The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 04, 1899, Image 7

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1 KM sMtr Ml t,.t
4 Ht SemlleuM r. t IH dilr.f
hmd ier f ), n . i it 1 U
lt" f"li 1 i (I I ) iliittn
friil t aa ,.,,1' Srtrl ngil
that hr lixlltiilliifl att'4
It is that Car-
in H'iif, late ef t Maine. U the
tnteftlof ( itn i , ,,ntlH .!
ih!, fur ii.h b meuia front
lniU end rtitWM. He ! In
titei n HiiiIhii .aisli.t rlr fnr
tiM tmtil. l tttaalnt
n, k o. wtcuviwMii i-Nntn,
k fn Mat lake ,( Ik
I'sttlmore, Jutr I -The tseeivrrsMp
it the lUltlmnte n.1 Ohio Itsllroad
terminated at 11 oVI. It Ut nuM and
the property ws turned rr lo the
ate khiildcr without i'ppimltti or
formal ffirmmiy, John K, Coaen
and thicar (I Murray were appointed
rrevrfe of (ho rotmisnr on bruary
Jflh, !!, .jr the t'nltrd pistes court
for tlii District i.f Msrylsud. iin
rmlliar with the nee I of tli property
the reieivrrs decided that the only
rise course to pursue s to uracil
slly rebuild ami re-equip th rsiiroad.
me physical condition waa bad. Its
equipment antiquated anil tnt'14un(
o namile business and It Insufficiency
wss such ai to seriously Injur th
revenue. The rwrlvira' plana wrr
alaruH liy ho friirlly bolilrra and
an a larita majurltjf aarnd to tho pro
vision of rtiniigli fmiila to pliu'f tha
i-'hiiI In a romlltlon to handle lit traf
tic, thpy obtained pormlialon f tbo
roiirt to luaiia rcrtlfli-alra for tb pur-
nie, by nirnna if (tipnitnt truati
and rrilvcr rcrtlflcatea, of new rara
and loromotlvwi and to Improve the
piiyalmi ioikI lilnii of th uroprrly,
The plan nlo provided for the paynipot
In full of all rriflvfra' lndbtdnrM,
the utlr floBtlnn debt of the com
pany, rpprwnird by promlnoory nofa
nri'l nwitlahle olillKatlnna and of all
cor trimt olillxuMonii, fuuUliiiK thn com-
puny U Ix'Kln tlie flxcnl year of JK90'
Vm with all II obligation paid. For
in raon that rforKanlzatlon wae
p'malble without a forccloaure, the orig
inal charter of the company rumalna In
force, and the ni-xt annual motion of
the atcx'kholdfra will be the 73d. The
new atoch of the company la held by In
t'Tfuta which cannot fall to ba of great
hpip to the property and much new
capital hHi iron Invemt'd In the ae
ciirltlca, and thi-re la a auffli lency of
money for atlll further Improvemmta.
which are In progrt-aa, with a view to
atlii further reducing the com of traua-
Melbourne, now the aeventh city of
the Hrltlxh empire, ronalated at the
time of Qii(in Vlctorla'a acclon of
thirteen but,
Mm. Window' Huolfilne Swift,
UwmHhm, Umi tmiu.fiitv ixaMuUlsi
Only time shall show us whither
etKh traveler Is bound.
tnm'm uiiih ItuUam
lh fM-t Kf1 M. lf Hlt.fpl lit' IIWM rC't''fcAf
lliau MOTibiuif n, It l r-liil, i r ll.
Never ban with the bck upon any
thing that Is cold.
Hall's Catarrh f are
Is a constitutional cure. Price, Via.
Tour agents of the Nashville, Chat
tanooga and Bt, IxjuIs railroad meas
ure In height respectively H feet J
Inches, t! feet i Inches, 0 feet Ity Inch,
and 6 feet Vk Inches, and their ag
gregate weight Is 1,018 pounds. They
have been photographed together, and
would like to bear from any other
railroad that can furnish a group of
four their emmls In feet and pounds.
Does Volt
lead Ache?
Are your nerve weak?
Can't you sleep well? fain
In your back? tatk enerey?
Appetite poor? Digestion
bad? Coils or pimples?
These tre sure signs of
From whit poisons?
