The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 30, 1898, Image 1

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"AVt KH'A t i'K AMf Mt' AN,"- WM ! !l ,. ,.-, t. t . ,t, , .,, vr ' t.i hii -nh.-i ntal .
fA m.y M..rArr.K,
Voi tut VII!.
Ml K I lt, t I Mm.
Some Points Disclosed by the Report
of the Superintendent of Charities
of Washington.
Ai a snmplo of Jesuitical manage
ment (not to My tying) the following
token from tha annual rcDort of the
f superintendent of Charities for the
1 Llatrlct of Columbia for 1898, will bear
'J-etoae reading:
Of the affair of St. Rose's Industrial
.School I am not able to speak with
('euch certainty. IU report of the
tscal yean 1894 to 1897. inclusive,
jehow the following amount! of excess
t expenditure over receipts:
1194 $5,692.00
1895 8,307.94
U9 3,845.86
197 3,003.61
Total .' 115,849.41
These reports Indicated that the In.
atitutlon was rapidly accumulating a
debt Which would shortly absorb the
value of Its real estate.
I have asked the following questions
f the president ot the school and of
different counsel referred to by her;
(1) Is the school in debt for the
amountof the deficit reported for the
yea. 1894 to 1897. inclusive?
(2) If not In debt to the amount
shown, what resource heretofore un
reported but the school from which tlu
deuclt has been met and discharged?
As my reason for making such In
euirle I have cited the law creating
the office of superintendent of chart
We, which contulns the following:
"And It shall be the duty of said
superintendent to examine Into the
character of the administration of said
ttstltutlons and aHsoclatlons and the
condition, sufficiency, and needs of
the buildings occupied for such charl
table purposes, and also to ascertain
la each case the amount contributed
arom private sources for support and
construction, the number of paid em
loyeos, the number of inmates re-
,1 eclved and benefitted by the sums ap-
L . . . .
eropnaiea vy congress, ana to rec-
emmond such changes and modlflca-
"y Hons there as la his Judgment will
est secure economy, efficiency, and
she highest attainable results Id the
administration of charities in the DIs-
. srlct of Columbia."
A reply to thone inquiries has been
, repeatedly promised but never fur
alshed. The matter becomes the more
significant in view of the fact that
for the last three-quarters of 1898 the
quarterly reports, mado on Improved
lorms, show that during those month.
the institution made a clear profit
ever and above the proportionate
amount of the annual appropriation.
ii it uhu rot-oiTou Homing irorn vn
appropriation, It would still have bad
a surplus from its current business,
Congress has for many years been
aklng large appropriations to these
popish houses some six or seven of
them in pointed violation of the D
8, constitution,
In regard to the legal rights of such
; houses, which, as everybody knows,
arc an private institutions, i nave
ever met anything more Instructive
thajj the following, taken from the
report above referred to:
mayor and council of the city of Balt
imore, a commission was appointed "to
devise a plan and report the same to
the two branches of the city council,
whereby the city of Baltimore can car
directly for all Indigent poor, waifs,
and orphans who may be thrown upon
the city of Baltimore for car and at
tention; also to devise and report a
stood for appropriating to dlspenca-
rlMi and hoepltaia where the city com
nilt persons for altentlon."
The report of 'his commission quotes
the opinion of (he Maryland court of
appeals In the cane of Ht. Mary's Indus
trial School for Hoys, the Marylanu
Industrial School for Girls et at. v
George 8. Drown et al. (Md. Ilepts
45, 310), as follows, taking the prlncl
pies laid dowu as the authority for
certain recommendations:
That the city has no authority tu
make appropriations to suiitaln or aiu
Institutions, however benevolent o
charitable In character, which are not
direct Instruments of municipal ad
ministration, but are distinct corpoi
atlons under private control, and fo
the management of which there is no
accountability to the city.
The fact that a fixed number of trus
tees or managers (being a minority
of the management) of the Instltutlou
are appointed by (he city doe not
make the institution a municipal
agency; It remains, nevertheless, en
tlrely separate from and Independent
of the city In all corporate action ant
That the city has amplo power dele
gated to It. and that It Is a duly to
I provide for tho foundling, the Insane,
' t..e Indigent, infirm and helpless, an'i
for the correction of tho vicious an
vagrant portions of Its population, 1
beyond all question; but whatovei
provision may be made must bo under
the control and subject to tho super
vision of municipal authority.
