The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 23, 1898, Image 4

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lm0ihi FtwUa vialVI
JmIo Hm(h and H.mlo K'.ni,
!fhS f.S! Kssii-r,s 121 ai Uf fce4
Fat m( Tfm, their
YlHt NmMi m lht w utter th
Vitt tor haniNttni ttlit'lij whiih
futl inf.iilliti and new in up
t nil Ixrt Ih trMMtiti ra tour
I I rnt or ItlirmH.ll. Mad.l.Oll
ll .,Ta, Kan
IN SrrASTIANl(l.P.lfhk8o
ttt ? l
It f
l-.M,(' t tt
-- f
r( ! .
Ik i r m tMtt i"
,,ll,t I Hll
ritl IM turn I U
I Ik MM4. M
i itt t r 4
tit4 fit l'a4 !
4 th.wtlMNI a4 f
Pfll'iM 4p! rftg
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IK (tM.tmIU fNt
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1114 l-
110 llmt
m tt.4
t 4 ,i in
Lilf? IB
fvk yourGrmvr Hani tf ha dim
I have t, ijt OUT thi ftilvnri
and htm order tl for you
tunni'ianum ma following mauu
Purs family Soap.
floating sop.
Pun Castile Soap.
ISO Uubtn It.,
jratern Atfcnt Addrr,
avyoro uoap
a am mm m a & w m
lllnitratel Q meter I; M t(itlm,
is i icju current ills-
Mnn No Competitor.
'IMS Tf ttlllUU. rt..Mm(.I..
"""" '
'Mir li Wi' x i
i.'i t . i I
HI i
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I f
I'll Oil
ill di
f th it
lt'! 'M1 I 4rf
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i itr ltii 4 f'1
t .iiin otfUfitil'd Ifl
it ) nniti'iii MH
itil lth .rtrl FV
. mili'n b 4Mh-
i'y nurrlp4. i ttulitul
r'nth tm
ai on. I iiDrniA llh tn.
1 liMfl i.niflci r nni
lull nri mtliht n on
mil i,i fnrni lli rlHKtM f
vlim i tniiroli1rjr ihiil o-r-lit
mul alt
IVi l.t 1-14 lli. l'it
wt M i l'f H Ik Mf M
I l mi mI t'4 !. r,
t ! tUilf H,t
lli ! 4i l4
I It ' ii ! i ! 'r- I
( tl ftt't tH H' In
' t Hit rM t
til l, mi l.l I
fknr tM4 I kit t
tr'4 fclw
m!4. Ikll I Dl
kr l imir Hrtimi tnnM ti4
r rif r lfcri'i'"
Th Urt r l Imi4 ltlM l
r.fl.1 r.t rrsr 4
lllf Ik nir" rr f.f lltl It
budfit In l"ii tun ir IhfM lml.
hilp In I tini lli om r il
in lh hm t ry long rnil t""
fl ti In lth, nl In w rM
fn U frl. Th iro4 if l'rl l
dUtrlluilM liiwwl tliM'ivlr
onirn, hn In lh tflii !
Boiip lit I SO . m. unit ind '
n hour follthlni up lh Imtw. Attr
lh linvri r Ihorotuhljr rlnin'd of
iliinl ml nrll, ih "Iri1 ioMr" r'"'
(win on th roiinil of hr riiinr.
Thou h llv In npiirlintil or fll
flml Ihflr ovii Iranlng iiiut to
iVr ii f 1'iminl l '!
A rut atnl lorMi'm friiitinn
hun Im imii. mi th i,iiamlt! ir
nf rnnl i, in Itiln li'nrn that
lnr' nl i f (id ili-iim rnal h
li'li I' t ill" ni-r runnl to lh
mi p tnui fur rn dny. Tbr
Im nf s, rnHl trirint man'
i nr r. iciiii1 nf iinly rBr, n1
i lie dirt ni:l nf n mm of riml, h
Imp h i h of fniir 't,-t only, rpr
riit n ii eh work 1 1 .000,000 mn
run j I' tn In iwrtily ycura, Bnrh
i Rii til. m Dim tltov timy rv
lo rmj how Vblnnlil commod
lly nlly U
AlH'd'llKlft III llllll.
