The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 30, 1898, Image 2

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it n it i ,
A lo'. ffrt Jm V t I p v(t
Wff If-)! t
rut Mt(tut) tUKOrtM A10
fH tt-t . Mwontit tt
wattM. ' lttw (Ha Haft
fe" -We' H ( Ma.UMi
r.. )ie 5" - intv.,m Unt
( lb lomton tilnlae, writing front
ll'U mln-t H 'It
HI la fi-t mir.laR If. through
.IV . tt.'B Of inon.-e uf lint rt Ml
(t f effait, III III. l (1.1 Native
viae -!ha Hi Anieti.aua Hiitiorlit,
in.ii.i! iiw a nu t I. ana, ha often
Weti treat imtrmntUm, the r'llllti.i
itv kh.iitii yrtml foi la-ai in an. I a
lrnng dulikv lo istm In tili 1 hey
no! want ( flrflit, an I If the Amur-
liana utiiy i litem half May all will
lf well. Tint I much lo I gained
I'J a junt, atateanmnllliii acltli'iiii'iit
with the native, while there will mi
lviutt..11y great loanee through a
ronlinuanea of arbitrary treatment,
Tli Jual nrlrt. na of tit iiile
ouifhl to Im taken Into ronal.lerallon,
ml I believe they omM Ik If only tli
proper men r aent out tiy Ih I'reel
tenl 10 trttlo tlio (juration of Dim fit-
lul V VVI IllllWllt lf III UlalnU UMltl
the awot, after proper deli Iteration ami
a Tory careful lneaMftl,in. Much a
rommlaiiloii would dlacover thai Hi
Filipino leadure liar Imeu loyal li Ilia
"I am Informed that thiy refuaed to
eonaliler tli overtnre of (lermaiiy ami
Franoo, rrlneo Henry vialted
lK)ii(f Kong h aauned Ilia Filipino
leadora there to vlalt him and Informed
litem that li wb empowered to prom
Ik tlio native full reeoftiltloti of
their national ifoveruiniMit It they
would red to Ourmany a amall co&lintf
elation, France, mora recently, inada
aimllar advance and lo each caaci tha
reply wa 'YVe cannot actll anything
with you. Tha Americana proinlaed
aa indeHndeiiee and we want to wait
aud ava what tha Americana will do
UfMt..l, Pec. 3i.--Admlrel Itewey
aonaidara It ftbaolutely uooeaaitry that
flrat-claaa atateaman bn aunt to Ma
nila to thoroughly Inviwligata tha alt
uallou here and aacerluln tha aaplra
tlona of tha Filipino republican.
II further atata that tha tfulted
Malt a niuat accept thnlr raaponaibil
Itlealn tha 1'hlllpplnaa, whleh haa
been acfjulrad by con q neat. If they
ahould ihlrk thin duly they would put
lhcn;:.i'!vc.t luJd Ilia year la tha
wnrJd'a hlatory.
Tha llrat republican Kifvrnineat hna
realirnnd over tha question of Anierl
ran Inlrrvf nllon In I ho govarnmetit of
tha riillippliiea. Ownnraof property
lealr Aiiioricnn ro-operatlon.
Tha pruiieril twniporary cabinet,
whleh will rxrela (tower ieudliir tha
alectiona, la very antl-Amerlean. It
allowii of no American oo-oporatlon
whatvrr and want la dmilar a fiaa
rvpublioaud to oouitlder Aiunrinan aa
at boa,
It I ivllilnif to griutt, liberal ooin
nierelal traatlea, with a monopoly of
tha mine and rallwaya and to repay
tha aipenae of tha American occupa
tion of Manila.
Mi KlinaM IU Alti Amerlraii,
Arnri1int ta lb lienaral,
fiiK'Ario, Ii!. Ha Major (ieneral
W ci. Icy Mcrritt, who I uprinllfiif tha
hoibluy here, wa nurpriaed to hear
of tint aurrender of llolio by General
lli to lha litHiiftfi'iil (icucritl Mcr
ritt bellere Hie iirrntidnr limy haru
lieen an Intentional moro on tha part
of thw Hpitularda to nmUe it difficult
for tha I'nlled Hutex to jfinu coiilrol
of Ilia i'hlllppiuit uluniK.
