THE AMt'RIOAN II PRESAGE THE BD 0 tM liH HUti i ttnit-n D?i 1 ' tie -! IKtag (V rv eta at ike r bah Mamewtntw tte I at l.e t t-atei to twatttieg kta t-tmt t teaalllRt H 4 Ik t -al fc4 ral4 I rit.Jii 4 al4 aw f-ll. ,tg 4it4 nlt iiak SMa lMl try 4 h4 uf ie wta t l'h r4 lit . Ik f"eniir H ee Ik wr-t nf I f Chicago Preacher Sees in "Kissino Bug" the Locust Shadowed in Book of Revelations. A, M tiH ''. "' l ' JiM to the e t't-t of the ' l e tug" l. pnt.a,f . M lirt, the efhttle of the M'Mit of the Vr.m i-r f liMih, In h(i.i In i. 'M 4 .tttre betai tee edictf the Mcr pronounced " tnjn'ettoti li-ipr Id ! Il eiHahte law-wit which the txk of Hetelatlne. mj nhnll rm fum the hottomlen pit, attach men with the nHng of the ...i(.Imb, from Ih effect of wh Mle III Victim ehatl linger five month, and which fina Itself upon lho who fore brads do hot bear III el of the lord II read extensively from the hook of t(rvUlliin. applying each tertie ti several recent raiamltlea, such the rye Ion at HI. tvim, (hit linking of U llourgogne, and tli tornado In VI funnln, Profcnaor !onrd referre the historic ' dark day" of 7S ami th falling uf lint atnr In 1M1 a miiirn eildcnrra that prophet-lee of Inn Bible are fulfilled. In rapid sentence th speaker then dellevered hla theory of the mUnhm of the "klaslng bug." "You have nil rrgil nf thin latent myatcrlmn vinlUtlon which lui com lo Dm earth," niild professor Leonard -"the no-eitlled kUnltig bug, which tlng mrii on Ihe li ami leave them In terrible agony, Here In what I take In lie Ihn Biblical prophecy of their (inning from the ninth chapter of the book of Revelation: "'And there cam mil of Ihn smoke locust upon the earth; ami unto them waa given power, ax the scorpion of the earth have power.' "'And It wa commanded them that they nhouM not hurt the gram of th earth, neither any green thing:, neither any tree, but only those men which have not tha oral of (lod upon their forehead,' " 'And lo them It wa given that they ahotild not kill them, but that they should be tormented five month; and their torment waa na the torment of scorpion when he atrlketh a man,' "Thla la what la gald (if Ihn coming if the no-called 'kissing bug' In tha Bible, Thl Insect which ha atung men all over the. country, and which la unknown to the sclcntlate. "Profeaaor Chnata of tha Field mu aeum ha aald (hat there haa never been known an Instance of the real 'klmtlng bug,' or plrlpra, which Uvea HERB t V aKT ; III tha ftouth, biting a man. What, then, I thl myaterloii Inaect but tha Vlaltatlon of ona of tha laat of tboaa torment which the Illbla ha declared hall coma, and which precede tha final deatmctlon." Profaaaor I-aonard then went on to dVacrtba tha klnln bu a h ha twen deacrlbed by tha aeveral vlctlma, and read mora egtracta from the book of Revelation ahowlng that tha new bus correnpond'd with tha fearnoma aeor plon aeen by Uia apoatle John In hi wonderful vlalon. Heveral women In tha audience gave avldenca that their nervo were being aomewhat wrought up by tha lurid argument of tha apeaker, "What I tha mnaning; of thl fathering- of nation In tha Kaat?" contin ued Profenaor Ionard. "It mean tha time of that laat terrible battle la near, after which tha aerlpfure any that 200,600,000 angela thai) appear and da troy a third of mankind. All tha evenla which I have related to you bav appeared In exactly the order they ara named In tha Bible. If there bad been one lapne In the chain there would have bcn room for you to doubt that tha acrlptnrea were being fulfilled. If the myaterlou bug or reptile had appeared year ago It would not have had the effect that Ita prenent appearance ha when the force of the world are gathering for a terrible war, "Wa know from the nible Itaelf that the ber n 4 thsl tt ,. lfg art I ! '! In in (lie h.v tm " nt U h It ( . IM ea.