THE AMGRIOAN, 1 AM!U tlV t tl '" "ft ! . ,r la f. ! tt M rMa la r ia I tf tfc tati, k t-' e Wx" tii n!r ft' . ttt Vt ., ,. t wrU 1 Ik artwl .tll;rt ftr. 1 11 4 A f i V V.I.. ,-. u in t' itim la r-1 I- i t n jf I'e Ht it la. j (tnl an 1 III) lf fil r ''i"r t an I rf;.tt,.iiintt4 tf, 'tt t-r ' w ' 1 W v f ' 1 . ,k r 7 ' 1 All 1 ' t M " - . The lummer U with u attain ami tho water U ready for bathing. In aplte of th wind thut aometlme blow cold th hardiest of the young women are already dancing In the surf and othera are getting their water gowna ready. The old atnnd-by aerge U coming rapidly to the for ah the bent mate rial Tor bathing dresses, flergn comes In forest green and all the new rolura which make It so admirable; then, too, It doea not hug the (Inure aa dourly aa - flannel, Kureat green la an admirable polar for tha water, especially combined with geranium. It la to extremely sensitive to tha raya of tha aim, tha leant iparkla of sunshine tending It forth In brilliancy, All tha new ahadei of red ara worn, en to Havoy, that color aomethlng Ilka beet, though mora Intense, which la dying out of favor. It la becoming only to auch faultleaa complexion. Mohair la a aurf favortt In tha light er grade. Thera come a mohair aa soft aa allk, yet much mora durable, and tlila la mad up Into tha moat charming bathing sulta. A blouse of gray mohair waa em broidered In a darker ahada of gray. Tbo embroidery waa done by hand and waa of a core but very effective kind, Embroidery la largely ud upon water aulta aa It la not heavy, and la war ranted to keep It ahapo. llraldlng la alao een. A ault of Scot, tlsh check, worn by one of tha flrat bather of tha season, waa trimmed with very narrow band of musketeer braid. Care muat be taken that the braid la waterproof, warranted not to run. Thla run only be ascertained by aewlng a aample of the braid upon the gooda and aoiiklng both In a baaln of salt water. If It aland the tent aiter being dried In the aun, then It ia a good bathing material. China and India rllke, the matcrlale which were worn so much laat year for bathing aulta, are not popular, 'luey rllng to the figure, but they make ad mirable beach aulta. Many bather line to don a beach ault and alt In the annd for a aun bath for an hour a day. For thrm there la nothing aa good aa India allk, for It la light and allows the aun and air to play upon the body. In the water It la too clinging. The device for making tho aklrt of bathing aulta atand out are many; one of the lutrit being a atlffened llnlnc A aerge ault of light weight wa lined with a light weight buckram, both ma ted..: being by nature atlff. The aklrt waa laid In plalta, few In front but numcrou at the back, and waa hung precisely aa accurately aa though It were to be wore In the atreet. And tha i reanlt, when worn the flrat bathing nay, waa delightful. It slood out even when dripping with water and tne young women, all of whom were dla porting In the waves with lined aklrt were proud f their couturier. The bathing corset la a "Zaxa." It consist of a band of ribbon stiffened with a whulhone at front, aide an back, tlx bonea are sewed at ench side and two In front where the "corset" lit hooked. It reach llttlo above the walct line and la a support for the skirt, without which aupport many women are uncomfortable. There la another bathing cornet which can also be made very pretty It akcleton I made of four Inch of bone In front and four Inchea at the lmck, with a aide measure of three Inch. Klbbona are carried from front to aide and to the back until lattice work la formed of r 1 1) bona. Thl cornet la strong and wear well. The ribbon should be waah ribbon. Tho ordinary taffeta ribbon la aald to be a waah ribbon. Hut It la better to try It It I the fashionable thing In France to have a gown made for wearing to the bnth bonne, It may be of foulard In simple design m aranged that It la eaally taken off. One of thcae la