The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 28, 1899, Image 7

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la ! ,
1k !( heat-SMi1 HoaMta-aw M
ff Oawska, lUt fa , H ttitt
l( t1 tt at frM U fat It-
tt N.k4 M IV M
t aMH rut tmAt4 k4 -ft
tfctatiSanA) 1M thUSS a ttn
tha tti Ati tky -m t i.'f
wt M tt It) lwitatt vtaitl,
mat tit tttti t iKttH
e im iih) tr-.-
a Ik huI rai4 MHtt f.f ttve'r
HHMd t titular Wit U'fi, anal M
' at II mil N ent tt I"
tie. Haitian lr will I I'stl '
Knot yo. .H. m any .mU to
lM, tat) at im lot IMota Whet I
lwh l'tif rontrHtni I !
Illed tif ,iltoi fit f xm(,
XMn In lh lt r . t'f
lUtMt, Willi h4 HxIM !m'lt
The haHli-ota M'rt tlal'mail,
I tha Mit. df nitmrnti httaine.t
igniitii.a of Pattlmor and Phil
adelphia, hae artanr-d fr ten dsi'
at.ip oaer t r. h (if tho rltle n..e
tha vsnal pnseilni of tha tnsf
lftltlng th ll-el Wltta th tit art
agent upon hi arrival, lb illlmof
oil Ohio Itallroad now tanls ta
alaye slop over at Washington, Haiti
nor and Philadelphia.
sec a snow
stern, in
We never did; but we have
een the clothing it this time
of the year io covered with
dandruff that It looked at If It
had been out In a regular mow
itorm. No need of this snowstorm.
At the aumrner tun would
melt the falling enow ao will
melt theae flakee of dandruff In
the acalp. It goei further than
this : It preenta their formation.
It hat atill other properties
It will reatore color to gray hair
In ut ten time out of every
ten caaei.
And it doca even more: It
feed and nourlahci the roott
of the hair. Thin hair becomee
thick hair; and short hair be
come! long hair.
We have a hook on the Hair
and Scalp. It la yours, for the
If nn d'l not sWats nil th hnr A
m li"i'l.'i from tim ua l ili Vmf,
ftl Ilia il" li IkiiiI It. ffiilmlilr
tlHtn U oiti ii'f'ill' Willi fmif rt.
ml rilm ! '-N war
N iiuir bn iuiir re
", AMtrr',
1U i, M, A) KK, LWII, MUM,
Perhaps th moat popu'wr atonn Jiwt
now In the turiiuoli"', f;! not bulng
coiikIiIt-I n out. of (ho way prlie to
tiny for quit a Htriall atone, provlilwd
tlm color h kooiI, (irpuHfl or wafr
apolla tiH'wt atona i-nttn-ly, and thla
U the rnaon that pwipln with riiolnt
aklna ran ael'lom riiMiiiiKi to kwn th
storta a good color for any length of
lfll' I ntarrh f'nr
In tnken lritniMlly. J'rl , 1!io.
A voliimo of I'ltpiiliiK vnliK'd at $2,
f,00 la to li pruKi'iiti"! to Admiral Jw.
ey upon hi arrival. Tin hook con
tain ltwfn Ha aolld allvor covr
a wulih of pointed matter, from pro
found fditorliila on tha admiral to hu
moroim poetry rcKardln him, and
from tha comrnctita of tlia president
and cabinet down to the Jokes of etret
Writ rmml WiHnnn.
A prMty lilrt wlt, iinirly lniintrivl
vllh "K-hUIm Nnrch,'1 iii1m a woiniin
l,k awent nikI IiiiIi-'mm ami il'U gri-ntly
t; liar ttrin'tiviiM. Try it, All grocor, Km.
A time-honored Joke, gray haired In
the went, tiua atrm k Wall street. If Is
the con ii n drum, "What Is tha differ
erne between a pcHxImlHt and an op
tlrnlat?" tha answer being: "An opti
mist Is otia who believes In a mancot,
and a pessimist Is ona who believe In
a hoodoo." 'Tha venerable chest nut
Mcltoa tha rlHibtes of th busy Wall
alreet gamblera Inordinately,
f I T S rf m nnri y I u wt . So II u nr nr imn '
It ix d't ' ' " I" Kiti' iiri-t Sr IU-.I-HM.