''It la, of courw, liiipiianllile," eon
tlriued (luneral Merrill, ' to pro.llcl
what bearing-thi movaHllI have on
tlii ultlmntd ilUmll.loii of Ilia Inland,
(leneral Kin had no rltfht to aurren
ilr to tha liiHiirfcfiMiU, urilei, indeed,
hi cximuinnd wn on tlm vei'ir of fnr
atlon or in aoine npially t y tit place.
When Manila full all the ilauila In
lha archlMtlno went with It, and
though tlits aurrciidcr then mudu on
rmper mlht not have amounted
to Much, and tul)(bt hntti been
Irrmlmtted ahould the Kpaulah ham
felt Iheuikelvu aullldciilly atrotitf, yet
the aiifiiliijf of the prnl.'icol aom all
day biter prout,iid any further
movemaoi, dither iimhi tint part of
the American to mu further control
of tho laland, or on t lio part of tha
NpanUli to attempt to wreat any of tha
urreiidcrad territory from their lo
tora, (onejui'iilly, Rio' only mora
houid biiTti iNten to turn orur Hollo to
tha fulled Htatea triHipa.
"Tha Idea tha lnurj(enta bar la
that tha mora territory they can aaaart
that they hold, lha better their claim
to the rl(fht of liideprndanoa whn
the time pome for them to treat with
vhe United Ktate regardluf modern
Wetla-f ar(' Han Anlnnls Ripraa Ofllta
Uh (til,oou.
Hah Antonio, Texa. I Mo. to.
Miarle Heeler, a meaaenifnr of the
Wella-Faro Kaprc company, ha
neen midng alnc yalerday at noon.
Ha started out In a wrni to dolWer
Aackaffea of money and valuable
About 1 o'clock thle moralnir tb
bona and wagon wera lound wander
Inff around without a driver and tha
evny and valuable Wera mlaainf.
Tha loaa to tha expreaa oompany ia
ttinated at 100,000, , ,.
IN,., .h H lUtU 10 TAY,
ft la ll
I nllil
.! M . W
W n.'iifi 'i W ti m-.w,! t'v
tlf. I' :( .f IK
! . l v "V lr.
i I lr.tiH4.l-nl 1,1 f tl f
. IWCl l. l.lli I i tl
, i :, nt li.- U m Jtc!rn
Hiri tti. , ln4 la
I VI I ! lint n4 Kf UpaaiaK
(p... Kl, a f,4)lte l ISe krtt if
ar 1 ! rUiM l IS .. hi nf
n,i.i,in)nlliii, .i li atrlt
lwn b.,i-1 aliti lha ( di-part
meal It U i that a ....
ni.ttlin l IHiw ai r'' t-aed
(' trpt.iUli..n n-mmllled by IV
la tnMenl, lV ahlrH U I li. lh-r Ida lpnili f.ii
Hirnt iambi l Held reap-vnaibl. a th I IxOirved that tharv
are mi any f.f lary aniouat
that bar hoi ! reanld, I'laina
In Ih Inalrllly of the elalmant to e
eiir lb Meaif enridraila !
il' iii ilnt lea lb Kpaulah iws upal l.m
of Ih viiialel lerrtlorte r Iweauaa
of lb belief thai II r-iiiid W frnille
to preaent any latm o I -uif a Hpati-
lah BtiveretR-nly wa luainlaiued.
Now, hoMvver, by an article In tha
treaty of Tarla, th I'lilted Stale haa
aaaumed llablllly for all elalm pre
ferred by It on aeeouiit of
depredalloua. or, In fet, on any pro
rr cire. In turn, the Npanlah aaaamed
llablllly for any eltttm that might have
been made on account of Hpaulah cltl
leu or tha Hpantah irovernment Ittelf
airainat tha I'ulte.l rilale.
What aueh cliilin would have
amounted to cannot lie eallmated.
Nou were filed with tlm United Ntale
(rovwrnmeut prior to th declaration of
war. Hut It la recalled that thre wa
much erltlcWm on tha part of high
Hpaltlalt ofllcinl of the alleged failure
of the United Hlate to olmerva the re
quirement of the neutrality law, and
more thitn on atatemcnt wn made to
tha effect that the Spaiilah frovernmetit
Intended lo preaent a claim for a round
number of million on that aeore.
aajr Chaplain In th Armf Are "A tori
of Bnp to C'kureh MaMtlmenl"
HAViNtiiii, Da., Pert. d,ltv, Mr,
Ham (iuiall, tha erantfelUt, la now
chaplain of tha Third eii(f Ineer. Unit
ad Htatea army, lie arrived here yea-
tan I ay and one of tho flrat thing h
did waa to give out an Interview.
