The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 23, 1898, Image 2

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CVsln. V V- i i Mt '4 No
1.tfc tk link
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t.' re, in la f.'f Kit'! In
feei'T reeaiJiS t He' eWe
l( ( .( . t it . I" , f.W lit
Tr r;'-, fa si It'Av.aittU,
t , la " ifcei a tnantate t,i r
. w tne-d la Cans' miMaivr ral--
t t the IMifJ ti t H Mtl "
14 Fueihror a s4 her daughter,
lnV M- i. ,,, rf M lav
M. lt floPHftl lo M Olll r.llrf.e I 000.
InM Hi' Mwerl hi donated
t 1 lip 1 i IfcM lime l1.rsa.Tll
Tt-e house Julie sry mm ml line livlty
pave bt-mii on the lilt'ei. Mil tit
frwMitii lhe ii if the tr-l-cnnh ami
tel. hone !! fr the tutrnoee f lm
lery anil horee re tumbling
tteprrei'nlaHve Ulxey of Virginia la
Snvdnretl a Mtl In (fee houae for the ad
mission f nnfe1riate, a well as un
Ion idlir U .ir' him unit
govf tnniriil IniitKulloni mlnulnisl bjr
Ui jotprnment.
Th St I-niiln uyi; Th
rr ( in I hp hu IxHHttno m nortnim tht
tu luulv UMll lt 81. I Willis II
fflri'Vd n(l nporter And It lmt
tmpoimltilf in olilNln mm to curry tttPlr
Rrnlu to tb culiimrd
Th Mill' nrtU .y I.ltnll
K. Cunton, llrltlnh onul ni lh OHy
of Mexico, bun tin in)lnln Hrllhth
eonKiil urncral lit IlAran. Mr. Ciirdpn
tcciiple(J th wimp pot (n Cuba tri(-M
Vri mro. whrr h nmrrlcd an Amor
Iran wonmn,
Actlnn flporrtnry Molkipjubu of tho
war department lias IhhihsI an (irdor tijr
rtlrpctlun nf th prpRlrtpnt. dontKnHt
1n k Tvlnl.lHtl. f.nitu Cri, Kuan and
Ilatnbnno na mibporta of pntry In Cuba,
tn mtdltton o tlumo dctKtiatPd In a
fornior ordr.
Th Home correHponfli'iH of the OhIIj
rhronlclw any: In rnanonMA to tha
Vntlrnn'a Inquiry on tlm nuhjoct, Pros
Idont MoKliiloy hn annt an annum ne.)
1hNt tha Oathollca In Cuba and thn
PhlUpptnoa will enjoy tha aanvi limpid
tliiarty inn Catnollna In America.
Monday, IlnnlHW It.
It I brllpvcd that lh annate will
piiRg upon the trenty thU aoaMlon with
BllKht opixMltlon.
Bcnor Montoro Rloa and tha other
membnn of the BpanMi Peace oora
mlaHlon reached Madrid.
Edward O. Mnaon, one of Chlrajrti'a
most prominent and auooeeHful law
yere, died at bin home reeterdar.
'Ida ateamer Werra which ailed
from HnvRna on Oeoember 6 with
atHiut 1,000 Hpanttth eoldlura hai ar
rived at Malaga.
A cahleKrnm at Hie navy diipart
went from Cnptnln Marker announce
the arrival of the bnttlcehlp Oregon
and Iowa at VulmnxlHo, Cii'.U.
J. Facenella, a wen. .ty iiiliMm man
f Ilw-h BprlnRa, Wyo.. ehot and
killed lleoiKe I'etoro tlile ninrnlni b
rauiie of aliened overfamlllnrlty with
Mra. Farrnella.
The tniennaxnn rorreeumdent of
the Dnlly Mull (txindon) ay thut
King Uacar II. of Sweden and Norwav
imi been end lc .ly tnkm III and I
now confined to bin bed.
