THR .'AMERICAN FROM DAPTIST TO ADVENTIST. te S. !'"' 1 ' 0 1 NeA ! .i Ii r i i t 1 i i - 1 1 l 1 i 1 Hi) t . vr fc.Mi. l t . on i i it I in M i 1 a. Mi J '- o ; Mi tVr I I ' y Hi I I . . f a ! I '1 Vi ,- . 4 l k .. . 1 . . ' a t t ft L t V V e t 0 tlVntimml from !ttlJ IV. Ttlt MIUIXMl fil ? Mil ? Thf word "millennium" .loo not recur in ill I ill, l id In Oif JLVtU tliaptor vt Hex elation Ik I'crjrvil nf tie llii'llmiul jears U mAhi of, as tin lime (luring wltlcll tltoC wltil li Ait tiot tliO inalk of llio trust, lioulJ li f ami rrin with Christ. Wliat tloei the orl of luxl tench hi to where ami whenthii thall le? It certainly U not in this jTt sent evil worM," for Jems envs, "My kingdom is not of this "world." John 1S:3. Jesus whs tempted of the devil to bow dowunnd worship him ... i ..... ... and receive in return for .this homage, "all the , kingdoms of tho world, and tho gltry of them," but Jesus refused, say ing, "(let theo hence, Sutnn : for it is written, Thou shalt wor ship tho IiOrd thy God, niulhim only shalt thou servo." Malt. 4:8. 0, and 10. Again, at tho time of tho mir aculous feeding of tho 5,000, there wero men there, who, when they saw tho miracle, wanted to take Jesus by forco and mako him a king, hut he, knowing their desires, "departed again into a mountain himself alono." Thus again refusing worldly honors. "Then those men, when they had seen tho miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that Prophet thut should come into tho world. When Jesus there fore perceived that they would come and tuko him by forco, to make him u king, he departed again ibto a mountain himself alone." John 0: 14, 15. And now, in these last days of tho world's history, there arc thoso who oxpoct Jesus to come to this woian and reign us u TKMI'OHAIi KINO, but 1.0 IlOVCr will, according to his own word. Whore, then, will Cluist's Kingdom be sot up, for he cer tainly is to have a Kingdom ? In 2 Voter, 3:5, 0, 7, 13, there aro three worlds spoken of. "For this thoy willingly aro ignorunt of, that by tho word of (iod tho heavens wore of old, and the earth standing out of tho water and in the water: Whereby tho woni.n that thkn was, being overflowed with water, perished : Hut tho iikav- KNS AMI TIIK KAIITlt, WHICH A It K now, by tho snmo word urn kept in store, reserved unto lire ngninst tho day of judgment and perdition of uiigotlly men. Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for nkw jikav. KNH AND A NICW KAHTJf, wllCIcill dwolleth righteousness." 2 1'et. 3:5,0,7,13. The first world, then, reached to tho time of tho Hood ; tho second world, which now is, is "reserved unto liro," that is, it will reach down to the time of its destruction by 11 ro ; and the third world is tho "now heavens and u now earth" this world mado puro and cleiiu from all taint of sin, renovated, us it were, by lire, uud every stain of sin burned out "the world to come," thut is whoro Christ's material Kingdom is to be, though His spiritual Kingdom is now set up in tho hearts of thoMO who aro now and will bo then His willing and obedient subjects, and who will "bo like him when ho appears." Wo think it is clearly proven, by tho preceding und following ' AtStt . .I1 " nr t m It f r, W I i l l ,,, I Mi t.tit, hri, l te.l m ftvm the ile., n. M t Hi hit on tight hn., in the ttttttM mum, IVr aKe all i th tiral tty, mtt Hrr, nl tvitfht, and tlomtwtou, nod t ttx name that i named, not tniy tit thl w. thl, pit Imi imt m ii l nn, ' J ph. ; ; 2. "In my latha's J.c.ur ate many mansion! : if it wt re tot o, 1 w .Mld lae told you. I o Til IliMAIkA llACK IVII ol And if I co mid prrpaiv for you, I Hill to i n again, mul liM'KIX k 0 I NTO MYskl I J NUT WIU I K 1 AM, TIUKK YK MAY I t ai m. John 14 :2, 3. "And I mw thrones, mid thev nl upon them, mid judginrul was given unto them : mul I saw the souls of them that were i..t....i..i r... n.. .