V.'l'I III tnHt ymr alnmtniim h
lin n i(iiliiiil li India fur thi manii
Uriiiriif nioktii titnlli mployd
lif IIiiihIIv labMhltanla. Th it-
lh Mllr ir rrl flirt.
In lh ronnly of WIrklow II Itia
tlrluriKqii yal of Avora, famoiia In
aong, Mr la th ronflnnr of two
rlvrr. th Aynnmor and Ayonlirrg,
which liar lh nam of "Th Mwtlnn
of th Waicra." Two Hrlllnh tmirlata
rhnnri to nioet at thl pot a Rlrl
liarlnn a niirhr of watnr, of whom
thy Inquired lh nam of lh river.
Th Mnrilng," wa th prompt rply.
"Oh t w know that," quoth th tour-
lain. "Hut what rlvrr la It-what nama
do you rail It hyT" "Orhl" cald lha
irlrl, "I never rail It at alii It alwaya
romaa of Hlf."- Krom tha aprrlalor.
wn hrrun at Madraa, and It
la trpJed Ihnl lha fmllva Dinlal-work-
i h if rrndlty iuhatltiitd aluminum
for rnW and Uaaa, whll rfulnt t
rhany lh tradlilnnal ahapi which
for rrailoni have ba flvn tn
ihrlr mull, Thy Inalat en inuln
hand irk, anr) anm of thm bava d
rliip much aklll In maolpulatlng
lh nj metal,
CnngmluUlln III th WMt.
Thla la how th Halt UK City Trl-
buna fllcliali a railway offlcar upon
bit rncnt marrlaia: "A thouaand
rongratulatlon to ftuprlntndnt
Walby on hi happy rbanga of doma
tln atat. May hla car of Ufa alwaya
bt a palacii, aaf vr on th gulda rail,
imooth aa though roa wr tha bal-
laat, and happy aa If thr wr no
aurh thlnga In th world aa rompetlllva
rate. It now haa monopoly; may
ha navar loan hla high appreciation of
that blaad BrlvllgaN
ilmwlli f Hum flair.
AulMile lnrr a to tba rata of
riwiof in human hair, ann it la
nil h vry dlaalmllar In dlffrnt
rullvlial. th ninnt uaually
in calruliillon glvr alg and on
half thi fnr annum. A man'a hair,
lo flow to Hi itrrnia length,
eicwfda twla or fourtn
whda that of a woman will
rar Insane to arnty
lnrh(nr arrnty-flva Inch, though
lha aa do not Mod twnty-fla
lo Ibly Inrtie,
rri' r.iilil fla,
r!A In lander wtnt to rliuttgart for
a HtitfitA prent for th (mpra on
lh o-Mlon of hwr rrnt birthday ml-
liralii, lla alcld an nrnal up
rlihl no for br boudoir, Th ra
I in rli'hent lioul XVI. aiyl, and
lh fiit tmard la Jewaled with brll
llant in . Th black kya arn mad
nf rlmny nnd lh whll otiKi ar
covardwi'h moinr-or peari. nnrmnn
perj ay It la tha most roHily and
emjuii liiKlniiiient of Hat kind vr
II p
Mhlt wlin Antrim (l,
irnllli, a dty of Mecklenburg, l
th f Is f 'Hy no th Kiimpettn runt!
Njvefir I hi g baa been uid In
b llhtd throughout with
ii gH, nine tn mt oay or
ln tret lump, and wherever
lonl Ui waa prvlouly ud In prlvnt
rfmlil r e aceiyleim km Ii being lined
now, Ill's Utibt I bright, and ao fur
vory tlfrtory In vry renpert,
H rr(h' HnllMt '"
Tbiflioiteiit reglnn on tb rth I on
th tiriihwaiiiiirn count of I'rla,
whi l'erU bordnra lha gulf of tha
m um, ror ronjr conaitcuuv
diiya !i July nod Auguot th thr
moniltr old not fall lowar thar. mo
di grctt, night or day, and often mount
d tlgn 124 dgra.
rinl( Tittir-r Nwlmmer.