Siit t"f tHtf.V. .MI dial li.,HI mn4 lM.
lt. H, If. Sum, 11 , 1 AMi M , I bilxli lil, !'
Man Is not a candle that burns out,
but a lamp that Uod refills,
"Your hair la getting thin, fcrr," said
tha local barber to a customer yeater
day afternoon. Ves," replied tne
gentleman addressed, "I've bei-n treat
ing U with anti-fat. I never liked
stout hair," "Hut you really ahould
put aomethlng on It," persisted the
tonsorlal artist, In most earnest
manner. "I do every morning," re
turned the customer. "May I aak
what?" Inquired the barber. "My
hat." aatd the patron. Thereafter was
alienee. Freeport Journal,
The men who make tho world are
the men who are not on the make.
gEH ever
sn i:nt! rtr tours
tfktt Ms tt t t-t
auk !, .
, M !- I Mtala-
t li Miia.
It. ta a i "i,tk'f (lot
ti aht !- tt is ! uk iK
M a l-nkrl ln'tip sai4 m.l, th'
.) ,; f tti
lt tn iU !!. a
tHk h4 a t its r..i.. i 4
! tli (if ma tu 1k lh 'f (tiklff
Hifniit t hr aid ,f a iiH of
a k ( krur t.m ..i.a i.f a
S'tiMl llrn tk tint I t'e krttul 't
Ihe rmsllf Isisrt ft atnl It
hire and tnn!h Iiili1e llh the knife
Nw full toil tan hxtxt In the Mi
of th stun. aa. Intel a Mia
rmh hole, lh tta t w etwuit t
and on half inchr long Thm tske
two he mi in and mskr ! hole lw
a-h, lh holes liring in right atial
With est h other and rrsrtilng the n-n
trf of the kernel. Now nt the straws
romlng out of th walnut In h lop
hoi of th bsm'l nut, and In Hi side
hole you Introduce a hirt piece of
straw. I'se liea or sealing w
for flopping all leaks. Now your
sprinkler Is resdy for use. and all you
have to do Is to place the walnut on
Its pointed end on the cork of an
empty hot tl and pour water In the
walnut L-slii. The water will then
run through the straws, and thereby
cause the little sprinkler to revolve
Kleotrlclljr fur All Ian,
Thomas A, Edison It building a
model town on a mountain top,
It will be perhaps aa remarkable as
anything the Inventor baa ever done.
It will be In tha backwoods, yet as
finely appointed, as far aa modern con
veniences are concerned, as the resi
dential portions of the larger cities. In
fact, It will be more advanced than
many of these, for nothing that Is
not up to date will be allowed. Noth
ing so slow as gas, for Instance, will
be used In the houses. The village of
Kdlson now occupies the site of tho
proposed town,' but It Is Insignificant.
The place Is now only a group of shan
ties rising Irregularly around the
mouth of the great rift known aa the
JCdlson Iron mine, This great hole
which the steam shovels are eating Into
the top of Mount Musronetcong In
Northern New Jersey yawns wider
year by year and Is expected to become
In time the center of great Industries,
It may rival Niagara falls aa ao In
dustrial center, Kdlson, who found a
groat deal of finely divided iron ore In
the rocks about, has devised a method
for extracting this ore. To state it
simply, he crushes the Iron-laden
rocks between great sieam rollers and
then drops the resulting; powder past
the faces of big electro-magnets. The
Iron ore clings to the magnets and Is
saveil. The broken-up rock drops past
the msgnetH and Is carter! away, Just
now the iron dust Is shipped to the
smelting furnaces, but It Is probable
the ore will be used eventually In fur
naces built near the mine, Hut In the
meantime the business has outgrown
the little nest of shanties which hang
over the edge of the hole. Those work
men who have been pioneers In open
ing the mine feel that the camping-out
period of their exlstene Is over, To
begin with, fifty houses are being built
on a bill top, with one exception the
point of land It the highest In New
Jersey, That exception Is a great game
preserve owned by a New York sport
ing club. Half-way down Mount Mus
coneteong, on the way to New York,
lies take Hopalcong, lined with swell
watering places. The village of Kdl
son Is slrcarly lighted by electricity,
has telephone connection with the out
side world, a schoolhouse and steam
englnet to carry freight, Tim new
town will be lighted by electricity,
supplied with electric bells, have an
Improved system of sanitation, which
the steep mountain aide will favor, and
a water supply better than that of any
large city. The houses are of the cot
tage form, with roomy porches.
