ( hnrch linn not m reireenln live, No fiuextlon nf iiNllonnl jiollry, which limy dlreclly ffect the Cnlhollt! church In decldid until llm none him heen ierd from, Throimhont tlm ilvlllzed world inn llm tlueinl nf iiiml dlilomncy, mid tlm mont prominent feniui of recent toll llml proKreNN Iihn hecn llm won derful NiicceitN of ('Hlholli! NlnleNmnn Nhlp, Hpnlii, I'oi'IiikhI, Krnnci, Ilnly mid Aiintrln me nn loylly ChiIioIIc now nn In llm liny when tlm 3U and tlm jMiMlslllon met mid turned tmck, llm luformiilloii nf IImnn, Wycllffu, (ulvln mid 1,111 her, Not only In. i llm Cntiiollc church held IIn mound, hut. It In InvmllnK I'ro. teNlunt Influence, V uliile thlft without innllie; wa alNfe It Nlmply it a, rxninrkahlo fint whl. h rliHilciiKi'K attention, I'roieaiant ITunnIh fnidur lllxmiirik'a lead expelled the .lemilia In 170, Tlm Catholic hav patiently alruuKlt-d lo revei'iie that polity and llicy hsvn a cetiien, llm law orexpulalon haa hmn .... . .... 1 I'fpeale.i, and llm Jeaiilla hava r tc ... teretj IVolealaiit I'riiNwIa, In I'lolealiint Knglnnd, llm Calholln iin.r,!, 1. I.. i.n.1,1 i Cliuntl la HOW Hi power hehlnd Ilia Ihrone, Tlm mod powerful memhera of (he arlatm raty ar devoted CM,. oll.a, In aotlal and pollt.al InflimiiMi tlm cardinal of lloum wield vaal I power, When llaynrd, llm II, M, Am- haaaador, aava hi rrand feaft', to U." ntdilllty of tlreat Ilrlliilii nol a almxle I'roieHtHHf tllvtim waa Invited Cnili- idle cardinal wu there upou eipial fooilwt wlih llm I'rlm e of Walea, Iml no mim of llo.i, tululed wlih llm lou.h of llm Iteformailon, waa pnmenl, In I'rotcalitnt Am.'ilcii, h atrldia of llm Calholli' Chunh to pollilial power ar not lm kIknuIIi', Tlnm and Hum aMlu Conere ha held, hifoia lhal luvldlda and Invlnd hie forte, Our pollfldiuia aia ao mor (ally afraid of iirmerliiK llm prlent led vole of llm hir clip lhal. limy dared not limit ud tlm Wat of New Ml'o lo luidi llm Kimthdi Imiik mije In th puldlc athoola, Tlm ttnicllab llW, and tlm Cnlhollt' Chun h did not any I'rolislmit IHhh In New M' xl' 0. H r. Mti PluttUh In N Mft lh I'tlHotlr Ihimh .mt lla h ni'dr M nut il illiniiit t,.l-t Ih tliU .Uma.H.,1 .... Mi KlHlrj "a laltim I I Catholic, and Iha lW wht.h th. . l l.M r uMnm mi. ..iniMn-nmii.ti lkt 1L iu ki.l. L it. I i'l m war 1" mum iw r nrnii I ' hli,iM(l itn( In ll Olliii 111., a ......1... . .1. . i .1 U l MM- t'ittulln m!ipI j''"' m "'iirni til unit l.illl.il.l '"'"'I itmiih nn iml liny ( II tli'tnniilniilliiiiii iiiiiiminliitril llin ('ultnitli i ill Wriit I'ulnl, Iml lln' ",,,,r '''"'"'"" " " l,M ''t nf ' l'lutml iriii Pity, WliMrcvrr Ihn Cullinllr CIiiihIi i'iiii- IihU II iiriM''iili, No I'loli'ntiiiit mnl I h nr p 1 1 Hllilm In Hinln, Hilly. I'iiiIiikiiI, K ml h Arncilirt nr rvfii In CiiImi, Kkri'iil nl III1 llk of tiU lift', In Hi.. l'hlll..!M InIhiuU. nut tniuir ninnllm nun, Hip iirlnntii Inrliiri'.l miniP iitlvpi In llin umim mniinrr hh mil- lluim of rrotoNlmilii wrrn Iwiiirrrt In llin Mlilittn AifnN. m in- 1. 