The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 07, 1899, Image 4

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Nllkt H)Mi lliettMil M mlKI li mt liMe M
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4 tt a et ii ! , ! If lfct t'i ( (!, 4 tke rtf
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ft win ' MiM
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!.'. i . ta A !
timi( h r o - .
fU (N " )' I1 ' 1(1. Wi t"-
To Hubaf iltP!
f LI I I H--
. lw 4 ' r-t '
y-w.ll " I! M
fll ' H !
t .t kr'-a. ti.
f.!l MM Ml !"'" '"
llHli and .rH4 iirtiMi.
t ' -
J.ii.( nt thi llmi lin nil nun
gr th( mwlhlhK I Klni tn hap-
md mul tnri f Ml In
(fPtly rttiirn nf Jns Oirtat to this
rrth, It ) lnlr-rtliiR ( turn to J-r-t-mlah,
thar-tiT , sml fi-sil tltre Hi
Inatrw lions to thi who ln-llevn (hat
that iinMiuallnl rvrtil, Ilia K'roiitl al
iit of I'lirlnt and the Judgment of
the world, la alxnit to transpire. In
that chaplrr Mltve th prophet
la made to apeak of tplrltuul llubyltm
ami apirltual Israel. He apeaka the
Word of thn l,orl aa follows: "le
rlara ye anionic the natlona, and pnb-
lUh. and ac-t up a atandnrd; publish
conceal not; say: 'Babylon la taken
ltel la confounded, Merodach la brok
en In plecea; her Idola are ronfunded
her images are broken In pleea. (15
Shout against her round about. She
hath given her hand; her foundatlona
are fallen, her walla are thrown down
tor it la the vengeanre of the I-ord
take vengeanre upon er; a ahe bath
done, do unto her. (31.) liehold I am
agalnKt thee, O I turn moat proud' aalth
the I-ord God of lloata: 'for the day
18 rome, the time that I will visit
thee." The atandard that we are
commanded to lift up la that of J cairn
the Chrlat, who gave up all, Buffered
death and overianie U that thoae who
believed on hla name ahotild not per
lab but have everlaatlng life. The
Babylon that la overthrown la the
power of Batan which aeema to lie at
I (a tenlth today and which la workln
through all earthly governmenta to en
alave and enanare humanity. Juat
when the effect of thla laat event will
become siaulfeat Ood alone know,
but tliat It la to be aeen of all men. w
have abundant pnxjf In the acrlpturea
Firm tn the belief that Cbrlat Is aoon
coming, that Batan, aln and death ara
to le ttottnd and deatroyed, we atk
In the worda of the Ixrd, found
In the forty-fourth verae of that
name chapter, "Who will ap
point me the time and who la that
ehepherd thit will atand Ix'fore me?
and If the shepherd cannot atand what
will liecorne of the aheep that have
been nilttled by them. la It not time
that we all tried to get nearer to the
Joaepb Jf. C'boat, the ambaaaador
to the court of Kt. Jamea, la reported
to be arranging for a dinner In honor
of John Ireland, aa he returns from
klaalng tb pope'a toe. Toadying to
Ireland la not good politic , Mr. Choat.
r 'iifuii e !? M l'il j tktit1ta I. Ili. laii4
Iml f.K U "! ft ink l"t'i We aH fi' pmli. '!
A muli a t'litu h
low the Nil Vi-ik W t M f J
."1 lake IM iti.petih:
Ijiiii, Jb II -n Amrii.aB
.i' Im ui f lHh ataadiitg "H'i )i'.t
Itl'l" lhni!ilintl the oil.,
ftiwe Hi.lU!.n Biakr Ii ltnpl !i!e t.H
bim ( 1lM)oe hi name, h Jn(
anlvr.l (n l.4.n.l..n from Mntilla and
ban tlvrn (he World (he follow lug
1M tiih I dld lllha M..HI
i "A (fil.l4 iitli' a
iird rtie ftlutday ! Ilr. Vt
Imj, aititig j.riHKltr .h!f f
Ulrtmp llioli.l.l i f (he M'.ilha 1i
.e of (he Honiaa ralhntle i bnu h.