From poisons thst sr if.
wsyi found In constipated
bowels, -
If the content tt th
bowels ere not removed from
th body each day, s nature
Intended, thes poisonous
ubstsnce are sure to fc
absorbed Into the blood, sl
wsy csuslng suffering end
frequently tiuslnj sever
dlsesse, .--
There I t common sens
They dally Insur n esy
and natural movement of
th bowels,
You will find thst the us of
with the pill wilt batten
recovery. It clesnse the
blood from all Impurities nd
It greit tonic to the nerve.
Wrl0 Ihm Dootoe.
Our MKitu! Jii-Mirimfit tins np
M ih mml mihimim iiriieiMi in
Ins tdiliml Sutiw, Tull lln lurW V'' '" I"'"""
will r-.'i-lr llm I' inxtlul aduica
J'lt, l. . ir i,
.1 mA
I AnAlV in 1 nlnmlm f Aha) Miami Cn Aiimk !
Lt:pm in vuiuiiiuifl fli uiin liuuiy ummim
The Government,
alence of the Loathsome Disease.
Is Trying to Check It.
I ny h l r. In th H pub
lie t.f Colombia e.i mt-h at t ba
alarmul the ami riitm n, r"'rtt ai
lo I maie l.t "uifii H mil " If ptwal
Me; If Rtit to ctmtrol t la pn ld
mat the rtmmu f..lIUt, r. At
mtier lUnnrtt, bi. of the rwf al
nie r dfway. ! vl'll Colombia
hortly at the ri)ne, f the Colombian
government, t.i e.ubli.h a national
tm of dialing with the dl.e, A
t efhiillr piliit, Cailiir ltiilpttl, who
haa made a tudy nf Upnwy hi Cob m
ma. fwenily returned from Norway,
Where be went to iii.ult wllh I r.
lUneen. Although there are no tiut-
wormy iuiimiu on the subject, It la
easimat.'d that among Colombla'a
populnilon of about foon.noo there are
ro,onn lepera. The dleeane a rprr;y
prevalent In the depnrtmenta i.f Han
Inndar and lloyain. The Icprra of Co
lomnu nave no reatrlctlona placed
upon their movement, and are to bn
met everywhere in the country nmda,
the City atreela, In public conveyance
ana in rhurche. In liogotg. due may
m neti to a leper In a afreet car or
Kneel next to one In a church. They
are eald epwlully to haunt the
cburche, where the p(Mr, atrlcken rrra
turea aeeni to find their only hope and
consolation In prayer.
The Colombian government would
have to upend large sum of money to
get the dlneN under control now that
It hit become to widespread. From
time to time aporadlo attempt, have
been made to control the dleHe, but
have resulted In nothing, and It la be
ginning to lie belloved now that Isola
tion la the only remedy. At one time
a doctor In iJogota, announced thai h
had discovered a cure for leprosy, and
place wo set apart at the capital for
bla experiment. Ipera flocked to him
from all over the country; but his
treatment was not a success, and the
patb-nt scattertj again to the four cor-
Mil fei
- t
her of the republic, carrying the ,
germs of their dlsesMe with them. In
Colombia leproxy exists In lh high
Here Is a picture of the real "Win
dow In Thrums," from which Ilnrrlc
saw all tho human nature be tells of in
his story, The proprietor of the ground
on which the famous cottage stand.1
ban sold It to Al gander JWhewun,
coal merchant, Kirriemuir. The "w:t-
X-u i- iMitrmZzm-jw2y?a iWkr1ZZ'Jl ' 1 rii
M Ai" ST iW mmi mw j- - "k Jh. -M 'W m' WA
Alarmed at the Prev
hrstikr tbkUM and mountain
rtgVh W! si on !M h.H and
uihislthr roM I'tM irnmrit! rni
to have nothing to do with Its prevn
All forms of icprtifr are found In Co
lombia, and at any time one Is liable to
be brought In contact with person uf
ferlng from the dfsens In lu most
loathsome shapes, 'ih leper of Go-
dow" of fiction was on the ground
floor, while the window of reality, s-en
In the KHble end of the house In the
picture, I a small attic window, i-'mrn
It, however, It Is possible, as from the
window of the author's creation, to
command not only a full view of "the
q g a
IL tli II ,l mT .a JT'WT .Hbw, Taaak. J h -w aaaa im.
b' tH-H'H ' .(. ,,f if
fli i. .t i V I tit U tP.