1. Kin 1 j i'ih.'pi ir, i. riiiii'n hiNt yrnr mi mtlrln from h IkniIHik I Ciitlinll.' i(iHr In Hon Ih AniKilrH, In b,,'h ,h" ''"l1"""''"' Hlmw.. mnl tliw holy work nr the rm k, llm wheel, mnl llm iiliike, wiin hyMerleiilly prlHe1. In CiinHiItt within th hint threw iiioiiiiin, inn i union.' priemN i.ecwni" no iiiirnKed at a ('Htholh! Ilheml nnwn- pnper wiiii 11 nnnnNKi iiieiii mi 1 hk m hool queNlion, thiit they roiiipilleil I U"'b l"mUil ,,iUwM t(' t,""w P1'" "nt,n'm "'"W fh miiiiN, I lie Kovernnient did not diim ... ...... 1.. 1. .i.u ..i.u,u 1... . .. , l m (Minimi me iiriiniN who iino in nn vlolaleii iin mwii mid denlroyed Hii moll, I In thin urowlli of mwer In lm rmii. olle I'hiir.h (of which w hv lven few IriNlmici-Nilt In lo lm noticed Ihwl tlwi md leu I Cmhollc In crowtllim nut (he. Illieml Cnlhollt', The extrMnlNln r in eoiilrol mid IheNe eii.rlfii..itft Iihvb Nt'cured llm f'niie'N einlorNenienf I to th dot Irlim Ihnl the I'rolentmit re. IIkI.mi In not heller Horn no rellnlon nl nil. Tim onhodox cmhollt- d.Mtrhm In Unit frolmlmillNin uminI he i.. rool .....4 uu I.. A.. ..i I.. I n. n,M, , , w,.....y N,, I liereny, y,,nl we n.h.i m inn li- Mliiln iinvNinlnhed trulh, It meniN to pnini loirmiiiiiii 1 11 NieniN in iin llMNti tli I iik lire ilekeryinut tif neri 01m alfenllon, Whera a church clnlma and eer- clneN Km rUht lo exerl pollllcnl Influ ence, It ht'hoovea nood (lll,"riH lo Ntudy the Malory of (hat chun U and Dm tendency of Hn leaching. To Jurttie a tree hy tta frulta la a fiilr rule, Now Unit llm Cut holie , ,iiicb la likely to lake audi coim troliliiK purl In our national affalia n in well we Nhould ark mirad" n few fpmallona. When end vhera Iink llm llomau Calholli' Church done anyllili for Dm noiNaea of Mm iieonla - fof llm ant red iaune of freedom of lahor. freedom of . 1 . I.. . vole, freedom Of Npee.ll, freetlom of Ihouuhl, or freedom of cinaclenta? w,((, hnn v,,r MM l) m w))) L(nr((,W imui,y in. ar,i.llmf nform ,,,, Anyn tlf (,()() (f )( ,)Mni, utm hundred Ihoitaaml men who rrtrrl lo think for Ihemaelvea, down ,(; lhiy )f) m w))(If ((()()1)) ),,mng wH(1 nreattmd upon llm ,an N, (HK u prayeia went wild llm WM) , ,t)(fl (itu htiimca L()( fl(u, loriuie and alay C.il..fi pa. f(,i, jflHir and ouirai!" Cuh.in malda and mairona, and make a amoklnu Imll f A counfry who people (("omndtd n Hinn llm Catholha of frelmid demiiuded of I'rolentant Knrhiiid and i,,,, fHf heller Krounda? To Km very lim. llm Calh'tlie Chnn h L,M i,y llm limlltulloii of alavery, ,) WHH IIRf i, (jy 1,1, Uir rlava, ,c( ,)(, a n npptamd fnedtiin f , ni cm a and of worahlp, To llm v,.,y H H oppoet llm aepaiaflon of I rhnr It and alnfe, To llm very lad It Limtmcd llm a.