The Hank of Bpnln for the week end
Ins December 17 ahown In lla remrt:
(lull! In hum!, nnrhnnited; allver, In
ereaee, 7.93R.IHH) prisptnn; notea In olr
dilation, decreafie. 10.6,10,0(10 peaetaa.
The hoime gave Rnturdtiy to lite Jn
olnn approprlHtlon hill, pnnnlnn it aiib
tantluUy na reiinrted. Thla la the
third of the appropriation ltl Im lo paea
and It rlcnra the calendar of the big
upply Ml In,
Ily direction of the preeldnnt Hrl
ailler ttcnernl M. V. flherldan, llnlleil
fitatea volunteer, hive been emdgned
to temporary command of the depart
inent of the hikim, rellevrng flilgadler
tlenernl Hacon.
Pcnntor Morgan mid that he meant
to preia lhe Nlcnrimua bill on vigor
oualy aa pnealble and ue exprewed the
hope thnt he might f,ot a vole bcMra
next Wedneaday. the probable dale for
the Ohrlittnifts adjourn intuit.
The Ttnld win locotuotivo works haa
In the lnnt few duva rucnlvrd orderg
for Bfty-alx Ineomotlvea, of whlih alx
teen are fur the Iniimrlil railway of
China, making the e cond order re
ceived from that country within ten
won tin.
TnMilny, llrremlifP 10
The senate will make return In kind
for Cerman trade dlecrlmlnmloni.
Congrranman (I i erne of Nnhraaka to
day Introduced a bill granting a pen
alon to Cvrua MuCardan at tha rata
of 975 a month.
Senator Ilanna Introduced In the
eoate and Itcprenentntlve Payne In
lha hnuio p hill to grant auhaljlea for
American (hipping.
Theodore N, Ilearne, the artUt who
caricatured Kinperor Willlani'a trip to
the holy land, hna teen aentenred to
U montha' imprlaonmont for ao do
tng. Th Hawaiian bill waa further con;
iUered by tha houae aub-commlttee on
terrltorlea and progreea waa raa1a
which takea the committee up to aec
tlon 15.
Newi waa received lu Ixindon of tha
death at Florence, Italy, of Francta
Napier, tenth baron of Napier and Kt
trlek, the minister to the United Htatea
from Grent Britain In 1857. He wsa
born In 1819 and entered the diplomat
lo aervlce In 1840.
The president and hla party reached
Macon promptly on time and were re
ceived by the largest crowd which haa
gathered In Macon ilnce the laat visit
of Jefferaon Davie to the .city.
In the executive neaelon of the adn
ata Senator Caffery of Inilalant, tnov
d to recommit the nomination of Au-
gustua T. Wlmberly to be collector of
tuetoma at New Orleans. Mr. Caffery
ays there are charges against wim
berlr and be asks for mors careful eon
sMeratlon than they bava rscelved at
the buds of the committee.
!' fHH.S"-
i a ( i e
I ' f H.r
i .-- tt lM i ahi
N. I t ! .)- Mil "
".'.'.. I M. at f.
t li Waiiaai oi
A. r. a :lilt I vRt M
i k j. . r. vi irt a
I" V-!t f IVe arl'llt ft !
U t rt le'iKfi (t - l mall aal
rf hi i trai.iy riMiH t.y the
wtin tt-e
Ch'miii (VwHaa e ktwfcuaa
ka iirt'4 a Hill la tt h t
raol-tat iKe hiu.1Imi tvf a Pa-'lls
t' t Mil,
A MMirt M laiHirv tea tsMwwea.4
.k t Ne-jftin. K I, t vmle
lit raue f the Ute tnlil,m la a
CtR hl. hlh ki:lsl aoveral.
narniaa Mn-cr prtnted a
rHKni front Atr-Awilin- of
umi,, anikieg e.nirmi. tn aM in be
balf of the rltirtd iypl In the etMiih
Seatr Huiler of Nmh Carolina
pave nUt of as amertdiefnt will
Introduce to the pii.ln appmprUtkn
bill, pnlonlng ex-ciwfe.late o!di rs
Admiral Ssnipwm, who haa sailed
from Havana for New Vora. will reet
f.r two eka In the I'nlted tat
H will probably not return to
Kireelatlvea Ijfcey of Iowa,
lAiidla of Indiana, and IVarce of MU
ourl left Washington to eend the
holiday receea of congreaa In Cuba and
Porto Itlco.
