THE AMERICAN. Till: AN KMC AN e S0 .rr.l HUI, JoHt C 1 tl. Vl-w V . i . tun !'', i ., f loM tt Ma. 1 t O .. l, M flawa la IS 1M Mv S f . a a,K wtt fc a,.Ht t S l t ' A W -.'l rftaaa Miaw Ae a ii ' tMtM Mwaa I norf V'Wt ' fall tt It MM All K MtMtlW US HW4 M fcWMSWM )H'l4 JOHN C. THOMPSON, 4iHli i4 tr4 A miii'. - - - t'HIKMtt A8 8TU0NU AS FOKSI. Th Kn Framrlaro Call, from tilt h clip an fxtrn.l.'il account of a niar rlaitf of Prtrst Cilorl to MIm Collin shows Ita aiitmrrvlcnry to Itom In the hpadlDR which tt puts over tha article. It rea.U; "ilia IVIeatly Career Clowe In PUhonor." We would like to know how. Was It because he gave Mlna Colllna her proper standing In-fore the world whn he ubilcly acknowledged her as his wife? VVaa It because ha gave to hla aon a name? Waa it becautte he obeyed the law of the land In prefer ence to the law of the pope? Waa H because he obeyed the pleading of hla heart and the pleading of her heart and entered In the holy state which God prepared for man; aud which the popea deny to men who swear to aerve them while they live? Or, waa It be cause ho scorned to live a lie; dared be a man? Uerauie he broke the fet tera of the beaut of Home; would walk uprightly in the world before hla (lod? If not then, If not there, then wherein did hla ministry end In dis honor? Ah, no! It did not end na charged; but In a blare of glory. And, while hla church will claim he la hot wed, Clod knowa he Is. And while hla church will strive to Btarve htm tyck Into the fold. He will provide. So let ua watch and ace If love and want will have the victory over love of eaae and opulence; for there It la the teat will be. And Rome will aee there la no lack of rigor In tho teat. The faithful will not dare to apeak to him; they will not dare to give him bread to eat; and If he foea to work will ahun him and hla boa aa they would ahun the vllcut plague. That la Itome'a law. Now ace It work, and aee him be a man, or aee him like a craven crawl and creep back to her arma, and find In her fake Loaom lent respite from life that'a worae than death. And yet a man who dates and doea finda frlcnda aa strong aa foea, and this may be the caae with Gloria. He may, no doubt la, worthy of the aid and frlendHhlp of the staunchput foea of Home, and they should see that she doea not through want and penury part him from her he lovea. TWO IN ONE. Our readers will notice that we have made thla a double number In order to catch up with tha tlmea. and have dated It Auguat 4th and lUh. It la the first time thla baa happened in thla office and with the help of the Lord it will be the last time wa .hall double up. but it la the only way we can aee to catch up. 1 ROME'S RKVENGK. From a Romanist paper (Catholic Columbian) we take the following- - "The Colorado Catholic recalla the part which Allen W. Thurman took In defeating Richard Parka Bland for the presidential nomination in 1890. Mr. Thurman took the position that it waa Impolitic to nominate aa the party standard-bearer a man who had a Catholic wife. 'Policy' Is a ghost that will haunt Allen In hla Quest for the vice-presidency." And the Ohio State Journal has this to aay: ' Allen W. Thurman'a boom tor the vice-presidency has struck a snag, und this time it Is not a silver kick or a McLean dab. The Colorado Catholic brings up to recollection the part played by Mr. Thurman in defeatlns the late Congressman Bland for the Democratic nomination for president at .