-neral aducailon of llm I (. n. II U In dat tm 41 li-mitii ( ti puMli n (.! lit Ifm Hi) U .,.w.. rf uinif nl M Kt nili M It ii) the iawtiiw I . . I 1 frndrt i.f lm ill Inn tight nf Una. A Hf .,M...Ir r..N h r.i,..- ... , m. t aim... 1 I ....... - a .1.. , L. . t I 1 1 ri n-11 H'ihii amnmn imi.ih M ntfiiilli1 lht Ihc l I t .. . kill I.. ..1 . II 11. .... I . . - I 1 HimiiMMn pnl1 hi.i pM lnp Hi"' I lnn lum mi w.miiv Huirumi illm llml lh I'tnlinMiil I luiHi', mul d In l!i'rn llmt It mmlil Iik n Hioiiy lo mrIi I'miIiIhmI In Mini him um n J.uii.-iI In,., .,., Mniil nli Ih ihv mil i f liltti wil'i lull. n lirllrvr llml It I h nlil mil lift 1 Ihn ulnni'i' nut nf hull I ll IwIIpvm llml lliti wln nf t It I mn ihmiiiiI In tlin in I mi I lilnml nf IChllHt, mnl IIiii ludnl I In' Hi I mil Imily 1 Wi- nrf .i'..M In l...tl.-v. llml wl.l. h l nuiiiiMiiily dm lit mnl iit'Vrr ''""I. Thn irnfnnnil (inlliy nf llic Cntfiollr ('hur. h In Ut nil nff llN ciiiivi'Hn fimn IiIim n-lil unil Ln.,11 iIimi ri'iiiii l.imiiiif II i II.... . .. .1 I.. . . I , I . , III 1,., - " ' 1 1 ,,,,,, ii'Fii li'Kinik nun rifl.iinK, nr miyuniiK wnn 11 iiiiKiii ciu'iiniiinn ilmilil. Tim Cmholli' Clninh wntitN It rntf vrU lo Imvn fHh - l.llinl imrNonlim fnllh In lh rtnl, fiilih In th Chnri h, find fnllh In lh Cnllmllr Ntnleinent nf ivery emm, To rwh IIiIh reiili, ifm mi rili" tmeN inn linnkN wiil. li niinII Ii ren.1, what i'WNoieiN nhnl lm iiMlmnleiJ, rnin wnm jpuinre nhhii lie iiwn, 1 I'oue lo XIII, Iinm JiixI fivlwd f ! I IM ot "'"'''''I'-'i hoofcN," Mn rniy M't h new nihN on unhj-.t of foilildden iiook nr mi mildly form. ..1... .. .... i. ..111 .1 ninieu iinu n win lie eMNy ror oon fiithollN lo ohey dm new rnleN, Wlmt urn lliene new rulea wl.lrh 1 1 ' ' " 1 a nod CmiIioII" iimin( olmervw In 1 Iioon ln IiIn remJ!n miitterf I, "All IWi wiitliiKN whlih were prtdilhllcd jirevloiiN to lh yer ll'ift, eie.l wheie N.erhil iltcimn liv Llinf iinnle ei e(,ii,iiii, ore rohlhll-d now," Whnt Umitn wer rohllilled ir v(lm ,(( mtt w))l,( llf Uii))Uh ,mv ,, J(,M llt m,m ,,m 1M m MM WM A) ()(((( f linitillcN m liUy, 11,11, m " i ..l.lil.li.i. I. .,, I r" iifpiifi'. 1 f. n rr" "l IH'IM'TH Awhi ..,,, ... L. 1 . I jtiiikfNii',iie, your IliiriiM mid your flyron, your Cowper and your Worda world, your Tuiiuymni and your Mcolt! They are all ImrelltN, Macaulay muat nol he read, nor Hume, nor tllhhon, nor Hallam, nor Fronde, nor Carlyle, They ar all Imrtlha, A ood Catholic luuaf dot rtiluft llm pure delljthf nf (loldnmlih'a "ccried Vlllat," nor nmal lm ever hnua en- (apinwl over '"'lm (Irei dan I'm" of KwiIn, nor Hiiift hi cya iow dim na h icada Hynin'a vewa lo hla alaler, ll muni never walk llm rich field of Chailea Keade and Charlea Idtk'im never