ailed Mn U.vrrtir Ftiitih i pn(
n Mirm appial lhal Ihe "nnr
(emit hi Intllatlnn n (lie grand l"lte
of Maon ( lake ihalge of (he ire-
moiilr at (he lalng of the corner-
tone of Ihe ale .apll.d in (hi. vlty 'atrmenl for all-n o.. of a pure
on July 4. tltand Maler I'ometoy ha
already an-epird the Invitation, and
ba appointed commlitee alt lu
he various tli tall of an elaborate pro-
rram. it la r'-Ranien a nicniy proo-
able lhat Governor Pmlth will retiiKe
it of duty to hi tountry:
I have vtiidled Ihe altuatlon In the
'blllpplnea for eight month from the
' I went (here willing to give ad-
heition to tha annexation policy If
(o recall hla Invitation, denplte Ihe fact rwild dlaeuver It Justice and feaal-
lhat Fr. Day declares that forty thou- '"' r the abHolufe
Hand Caihollcs hiiihi forego any ton- conviction lhat thla Philippine cam-
nei tlon with Ihe affair unle he. ooea palgn.wlth Ita Inevitable ronequcnce,
so," Maai'hne((a haa a lot of Mil- ia the greatest calamity our nation ha
ons eapeclally in her aenate and evpr encountered.
hoiiHO who would not dare to oppoae ..Th- -.nMor-hin iirpvent (he Amer-
a prlent, whether right or wrong,
They voted for Carney. Hut Maana- I
rhUHCtta alwo haa many manly Muhoiih.
lean people learning the truth about
the aifiatlon. It In the mnxt monstrous
ccriHornlilp ever lmpoited. The Span
lards during the war closed down on
LAl'HIKH AND UOME. I al ilHpatches without dlatlnctlon at
A dlapatch from Montreal appeared Manila, but the present cennornhlp la
In the Honton Transcript of June 22. conducted by an officer who parades
announcing that "Hon. Charles Fitz- his personal prejudices against certain
Patrick, the solicitor general of the newupapers, openly favoring those
Canadian government, will sail for whoae correspondents frame their (lis
Europe on July 6, In connection with patches to suit his expressed wishes.
the Manitoba school question. At the Subjugation can be effected In a few
present time the Hurler settlement, months- It will take 50,000 men. Far
whereby fifteen children of any given fewer would suffice If our army had
race may have a school Instituted for ny enthusiasm In the work, but It has
their benefit and education In Manl- noue. in fact, tha soldiers loath It.
loba. under the supervision of the They constantly ask: 'What are we
provincial school board, In which the fighting for?'
tongue desired may be taught, with 'What are we fighting for? Why
the privilege of religious exercises aft- ghould we be willing to kill these Fill
er the regular school session Is being pinos? Where Is the glory or the
carried out under Roman Catholic I gain?' '
. .
protest. Tfie Vatican view ana in- -Already the United States is sub
struction are to accept thla, look for Miing the Catholic church In the
more privileges, and cease agitation. phiin,inea. This Is one of the sinister
Hence the quietude of the Roman neMltle8 of our entanglement. Abol-
Cathollc clergymen at the present , prleHt1y rue tnere and nothlng Is
time. Hut this quletudo must not be . f, to dlfferentlftt(( tne F1iDno. ri.oni
the savages.
"The maintenance of this church,
tu n phino stint
Ill ttt !! tn'M tf
t'ttft V'r- f la (! bihi Hi.H t f oBs
iia arii! of n or fiwit,
'.'. .-n l the nh t irn'ntTi n.:v
til (if i.slimt l i !r nt (.ohIi( No!