Th otter la th fmtil awlmmlng
quttdrlped known. In th water It ex-
blblta an aHtonUhlng agility, awlm
mlng in pearly hnrlnoiitaj poult Ion
with ih grentet CHftB, diving ftnd
durtliu along beneath t Im aurfc with
4 i1t )ual If not aupttrlor to that of
Tb Hllan' fl"l'l flal.
n th rulUn' gold plat tbrt
ara ONhn of rolld gold of axtraordln
ary tf, and I her ara plta, eiipa, and
ucf, tureen and plichcra, miwalva
and l!nvy, made of Ih aama preclom
j ' .. i .1.
lllii u l' Mlcfnt.
Tin wunilsn bliyi'l uod by Illondln
In bU famoua t Ida acroan Niagara Kalli
on a. rope la ntlll In iUinc, and wai
told In Tarli not long ago for half
Throwing mttd at good mag only
remii'M in Honing our own banda.
rip Ll !-
Tha latent Invention la a pip lln
mad of !. Th glaa manufactur
ing firm, whoa plant la located at
Port Allegany, la preparing to maka
glaaa tubea that ran b ud for aend
Ing oil or in arro tb country, for
carrying off aewag. aupplylng cltla
with water, etc, Th glaaa pip doa
not corrod, It la Impervloua to tha
alartrolyala In underground condulta,
and, It la claimed, la le Ukaly to leak
than Iron pip,
rllf la rt rlv"l
Crumb pi la local dUh peculiar to
eaalnrn rnnylvanla. It la offered at
brkfal aa a an (lluta for hot bread
Aa U nam Indicate, It la kind of
paatry, and la a compound of ahorlen
Ing, flour and migar. In lla prparntion
th clement are crumbled or pick
d together, lh renult after baking b
Ing a crlap, flaky pic, much mor
toothaome, according lo thou wh
hav partaken of It, than th deacrlji
lion aiiggetii,
i Ki.l f eallnh.
It I not generally realized what an
immeri number of Mr Horn born and
bred at homo bav fever auccceded In
tnnxterldi Ih national langiing, 10
Wale Iher am no fewer than fiOH.Oild
peopln who cannot pek KnglUh.
Welib being their only Inngtinr. in
ftcotlnnd thern ar 4.1734 peraona who
ran apeak nothing but flaellc, and in
Ireland tber ar 32,131 who can ex
pren thmevea only In the Irlh
literary rrnivHn.
A Madrid paper complalna that our
commlxel'itiera In fart Innlet upon lh
dlmuNxlon of matter not connected
with th treaty of pec, "uch a 110
rary convention, tc," Thera mut
t aom inletak a annul itim, irininna
la tba only region wher tby know
anything about literary convention,
Uulavllla !ourlr-Journal.
W l l
rn Arn it i.xix. (minimi ui
i:n.i!j:httf itiMt iHifTI w tn ttl lr fur rnn
fcMinti, I rnully utimi-rvtl tli ijiatrjrmatt,
lai riitjt oar-l lialuicl In Ihrralftilnn iiianii't,
"tii tip tltf tnl! l ! l liH f'HiciMHtiig
uulti )ni i lioiKH Irt aUinl lit lil alioft?"
Yra, yra T mUiiiir.l rral toica; "Uify
n 'lit1 ilh u mollipft Ouo or tht li4r
will liave-l"
'Vrv tht-iii lr St U Mid (Ul'fii'l,
riiiii ItU Iiph'I, on I Ivmtrltig with cttlinnpaa,
rcaignnlion ami firlcanfa; "hi or tue," tl'lod
lie; "it aipina lo tnaki no ill Iff retire to youyou
arc tlcteritiiiied to Imvo Mood -ink lilin, mxl 1
vill jiftnlon you, my friruili; for h fUl lUluaioii
linn iinaptllfil your rrnson."
TIkho Vtorila of (ialirirl, lit coiiiiiro, tho noble-
ncM of hid altitude, llm lifiuity of liia couiitcn.
Hiuc, lind iniule Kit iiuprparioii oti aoitio of tho aa
niluiita.tthcn audilfiily a volco excliilineil J "Iook I
there ia tlio poisoner, lii'liiml the rnilitig."
"Where where !' cried they.
