The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 04, 1899, Image 5

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    Fnon BAPTIST
L tc tH m I , 0
Mini Ha.t
m i, i. vinm.
(Continual from lat wA.)
jti ttgiH'l to Uoj fultiilniritt of
tl m'on-l in "-'t'l
rtrt of fllli.
tiiK nhx nun. sT tir. nut
I ijaoto the following e tract. :
"The niglil nuccrciling that
lv (NUv 1 7 MM win of audi
pitchy ilarkness that, in ime
iDitAncts, home couhl not l
cotnpcllo.l to lenve the MnMc
when wanted for icrvice. About
midnight, the cloudi were 1U
ported, mikI the moon and ataa
appeared with unhn pared bril
liancy." "Stone's iiiitory of
Mr. Tenny.of Kxeter, N. II.,
quote? by Mr. fiage, to the His
torical Society, speaking of the
dark day and dark night of May
19, 1780, says :
'The darkness of the follow
ing eveniug was probably as
gross as has ever been observed
since the Almighty firtt gave
birth to light. 1 could not help
conceiving at the time, that if
every luminous body in the
uuiverso had been shrouded in
impenetrable durkness,or struct
out of existence, the darkness
could not have been more com
plete. A sheet of whilo paper
held within n low inches of the
'yo was equally invisible with
the blackest velvet."
Concerning the fulfillment of
he third sign in thjs verse,
I quote the following extracts
from tho eminent authors who
are given credit at tho foot of
tho (notations, as follow :
"Hut tho most sublime phe
nomenon of shooting stars, of
which tho world has furnished
any record, was witnessed
throughout tho United States on
the morning of the 13th of No
vember, 1833. -Tho entire ex
tent of this untouching exhibi
tion has not been precisely
ascertained ; but it covered no
inconsiderable portion of the
earth's surface The
hrst appearance wus that of lire
works of tho most imposing
grandeur, covering the entire
vault of heaven with myriads of
lire-ballH, resembling sky-reck-cts.
Their coruscations were
bright, gloaming, and incessant,
and they fell thick as the flakes
in tho early snows of December.
To the splendors of this eelestiut
exhibition the most brilliant
sky-rockets and fireworks of art
bear less relation than the
twinkling of tho most tiny star
to the broad glaro of tho sun.
The whole heavens seemed in
motion, and suggested to some
tho awful grandeur of the image
employed in the Apocalypse,
upon the opening of the sixth
seal, when 'the stars of heaven
fell unto tho earth, even as a
lig tree casteth her untimely
lis, when sho is shaken ofu
mighty wind."' B u r r i 1 1 ' s
"Geography of tho Heavens," p.
103, od. J 851.
This phenomenon seems to
bo a literal fulfillment of what
John "beheld," (Uev. G : 13, just
referred to and quoted in tho
above quotation), as wo see from
the following quotation that the
falling stars emanated from a
point in the constellation Leo,
near a star called Gamma Leo
nis, and as some who saw it say
that they seemed to fall in
every direction from that point,
just as figs naturally would fall
from a tree shaken by a mighty
"Those who wore so fortunate
a9 to witness tho exhibition of
shooting stars on the morning
of November 13, JSJJ, probably
saw the greatest display of
celestial fireworks that has ever
been since the creation of the
till, tt t h Within tl
M tiaU ttf H V thf vijfir(
lot r i !r all ' I'- "'
tr ii Ujn l- atllMl r !)
tlifll MitlltUftl ft Id M t at W
at ! rn nibifc, nl Imria I
In nunibrr mid ap'rn t until
ktnl four M'l, ft out Uh
tint tl.rv fiatnally iWclined.
l.til rtK ibl' mittl bt in
. Itftlit of da) . The ixrlror
did Io-MH at "random oteraM
attt of lif l,V, but appealed
l rmannt from a point in lh
Constellation i,r, lietir Mar
called Uiinitnn l.oni, in Ihe
Ik ii I of the rankle.
"The eUttit of the ihowi r of
ls:U m audi t cover no
inconsiderable purl of iht
rarth'i milface, from the middle
of Iho Atlantic on the rift to
the Pacific on the weat ; and from
the north cot of South Ameri
ca to undefined regions among
tho British possessions on the
north, the exhibition was vteible,
and everywhere presented mar
ly tho samo appearance. This
is no longer to be regarded as a
terrestrial but a celestial phe
nomenon, and shooting ftars
are now to bo no more viewed
as casual productions of the up
per regions of the atmosphere,
but us visitants from other
worlds, or from the planetary
voids." Prof. Olmstead.of Yale
College, a celebrated astronomer
and meteorologist.