n lh invrriUve hi i4 of nn; ()(
l ul ly itnf-irinl In .1rlm v
f !ill!e the n!r; of lurnSng la
i me ircuidiry i uri'e (kt !. h
Uitrndid for some entiie'y d.ffir-
nt puip'e. In Itrotiklva, where an-
iri(lon hai not deotmved d.t!rniu
titre, and where people t!ll own
pili he of garden where flowers and
fiu't are carefully (ended (hrotuh the
Irying rrfins of youih, a brlgh( wom
an wi'.h (he Inventive mind afore said
had taken two rid tprlng -i which
have done duty In (heir Intended role
iin'lt old aae ha broken their wire
and reduced their slats to a pitiable
tat.e of decrepitude, fastened them
against her back fence, and already
trained vines are beginning (o creep
through (he slats, with a promise of
blossoms later on wmch shall turn the
old spring beds Into a glory of crimson
and gold; and It Is safe to say that
when the time comes no one who I
not Initiated into the secret will be
able to tell the foundation of the trac
ing vines. Who can say that the In
ventive mind that turns the sprint
bed Into such a blessing to the eye
docs not rank with (he mind that first
crmcelved the bed itself?
construed as the end. According to
advices Just received from Rome, the
papal authorities have the assurance contrary to every prn(.p!e of our con
of Blr Wilfrid Laurler that more con
cessions will be granted the Roman
stltutlon, must be continued If we are
to remain. The friars have fled, but
penslble element In preventing utter
chaos In the islands,"
We notice that some of the Protest
ant church papers have copied from
the dally presa the statement that Miss
Ciinack, "Tha Nun of Kenmare," re
turned to the Church of Rome. This
Is false. Kays the London Churchman
and Bt, Jame Chronicle of June 17:
"Probably there were not a few Ro
manists who expected that Miss Cu
sack would return to the Church of
Rome on her death-bed, but, happily,
their hopes were unfounded. Bhe died
profetthing the Protectant faith, and
was attended during her last Illness
Iiy the Rev, J, 0, Gregory, the evan
g'llcal and Protestant Incumbent of
Christ church, Leamington."
One of the most ridiculous farces
of the year was tbe announcement In
the New York Journal last Sunday
that "Father Ducey of New York has
founded a house of repose for Protest
, ant dead." The Journal then goes on
to say that "not a penny of the money
of Father Ducey's church has gone Into
this project," but "he appeals to Pro
Cathollca of Manitoba If bis hands are ,he secularg ren)aln antj are an
strengthened by Catholic acceptance of
toleration of the present agreement.
Nothing, It ia represented to the papal
authorities by the Canadian premier,
can be done Just now. First the lib
erals must appeal to the country for a When He Uldn Know Whether to
now loan of nnvpr ia insure their Apwrw or Not.
, . Borne time in the '60s my husband
continuance in omce auer poke t0 m. of a very remarkabie man,
more conceptions will be granted the of whom, he said, I should be sure to
Roman Catholic minority In the north- J"' sooner or later write Julia Ward
. Howe In Atlantic MnnfhlT Thl man.
west. It Is also represented, to the Dr. Howe said, seemed to Intend to de-
Vatican that a renewal of the school vote his life to tbe redemption of the
agitation upon the Initiative of the ""'"I ,lavrJr' eveB "
" Christ had willingly offered Ills life
clergy, upon the eve of a general dec- for tne ,aation of mankind. It was
tlon, would work harm to the liberal enjoined upon me that I should not
i . . mention to any one this confidential
government, and prevent them doing fommilnlraUon;aDd t0 make ,ure tnat
anything, even If returned to power, i should not I allowed the whole mat-
All agitation must cease; the question to pass out of my thoughts. It may
A . . . . . . I hsve been a year or more later that
...u.i. .,r u.o.,,,, ..u ... - " i Dr. Howe said to me: "Do you te
period of forgetfulness on the part of member that man of whom I spoke to
the antl-aeparate school people, meas- . the one who wished to be a savior
. . . , for the negro race?" I replied in the
urc win o- yum o, ......., ... afflrmaUvei oTbat man ialJ the doc
Roman Catholic hierarchy without too tor, "will call here this afternoon
. ., You will receive him. Hla name Is
ueepiy or iuo vnu:un wou..u,..B John B Tnu admon,,hdi
the feelings of the section of people In watched for the visitor and prepared to
Manitoba and their friends who believe "'" bm tnylt ben he should ring
I at I h a Ann Thfa fnnlr n1nA at ftllP
In the principle of sUte schools, and hom f wber, Jt wai
who are now resting satisfied that such not at all Infra dig. for me to open my
schools are an accomplished fact In n ior- A tn f cled tlme, 1
heard the bell ring and, on answering
the prairie province. )ti beneld a middle-aged, middle-sized
The above announcement. If correct. . with hair and beard of amber
I coior i.reaKeu wua Kiaj. i.e muncu
will come as a painful surprise to a pur,an 0f the puritans forceful
the admirers of Premier Laurler on concentrated and self-contained. We
..i ,., -.k- nad a brief Interview, of which I only
-, murn vi ihv alii?, miu it. i r f r n i . . 4.n . .