( v-n t 1 Hal h!'!i ).!. ' p, Mli n liimtfw itnln l It tr f tt 1 '-or t tttti. tt ! II W II h' rt t!..ilUt S tl !H mitllr titftiHH !wnp fct if a iw-ii' . 1tn i ei a-i.tit' tN-liii'Ua t4 Ihu In p. aklni .f trie artlil" t tu i.ti riiii"tt r. '!. lvi. f U a tfcat Mtit Atl In Ma cm. t tie . t-twl.i-Hf ) T l"ih-li plM t It f. itn" i-nih War4 ut-maB " N!r If ThMrmatt a pnltiiii atrd by 'jhiIiij" U-e, lit Cltiia ha ( sympathy fr him; but If it waa a niattrr f tti(l le we aa), "All honor to htm!" and urge patriotic peo ple to Mm. ML filllKLLS CASH. Thla dlH-ath conies to the Ilootim Herald from the great Kpworlh league convention nl IndlanapilU, lnd.: "The controversy over the retention of royalties from song-booka by Edwin A. Scht'll, of Chicago, waa aettled to day In the meeting of the board of con trol of the Epworth league. A reso lution waa drafted and adopted by the convention today which. In substance, saya that the board, having considered the documents submitted to It finds that Mr. Schell, general secretary of the Epworth League, committed a se rious official wrong, but, owing to his assurance that he had no wrong Inten tion, and hla promise that he would avoid further offence, tho. board deemed It Inadvisable to proceed fur ther In tho caae. Seven members or the board voted against dropping the Invctftlgatlou and asked that their names bo recorded." Thla is the Dr. Schell who endorsed Pi-lent Hcldmunn for Congress. He writes to The Cltlten that though he endorsed the prleat, he did not pledge the support of tho League. A dally pnper dispatch Btild he had pledged such support. American Cltl-en. COWARDLY ROMAN BISHOPS. Archbishop Ireland will crow very loudly when he returns from Europe this month; but whllo ho la strutting around the politicians and reportera It should be remembered hat ho wna very humble and even cowardly In hla attitude to tho Pope In Rome lost spring. Ho prostrated himself before him and aald he did not mean any thing In particular by hla attempts to "Americanize" tho Roman Church. Had he done otherwise the same dis aster awaited him that befell tho lato Bishop Gllmour of Cleveland, Ohio, who, when some of his prlcBta BP' pealed to Rome against him, wrote a letter to Archbishop Elder of Cincin nati In which he said: "I haven't a partlclo of confidence In Rome's consistency, either In law or In Interpretation. Thla may bo se vere, but It is tho result of a very wldo observation. I am further convinced Rome la In the handa of tho religious, and tho disintegrated and Isolated ac tion of Individual bishops can effect nothing. Bishops are treated like sophmores, and lawa are only made to bo explained away by underlings. One thing la certain: I have written little to Rome, and I will write less. I will do my duty and go up or down, as the rase may be, with my ship. Inek of unity among the bishops la tho cause of the weakness. I thank you most sincerely for what you have written In ro Qulgeley and Prlmeau. I hate to write the first word on the matter to Rome, but In time I will write, and when I write I will be read. After all Rome must learn there la somebody, else to be consulted than Qulgeley, and that a bishop is not a child nor a poodle. I know what I am about as well aa Rome; also aa earnest for the weal of religion and aa loyal to the Church as Rome. If Rome choosea not to consult with me, I will consult myself; but Rome will quit kicking me further as ahe has lately done. Par don the above; It got out of my pen as I run, and I send It that you may see the state of my mind. R R. GILMOril, "Eishop'of Cleveland." This letter was kept secret until Us tbiil. ! ! !!. Ii ,4 , ,4 IM ikl J, t fx l wa hum !!., i, .,t f . Aty l If f ( m 11 l 1 1 I lil I tt)l IMoUt, l !