"No philosopher or scholar
has told or recorded an event,
I supposo.iiko that of yesterday
morning. A prophet 1800 years
ugo foretold it exactly, if we will
bo at the trouble of understand
ing stars falling to mean fulling
stars ; or 'hoi usteres toil our
anou epesan eis teen geen in
the only sense in which it is
possible to be literally true."
Henry Dana Ward, in "Journal
of Commerce," Nov. H, 18-w
Wo have an account of these
tribulations and signs of Christ's
second coining given in the
goipo.8 according to Mark, 13th
chapter, and Luke, 21st chapter;
and the parallel passages with
that under consideration in
Matthew 24 :20, aro as follows :
"But in those days, after that
tribulation, tho sun shall bo
darkened, and tho moon shall
not give her light, and the stars
of heaven shall fall, and the
powers that aro in heaven shall
bo shaken." Marie lo ;ZJ,
"And there shall be signs in
the sun, and in the moon, and
in the stars; and upon the earth
distress of nations, with perplex
ity ; the sea and tho waves roar
ing ; Men's hearts failing them
for fear, und for looking after
thoso things which are coming
on tho eartli : for the powers of
heaven shall bo shaken." Luke
21 : 25, 20.
Isaiah, Ezckiel, Joel and John,
in tho Revelation, all prophesy
concerning these samo signs.
"Behold, tho day of tho Lord
cometh, cruel both with wrath
and fierce anger, to lay tho land
desolate : and ho shall destroy
the sinners thereof out of it.
For tho stars of heaven and the
constellations thereof shall not
give their light : tho sun shall
be darkened in his going forth,
and tho moon shall not cuuse
her light to shine." Isa. 13:9,
"And when I shall put theo
out, I will cover tho heaven, and
make tho stun thereof dark ; I
will cover tho sun with a cloud,
and tho moon shall not givoher
light. All tho bright lights of
heaven will I make dark over
theo, and sot darkness upon thy
land, Baith the Lord (Sod." Ezek.
"The earth shall quake before
them ; the heavens shall trem
ble : the sun and the moon shall
be dark, and the stars shall
withdraw their shining :
The sun shall be turned into
darkness, and tho moon into
blood, before the great and the
terrible day of the Lord come."
Joel 2; 10, 31.
"Tho sun and tho moon shall
bo darkened, and tho stars shall
withdraw their shining." Joel
"And I beheld when ho had
opened the sixth seal, ami, lo,
there was a great earthquake ;
and tho sun became black as
m ki h Ih f hair, mil tl e Io.'.mi
l ti I ." 1 ; Aii I I! UtlM
.... . .. .I..
iH,fori U unit l!e eiti,i
riliM a li ttte uMilit l.rtlt.
Ohlunrlv I ,, l ii !e l
tlmlm .f a inihtj him ' Ard
thelomtn ! p,iHd m A noil
ben It i nlli d t KUirr . Mttd
nrry iinniiiUin mioI !midH
moicl out of Ibnr ! ."
l;v. i ;:, i t, M.
Lult't Btri unt d rtih HK'li'
livid ll" than the other tltf pro-
rut condition of the iintionn nod
lioliii hi!. ''t'p n Ihe rutlh
ditrrM of itnU"ii,with x rple.
it v ; the mm and the i NVnrour
ing; iitfii' hemt failing thetit
for fenr, nnd for looking nftrr
thone things which ate coming
on the earth ; for the powers l
heaven hll be shaken." What
language could I titer describe
the present condition of the
tuitions und individuals com
posing them. It cannot bo de
nied that there if, at this present
time, especially among thinking
men. a feeling as though by
instinct, or call it, if you please,
the Spirit of (!od which is in
man amounting almot to a
certainty, independently of the
written word of (!od, that there
are soon "fearful things coming
on the earth," und this is what
causes that "distress of nations,
with perplexity." Tho exten
sive preparations for, and the
construction of, wur ships and
general armament of tho na
tions, is- enough to arouse tho
suspicions of thinking men that
fearful things aro about to hap
pen, in spite of the proposition
of the Czar of Russia for a con
ferenco of the nations lo enter
into an alliance of perpetual
peaco (which conference has
iuht closed, after a cession of
about two months, without ac
complishing the desired object),
especially since this suggestion
comes from the nation which i
best prepared for war, so far, at
least, es her standing army is
' Juit as soon as thcro is made
any kind of a compact or treaty
between tho nations, looking to
a permanent "peace end safety,"
then we may "know perfectly
that the day of tho Lord" is ut
hand, "for when they shall say,
peace and safety ; then sudden
destruction cometh" and the end
of tho world.