' I remember my great gratification at
to an observer on this side as a most meeting one of whom I had so good
suicidal steo even from a nolitical an account. I will only men
. ... tion here that he had much to do
ia.mpo.uv. nure.y rroiesiani aenu- wtn tDe il)cceM,u, contMt whch kept
ment In Canada (even in the liberal slavery out of the territory of Kansas,
ranks) la not so Indifferent to what Is Ho chief In the border
warfare which swept hack the pro
for the good of the Dominion aa to tiaTery immigration attempted by
allow such a shameful compromise! some of the wild spirits of Missouri
U.-.H r.o ' . .u. I remember of him one humorou
wum l"c anecdote related to me by my husband
atlon of bending as suppliants before On one occasion, during the border
an Italian potentate, asking permls- war' he had ,aken ,emal Prisoners,
. , , , A. , , . , land among them, a certain Judge,
B.ou i iua.i u..r puui.c Crown wa, aIway8 a man 0f prarer.
not as THEY may desire, but as HE J On this occasion, feeling quite uncer
may desire? tain as to whether he ought to spare
the lives of the prisoners, he retired
we nave oeen in me baoit of hold- into a thicket near at hand and be-
Kl80N niCH.
Atlnrnev. I". S. National Hank.
8IIKK1KK:H 8AI.K.-Hy virtue nf an
exwutlim iHHiieil out ij!t Ihe District
I'mirt of Ihiuuln County. NelirHskH,
on order of attachment Mnd to me di
rected, I have levied upon the followinK
denciilM-d property: All of lot nine (!')
ten (la) and eleven (ill in B.-nncii Au
dition to the my of Omaha, as aur.
veved. platted and reenrded. all In Dona
Ihh Comity, State if Ndiraka, as Ihe
property of Cliarlea Kin, dcfemlunt
And I will, on the 7th day of AuKUst,
A. D, at ten o'clock A. M. of aald
day, -at the Kast front door of the
County Court House In the City of
Omaha, Iioualaa County, Nebraska, sell
at public auction to th hlahest bidder
fur CHh, the property nlxive descrllied
to satisfy I'axton & OiillnKher Company,
a corporation, plaintiff herein, the sum
of One Thousand Heven Hundred and
forty-one ud "G-UW t1741.7 ilolliirs
damages and Twenty-elKht and 73-l)
lias.7;il dollara cost of suit, which by
the Judgment of the District Court with
in and for said county, nt tne ocmoer.
lMM. term thereof recovered naalnst tha
said Charles Ulna, with Interest at the
rate of seven (7) per cent, per annum
from the 3d diiv of October A. 1.
until paid; and also all further cost and
tne cost or increase, on aalil jima-meni
and tha accruInK costs.
omaha, Nebraska, July 7th, Wis.
Sheriff of linualaa County, Nebraska.
KDHON RICH, attorney.
1'nilon A UnllitKher Co. VS. I (IIS.
Docket t!5. No. m. J-"-5
1'nder and by virtue of second plurle
order of sale on decree of foreclosure of
Tux Hen Issued out of the District Court
for DoukIiii County, State of Nebraska,
and to me directed, I will, on Ihe 18! h
day of July. A. D. IMft. at 10 o clock a
m. of ald day, at the Kast door of th
County Court House, In the City of
Omaha, Douala County, Nebraska, sell
lit public auction to the highest bidder
fur cash, the property described In said
order of su aa follows, to-wit:
Lot four (4) In block one hundred and
thirty-four and lot Ave till In block on
hundred and sixty-four (IM of the orig
Inal plat of the city of Omaha, a stir
veyeil, platted and recorded and all sit
uated In tha County of Dougla and Stat
or Nebraska.