( t sus, and for the word of (iod, ....i i.ti. i imd which had not worspiped I it, a 1,a.l i,.;tt. t.i. 5 tho beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their forehead, or in their hands; ami tiiky i.ivkd and KRIilNKU WITH ClIIUST A TlloL'8 AND YKAUH." KcV. 20:4. "Ili-pent yo therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blrtted out, when the times of refreshing shall como from the presence of thq Lord; And ho shall send Jesus Christ, which before wus preuched unto you: Whom tho hkavkn must ItKCKIVK 1'NTIt.TIIK TIM KM OK HKS. TITUTION Or ALL TIIINOH, which God hath ipoken by tho mouth of all his holy prophets since tho world began." Acts 3:10, 20, 21. . "For tho Lord himself shall descend from hkavkn with u shout, with tho voice of tho archangel, and with the trump of God : and the dead in Christ, shall riso first : Then wo which a io ulive and remain shall he CAUnilT Ul'TOiiKTHKU WITH Til KM IN TIIK U.OUHH, TO MKKT THE Loitl) IN TIIK A I It : AMI HOSIIAI.r. i.f lit M 'A WB KVKIl IIK WHIt THKL0I.."l.U,aHUu,'.U.l,.'.ere0f' . IThos. 4:10, 17. "Do ye not know that tho saints sliull judge the world? and if tho world shall bo judged by you, uro ye unworthy to judge the smallest mutters? Know ye not that we shall jinlgo angels? how much more things thut pot tain to this life?" 1 Cor. Ii : 2, 3. "And I saw the dead, irnull and great, stund before God and tho books were opened : and another book wus opened, which is the book or life: unci the ueuu were judged out of those things which were written in tho books, according to their works." Itev. 20:12. Tho above quotations prove to my mind niost conclusively, thut the thousand years reign with Christ will not be in this "present evil world," with tho Jews restored to old Jerusalem, but in tho New Jerusalem in lioavou, und constitutes u part of the inheritance of true Israel. For Jesus bus prepared u place for tho righteous, in heaven, whero he has gone to remain until tho "restitution of all things," when ho will como again lo "receive them nulo himself" in heaven, whoro the righteous shall judge the wicked dead, for this judgment must be in heaven, whero the books are kept, and whero Christ is, ac cording to tho icripturo texts above quoted, und not on this earth, which is in a state of desolation during this time. The following quotations from Isaiah and Jeremiah show tho state of desolation in which tho earth will bo at this time, us they can refer to no tinio ritrviouH to the Millennium, us the earth will bo inhabited when Jesus comes, tho righteous deud will bo raised at that time, and the living right- ' 1 illl ill h H t I ' I I l i! ii n Is 1 .1 Hi . Itn f M 11 H li t I t i li ftOlil tied Mt of I n'III, od t Iiit r.". thr ' inil," ml, flit ti e taith f. I sit rut- I Ulfld the rmth, and, it a without ffi,, ! "id , Slid the h-Airi, aitd tl-fl had no liht I WhiM the ntiniii. trtins, and, h, thry ttemUrd, and all the hii! in.rd lightH, t If hi Id, and, Jo, time n no man, and all tho hit.U of the heAxrns wtre Ihl 1 l-ehtht, and, lo, the fnuiful pUo a wihlrtnfM, and all tho utir thricof writ lrikn down at the presence of tha !