THE AMERICAN w 4 av'a tan tia A QKUAT LITKKAKY I1AK0A1N I lit nmmnu' i vn itt-( (Ufw4 I 1 It -Vvii , ! V twttr t t' tti m . t -t V V I'M wi:al.4 terVj tJ? ' .! h ! twr miwn t it k , trt lt .ih eel l't.-4 l ll tee fwf end itni"' WWt raa ti'nP.t The la at aer ' tta htfi d tat the n um n,i',' e,eff cartM a tf trala the reairna of liU Take ea aether faa A hn-n. and father d e. tavlnt m iwin m mu," hla w and. nrphan rhildren The rrf Brother r he ',h 'h ,rt ,u mrl the children ehe Me if Jar ahe avruha pi waehna, ee.t lUlunlay tunic ln h In the hut where key half clothed children are krie", with yerhap I. In her act. , Nhe 1k t on child unit aay It ought to have mmi hn; anther, ami uyi It rw aome elutlie, Th urruniilna: quJ r and. wretrheilnee ilnnnlh her that th money ahe hM earned ahould i to reJIeve, tha aufferlnT of her family, but ahe thlnka her huahand t hut ti dead, Hit aoul la In punratorjr, and acotird Ing to hrr rollgtnua trmlnlny K will atay thai and burn, and burn, anJ burn, until th prht hull have been paid to pray It out Then, cloelng her heart to th neceaattlo of her minted bunvry children, th iwi to the prUwt, Tmlndt him of her huaband, and offort im $1 of th all to pray for tha re om of hla aoul. The prieat, with a heart at atone, takea tha money, makei th alrn of the croaa, tlla her ha will taUrer tha prayer, which he nerer Coea, and tha mother return to her Wretched abode to plmch and atarve with the pittance that romalna. tvii t .( ui it s I'll t ' ; v 4 i : 5i it rr , ,r t '!. ' ' I it f .1 . i . t., . , , ' W ! CHRIST'S BECONO COMINQ AS A.N 1SBUD. If there la anything In tha Dlble, Hber In the Old or the New that r latea to ChrUt'a aecond coming, It la la tha third chapter of Second J'eter. Thera la nothing In the Itlble, 1n tha way of dwicrlptlre language concern tag It and certain attendant emita that la more direct, vivid, oognnt or Invtaolhle than la thla. If Chrlat'a aacond coming, with that which waa to It la tint In tbla deacrlptlon It la not certain that It la In any other aup poaed , repreentntlon of It In any other pert the lunik that we a r vently and confidingly call the Holy Mb! To tMa BJmertloti I 4hlnk f ahall find a rady and gonnral BHuont, But I muat, In the oiitmt, give notice, eperUMy to my AdvcntUt frlcnda.that I ahall examine Into thla r hap tor purely and aolcly by revelation. I ahall taka nothing for granted from any aonrce, however ImtKirtant, or authoritative It may appear, from a scholarly or well Informed atand point Nor ahall a well and long ea tabllahed opinion, jln ordor of Im portance, he regarded aa (I rut, aa a help to an undentandlng of thla chapter. We too often fall In knowing what the Dlble teachee , y venturing outatde of It for aaaletance. The aenae that ahould attach to a word, that la oapablo of two or more meaning, ahould not be arbitrarily anttled by a dictionary, aaaumlng that It la thla, or that particular moaning that ahoitld attach to a word, or phraae, aa uaed ID the Illble, but ahould Invariably be awttled by the meaning eatabllahed In Ita general uae In Uie Hcrlpturea. Thla ahall be the rule of procedure that 1 ahall ad ,t In deciphering the meaning ol thla chapter. Klrat, In Importance, to the way of Inveetlgatlon I will bring to notice an Important Injunc tion of Peter aa found reon1d In the flrat and acond veraea of thla chapter. It la, "Thla accond eplatle, my be loved, I now write unto you, In both which I itlr up your pure mlnda by way of remembrance, that ye may lie mindful of the worda which were apoken before by the holy propheta, and of the comtnandmnnta of ua the apoatlea of the Iwrd and Bavour." Now whatever la In thla ancond eplatle, thla chapter not excepted, It la written eipreealy for the purpoee of urging upon theattentlon of thoao to whom the eplatle la addreeeed what la tauitht by the holy propheta, which, according to thla languag". la nothing otherwlee than exactly