C'bii-s ttt Purtliajiiak.
The cause of earthquakes was the
(Object chosen by M, KtanlsUs Meunler
for a recent lecture at the Paris Mu
seum of Natural History. Starting
from the received hypothesis that the
earth Is cooling, though slowly and
without condensation, that It Is formed
by a liquid nucleus, surrounded by a
solid crust, and that contraction due
to cooling causes cracking, flnsures and
large faults, the lectured pointed out
that these clefts and faults receive
hydrated rocks which, through the ac-
'H, if ' . I M Mt
j-rT fc .t .-
i s aM at
lS 4 IVna I ! ft "H
M .li.-i -' I g t
n.t nit ti . l
t MHt t .i'.t a a 1 1 IM im .
IKt ttt H 1 1 ' i '. . r..'ir-4 la It
l It-MiaitMitn't i4
f-:vt. l,t tliaiixtttr S- l
uf t tri t tit 1 r tiiM i
uf .. It a f..ia.. tt Vlk
tni(H' IK fuM tMiioa
it I rHK uttat , f' i --Hrta-g
ISf 1 1 lt is if ' t 'i in" I ' -It.
1 1 t fitk ,tl0 4 'i !
al.ii tf !'. ! I ii ' f-.t SiaUna
If tt r ! mitM lil,.flt t lfcl rsiant
l-a. f ttiiH trltitlfi tt.l l-Sr 1 tl
i'm. d t li h (. tat ! e
ii!rMit tfilmit drtsoisriit stt.t f
rla ast k tixnt ail that Hot r
loutitaf in tlolr ainitrn tTtnin 1 h
Slimk Bis I tin of ! Intelia ant
t-tlaatil to a imslrf nr lia tltstn,,
iniiil;rs to tti iti'ih t fll end the
amount tf sp.i?ia sibn. Iut. hriar ftn i nr f !t, the sniff- nnitrr
aw rhsnKis of condition or tnion
Whbh are r?alatprad by 'be rlrn
trsph and other Insertion Instruments.
An llliislrstlun f the IkIiihI dUplsre
tnent of th am fine was given bjr M
Meunler. mho showed. pcotd on a
screen, photograph of a rallnsy trsln
overturned Isierslly, and of a Hue ot
rails which hsd axxunicd a sinuous
curve. In coiiiH-quc nc of an earth
quake slunk.
ThU lllrti lniirlnn III llrnntlltig Hrlil
In the Paris Mii-nnn of Nstural His
tory at present the center of Interest I
the only living captive specimen of
what African explorers have called tho
"prison bird." The peculiarity of this
feathered beauty la that he la the inoxt
tyrannical and Jcalotia of husbands,
Imprisoning his mat throughout her
nesting time. I.lvlngxton watched the
blrd'a habits while In Mnnpour, and in
hla subsequent observations referred
to the nest as a prison and the female
bird aa a slave.
The next Is built In the hollow of A
tree through an opening In the bark.
Aa soon as it Is completed the mother
bird enters carefully and fearfully, and
settles down In It. Then papa walla
up the opening, leaving only Just space
enough for air and food to pass
through. He keeps faithful guard and
brings food at regular Intervals with
out fall. The female thrives under her
enforced retirement. Hut If the prison
bird la killed, or In any other way pre
vented from fulfilling his duties, tho
mother and her little ones must die
of starvation, for she cannot free her
self from bondage.
Normally the Imprisonment lasts un
til the chicks are old enough to fly.
Then the male bird deatroya the bar
rier with his beak and liberates bis
family. "It Is charming," wrltea Liv
ingston, "to see the Joy with which the
little prisoners greet the light and tha
unknown world."
rortMtil float.
A newly Invented portable boat,
which seems to be a great Improve
ment over anything of the aort here
tofore known, Is described In the last
Issue of tho Hclcntlflc American. The
Illustration shows the nmt with Its
folding and removable parts In various
poult Ions. The boat comprises essen
tially two middle sections and two end
sections, The two middle section; are
hinged together so they may be folded
together, one section being used as a
cover for the other. The two ended sec
tions are detachably connected by bolta
with tha middle sections, so that they
may be placed within tha middle sec
tions when not In use. lu order to lock
the two middle sections together when
they are extended bolts are used, which
are provided with washers to prevent
leakage. When the four sections are In
positlun and bolted together a complete
boat Is formed, having pointed ends
constituting buoyant air chamber. The
end sections, when not In use, are
placed within the middle sections, and
serve as storage compartments for pro
visions. The seats of the boat are ao
hung that when the parts are folded
they may swung out of the way. The
oars, In order to be readily stored In
transportation, are made In detachable
Added Intuit.