Among other thlnga he aalil:
"The chaplain ara a aort of aop to
tha church aentlment without much
iiitiNtanoe to them. They Juat take ft
mlnUler and put uniform on him,
with a allver oroaa on tha ahoulder,
pay him "!M1 a month and turn hhn
Iimnmi on 1,100 men without any of tha
Itnplumenta of th aplrltual welfare to
fight with. I've been disappointed,
"When I get out I fttn going to aug
geat that they do away with the chap
laina, I auppo titer will ba howl,
but It I better to rale tha liana and
have tho whole lyatena revlaed, When
wa gal down to Cuba, I'll wager moat
of Hut men would rather gn to
ft cock right or bull fight thnti at
tend eervlon. To toll tha truth, I
am beeMnnlno' to think liter lt a heap
of bablnrdaah about what the chaplain
do aeeompllah outald of meeting th
nut I merit that call for their preavnnr
with tor j body of troop. "
rani lliooid Call'nrala l.lall4 llarMd
la 'iilnfdii aad tnnt i'ar Kiiraa.1.
Thin i it ti, Oil,, lni, HO. -The aaat
Umnd California limited train, No, 4,
on tha Atehlaan, Topcka St. Hint V
rail rum I, wn wrecked eleven mile
raat of tlil) city at T ft, in, yester
day. The axeldeut happened on ft
ourv, and It I anppmed to have
been rauacd by the preatlrig of rail.
Th engine, one Pullman and the din
ing oar paaaed over alt right, Tlm oh
aervatlon ear, two drawing room aleep
er and oomHilte ear left the truck.
The wreck Immediately faiiglit fir
from an rxpioalon of gu In the com
poail car, nil d the riit.lra four ear
were burned.
Thoae In the eoiupoalt ear am re
ported badly Injured, No one waa
killed, but aeverai were aerloualy In
jured. Naval lnerniir for (Hiam.
WAunoroN, ec .V) The Inland of
(liiain will probably be dllTerent from
the other colonlnl poaaeaalon or du
pendenele of tint United Htnte In
liaving naval Inaiead of a military
governor, Tha reaaon I that the aoln
ream for the aelcctlrm and aopilra
men I of the Uland wa to obtain
conveniently located naval atallon for
our warahlpa, and, that being thecaae)
the navy ahould have reluve con
trol. Thr coinman I will tn of litipor
tanee, for tb lalatid bn population
of more than n.(nk) people, and, ao far
from theae Iteltig barbarian, about
1.400 of them are of European fxtrao
tion. The nnffala al Tott alt
WAniNnToN, Iefl. 30. Th crulaer
IlniTalo arrived to-day at I'ortMald, an
route to Manila, Juat aiateen and
half day out from New York, Thua
ahe haa broken alt naval record up to
thl point In her voyage, riha I nerd
ed badly at Manila, a ah earrleaToO
tailor to relieve men In Deway'a fleet
who tlm haa long eiplred.
IUertlaM MMi
IxinimiN, Dec. SO. Special dlapatchea
from ltruel report that an Important
conference of llonapartlat haa Juat
been held there, under tha prldency
of I'rloce Victor Napoleon, liaron
legou wa ro-lrcled prealdent of lit
party. In thanking hi aupporter. b
eaid: "Th time of watching la ended,
and tha hour for combat 1ft aoundlog."
Bt, Tx)Vi, Mo., Deo, 10, Charlea F,
Orthwaln, tha mllllooalra grain mer
chant and aleal oar magnato, died at
hi home laat night of canour of tha
itws mmt
w-aM tt
W i'l tit I 'a4 t 4 a
V t tt - ' r. a
t-a I a' l;rnl' ' t-.i-f
r H a ' if li
1 t..a ,4 ik t..a.,f iV.ii a,.itt
' . Maw- 1 :! . t'4
I 'M Ml t I
I Ijeatrmat 'o.v ,i oamii .
tl. i-n,l W . Ikat a. if. at ba 4
Vh.ifi e va" la Ih :i
to4 1-1 Uwaa in
la I'tantlit of lha Wa ft hn lib 4
k!n-,if at Atgaie t'al , l la
f..iit vih!ia'iiN a AteMf N t
of I'lilta.i ei II ft ammiavfit
Kaiht Tmift'ar.
th i' of tha .. eai'l.