-lli (('it " m iht ll tuil ! the utte i'l denlttli II. "f all Diinkind Kteiilhing htt l-rB gmwlng wmne iriM upon thl Mh Dnltl we are wondering what will mnie hrit t'lill dun leen grltleg f t that hr ito not obey thlr imtentn; they apetnl their lime In tunning about the mreeta, mhing the growler, and mining In all kind of inutility. I tH ihi, my filrhiN. that hi one reallieg how near to the end of all Ihla we ate, "I regard the apetranc of Ihla bug aa a Anal warning to the people of thla earth ! prepare for the hereafter, If they d not heed It la their own fault. How many In thla audience a ept the atalementa which I have made aa truer neeieeAewvyieAwweeeAevwvvweAwvwvvvvww AN ICNLAItnrCII I'llOTfXIItAPII OP TIIK 8TIN0RK. eeeeeeeeeeeeAMwwvww Rlarrled a I'rlnee. la Cavallerl, the prettleat woman here, perhnpa In Kurope, la how tha wife of tha I'rlnee llarantlnaky, a mem ber of a proud Hiiaxlitn family, with whonf ehe ran away laat April, auyi a recent rable from I'arla. Tha newa that a ceremonial wedding haa or curred aalounda the boiilevarda. The prince haa for a father-in-law a newa paper peddler on the boiilevarda. Ilia mother-in-law la a wanherwonmn, poor and lioneat, but very unpresentable, and vulgar. He la delighted, however, In hla luck In aeeurlng their charming; dfiughter, and feela, at any rate at thla moment, moat amiably toward hla par-enta-ln-l.iw. The. marrlagfl waa hna tened by the fact that the profligate Prlnro Henri d'Orleana wna pursuing tha woman with auch fervor that he waa forced to accept one admirer or IS A PICTI RK OF TUB "KI33 INO tha other. Between two prlncea aha tliono tha Runalan. Prince Itaratlnaky la a rather unlntereatlng; peraon of mall Intelligence and dlanlpated waya. Ha ha apent a great deal of money, and Implicitly bellevea that ha I a dl llngulahed pernonage, If ha I It I purely becaune of hi family deacent, for the flmt thing he ha ever done of moment except eat and drink I to marry a washerwoman' daughter. In moat reaped, however, the girl get the wfrat of the bargain, a all the prince' attribute were thoae owned by til ancestor, while hla bride ha undoubted qualltle, the greatest of which I beauty, Ia Cavallerl gang at ona of the lending entertainment houaea, Foil llerger. fib carried all before her with her beauty, Her com plexion la of a beautiful pink and white, her ayea of a heavenly blue, her figure perfection. Her expreanlon la of the cbante, rellgloua aort ao popular here at the preaent time. Their woo ing laated many month. The prince had rival by the acore. He loaded the ginger with jewel and preaent Ha carried her off from the Prince d'Or lean, who waa duly furlou, and who, It waa aald, waa ready to fight another of hla rldlculoua duel about the mat ter, but who managed to control him aelf. The prince and prlncea are apendlng an Idyllic honeymoon, It I not likely that the bride will return to the atage, though it I not clear how the nobleman It altuated financially. 4m ,w ft - . Hi family a fHiu at the tnartUi a el the prime enj nut lake til pi Man wife t titoatan. MintUMMin niumt lontunRit. Ml life Mating Mai tlealHet I t MllMral IMMM. The faMay of a ) lb a I mind ran with very little enH tall tip for nn tal t tew h tairyllke enarmbie aa HliakeHHire haa eti gracefully depb ted In that light and airy citation uf hla, "A Mldmmmer Nlght'a Hream." bii" the practical proa alave whn neei thing only aa they actually ell In hla own parllculnr rlriln ahruga hi' thouldera aupercllloiiHly and offset tent Intent by a ilet i lptlon of a nibl aunimer night reality iingarnlahed by any decora' Ive frllla of Imagination, The. Individual who la envied, perhapa "KIHSINO nUQ'S" MKAIjLY by thoa who cannot, aa h doea, rimh away to aylvan ahadea nt tha v?ry flrnt approach of warm weather, frequently appeara of a morning on tha Incoming train a veritable wreck from loan of aleep occasioned by thona weird and uncanny aoutida that are a foe to the lumber of mortala, though perhapa forming a part of tha orcheatra which Interprela terplehorean meaaurea for TIlanlR In the moonlight arrnyid In dlnphanotia gnrmenta of cobweb, When bl tired eyelid " miggent tha pleaaurea of hi downy couch an owl with pernlntent mournfulnen begin a aerenade that grate on th nervea, and until It Identity la entabllahed It auggenl the walllnga of tha bannhen. If ha I per'hnnce wakeful and In the humor to read he find that hi lamp I the mecea for more kind of flying thlrign than he ever thought could be 7 - ' " ' IlUO, ' HAff) TO II f? AN ESKMf Cf ttlXNKM, reckwned In Innectology, To dd lo bl dlncomfort