The prealdmit will ihortly nominate
Oaptalu W. A. Mercer, a veteran In the
Indian aervlce, to be led an agent In
charge of the new lech like reser
vation, Mlnnnsola.
The Diukworln club of Cincinnati
haa taken etepe to aivure the preeence
of Colonel William J. Hrynn ou Janu
ary g to deliver an addreea at the
JuekHonlun luinquot. Au Invitation
baa bien sea him.
To anscs ur sot to annex waa the
leading queatlon delated In IhiHi
brnnchea of congeeiM ycatcrday. In
the senate Mr. Teller made an arru
nmnt In favor of expansion and In the
house tho first speech on the opinmlts
side of the quoeilon was delivered by
Mr. Wllllama of M1mnInIpi1.
Ihnmlay, lKnilar IS.
Fifty thousand addltonal trooy art
to be mustered out.
General Miles has loft Washington
for short visit to Clncnnatl.
A wave of la grippe Is moving over
Ohio and Michigan. In LoutavtUe tea
thousand people are aflllcted.
The president aent to the aenats a
large number of recess nominations of
pont master and army appolntmeivt.
8am May and a companion, both
revenue otlloers, were kilted by moon
shiners at Flat Top. Letcher county,
lAudon has no confirmation of the
report that an explosion of a powder
inagaRlne at Hang Chow killed 3,0,K)
aold tors.
The Hell Telephone company haa de
clared a dividend of S per cent. An
extra dividend of 1 per cent waa alau
Hecretary Alger is authority tor the
statement that there la no truth In the
report of a change fur the head of tho
navy department.
The Drake & HtraMon company of
Pittsburg has received a contract from
the war department for building a
large dock at Havana.
Tha Merrltt A Chapman company
has made a contract with tho sovern
tticnt for the raising of the Hpsnlsh
warship Kelna Mercedes.
' It la announced ou Wall street that
the Chicago ft Alton railway haa been
sold to the Union Pacini1, M sutuit
Pacific and lliilllmore A Ohio Internet,
It I reported that the presld'iit
offered the position of secretary of ths
Interior, resigned by Hecretary HIIhs,
to Senator Jolnn 0. Ppooner, who de
clined the honor.
The Yachting World confirms the re
port (hat Hli' Thomas Upton hits en
trusted the building of the Hhnmrock,
challenger for th America's cup to
the ThorneycrofU.
Thij jHtHo department ttt Waahlnt
ton will nomllnd from Cnnada the ex
tradition of Peg Ig Ilrown, a mulatto,
who was Inveigled on Canadlnu soli
and there arrested for murder.
A epmlnl meeting of the western
pnaeenger agents will be held January
10 to consider the draft of a new as
sociation Agreement. This ha been
prepared by a special mini ml ties.
Chairman Henderson, of the Judi
ciary committee (house) say the In
quiry Into1 lhe right of member to
hold two olllce ordered by the house
will not be taken tin until after the
fleerelary Alger aalA that General
Ot! had rendered most satisfactory
aervlce to the Philippines and would
be retained In command. Wheiher or
not be would be appointed governor
general of the archipelago depends on
future events.
' Frlilav, Hvrxmlirr 4R.
Congressman William Sulxer of New
York ha accepted an Invitation to ad
dress the JeckRoninn club of Omaha
on January 7 next.
General Henry, commanding at Pan
Juan de Porto Hleo, report ths dca',1
of Private Joseph v. gum. 'rTn'a.!
mraniry, rrniu a Ruusnoi wouu, in'
bahly suicide.