!! I"acn I . i, r f te
tn t Ml thi in O, . .
It tUecj ! 4 iifirt a lifwt
hr H" t h Slni)aa e
N;ttte tbl Ibr itixnit It twsMe,
U "!! Wp l tii1
at le K,.. fl t-prtt et 4l
lli w lirii eite to l.e In tVliM
U a nfi,, ttvie
ttial It
brought there by the Spanish conquer
ors; others that It existed among the
aboriginal Inhabitants of the country.
The latter theorists wiy thnt the re
mains of tho primitive inhabitants
which have been exhumed show, In
many cases, that I hey died from the
disease. At any rate, whether the Bnan
lards found It there or brought It there,
it played havoc wllh them.
Xlinene de Quesadit, the conqueror
of. what Is now Colombia. Is said by
legend to have died of leprosy, and
others of the Spaniard who fought In
Ih fa part of the country are known to
have succumbed to It. Hut, however It
fafue, the disease now Is so prevalent
lir the republic that the govern
ment Is brought fare to face with the
necessity of doing something to pre
vent Its further sprend.
Ventilation of Itmmin,
Except In foggy or very ecvere
wegther the bedroom windows should
be open a Utile bit at the top during
th night. Warm air (that which la
given out In breathing) always rise.
If the top of the window Is not open
It ran not escape and so It Is breathed
hack again Into the lungs and Is pre
judicial to health, Ilefore leaving the
room In tha morning the window and
door should be thrown open for an
hour of so, Spread the bedclothes near
the open window and allow the fresh
air to play upon the bed coverings.
Th foul air and carbonic gas will thus
escape from the clothe, and con
fluently rest taken In them will bo
healthy rest.
Denmark has no mountain.
Itrse," but also the greater portion of
the house roof of "Thrums" (Kirrie
muir). It can faslly lie understood
how this would siiKK'rt to Ilarrle the
Idea of deriding what household had
visitors by the smoke from the respec
tive chimneys.
i f t C t'lftlt t
I i I ' V ' . I. ' I . . -Mri
I " I t ' t l.l
j k ti t i . a ' t "
' t V li kr l i . I It
! Ml. .1 t , I , ). (
' iH l (l( ti !)
I tn i t Ml I 'r !
l" K l, ...,! I. 4 !.')
' t I t -t
IHHl in t l. l Ml e-'t l
1 tr 1st rn ta Inn At- ..i' t
t'i'l .. i..ii . ''' t lu
l (eni
tint lit a v ti ri tv it. in a in.
N rH lite m,Url r. li m iitiii.i
A Kli IUtlrv.4 lin the fin Unt
!(, if ln.i..t, ,! , the ihl
isl ,1-ti.lili.n .-t the thlire nim.
(heir of ..', t i.i Irirtt i, Urtli the
tra w l'l suit the immtwf of leienue
Inns trr mile and at the n 1 1 .tie
u'tti-e tbe ru lrMt itti)ii
Mn.h ha tu rs; d ine, siul l the ,iw.
mm of t.te, eliminsia i4 mne.
Istln of new uteri tails and the pur-
i hase nt liesiy niotUe p irr the baie -et
vnaierlal! al.te. ut the BumtHr of '
tars per train Hut It not until '
the Kih of Msnh lt that a t1tmn- ,
altatton was made of what might he
epited ,.f the new lltlHHir Ohln i
Itallroad, Cnnnth new (.n ton cefsc
II jf sliil rar lis. I hnr, ilellvrted M
gue the nprratlng department a r hsnce
In etperlnietit. Fifty steel rat, eai h
welshing II.iksj p.miuU. were loaded
wllh an sterag of PH ivnt pound of
coal. To them was coupled a new
T2ri Inrh conaiilldatloii lornmotlve
weighing lti.H.7iMi pound and having
61 Inch driving wheels. The slart was
made from Cumberland. Md., snd the
fleet liiatlon waa llriinswb k, Md . on
the second dlvlilon. In hi repurt Gen
eral Superintendent Flttfcrsld ssijrs
the train waa pulled with comparative
rne and that the dim of engines used
will be able to handle Co cars of M
tons rapacity euch on that division
without trouble. Hitherto th train
load on that division has been Z2U unit
of (j'i tons each or about 2.2U0 tons, a
4ll per cent Increase over that of five
years ago. The fid car train waa com
puted as containing 4U7 units, or MfX,
100 pound gross. The net weight of
coal In the train waa 4.7r.S,l0n pounds.