"For yourselves know perfect
ly that the day of the Lord so
cometh us a thief in tho night.
l'or when they shall say, Peace
and safety ; then sudden de
struction cometh upon them, us
travail upon a woman with
child; and they shall notes
cape." IThcs. 5:2, 3.
Now as lo the time when these
signs should occur. They were
to occur "immediately after the
tribulation of those days," What
wero those tribulations spoken
of, and when did they close?
When wo find that out, we have
the timo when these signs may
bo expected to begin to appear,
as they were to commence "im
mediately after tho tribulation
of thoso days." These tribula
tioni, undoubtedly, aro tho per
seditions of the Christians bv
tho Roman Catholic Claire!
during tho timo of its suprema
cy. As to tho time of the clurn
lion of theso persecutions, no
tico tho portion in small capitals
in tho following quotations :
"And ho shall speak groat
words against tho Mott High
and shall wear out tho saints of
the Most High, and think to
change times and laws ; au
they shall be given into his ham
DIVIDING OK TIMK." Hail. 7 ' 2"
By comparing Rev. 12:0, 14
"And tho woman fiod into the
wilderness, wherj sho hath a
place prepared of God, that they
should feed her there A tiious
SCOltK DAYS. And lo ill
woman' wero given two wings of
4 If! that b mijl ll
Ibe Mttit, Into It w e
p' t
t.n l,. iioniith. d ;
IIMk, M. 1IMM, AM. '
ititi i nut
the M lp ll
n I P.rl I t
t - g !
' And llo if Mm nvi-n null
him a looolh prating lilj
lliii'i; 4iii I li'i !nou ;
potr guru
t oiitiiiin t ti h t
mtli lu. 7
tuilo him to
A S l t i
jlt ipH'ted,
Klid f.-lliim Ihe title b
fote tated of rtikiiing V1 "i I "m (),,. ibmd of hfiiien
Indie or prophetic lime m day i ,, r and gtent glory,"
for a yrnr, we find that lhit,i,r redder, arc Von n udy to
"time and time Mud the divid- j ,-i J.i,,, wtih jy ? If not, In
ing of time" i eqiml to r.''.0;ljlf iHime of Jiu, my MnMer,
yntti, being the length of the
time during which "he Iih11
wear out Ihe stiints of tho Most
High," nnd ihe'MiuiesnndhlMM"
were to "be given into his hand."
Here I quote from "His
Glorious Appeal ing," by James1
While, pages 3! and 40, show-
ing from history the beginning
mid close of this 1200 years of
mpal supremacy :
"This period (1200 years) is
to cover tho supremacy of the
apacy. Iho beginning of it
will bo tho point of the eslab-
ishmeiit of tho power of the
apacy. This wus the year 138
I). Justinian, emperor or
tome, with his capital at Con
stantinople, espoused the ciiiim)
of the bishop of Rome ; and in
533 A. Ib issued a decree which
constituted that prelate head of
all the churches. But the Arian
Ostrogoths had possession of
tomo, and it was not until they
iad been rooted up that tho city
was accessible lo the bishop.
Thin was accomplished in f3M,
,y BeUurius, Justinian's cele
brated general. For a concise
nnd clear account of this occur
rence we it-fer the reader to the
"Two Rcmiblics." by A. 'i.
Jones, pp. 551-553.