what Chrlat commanded, I. a, taught through bla apoatlea of tba Ixrd and Sovlor; Notice: ala chapter la but a bare atatement of certain thlnga that are to tranaplre. The chapter la not, In and of Itaelf, explanatory. Thla fact la aufflclent reaeon for the Injunction r ferrtd to. Without taking apace for reproductlutt of languej?e entire, aufflce It to aay that the chapter repreeenta that "the heaven and earth ahall burn up," "the earth with tho worka .that are therein,' and that thla burn Ing up of both the beavena and earth ahall be aucceedad by a "new heaven and a new earth. And In thla chapter la to be found unqueetlonable evidence that thla event la the coming of out uard and Ha v lor, and the day of Judg ment ;or, porhapa, a day of Judgment It la to be auppoaed that when peter aald, "Nevertheleae, we, according to bla prom I ik, look for ne.w heavene an a new earth wherein dwelleth right eoiianeea," that he la reproducing rcord"d protnlae of the Old Teeta ment, aa there la no mention of euch promlne in the New Teat men t prior . 4 a ' in n.!f .iett Itie ! i. ttii tee Veiiv.1 Hi 1 ee l f k' mbu 1 inio hr hM t ri' I. ietnni a rr. tea enj brf ftonfle a ,. " eet N r.mtleH'" l'h ee, ttl t J. mwiirm, ee ..t IN tfl J-"tlej end the iti it rlha ll M lnir. la h, cntet' lae !M l!h eed lth eeeee aa fipUea ttv f tb aew tnnrn and new ii a ies we tae tetl ta i1enre pm-teely what ((.r Itwa in He, lutloea :t tl J' aav. "Aed 1 eew a ww brevit end a w earth; fr the ftret beefn and the Bret earta ,.r pmwrd awajr." etc. "Anl I 4'ha aaw the hot iv, new Jcrtta!em nmlnt down frm tlod ut of heeven prepared ea a brlte adorned for her himtand" Thla new Jemaalem la the new hneven and earth, If Ixalah knnwe how to employ bMiuae. Very well; but. In Inula" a rontlnul de eirltlon of thla new heaven end earth what doe he eav In the Jtth ver Thla: "There ahall 1m nu more, thence an infant of dnya (acaaona or cvrlea). nr mi old men that hath not filled hla riaye: for the child ahall die an hundred yenra old. but the elnner living an hnndred yeera old ahall lie accuraed Thht verae aa deea-rlptlve of a part of what la a matter of fact In the new heaven and new earth atate. wreeta thla whole description out of the hnnda of our Adventlat frlenda, who would apply It to our final future atate, In which there can be no death, nor alnnera. Taken all together the evldencea are that thla deacrlptlon appllea to a atate attained to here, and In the tilatory of the world prior to the ending of man'a probation atate, that "they ahall build houaea and Inhabit them, and plant vlneyarda and eat tha fruit of them, la conclusive In proof of tha poeltlon aa above. The following language. Tor aa tha daya of. a tree, are the daya of my people, and mine elect ahall long enjoy the worka of thlr handa" llmlta life, though It ba long avn aa a tree, vet it terminate. Thua In plain language it reaB fur ther. It la atlll atate in wnic.n nraver a offered, and anawera oo- talnwl. "And It ahall come to paaa, that before they call I wMI anawer, and while they are yet apeaklng I will hear." See veraea ZZ, S3 ano t. i u natt and laat chanter of laaiah, la a combined expoaltlon of thla new atnt; and coneludea thua: "For M ne new heavena and the new earth, which I win mnke. ahall remain before me, aalth the Ixrd, ao ahall your ened and yuur name remain. Atm it anau come to paaa that from one new moon to another, am! from naiwain 10 an other ahall all fieah come to worahlp before me aalth tha Iord." The Adventlat veralon of Revelatlona 10:0. In which la tha declaration, There ahal be time no longer," win wit fit Into thla repreaentatlon of our final atate If thla la our final atate 17) In thla new heaven and earth atate la allll the change of the moon, after the old order, and the earna menaure- ment of time. Into dnya and week. I lila alao la very unlikely of our nimi place of abode. 