-ord, and hy lii tierce anger. For thus hth the Lord said, The whole land shall ho desolate ; yrt will I not make a full end. For this shall the earth mourn, mid the heavens ahove he hlack : he- .etuse I have sniken it. I have Tosed it. and w ill not repent, "either will I turn Uck from V, nr. r, , V, ,l Jl.t:o--5. "Heboid, the dny of tho Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and tierce anger, to lay the land desolate : and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light : tho sun shall ho darkened in his going forth, und tho mono ahull not cause her light to shine. And I will punish tho world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniqui ty and I will cause tho urro gancy of tho proud to cease, and will lay low the naughtiness of the terrible. I will mako a man more precious than find gold: even a man than the golden wodgo of Ophir. Thcrefoio I will shako tho heavens, und tho earth shall remove out of her place, in tho wrath of tho Lord of hosts, und in tho day of his fierce onger." Isa. 13 :0-13. "Heboid, tho Lord mnkeththo earth empty, und mukcth it waste, and turucth it up sido down, and scattereth ubroud tho 1 tie land s iai bo utter v emn- tied, and utterly spoiled : for the Lord hath spoken this word. The ourth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. The curth shall reel to uud fro like a drunkard, und shall bo removed like u cottage; und the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it ; and it shall fall, uud not. riso again." Isa. 21:1, 3, 10, 20. Wo aro forced, upon a consid eration of tho nbovo quoted scripture texts, lo the conclusion that, during the Millennium, tho earth is "desolate," "utterly empty," and "utterly spoiled," can bo ut no other time in this world's history than be tween the tiuio of Christ's com ing koh his saints und the timo of His coming with his sniuls, us before stated. Thoro is no man living on earth for Katun to tempt to sin, uud this con stitutes tho "chain" (Uov. 20:1) of circumstances with which Batun ' is "bound u thousand years (Uov. 20:2). The wicked uro in their graves, und tho righteous have gone homo with Jesus to reign with him uthous and yeurs. Btituu is left alone on tho earth to enjoy tho ruin which ho has wrought. Satan, tho great anti-typical "scape goat," bus received the sins of the rightoious who huvo con fessed them and sent them on before to judgmentplaced on his head by Jesus, our High l'riest, und has been let looso in tho wildemoHB, ii desolate place, "not inhabited," (Levit. 10:22) there to bear away tho sins of tho righteous into tho land of everlasting forgetfulncss. Tho righteous aro in' heuveu, there, from tho books in heaven con- 1 T I r I i i I . 1 1 i , , 1 ' i I . : i , . ' n I r . i f ),,.., , Ii... I ...M-.r e.od J '"!. . ' . . x , t j I t . i !,., ttt 1 1 , ' , . , . j it.-r j'li ..Me C ... t, aot tiv.. ti e Nr jiM.Uto-hi.ti t.'