In on wtttltary affair !,) filed t'h
lha ileik i Venorl In oMloa I A
the Hall bill .r th a. i. tk
miliar armv in urc mm.
A , ronnlrfll atlti-r II rt',
rat la dlae,ite. h a of Ih rla
ut IM, llrue realater, Mol.ert tte
uter, and apparently printed from phi
In etched plaU on beav bond pa
per. tloretnor llradlav refuaad lo etlend
ilentenry In the r of Ulana of
Majfleld. aent'need lo be hant1 ri
rVliniarr Si li " I . thu rbwlnf fatti
er ai'tiaallolial chapter of Kentucky
Tha ateamar Hi. 1-oul. atth lha
American ptce eommlealon aboard,
arrived In Near Yora The mm tula
Ion Roea lo WaahlttKton to deliver tha
treaty aa ft Clirlatiiina preaent to tin)
Coloiii'l Marahao, rh'ef quartermaa
ler, department of California, received
authority fro;n lha aecretarv of wr
to expend f I H.ftlll HO on the new pa
vilion hoaiillal to he erected at th
I'realdlo, Han I'rancliteo.
An evidence of thrift In the navy
department la a general order rent
out lo all of the nine naval aiailun
that the atrlcteal economy la to be v
ercUcd In all rmietidlturea of nubile
money by tha department' olDctra
tinlll further tirder.
Adjutant Oonernl Corbln haa gotit
to New York to apend t'hrlrttmft with
hi dntiKhtcr. Me expect to ml urn
Tiicailny, and. In I: la atmence. It I Im
probable that any action will be tak
en toward aetiictlng tha volunteer rcg
Imenta which tre to be nmalercd out
of the acrvlre,
Tha aiiigwrn nnerf oftlca will
aend lx femnn trained niirae to Cu
ba from New York. They r defined
for 4ha dlvUion hopltal at I'uerto
rrlnr,lie. Foriy other female nurae
wera atartad for ('uhft Iecrnlier 1(1,
and It I lha intention In pluce 100 al
together with th dlvlalon hoanltal
of tha Seventh corp.
Mnedaf, lleeeeaher III.
Oenerftl Oreen, V. B, V., will realm
from tha army,
Tha Aral battalion, Flrat United
Htatea Infantry, departed for Cuba, via
I'ort Tampft,
Tha condition of Prima Mlnleter
Hagaalft, who la loitering frrrni brwo
chlal pnetimtmla, la announced to ba
mora aertou
A Iwd wreck occurred at RmUon n
tha Kvanavllla A Trr Haute railroad,
In which three tralnuinn wera neri
wialy burt, and ft acora or mora pa
aenaera brulaed and arratchad,
Mmlii Cody, a wealthy rl ewtata
dealer, who la an anthtialnatle auiiport
r ot I'realdnnt Hlmpaon, of tha ChrU-
liau alllnnc", w.ll licnn for ( nift
January t for tha purpoae of atariing
tnlanlon work, ,
Tha I'arla correapondenra of tha
(tally Chronicle aay; "It la ftertd
that tha Frntich pnllr have aelxed
aeverai bundlea of letir, whrma ron
tenia prnv that a military plot la In
thorough working order,"
During the coming year f'realdent
McKlntny will have an opiiortunlty to
make thre nw hrliadler general by
reason of retlretnenta under the law,
in addition to (ha apiioinimenta h
will have at hi illnpoaul under th
Hull bill,
Chrlatniaa dny waa uah'ered in In
Havana by the cracking t revolver
and raltllng volley from Manner rin
In an affrav which iwcurred near tha
center of the cliy between th HpanWh
troop garrlaonlng tha city and tha
Culan reabienta,
Flrat I'nlled Htntea Infuntry ba been
ordered (o move to Havana, Tha
Klrt battalion lertve lomorcow 1r
I'ort Tampa, and lha Hmd bMttiillon
will leave for Charbaton Toeadity,
Tha Third battalion will ro o I'ort
Tampa on Jntiimry 4, Th Mecond
battitllon, Kecond enKltir, Im been
ordered fo Hsviina,
Captain TrerWIc Murcv I.lnda, If,
8, A rollred, died anddenlv In Wnah
rngion, ll waa a native of Michigan,
II crvd during the civil war, enter
ing originally a aerifeaiit, of Ih
Fourth Vermont Infant r from An
glial, lafll, lo January, l2, when ha
vaa commlaalonml a awnnd lieuten
ant, 11 wa fiiuired out l month
later and then aerved two yer a a
private) and aergeanl In lha VVIaconaln
heavy artillery.
