The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 23, 1898, Image 1

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    ( i. ,
"AMr" HH'A roH AMI Hit Ah." - W tl i til w te A U b erM AH, k men t tbe In.l ! with. it e-nettl ..!
ommi a, nthiuhka, kuihay, hHTMUUi vn.
i nn i; i i, r.Mn
a wtii M.Y hr,!' a,
VlXl Mt VI ll,
ft V.
flit following telegram to the Cin
cinnati Enquirer ba been carefully ei
alnded from our eaatern paper. Ilead
r of The CKlJSen abould send Inqulr
m and proteat to Secretary Algar,
To punlab Capt. Linn for doing Ma
4ulf faithfully l hardly what would
fca expected from I'realdettt McKlnley'a
admlnlatratlon. W note that tb
Oatboilc Citizen ay that Captain Linn
la a Ilomao Catholic, and that Ioherty
aa been sent home In diagram, hut
tail do not affect th principle of the
mm, Wt print the atory Juirt m It
I apara:
Wabah, Ind., Not, 2.-Captalo
' lino, of ihl city, for many year the
ditor of th Waba Courier, and a
awpper man, known throughout
ta tat, ha jut ittarned from WaatU
lagton, wblther h wa aummoned 1y
ii War la-partment, to xplln er
Uin mtur In connection with til
aarvle In th army In tb Philippine.
Captain Man wan appointed to duty
with th tore at Manila, hla aaalgn
aveot Mt( In the eommleaary depart
ment, and h galled from Han Fren
lao m th 8t, Paul early In Augmt,
arriving at Manila Heptember 1 Ha
wa Inatrocfed, ici'n Msr juiihirtK h.n
4mtinmUin, in arb tb "liy for faltt-
Ma, f4 and prorfxlona, (tuppowd to
m-'inr. th and wi it!vn fart
Ma ly th wi)!ltry a'if horlfl'iK to
lio far a ktiiitin to h d"pari-nt
at WahlnKon and fo hi rltv-
br, fc wa fftaklfi a if'X'd rwrd In
th tfrvU, and wh-n thr wkn
M' iiifirmnf ion mit that b hd r
(arnd U Han VtMriwt, and w th
lar;r 'f ImfKrtant d'urn'-nla t
Wahlnrn, tdM waa a rrat dal of
rprlM(, 'fh a 1 nator (f hl ml
Vn waa n't fard, and h rfralnd
from ahrddlnc any lKht on thi nonfat
wbn ho toppd hrt, Nwmfcw 7, o
rouw iit, Tter waa lll tmt
urprliw wh a prwia ApUn as
ttoun'od that h bad fcn honorably
dfar-hard from thaarcoy,
Hfn affr Captain flnn l-an bia
lawflatlna( profa Mrn ti How
la op 0nral Ofla from tha frlavf,
ba iuna, and tha prl-f In rhar i,i
bathiirichi( and thw? wr appoftd
'y tm'iti.ttkut frmn (h r'bhlh'p
all barlnf Captain Mnn wrtb aavnrn
s undua authority, and taking llfr
tia with tha nrb propty whb
awnld not. tut innliM, H waa aald that
wbr ha and hfa aaafaunta wr h't
frfy admltM to ard plaa( thy
f wad t ham "I ra I n ( h u r hn, i a t hxd -ra'a,
moriaa-rl and tba t iitinurn 4
tha nnmrnin eminin. 0nral Mia,
kuw, aftjwhd no Important n
lb prntnf.
On fplim.t M tha flrat p lfi a
nw,(on raarbM fl"fral Of la, It waa
f, H, lhrtf, prli-nx of lb totiKft-K-Um
rfH f'aul'a, and hta Intr rad aa
"On tha 21 at I nat, an offir of ih
mrtinuf.nrf S-.rt,twti, aald f !
Captain Mnn, wltb a detail, n'rd tba
H (A Hf, f;ahrlna at Manila, and
wltb tha Mafbl prpm hi ft-flfy-ing
tba fontmlimrf anppll within,
tba party lnfrudd thral npon
(na ttil prnlhH id th ermrnd
uMnAr, and vn ln( tha alplnir
rom of tha nuna, Tba a fa wr
tnitw)tifA by dnianda ipn fh
imif In tha laffl'-a hwfn tha burrb
and flofator, a d'r whl-h la titr
opnd a.,l o admit lha paaaaaa lit
(hi b!d aaz-ramant t fb alb and
a"ylir. Tha njna prfd aa bt
tb'-y wjld aitalnat thla w!la"T7
mnutlon, hut afr tba thraia of th
uftifpf u, Mow tip or hunt It opn, tba
door waa to no pwrpom tilth? V 4
"In tha daya of ha Knownofbfn
m0m-ni In Maasi hatta, a malo
doroua body fma Info rll'l
tttn, ih uilmUm of th ofnw
Hm Mng tba 47 a fixation of prurlflt
lurUmHy, unAi-r tba cul iA tonnt
lavultKHtUm, TbouKb 6mA, ih-y ara
not fvrot(n, and tha nama iA tba
'Hfljalllo Cornmltta' mnt fod folk
la Waw Bntland, an to tfala day, t )
hold tiu lr nowirlla. Thry ara nt for
! (irtifn, for lln'ir worha follow tham.