1 ben aceoruing to tie text It la atlll a nean emie, anu oia not accord with I'aura veralon f uir heavenly lumie. Htnt . irat 0r. ft: AO: "Now thla I aay, tiretnren. mat fleah and blood cannot Inherit ttie Inadmn of Clod." Theae are raw a worda in the way of extending argn- ent In evidence that we put off tne cab for a purely pintuai ioiy. hrlat aald: "A eplrlt hath not flnan nd Ininea aa ya bob me have," t nriat iieaka of flnah and blood in contra dlatlnctlon frtn the spirit In theea worda: "Hleaaed art thou Hlmon liar- Jona; for fleah and blood hath not re vealed It unto thee." Chrlat In plain eat terma dwdarea thet "that which la born of the aplrlt la apirit" noi fleah. Paul telle ua plainly In let itot- lB:2-50 that w are to completely tranafer from our earthly atate to that of the aplrltual, In which atate we halt bear no eemblanca to mat in which wa now live. Turn to Ilev, 21 ml here la another repreaentatlon or he new heaven and earth atate. The 24th and 2llh veraea are In proof that thla new heaven and earth atate la a prior atate -to our final future, alnce natlonalltlea are atlll Intact, govern nienta over which there are knga, both of when It I aald ahall bring their honor and glory Into una city, me new Jeruaalem. A D. FAIRHANKH, (To be Continued.) W. A. BAUNDKKN, Attorney, Marchantt Natloeal Bank lildg. NUTICR TO MON-BR8I0RNT DKrKNO A NTH I To Dana 0. Jnnaa and Patty A. Iloltoa, Bon-rMlnaot dnfaodantai . . Vnu km lmrtibf nntlfldd that on th With day of Ootoher, law, lamea t. Browne, tha riainillT lixmm, ninq ni miinn in in net Court for DomlM county. Nabranlia, aialnat John Brutitker, Dana U. Jone I'atty K. Ilolton and oilier, oernnaanui. n ou ikoI .nd nun of which I to fotenloa two certala tai cartllloate detail Noveniber dth. 1HV4. and Nnvero er Intli. INW4. repw;t Ivrljp, upon lb folluwlng dnacrldad r al el ite, to- III The undivided one flfth of Tat lot I. In BmMlon X. Uiwn-hlu H, rne III Ht upon hlcu tliura la dua the a mi . I l.'ua m . Alao the unull"d foiir-niff or rax lot IIOMRS RDUfATJOV IN Ct'MA. Here followa what a Cujmn haa to aay of Ihe condition of religion or I he Inland: "Here, where until recent yeara." aay Ilalnilndo Calvera, In b'.i 'Cuba and the Cubana, "none but th Catho lie religion waa tolerated; where the clergy waa, and la at III, to a great e tent, a power which vie with the mil itary authorltle t th exerclae of ty ranny, ft I not atrange that Indlffer enc oredomlnatea. 0xl' mlnlatera ar ao repetlant here that they alien at th devotion of the faithful. Our clergy do not trouble themaelvea with dogma nor propaganda. It I a que' tlon of lucre of admlnlaterlng the ear rament. and of collecting the fcea thereon, and more than th fcea. There la not one pariah which aupporta a free or endowed school. Te dlvlalon of the dloeeee Into parlshe accord rather with financial exlgenclea than with aplrltual neceealtte. There are rectorahlpa which embracea extenalv and thickly populated dlwtrlrta where the parlahlonera are neglected, but which arc known aa of the flrat claea on account of their proflta. They are Bought and given, In thla acnae, a algnal favor to such aa have aufflclent Inlluewce." Baltimore American. jt f,it ntit . ti iiM ' ' ' ' . ' t ae vm ... ! .i . . a i t .' . !.,.(.. mi .... r-i k p la ifc I ... t t .. M a m t-- ''a i .. eM .. W Mh I mft-m 1.4 1H K,-tk . it t-1 t t ir i ... !.. a ''.'- IV IMr t"tl t'f ?w . a ! " "" " '. a la n l i-- tM ii t r f v-a kHi a-a ) eoa t hm4 1-fiM ailnr- .,1 l-m n,nlla te rV rt 4 v.. artv. !.inii; pfa f.t a 4-e hl ! ! a ei-( Hr i-e e)i4 tl tm, 1hl III 4'eel tf ' S n. in -mni m'i i" luni eui ll 111 l'l lirr.f. the rt-fi..tht ! 4rMr4 rt all hi, IIM lirt i rrei a4 t-'t wlner Hi" ew rfii1!. 