Colonel Roosevelt talked to nearly
400 little Italian veaterdav la ths
Children' Aid Society school In Sulli
van street. New York, where he went
by special Invitation.
W. 8. Allen, one of the argst fur
niture dealers In l-os Anaolos, Cai,,
ha made an assignment to J. J. Fny,
president of tho Clttaen bsnk. Lia
bilities, I55.00O; assets. 170,000.
Secretary nils stated that Mr.
Hitchcock, his successor in tha cabi
net, would sail for this country on
January , and that the change of of
fice would take place Just prior to
February 1.
John W. Kelley, a veteran of the civ
n war. received notice from th pen
sion bureau that hla pension of S13
per month. Issued for general disabil
ity, bad been stopped because he did
service la the war with Spall.
' . a. Si S
stucnoN or cmp ncm.
tM r Ml ft M Wemll
San Vm a,HM
Wksivt tv i lajaiast
IWarral w lbs irl wllee
Kfi-e Ike nnm i today and
tii.liy wtMiiton.! re7at-lisg Ike
lntimtf lamp A'fw, Vs 1letll
Ar4 Ikat I be rroMiv-al of tamp A'.fvr
an di.-Uli-t hf Ihaawretary of ar
k nMif and that lUorif leal elakUH
mnl waa reoMtimendivt ty Caplaia
Nl ara f Itenrral M lira' Staff. Ien
Mai Corkin bad aaUl at lhe lime it
eoutd not be wade a gil came frtxun.t,
tikniiMi there m el auflU-Unl range
f.r rifle pracil. He had sndi-rlHd
fnm lhe awrclaryof war that tcs
ral Milra bad rtiiirthin,f to do with
Ita ai'Wtion He waa not certain of
Captain Keaburii'a exact alatna. but he
had unilcrliH.t Sea burn bad b-ea sout
by (leneral Mile to make the Inspec
tion of the ramp ails.
. "Did tirnoral Miles proteat against
or do anything againat tha selection
of the camp?" he was anked.
"Not to my knowletlgo," waa lbs
answer. Oennral Cor bin added that
he did not know the reason for dlaiMit
tlnuance of the camp, Questioned an
to (amp WikolT, (leneral Corbin aaid
that the troopi and boraca that ar
rived there about August S were those
left bhind In the Smth from the ex
pedition to KtuUlntfi) and Porto Kioo
and that tho transportation of tlicao
had not, as he knew, led to railroad
eongcition or Interfered In any way
with the carrinjfo of supplies for the
troops subsequently arriving, lie de
nied that tho contract with the Iong
Ialiuul railroad gave it exclusive con
trol and said the only rostrlctlon
made In that arrangement was the de
sirable one of prohibiting excursion
ateamera landing at the camp. He
aid one reason for Ha selection waa
tho excellent facllltlea for water trana
porlallon. He aald the camp at Tampa
waa never designed for anything but a
point of embarkation and aald the
ttrst complaints he had heard from
Camp Thomas, t'blekamauga, were In
the press.
General Corbin aald he did not seri
ously contemplate war until (t waa a
fact, for ha had hoped to the last mo
ment that it would be averted. On
April 10, the army, for one of ita alse,
was well equipped and thoroughly
supplied. Ho aald prior to the war
there had been no complaints of te
frlgcrated or canned loef, and that
they were used by the artulua of the
world and In commerce.
"Seriously speaking," snld (leneral
Covb'n. "1 do not think the War De
partment eon leoi plated war until H
was declared by Congress and appro
priation were available Of course,
the possibilities were thought of, but
there was no general preparations ex
cept so far as the Department was able
to meet the possibilities thnt confront
ed It."