- Ik. I .:i.t ! thr rl ..!! K i M fx. ii m ii ... i.-..,i tiits i..h..i '!" la f.r , lrft t r. at Xht lath r Mit I'mI.'uIi. 4 tn i t a.ul nn. iKe 1. nUM l .ih.-lii t tiUrfw, tha t.tloWit- i4 to ,r I'Ml'llr." ll ifc Vih.lii" Ki!l- pwl.!i,r4 a f f a ptHale and r it.l.Mtut l.n.r ttiha l-v m t. th (.f rin. lnpi atol ty aa on-rsifht r4 In the CiM .f limn Plfaa. Toledo, Ohio. "The court U itocrapher. Jktma : Kmrry, pieced hta word that no tin would ver get a mpy of aald Inter from hla notea, and the rmt foibade Ha use In the suit lx fore I lie court. To prevent aa much aa inmsible the evil Intended by the publication of thla letter through the malice of Joseph J. Greevea and hla c-lltio of clerical coun selors and barkers, I hereby and by these presents withdraw every word In aald letter of apparent disrespect to Rome and every word that could be construed aa a doubt of Rome. "The above la proprlo motu. "RICHARD GILMOl'R, "Bishop of Cleveland. "Cleveland, Oct. 1, 1890." Notwithstanding this abject apology and aubmlssion to Rome, Bishop Gil mour waa quietly suspended and or dered to take a long vacation. He died a few months later. By "religious" be meant tho Jesuits. Archbishop Ire land does not covet such a fate. Con verted Catholic. nlll :. NH UK All. M n l. V, .; la fl - !. f I l M ! ( I - a ttf K-aJI ft "-' nl.-i la ..-a .l.Vt. I e . ! SM. Ilt It j i '! 1 K .Jlf a1 ! f!. I. .rt iH fl Wn.r.U Irt t--itiir l'Bilf 1'i't, l' at-le'. i i, .f I--.H tt All krt re fuae awl isll aflrf llal day f t-tniiwil a!i-4 ffrni H e lll-!ie eatih. All l-f a. I ai i-iai-U at la' fb V'a htnh. lake pt1 la ie-lihK .f l-aitahlniif-ta, i-onlillml fcnan. u)y r lr ntnm to aid In the r. Wltion. or In any oilier wisnnrr tlrniif themwhes with tht imposition, to i:plaoopal an thiMlty nme nrdcr the ln. Kicim niHhtratlon In thia ae will rut tiff Too I'aiholl.a frtim the rhurrh, They will not be allowed to attend rhurvh kcrvlces. evrn on Sunday, and will be denied the sacraments, marriage and death ceremonies and other rltea of the church. SEKO US ONE DOLLAR ZSSZttrtXZS a tltm fttira)fsl ttkMsKUm liL i 4Wi Im.M i-rfi lr mi it 4 ! pttA Mr.. nil you tit taw it hnnl ttio HI 1I.HT xi m . a - i-a ii' ii f wTitrr roK orn no rnEB. llher-W STOVE CATALOGUE. ill p n fit (HI aW i4-,fivM, tiin4.'it mauie from -t pint Inm, vitro, tut eo flrrn, twnry nTr, tiiy lliilnr nl frisi, Jnnrnovcn plutlf, fiwivy tin Ihutl otn d.wtr, lndwm titfki't plrktc onuuMrntftttoim nj fitimiltiir, elr iftrviliTp,irinuinaMMMlUiipajmUlBiltairl mrUr, band .nine Ur rt tirnitnitWttNl imm. Ih4 hmft m1( Odd an fnrtil h t'Klili nn oxirn wootl nif, mnklntr It a mt- liM'taoMltiraaf. l 1SHI K A ItlMMMM.t AlUMKK Vlttl rry piovn anfl pfiitninttw nfo itfttvt-ry ti your rall ri'kuiptfitiDa, Your i)t-lr wtmlil rliarv )"" PiV Cur srurti a Ftovi, the fmtiflit In only tmut llDu lor n-h irfHtmllM aa wa aavr tmm mi laa fllO.fHI. A'din'SiP. I SEARS, ROEBUCK &. CO.ilNOCHiaCO.ILL Mn, Uarktuk la, ntkMastklr rUM.