1 .... .m kra.h HnlinMl lhl Vntt M. h r mu mrm rpoulrvl le " eld ! ne 14 heft I'h4n l wt. lwa. iHt'ed at tieal h .t-tt l ia JAMf.n i Km"' rr. l1lntl(T Pv W. A aaMndera, hta attorn. IVie e No. - II II 4 " w. a. BAt'Nnrn Merchant Nalt.mal lien nutldlna. NOT1CK TO NoV-nrsiMCNT TR- FKNl'ANT. T.itfala M lirWi'. rdttln A.Jitcliman rhiiaMed a-4 AIIhM MrtulT ron rl "I ilffenituni: You are herehy eoHBed th"' ee h loih nt Nnmev A. I. tm" Jatrea I., irown. plaintiff herein flled hla itUlnit In Ihe tUatrtct Court or ikiugia t:oimiy, N.h...l, ln Ilirlrl W ahull. M.rael ahull, hla wife M. Jaektnae Mle A. jrimin ; ner niinra. niwn ,.rii. end other, Ce'eedaela. th ohjrri aed oraye of whli-h la 1o fnref oe on ear- ale ta eer1IB"ate daied Novemliar IHh, mlk upon tha following deacrtbed real eatata to wit,; Bub tot t of Tax tot IM tn awio- IT. town ahln Id, rae l"t. all altuatort In loiiiii County, rieoraaaa, upon wni innrw now due the ium of filial with Intoreat at tka rate or tea (loi ir rani fmr annum Irom tctorr d. IHWl. fr which aum rth lntert and ooaia loaemnr wim an Hnrnu'i faa amount ln to Ian Vor Cnt of Ihe decree, plalntllT praya for a de cree that ha haa a nrai nan upon aan real eatale, that Ihe dffendanta ahall pay the aama, and In default tharaot that th aald property be Bold to aatlafy th amount found due, and upon aale thereof the defendanta be debarred of all rlaht title and Intoreal In aald rl eetate, end for equitable relief. Tou are alao hereby notified that you and each of you ar required to anawer aid petition o or before th Uth day of De cember, im. . t .M Dated at I'Diana. nao. nnvnoioar li'o, mm. JAM RB U DROWNR. IMalntllT. By W. A. Baundara, hla attorney. Doc. M. No. III. . U 11-4 w a bai wi B-na. gltMwer. wtwraaaai Malta wl iititi wva o.iiut 1 ftl t t A- i.l ,, da e. r' a tf. a t4 . - . V t-vl tl At .. ! m i.ihii i at - at th V 4 r. ,..( I . av ?a a Ik, t.,. a a. 0 at e,Jw i1 i kil a ta., raa K r.4v -arlla-4 ,llr - 4 M. t t' l rl Va '! e ' (4 a ,4 ae all aita.ta la I wilt .inili M " a 14 aiut I 1 ai,le.a l-'rli ! . k"iil a4 4 at ia 4iiaa a , a aal4 im- mi at ift Mi ta ra ia t- . ....aiat xrv't aa4 la tveii a I aaluff ia kfi a.a- n' mw aaa 4mI 4 aa4 4M . tie r-ma M' ' - ' erta av.-'ia t a (nilf r4rr4 tea ! whiH 4 M lv rnMtiv ! Ua A l la . a . Itiea aal paa4'av wia M J TVulim a alai a4 4,a a 14'a Ito.Hi , 'htw hwv H't.h. ii r'lalaa I inn aad Aiil i '' l,al)i are 4ae4ala ),ii- at limah. lrka. e-ilpt flat A It la liroltilB W lio flHimg i--ll Waatar IVmminaat W A id'"a nrnev ' pialni Tw'ei'if . I'l diet et al. lnc. i No an. 10 II I An rntitfly New rj.tkn ( lp aaoilxn a, townthlp 14. rana IU raa , i! li on which thera la now due thu uin of u71.Hft II which aald property being altuateo In Nebraaka, anil with li.torant antmiiilaat tlia raLe of tan (Id) per cent per aanum from Ih tohar Ird, inua, rnr wtnen uui. wim nmrfii aim nnaia with an attorn ya ' amoiintlna to n p r rent or tha decree, piaintur pray Kir (lucre Hi at ha hat a flrat Hen upon aald ita ahall pa !heii a. and In defaul thereof that the aald real eat ate, that Ihe defendant roperty ha aoid to aa tar jr the amount found ue. ano that uonn aale thereof tha defend ant be debarred of all rigt. title and In 'cr eel In aald real eatata, and for other equit able relief. Vou are alio heraty nntinea that you ana wb of you era required lo anawer (aid pe tition on or bedir tba tilth day of Deer in bar, ptwe. I lated at Umaha, Naiiraaaa, November inn, I KM, JAM KB Li Pliti wit K riainutr, Hi W, A, Baundar. hit Atuiraiy. 1111-4 Hoc. M. No. I'll. W. A. RAONIIKItM, Attorney, Marchaata National Bank Bldg. NOTICB TO NON-BBMitJKNT iJgfKND A NTH. To Klloa N, Arnold, non-rnldent defend ant i Vou are karat) notified that on the tlth day of November, leva, Jame l. Browne, iha ulalnilir haealn. fl led hi uelll on In the III- rlitl court ol liiiuila county, nenraaaa, aaalnat Kllen N Arn dd, John rlannaxan, una wir ,janur n, vionanni nil tlpa. ( ..nkllna. hla wife. Aral and real nam unknown, defendanta, tha object and prayer 1 1 which are to f uracil me three cer tain lai ceumcaie aawiu iiiiwmiw ma I Mm. upon th following dreurlbed real