Colonel Denby, who conducted the
examination, here attggnsted to (len
eral Corbin that bo observed the latter
was cautious and reticent and ex
plained: "It I not our object to crlt
lelae strategy. That Is not our bual
noes. The strategy of the war may
have been right and may have been
wrong, Hut our object la to determine
whether the War department acted
(leneral Corbin aald when (leneral
Hhnflcr'a expedition started It took all
the troops It was polblc to obtain,
The supply was not equal to vhe de
mand. It hud been planned to carry
about 2(1,000 troops Ht that time, III
stem! of the 17,000 taken, He referred
to the lettor of (leneral Miles-dated
June 24, laying out the plan of cam
paign of the war, and said It was not
j Wa-hlna-ton Ufa Nut I'leaslng to tha
j Saeralary nf lha Navy.
j Wasiihiitom, Dee, 21. It Is probable
. that President MuKlnley will have oc
casion to make another Cabinet ap
! polntment soon after the New Year,
It I said that Secretary Iing hna de
termined to resign at an early day, al
though ho has not yet formally made
, known his Intention to the
President, Ills reasons for leav
ing tha Navy Department aie
that hi duties sepnrutd him too
much from his family, and that hu
ha never cared for Washington life.
He ha been deeply Interested In his
work a Hecretary of tho Navy, but
I dislike the social fealurea of offlee
, uoidini-, with the restoration of
waee he sees sn oppor
apportunlty to retire
to private life.
hhould Mr. Long adhere to hi pur
pose to resign, It I probable that he
would be succeeded by ths assistant sec
retary, Charles II. Allen of Lowell,
hath Cnnnty I'aniila rnrnlah tha Al
iased Train Robltor a t)3,000 llonil.
BaiiAl.U, Mo., Dee. 23. James I.
West, the Missouri Pacific engineer
who, It la alleged, held up the Lexing
ton branch psiscnger train four miles
from Hedalla on the night of Novem
ber ft1, was relesaed on a bond of 83,000
yesterday afternoon. The document
la algned by twelve property ownera
of Khelby county, Ma, where West's
Barents live. K. 8. Btubblefield,
barged with asalating West tn the
arune, ean not give bona
im mm om vut.
att W.f a
Jw) - a
W I fr k - 1 . am1
Mfarif r4 ail fraMrt.ftf a-Sr-a-re,
It Sat .eg K a ka -
ri 4 a4 rki-.k4 Vt fk f
t, pxlwtf ll It Itval e4r 1 ol
't -l I aV atjf rswl la ai r-
pH Ikat Va fr-arM-4 Ike aa4te tk
l-ttmi i.! ra a tasny ;
fTa-r ikat Iktvw a4 I (kla
Irei.nif .ka-if Ike war
W nki a wtn-h a' I k 4er aralioe
f4 sr. I.ifw W ae4 1iimf aike4
kta;f ana wr-el atta't 1.1 nf Ike
kit of Ike ewvait eKilr. anak'Sg
kl kea.t.jariev at CaMta, tke friset-
fl kr'k esl alalloa, and laf.,.
leg the ttaff krrlreeal twee f th
art we I alrrrngik of Iks Spanish eal
fraaala snd Ika'r snovrmcsla Thee
he t to lhe Wftl In.llrs sad re
rlt evrrvlbieg thai waa grlnf on
tbers of inrlee lo Iks American
navy rat be went ce!n Into the
enemy'a rotintry In dUgui, thta time
to IStric Kieo, where he aa arreated
as a auspicious rbsrscler and a spy.
Ity adniitnesf he managrd to secure
bis releae and escaping from Han
Juan, cabled ths navy department a
full account of the slate of the de
fenses, there and the preparation
making for the reception of the rpao
Ish aquadron under Orvera.
White Ward waa la Porto Kieo. En
sign lliick, 'another attache of ths
navigation bureau, waa on the shores
of the Mediterranean In disguise.
watching every movement of the
squadron of Admiral Camara. which
started for the Philippines, but turned
Admiral Dewey was told long before
the declaration of war, on February
21, "In the event of war with Spain
your duty will bo to see that ths
Spanish squadron does not lcve the
Asiatic coast, and then offensive oper
ations In the Philippines. Keep
Olvmpla until further orders.'