Said property tn be sold to satisfy Wal
ler K. Keeler, plaintiff, herein the sum
as renews, to-wit:
On lot four (4). block one hundred anS
thirty-four (i:i4i aforesaid the sum of
one theiiKand, eight hundred and ninety
seven i(I.W.UO) dollar judgment, with
Interest thereon from September Z-lth,
lsiie, at the rate of ten (10) per cent per
annum, together with an attorney' fe
amounting to IIW.70, which amounts ar
a tlrnt lien upon said above described
On lot nve (R) In block one hundred aad
sixty-four (IM) aforesaid the um of nl
hundred and sevenly-nv nd 4ii-lou
l!i7'i.4."i) dollar juilgment with Interest
thereon from September IWh, 1KS8, at th
rale of ten (U1 per cent per annual le
gether with an attorney' fee mounting
to $!7.M. which amount are a Srst Hen
upon above described property.
To satisfy the further sum of four
hundred and thirty-three aid K-1S0
(K.'.r.') dollar costs herein, together
wan accruing costs according lo a Judg
ment rendered by Ihe District Court f
said 1 ou g las County, at It Heptember
term, a. it, law. in a certain action tnen
anil there peniilnr wherein Walter K.
Keeler I plaintiff .and Phoebe Hebecca
Kllialteth Klwine, Linton and Adolphu
Frederick l.lnton. hsr husband, John
Morris, William Morrl and Frank Crisp,
co-partners, doing business as Ashurst,
Morris. Crisp & Company, John W'hlt ta
ker Cooper and William Isaac Hhurd, are
Uated at Omaha, Nebraska, June 10th,
A. D, IK
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska,
Attorney for lialntlff.
Keeler vs. Linton et al.
Doc. 65, No. ;.
t.iuinuiff it tu
your frflght
iiefwit nnd If
found prfvt-
Mrr IUH.
cf raw
or flan nl
(vf.fWT 1ho
ii.l Ttar
H'fct Ut
V9i m Bion
V Dinu
Otb- Vf mirrr rnn nrn nto rare
Im the il
wnt ithor
nil f rrtuht chrt- ThU wt U Hr. S, on lj
K.'-iXlhiH. fenpU4xrt mada from bt ptu rm, fttn
nkket ptntsXl ortinmrntaHomi and ti-lmmlnifn, artra
larvo fl'tca, hoaTT cMirars, hvy llnlnira and frratwa,
larvonrrnaheir, htmry ttn-Hnad ortm d'tor. handma
ltiira siren, trstfliiln fiUMltall Bwwlsta lm4 rnir, hand-
ikf:K Ur omnrrw'ntJHl !, tW4 al hmnr mlt, and
.t r :rf ifh rSKl mm tra iwod iirafo, maktnir it a vr-ftss-t
batwr. r IM-I I A HI MM Ml in kUkTV.
cTrr atoro and pnftrnntwv ( tlrllTprr to your rait
road ittarinn. Your lnnl dair wooM charm yrn
1r atich a rtvtt tha frriht I only alsuut H.oo lor
eactl W rtiil. ro Mf fa at irtfl-i ttO.Wl. Adilnw.
Cim, lU-kcck aca. UmmcIiI rtUiMk-ftmar.)
I-at? in June or ratty in July, you ran
I uy a r omul trip i".ctl from Ouuli I -on
Angrlri for l2. Only a liule tnore frvn
puititi lit low A an.) South Pakota.
iKm't male k tuitakf ami po any othf i
way than through Denver annl Sail Lake
City. That is the rout neatly 20,000 Chris
tian Kntlcavorers eeleeteJ Ue yean ago.
licinir tin' iimM lii'Vali d f all tlie
ilinn t IIih tu the fmt, It N tisilct
iindfrtHM frtmulti'l. lYtti't rating (he
very "Heart of the Ciskles" It Mir-jiasM-siill
it tiers in la-auty and eeeii
try. I n format ion ami California liU r-
at uro on request.