-HIMr.) J BIRD. pl.QK BUYS U3.50 SUIT .WW I IMI "kill. M.ui 4hl Im. I.ialar . "f rim saiu i.iw ai.oa. t k m 11 am for any of lln ultS Kin. h dim't rl' U"'",""'T Send Wo Money. Jt.'S lal ay Vrtirthrr larifl of amnll fur aun. and will at-ndynu tha aiilt typiprf.Mi, (-, aultj.-rt tu txamln lion. Yniican viamliii It at yrnir aiiirfat olNc and If fmiiid -rfti-lly aallfa tiry and kuI to auiu au.ul In ynur town fof aa. to. if vnnr vnr-a aircnt aar aiiaclal TIIKHH KNKE PAflT SUITS ara n to It ti-anaf aia, aadarnull4 aitrjaa.ra at H.M, Baa alia doulil anal an.l kiiKa, l.u.l lattttiiyla aa llluatralail, niaila from ft aiMM-lal wra.l.llaa, b.aiv w4ffbl. AMrWlHIL llaba.ll aaa.lairra, liaat, liaiiil.oina pat bril, jln toritm llnllil, (larlaa imtvlil lnlrllnliiK, fad dln,tarllin and n-lnron-liiK, allk arid llni n lallar-aiaaa laraacaaal, a ..III ai lloy or liari-nt would na limild of. IIS KIK rHVt II atSt-LKS af .' Cl.lbla) (una. oTrnviatu or ullrl, for Inira 4 TO 10 IktMH, rila far Kaaala Saat . BIIC, onntalna faahlon p la tea, taiia nipa.uniand full Inall-untloiia liow to onlrr. B.a'a Hull, aaa II. laaaa W art.r fraa t.0Q aa. M.aui . ""--. A rMieaOO . IL L. Snmplml wnt frrw nn aiiullrallun. aart, wVltSiSSSi Sim, ROEBUCK CO. One.). Chlcano. III. flam, loata. U. art IkanwUt rartl-I4MM. $2.76 BQX-BAULPOA a Ka'ii ua at no waiaai-iuMif BttailTIMH rim S2.78. SandWoalonoy. .riit uats3 your hthi m4 vlkt. atal number of Inch around tHHly Wai Ukn onr t undi-r lfns up undr ftmia, and wt will Mud ..u th la ootu lit iurtu. C U. ana ity icon at your nart as prtiiw nfflca and If fitdnd rtl at a MntWMnttMl and Itta moil won dorful valuayoa r m orhaard of and auurl to any coat yon can hur fnrl&.iMi, pif IkiiiBrstiUHl aartpwlil Vrri t. lit and rirf rharirfa, THIS MACKIMTOBM ! I m Mlar, tMaiMOaltrrt(14aiaitra loMfr, broaatd. Hatrr velvM CNillar, fanry flld Mnlnt, watarpmuf Ibw(m1. atrapped and mrnid wuni, ...a.ia .. luilli nl as spaiartail. aiiirf g- if miarantaad iwinI ! war off rr-4 IJl "by ua tr any otli-r hUr-a. rrrra Jt . (-tk w.a.ailai i,t Matn'a Itac klntftahtia ua .nrl 0TmaU l fnm W tmw. wriw iwr vra Uoh i. tH a'ln U' . - . 1 ci Am u m aaa V 1 .twaJLaanta TheMacliinethatTalksTalk IK.i. ri, .11 VXW-TVjrr.T- The Gem i $ 5 ut mit. Cut (hit ad. out and tend it to tit with li.oo aid wc will iimd you om of tho IH W Item lrih(it)hon hy fcxprcM, C O. I), iuhietl tu cJiamnution, You crt tmint it at your Krr uHice and it fmind enactly aa reprcMrxerl, anurrly ;itil.iciury in avery way. and the cqiml In value in any nmt hint old at 10 and $2, pay our agent Our .SrtrcUl Offer Prlca, $5 00. and aprc chared, r tlt $1 acm with order, ror hume aniumt?iit thit Kino- of Merry-Makers iir Wind-, tin lika a clock. I'Ijvh all lha rltcrt ut Saiua'i and Gllmcite'a tlanda! HiHilaa; TclU runny Storm- will repaul your own voices, your fneiiU a ynl:, aonga linif inlo ll.:nria told lo it. You ran make vnnr rrroula ea.ilv and rrnrooiu'a ihrm y -v 1 ' d-lr"l' Prlt fa. DO inc'lidn Inpravcil (iiah'ipiinlir, on fj!t21jL tuira loud aliinmiuin KrprwIiK tr. our Hl-inch horn, on Ileal lug Tub. Jct Lhl lliiar billon Krcurd (muaical or talking) f.'i a doicn, i'k aath, CilOl Country akri lll flml a verliaMe (M mint In our Iwo wt lot Mnrhlnca maihinca, 'I ha "lilcal" tiraihoplimie $jo and mondrrlul "Kay" "'"'""" Mnlncor nf moving picture machlrw; Si,otKramaulnrnilic ally, rrqulrn na alleiillon whatever, mi lie pUcrd on lop of how caae or counter. Mm hinca pay lor Ihrnv arlm in two wek. 