The authority that Is held and ex
ercised In this behalf Is a trust, as
well for those win become the object
of it as those who support It by con
tribution in the form of taxes levleu
upon their property; and being an Itn
portant public trust, it cannot be del
e gated beyond the power and d lucre
tlon of those to whom it Is confided.
We do not design, however, to b
understood a Intimating that It would
not be competent for the mayor and
c.y council to contract for the care,
maintenance, and training of those
stihWi to its cower, or who have
claims upon Its charity, If the cu
has not provided for such persons', or
if they can be better taken care of and
trained In private rather than In city
Institutions, the city may contract for
that care and training.
Hut the exercise of this power U,
contract on the part of the city, In or
der to be valid, must be with the 11m-
Itatlons that the subject-matter of tut
contract be kept within the power and
control of municipal authority, ami
that complete accountability be pro
vided for. and thus make the Instltu
tlons contracted with, pro bac vice,
municipal agencies."
In conclusion allow me to say that
Mr. Lewis' honest, able and cottrag
eoua report on the religions aspect of
these bouses, Is mnklng a healthy Im
pression on members of Congress,
largely In consequence of which the
appropriations for charity for the corn
ing year In the District of Columbia
have already passed the House in such
a manner as to cut off all popish
houses entirely! It Is now in the Ren-
ate committee and in charge of Sen
ator William B. Allison, to whom tb
patriots should pour in their requests.
Editor The American:-
In your issue of December Ith you
boldly call on 3. Sterling Morton to
lead in the organization of a new party
III tS )lltf W.v M ,, tWlt t
h Wll I- M .. ten Sic .t ! Hi si hs
twill im t!utttt ttf l !t.1y U
Sttlte winking iwlrf; lit Vm Wat
Hi tton. Ne lnw f Maine; Ht
prophet, ti mult i .N of mtr ataum best
patriot. It Mil Ism, our Woman'
On!' tinn T'tii raee Mum, In some
lixnllti. il Uie putty l tiui si tlvi ty or.
ssnlm-d -as here In psrt of Nrltras
k. herw mi tnanv of the iiwiple tht.
hold the enme views, are exmiiMit of
the principle oul lined III "Its plntiks"
and ought tu be In Its ranks - link
aloof from tnrr party prejudice. This
prrjuillie Is niiilnly evn'Uod toward!
Its name.
As the party wss organised for tin
explicit purpose of abolishing the sa
loon, It adopted for Its name that thai
should Indicate Its object 'Trohlbl
tlon." It has through Its years ot
trials, education and evolution, becom
the party of honor, truth, sobriety and
good cltlxenshlp. That It Is the vot
Ing power ot the purest and best of
America's noble womanhood, the W
C. T. U, should bespeak for It the up
holding and sympathy If members oi
the A. P. A. For they combined rep
resent the conscience of the nation
True, there are many who are stead
fast In their honest endeavors towards
realizing their goal of a perfect Araer
lean Christian manhood, still outside
tho working ranks of this trio, bu.
they throw their first fruits in the
lap of either of the "old parties" that
wore "grand old parties" and ex
pectations are realized In apple of
The New York Voice, an able paper,
Is the "organ" of this advanced part
and If you will read tlielr "Handbook
of Prohibition," their party platform,
and their "Plans of Work." View the
solid work for good done and wltnes.
their unswerving from the cause oi
righteousness and truth, I am surs you
will become convinced that we do not
need another party.
As Romanism Is the backbone of the
saloon business tho liquor Interests
being tho machine by which Its rental,
are collected of the people, and b
whom Its dirty political work Is done
the voting machine by which our con
stltutloa Is sought to bo undermlneti
and as the Prohibition party Is maklnt
final Issue against tho saloon, ana
staunch Americans fighting Romanism
therefore by the old axiom, "things
which arc equal to the same thing an
equal to each other," the atitl ftomao-
1st and Prohlbllnolst should be I
found fighting publicly shoulder tu
shoulder, drawing ammunition from
common cartridge box,
That the A, P. A.'s have failed to
appreciate their kindest helper In the
cause, has been because they hav.
footfshly, tried as did Prohibitionist.
for many unfruitful years, to restrain
and control the old parties. As they
are both slaves of the Romanists ant
the saloon power, It cannot bo dona,
for they will sell out every moral prin
ciple and all of tho best elements (as
President McKluley Is now doing rel
ative to the army canteen, bis pay k
re-election) to retain a Oerman, a
Swedish, an Irish, a beer, a whisk,
which summed up means a Roman
Catholic vote.