Tueiir, lieeemlifr tl
The Twelfth New York la loading
today and expect to leave tonlfht fof
Charleaioii, whera transport will
m taken for Miin.
Admiral W, T. Hampaon, who re
cently arrived at New York from
Havana, reached Wahingtoa for cm
aultatlon with th offlciaia thera,
Mnor David J. Hemphill of rWmih
Carolina, (juHrlermaater of the old
Hecotid dlvlalon, Flrat corp, died at
th Knoxvllle, Tnn,, dlv'alon boapltal
of atomarh trouble,
General Mile returned to Waahlng
lon from Cincinnati, Ha decline to
idlactiaa anv further aublncta covered
In hla recent evldenr bef,ra lha In
veallgatlng comniiaalon or tlta cour
of Oimmlary Fagan In rfren' to
thl avldonee,
A eeven day' race agalnat time will
ba itarted on January 1 between tha
Chhiago aV Northweaiern and the Chi
cago, lluillngton a Qulncy railroad.
Th prlr la tha $750,000 contract for
carrying overland mall between i)n
cago and Omaha.
AH tha executive departmenfa wera
ctoaed In Wahlit(ton on Monday, and
moat of tha private bulna boua
alao At tha White llouaa tha day
waa rather quiet one, although dur
ing tba morning th preaident wa in
htf offlo and aaw averal prominent
) fwc livatv (! 1 1
l ).' 4 e4 tfv t,4
e,.H tM,
1 1 v a i aiii-iel e if I
l t ai l f I'lal leaj
knf.r i , ii eil e.
Ii fir b rira e M
IV, it,,., v-.nia l.-l iif I IfttOw
In i f b It f r t ,tt War
t fft I ! H!4
1 w mimo t-a i
It talinH at H eaeellea II)
ta ii imih i Hi l"tt aa
iva aai It atini.a lo affair la
aMtew Alva toeef l IAM wi
f It,, nil li. .er. .t M(jii.r ef t
m m I nter d d t4 pi vhnnl
I Mr V H rlir re'edt,
Mia Mrr'r.lrft lUreta, aa.illllf nf
la lai ( allito tlinli, lb Caftan died l Ih Maa.itf hotel a
1 a eneailUa, I, a , of rotiauntniluft
1 Una Juan n Marrill. aenlor Call
ed Htatea eetiatof fnm Veimoal, died
la tteahinaton )eaterdy morning la
h llh tear of h' age after an elite
. nf I than ii k.
; ia aald at lb New Yotk ttavt
I ard thai Commodot rhllllp will aue-
reed Itiar Admiral llunee, retr1. ft
commandant of lha Itronklvn ly
)rd on Jettuary IX
' Admiral W, T, Hampaon, who atrlv
i ed In Waahinaton from New Yotk. I
confined lo hi room with a light at
tack of grip, Hla phyalclan think he
will recover In a few day.
Colonel William jennliia Iwyaa
will ba precnt In Cincinnati at th
Jin haon day bnniut of the Duckwortb
rluh. The date of I he bauouet haa
been changed lo Friday, January I, to
I meet hla coftvenkn-va
Cable advice were received from
(leneral (Mia that Agulnaldo'a ovrru
ment bad (on to plce. III cahltirt
hna refuaed longer lo a and bv him In
oppoeltlon to '.ho purHiea if -ha Unit
ed Htate, and he h.n nn brn ahla to
form a tiw ctihl'iet.
Ambaaandor Itomero t4 Mexico I
irliiuly III with apitendlrltua at hi
real ilen ce In WHahlnaton. A cfmaiiHft
tlon of ph val. len wa held torilvhl,
but It waa decided to await the devel
opment of the next twelve hour be
fore determining whether an operation
I neccaeary,
Admiral Dewey I now th aeuler
officer of lha A merle i navy, having
reached that p'Mitlon without rangr
alonal action, thr.iiiKit th rrttremi M
Mundny laat of Admiral llunce. Ha will
continue to ho!d (hat illrMirtlon unfit
Imcember 2d, i,xt r, when he. w:il
go unon the ratlrd li'.