'I ha kiwt"ero dotn lor ilia r yt hl tl (innhophone dora (or llic ear. Oh- P f iri'la at.t ami move a. If alive. KeprixliKea In miniaiure ihe aame mhicc n llir laice humlrtd dollar Movinj Hiclura Mathinea. Tin parlor "Kay" Moving Pkiure Machine, ihrrcrvlta with each machine. Sn.d ua $ I und we will ernd vuu eiiher machine by Kpre C. U. V , ml.Jcct lo enamlnailon. Il (mini) emcily a repretented and entirely tniltfaciory in every way, pay the ant our price. Im the f win with order Lomplne new llhutralcd Klneioacope, (jrophophonc ami KecordCaiiki(iie, containing lull deacrip lion of Urge enhihition ihuw oullilt, ranging from IU tu jl'ill, tent Irec on rripunl. Harger& lilisli, Western Selling Agt. 904-910 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa 'a1B""tj'aM Here's a Book Bargain! Five o! the Best Stories Ever Written. y MS We Rivo vou thess just to make- yon hunfrry for other fJf fti' K00 tninRS. Thcao luKiks in cloth binding sell for m y'ii t,ft rom t" 00 to $1.50 per copy. In paper cover 'A! ' JO At. thev huvB nevur Imen ollured at 1i-hi tlmn aa they have never been otforcd at less than 2$ f.'hlm cents a copy. 'rhey are you t 10 cents per copy. 3 (fl, copies for 25 cent. Ihe whole five books ity, for 40 cents, postpaid. They would be ' 1,. r .1 ii . uurK'tin hi nve mr a umiar. . il . UNCLE TOM'S CABINt or, l.lfr A m sir r: jj. mT-.p,rjr ay f i jtiinouirn it w wriu.-n ovr roriy ynnra nun 1110 i-inuta-yaK v,-iT,J-f Ji 1 1 ic'iii-i-mlnn l now n-iulnm "l'm-l Tunra midn" with J-r , Jf L T-,. L l r lh aniiin kwii -niivnn.iit, thill tln-lr ifimidfiilhi-ra nd . 1 XJLIVt SiasV IS H gniiiiliiiiitlii-nt rxiH-rli'iii-ed. fur It la k lioik Hint will r r .'AlXk. I fiH linvnr prow old, wd ntlmr Ri-nrrullona will Inuith f ZmSSL"J- I 4 nvi-r Tnmf and i -y over fcva mid I' m l" Tom. II la W.I IT fts:-2S'.., nrlnU-d i t . UNCLE TOM'S CABIN 1 nr. Mfc Among fhn R 1 Ifu IlllllIP'f III. lt'tlVU fi'l'iill-tf u.. nil... Ainrrli'nii novnl nvi-r m hlovi-d nm-h jfiptilnrlty, snd n c!ir. ri-ailnliln tnt. on irund nniaT. com plex, uiirhniiifiil and uiuturlilgod, and coiiUtlua UoAi-iy 21RI Inrirt-tmiff-a, QUEEN MAS. Tv nTX.r-M.V WF.STALT.. A tu nf htti't mid ili'm'ifre on iind attd frVii. "Ouorn Mnb" la without dimlit llix lml of thla imib- nUr suMior't work. It la na atjtriltitK-. ronlUtlc und fn'lnHtllitr na the worke (if Jlllfa Vi-rne or II. Killer tliunrunl. e,nd dmla Willi tha wondrfill ftdvpritiiroe, 7 if yiHins F.riKllMlinian on a myitcr to the truptca. rinrrr alnow thi dnyaof Knlilnaon Otio have anca alranirn and atartllna- Advciitiitf.a iMi-n rucurtled. yet all w. Jils tha brninitanf pnaarMIII. Tl mntAlnanrerUOpagpa, prluml from new plan. A BRIDE PROM THE BUSH. Hi K. W. HnHSt XO. A Tulof ArutmlUtn U'r. Thlaatry haa won for lie gHxni author a lutnie and rnmenvertwoointliirnta. Them la no liu k nf thrllllnc dra matic alttiattona thnnuthmit thn hook. The wholnat.iry hna life and motion. paihttc and hiitu-roiie Ituatiima follow ewh other In rapid autwealoii, WIUi a happy Slid nallafactury tiut unlouked (oreudr Ing. Il la a faaclnatlns book t rum cover tu cover. TICKET NO. ieS47. T1 F.rSl.m