IiukIi with Thatkery nor a!t!h wlih Hood, never aoar will Shelley, dream of Colerdiae, nor view llm nun til WuiU'f vmk fmidor, All llm golden fruit of K"iilua( iholt et apd' of llleiature'a flaiden of llm lleaperldea, la fiull foihlddeM lo a I ruU,"iU t"r ,M'" U' lamp of Ocnlii in llm mind of h"m wondcf fully (jlfied herd ha and , lout lied Ihdr atml Inl'Meletllal muni'', h" r'"K"' ,hw' "M ",'"""'M' "" M' '"" dcooooim' ,!"""' "'"'"i'H"i, 'f !"'d Cafholl" all llm do'.i"in, wll, wlndom and pafrlotlmii of Am'tl Malory la a loul land, for tlm deadly htaud of hertny lava upon llm whole of if, f''plifi; Chad Cat' "', of Cairolioii and a had a iUunii't,,uuii wei killed htrld'n, (he whole oulflf, ft oo Wwl( Inalon, flm Mpiw-opuliati, to lff"toii, llm Infidel, and Th'hm Calne, llm Iteial, wet tank life !), iteivliiif lo h hutM, What aorl of int'H'jf n(a would a I 'Hfl I t h.tttt lixif If l i- dmtil.l nlny llm iiiIm Wl'lth l' j ' I - Ml i I p.il.Hi Immtil I ,( ,f uM, , ). ,,. Mit "I ,,P ,,, h 1, ,l,illm In , ,H(lh f ,,, ,. ((( )i( ( ( ,.. ,,,, ,,,, I .. f.r pulling (t ) llllil llm hand )rf ,,,p ,,,,,,1,1 a ilM 'N,, ,i Rltti 'n(ll(,K ,1ruj , ,,.l, If I,.. I 1I1 nil. I Hi nlllim ( nmlln, llilnlt IhK iintii'iiiliit uti'l Jmlilna? Mill Oib iiiIm wlili h I'm ln XIII linn mi lull. lit fimiii"! tin iinl nlni ,fl(.,t , (hM rmlinlu In hiiil niiy Imnk mi ri'llnlmi i I llniHii wrliii'ii hy ('nllinllm, Tln'y fur- tiiHi, I'iiIIimIIi in ii'iul nny Illl. hi nf I In' IHIiIm rii'i IIiii t'liltmllr rill II. MID, lliinkH wild h 1 llllil" Kin miiik, miilliiiiln, inliKtn, iliii.ih iI.h tiliii'H Kll'l IINilMI'N HIM fnl llllllll'll 'I lll Nllll Uu ,,,, ,,,,, H Nh ,, ((((, L,H ,. ( , ,t 1 h muni inn 11 y IIiIiik I i,,, ,,11v f. , , L..,,m 11., Mu,ii limn In know itnlhliiK linviiinl wlnil I .. - . 1... 1.1 .1. . .uu nl In 1 ..I I IIii.iii III,' H I' "I" H III I'F M il ,11" III, k KImhI ('utfiollc imiinI ihiiiI hiiv li.mh nr nllixr 'IIkIoun iiilill. nllnii whl. ll Ih'mU of I'kIIkIiiiin nulili.. In, 1 wh()(l, H.,lMrilHln hkM doolt .r miI. (,M,, lt Hin jinlicnn'iil nf Mm irliln, hiu li rule nn lheN Nouinl HlrHiiKely , ,, ,tia,,m in ,llrJ fltfH Iti tlt'ltUI't' llllil rencnrih, jf M t,,m oiiiiil, )y hIioiiI.I It f,,tt(, invemldMilon? ', Inn error inuhl not iMwitllily Mtiow moi unflly llmlillly In mteen- ,(w(,,r tmn llimnl Ulllhy ,,, (h NttMff ii,pMyN (h,M r,,, W,(,n ,i,mmuni ood (Vlholh to rend , .,.(,ki pmeiilliitf llnme whhh Imv ,, mm, ,,, -f(, ,(),)m1(1(, 1 .1... 