ealaie, L.1 Will Lot a. bloc ib, noon anion tnar ia ou tne aum of ga ow. M Lot 4. b orkia. upon WBICB tner ia cue tna miMoflwui ... Irfita. hiiH'k II, upon which thar ladu tba uni or aaiuu, , All of i he .aid property neing aituaieq ic nad'a adillllon to tha i lt of Ornaha, iKiul- laaeounty. Nebraaka. and with Ilreat upon each i f aald amount at (he rate of ten er cent per annum from October 3rd, (MM for Wlitcn auill, Wlin interna anil rueia iiiRiminr Ilk aa at.ornev fae aniountlii lo ten per cent ol lha decree, plaintiff praya for a d. ere that ha ha a lira Ilea upon aald real atate that the defendant ahull pay tha aiiia, anil In default ttieror mat tne laid lw oia to anry tna amount to ma thatuo a aale thnrnof tha deranfl- ania ba deliarrea or ell nent, line ana in- loraat In aaid real eatata, anu for outer q uit lila Hf. Vnu am rraulred la anawer aald petition on or before III h day of December, lav. Omaha, pJfb,. nova ntier u, inv. JA jrlK L BKOWNK. Plaintiff. By W, A. Dauniiera, til attoraav. 11-U-tt I . mm al .a uie T, m. .v.. a- prcperty I ua, anu i .Vnfftf. To KBe-n'rKiirH'i Bm a i Te wl'l - entie the tM day of aeeie,her ! H. Knha 'e4 M hill of ir- icnlae In .tuaHc ivurt f W A Fter a .(1, f the I'eao In aert for (iRiiha. ISm-'a Vtinty. Nebraska aea'nat nu, 'he aid Ot'fenilaeta th nl..vt anil prayer of which are to recti -rr Juilgn rn avaleat veil, fnraiimef one hiimlre I and Bfiy and M tm di'lla- iflMfttti wlih In'ereat iher-nn frmn heanhdayof Benteniher aa end Hiatal tine of tlllaiar aaM Hill of I'ai-ilclar Ur plain Iff B led an alfl 'avll for an order of at tachment. provided by law. and that aald order of attachment, waa laaued h mrnr day. and a notice le (arnlah e't served uo nn tha Model I'lolhlnit IVi , a ro-parln-rahl doln builneaa In Ihnifla I'ouetv. and A. Bpleeal e realdent if llouirla County at ai-hleg money in tha hand of aald aarnl haea bnlonalnf to you) aid cau waa eon tinned to th loth day of Noveiubt r, 1MMI. at o'clock A. at. . a. etiiira. riamtiir. 10 1 1 By EuaoB Kiuh hla Attorney. W. A. BAMNnrciie). Merchant National Hank Bldg. SHERIFF'S 8 ALB. Ur order of a olurlea order of aala la- bum! out of the dlatrlct court Tor Iouiaa county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the 4ih day or uctooer, a. u. 1KM, at 10 o'clock a. m. of aald day, at tha aaat front door nt tha county court houae, In the city of Omaha, Doualaa county, Nebraaka. anil at public auction to the hlitheat bidder for caeh. the prop erty dvacrlhed In aald order of aala, a followa, to-wiu t-ota (S7). (M) and (4n In A Tern pleton'a addition to the city of Omaha, aa aurvayed, platted and recorded, all In liniielaa county, atata of Nebraaka. Bald property lo he anld to aatlafy Wal- . tfl Vla h I I 1 1 W Ik. .uml lnr I ' nn-ini tm'i.i.n tin, I " , w wui.- on aald Iota aa followa, to-wlt: on lot thlrty-aeven the aum or wa.n. On H lrV elaht the " "f III 97. ft ln foet Iha um ef r in. which amount, according lo the decree, hear Inlareal al tha rata of ten 1(T) ner cent per annum from February 11, 1W To aatlafy the aum or Kiahty-rmtr ana 71-100 (tM.71) dollar enata herein, together with accrulne cnata, aecormng lo a Indament rendered hy the dlatrlct court of anld Pottyiaa county, at Ita February term, A. ij, lwr, in a certain action tnn and thera pending, wherein Waller W, Keeler la nlnlntlff and Aleannder M. johneton and othr are defendenta, Omaha Nebraeaa eeptamner mo imm, JOHN W. M'PON Af.Ti, Bherlfr of Dntirln eottntv. Nebrak. W. A, Hattndera. attorney for rialntlff. Keeler va. Johneton el. al. rvicket B7. No. 1M. Kx. Docket T, page im. I-I-S THE LEATHERST0CK1NG TALES, If mil rtKIKURE COOKR T e - r li. ' itawa IVwt fi.a . '-( hiHtiiM ! " a w . H a a .' . ia I - ia ueraaaei, ta ia at t tmcai aa a.-4 e i a i a T-f maiv a-'-'-i-ii i.'.w,.iii e .aa a aa t4 tVw i a I i w l.xw ' ' aa twl e Imiiiii aeta, aaa a.. a.4 at ait i . i on iavl " faa fi- aatK.4 .