. J it to t t e d ad t' Tittt whtie the tthtooui aie ,itU (,., mi with Jri a their Kiotthi i the King dooi if t hnst. And the n- jditt. n of tlii r Aith, during the mou-iioi jeit, or tlie Mi, Sen. num, i t. he i ini tie the to. Xrtff t.i wht SMoe neni to think it will he. We ran now So, in thl View of the Milieu. i ... . , . , iiium, why it i thut Ju did not a cent from Sttn the Viog. , doni of lhl Woild, lM-fni!e it u ... I . I I- i. . I .1 in' . " . i v ii. ii" 1 1 i oim on u i ur unhrrml w rc k and ruin w hirh . , . ii. . , rmnn wouia irtng litem io, ami we mtttt be careful that we do not emulate Satan, and the Jews, in striving to mak Jems a temporal King, or even make the seat of his Kingdom in this "present evil world," for he says, "My kingi dm is not of this world." TO UK fONTlNl Kll j HIGIIHST AWARD And (Inljr PMT 1 Ariinil i'',ntoTVI,i:ltllKltS at the Ttaaa-MNa- V I V lj 1 ) 1)1 Vj IPiWi .a,,, :Mmh.,.h. Its Easy Writing: If its a Dlltkcnsdcrfcr No. 5. The universal favorite with all classes of operators who desire a simple and spreJy macliim?. - Mure "Rllcks" In use amonz Iowa br.iska newspaers than all the rest of the f lH) machines together. The only Typewriter on the market doing; hundred-dollar work that Is sold at a popular price. Hits 38 Keys, of 84 Characters and Letters; Portable, welnhlnk hut Si Pounds with case. Coplrs and Manifolds perfectly. la carlion copies bolnij easily taken at one writing. Only one price ln.oo net. On fen day Ap proval to any ri'sponsibia man In lows or Nebraska. Address, llARCICR & BLISIf, (ianaral Afintu, 904-910 Main Street, DUOUQUC, IOWA. SAMANTHA AT SARATOGA. Dy JOSIAH ALLEN'S WIFE. -L. Mm k and gold It la a linniliotin lu,k, well worth l wllhln tha riaill of all I Ifly t enia, BOLD Tllli AMERICAN. $151 5rA fj . ffW I an, It V w trum h..l t.M... nn.. t fileee n.l lull l-ll tMrln(r. a.. reh re.,.,, eailnel u..t, .. lilkH Hnllil .npw down IM.nli.nrt i.l,.r., Iw-t limle ee-ljl". '"' liHIl'. I.I Hill. rnna.TH' tl. "n l.-allr l,i. enniill. HI, all l". I. anil repair I'"1" iiaior 1.1 .h.ti i. V"va ;:,.. I, ,t,mi aorru aaiAKH Tllkag liM,a 4T aa. a.m A I. OADBM TOOAV, ar. IHMrahl. r.ll.hl. t'AI A MM. I t, IM IK. kJ Tj" f Af.A t Al .yirAAniaa . 1 1 t-i 'l...n:. Of lit- - ,., , 1 1 '4 ' ! X. ... .(.hm No t.i"M t kt.t, i,ti hr' ' ,: viiiii I if i S-oik niMii ., . W4. 4 t IiMIi) rt h J Wiirte , . , -i ti.. it .t,ki es lt t . ... , ., miS l IMrl.i llMtt Jl.ifc AM !! , . ,., rn h tun m tvk t w t tt 1 14 u feiil M..r.k . , ., fctvl (Vrifoutim l tt1l ... , airl i(tH t Ik JrvaO llr tn.lirnt ,itki, 1 ,.) , '"V"?" .'..Xl li -. . nun mi T.r r y ran.., -,, t.t,a m t fu ! hrl"V ',,,r"" k" hull !, r.f rortjr !!,,. n .n ,J5 ( MUM IIMTII'I I'll, Mi MhI!' V.iS , KjUmuA lMA oi Mr llrnry Won.) YVntta .... ,Ji 1 Hrni. e.lucrd i .... u rs Mmwoi n.l of Wll a,l Humur Htm. M K. linotWi Wotki ...... tl J mii t'arir la Amnlun IVluim. .: Fmout Comic It luiluix I if (low la Tula Animal ...... II Mia. rarllnitton'i Utah lla IS The Minwtrrl tfhow , lUmlnoa K,1 neat ton al limn .14 WliMer loodlri live Affair .... .IS Kvrr.TlxKlv'B Iaw Hook .13 Premium Ituitirft til For sale by JOHN C. THOMPSON. and Ne $3513 Tlila Ii wlllioiit duulil lli niimt ijiiilr huiiiiiroii Imik of mini. rn llitii. It m written l)r Mutli'tla lliillry (" Jiwlah Allni'l Wife"), and li Iwn I lie ruiwl alilclr ri'il anil iinlvtrll) miu larof all bur faiiuiun ImhiIh. "Hiiiinnllia al Hurl"n" iliai rllna I he adipiitiina of Hinmiillia and Ju.liih Allen Unn a lll In Para tig, aa well w lit Lake Omriti', Mmiiit HIHIri'ir ami other ilm t. It IlkralMi i hmiili'lea amna aiuuliii rienla Out 1x1 11 r rid I Jniiearllle, the hum ut I he Allrm. It I lirlnifnll nf wllljr re liinrk, tt roll ilillulir and liiilliniui dial rlllnii, wrlllrn In