Commcnciim tho 1200 years
A. I). 538, they reach to A. lb
70S, when Berliner, n Ircnch
general, took possession or j
tomo, 1 ho popo was maoo u
irisoner and carried with vio
nee away from Ins palace and
out of Italy. The papacy was
stripped of its civil power.
lore ended tho nays or tnbuin
lion spoken of by our Lord,
winch were shortened for the
elect's sake. Matt. 24, vorso 22:
And except those day should
im shortened, there should no
(lesh be saved ; but for tho
elect's lake those duys shall be
"The papacy was clothed with
civil power to punish heretics;
which it held for 1200 years,
nnd hud not tho period of the
tribulation of the elect in tho
providence of Hod been short
ened, the marly rdom of the
hurch would have continue! to
1708. in which event, no flesh
of the elect would have been
saved, But the Reformation
under Murtiri Luther, and those
associated with this great re.
former, modified this tribula
tion, and continued to restrain
tho ri:o und power of the papa
cy, until tho suppression ut the
Jesuits in 1773, sineo which
time, thore has been no general
persecution waged against the
Bo that wo seo the "tribula
tion of thoso days" tho 1200
years of papal persecution of
the church was "shortened for
the elect's sake" and ended in
tho your 1773, and immediately
after this, o- "in those days, that tribulation," as Murk
fit it 9t W It U Vt Hr
0t II. ! I"", 0 Utti stijltll, IT LI'AUV, f. I lb
f t!, , .it tund i f ll hi tod
,. 1Illl,l)U .n, lb Ml
. , ,, , H
M K 11 ""I" iMiO
bi h 1)41 e qvuli'd flllMitl
I flout the H I ilitijp of lb"e III .
10 Ml Hint Unit , Mil I Ihf M i
In1 only Mf I'O'te tlti the
. ' t.L . .... .,f li.n ' ,.f ll,
-""I. ' i -
.i ,!. i.i tote ti.' MppcMimg
f the "nlgti tf the H.n of loan
jinhrMirn." Vtlil), e Mte in
,,, my ,, di flbt Will's
und a His rmbusitdor, I en
treat you to gel ready, Tor
( ( ) I j I ) AT K I ) A 1 4 mIJi'i mi'i'
Its Easy Writing
If Its a Kill lit nsdcrfi-r No. 9,
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More "nikki" In uw among lnwa and NV
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11,14 keys, ut i Ctirrter and letters;
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(,o l-s and M.iiiilolih perfectly, it carl on
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Only ona prde 1 11.00 11H, On ten days ap
proval to any rr.onslWd man In Iowa or Nebraska.
Harotr & liLISII,
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rvraivTHiNo in muio
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Ma ami anl4, ll la Iiii4"iia Irnnk, ll worth a plant In an lllirarf , a4 ur lllwral t,tlt .laa
It wllbln Ilia rali A ill, W will n4 "HaBiantlia al aal"ga" if mall jtHl4 ub rl4 C
1 in Oula, v
2111,95 A
ffrm M.1 hmIih fubhtff. iift .rt fil'' !. ..., hel f'lll l,M rfflni.. M mrth rn,ii. .i,i. 1.1
ttl M.-.MMl. 1.1,,-IH. l.l'l'l'l O'lt.l.l-.l 1 1. Ill l,..l MJ'llr M l rt'.wii 1 11 HI llll'll, lM, !- 1 1,.,) ,-Ulf NH, II
Imm 1,1 imniiu ilul. ritltnil flak", in,.
Oftuia Tonav
m iaaM Mittaar a'laiM ulmiii TMima NHi,T att.aa. it-an. a-iK a i.
f IkrNNffcl, ..IUl'1 Mllf,
tAi ai0t.i K raiiu
Rv- F. M. Eatarbrook. Treuaurer of the Nelriuka. W.-ran
Uolyoralljr at Uulvuralt I'Iik-a, Huhr,, wrlt on April 20, 1W8:- "I
have txicn trotihlnd for aom timo with tickling In tho throat which
dfuin (rreatly Ann7'd mi. Alu;r taking Hr, Kay 'a I.iioif Ilulm I
fimnii ruliof. I found ymir Dr. Kay't Kidnycura helped my
kidney trouble which ho l -n troubling me for a numlHT of yearn.
Mra, t'.atertirwk had Ih-oo aulijndt U nij,'h for mmt of tho winter,
ml alao lnaoninln. AfU;r taking only ono tiox of your
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
ulifl wfta almoat entirely r-ll"vel
nitt'lo her aloep bt-tU r. Wo find
Tf druriflaladnnotliaTothem tak
(inI. Writn it m fur trmm ml vie
i'ir I.iitiif Ilulm an4 $1.00 fur Klilni
ii I ii (i in n noon, rren. w aoiHl M
Jty a iCbiiovHigr,
AVulitm Oik II. J.
li'iif ! it.
ksf m . h'4M"
t i t'e t ''
la f If
f ft 1 1 I - ft M I
It It '4 tl
ft,.l lMflHi
T m ' . M l-4i i W M M
i m ft,4 l 4 'MfMi''w"
ft I- ft hmn9.