1 and 1 la aldnl (hat the mantli f
ihw worhl- ha fallen hiilurally
on th ahonldra of lha aforaald of
fii(l-ra of thu pr-fit day, to whom
! neither womanly r-ra nor r)IKloua
eonKcrriitlrti a'-m to h aa'rd Thara
ara dutl-a whb-h, thouitb painful, ara
ncaKary, and wban pi rf or mad at tha
handa of a Ki-nlb-man actinic undr
propir authority, and uhai-rvlna; dn
formatllir. ara aknowMaad by tba
wi-aki-r party with dua aubmlaaloti.
Hut whan nnnai aaaary and offl loua ln
tarfarania la Impowd upon a rflnd,
ravwant and paaraful p"opla and la ae
com pan M by broauanaa of mafifn
and brutality of muhod. It la blub
lima for aorna ona to protaat, and thla
1 do aa an Amarbaa tltln, In tba
wama of a pipla not tin Vt warring
npon woman, nor npon tallflon, In lha
nam of thouaanda if ("atbolba bra
on thla atpadltlon, aoldlara faithful to
thalr duty and otdl"ht to your com
manda, I truit Ibat lnvaat'KUo will
be followed by mu n an eiampla aa will
allay tba apprebiln (A tba Injured
onea, and Ibat affia on-er may b
brotitht tt tmUtA Ibat ibelr paltlofl
not alone ulvaa pwer and en'alla re
po?illlllty, but a!w eay a aorna coo
alderatlon f'r tha f-llnca of tbo
mlot aea;b(;l;- lm-f ahnot aypre
(ate; that In Ibla way 'h abiiaaa
may ha avoided In the future,
"I'rU-rt of tha t'o'.mrnot of Ht, f'aul
f(a Apo,t)e,"
WHhln a few daya after r-ltm
oherty'a letter, fWieral fiU n''iiH"4
Mnn lha ha waa rel)-d id ordared
him to report at Washington,
Captain MftA today denlad, with
m' b rebernenea, the afatefoenta i f
eir, fwdierty,
"Th rbarica," aald b, "that at any
time I waa timlvll or wnretemanly
In any rep 1 1 lb nuna, lha alatr,
or tba ibureli dlftlrlea, la an In
famoua falaebood, ft waa rny duty
find lha aeirefed property held by tha
?panlrda, and moat of It waa bidden
In tba ebirihe, bonpltala, i-onrenta
and i"illaa, and my duty took m
there, It mual la remefnlared that
all theaa peopp wera Spaniard, In
tenaely boatlla to tba Inlted iaea, re
al(l(, tha authority of tb military
at ery jfnl abort of abaoima yb
lene, and that f wdd only ttnnA
by ln: fitmn In fHUftlii pnp
erty, That I waa determined to aeeura
thla property If poH!, f d n'd doy,
That waa diareape tfffl any perazo
or to lha n'fl!tfofa of tha burb, J
a lie, f waa treated wllb towif by
many, If not, by moat iA tha i-hureb
pep, fn fhe arformare of my dia-
aafraeable duty
"At tba f;olka of W, Catharlna
waa realaled at erery at, and found
It nveaary to eall a ruard before I
waa 4uUH tt the Irttlldlnif, Af'er
entering f waa atill yealaied, and It waa
only with a treat deal of trouble that
I nmeejed In finlahlnf my ar'b
tha bufldlnff, 1 found many fma of
prorlalona wkt4 In fbeaa bulld
((!, and waa blbly eompllmenfad for
lha fhorouKhne of my aeanb of the
edjUcea at Manila,"
Aa abowlftg lha faell.f of bla fallow
lAIUrn, aome of tfcew f,'atbol('a( Cap
tain lAun produej a iMra; bundle of
fet(r bearing tha date (A OKober i,
Ona from Metjt-ColoneJ , i,, Uraln
fd, rompllm'Ma blm r tba ma'ef
In wbbh be bad a"Ulfed blmaelf,
and epreaM hla rmret at bf
part ura, Another frmn Captain C
telle, a Cat hold', refara to the imrt
ma ttiHitWf In whbb he aarbef (ha
HoajMal of Man Juan d Itl'e, and tba
kindly treatment of the fllatera lb"re,
In addition Colonel Hafl at Wblw-.