There don't you geo? atrt'tchod on tho
On hearing thin, the moh, which had hitherto
formed u compact ma, In the aort of puaaiige
lepnruting tho two aide of tho nave, between the
row of thuira, dispomed in every direction to
reach the railing of the choir, the hint and only
barrier thut now helterod Father d'Aigrigny,
The inisaiotinry lost nil hope of laving the Jes-
uit. "Von cry for hi blood I" cried (labjg!
growing mill paler. ,
"Yei, yosl"
"Well, let him die," crid the mUiloiury, In-
apired by a sudden thought; "let him die on the
instant I" And the miaaionary advanced a
couple of ilepa to meet the quarryman, took him
by the arm, and laid in a firm voices "Come 1"
And dragging, aa it were, with him the stupe
fied quarryinaii, whoae companion did not ven
ture to follow at the moment, Gabriel laid to
him: "There ii the victim. lie Ii condemned,
"1 1" cried the quarryman, henitallig; "I all
alone I"
VUV ttpVd lUlrWI, Mh liiit4, HlVt
ta ! danger. Y"t iati -aMl; RiiUU hlt llt
t, i ) f.-Uit d iwii wish il'ctlt, ! ' Iill
a lifaitt f Itf" ln, h ill twVe MUite
o nl I wfiAiir
Tl quatfjmait itl nn'tloiiWia.
HUlk tliMll" ti"4S.?i 0btll, a-MfMU
him, ftlUM he p-.liiU l !.) ctil with !
emit geiiiri "there tt tht jndjji, you arta lXe
Het ulloitef."
"Nn!" cried the quarryntan, drawing bk,and
luriiing away lili ryi "I'm not the eieruliontr
not 1 1"
"He darea not IliiUli the polion," mid one.
"The t oward I
"He I afraid."
"He draw t bark."
Hearing theae worda, the quarry man ran to Iht
gate, threw It wide open, and, pointing to Father
d'Aigrigny, eiiUlmed:
"If there ) one here bmver than I am let him
go and flu isla the job let him be the executioner
come I"
On thi propoaal the murine ri ceaaed.
Buddeiily, Father d'Aigrigny uttered a dylni;
rattle, hla hea I and ono of hit armi itirrod with
a convulaive movement, and then fell back upon
tho atone a if he had just expired.
Oabriel utter a cry of atiuih, and throw him
lolf on hi knee cloao to l ather d'Aigrigny, ex
claiming: "Groat heaven I He I dead I"
To be Continued.
Ifyouarenot a regular subscriber to Tub
Amkbicam, but are in lympathy with tho idoaa
advocated in theao culumns, you are earneatlj
requested to add your name to our subscription
list. The subscription price is only
$2 Per Year in Advance,
which places it within the reach of all loven ef
Free Hchoois, Free Speech, a Free I'm and of
Civil and Heligious Liberty. Address
AMERICAN VVtt, CO , Omaha, Neb,
One that You Can Pay For.
There is now offered for sale a number of small Cottages of
from four to seven room each, and located in various parts of
Omaha, at a price and term that any man with small means can
meet. These houses arc situated on full-sized lots and in good
repair. If taken within a short time they can be purchased for a
Cnh Payment down of
hrl aM.
Th lltiaalan mlrologlat, rrof
or Woetkof, calla attention to lh al
moat uninterrupted aunnhln that pre
vail In winter In tha Irutnk region of
Htiinrla. lie tblnka It would b an
Ideal pla conaumptlvea and for
railing plant under glaia.
garllit atal.
Tb carllt known aiatut la ona
that haa been recovered fmm an Egyp
tian tomb. U la that of a ahlk, or
headman of a vlltag. I madJ of wood,
with yf of f1a and U avldently a
portrait, ' It I .0W yr old,
MmI Vol.
Tb moit a tlva volcano In tb wnrld
la Mount flangay, 17,10 ft high, alt
uatSd on tha eaitera chain of tba Aa
dea, Mouth America, H ha bn la
Vomtant eruption alnra 1721.