Col. Hankthiinder called at the office
of the local paper to express his mind
concerning a typographical error that
had appeared In a notice brought In by
the colonel himself for publication,
soya the Chicago Tribune. The club
with which he was connected had de
cided to give an entertainment at a
public hall for gome benevolent pur
pose, and the notice announcing It
closed with the significant words, "ad
mission fee," Hut the printers had un
accountably mode It read "admission
free." "It spoils the whole object of
the festivity," said the Irate colonel,
pointing at the offending "r," "but I
don't mind that half so much as the
fact that what haa knocked us out Is a
Jpttah that has no legitimate exigence,
by gad ,sah, In the English language!"
Trn la III rrtnclple. .
The exhausted traveler, fainting and
half dead from thirst, and all unused
to the climate of the tropics, lay gasp
ing. They brought him a eocoanut.
"We will crack this,", they gold. "The
contents will revive you." "What Is
Inside?" he aked. "Milk." "I won't
touch It!" he aald, hoarsely. "I'm
on, mimnM.r itx
! r
lOMt t.:tM JOSHt. )HHiat
AHH Wltll UtV
' .! iW4 SS )MI,
' ! MnM ISXMAa
I Kwaa lt 4 Wm
I H !(
g iTi'fiOt
I pl. .,t !!. in liet l U
! -
M) a (,f t th i 1 1 l.i ltnl
( ,
tVI 1. 1 . .a , if.ii.l i.t !
; i.. v
llitn .Sjt ni 'i . t t ti th ii t
tin k,
Ikwit Hall.
8he"Vhat Is the aUmiiion that
draws you to church?"
l!e-"The bi llet."
Th Kiliirsleil Tiller.
"The testimony la against you," said
the police Justice, "Is clear and con
elusive. You spend, your time com
mitting petty thefts."
"Yes, your honor," responded the
prisoner, venturing to wink at the
court. "I am an embodied protest
against the ex, Mir? condition of
things. I am a round robbln, your
Hut his honor was equal to the
"For the next CO daya, anyhow," ho
said, frowning at the prisoner, "you
won't be around robbln'. You'll be a
Jail bird. Cull the next ibfc!"
On Wiiiiinn'i Mltdnni.
He had proposed to the Idol of his
heart, but things had failed to come
hla way.
"Do you know," he said, as he was
leaving her presence forever, "that yon
are wringing my heart from my
"Possibly," she answered, coldly,
"but It's either that or marry you and
wring the bosoms from your shirts In
after years."
Seeing that the rase was hopeless
the party of the first part lit a cigar
ette and wandered hence Into th
II Knew What Wat Wanted.
"You understand the necessity for
making this report as favorable as pos
sible?" "I think I do."
"Of course we don't want any down
right lying about It. You understand
that. Hut we want It well, as trtl
mlstlc aa It ran be made."
"I know exactly what you want. I
used to be a census enumerator up In
Ill Ilefente.
Flagler I saw the agent for tho So
ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals coming out of your house this
morning. What't the matter?
Nagdby Yes; I had hlra drop In U
warn my mother-in-law.
('Slight lh rr.
"It Mr. Goodhcart still paying at
tention to your daughter?"
"He Isn't paying her any attentlot
at all,"
'indeed! Did she Jilt him?"
'No; he married her,"
No Mur to Oat.
Bister So you married for money,
eh? Well, did you get It?
Drother AH ahe bad.
Mnk ma That a llutlne,
Pllson Are you going to take part
In that guessing contest?
Dllson-Oh, no; they'd rule m out
as a professional.
Pilson Professional?
Dllson Yes; yon know I am con
nected with the Weather rjureav
j. ..l,l, t:. n -wa
! i. a if a'- (
! -. - U.ii-4 4 - i
t 1 . ' It U M I'M a
aii.f t.4 O- ..(. aa,, -.,w ai ;
IMS !.. twit-! .,
t I a '- a .! V
t la a 4 t. ,!... t. t t f . h ll li
id tt l inn a a. ttia t a
It., t a t tt a- t, i. It I
a at I... a. (, tt, , 4 I ,(
IS"! I It I -! It a-4t
! 41 I I '- t lr la !
llwUlt tU 111 , a, t't Im4
r-t Wltlt nHii'.t .4 ! 4 tt
ftt-tl at "
ta tt nil. i
M M hu'ii-.K .1 .