--. .IM fcf ftn t l ' M
ft,, .4 U I f II -4 4 HW Hi')
ft 1 1 t- li-l ll Nt - 14
K lnn n - lftH ,Mt HI ..- ft( ft
.i . ft. vtll - f
I I t I'l tt HI I HIS l ll.r 1ran-MI
lias Ken ndJcJ to the wall
known lloapc
Wit It htool MiiJ Hcarf.
U'rlla l'or Pttrtlcnlio-. '
. .
fry.. 1 W i'-
0k , f ll . B.
$35 J
I. , t ii alt ,1a tii.lim !Jl!!,1mmmmmmmmZmZZm&
IliU i Itli.riit uli 111 fti'rtl (K.puliir liiimirMin Ikm.Ii tit nuA
rn IIimw, ll m irrliU'ii t.r MrlrtU IMIvj (' Jmhh allr
Wlfn"), mi'l Iim lnwti lli Html ldlf n-l ami unlfrMllf k..
larbfall iff fmi, "Haiimiillia al Mrli!a" dmrllM
lli 'lpiliin of hamaiillia an4 J'oluii All' n rijv.n a Ui tuf
iK, an will a I'i Uk ln'iry, Mount M.n.f a4 MUr
ila, ll llki-inw rlifiKilcli umiu amiilii( rt n'. Ilml iumttiA
al JuiiM.llln, Hi U'inm ut Id Allfna. It l tfriniftilt iif ll(r t
mfk., itrxll ,lill'i.lif an'l lii'll' rmia i1 rl.ll'nn, vlilrn In Ida
aiflli''f'n lt vi'ln, ami IU l nij,yti) If mtf l'.-r ut Ilia
hiiiiiorima, hint mi lliliii.i. r ara UMumf " Ardi-lla Tult
aii't Kr M"Hi'f," " Tl' Vrjir i.f lli J..i.i.vlllln," " Anli lla
aii't Alif Oi," "WuA trhfi al erali," ' JiuMi ah 4 l-amahil.a
1a lm Walk," Jwlah'a fllrlalli.iia," " MImO. Walilnl'in
l laniin,"" Vlull I, llir Iii'IIhii I inin nii-nl," "A iTltflzfiiriii'a
lain-," " tUtiK,ine nmt M'lUhl Militfkrnt," " M a I Amu Vtrlf,"
'' 'I li 4n ll Mi' MwlliiK," "An 4i-Wit allli llwulK," U.,
tii . Muttf lliiu.iiilf Dm- Milnu rliillnii nllll"ii ut Oil. l,k haa
limn hM al U "i h, Hi HHIi'ii Dial utti-r umlnint all Iha
Uilurilirorlytiial, anit II ! .uMIIik1 In a humlwiffi I'm', 111U
Din nttfl W, fll firliilH ttum Urn ljm mi pnA (r, -ln-IIUIiut
Willi t humrim lllu.lrallxna lr "I'lT, manf uf Hu m
full iar, aii't liraulifiillr IvKimt In nlli-flnltliH 'l"ili, iiiid in
0lrtf IH'ift MOntL
With II Ml ,! tvai
tf i f 1 rai'riMiaTtc n t
iMii II ail fi.uretf M
tf-tUi worfel
l.ii a ilk fcit faia tt.fuMi
IhK fit'4m h4-f,U (,t
tin -,M- Mil .
m.tfil .i..r.ii 1
t-f r !" m
ftlol i,ii a.. fU'tr. '
IA inkt lt,l hi 4 M' H
lt, III 4I'I! I i-'i "
I, 1 itr f l-i. N n,'trt
l.ili.r I,. m.n.i.l'l wiHi all !,,l. ar..t r.,.r ..MH
of her couh ami aha ftlo fmml It
your reriu'H work like a charm. tj
no aubtltt for thr h no
ami Dr. Ky Iloirin TrHtinfiil
rmriim tiy tniill, lUrt n'l uni t.
- ycurt unit Sftrta. Bin! Kl OO for lit.
I.aV Wiii 1 1,1 ;., ilMMiA, Mil.