J.FRAXC1S, General Passenger Aent,
Omaha, Ned.
Tho Mountain Top Is Cooler Than the Plain.
Popular Medical
k Sensible Book for Carious Pcoplc-A Useful Book for Everyone
Ov Cotosb You Want to Know
v.'uat Everybody Ouoht to Knov.
Tna Youn.i hotv to eliooso tho best.ono to morryt
Thr Married how to bo happy in marring
The Fond Parent how to huvo prize babies;
The Mother how to have them without pain;
The Childless how to be fruitful and multiplyt
The Curious how they "growed" and eame to bo;
Tub Healthy how to enjoy life and keep welh
Tiik Invalid how to cot well again speedily s
The Imprudent how to regain wasted energy.
All who want knowledge that is of mont worth
Find it in Dr. Footo's "l'lain Homo Talk,"
1,000 paces, 200 cuts, 80 col. plates; 200 recipes.
9 TTTTT,nTTr Contain evor 200 pmcrlpllons for relief snd cur of scut and chronle dlwroVl
Hp rN Ul A. tnmmon ' n( thildrn completo tibli of tntldolN le poiioni) llknlrit
AAl X ImkiMXA directions for rwuKltsting tho drownodi hygienic fuloi for ths eir if Wind
rTH T" X TD THIT J of h" HpIiiuhw of thl bonk sml Ih (illfrtlon It ;Im tothoughfiA,
rarueal and tvmy inttuiiitii ptt)lt cu ba properly laUxl bar.
10 rXJLTSl.
Skim enrrrl r.ruiiilimii 'I lirrei
ur iw iiiiiaimiiuiia or rii
Colorlltiie by ( ulur l'hlu
30 cnnomoB.
I Thn (Main
i Gli'innl I ii
of Kil l n I Di
(Ii Anlnm of Mnn nil of Wiimani Thn (Main of Llfi-i Alan from Ihn Kmi lllrM of lb
r.riiiiiiiinii I lirrei i-.icaani I ulur I'lalra uc llal an mrr ini uraii
ii-trioiiiiii-nl i I'J
irailiy, lu rha lolor.
Are You Well?
ODD 1tr.AI.TII h Mrs
Ihhiii t'xi Ki-iK-riilly llulili-l.
TIkiM fnniiuBKly lliii ii.
lliini'il (rum llrtli nri' apt tn
lie ri-i'kli'Mi "I 1 1 I r- liKrimaK.
It im iui i-nKf In I". nr fll..l'
It llml Ini kv Irllnwii Rio
lucky IihIi-i-iI If lln'T lima
ih mm- rnniiu-ii I" Ir-irn hnw lo
!i in 1 il Hl'i II. 1 lil "H ''in an
iy ri-iulliia "I'lnln Home
I lk" mi llio ruuiii-ii er ill.
-, i-rnim lit tl l,inriill ,
tii-Mlvn tin-lit cnihiii, in
ami 1-nlTi-e iii liil;lin(, llw uo
Uliij tlliUM nf AlrnlHiltrR, tliO
Imii li.iiln of c li 1 1 I r.-n . tin;
iirtivali-nt-n nf lrrill- III
to ttht.r); mdnrmln) vlinr tit ninntiimil -1 clinnli r
th -ran't I n-ml and hwli il Inoi-oKi ily. HiMillK-rn
ro .ni.'rmn lri- nf adiill'. II"' tnl n i n liuhll
In uifn. llalil -lai-liur In unmi-n, nr-., i-irml Ihu all-
Ciwrrliil i-iiiiiiina of iM-lny wlw-n-liy ninny nf lliu
t of IkiIIi i i am (liimnr-il lu 'ot-liil ulnrto
lion." TMI rliaomr ti" liy tlniiiifhilom yuiins
fiilk in ir, linw nnuilliiil'Hi h In i muo liri-ui.
inl, whr It will nut onwn, Im li Uin-fiil illw n
cnnvKyi-d lo tlio "Innorrul"-ui"t utllluu au4
liiitNirmnt IiviUi In knno.