V-i at Hiiai..l t t i l l t.4 -i
tttaa a 4 H .i. aa-t itii
It' K tf .i l t H. 1 at t 'li ' 1 ha
rtiii't.ltix lti-t I'1 '
J at- h.-nf-t id Hiairttlllr nt Wttt
atll, .. mi, ill J. i m iti.l, lt ( I
a iiH!m. i t i M i t 'ti"'l ih I
and timn.-t l-it woh the lop at the !m tf a tiilitia t'nisj lp m
tu h a ninni lht It tsti o folda-4
Slid it-Is Inad In the ..t at In it n"t In
nod ln tan til''tid and mm
totn-d with an ni' lo ilma llia fiatltt
tit Ihe tup a tiipilnd lo I'ladatt pa-ikons
ftunt wind and inln
W. Ilitliam. of Oliitniti. has tteen
allutird a I'siitil for a lontpotind ro
tsiy etlSluai of stmple and peatillsr Hint Itutv b tonsldered
th ilniocr of a lo w imm it tu th
art. The application piepnt-. bv
us us alloed without altering an
W prepar drawings and spectlVn
tluiis and tin all the wttik requited In
preparing and prosectitli j aipllca
tlniis for pnteiits,
t'otisiiltaltoii and advice free.
TIIOMAM tl. OHWIi t A tH.,
Holli Mors of Patenta.
Des Moines, July 15. 'try.
The riMiin for Improvement la uaual
ly a spacious one.
For Lung and chmat ilUmt-e, Pio'S Cnr
I th liest tiiavlli'ln w li at vat uml Mrs.
J. h. urlbott, Wlndnor, Out,, Cauadc
Your opiiorliinity
ynur obligation.
Is balanced by
I'll uf l"aln.
Vtnr Klnitt nf .tle ln-hlnif . hlirillti -ll rl
ful.n rrlhir inn uri".lnil tM r- nulrkla riirail iiti aa
careta I mly I aiharilr). All ilriinKlalt, UK', wi. Sun.
A creed wtirks better aa an engine
than aa a track.
fnt Hales nn All Itsllvasyt -P. II. Phlll.ln
Ticket Hroker, 1.105 Farnam, Omaha.
It Is notTlstory alone thut baa room
for the heroic
Si-llln I'nlenl.
Last week there were Issued 435 pat
ents to Citizens of the United States. Of
this number 140
r-C-i, bud sold either the
entire or part of
-v W
their Interests In
their Inventions
WC tu.f,,r ttm tiatetits
were Issued. This would show that
more than a quarter of tho Inventors
have been successful, and Is probably
an Indication why so many applica
tions are filed In the Patent Office. It
la certainly safe to assume that at
least 10 per cent of Inventors, who
were unable to sell before they had
their patents Issued, will be able to
disposal of their Inventions now that
they have been secured by a title,
AmongHt the luraest concerns buying
patents were the following:
Lanston Monotype Machine Co.,
Washington, D. C. j
vvcisuncn i.igui t o., uioueesier tiiy,
N. Y.
Iloltg Typesetting Machine Co., Her
man, Mo.
Hradley fitenell Machine Co., An
sonln, Conn.
Pratt & Whitney CoHartford, Conn,
Inventors desiring Information as to
procuring or selling patents should ad
dress Hues & Co., Registered Patent
Solicitors and Attorney! at Law, Ilea
flulldlng, Omaha, Nebr,
Wanted- lush lliiycr.
Orncery business, reliibllshcd ten yenrs;
lurs-n ciisli traile; will seleeted slock; fur
nltiire mill limnres; horse mnl delivery
WliKoMs; Ml llivoli e, or tt holi Siile prlee
Kooil-avlll ilirov.ii In; uvinr selllutt- iir
eniiiit. Iiiiihh; rure rippmiiiniiy for rl i; lit
men tvlili mIioiiI fl.tssi ensti. W, II, Jlus
sell, sole nm-iit, HIS ,N Vork l.lfn lllilg.,
liiniiliii, Nib,
j'lv-yeiir loiitis, rent futitle, M-Hi ills.