but toned atralght down the front under neath a fichu of white mull. It can be allpped off and the bathing dress put on. Any of the bath houaea are very bare and devoid of mlrrora; but with a drcs of thl kind a woman can make her aelf preaentable without the aid of a pier glass. The very fashionable bath er ara carried to the urf In what look to u Ilka a tiny bath houae, the maid following after with a robe. That la the way the millionaires of Tarl enter the aurf. t. t ,!irti,ft lafttt'ty nt'wn't, tt Smnl V. M ' R..t St V k a I ir f I 'l . ; :.k . lr 1 "'' t-t ..;irnrr im H'f'v l)'h Mn I ftith th aniij,1 f.,t rrn It. 'n -t hmI In t!t and di. to, th nllv Ih am lhln f-tf 'r ar iCVrr hrr It forml wuhia Hie rhe When f 'he g in a iim-harg, a lhl k a Im1 f am ke h. mit and hung nr lh la. making an Ideal target. aM In half a minute every Hpanl.h gun and rlDe within rane wa directed at the par ticular M thu indicated; th ronae quenc waa that after a more or l lenathy atand th gun waa allenred or driven off. W got no appreciable help from our guna on July 1. Our men were quick to wall th defect of our artillery, but they were entire ly phlloaophlr about It. not ahuwing th lea! concern at H fal'.ur. On the contrary, whenever they heard our ar tillery open they would grin aa they looked at each o'.her. and remark: There so the guna agfiln; womler how aotin they'll be ahnt up." and ahut up they were aure to be. The light bat tery of Hotchklaa one-poundera. under Lieut. J. D. Hughe of me ienm cav- airy, wa handled wun conapicuoui gallautry. JTioao Who WiitilJ 8ov Great Qneition Muit Tim Aqnlre Information. iS AN IDICATIONU tNU UPRISE Ileal (Ireater Amerlra l:i)H.ltinn Offera a MjOrnillil tpHtrtnnlty to Html Our Colonial I'nitiiliiMHImilia, July 1 loNonibr I, I HDD, Aa t'nnaninl llent. From the London Dally Newa: Among the melancholy application for leave to preaume death" In the Btena dlnaatcr wa one touching In It revela tion of a deed of herolam. Tle appli cant wa a Mla Maker, whoae father, a major, had gone down with the veaael. Doth were about to perlnh, when the father made a plteou appeal to a boat load of naaaengera who were leaving the aide to And room for hi daughter. One man, of whoae Identity mere i a roliitely no trace, Inatantly atepped back to the hlp and allowed the lady to take hi place. A the boat cleared the ilde the veaael went down, carrying with It the glrl'a father and her un known reacuer. How beautiful! How unutterably aad! HI anonymity aeem omehow to enhance the heroic gran deur of hla death. Nothing would have been gained by knowing hla name. A man capable of auch deed want no mortuary honor nor the local habita tion of a monument. He belong to the nflnlte of greatne, and bla fitting rave la the ia. The domlnnnt purpoao of the Great er America Kxpoaltlon irojeet la to bring tho American people Into netual contact with reprcaentatlve type of the natlvee of the Philippine Inland, aa wp a thoae of Cuba, I'orto Itleo and Hawaii; and the product and re aource of their soil and Induatnea; point out tho commercial po!bllltlee of a cloanr union, and afford the wldoat poaalble Information on every phaae of the pending queotlon of expansion, Thl It la proponed to do by compre hennlve exhibit, not only from the Philippine Inland, but from the other lalunda named. The flrat acqulaltlon of colonial ter ritory by th t'nlted Htatea waa of nuch recent occurrence that thU flrat formal munlfeatation of the chief characterla llca of these acquired land la fraught na. who are eipialty eirneal In com bining or upholding, with undoubted patriotic leal, th cihtem,tlated nation al policy 't expansion. A a mattr of fact, few adhrnta of cither aid of tli la great rontroveray ar adequntely pqulpMd with the knowledge beat cal culnted to lead them to a rlae aolutlort of the problem. While Americana are heatedly dlacusalng the capacity or th Filipino for aelf government, or hi adaptability