To retain everything except the vot
of a patriot for bis vote is not for
sale. Yours for Uod and Home and
Tekamah, Neb,
There ht a revival of American senti
ment among the rich. Carnegie, Dl
mont, Plngree and Wannamaker, all
aee brakers ahead.
It isn't fair. The new agencies do
not miss an opportunity to connect the
papacy, through Jonn ireiana, wun
the governmental policy of this nation.
Now they have it that John Ireland
Is to be appointed, by McKlnley, as the
representative of this government to
the Ctar's peace conference which is
to occur next May.
Letters from Many of the Readers of
? - A
i ne American.
White Haven, Tenn ., Ihw, SO, 1KM.
--American Publishing t'o.-My lear
Hlrs: Having read three or four cop -
les tf your paper In the pest ell or
wven weeks, I con say t like It and
that I earnestly wish It was going In
every hmue In this country, ss the
people ere iihIim p ss to what the 1 lo
in un Cutholle church Is doing In the
way of controlling both civil and re
IlKlous rights In America, Ves, In
deed,, wo need more of such papers
tlimuiflmut tlirs country.
I want to say to you thst I am a
poor man In tho way of flnnnces; I do
not own a foot of land, nor any per
sonal property. I earn a livelihood
from day to day by serving my em
ployer on a farm. I am not giving you
a "tale of woe" simply to get your pa
per for one-half price, but I am hon
est In what I write.
I think you Justly ought to have
12.00 per annum for the paper, and
were I able I would willingly pay you
that much and more, but 1 can not
Fo then if you will kindly send the
paper to me for six months, I wlfll re
mit you by postofflce order (0 cents;
but (f this Is not entirely satisfactory
with you, I trust you will return the
CO cents to mo, Should you send The
American to jne for one-half a year, I
have already promised to give It to
poor family In my neighborhood
after rending H tnyeelf. They are loy
al American citizen and llk myself,
opposed, to itoman Catholic suprem
acy. I want to ny that I am a lover of
everything that Is pure and good In
this woJ I, especially one who Is ready
for the second corning of our Ixrd,
and according to tho fhrlpture the
time is pear at hand. Pratee Ills boiy
name forever, it certainly cannot ne
long. I like your writing on tho com
ing of Our lord, as I am a close reader
of the word. Yes, I love the truth as
it Is In Jesus, and, O, to see the con
d It Ion of tho Itabylon churches of to
daywhere, oh where, have they
drifted to. Then of the great day iif
Clod's wrath soon to come upon the
people, I think of the word as recorded
In Rev, -J7,
Hie Ixrrd bless you rn the publlca
tlon of The American, Please direct
plainly to me. Reupcvtfitlly your
friend. B, M
HoutbMdge, Mass., lec. 21, 1898.
Iit II or of Th American: I must
..,v,i , ... . .
about our new possessions, I see In
your Issue of December 18 you are
still opposed to their annexation, be
ranse you are afraid the great trusts
will rule them. Then I say, go in for
abolishing the tmsts, for they are lia
ble to raise a rebellion If they con
tlnue In their robbing, And I say,
hold all our poseeaelons and still add
wore. The whole of North America
and the West Indies will be ours soms
day, The United Htates have a Clod
given mission to fulfill and we cannot
back out of It, We are her for a pur
pose. It is our destiny, end there Is
no use In finding fault. We should
not be too selfish, for we are not here
to live for ourselves alone, but to do
our part toward civilising the world.
We should not fear to do right for fear
(of a bad result, I tell vou If we do
our part faithfully, Ood will take rare
of the result, I have full faith In
Him for that, You and I agree very
well generally, and I trust we may
agree In this in time. You are doing
a great work, but there Is always a
chance to do a little more. Very tru
ty yours in F, P. P., C. L. N.