Tba alalement of th vtalble aiipply
of grain In atnra iid afloat for tha
waek ending Paturday, December 24, ia
fompllel by tha New York prodnc x
ehange, ax aa follow: Wheat, I,7J,.
f)0, docreaae, 1,776,000; corn, 1,700,00,
Inrreaan, 47,000; oata, S.947,000, da
creaaa, 62,000; rya, 1,1111,000, Increaaa,
1M,000; Nriey, 4,144,000, deoreaea, 2fi,
Ovv Thandaf, leemher t,
Th Fourth army rorpx will b
moved from lluntavllla to Anniitoo,
The engagement of Mia Virginia
ralr and William K. Vanderbllt, Jr
hna been formally announced.
lienor KugnMla, who haa been differ
ing from pnemnonln, I much better
and U now ronaldered out ttt danger.
Judge Nathan doff of Wat Virginia
atntea mat ha la not, and doea not, la
tend to b a candidate before Ih com
It'll leglalnture for United Mat na
Tb chief benefit larlw tiniler' the
will of lha late liaron Ferdinand da
Holbechlld are hla brother, liaron Al
bert d Kotliai lilld, and hla (later, Ml.
Itev. flam frnall, now chaplain of
th Third englneera, United mate
army, decrle the poaltlon and aaya
chaplalna ara uieleaa appendage to an
Admiral Hampaon la allll conflnvd lo
bl room at hi hole) in Wahlnirton,
by an attack of grip, probably cauaed
liy Ih audden climatic rhangr froix
Cuba to (be north,
Lieutenant Colonel Chnrle f'wrtr,
Twenty-aecond United Htatea Infantr),
ha been found Incapacitated for furth
er aervii by a retiring board and
placed on lha retired llt,
Con-eil (Icncriil (Joodnow haa In
formed Ihe ita rtcpjirtmrrit from
Hhunghn! Ihaf Ih Cblnea govrn
tneiit bn forbidden dynainll and
Ilka explimlvr Ut be Innded In China,
Advbea from Manila loday convey
Ih Information that (h Inaurgetit
fonea liNV taken Hollo, whbh (hey
have been b'Nclgltig for montha, and
huve rulaed AauiiiMldo'a flag over tha
ffeneral Htiry report a from Han
Juan (hat lliere were no death on th
Z4lh or Will, Oft Ih Z'fh l-oula C.
Hammond, ad(llr, company O, Fifth
United Hlute cavalry, died of Inaut
flclent heart action,
The aeotetary of war bn received a
recommendation from Hut neon (Jener
an army kariliarlum at Nagnaakl,
al Bternbcrg for lb eMahllnhmrnt of
Japan, for tha tiae of tba United HUte
trH'p at Manila,
Ambaadir Ilomera of Mexico, wa
operated upon for eppendlcltla. Pi
Taber Johnaon, who atipervlaed the
operation, ny the patient la doing aa
well aa can la expected. II la atHl,
howaver, In vary critical condition,
yrtriaV, lleeemlxr aa,
riaron Curxon, nw viceroy to Index,
and hla wife hava ra'hd Horn hay,
Ilia Canadian plenl of tba Amrloan
Bcrew company haa been oold, being
tha Jaat foreign plant of Ih concera,
Purae axgregallng M,000 have
been votad for the early doalng re
of th grand circuit meeting naxt a
xon, Tk. wow Vnrk Central and tha lk
flhora road will put. on a aecond fat
mall between Nw Ytrk and Clibago,
January 1,
Tlta comptroller of th eurrnry fa
received Information of (he fallnra of
lha Colebrnok National bank of Cola
brook. N, II.
A ftiatemerit compiled by Houaton,
Tcx ahowa 1 20,000 b'ad of cattla ba
Ing fed for Ihe Cuban market oo the
Una of tha Oulf road.
Major fleneral Henry W. Iawtoo la
lund ft general order rellnqnUhlag
eornmand of tha Fourth army oorpe.
(leneral Lawton will go to Manila, ro
tor ting to Oeoeral Ou.
N UP-TO-DATi: . i
km s
KafiMltll (trrfarH to mcft lh nan I a Of lirwrra, Mrr
hlhta, Mrrlianlra, (Irf.a, N(u4rnta, Wftntrr), in4 ill wilt
iMlrf ritnilrli work l lha mtttlmum rol.
Nearly 70 Ooraprohrnstvo Maps.
HO Now and Superb Illustrations.
A Whole. Library of ItioU, of vital and absorb
tn Interest to every member of the household.
Population of each Btato and Territory, of all
Oountlea of tho United Btatos and of American
Oltlos with over 6,000 Inhabitants.