to enlightened rltlzenwhlp. none of lie. with the exception of the few returning and heroic promotera of American arm and valor on far aborea have ever n a Filipino. Fourteen month ago moat of ui had never beard te name. Thoae who recalled their childhood lenaon knew that there waa aomewiicr), few knew ;uat where, a group of aea-glrt landa known aa the Philippine lalanda; but It wa the reverberating echoes of the valiant Dewey a unerring guna that fixed In the American vocabulary the word Filipino. Aalde from thla pre-eminently ln- terentlng and novel pbaao of the Great er America Expoaltlon project, 11 I propoaed to preaent the moat compre henalve and lnatructlve exhibition of American Ingenuity, and Induatrlal handicraft, ever attempted. The won derful perfection and economy of American manufacturing uiduatry will be ahown na never before, and In a charmingly Interesting and lnatructlve way, by meana chiefly of live exhibit, or model factories In actual operation and turning out their flneat product, with every period of their myaterioua How it rit, Philadelphia Record: "That wa a narrow ecape, old man," remarked Clnchly a he picked up the fellow who ad been at ruck by a trolley, "How do you feel?"' 'Well, I'll acknowledge that feel a trifle run down," chuckled the other, a be lelaurely betook hlmaelf way. V - h 1 I ! S r.- J. T '.lT'4TWYy ARCH OF THE STATES, with an Importance not readily ton eel ved, but which muat commend thl enterprlae to all thoughtful citizen who are patriotically bent on ao wtlv Ing every great national nueatlon At to beat Inaure the progrea and perpetuity of tho republic. Never before did an rreat expoiil- tlon project contemplate tlio enlighten ment of tbo people of the cmintry upon a qneatlon that ao thoroughly occu pied and perplexed the public mind a lo the qneatlon of national territo rial expnnalon. I'pon th-i wiadon of the abaorptlon by this lepubllc of the fertile tropical land wrr.ated from Hpaln by the recent war, the greatest mind are divided, and their cm neat contention find It reflection In the apprehenalona, perplcxirlea, aaplra tlona and hopea of tho humbleat tltl- proceaaea vlalble to tho cyt of th ob server. The Greater America project Is unique also In that It 1 the flrat of It kind ever projected and carried to a conclusion without having first rrade heavy draft upon publle treasuries, and exacted large an ma of tha money of taxpayer without their Individual sanction. It ha asked no appropria tion from state or national govern ments, but It purpose have so com mended themanlve that veral of the department of the national govern ment have voluntarily offered the man agement such aid a wa found piwal ble In the collection anl transporta tion and transportation of the propos ed Insular exhibits which has material ly advanced the plans of tho management, prf;.ss duilding. AMERICA '3 SEA C0N0UER0R9 OF 183D. The Old Plantation at the Greater America Expoaltlon at Omaha this jummer will be a reproduction only In name of the a me feature at the Trana Mlaalsalppl Exposition. The collection of darkeya will be larger and mor representative of plantation life, and the habitation will be more pletun eaqua and (table. It will be practically l new amusement feature. The cylorama at the Greater Amerlcn Exposition, beginning July 1 In Omaha, kill present a splendid scenic repro luvtion or the great battle of Mission irf Uldge. The floral adornments. In keeplnf with the colonial features of the expo sition, will be distinctively tropical, and thousands of the rareat treasures of the tropica have been and are being brought from afar to grace their sym metrical and scenic lawns, and parks, and buildings. There will be an elaborate and com prehensive representation of a Colo rado gold mine at the Greater America Exposition In Omaha this summer. It will be modeled In proportion never before attempted outside of the actual work of mining. V