lani bug with reaound Ing thud of the moat ntartllng charac ter dah their brain out agafnat the acreena In vala effort lo join the cir cle about the evening lamp, and a bat perchance liven up matter by frantic ally flying with blind awlrl and whirr over hi head until capture or retire ment I Inevitable, At laat In bed, the gentle monqulto proceed to warble near at hand, If netting prevent a peraonal earena, Jut to ahow there I no hard feeling, and he keep up lengthy monologue that were he a dog would ca une the aleeplea martyr to declare that hi bark wa worae than hi bite, Tha dog, however, I not to be left out of the mMmimmer nlght'a reality. He la enerally on that aleep all day long and bay the moon, wheth er there I one or not, from bedtime to daybreak. An anlnlne rooater, who mlatakenly regard midnight a morn ing, add bl sot to the voice of the night, and when poor, tired humanity think at lat there I renplt the In diiatrlou running fly beg to differ with blm, thu finishing what I truthful picture of what a mldnnmmer night I In reality, with apologia to Bhakeapear that there cannot be more found who enjoy the dream and lea who wreatle with the nightmare, Philadelphia Time. The man whom loanea would make desperate good luck would make equal ly . Hit (If tt4 Dae ff tke ..nt. ill ! Ifiilty dial V).k'a ttMioakt m ftnea I'm H' ' w 1lt Ptll a.t..ait " M lt.l.hf TflH ' "" if ih-m akn ate ! ntatet !! iwililaiy fti ome f t aaliUtat t ipr,tit. e IMvai Ike who' lntnt (S.t.tfte) the lt'meMi Mtbt Aa "r f ninr lwpr lame Mu! An litellibtti bttiie .f Ihl animal kingdom Hi tank I th' ni he alute fiit entrant Ittiflef A third iln pHvale ot wind Jammer, who diaiurh eliimltel and ptiker game Men A poor etmae for a uaM meal. 'aaa -A thing In demand, not i-w In a ktreet fight or police romt, Inechaiae-A tbket to heavm Pay Hay A area! day In the army when all men ate allk; a day to et lie diapute and palfonla the ran teen. Canteen-A ptaca where we e out brer and the bl head. (Jnardhoiine-A haven for real fot good aolttlera, (luard Huty-A crime unpardonabla Drlll-A dlagrace to any private, Drena Parade - A aporl the oniceri are atuck on, or Anglo-Haon for cake walk, Crapa-A good way to dl'pone ol $l.rr,o, or the game that nuule the American aoldler famoiia, (ifDeer' Meeting - A gathering ol Ihlraty ofllcer In a aecrct place tc dlarllna 'politic, Burgeon A eond-hnd horaa doc tor, who tflvea you oil for a epralned ankle, and then put you on doublf duty. Aa Atrall ItMIng tlttlOI. Tha Auatrallan' outfit la an adapta tion of the Hrlton'a, Tha colonial aaddla grow a peaky pummel and I high protecting cantle; the mild Kng llah knee-roll hecoaica In Auntralla I firm, deep, alx-lnch pad, and even tb hack of tli a thigh la held In plc by i aolld flange aewed upon tint aaddle-flap A with hi aaddle, i with the real ol tha atoek-rldwr'i equipment It I ai the Kngllnhman', but moulded ana xtrengthened to alerner naage. Tb inlld and monlly ornamental-hunt-lng-cp become a ten-foot- and tar rlbly effeitlve-atock-whlp. The chain, tha curb, Ih double rein, and all thl mora or lea fancy attachment art afrlpped from tha bridle In favor of I ha almpl anaffle, and a head pier and alngla rein of leather, o aubatan t f Ml a to defy the roguery or terror of any ordinary bore to break them. Crupper, breaatplate, martingale thene are tiaed or (eft aalde, according to tha build, trb k, and temper of the mount, with a ingle eye io uxefulnea, and no thought of the ornamental, I apeak of workaday attire and aaddlery, not of the fleeting glorlea of holiday rlg oijlj and, gpeaklng thu. It mut be aald that the . Australian' outfit I piann4 with a alngle eye to utility, Harper' Magazine, The rather ml Art ton: f'barlea fi. Ponton, upon whom the territory of Arizona ha Just conferred a pennbm if fid month, la known aa "the Pather of Arizona," H la the fimt delegate to congreaa from that ee. Hon, He be been a world wide trav eler and I full of tre of China e pirate and how he governed hi little kingdom of Tubae, )f Maataehe There, Men expoeed to the rigor of th Alaakan winter ever wear muntacbea. They wear full beard to protect the throat and face, but keep the upper Hp clean ahaven. The