This ti-iter Is published without dato
and signature because friend wrltln
expressly charged thai It be not print
Friend Thompson: Received thv
Atlas and the encyclopedias. The en
cyclopedias and also the stlas are a
world of Information beyond my ex
pectation. I hope when J. Bterllnfc
Morton and bis conferees meet lb
Philadelphia a Moses, a Lincoln, a
Grant or one like William of Orang..
will be there, and lead us out of dark
ness Into the shining sunlight; guard,
shield and protect the Constitution,
free speech, free press and the liber
ties for which our father fought, and
gave lis with the of t-rrpenKft admoni
tlon to guard end prolwt well imr her
' ir. Margaret Khrphrrd well
j "I am tu Demount, U publican or
PuputM but Anil-Pope." Ho say I. I
am an American and my motto In
"Jiistli-o to all, sihmIuI prlvlleniw to
none." None should bu rulers In thU
country that owe there first ntlcKliiiiet,
to some other prince or potentate. My
prayer Is for a Lincoln, a ThimipHos
or a II. F. How its to lend our boeti.
to the ballot-box and save our coun
try once more. It American free
men wake up.
As the year 1898 Is nearly at an cod
and with It. my subscription explrei,
1 will here send $2.00 for another yeai,
as The American gives more Informs
tlon than any other paper I get May
a Divine Providence guard, shield snu
protect the editor for many years anu
may ,.e always publish the truth under
every and alt circumstances. The At
las and en cyclopedias arc all o. k. and
they are all right; ao much aseful
knowledge and information; so cheap
that no one need be without, them.
You will find money order for 12.95.
For the eighty-five rents please sen.,
the People's Atlas of the World and
the Standard Cyclopedia,
Cleveland, O., Dec, 20, 188 Mr. J.
(J. Thompson, Dear Btr: Knelosed
find two dollar (12.00) for my next
yenr's subscription for The American,
The hints and letters written In The
American have been very helpful to
me, I am somewhat of a Illble student
myself. In the near future I am going
to send you a tract on the "Hiiblmlh
Question," which I am helping to have
published here, I hope you will read
It earnestly and carefully, as I believe
) on shall, as I have learned to look
upon you as an earnest, counwous,
man. It takes courage to fight tae
church of Rome. Keep on. Respect
fully yours, D. K, R.
Kllensbiirg. Wseb., Dec. 23, IMH.
Fricnd Thompson: Inclisied find 12.00
being for my sebscrlpllon for the
Am-rlean for 18H9. I si merely hope
you will not only have prompt re
newals, but will have rnaoy new fines.
Having originated from one of the old
families of early day, 1 neutrally take
pride in a paper that stand up so
boldly for our liberty and freedom
that our forefather! handed down to
us. I served three years In the
KIghty-flfth Regiment poonsylvanla
Voluctecra In the greet w of tb
rebellion, received Injury at the siege
of flumpter, f4, C, which I feel very
sensibly yet, Next month I will have
reached my sixty-third mile sloe of
life, but I nrn still doing what I ran
for the Iruo American principles, and
f'r the truths set forth In your valu
ble paper, Wishing you a prosperous
and hnppy new year, f remain your
friend, W, If, R.
Holdrege, Neb., Deo 28, 1898,- fs r
Friend Thompson: I send herein $2,00
by draft for The American. I send
11,00 to help the cause of American
Ism (for I get the pnper for $1,00 per
year). Yours Is a noble cause and I
thank Ood for the fight you are mak
Ing. You have my support In every
way possible. We have enemies with
In and without. I believe the Jesuit
to ts the most Infernal, devilish or
ganlxatlon ever concocted oolslito of
hell. Rum, Romanism and Ignorance
are the devil's trinity. Yours, etc.,
J. A. A.
Peoria, III., Dec, 21, 1898. American
Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb.: On look
ing over your advertisement of Decem
ber 9, 1898, I understand that for the
sum of $2.78 you will send The Amer
ican for one year together with the
book entitled "Americanism or Ro
manism, Which?" written by John T.
Christian, I). D. If such te the case
please send the book and paper and
oblige; also Dickon' work. Yeur In
the name of liberty, F. Win, R.
Mahomlngtown, Dec. 21, 188$.