Tho rimulii of a marl rh for WMlln, of ovr.
work, onT-ludy, ftlliiro In hiulne, Hi" fn'' !"
hoalld la ilm of wi-allli-tiut fi ri-aiil Hm
nun-t ami r-ilc.-ta nf Imrrliilo nii-lnrlinly-ln,i
ara ail uuxien It would oe well fur yuu lu tlituk uvcr.
Are You III?
TH Ton are Inilwrt a rare man
If yiiii am nut ainiuin v linin
liow It i-ainu alHiut, wlinl'l Ilia
nialtxr aint whni'a to Iw itmie.
Nuii iiinr H Im "unlr
rhronio raurrh, nr aonii-ihlii
UMiro Ri-rtona that tiaa "illl-i(
on Ilm liuia" In lironrlilila nr
ciinaiiiopilHii, tha aoom r Jf llml
mil linw M-rlmia It In, anil What lu
do for yotirm-lf tlir-In-m-r. If jrnii
fiimt li-arn "li"W in ll wlin ;ii
una" Ilm rarllrr yon gel Mil
Or. tuny I your parui ular woak
int la lu Ilm II it, aloinarll ur
bowi'la, Then you ran nmkij nn,fi In li'Hrnllitf tho lHNt
il)01t if rcitnlatlna ihao vital fum llnna. If yon
ro full of arhoa, pnlii", ririirnluln or rhniinin.
Ham llwllliu-i'ir P"V 'n l""k t thn wnyluaiiokn
tbi-in'olT. hurnly yon ran't want tn tn-itli'i t thn Itxlu
loua aymploin of llrthl a dl.i-n.i-, or oiIht da.
(iructlvi- dlM-aar of Uio ai-iilto urlnarr oraana," ami
yon hfilrr li-nin nnauil on aui II ihliura aa
Jonorrhu-a.atrli lurB ami wora forma of rninalnna
I..MI-I "by ilm hook" !hn tiv i-niii'rii-mn. Iho
aiHIi ii-il will mad with avldlir all ahout lioiolnncy,
oarrninraa, rllwwa of ivtiini-n, iirrvom dlx-a.i-a.
oamala. paralyala, akin dtaraar-a, u roruia, i-ii-. 1 ',
franllii, ono hiMtk raiinul i-mi-r "all thn Ilia lout
nah NMirlr to," and I hi-n-f urn lo rnmr nirtmrdoH,
r. bo anttnrllM la friiil'ilnnf mi"l Mill n "''
Htuer nf "P. II. 7." f" M JU"1 " f"'
ttrki nviy '" (' (" o WM ""'
olinrm, and tlm Uvjutry will ba awwurca to Mi btiat
of hla aWllty, ,4
Are You Engaged ?
nnpin to rw aa
yit, h'-rhaia. Wfll,
Hon'l liurrvi and luaka
no inlaiakif. Il la o
-nay tu (i-l lo aod
dlilldilt tu i-l out,
that II I wi ll won a
whllr tn "Imi aura yon
ro rlaht bof ura you
Bu alii-ail." Tlu-re I
in Imok an hrliful In
rnahlliig you to ai-lccl
Thu-ly aa "'ll
Homo Talk." You
tail Irani aiimrtnlnf
In mi nihi-r'aiiilalakra.
Thn lllalory nf Mar
riaita nf all klnda, In
aiii'oiintrii'a.iiia run
nnaatnnrlmrnl ome nation liy inmlr. nrli n
ml iiioili.rn, liai liarouaanil lvllli d, Iii-Ii iialn know
hat nut lu do, 1 hnai-iual Immorality riiwlii cmi
nf imam imlril natura and nmrrlaan iiilatlta, tin- hlatnra
nfiiro.tll in Ion, Ita tiri-vah -, aliiri-iiii-nta,daiii-ra,
ri-aultn, iliiu flortaof n-llKloiia ami aact'tlrlmti toaub.