moleture from the breath congeal ao quickly that a mua ta he become Imbedded in a o)ld cake of be and the face la fror,en In a abort time. Klvlllzaahun aeeda more wrong fearln, man-lovln men, and )" God lovln pretenae. dr j TArKi.i:i a iui3Tiu::u IVtK rUiMf IMAt (AafMI A M W f-tif r4 , 4 AM tke -at i I aave mi i. ! t 1 t t tm i nwa la lalte . a tee . I !' l i aka a ' t ' H tueaMy ta a la tfc wtkitu ) tf Jala, rtt i. a la ahiik act etal iva a4 wt j-Uileg la Hi, Ihne waiMtaHy a pnh an4 a ! . Httg tt 'a. i vf t(i ft tl liHttww uf the k arm I iiaiionrd at J na, an 4 k ai enJoMng a a'e.t whtn on uf k' bitiia tetvani fa In wMh (he that a wan eairr had nt enter" Ut rittiiiind iif an empty Mtigalii wear by. rapt, lint tn, wtih a fitend aa4 en me native int. nlait4 oat to lay the lxat A bull tenter, pet of the captain, followed, end when they tot tn the compound the terrier mad a runh Into a big patth of Jungly gran there and began balking furlonaly. Peering that hla pet would be torn to piece , the captain railed the larrler to come back. The dug paid no attention to the aummona, but rotitlnued to dart about In the gran, enapplng and narllng at the Intruder. To the aurprlne i.f the thole party the tiger turned tall and fld from the dog, but on reaching the open tha beaat eprang upon one of the captain' native aervanta and dlaemboweled him with one aweep of a mounter paw, Be fore they could open Are upon It the tiger had cleared a hedge, croated the tennla ground to the accompaniment of a wild t born of ahrleki a the play era fled In illamay, and hid among the buahea In a garden adjoining the court. By thla time a dozen other men armed with rlflea had joined In the chaae. The bull terrier had atuck clone to the heela of the man-eater, an I by hla barking directed them to the beaat' new hiding place. Attain the dog bearded the tiger, but tbia time at aotne dlatrea to Itnelf, for It came darting out of the hunhei with blood atreamlng from a long cut In It aide made by the tiger' claw. The terrier plucklly returned to the attack, how ever, and a before tne tiger fled from It, Aa It darted Into the open with the terrier at It heel, every man In the party opened fire, wounding tha beaat aeverely. It managed to get In to a imall jungle, however, and aa by (hi time ft had fallen dark and a It wa believed the tlger'a wound would prevent It ecape, the chaae wa aban doned until morning. It wa with the great cat difficulty that the terrier wa Induced to leave the apot. At daylight It wa found that the tiger hud mad It eneape, 'I nat It had veen aeverely wounded wa abowo by a bl pool of blood In the jungle where It had sought refuge, Capt. Burton determined to hiive the beant'a akin, and, accompanied only by the bull ter rier, he act out on bunt for the tiger. On the fifth day, when he had Junt decided to abandon the chaae, be wa appealed to by om native In a vil lage about ten mile from Jalna to rid them of a tiger that had neled and mauled a man that day, It proved to be the Jalna tiger, with a broken leg. The captain organized a party, and with the bull terrier to acent the trail, they atarted out to track the tlgor down, That name afternoon the terrier drove the tiger out of no trie thick cover Into a clump of buahea, and then fol lowed Into the bunhe and cloned with It, Tb hunter could bear a terrific combat going on, but could not ee a thing. Presently the snarling and snapping and rushing around In the biisb came to an end, and the hunt er were convinced that the plucky dog had been killed. While they were holding a council U determine how to get the tiger out where they could hoot It, the terrier crawled out to them. The gallant lit tle fellow wa covered with cuta and blood, Capt, Burton washed the blood off with water from a canteen and gave blrn a drink. Then before they could atop It the dog darted back Into the bunhe and renewed the battle, Thl attack wa abort, however, for the dog waa exhaueted. Capt, Burton decided that the only way to keep the tiger from killing hla pet waa to go Into the bush after It, and he crept In, while the beaat wa In the act of striking the terrier, he took a np ahot that brought the man-eater down on the