-4 tat trie iiatiaf rw tfatn'r ali't l. t.'iel eew .. k f - yke a i4 t IM lat' aa I ia t"aiiiea Ba Wei InM n lwai k4 Iha Bail it laa a. a aevpa yia aiii" eaia IHr a . aiv timet Vaa'i.i a a-4 re l.-.pra a"ia at ta M t a I the 'i. - f I i la. i.ttat, t taei lanm iav waa-ui ta a ai 1 rare, ri.raiiae l. ! in'ii-'l 4rp.H4 uf ail w t II.MiaK a ana nl 1le " lain a i.t VearfiK h r a ..... h ynaa m v. I 11. an eewia Aa imm v eew e-li i-'a nt in Leaiimeim tint Te t-aa )i iti aiiin-4 la ! an4 haaa-i-ni- tiiaaie.. ter tiine li...inii laiy eieil !- i4i niamg ail tt it.e. !. r..naaaa, m4ei. a arttnl n4 via t tZS last cr TH3 kosca:;-, rrs n::iss, ma nuxx. Tina haalwim .llttna nf lh l-rath-raiix-tia Taica la imniiil nn.'n '"l rPr fnua iona ttm. i t a ili iiwiiMvil te.i. ami "ie ai.uu eliuuU Imv a pi n- in erery Aitu iu an home. It aa. tmna Ste .it the tu.Mt i haitiiina tuitiaticr thai Um mind f tnaa h.i ever rmiceive.1. A wtiule win-t-ta rcadlii U t ninprlv-l la Una ttmntuueB vul li me. All atui have nut read '. r r turle have in atora hir themitelvea a ri h literary treat, rvrv memt'eror the minliv circle win ne iutu. d Xl h ".em W . B e mil an arraimcm-i.t win. ih of mi. . i.;lei.t e.l.ii..n of u.. I'erat.r a eiiat.le.1 to ..if r tin. Ur and beam I nil e.k aliimalMe fan Ii i ?tihi rirrc e'eh w. n.te w d not have heee a fw yam Z Wt iVriilh ," prmtina pn-.a. Iw price of paper and great cm,-;. I.I..U in Ilia trade bava don wvndrra lor lli jading pablie, au.1 Una I mi.niI mat veluu. ..f all. Thirty' Complete Novels ' i-C . . e-' I I It" aw-T By Famous Authors. W offer I one mammoth volome of tw large quarto paea, well printed from olear. readaid type on go paper, and handaomaiy bound in auraotlv eoluma . paper cover. I7irhy (mpet Aoretr by aama of the Uiual ealebraied autbor of Amarlca and Kuropa. BaoW 1 on of 1 lie, novel la intanMly luutraaiipg. and It la th largeat and moat varied collection of popular novea ver pulillahed In alna I volume. Thaw hoi mi moth collection la Bold for only at cent, which ao mnr than tlia naual eoat of a elogle (tory. Kvr be hir ba thr beea Offered uch gigantic bargain ta popular llterator. Tlia following la Hat of th Thing Cumpltts Aoeei eoBtelned la thla aiammotb book 1 ae Not Owllty, by Aaivni V Doeniia . ana a. arareawa . haa aotA tuemaw lit ee Not Owllty, by AmA a tllit Man'a ri.llre. lit Bra. -tvraaw Meat nd Wiri, by ATia I k s neat ej If !. I.e. br Mr. Jaa 0. AOBTIB. Hart era l.lfa. Iiy Mahiu lUauAau. hr Bra JtaaO). Atant. ha HiMiihouu Traae.y, nr"r' " . Uieru.r' Mary, uTTliaa H. B Baeo. ka Mottla . by knaaavLat'i ereraaaon. ha fnaatana Utrkabaw, lif Rl'Dnao Bir i - auk -- m Bat a (alia run. aea ef Invaraeaa, by M. T. Oauwa lll'KB I'i.ewa t. H. Bwaa haooabb. i.irrra M. Baawa hwa Ho L uli. Itor-f Btnry, by llci ly fallow IJHiorer. ny n ly Blater liat, dy (ftuai.ii ffaa. I Bra. Ilinat Woon. I llraea Uwaril, b Hoaaar U.ciaTBao. ctuai' iivara. ur err a w ni i twe in ae, the I.r Men, by Mra naaay Wood. ' ij Kama. Illalehninl Huutil. bv llwia CkivwAV KaUUtobrtdg MyaUrjr, by CaaaLB tha llollilar. V Mtar fax 11- Hit. be K III Serltede I by Wn aia 1 Tha Llwdan farni Mrtde, by llarln RiplnK. by Mr. Jav 0. Avana, T Caido. Iff llunae, t.y KrrA W. fiaai a l'rl-irivr- l-ria. uv m On ahori lear, by livoa (loawAt Buii'iry. kaatuaaw The Other Karrtne, by Mr Hmav Wood. A BMW marriae. uiiia juum, Tba CWaa af Ure laadltmai, ky Oaoaoa "'ThV" Baal Cat ea a Oate, by Baby Obml nay. W. A. BAUNDTCTtB, Attorney, Merchant National Haiik, BHKrtTFF'i flAMfl. T'nder and bv vtrtna of an order nf ant" on decree of foreclnaiire of faa lien la aued out nf the dlatrlct court for Tnuln county, Blnte of Nebraaka, and to me d). rcteii. t win, on th tn nay or ncin her. A. 7. !'