American Publishing Co. -Gentlemen:
Enclosed please find $2.00. For same
please renew my mhecrtptton for The
America for the yaat. liStw I wish
Ik i kitji t"s e. . .r to
lt t.,.1,1,. ,, M j MN
t a Stnl df-at of tifw ef I m 'tttt4
tMt ftt4 Mitw-lf I'..- l , a
C.t .), ikin lairr ti..vifn!l,
C II l
HhUmhiki. Mhh, w J.t, itn
Amthii piit iuhlng ii U niemin:
I'M am Ami m liM-ed ro,iftVi it.lf
for tioo in renew sn' . i ii(..ii to The
A m-ne it and fr a tfw month sub
enlher tUd lir.i otk .i get him
tk 1,t pis mmttnt lUv hhI
eilf all dv it) lug in get miliatrib
era. Imt lin y all say It ht hard times
wnd U time, so they ran not afford to
'ke asy more paper. ),t ahall not
give M up for a while, as some have
partly promised tu inks It as soon as
oe? run ret n Hide tn.ira money.
T. 8.
Ht. J.m, Ih-c. 25, 1MIH. J. C. Tliornp.
son, Dear Hir and rileml.-Hcelng
your reijuest to sulmerlliers to renew
for the following year: Knelosed plcaso
find two dollars for Tim American. I
do not know when my subscription ex
pires, neither does thot make any dif
ference to me, I would not be without
i .e American and think It shows very
poor piitrlollsni for render not to pay
up and put their shoulder to the when(
and help I lie cause, I). I,,
Davenport, la., Dec. 25, 18118. Amor
Who Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb.;
Wnelosed and I2.M for The American
ne year and ('tins. Dickens works,
and 36 cent for the Blandard Cycl
paedla of useful knowledge. I hope
yuu success. I would like to be
able to help you out more, but
I am Just a por carpenter mvself,
Yours, W. I O.
trblcago, III,, Ioc, 25, 1808,-Amerl
enn PobllsJtlng Co. fllrs:' Please find
enclosed a postal money order for
one dollar (II 00) for subscript ton to
Tho American, Don't stop sending
the paper, for I will seo that you get
the money In time. I will have The
American ss long as It Is printed.
Youra for the cause, N, T, W.
Heiiltle, Dec. 18, 18'JS. American
Publishing Co. Gents: Pleas find
enclosed powtofflre order for fl for
subscription to your valuable pnper.
With best wishes for your success In
the noblest of works, believe mo, yours
very frolv,
WasMa, la Dec, 20, 1 HOW. The
American Publishing Co., Omaha, No
braeka. 4eatlernen: Enclosed find
two dollars for which pluaso renew my
subecriptlon to 'Hie American, Vsry
truly, A. Z.
Ateblmm, Kan., Dec, 24, H'm.-To
The A merles-Dear Friend: En
closed Is a postofllc order to renew
my subscription to The American and
the ten great novels. Your truly,
A. V, I),
ItoSHnU, J II., Dec. 21, -"-American
Publishing Co., Omaha, flentlo
men: Please find enclosed subscrip
tion price for Tho American up to
1900, Yours truly, J, V. 11
(!hafo, if lee, 26, 1898. American
Piib.lshlng :. Dear Blr and Friends:
MtickwiMt Is express money order for
paper for another year. Rwapoirtfully,
, A. V,
Columbue, Neb., D-, 19, 1898. The
Amerlsn Publishing Co.Oonta:
Hease find enclosed the sum of $2.00
In money order as my subscription for
llie American for the year 1899. Hps
pettfully yours, If. T, V.
Hhelby, Neb., Deo, 24, 1898, Ameri
can Publishing Vi, Dear Sir: Bend
"Arnerlcanhtra or Romanism, Which f
and The Amerleao for enclosed $2.00.
II. W. C,
Washington, Dec. 22. 1898. Edltoi
American, Omaha, Neb, Dear 8lr:
My attention has been called to a copy
of your paper of December ICth, con
taining extract from a recent report
made by me ronrernlng the charltabh
lustltutlons of the District of Colum
bia. On (he eighth page, at the clos
of the quotation from my report, ap
pears a note saying that full copies of
the report will lie furnhtbod upon ttw
payment of ten cents to Mr. Chase
Roys of this city. With regird to that
matter I wish to say that tho above re
port is a public document entitled to
be carried la the mail without post
age, and is not for sale by Mr. Cbas
Roys or any other person. As long
as . e original edition lasts I will sop
ply your reader without charge upoa
application. Very truly yours.
Bujt Ctarltiea.
' . v