The latter order la explained by the
fact that tho tligiHIp Im I been ordered
b.ii-k to the United Stale for over
hauling. Admiral Howell, then In the
Mediterranean with his squadron, wa
told to wait In neutral waters for
orders, and the ships In tho South At
lantic were Instructed to move north
ward ao aa not to excite suspicion.
Apparently the first suggestion of
tho organisation of tho Flying Squad
ron which was to divert Admiral Ca
mara'a aquadron from Ita voyage to
Manila came from Dewey, for In a dis
patch of June 27 he say:
"In my judgment, If tho coast of
Spain la threatened the squadron of
the enemy will have to return." 4
Dearer Woman lie Not follow In the
Tsth ef Kania Cltyena.
DRSVRR, Col,, Dee, JS. Lieutenant
llobson wa tha guest of the city of
Denver yesterday. At I o'clock a re
ception was given llobson In tho ro
tunda of tho Ilrown Palace hotel,
which was attended by not loss than
2, (Kill people, There wa no kissing,
as the committee In charge had de
cided that this feature of Lieutenant
llobson's receptions In the Kast should
lie omitted here. Arrangement were
made to prevent the success of any at
tempt by enthuslnstlo damsel, but
they were unnecessary. Though more
than 1,000 women were present to
greet llobson, not one offered to kla
him. At A oclouk he delivered hi
lecture at the Tabor opera bouse, and
at 0:4(1 boarded the Union Pacific train
for Han Francisco,
Two People Ktllnil anil Twenty Injured
tin an Klrn Itnail,
Nsw Yona, Den. S3, -Two of the
fastest express train of the Pennsyl
vania railroad came Into colllalon early
yesterday morning at Colons, a small
station lo New ' Jersey, Just beyond
Itnliway. The early Washington ex
press crashed lyto tlio rear end of the
Pittsburg llyer, tearing the rear car
Into kindling wood and killing two
tjraon, badly Injuring twenty other.
A heavy fog prevailed at the time
and the Ptttsburg flyer wa going
slowly, while the engine driver wa
endeavoring to read the lgnals, The
engineer of the Washington express
supposed he had a clear track.
Three llevenne nitln-n Kilted In Latnher
fount. Ky,
Hid S'I'omr (Ur, Va., Dee. 8,1, A
fight occurred yesterday morning mear
Flat Top, lecher county, Ky,, bo
tween revenue ollleer and moon
shiners, In which Sam May, of Coburn,
one of the revenue raiders, and two of
hi companion were killed. The fa
talilie among tho moonshiner are
not known. The fight occurred at tho
place where Captain Gate of Louis
ville and one or bis men were shot
about a month ago, Tho moonshiner
are thoroughly organlted ami have
aerved notico thnt all Informers will
be ambushed.
New t'hleago Cnllseanv,
CtticAoo, Deo. 23. A company, of
which Alderman Charles F. tlunther
I president, backed by (300,000 capi
tal, will erect a mammoth new coll
llrakemsn't Ias Are Cat Off,
Milan, Mo,, Duo. 23. James Shan
non of CJuincy, a brakeman on the Port
Arthur route, while switching at
Ureen City, twelve mllos east, missed
hla footing and fell between the cars.
Iloth of his leg were cut off noar the
hi pa lie died In a few yours.
Contraet te Raise tka Mercedes.
Nitw York, Dee. II. The Merrltt A
Chapman company haa made a eontraot
with the government for the raising
of the Spanish warship Relna Mer
cedes. V-
a . . I -
KHUUr fitter t rurft the mte Of r.rwrt, Mfr
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A BRIDI rROM THI BUSH. Ilv K. Ilnltsr SO. A Tnlf nf AtutnHnn Wo. Thmehna.
hna won for IM kiiiiI author a iiiiinn hiiii riininnvertworoiilliinnl. 't here I. mi lin k of Ihrllllnr rttw
nintleeltiiitllona throiiKhieit the In ink. The whole nhiry hue llfo and motion, iMIhrlln and liiillrntiai
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lini. It lea faactnatins lusik from iver Ui cover.