. nt 11 o'clock A, M of anld dny, at the FAST front door of th coun ty court hntiae, in the eltv of Omnh, fiottrlna county. Nebraaka aell at ntihllo auction to Ihe hlrheat tddder for caah, the nrorierlv rteacrlbed In aald order of aale aa followa. to wlti 7,ot one ftV Mnclt one (It. In Tlrennan Place, an addition fo the eltv nf Omaha. a aurvaved, platted and recoeded, a lt. tinted In tioue-lna cmtntv. Nebraaka aald Property lo h ao'd to entlafw ,fnme ti. t'eowna. nlnlntlff herein, the um of One Hundred and two fllojnm dot. lar titdament wl'h lntref thereon from Heritemher 17th, 17, at the rate of ten Mm per cent ner annum, toher with a allnrnev'a fee nf fen dollar, which amount era a flrat Hen on ahova da- acelhed tienneetir. To aatl'fv .toaeph W, Thnma. tteeelver or tha Midland etata nana, eerennant herein th um of Flrht Hundred and nine and n-tno flwa dollar tudirment with Intere.t thereon at the rata nf even crt per cant per annum from Beptamher To etlefv lh fuethee aum of Thirty. Ave and id-ton (f m dnltara enata herein toeether with accrulne enata aeeordlne to a t"drmnt rendered hy tha etaietrt court nf aald TVutirla eountv. at tta Ban- temher farm, A. T 17, tn a certnln ac tion then and there pendlne wherein .tame 7,, Ttrowne la nlalntirf and Adelln W. Cnlloch and rtriice McfuUnch. her htiband and Alfred If, romatnek,, and .toeenh W, Thnmaa. receiver nf th Mid land aafa nmk era derendanta, Tinted et Omaha, Nebraaka, Atiguat .h. A. rMmm w M.r)r,vr,r, BherlrT nf Tlotirla eounfv, Nehrk W, A Betinder alnenv for rinlntlff. rtrowne v Vcrulloch t. at, line M, No, 1. M l W. A. BAIfDKHfa. Attorney, Merchant National flank Bldf Ntyrtrai to No-nF.mgiT tgygfn. Aatrai Tot. I, Monro fir and real name ne. kenwn a-d Mr Mmre. hi w'fe, flrat, and real nam unknown, non-raaldent da frndantat Von ar herehe eotled that ee th tmh fl or November a l lti .'m I,, orowne, nlatetlty herein Hied hi Detltlon In tha dl- leict curl of Ikiuvla coontv. Nebrvaka. aalnai. P. T.. Monrca and ral eam nn- knnwn. and Mra M"nr. hla wife gr.t and real eame unknown defendant tba oh. jee and prayer of which to Mrecloaa on eeeteln ta ertflet dated hJovemher ldth. laua. upon tha following decrbed real ratal tO Wll nh t.nt thlrtv-threa IXTi of tai lot (lv fill, In ect"n 11. nwnahlp III run ye la. vaat all Ituaten tn loiifia county. Nenraava, Thre la now due upon aald eerf lflcateth urn nf H70 44 with Intneeat at tha rt of ten pee cent tv r an'um from October ld. laM. foe which num. with intereat 1 eni tiether w'th an at'ornry fee amo tin to ten percent of Ihe decree p'ln"fT pray for decree that hbaa flrat Men upon a'd real eaiate. that the defendant ahall pay the aama. a"d In default thereof that the Id property lie aold 1" at.lfy tha emptint found due. and a npon aala thereof th defendanta be debarred o all rlht. till and Internal, In eald real eatale, and fur other millabla relief You are alao hereby notified that you and arh of vnu era rviiulred to anawer laid pet it toe on or befor Ihe llrth day of Decern- ner i-w. Hated at Omaha, Nebraaka. November 11, I alia JAMKH L, BRWNR, IMalntlffi By W A Haundnr. hi atUirnay. IWi aa No. 21 11-114 Do you know that Sawyer' Soap la tha very beat In the market? Ask your grocer for lt.Tnalat on baying it and no other. Ar If rcailllll "T lionte ,,,,. . ,, ... .i.e. "down ll-low tlia Waving UndMia",. H yed lcaoea,....,,,,.... ........ ....''i" When Joy. Fills the Heart It finda expreaalon In aong, gratifying th performer and delighting the huarer. Nothing ao aurvca to calat tha wcariod aoul after a atorm-toaaecl Jay aa tie awect mclodlca that recall momoriea of chlldhnoft and thoao long gonotoreat. the need of a varied lint of aonga, In ncut and convenient form, that would appvul to all heart and taatoa. Tha Tavorlta Collection of Song haa been pre pared cxprcHHly to fill thin wunt, and contaiua word and mualo of 70 of the choiceat produc tions of gifted and fumoua compoaera. J'lcturar to youraelf an evening at home with the follow' Ing liwtof beautiful Bong before you t Mary and John, or th Lover' Quarrel, OawuVBnBJ Many Veara Ao Wrjlrfkiie raie Mother Wakili tlia l.ltlle Yt. ...... .J. W. Twnu Nancy Ix-a ....Htrvhm dtam (Hi I Vnii Pretty ItlueRyed WlU h.... W. f. T.nyl- Old Oardnii (lata 'l he),,, W, W. Wtuman, jr. Old ( otuwn ( Iik k (The) did MarnOata ( l'lie..,, I'laymatn..... ......... 