ADAM, rniufmfrd. TWla a romantlrtnle of the wonderful adveiiturea of a youna: American In Mextitt. How he made a.'iMM In three yeara, and won the hand of the fair rarmHIta, by the aid, of ticket 1MM7, la aatnuige atury of BAnUhlp and good luck,ajiduja.kea lutemalliic mailing. FOR THE DEFENSE, "y t. FAlMltnW. Thla la one of tha beet snfl moat Interesting worVa of thia famoua author. It la a detective and love Ury, with a deep mystery cleverly uuraveled by Skillful work. It la of thrilling Inlereat from beginning loend. at) paces of clear type. rN0TE THE PRICE One book, 10 cents j Three books, 25 cents f Ail Five books, 40 cents, postpaid. a TEIEA.MERICAN. iniu'l 1 abac. bpit ea Mauaa luar I.ITe Ina;. To quit tobacco eually find forever, be sing netic, lull of, nerve and tlsor, take No T Bac, Hie wnndor worker, that makei weak men atrorg. All drmdris, 5"c or II. Cure cuanirf tcrd Hool-.n ud sample) free. Address Hterllrui Ko , ilo. Chlcseo sr New V;rfc THE PRIEST. THE WOMAN AND THE CONFESSIONAL," by Her. Chas. Chlnlquy; cloth, (1.00. for SiiOIAN TERR! iORY &tmfiBL THE CHEROKEE STRIP JfiS OKLAHOMA, FT.SWITH LITTLE ROCK and HOTSPRjNGS, ARK Ticket Office, I. Ii. Corner 13th noi Fa mm SU liiillllilillilii 1 . I nl IF YOU GO TO California, Ijile in June or rar)y in Juljr, you run luy n roiiin trip ticket from Omaha to Ios Anglos for $52. Only a little more from point in Iowa nn.l South lakotA. Ion't male a mistake and go any othe 1 way than through Ienvrr annJ Salt Lake City. That is tho route nearly 20,(MK) Chris tian KmloavoriTS selected twe years ngo. Iirinii the niirt f-U-vatiM tif all Ihe fllrtft lini-a to tlio iMial, It U rKilt't ami f iwt from duit. IVm-l rat inn t very "lli'iirt of tlie l!rki's" it mir iiirMs all others In ln-auty ami seen ry. Informal in ami California liter ature on reiniest.' J, FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent Omaha, Neu. The Mountain Top Is Cooler Than the Plain. Popular Medical,- Science A 'Sensible Book for Curious Pcople-A Useful Book for Everyoni BT NEW TOItK'S HOST CLIEBIUUD lIEDIfAL AITII0H 1SD SPECIALIST, DR. E. B. FOOIE. 0b CounsE You Want to Know V-'alAT EVEHYBODY OuaiTT TO KN0V. Tns Youui how to cliorwo tho best eno to marry t The Marrikd liow to ho happy in marring; Tuts Fond Parent how to ikivo prizo babiea; Tine MoTitEit how to liavo thetn without pnin; TiiEUmuiLEss how to bo fruitful ond multiply; The Ct niors liow they "crowed" anil ennio to be; The Healthy how to enjoy lifo and keep well; The 1 valid how to pot well again Bpwdily The Imhh'Dent how to regain wanted energy. All who want knowledgo that is of mont worth Find it in hr. Foote's "l'lain Homo Talk," 1,000 pngcfl, 200 cuts, 80 col. phiteH; 200 recipe mlm ALL CLAKffEflt A IlOOIt I on THE MASKESt REALLY FOUR CREAT SCOK.3 IN ONE LARGE VOLUME. ART I. DISEASES AND THEIR CAUSES, PREVENTION AND CURE. fART II.-CHRONIC DISEASES OF ALL SORTS, AND ALL PARTS, INCLUDING "PRIVATE" FOR BOTH 8EXQ ART III. PLAIN TALK ABOUT C0NIUGAL RELATIONS, ERRORS, REFORMS: MARRIAGE IN ALL COUNTRIES. ART IV.-IMPROVEMENT OF MARRIAGE) A GUIDE FOB THE MARRIED AND AU WHO HOPE EVER TO 81. Contain! evor 200 prescriptions for relief lnd cure ef acuta and chronic diioroVi common to adults and childrcni compldo IjIIo of antidotes to polionii IlkiitratM factions for roousciuting tha drownodi hygienic rules for tha cars af Infants fJH T K TT) TnT S ' t"" rlclitiHi of this Imiilc ami Ihfl snllafnotlnn It clf tothougUui, llU 1 Ilia lUi-ii eamtstsiiU lenev imiulitlitt proile cau bo (iruiwrly sisU-dbcrs. X0 rZaATSS. 