I lie aullmr'a laul teln, and "III In enjnyid y rwtf Inter nf lli hiimiiniup. Siiineiif tli iliaitini ire an fulliiwii "AnlellaTiitt ami llur M.iUi.t," Th ( herlly nf I ha Ji,iM.llllaiii," " Ardrlla ami Ahram llec," " We Arrlie al Maralnaa," ".ln.luh and t'amnnlln Take a lAt W alk," " Jnalah'a Kllrlatluiia," "Mlull. W n.lilncl'in Ubiiiim," " Vlell tii the Indian Im mn metil," " A lirlietnr'araliira i.ake," " Lake (!er,(e mid Mount Miireiir," " Al a lwn fart The rWlal Weill' Mwllna," " An A 11 Idi'iit with ItMiilla," ele., etc, Mn lie thmi.anilniif the nli rlilhin rilllliiii nf llillK.k lura heen xild al 13 IWI eni h, Die edition Hint wtufli r pniilalni all lha leit f Hie nrlnlnul, and It I" mlillheit In a ImiHlxmie inmn. oil nine nf 1174 puiiea, well irlnlel from large type 1111 md iniier, em. MlUhed a llh AO hnniuriHia llliilrlliin lie (ier, nuny uf Ihem full page, and U.aiillfully lnni. In llk-nnlahrd cloth, ataniiietl In a il In an llhrarr, and mir lllwral after j.l.iea W'a will tend " hanioiitlia at Saratoga " I7 mall Ml-iald ujkjU rl'l or I1Y ONLY ONE DOLLAR DOWN will inl u Hii" HiQH OR A U I MJWi MOplw ntlhiaml iitil mimI nhil hi M II Ii fl ti mil iufyi V1CUWA Mi: thf lilllMiMlt"l1 r Mfitifin 11 at yinrfrtM uttu ti tl 1 tui Il1.1i if (. It I ht M.4rt ll.t (.it Aim ta.4i.iio tyiCUNAi turn rani at 1 H eter flir(lf'letfie) .r ranire! 11 a o"l Sill hf whiel ! 1 la ( hi itlWr brNM In , Ml, uy J"ii i.irNe ni ii Mil iniircaHi'lieHvc-. ! 1 o 1 1 11 II Ml a j. I.n ill la.nTH riama i. at 11 loi'h. e.K'ii ' SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICACO.'ILL. Rav. F. M. Esterbrook, TreiiHiiror of tho Ndhraaka Wca cynti Unlyuralty at UnlvorMliy I'Uoa, Nclir., write on April id, lUH; "I have been troutilod fur snino tlmo with tlokllnif In tho throat which ofton prcAtly aiinoyod mo. After taking Dr. Kay's Luun IIU in I found roiiof. I found your Dr. Kny'a Kldneycura holpad my kidney trouble which has been trouljllno; 1110 for a numU'r of years. Mrs, KaierbriMik had Ix'on sulijcct t aeoiiifh for tinmt of the winter, and algo lnnoinnla. After tuklnir only 0110 tajx of your Dr. Kay's Lung Balm aho wai almoat entirely rellovod of hor coitijh ami alio also found It mado bor tlccp bi tur. We And your reniedioa work like a charm. irdrugirlatA do not hara them take no auliat ltut. for thr hara no equal. Writa ua for frea a.lvloa ami Dr. Kny'a ltoina Tr.atinetit m alualila liooh. free. W aenil the) remextlaa hy mall, lt)ct anil fftila. for I.unir Ilnlm anil ! .00 for Klilnevrur. ami DP,, i.. nml at 1111 r... 1,. Kay i Kouovator. ii.nh Iiil 11. j. 1 - -... . . I B " ,1 j .. I- ." . I. i ., .. t . . . . , . I e . . . t i a - . i . . . . . . . ....... ...j . . . , i m t.'tift l.-w-, p .1. .1 . - t. t tii.i ,f !', a i i a ., w ,4 .1 0" I l. I 0" I .1 Imfc. l-(w'l .,.-. I, . ...f k .T.I fetWM iPW. W. . 0. Ikr . .! DM al t'l. Ilhn ,h.i a . im ,.-i f i.i. .1, aiH IA .fl. I I.. ff tM, ttF... a. a....,. ,'. ., i ai ..I ,,., , ( h l..l.n l I H. I I .VII IM f. t I ,hi ,in .l In I....i 0-. 1 11. r4 II. ii, U.'.H' ivt().n 91 Mii.i".ciit lit.ft . i... .it.i a. 1 HI..I.. I n l. . i n.r S .,i . i ) . .. , n a IHr fair -i 1 .