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Uitennllini reiullnil.
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In btt tti'.llnrtly !ictif(1 in f-ny ti
A 'w, uily it. rm'lrn tl y ihut ftimoi
Unite 'Jell, flimsy Mnnrv Will r
a,,.,,.,- ... Il n. t. a. .1, I.. I.
Y . nnnm ..ii. imiiit -....m.
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A rrnilin Ihnn m at i lirn u,l, .ln,l ll.u turn luii.wn lo ti.iy liTludt In erlinHj
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I tirone Very enr.inke, fMieiatn eutumaiically. Kcnuirr. no iiilrniloii whaim.f.
HPA I f'P, afl l,eJ,'t'l "'i l"P of how um
lll.l.l,r ,M,g Riiniily ruin, niiiery i.r lhe
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bargain at five for a dollar.
TOM'S) CABIN i or, Mf Arsons
rv UAHIUKT UKh.1 IIKIt HTOHH. ho other
mxrlean novel arnr a hlovM enrh iMinnlarllr,
"V UAfifimi jiivnf.finff niuirn. no i
. aaa
IthoiiKh It was wrUtanorerfnnyrenreuotherlelna'
onemlloa Is now rruMllna "Unrle Tnin'e Cehln" aitfc
mine Keen enjoyment tnat tneir ei-enn r.lh.ra i
nil rather eaS
nnk thai rrti
us will lanah
le Tom. II I,
arenniumnnre eiiwrtencen. for It IS a hona
Rrow out, ana otner (eneratintii
over Tone ann r ry over Kra and Dur e
printed in riner, reseaiiia type, on auurl neper,
ifinMs uiirnaiiwnn aim uneonuifiwi, an
A Zulu of iMi't and ililnmfiirt nn iinS anS WL
MOilnen Mith" In without dmiht the he.. n t.1.1.
author's wnrkt. It Is an eierilliie. iru.ii.iin V3
'HHrliiHtthe ae the worka of Jnl- V,.. ti ihj
tlnuninl, and rlels with the wonderful adventnrM
vimiiiU r.nitn.Mmen nn a foveas tn Ink rani,
lure the liny, of Uohlnenn ('rune hsvesnrh Hniua
and atftrlllna adventuree heen rarorded. vat ell wioiie
leS ty
Tin I jitrel lm.
,...l I :.u.l.
j III, lib. liiv fill
.1 ijf-iti i lion tti ii). invrn
l lovcn. ti I r
liivni.on ihllj
illiin the " w
in'l ill ilii iti'iKt rtortflriliil
if tha nut, nnw Ml ii in It i' wit
will rnierlaln ii ri.niinny liyl e hour Well mnile
and iliimhl. W lii.l. up hka ilm k. nd tn timj'le
ilut a i Inlil r ,n optuie tt , Hoin fill lo tlo ifcv
tnn fill ly 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 la of h. u.rra Tiy lhii(
inn iininiitru i.riniiii.pliiin loud mul e'eer rm.ivh
H nr ilnircili oiivelirr. 1 1, v. .11 r,f l.ii.,.'. M,.il
iri:li eiiyelirre
I'.iitl I'riiiK.,
m lntl . Iifiiii... ('nriiiii. 'I n.nilnritii end ell.
tt hi rr inn y.,nr OWII Voire, Viir IllmH.' TbM'e,
In II V.iil in ...I m ... ..l . II.. I
f eur nrw JJ0 Slot Mnrhlna. K lllng Ilk wildfire, Med
dr on
i a onnnler.
Annul Id lm In hlh end I.! lor he.
Trice SJD UI nol, Will -rl) on Si ll
1 owning It,
I 'iKasn MsaXA.ahtU.