IT CONTAIN8 much ihi Infnrmfttliai regndlng any Nation, Provleca
Blfttai, City. Town ur Vlllnga deairnd Th knowlwlga I rarely obulafthla
f om et hrail gimgrftpl y, whic h neoarlly baa only ln general fact and
I a b ftlion of lniairtanl rllloa.
lUtlnoid mai ara notorioiiaty Incorrect and mlalcadlng, bnca tha puxilad
ml r kr. whera larga lihrarlea are Inama ealhle, I wllbout rellnf unlee b
Hie t aopy owm r i f a kuowledge-aaiialylnif. ilc.urglvlng I'wopla Atlft
All Countrlo on tba 'a. of the earth ara tiiown.
Klvim and lke are aeouraUdy ha'ated.
Alltbolari'eC'llb'tof tba World, the Important Town and moel of lha
lllagea of the UnlU'd HtaW ara given on tha Mail.
ItglveeftuUaein. d Ltalol ftllNatlon, with Form of Oovernmeat, Oee
f raphlcal l-otllon. Hlra and I'opulatlon.
rtil beautiful Atlaal boimd la beavy paper Cover, aad will n ! lo Cf) fr MTf
tux addrea upon receipt nf WW W,riai
TT ' rfD 'I
neres a dook oargaini
Five of th Bat Storlc Ever Written.
& ffwV
rlift cc tit
W "7
m a
amtnaafiT laaanwiiiy. ir.iwmiainawiweMe,
A fllOt fHOajl TMI BOftM, Ov H, W.
haa w.ri Urr iiagin-ij a i.aft.a mtA tnititfftlwi4urttMii'Ut,
w.Ml.if, ll.iio,rt,a LhrfMitfl.fftit tha lafh, 1 ha whffl utitrlf aaa lite a
Mliiatl'ma f'.Minr a It irihnf m ratilft ai MiaHMi,
In. It la raacinatina w. rrfn irw uimnr.
TIOKITNO, laMT, tlr,Vr,l YN AllAHU, llluMnh T1Mi mmtiHe Ut iif Hi wim4rfl
Mvnanit t 11 a fiein amfi aa In nl"f ll'fW b (na-l I H Wi In l.ff rafa, ai.ft wa Oia Jo4 V
tl.a fair l armellla, bf (ba all of tb hi UHitl, I atrah 4itf ut baftahl a4 gimit UmU,tit ewaea
leierMinia n-wlln,
f 01 THI DIFNtf fty A, f, ttnfWiH, Ttit (a una nt M.a W, and , lnleaMn wavta
f Hiia famiMiaa.iOi'fr, It l aVf Ua at.l bra ayft, wlih a flwff nmmrri ,rlr iwnnlal f
klllful win. It la nf M.flllll.a IhteraH Inn tiinfiA. tH "a ut (! tfjn
rft-NOTH TI1I1 1'BICll-Ona book, 10 tantaf ThrM kooka, 2$ CrrU
All rivt booka, 40 cnta, poatpald.
Tbeaa prlona ra for " not ch" with your order, Itmlt by allrar, tet
poauga itamp, I', O. or Kpra money order, or bank draft, Addra,
1610 Howard Strict, OMAHA, NEB,
afmea 1 era, i
The Machine
i'l,a fl. t.'ly In f fff.y
f ft M II V . fniil' -f'1 hi
! ',U f-.fft-y -Ctf,'-
tr, ,ftf ff, II, f,t niitt c,i,l
f,,,(,,, ih if, at f,f,- , b
,,.. PfH fill, tie l.-'lf
il. a it e f '. H'H'UittA
rif t fahiiiHiaa vwn, v -" 'latnifif
I'I'L'IAI I lfI '.I'I KIN wt iaiM
Vfl lmrlufA ai,fr,iifiiwa Wa
ftlt IhJ I liV ll"., -if " 1 1 ! a a H.'l A mil in w $.'h f.iA Ma' blia. Is!!", w.l'lbf M4
WUUniKi ,4 l,n,n, V-r aioi'iia f.j,. i., ,i,,,,n C-'inii-a fin mum mi wbtf,
ii ritM. I fi , t-1 1 iii I. f,f i (,', ow o ftw-i PI iff ti bff'f fi4 li brfb
,U,K."V t ,At ..,iea m-iu v f-a ilf 'b,ab.r M. 'i"H)tlml Wit i-H fia fl n
wnVI hii illmiiia In i (,m.I.' f1rfl-f If i,.-f.