It was by fur the heaviest train ever
bandied over the line and demonstrat
ed that heavy power, modern euulD-
ment with safety appliances, and a
ood track, mean more revenue tons
per mile and a decreased coot of trans
Ash Viiar Hi-Hi rr for Allen' Font-irate,
A powder to shake In your shoes. It
rt-xt the, feet. Cures ( onia, lliinlons,
Hwollen, Sore, Hot, Oil Ions, Achlnir,
Sweating' Feet ami Iturrowltijf NalU.
At nil ili'iiinmi unit shoe Htorea, '.'.1 c(m.
Sample untiled I KKK,. Address Allen
H. Olmsted, l.e Itoy, N. Y.
CongreHHinan Keicham of New York
Ima served In thirteen eoiiKrcHses und
Iiiih never made a speech,
liinnilrf Work Mml t:ay.
To do nwnv with the dnidgerv of tbo
laundry "Faullle Stiireh." fl gives
I tin bent rcMiltu the btit Ninount of
labor, All grocers; Iiiikh iHickiiKn, 1U'.
The woman who keepi her former
sweetheurts as friends Is a trim diplo
lu ut,
A Excellent Comljlnatlon.
Tba pleasant method and beneficial
effecta of tlie well known remedy,
Kmrr op Flos, mnnufaetured by tha
CAMroHHiA Fio Sriitr Co.. llluMrato
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them In the form most refreshing to tha
taste and acceptable to the system. It
la tho ona perfect strengthening l.ixa
tlvo, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fever
gently yet prompt ly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable qunlltv and sub
stance, and it acting on tlie kidneys,
liver and boweht, without weakening
or irritating them, nmko it the ideal
In tha process of mannfactnrlnn; fig
are uaed, a they aro pleasant to tho
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna nnd
other aromatic plants, by n method
known to tbo Camfohma Fio Sviiit
Co. only. In order to get its licncflelul
clTnpts nnd to nvold Imitation, pic oho
remember the full iimne of t.heCotrpnny
printed on tlm front, of every pnulcnfo,
Ti3rTBVII !.!!, XT, HEW YOnjC, Tf. T.
fur sale by all tirue-bt - Prlre Sue. j.rr 1k,UI
. m wr w - r m l k ti: r j
mm mm
t r V W F 9 f W Vv.'a,BBj
jFSr ' sjr d , ,
Please Don'ts
Please don't forget that our Fall Catalogue will be
ready for mailing August 1st. We'll send out 4.000
a day until we've mailed 100,000, If you send us
your name at once you'll be amonthc first to receive
ihis wonderful little silent salesman. There will be
samples of clothing pasted among1 the leaves for you
to select from. And the prices are the lowest tver
made by any house in America.
SuccffHfif Lilly Prosecuton CI ill mm.
nt.. t'riticiiifil KAmniF l! rt jitnUjn hurfaia
lliMii H,4i i:i;iiliinll .it ltf bih , a, lie.
,rr.'rj i Thomson's Eye Watsrl
n '
if" t ;':-,.
i' S t
M M isfti ft
l . -t l tl t-
I I I It
It u 1. 1 .!
I -' l'l I . (l ..(' Ik
Mi twl..t ,4 O e . i 4
't n-e-t'tit a4 wtil Kis
1 -e wMi.i il(lt l It
t. 11 if I M tt
Mitr iot t si nl.r la
ttrttftt, lin, lh (4
tlre .s .li. li st t. V ffw,
f,r tv en i it' r
t- t r te than the tin.t.. tat
I ! te inatrtr4 w
' 11 " '"
Ir. libbstil liatlli t, if ton fm,
test b nl .f hi !.,,..
j a miiirim "Alwiie all."" he
' a, " A lining '! sluxilj V p
' bitnsrlf lmj."