1 J i.iiw e'iw. Of all tlm alHVery In in In world llm mom iiy,nnUun in mcninl and aplrflual ahivery; and wa look upon Km hue Krowlh of llm fulholle chun h In po- lllltal power a an nmlnoua fuel, I,- nut llm nalural lendenty nf Hn creed In to maka llm peopln anperall" HoiiN, Intolerant and pi leal -ridden. Hut while our I'olllh Iinn conllnue lo lm cowarda and our I'roieaianf mlnlNlea continue to . dupea, r'afh- olle diplomacy will man h onward Irl- uuiphanlly, tin II llm day will coin" when 1'rolei.liinllNni will Imve lo fltshf for dear llf In a land which l Wind deyoleea hdleya la dedicated forever li fiKH apeeth, frea ihoUKht and free worahlp, MICIlOfiltAI'IM, It appear, on the fate, thai Hie Car and hi peojda ara afrahl of dm pel whl'h la h"ln preached In Kin land with power that liny want lohav a firmer rlp upon Idem, and llmra, for cairn ao mmli dlacontcnt In thai land, where (hey hava had a certain liegrew of fiecdom, A they are ftl- m't on a veiK" of open rchdllon, would If ptti h whm It have llm peace commlntilon to iw ori hem' Why lan not IM iinmiiy ap ply lo (lm nallonaf If tlm p'lpe were lo hav hi any, lm would Imv llm Ciir put llm tfiumh aiewa on ihim ,y won nU,v n,e (oapd woik. on of llm fcanoim why the totocd popl ai paylnij mudi atlcnUon lo Lunation , Ul rMtt that the lahor Htu,i ,m f,MV ii m for (Inm, .in! ii.e lul.oi 01 void mi ion me Mdm d Mi'U f l,e ahadow of tlm va'l , HmunlAi in Mm imi for Mm tfyiiana I" I h)'"I Ml.tf", 'Ihl canMi'd he ph-aalnn; lo llm pope, If llm anhlddiop of Ih Moman Ca if.ollc doodi had dully conference with llm aullan wlnn I hey had Hie Armenian nniwiat re, and if it I Him that only Wo I'hiladdphla find It la in lm am toitdliloti a N w Voik, In lined of llm yapd l-n If Itoimfilfol lm had lino h fo do In rblladdphf, and llm pope pel at Oylnit to run nvfryihlpK, l'hlldi'lhia will im.'l Hila mk ll w.ml.l If .d ll-a II 1 mi ut lhce 1 1 It wne In am i ippr I it I tit Mftalia, ' llm ! pit imh nf 11 Milling llml man II" pin plii rail I Hl, Unit In. mat lie Uki 1 mil nf I he paw nl llm pipt Dm '('i Im him t ih hpe nf Hie nei k ami lm I In a let 1 tide inttiHIIi.ti, ami I ilnlna Imllll-le wmk fm tlm lulled Hinlia. , ml 11 a the limn a lid lltea nl tlm 'iiidii A few ilrtlft Nii al lulnnliilltlllift aalled fur I'd sin In wmk aimiiii llm Ainu uliiiift. ,lea, Ninliiilmia and Mi lent 'Ihl Will 11. i he pliaulM. In the mill rin and llm piipe will do Imllilui aiiiliiul II If he In iiiiiililn in. llm f lm call lm will, They will iml no Hi "in In picadi linn Inliitiy, Iml Hie aofnl In, W, I. Cmfl will imidu'l iim iniivitiiliiiiN nf Chilntliiii I'riiti'KiHiil Ihiii. Il.lrt will have a leiul"iity in chiikiuiitii the llomiin Cnlliollt' anil piiirlolle aumiuer hi hoi, In, whlih the pi'eld.'lit ha hull alli'inllna If Hie Itomaii Calhollta honated Unit If Ihey had a kin of their own fnllh In Hn 11011 all ITolealaiil iiilftftlonarl would lm et Iniled, II ia In line wltti all their work, All they want In llm l ulled Nlalea or any other plat a In llm power lo limke llm demand, We may hope lhal the wlah of many may lm am) I fled mid that la (hat all llm llomiin