'oily...,. A Year A o ... . , W.$.HrMr All Anx.iie Id Niiininer lloaca, V, (lulirttl Aa I'd Nirtliliik- Klaa'l'u iu J. I', llnllim Acriiaa the H.-a I'trcrtnlii UulirUt itrliiH Hack Thy Hiilialitlta JaTorie I'tutur""' illiia Kyi , Aim AfU.y I 'omradra ......... , rtttJt Mcinmmim ('inn to tha Hun! Traa ....Mr: llrmatf llrenin y.e , .....I . m. iiuicawm iHniulaal 'lender and True,., JnhnHroll lircaiiiln of Hume I.. Ilnllim u4 llrurum ruriet Ma Not .rl warlm I'"" "Klve (I'l'lia k In Hi MornttUa"',,,, lUrilM Olrl I Met on the Kami t'I'Ua),., i4 (lolden Veara Ar KImHIii 'f'd llieeliilyht , Arfin" 4a "jaforf " lluliriif lt"t (Tile) , Jin '"" llaiiny I .It lie 4'inuitry lllrla fOliill i'Mtf Hum Will llaKverl!aUiU'lhuie-4Joiiilc It I An JCiucllahman.,.. g(r iirf nur'nii.Hi IWhlatle and Wall for Katie .kha4 Hi'lun lleally leiii'lTliliiklHhiill Marry. 4tm oat ToiM ti tha llariilieiilly .,,: HltmipMn l-t.1,1, If, LhM llrrharit IhimUhm Avi Jtu ka rrewell.,, Jamtfh. Mutiny Kata, I'.err Kata, (iuinlo,. Kaiiy iur , Jlllff Al.u.e iwpuriey, .11.1 la Vlalier-M allien (The) Tbla ium Morn, tMiMiluuraakun'l A..,. J,.,l- hutu nierln Mkhiul Arf"il f..uli( H'tfbhnutMl ihrtatrnMCaml ...Blr j4rliur aHun N.I,. lllllMTt ,.MUtm K'rlltfK Jim. At- II. JMIman .JCilmtind Ji'imataw ,,,JleVI M11II109 ,.,.,.Af. W. Mat ,.U. A. JtfrrVienMt (ticlftl , 4lWrr Jkriarlt. ,,, fuM" Oimvowi I'linr. Hulk and I.,,, Homebody 1 Htraimnr Vet. Halllu., Hunnk Ul Ma... HiHk (leiitly ., '. T. IffHAtai That la I a.,.,. ...VfUm HtWmmm Th Hwenteat Tun.. ,,,.............Aina A hi Think nt Me Nerermor.,, U. IMOtm Th Hoy I I ia.. ...tfoL Hmilh HiumU TwobrTwo , AV4ra-la ranri Th HwarOld Koua-aof lluma PromAi Th. j'aaeln Hell iir" U Tlia t imiitry ('.main. f'niiilc, , Vexel Uuvi Thar a llvr 1-liUiig to I5vry viuwlfIUuiM Tn Mn Truly ...A. la. W'ikt When Nort Kyeanmlle ,, ......jut. j,inAa Why Tarrlea My Irfiref .V. Witt ben Twllliiht Oathnr In Will Vour ll"art Hn-N.i,i1 urMlnoJ'. . When I View the Muih.T lloldlug.i WnjA-liiiian, Whatof Ui Nlalitf... Wall Wall Witt , Wont Vou Tell Me Why llolilnl... Wlilapar Ui tlia TWIIIifht.. h. Mum A. U. I W.'.'vKihMmxm ....Look rlVvp (icU.t .Anthony Mil ! .It lie lliiltefi illi'a Bong,, .ova Hull llrenttn,,,., Vh-L UluiiilH.r'a 11 eaaei, hill aheel muala alte, jirintcd on fin cream tinted paper with aewed litndlnjr, Itowlna H Pi o' flit "n tha miialn r'k, lenanuy neaiifiiMi cover, (oiiaii ui in a ""'. "aterlor avlwulli ernamwit, and Ita liiu-rtore laaUug Joy. I'uWlaher' rU U l.iu.-4Je Than (Jo!d ? Health ANK TOU llrnkeo la Health f lfo go to lK. S3, E WO nd TSV hi r on d erf u I and w KK.M BUI EH com pound of KiKiia, Herd, Purta, Mark, and Flower. He haa ovar B.000 dlff rent kind to pre- rt ue irom nd cure all manner of I HltoNUi DlaK tar.a, uch huinllm t alairn ttiuney i.iver, tiiaa iter. Nionmch I rouble Aalhina, Throat nd Liin Trouble. Itiilletlnn, Oyapt ila, Hick Headanb Keinal Weaknea I. net Manhood, Narvoua llel.lllty, and all I'rlval ll.eae, All raae guaranteed or tm ney rerundea. cnnniiiiTA I iu,. r Kr.r., 1 ail 00 or write encUmln naiupfur book and blank. Adilre, DR. C. GEE WO, Aie.Bm n, iflth at., omaha, neb, . . USE ... 84WYER9'OgLeaR.!TED SOAP Ak your Grocer foe It and If ha doe not have it. CUT OUT tbla advertise ment and have him order It for you. ' Wa manufacture tba following brand: Sawyer's Pure Family soap. Floating Soap. -Purs Castile Soap., FRIEND " Admirer of Jamea u. Blaine can ob tain of na a beautiful hlatory of that eminent aUteaman. Price, $1.0. American Pub. Co., Omaha, Nab. FOR SALE BY ' , HARRY C. SAWYER, (50 Steuben St., west Cito. PITTSBURGH, PA. WcHtern Agent Attire., Sawyers Soap, I6IS HOWARD STREET, OMAHA. NEB.