' - i
Mrs. Col. Richardson
MVi:D BY MRl hNkM4H.
lltl IO H BO, ,)
"You bare savrtl ltr lifo. snatched
me from the brio of the grave liiiit,
nd I wMi to thank you. Alil el(?h
li i n iiiontli B(?i I wits a IhIaI wreck,
ihylcally. I had Ntb troubled with
It'iiiiirrbu-a for some t, but bed given
hardly any attention lo the trouble.
"At Inkt Ititlninmatlon of the wmtib
ami ovarlea nun I If il and then 1 suf
fered iitfonica, bii.l to rlvn up my pro
f.'NHloit tiuiii.lcliin and ptnini player),
w aa con lined to my U-1 ami life Ix'camo
a terrible rn. My Inisbaoil sum-tnoiii-d
the lu st pliyKlclniiH, but their
beni'llt was but U'lnporary at Ih-hU I
U'llcve I should buvo cotitraeted tha
iiioriblii liulilt uiuli-r their care, if my
common si-iiMo bud not Intervened,
" tie day my luii.bund noticed the ad
vcrtlKciiifiit of your n medies and lin
tiicillnlcly iHiubt me a full trial. Soon
the puin In my ovaries waa (fono, I am
now well, stronif and robust, walk,
rble a wheel, mid feel like a girl In her
U-ens. I would not bo without Lyilla
10. rinkbiitu'a Vi'irelublo Compound; it
Is like water of life to me. I Bin very
gratefully and sincerely yotir well
w ImImt, and I benrtily recommend your
remedies, I liopo some pisir creatura
niny lie helped to health by rending my
a'.iry." Mus. Col.. E. V, 1UCUAJUDS0,
UniNM AMirii, Win,
('mil iiliiliiK five l.'tiilHl Miipn ut ( in nu In and lt
J'mvUires, aa well as a rten'rlplluii fit tlm re
tuiurii's of the )i minimi, will lm nmllnl true u
Mil iipiilli iirils iti'ilriiu ot lenrnlriv somcllilns of
the I' nv ilitrtieaU'urt tiueils nf Western I 'unuilu.
Aililri'" K. I'ihIIiiv, Siiit, nf liiiiniKrutliiii, lit
I iwa.Ciiiunla: (if to W, V. Iti'iineH, Sill Jsuw
York Life IliiCdliiS, (linuliii, Neb,
$4 SHOCS for
25 CIS
A I'nlr.
Now Btyles, Ont and rinish,
rim or ml tor .rilrnlr,
I iiikKpiiIIi St,, OniMtia.
We liuvc linlinlor. but no Compntiinrs
v.avi HiiMf TiSmiif 5-:
iiiIimIIiiih. .ursli si i.,i' rut f.nis aii l li.i.iiiain ii n-
lii-rniiMril. 'I ll.t l.llll, ... .,.!, t 11,1. irimiiMMlt I
limiiiiil in inn "Vll M.-...(,." in I,. ,,i i
i . ..I I.. iipxir.i , 94
14 lira
nH,nun. ill,ltl,l
A Natural Black Is Produced by
Buckingham's Dm&.
Octi.efdii.-gi.iiaf R,r-,H.llfcIoNMhii,N.M,
W lllllttMIM an, I H ... 1 1
llralitr, lira Slolnes, I.
Writ CAIT. O'PAHRI I.L. I'tn.l.m AKnt.
4 it Nw Vork Avanua, W ASMINIJTON, 0. C
DFNSI0NS "l'""lh nml Civil War.. S.,t
rtBJIWW? Her.. HUliiM, W'lil.iw. l blMren,
1'Stlnra mill Mmhi'is, Nip fee inilinHsiK'n-in,.
.'ill, S. II, USISIUS til., ill.r.,, K..!,!.,!.., It, f,
Sni'l liiiluv f rmir hni, nii-li l-l.ri,,
H'.tfi m.t.h ir-.,rv w. iK ,, i,rtti-f. J it ,
'stent l awyer. .liliigi..n, 11. C,
Be rmuh ru. ImtOti!, lM
l In fir k U..MK.H
. ;.
I i.i i i i ,
i . i j V-S l -
r A
i l tt
- ' I l !
. C 4
! I
1 MY 1 .