-...I h f at....,n f I h S.I A r. ,l4Hi A . O "ml eM. k. hr l,i(.'l,.t . m ut tvriil m. .i..iti an.l lhi ria i ai. ih ..I in. iam . ii. m. til ..! ihr h. Omi.b . iw 1 , att Hnaha N.iiia Jiu. fl Owi JiiMN X M i!i.OA . ifwa (Vihiiv. N..aa I virll A NV In l Iloinria Mmn. l Inn I S lm Ina I'll, Ikh, M, N IM l. Uh- M I 21 I GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE LOW KATLSON OUR IM1K AON ALLY CONDHCTr.l) TOUR I AT HX. CtlRSIONS. Leave (lnialitt every Frlduy via Col- ornito Springs and Hoenlc Koule. Thee Kxriirainiia t'ara re attnehed 0 Kaat l'aaaenjfer Tralna, ami their popularity la evidence that we ofTer the beat. , Write fur hnndaomc Itinerary which liivea full Information and new map, aenr free. For complete Information, rates and berth reaervntloii are your local UKent or address II. U. MacLLOU, A (1 P., Topeka, Kan. JOHN SEBASTIAN, 0. P. A.. Chicago. HllKllll'TM aAl.K.-lly vlrtua nf it 1 11 1 1.M iinlor ttt mill, laaiii'il nut of tha le t rlct I'mirl nf IhiiikIiik Ciiiinlv. Ni. braNha and In Inn airei'lod, I will, on tha In) ilny nf A11K , A, I), iwm, 11 1 l.o u rlmk a. m. nf mi Id ilny, at Ihn 10 11 I front dn-ir of ilia t'liunty tNiiirt llmian, hi tha I'ltjr nf (iniiihn, J in iiu ! m ('iiiinly, Nolirnnk i, aid nt imiIiU" utii lliiti to Itia lilatie.t tild ilor fur fii mIi, Dm irnierty iliai'rllio.l ia an Id urdor nf awln, na fnllnwa, to will I, nl rimr III In llliiiH I liro. Iiuiiilri'il nnil latoeii IIIHI) In oilHlmil ilul nf Ilia City f MiiiiiIiii. aa, pint tod and rt i'iif,, all In lmiiKliia I'liiinly, Mtata lif INI'liniXKH. MhIiI iirniierly In Im sold lo anliafy lliierv J. Twlntlna. tilnliitlrf liroln. tha mm n f Hfty-aK anil 7S-Iihi (vl7iii dm lura JinUuient, with 1 11 1 or eat tlinrmm At inlei of ion ( I'm r cam, r annum from S7t h, IW17, tnaelher Willi an aiinrneya rea or nva arm B(-ini iann dollars which aald Ainoiinla ara a flrat icn iiiiiiii an lit almva ilwrllied iiropeny, 'Id To aallafy Ihn aiiin of Nlnoly-flva ami eVIim (Hfi.m.i Onllnra rnata herein, tn Ketlior eltll HiirillllK riialA accordltiA Ir) a Juilgmnrit rerulcroil ly tha IMairlot rourl of an Id lioiiKlna fount y. at Ha Hoiiti'inlMT term. A. i. I"w7, In a crrtnln Met ton Mien and Ihcrr. iieiidltiA, whnioin Marry J. Twlnilnir la imlriilff and ThA A iiii-r Icurt NiilloriNl lliink, of uinalut, No- lirnakii, a cornnriiildn oraanlaed iiinler tha In, of Ilia I lilloil Hlnlaa, Hiilllliel n, I'urllN and Kule lord Curl la. hla wlfn. ara dofemlHrita, iirriiiha Noli,, Juris w. Iw JOHN W. M IfiNAI.r, MherlfT of I'iiiii'Iii. Coutity, NebraakA, VV, A. HAt'MiKllH, atlorney, Twlnilnu va. Arnnrli nn Nailonnl llank. Iiockot SI. No. m. Ka. Hoc I'n fl-i-5 AMlcMiMKNT Of A ItTK '1,1'IH. Nolloo la hi-ret, y atlvrn that oil lha tlth ilny of Juiii". IMiM. the term of tha cor tioiiillnn of tin. ('coiihI llnii'l I'nitiimiiy wna i.ili'iiileil lii I'oliiiiiiiy If,, Hi l. on, I Hint anlil cut iorntliin will ral.l tinlll that I litti.. i.oriM 1 1, Mt.Mt;H, WILLIAM June nth, IMH. I' M. IIAVIH. Hocrelary, (Miwihii, V HI-4, fl 8EN0 50c Writ. Inclining UK ad. and HV god will aend yuu tlila beanliful Maniiollna I) eiuren, C, II. II auhj.rl In l iamli.a tlna, If f'U'id eiaeilf aari'iirwntad tciii ean oaf lha eiiroa agunt nor hl't.l I tl,nr-y II pili . A9IW lean the fOreritA. or ki An und eai.reaa chargoa. This la a re (itlr ia 00 Inai riimaiii, aolid roaewood lil, fain r p'-arl and almriy rhoegared I'tsn, Imaulifiil liearl luliarfly auard l ii..,ro-awiH,d flngarnaard unit riiev. Mall I I i'H. V011 ran liav ailln r 11 Mnndollna, 0"iarin,i)""rViiiim on lha aait aternig, Write for rilKM mualr.l raliinr a. . Ad..r, , llo.a, aininai. r.. T'TTTTI hay Mkhk,, (imaiia, nii. iccoim