Inatant. It waa a lucky ahot, the ball having entered the tlger'a brain through the ear. The bull ter rier waa cut up ao badly that It wa unbl to move, but ft recovered from It hurt, and Capt. Burton now aay there ln't money enough In India to boy the dog, A Country with line Policeman, There I on country In the world and probably only one, that geta along with a alngle policeman, and that I Iceland. Iceland i peopled by the descendant of Vlklnga, Including many famoua warrior and heroe, bet they are ao law-abiding that they hair no need of policemen. The solitary of ficer, In aplte of bla great renponalbll Hy, haa an eany time, He la maintained more for ornament and dignity than for uae. The Icelander think It would not do to have a capital without a po liceman, and ao they keep oe, Thl police force In large in one aenne, It member la alx feet high, broad-nhonl dered, and handaomely unlformed, tirecn Bag, Ae at leli atiwtvt Invnr-el 4 abMie4 ' ihi a Vi III, tnartw He Iww IMatta DIM 4awt la ftt" "A Goal Nmc At Home c h fe"f Ab4m h V., eiAe Hvft jear. etCa a m4, f H7 Aat a Uft letr f Aej f rV bW fwefaw. 1 f" eaf tweet a"al A irttJthmJ. a-W ft wweeia." rroytt" a lA ff fiUW eneAve ivj caa hy . I ' jnt year tb lawyer Id a Penntyl fanla town adopted lha t,r't'"n eltmlng their omci-a from July IT t Aiigunt I, in give lime fi.r vacat'on. The move waa found ao successful all the attortieya being united fur It that It will prevail again thla a son. ta faae ti Arh as Itarat hake Into your shoe, Allen's Foot Fane, a powder for th fl. It nake tight or New Bhoe feel Kany. Cure Corn, Bunion. Swollen, Hot anal Sweating Fret. At all Drugglata and Hho Store. 2fic. Sample aent FRKB. Addrena Allen 8. Olmated. Leltoy, N. T. Before Frederick 8. Church began to study art he wna a soldier In the civil war and nn expren menacngor. H recently declared thnt he would be per fnctly happy could he paint but on picture a yonr and deatroy that If, when finlnhed, he did not approve of It. Reail, l.atiah and I .earn, When buying a pai-knge of "Fault! Htan-h" salt your grocer for tb book that goes with It free. It will sITord yoa lot tt amusement and add to your (took of knowledge. All grocer aall ft, lOo. It la not generally known that 8. Coleridge Taylor, who composed th cantata played at the taat featlval la Norwich, Kngland, la a fullblooded ne gro. Mr, Blaphnm declnrca the com poser of "Hlawatha'a Wedding Feaat" the coming mimical genula. REGISTER OF TREASURY, Hon Judaon W, Lyon, Iteglster of th United Statea Treasury, in a letter from Waahlngton, V, C, says: April 23, mt. Pe-rtt-na Drug Mfg. Co., Columbu, O.J Gentlemen-I find Pe-ru-na to b n excellent remedy for the catarrhal af Hon, Judaon W. Lyona, ltltr ef th Treanury. fectlon of spring and rummer, and those who auffer from depression from the heat of th summer will find do remedy the equal of Pe-ru-na, judaon W, Iyons, No man la better known In the finnn clal world than Judaon W, Iyon, II nsm on every piece of money of recent date, make hi signature on of the moat familiar one in th United State, Hon, Lyon address Is Au jPMfa, fla. He I a member of th Na tional Republican committee, and I a prominent and Influential politician. He la a particular friend of President McKlnley, Remember that cholera morbus, cholera Infantum, aummef com plaint, bllloua colic, diarrhoea and dyeentery ar each and all catarrh of th bowel. Catarrh I th only correct nam for then affectlona, Pe-ru-n Is fen absolute speelfio for thee ailments, which ar ao com mon In summer. Dr. Hartman, Ih a practice of over forty yeare, never lost a alngle caae of cholera Infan tum, dyeentary, diarrhoea, or chola, era morbua, and bl only remedy waa pe-ru-na. Thoee desiring fur ther particular should aend for a free copy of "Bummer Catarrh." Addrea in. Hartman, Columbu, O, 91MMMMltivWWWt Send your name and idJrm on i poitsl, and wi will lend you our 456- part illuilratrd catalogue free. wtseureTca Drnririun nut ea ' Binvniotin ntrinimu aniae lu, 2 174 WlncsMter , New llevta, Csea. li&lPiMM'IMilM'WfA'Vt't WASIFD-Cua nf t4 eea Cht III F A W Sill ifil l!tit. Sen4 rent ki llll-sn ( tKmlrsI Ce.,Ke Xork.fur lit mhovIm a ltd iMtluwalai. S j BaatrnnlAnil