dun mid i-iiiiirol llif doiiiliiaul iawhin-all lliraaitud
li anro fruitful In Initli-alln nlilnlla Hi axild. 00
thn oihiT linml i-hiipti-ra nn aitni-llnn In marrlaitn
iil.vali n. Mu ni al ami niain-tlc- no early limrrlnt-i-a,
liiti-rmiirrliioi'i lo"'ini-iila, Mr,, Mr., aid Ihi-ri nili rto
liiiikitaaiind iiinli-h, a. li i t haiiplly for honir and off
aprln, In avoid "Lurlfi-r Mitli in-a," and tojKBu lli
rut H up aud lotttry klmla of tnarrlaf v.
TIlETtH r rhap.
(it i-iiinlly uarliil
tn ahnwiiia you
now to in- H"i py
-Mi (I iii-n-
oii III ai-t. fi nit
ai-hi-a to i-arh otl,i-r.
and auiild try tu un
Oiiatiind ntiu Rit-mhi-r'ani'i'ila.
fu iilit lu n-nd I in
'lluln lloiiiit Talk"
aa nluiiit tlm true
tihlliiailiy nf Inli-r
roiirai. ihu"naiur
I rrlallona nl ti n
nn lii alth and i-v II
nf nnrrnnlnna, "thn Wormwnnrl dial fini'llfra am-lm
llfi-," nr., i-iii. Many will Sml turn h aatlafartli-n I
IhiH liaiHiT on Imrri-nni hh Ii linti-i-tillii' iii'-niii
of rn-nt Joy to iiinnv i lilldli pair, alilln II.-iii to
illM-ovi-r ami ri'ioovn Ilm nlntarli', otln-ra llkn Ma
niiliiip "i-muiya for niarrh il p.-i.i.o"triatlturof ruiial
liv, .li-i-ptiitf npnrt, 'M-., Inodi ralloii, Ji-ulmiay, It.
Hffi-ritni- pri-vi-ntlmi, ,otillTn-n-. food for pre
nniil women, thn tmplanatlon of -lilM-nialilii, alif
rlilldri-n nf ai-mitd liii.hand ri-ai-ml.h ihi- Put, i-tr,,rio
In .hurt, nu-n and uniin lnaltntn tu talk ltli lln-l'
tioma phvi-lrlnita ruiiiTrnlna niany drllrnlo anr
llima Hint ii rpli- Hu m ami that thi-y ri-nlly mud tc
tmili-i-aiaml, and whli Ii thla liook will rnlla'itrn Ihnin
on tint rrrorwftr lAuf u V Jitu to tto ). ntnuimr
A.ittda rtnitu in ntttir iitifnr tbi tmtikkitm Xy rplMW9
Aro You Married?
C J4
J tliouuli ninrrlr
Almiy marrlrd i
B.ll. HI.... I.I ...
Jul I IT If IhiY kill-in
low tu ailapt Hu tu-
frf nf charge U v '"i Mini of inquiry,
llrtWP TTTT'VTir Tnnlraf1r hss "nmtrilna; live ll''or"Jnrt ;oo(1.' nnnitreil hT
LVil A A II 1 1 lv dnclnmil tliat It I pnoultnr in tmnr." ml nir ofinid of nil oilmr wurka.
nniCT lTT',,h", tnl worlt IsolTersa fur turn tninnmvtnrrtt Rti'l Blllltj, and no
UVJi. A J;WIiVIIii. iii.trttititnil Inr'wipormtoa.lvi'tiian nroprlniHry mnili.-ltira.
rPCTTW OXTT ATQ"' H' moat enthimlaatlo klnrt frnm all enunlriri whero Etislliitl lpo
1 JliO I IMVJri liVJjOknn, woulil.vvrn Innaiilltvpo, till So pginf tliliRir-o.
nprvpvaCTrk'V A T ln ' sit cl. rlrpvrii, itnetor: Inirvn-f, nUlori, critic, n
I l-LMjOOlVxliVijgenfjjiteyingendorMiut-ntiromarkabljfoir critical. ; ,
POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mall, 8 1 .00
For Sale by
503 Sheely Block, Omaha, Neb