The I'nlvernlty of la to
have a new f'.'ou.ooi) genernl laboratory
and science; building. 'I be plan Is to
have It the In the country and j
to combine within It ten laboratories j
that are now scniti-rd about in cramp-'
H and Insufficient quui tera on the ,
college campus, )
Vlfl.oi Per Week.
W will pat- i iinry i f li i.ii 1 1 i-r ni-i-lt fur man with
r I ilnlr,,iliirr I' if i linn I u .In r Ml Mir.-iiii'l I out -1
lii-iMtarln iln-r. i.iii'r. ir a i fr-il li i-uiuvihiiii
iii Itin-ral I- ,iniii'a,!,is lor ,m at arfi-ma I'.i-rrs hrm,
Aildreaa Willi alam.,l'er'si U .0 Mf.C'o..l'arai,iia,kii,
In all stories of the wheel tho punc
tuating period brings It to a full nop.
Mr. M ln.low' NiMiIMn; Srriip,
tretilHlres IsellilhS. tofletia lh" (( III a, fi'ilili-aa I j
3aoi),ll,D, I'S.a.a.ura.a le t co,lc. i'tiabulo '
No nmn knows the right way so well
as the one who has once been mitiled,
IllShuyHncw upright pinno. Bchmol
lcr& Mueller, 1113 I'urnam fit., Omaha,
If truth Is a broom one end Is to
hold and the other to sweep with.
Ood shines after the iitorm and the
raindrops of tears become dlumonls.
The lenient That Thrills Through All the I niverse o( Animatfd f xlstence
and fills the World with Health, Joy and Happiness.
Osyaen, Siillid by nienn of the TCIll-i:"Ti:i (IXYUKNOH KINO,"
will tiaiiilsh every III In which flesh Is heir tmysen Is the most ntnin lunt ot
all the Klemeniitry Hulietitriees; yet mHn bus In en slow to ullIU" this most
vnliiiihle piopei ly-lhis ha-tilt h -kIvIiik ton e IIihI tills the dir. Helenillle Ite-
senreh ha unlocked the Mystery which Id It. The Wonderful IMscov-
ery, whereby nil illseiise limy he eimtii re, hy tlomlim I ha- pullenls system with
copious streums of llils rh h llfe-Klvlon elunrtii In fne nt uiospherlc form. Th
Osysenor Is an liisirument sold for self-use, ami liy correct Hppllcntlon tnuke
lis jiusseaaor muster ef (lisi-iise. lis tlm tly npiillciiilon will cntise you to set
well na eitsy ss y.nt sot sick, lis field of'uliits covers every known coin
plitlnt In the eiil-sorv of illFense. ll cures without nieillcliio or electricity,
with the nxytien of the sir, mnl oft lines InlniiKlhly. It ennlib-s mmiklnd to
littlle it licnlKn law ef N n I tire. Tint fixynnior csuses the lenly tn rupldly
nl.aoili th (txyxen of Ihe nlr thrmmh the skin mnl mcuiliruni s. w hich creales
lh most heroic funcllonlns tf every organ of the tiody; which purines, en
riches and vltnllzcs the hlond. nnd ilesiruys Ilttctrrla, Ilncllll and all illtes
gairm. Write for dcsrrlptlv hook.
: - t k i -a. Sv.-
aa lat i. a t I v f Mi '
I , . t, , , a-- a a I - I t
a- 'Hill i It t l i l tt
t i a S t a it f'ati
i !., ! I I ' ' 1 II.
-an.t.t -.. t a . i ,( mini n it
1: !-. la ' . i . a t
t a t 1 1- g ik a, o a ttla
it ei 4 M Si t-l
I f
,4i ' t
ll -I - -' I
H a ,-t.t i tl,.a
faif ' etna Pt,
ii a ;a t ' -
r..ti. V a ..t
It -. rt a I i It la I
, iti.a l. in pl
.-.,) ia-,,.,1 at it a
tttt4 si I1tl iImi.Is, Nr
la. li e at a a,,-..ti V .,iH
!, i ,t lift f,4 t ri m nr
I ! e lo Ifcl p. if.t.l ai ft iliMl.h. Put) fl I dmatnda, ttj
a.. .;i,,.7 .....Vt ; r.t
tt i th oiiir t -t pwtiii,
Posiiit it.ttMit, r"s4 rt,
l oin aid tinnion k tt glteat
.ol I tit, a f alt r tt I- htn IH4
Ihe ln A I all lunsnti a4 Khiaa
(sti-i, If.i'. fni. tent RKK 4-
ttie.t. Al'e SJ I Knitted. I It. jr. N. T.