Cwth'dlc rneanimaa Kalnat Hreyfua may he exptmed, an that th world may aea tlm trim 1 harader of tlm comhlnallon calld a chunh. If Ilia Arnmnlnna In Ihla country Klv $lno,'Kif) annually to flmlr auffer ln people In Turkey, th aullan will aoon find that hy hi work lm ha alarled a movement (hat will ahaka hfa Ihrotm at aoum future Hum, And If he haa heen advlaed hy tlm pope' an hhlahop ha will find, a ninny tntiml found In I ha paal, that they had heller leave the pope'a an hhlahopa ahtie and do hlft own thinking. All fala reporla reKardlnit th rpieen of llnuland hava a common orUIn, If Ihey art looked at through purpl eye ghm.nea a peraon may a Hm amttka and I herd, y lot ale from what part of Hm Hilt kef or hog limy coma, If I'realdcnf, MtKlnley relinttatea Offiera) Kagan fm limn uof want Hm poalflon of preaidenl imit farm, or ha Ihlnk Hm Itoman Calhttllta hava corn, plela control of fhl I'nlfed Mfafeaand lm I Hmlr paid aervanf, Ht,d! Th 2,H'H,W left ,y John Hop a hoot fan year ago cannot h ftmt hed hy Hm oppoaer of Hm will, and It I ft fight Komafilam and ln temperant In MtoHand, Wa ar aura that, th work fhr dtn aglnaf Itomanlam will nof only help Hmf I'ro ter.liinf Iwnd, huf will help aveiy Jtnd, Tlm ahade of lha A, V, A, have not dlappeard, lf flm g'tod wtitk g' on Ml flm enemy whltfi rf fi'f find aom tpptiatfl'H that ft. la ftof, 11 Hm Mcoh of Hm Cnlfd ytte put up a monument in Central paid, New Votk, in honor of John Mop, If may aoti aom of Hm frof,inf there to have hut llffle "hope," 'I lm paper hav atafed Hmf w y wanta an audlent wlfh fh pt,. If lm dt,t m want fo glv hla prlva' opinion of him and Hm nation whhh ate Midcy hi Influence, If Hm Ameihan aufhorlHc at Ma nlla Inive md IWt'Hfy iihlimil t'litho He dav icyial holiday, fhey ar H"' trying 10 ,( ,e war with Agulnahht, wht ha Illtl" nan for itoniii 'aiholp d; i f any kind 'lhl, of mm", l In aympaHiy with Ih ftti tnoviwnt, 'I her at many people Who hop Hmf Agulnaldo will glv fh'c4 AmM'M v,hti a. dtlng Hm otk of Hm popt pel tlm woikI Ihradilng ahy'tit f'tul'1 di al litem, If Ifm ffofeff,f mint won In flm war wMli tfpatw, liecana H,y wi I'lotentant afitm, fhey will h h.,e hctaim H,ey at hot l'",',fi,u1unnt, I, .' ' t t iH arma aa long a Olla manage If I'l'caldrnl MtKW.I-y, Matllndll and John Ireland ate ail ,gefher at Moid Chmpf;tt, Clinton t-oumy, H Vttlk, fh pt,pe p' ftifl afrik W Hil'f t the 1 11 ii li ,., MkhII wmk Wl all pUiiH-d an, Ihe Human l aHmlli 1 hull It will l all Mm Hn.liey Ihei rmi lm It 1 In In piay Iheir lnAw Winhlii'l mil nf .iitnlttlt If Mit MitUnlcy la teif Imul i,f ru.hia aha will haa an ii.p,ttiiti!tr In 1'lnr IHal nam wlih I lime wn dig tlltailea nf Ilia pnllll, al i nmlilnalliill ille. papaiy And Ihiy will ht an nppin'iitilly nf m hrlng amim hn mi aul mil nf pmnlahl pnalllmia If