Tba luck of tha afnth bob la gen
erally tha old rlolbi at tha other alt.
and the I alance in Monthly Payment of $10. each, "d interest
4 PER CENT PER ANNUM. Upon the payment of
the lyj.oo the piircb.ier get a WARRANTY IKKIi '! to
secure the deferred payment give a firnt mortgage upon the
premises. These arc bargain that have never been duplicated
in Omaha, and a good home i placed within the reach of every
one, no matter how limited hi mean's, without having to jwiy
almost usurious interest, J'or further Information write to
M. U ZOOK, 1615 Howard. St,, Omaha, Neb,
N. P. Real J'.state owners having property to diie of on
terms explained above will find it to their advantage to send me
description of their property. No property covered by heavy
mortgages wanted unless the rate of interest can be reduced to
4 per cent, per annum.
M. h, ZOOK.
- on-
Songs of Warning For the American People.
a hook or fop.Mft nv
"Mrs. Klia A. Pittsinger is a poet of rare ability,
especially in thfl realm of true patroltlsm, Her volume
entitled "Hugle Peals" contains the spirit and sontiment
of tho highest form of Americanism, and the "grand and
awful times." In which we live,
These poems constitute a clarion call for the defense
of American citizenship and American institutions
against the world," J. Q. A. Hbwhy,
Paitor Ls dalle At: IlaptUt Church, Chleairo, III,
If you want to breath a patrlotlim and wot your lova tit tba
Ltttla lied Bohool Iloua 1 you want to oorornuoa with iflfuxl spirit,
buy and ra4 tba pra. Prion, 25 moU, Ad lr 1 Tba Amirloaa
ftouthbrtdgA, Maaa,, Jc, 7, 1S3S,
Kdltor American: I yon draw
a very dark pldur In your Inkuw of
membef 2 of our country, on aenrmat
of admitting tho rtpanlih lalanda, ta
tha arllcl, "Tba iJuty of tho Hour."
Now, I bnllvf you ara cretitlng !
ea alarm, Thoaa native ara not g'i4
tUiwnn C;atbllcs, If wa may trust, for
one, to wiat John Ireland says. Of
tha Inhabitant of Vorlo Illco ha aaya:
"They arj- all Catholic, but with a
religion,'? which mna-l think yim
know whit.
In your previous artleW on ra
great coti-f ftblch Is caning I eouK
agr with you hrtlly, M thla artlcta
seem to ba In a ttfi' l
I agre with you tfiftt a-XlKaiifta!
ara permitted to retain all tbe7ral;lia
properly In thorn lalnnds tbera will fc
a great d"itl of troiihla, but I hav
no fear about Ibo reult, f look at tha
futira with a different kind of cya tbaa
you eem to, I lelleva that befora WA
this iviiitiiry will l ruled by Amarl
cnis one more, but It. will bo tha hr4
et. KiriiKKle- this country aver had, I
have firm fitlth In Onorga Waahlng
ton's vbilon at Valley Porg, and that
befir many year tha Americana will
ba united add defy tba world.
You need !iva no fear about th
nntlve of th Xpufiboi Inlands voting",
for they will not M abla tn voia for
many years yet, pcll!y In tha JII1
Ipplna Island. Very truly yours,
'., fe NKWIf AM
Tba Only Knilraad U i hlcaga.
With a liny 1Jut Train; Iav
Omaha A. M, svury day ,
arriving at Cbbiafru tba aama
verilnjf at S Ift whnr4 cloea nonnv
tl'in ara ntntio with all lino ltyond,
TbU train la M year ahead of tba
Time ami I proving" lmmn!y
Pofimarwith, O nri tmopla,
OUmr fllnif train Inava for
CttUtugn at HA andf);0 dally.
City TlokatOrlloa
HOI rarnam Hi,,
"Tba North-WwWn Llna. w
I'Xi (1111 monthly mairaxlna 00 tba
vll of 1'opery, Onaoopy I0i, One
yitar Ii. A4dra "l(oma Candl,M
Hun franolaoo, Cal-
rrrNietf ar
Cabaret 'and 1 t:U.rtie, W mt w
drftil mliel rtinwverr if tif w, 1'"
ant and rrlnn f L"".1,1
and fHiittveiy mi kldy. H"tt "u,Z.
, Urn otir ';".'
mm iet..l., fvec, iWf l '"''J'1
and blil'HiifieM, I'leM hiy d Irr a tm
gmnuUmi to aura b aii tfruggMita.