30 CXXROXrlOS. 900 XLLTJ8T1TATI0NS. tht A i nslnmir of Man and of Womani Ths Orliiln rf I.lfri Man from she Ksst lllaraara of (b bih, irjrrrii r.raniiiinn i iirrri r.irinni i iiinr t'laira tiiai ana rijTini urssusi ..t. .iiiiairaiwiiB m ririni riMiniri,l I II ir tolurlupra by ( olor I'liulograpliy, In llio i olor APPENDIX lora, e Are You Well ? IOD nEAI-TII if S TKT iHinn ton Ki ix'nilly ulltfliU'il, Tlmaii fiiriiiiinii ljr lima in (juwril 'ruin hirili am mt tu x rci'Uli'x ' Hi' lr iK'hi wn. Il l a 1'iu.y lo lout or illwl. iiiiIk II Dial lucky ffll'.wa arn lucky liiili'i tl If il" r liiivn Iwiulu' riKMiMll ! It'dl'll h'w til Itminliiln II. 'I lil. all inn An r rimlltiM "l'lain llnme Talk" i ttti cnHN''fl ir ilia. cuM'.'rnira In dlit, parwliia, in'aalrn tn"iil railiiu, la ami FuftVa ilrlnl Im:, ilia u ami alni.0 ot slrnlmllra, tha Ul lialiiu of tlillilri u, thft iiriTnlnum of rrrura nf So ,tn tho nridnrinlii tl"r of manhood - a rliaptrf i ran'l I rran ant hMiM t'i 'wrly. Then llii rn iff ' , .prna lrra of aditlla, II"' tui-ai co halilt hi tnin. tlvtii lai'lns In woineu, pic, rte., ami III" all- KcjwitIuI (niatoiiia of aurli-iy wlirrphy many of llm eat of Ixitli acini ara ilnomiMl to "anrlnl alnra. lion." Thla chaplnr ahowa why IIioukIiii.'.h yoimii folka fo aalrar, hoar iroailinllin tiaa wrrntno brrva. nt, hy II will not down, liow lia lianr fnl illm aai a ara rnnvpyml to Ilia "Innocent"-moat tarllluv anu Important taiila to know. Tha rvanlu of a hi ad ehaaa for wraith, nf orrr. work, ovnr aturlT, fallurmi In IhiIiim, tha fai t that hualld la tha haala of w, allh -not ro a , rwi-oii1 Urn oawa and rltwu of horrlhlo mrlanrlmly llirm are all uiaitcra It would Im well Ut you tu think oi ur. Are You III? TTf KN Ton Bre IrnlfM ft rnrc mnn !f ymi urn nut hiniotm to letirn uw It cnino itbnui, wtmt'i the irmiicr ami wIihi'b to l"ii o. Vhniirr tt- tt only a 'Iii," n chrntilo friiBrrh, or BfniitMiiluif uuttn wrl'MMi tlmt lirw "NftHi'il on I in Iiiiikn iii itfiw'tin m or m JZPrr4Mtf CfUiiiintilMii, the H'wrn'T yn nml 1M-- Ollt llOW WTlflllll .i, nml WllllI lo k K M' 'i "r V'-'Tf if din iM tcr, Ifyou JVf I 'liA piunr It'iirti "h'tw tu llvo wltlioni 'yA'V J'iwc" Hi rurlkr lift tliU R 1 WiiiJii ktiuwMKiillitfliinfffry'lHHillllvM, iftV -U.V1 ir. limy imj your port Ifii Imi vdiIc t la In tlio 11 vit, oiim-ti or Thun vol rnu lmiku no fnlnliLkn In li'tinilncr llin lic.l. Siftnofle of rr-iriilatlnK tlnao vital fiinc.l'.n". If you ra full of arhra, iinlna, ni nrnUIn or rhriinin. Ham, It wlnau'iily puv lo looic up lno Miyloalml.o thrill olT. Knrvly yon can't want tu ui'iiloa tli li.ll loita avmptoma of llrlahl'a dlaaai( or other lf Iructlvp HliHaaa of tho "irnlto-iirinitrv oriraha'srid fon lirttor Iwoina pouted on aui-ti thinr aa JoDorrhipa.atrlrtiiriand woraa formaof rontniilniia laeaara "by the hook" than by uperlrn. '1 lis miri.