lllahi.p S aiteii nf Hie M K 1 h.tti h I aimed i. piealdeilt lif Atg. lillli In aiciiaa Hm I'lnlealanl aoldlei from ail.inllt.a inaaa, if Ihey did nut wlah In attend II I n good thing. Wlmt will llm A I' A. 1 hunt gu In iieil? Alfleriiuiii (link of lloalon, It la fe. polled, did liol wnl llml illy to glv inteplli 1 fn flewey, (f Ionian lie tinea mil want It And If Ih truth la known fltnuaf (til haa tin u for Admiral lawey, ami Admiral wy Ihlnka tllla ahonltl h aent horn, II will he aten at aoum Hm thai Hi glory lo Hm I'nlfed Hftea tauaed hy a lewy will h fully nhtiirt hy Ih woik of an OH. If Hm Hllplno government fm laaimd an order lhal If airnhllant fa gf paid In chunh or prleaf It will h aldered a tnlademeanor, what ftiiii' that gttvernment think of tfea i,u"y paid hy th order of Hnrl JI for prayer for th pulling of Ih t,'nin peta out nf purgafory, or what I. pop pefa call purgatory, Agulnahlo la ont Ihl crnfldenta gam rkf nd ftla la not, and In thl rp''l Agtilnaldo acor im, Another patrhttle per oat, frfd In I'e'rla, Th field may mum hy many of thm. And now fh head of Hi m, John Korean I'afholl colleg l Wahlag gma Itf 4tmn, Tb t I dff' mltmd that tlm worker ahall md lm Americana In any rpd, and a fh aple aend rarl to Horn, the i ar atimm'ttrnd fo appar and ifiri, If muaf It pur papacy her and nothing da, Th artbblahop of Manila afaf Hmr ar f,Wl,Wt adherent f hla chunh In th I'hllfpplfm, And If Hmy do not remain Momnn Catholic If will not h th fa'iit of (iinmt (Hi, who ia paid hy Hm CnlM Kffa to do fhla work, AnMher lrnhert leave fh fUilnn Catholic dumb, M I n proilnt ieaulf, Therm r many fnor who touM tdlow If Hmy had a way f making a living, Many hav Ihoogbt that KdMor lAuiMl would jm fint fhaf. fomanlam did not. hold awd tommunhtn with lommoii and would hav th pop, When h do Hm p',p and all fh rf of tint papal party will know K, MaJ'r Zlal'tfa, leader ol Agu!nldo' cavalry, td in f' li th rp"d lhal fh hllp!no to'f"itinn' had ' art order fo h',fn Manila and mr ih whitta In th tify, ho 't'h ofdr wa vr luc hy ofridd at Aom if 1,1 01 1 n trfl fouh'1 any auth wd' odr I) wa H- wotfc of ft!' or ',m oHmf cimmfe of iui, 'lh! I tvf a r' war 'Ihl fff"t cm Ihlnk If I aomcwlmi of a r again fh ptpay and 0tvrd ttla wmk log a manly u(h tor th and Ulitill'i if h Wi'tti'y of t'ot at,ta V'f Ht g'i't ttV W" h IIOi lo toii,'or Hm ui iitt- ftoot whl' h i, o,t't" v torn li,"" XI" p'Opf In f' 1 tiS'd ?ll. , !. fO'ild loi'lli A Of li.tii, I think, who I'fiUi toi,f"f wi'h l!, r'llif.Uio ritimht ol iy fhi war f-i'if tin of Hm .. f f'liipino wcifd it' ll, iti woiid f p,,js, j, ; m' 0, ,pp';t uf a, ,1 p rJtd .y fh it'O'rd tlld di 'Ih iltw lioinHI, f -t.,f', 1 h i" U dt1!a'd, t"k hy Hgh'wlng and f n ( f at,' 'dm f gvl i,m firii'ii f it 10 pti if, al- u,Mgb non- th tiinm J a'to-4