Ill tltsn tlnl Inke I-1 Whitkf
slinlsht usually takes his walks nth
rtwlse. t I Ht It !
I ilia ai.Ini io It fc.-at r eS ...t'S!
ih ai ittiKf ai It la i aa aartiatx. I if la.
lh A ni; lift ivntuty will be a mid
summer and travel uunitacr. In the
former iharniler. Ita Hinl festuta
ntsv I snld to lis a group of papers
on tornadoes and thunder atorma. Th
first of then Is a graphic oVst 1 1 pi Ion,
ut first hand, of Hi tornado that visit
ed Klrksvllle, Missouri, Inst spring.
Thin was aveeii from his doorstep by
John It. Muslrk. an author living In
that illy; and as It considerably
chiiiiKcd Ita course, which at first waa
stralKht toward his house, h had an
extraordinarily good opportunity to
observe Its actions and devastating ef
fects. Koine of Its pranks seem hardily
credible, hut are vouched for by trust
worthy witnesses, some of whom, to
gether with a horse, wet swep. up
and carried hundreds of yurds through
the air, without Buffering the allghtest
injury. A learned paper on tornadoes
In general la contributed by Prof,
Cleveland Abbe of the weather bu
reau; and a kindred theme la helpfully
discussed by Prof. John Trowbrlldga
of Harvard, In "Powerful Kl4etrlcal
Discharges," and by Alexander Jay
Wurta, of the Westlnghotise cotnpeny,
In "The Protection of Ulwtrlcal Appa
ratua Against Lightning.'
When Interest Is at variance with
conscience, and pretense that seema to
reconcile them satisfies the hollow
hearted. lsiiis to mii. riHtsA ao. it,4tj
"I was a aufferer from female weak
ness. Kvcry month regularly aa tha
meusea came, 1 suffered dreadful paint
In uterus, ovaries
weru affected and
bail leucorrhue.
I hail my children
very fast and It
left rue very weak.
A year ago I was
taken with flood
Inir and aliooat
died. The doctor even gave tne up and
wonders bow 1 ever lived.
" 1 wrote, for Mrs, Plnkhnrn's advlet
at Lynn, Mass., and took her medlclna
and bctfaii ti (jet well. I took several
ImiIHcs of the Coin)oun(! and uiaeil tha
Hunatlve Wash, and cun truly say that
I am cured, You would hardly know
me, I am feeling and bsiklnir ao well.
Lydia B. PiiiUliam'a Vegetalilo Com
pound made ma what I am." Mna.
J. V. Km mil, 401 M-CU-K10 tit.,
Csmuks, N. J,
Ilnw Mr. Ilrnwn Was fl1ptt
I must tell you that Lvdla K. Pink
ham'a Vegetable Compound line dou
more for me than any doctor.
' I was troubled with Irregular
menstruation. Last Bummer I began
tha umi of your Veirctabtn Compound,
nod after titklnjr two but lies, I have
been ri'srular every month since, I
ioi'iiiu ie-iid your iiieilicinu tt nil,"
'riF., MaouiV, A. Huown, WtcifT ft,
Tl.if.-ti'l vt.ttr u,t rlls Wssll t Vthmt.m
V t.i ,.-! ,-! ink
18 Tut KST IKK.
More tied lhan ny other, tton't cit j
ynu ny more insn pis.r ma, a,a ior n,
arjj- -
V AVI H(iMs TR'ATMEHT.;::t:,rf;7,!
tMilnall'rfia, a.trtfli al iiftrrslli'lia an, I h'i-Hl4ia toe
,,,,,...,( li 1 1 . . . ( by if Hid irrimit It
l aituiii l In tin- ' V i a I tii-.-na," ai-ni hv lua'l til
i!,r... tlttl 4 Ottawa, SIS He
tnliel'i li mill
111 Of! V DIP U send lOeia.f-.f i,ti M tTIIIM.I
rrAHllt Win ni.a4 m a 1 1 K,iia.-e. ,n
l.vl ,! 'I'mm - rTl ,rlil lr It, I'll ll" al ail I I. Ill -I if I' ! .,rli-t I I.KsuN Tl II. .. imrifit a.a S.I.
mm m