-il will read with aridity all alnoit linpotrni y, barrr-nripaa, dl-aa(e of wotni-n, iirrvoita dlaoaara, fiatTala, paralyala, akin dlaraaca, acrof uia, t'te. Vet, frartktu, on book rover "all tho Ilia Unit Oiwh la heir to," and thi'rofora to eiuurt tttlnftctitiit Or. Vwaff nutKoriut Ui nnHonncemtnt that utitl pur oaflarr of "P. H. T." w futtt to Jlntttn tt vlrnt ht Kmtt man enntult klmin nuraaa or by I'ttrr, withnul oaarpe, and Uie Uuulrj will bs answered to the boat f bis sliUltl. . Aro You Engagod? nnpms V) P" as jret, I'liOH, Well, don't hurry! snd maka no mlMiikn. It la an n.y io get In and dllllllllt Hi iii't out, that It Is wrll worib While to "ho aura om to r lull t hclora Vuo ? ahend." Ihere It hi l ook so fii liliil It eiialilhiK you to aeieet wlaily aa "I'lals llonm Talk' You ran Irarn eorfiattittig from other' uiiatnkiA Thn lllatorr of War riiifcn of all klnda, In iii oiiiiiriia.uia run nnartprrlmrnH some tmtlnne have inailr, amians and iiiodifii, haruaroua ami clvlll'i'd, help ua to know what nor. to do. Tha art nnl Immorality srowlna out of unauirMd nature and marrliwn tlirbMory of proai It iillou, na nremlriiee. alliireim nla, dnmrura, reoiilia, ilnn iToria or reilitlone end aaerMi lain loanl duo and control thn dotnliiaiit aMliinall theai? atil'U Ira arn fnillfnl In Indicating plilalla In avolit, (is tho other Imml I'lmptiTa on adaption In inaitliutn Phyalral, meuml and InaKiietlr on rarly inorrlayea, luierumrrlitio1, i'lopeuienia, rte., rtn., aid the reader to Innkn a cnoit pintoli, aeieet hnpplly for lioini. and off. aprlnir, tu avoid "l.uelfer Mnieliea,'' and Uisatape the rat Hup and lottery kluili of umrrlago. Are You Married? TIlFttr are rh. aelM tt to cm li oilier, Hud; M 'ait .1 .j v. 'VfV.;At.l tfi'iki' thrninnd one an yWiViVI TfV firohl to read aliilt ipMl-ri m-ninln "Hum ii..!,,.. T.ik" r K '" t'iw tL '.rw svi uniM uln .nf in It il dltlpy rilu.U, inter , il..5"n''','.jy ai iriiMi'N. ,n Hi. i i a,"lhelhlliirlii on lienlth and till nf pnrvcriilona, "thn wormwood that i iniiliiera .rim life." elf , en;. Mr.ny n 111 find mneh atlafni lion le the elinpier on Imrreii nr whhh hna hern I In-meant of Krem. Joy to inuiiy a ihlldleM pnlr, Billing tin m to illFeoiir iiild reniovo the olmlnele, (Mliera like ttl iialiiun "emiaya f r niarrled ieiiiii'"trenihig of eijiial llv,aleeplnK npitrf, eieeaa, ntofleriltloll, Jeuloliay, In. difference, prevention, eontlnenee, fiHid for preg nam women, the expinnnllun of rlilld-niaklns. why rhlhtrenof aecond huwlialidreaelntile the Prat, etc.. ele. In ahiirt, men and u nio n heallate to talk wllh turtr hoiiin iilivuleliina roneernlna many dellrate snea. lona that perplex tlieni and that they really need IS umlc r.larul, and which thla hook will enllRhlen Ihein on but rrmimbrr that if tl fall lo ln n, thrauthnt awnfi rrHuy in mm, vPnr tnf Mtiuman ly rrjJUmw rtt of chart4 lo ijieciut Ulttrt of inquiry, nOTCT TTTTNTv rftB "omnttaln: Htt It" or "Jnt as ffonrt.w Hnrii1rita huts LVl. A X Ail 11 IV net-iared that It Is 'prmllar In Unelf" anilir iiid of Ml other workt. HO 'NT Ti,nT?("l"r?T,n"t thlworlt isoiroreil forffnoimfnfrfruifonirTff stul utlllly. snd not A1 x vivuui )lirihiileillnrien;ortntoilverinaiiriiirleinr.rnie(li.'lrifa. PPCTTMDNT AT l0' lsmoitentbul&ilo klmlrom, aft cmn(rM w hers Engllah litpo- en, would, ren In small tvpe, fill M pngca nf thlamr.t. TESTIMONIALS. PT? n KFSTnN' A T. n,,u of f1"". -lrormrn. unrtnm. imrvtrn, rnttart, crltlca, ta Aooxvyxi iMj g(Ven ttsttcrlng euiloraeuicui; renitrkshlj few critical. i POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mall, 8 1 .60 For Salo by THE AMERICAN, 503 Sheely Block, Omaha,, Neb