( (illi,lal r-' 'i'.li.l -Icfna a (el Kl(.l.ll ll'li Bia.M l"fa f ai4lf aid AfMiaaa,
Itarjrcr & ttfUli, WealeMirtt'lllrijr Agla, v'M"V"'Miin 5t iHtbwtue, lrwa,
RicKnn -TAVao'c
-fSatolIi Letters
Tho Jesuit Party in American Politics
Exposed and Expounded,
Price, 20 Cents per Single Copy, postpaid
$10 per 100 Copies, V. O. II.
Cash Mutt Accompay all Orders, r,www
Wa iclva ymt tbeaa juat to niaka bttngrv for trior
ool thlnj(. Theaa) booka In cbHh binding far
vi a;. y vyji j'-t" --
k.i. nnunr tu.j,n i,lfrd At liiaa than aa
"""" " " r
ar youra at If) cna Pr copy, J
coplra for 21 cent. 1h whole flva book
for 4(1 cent, noatoald. Their wculd b ft '
at flva for ft dollar.
TOM'i CAtliajl er, flfa
laaif aa
IH ItAHHIKI hhht nr.H n
11WK. Hi aar
meruan tunmi r u l.l4 mu H a-wNtamv. eaal
alOi'xilOi i wa rriMfiffrtf anaMi rtwag
gtttU'in I nr rll', " iww Tm i i
if, a aatiMi ea .)'rr ,.,-, I their gmi4tmihr9 eaal
ealier mumiMtttn. I'if It la a l,a (ha mm
jitnm ol, M tftr will Imj
Tityrnf i4 ff mm r,va a4 Vim turn. Ile
aitntwi In HHtf,
f MWttrfa I re", no '! rap'.
,Im, et, haritf4 ai
aa anairwiiMi, 4 taw
QVttn MA.
fy wiujam wnnrku..
lulu nf
ltn$ f,4 Afiift m
jn mrtm eaa.
" la Wltawit lUmU tl.a .t f If. la mm
aiO.ff Wftia, It la a atftui., rllM, aaft
, inaoii aa li, wni frf Jul Vi,a iir II, NMar
laa-ratd, a1 A'ai wna K.a , Mrent-waa
tmut tm a vrae Ut O.a tvaa.
jl-tmr mum Mia ay i nimumm ftmm fta'caw atraaata
and atartni.a- alK.i'ir-a i tumt tH. va nil WUfcl ftaai
vrntut irmatwa ymim
HiittKI'Hi), A T'i" t 4uUn Ut: Tfctar
lha wUriit'trf h lite ahl lf.'rf.t'rft, tmthHMt ti4 tttAH
wild a 'W1 aiel mUlnlm Uiti MtMiilwkaai'raaaV
that TalksTalk
f'INr.M THAN UVVM i"1!""
mi m ..... . j i in iib " i i . if "rrim j uu 'it p'tl tfAt
jth' iif (li h'd)' y ff fim t.i ih Mr-'
rr',iMr Tfr 'v'irf'rf ihftfM ,
tJ th WrW mt W Mr tV'tluN fir
I'PiNCfi of rmvurMMitfi
II i ifilt a ',f.y .r lt, Umi WaM e'b
mri it ..rfi.'h vvii.'l . i.t a f.b , I. aM , . unfa
I a I.l'l w i fitnii till tn I in a i-v
ff, , I,,. , II tif bf,'Ufla lA t ,.w,. ,f gut
- a r,fl I,, .,.,-. I ,f,o-l,"irf,rf. LmH niiA 'aar ffff,b
t,,ilr fi.fli .... 1 1. n ,,f ;,,. ,,,.
lf,-l (,,ft.'rtf4 I, ,f,fi Iff I. a-1, frffwlf, 'I if iwA fa.
W,ll '"ai y'ft.f f, fif, ytnii 1nipi'
f )i. S"i far ff a. fMf Ma f''f'l -af'r n 4
- f af. ,ff -I ll-i. I,. -firff.wif i ,-y rV t tit'hit af,ai
I. (,, it (! ',!,,( lif lf, j r iln WmA M'h.h-h
a,a ,; r"i,i"l. il.if, aiil. tutniit lllht-f aaih i,-fi I
.i,,.i r,i.
fr (,..! ot(,4if,wM(a tint