fm, In wbb b be efa out that CajHfcln
Mnn waa alut to for home ntiu
df a 1 loud In the mfnda of Iboaa wA,
familiar with th dHalla, and that er-r-pondawra
wbb b Ann arrled would
eiplaln the matter, lie lwt ad1d
that tba iKtera wmild lonvlnra blru
I Kan), aa Dralnard waa convlwad,
that Linn waa not atufifr of tba tbatfa
im.l lha arnltif fftn-f il lha II''
pilel nf Ma Jn it iMim ali
firfttial erlifla( Ibat Ihrie Hl
Mhiltll IKltditi't til llUHI p'll If)
. htnfl tha l'.-'Ml
ltiU t.lnn ,lr. Ur. Id li
ilnma la lha ranll id rtniltai y on
thu t( tif h nt'tta i'f th Catlinllo 1
1 hurt h in He It. IU fln-aj. and thai
iifflrrra In tha ar rir riiii"iil bat
alio liii-n liifliu-n-a. by Ilia fo
ilia!Ra t.f Mnrly and nilii. Ilia
Him tiajt ilti la without prajii'l v
to hla aarle, It rffivtlva liwamhar '
31, hut Mun d not Inland u!mt
I Una? p e!ri l) . nml f 'iitigrnaitiimli
Hl.-I.-, fur the In at tlifan iluyi, hna btan '
In Waehlnaton aiiiivniii In lme
the itnlnf of (Ui h.if it r"'ili'"l Major
Htel blmwif u nail-fli'l that grate
InJueiUa haa Imiii Ikiip, and Ihat tha
ltMtd of tb aarvlca In Ih I'bHIpplnea
(turiidtiila the ri'ltmluti'tii' ill of CmiIIii
Llnri, who tulKht almply, aa a iuattr
of rwili n be tratiafarri'd to aome
othi-r iMiaf,
Waahlnirfon, li. V, V"'. I. -Ir ai
dant M'-Klnley U -tremay antloua
to aa Arrhblabop Iraland appolntal
papal dde-nta to the I'blllpplnaa, Tha
dlaaolutlon of ibijii'b and alata In tha
I'blllppltiea, Cuba and I'orto lll-, u u
be aeeotnpllahad at lha earllaat poaal
bla motnant,
Tha rhunb boldlnaa In tha I'hlllp
plnaa ara particularly lance, Tha ee.
elealaatiea own fully three foui tha of
tba public latida, lm ludlna; moat of tba
dealrable portlona. All of thla prop
arty, whb h forma tba ibun b imdow
menta, will have tt contribute Ha
ahare to fa revenuaa of lha laland.
The rhurahaa prop-r and am-h bulld
lna aa ara nereHrlly a part of the
(burr Ii ealahlUbmatila will be aiempt,
Tba prealdent baa promlaed, bow
evar'that (hare ahall be no ifonflacatlon
of ibunb properly, audi aa :iirrd
In Met b'o whan Junrnr, aatabllabed lha
republic there, Vrop-rty ykhta,
whether of (;bur;bea or of tndlvlduala,
the pfaldafjt baa aald, ahall be r'
V't led In all the territory wreated
from Wnln,
While, therefore, roiiflmlfi tha
Cathode ihurh In it preaent poaxaa
alona, th prealdanl'a Jaclbm will
ffifike the eburah on-? of the larval t
piiyrn In aupport of tba new regime,
The frtnUinlimfiit, iA thla naw order
of lfi)fir will be a delf'Mie tank. In
view of the magnitude of tba '(U'-a
(Ion, aa far aa the I'hlllpplnea are cut
earned, the prealdent la deafrnia of
having tba pope end aa hla repreaenl
atlre an Amerban prelate who under
a'anda lha lawa of (ha Culled fttalea,
who appreelatea the aplrlt of our In
atltutfona and who can explain to the
I'blllpplne i lergy the purity of our mo,
''he admlnlatratlon'i dlra In thla
reapey-t will ba IntlmaM tt tha tt-
m pontlT unofflally, Anhblabop
Ireland, when be aalla for 10mm In a
few (lata, will explain to lha holy ra
(ha attitude of thla swerfimenf.
The prealdant'a wlabea anent the
arihhlahop'a appolnfmant ara hefng
eonreyed to tba rat lean throng It other
CAHUm 10 At'l'KAh to vom
Venbe, )Mt, !,-. nn Carina, pr
fender ( tba throne of rlpaln, awm'
panled by bla wife and aulle, baa r
turned bera with a view of an early
rlall to fba ratban,
Thla la (ha n rM algnlfl'ant mora on
the part of the Carllat leader, Tba r
eeftt announcement that lha pope bad
finally decided that (be ylpnlh policy
of (he ratb an ahall be anll-Carlial and
not neutral proved a eruabfng blow lo
(ba ambition of tba pretender,
fo Carina bad, revlou (o thla,
counted largely uiftn tha aupport of
tha clergy of Upaln, whoae aympathla
ara known to ba with tba prednder,
A man of au'b determination and
tlreleea enetgy aa Ion L'arloa lt not to
ba truabed, any hla follower, and hi
contemplated vlalt Ut tha pope to "lob
by" for hi rauae will, It I ho;eJ by
lha Carllal, party, reault In a recall
of (he papal edict agalnat lha pretender
and a mora favorable view of bla cauam
by l,o XIII,
eu Carlo, numbering among hi
atancbeat aupjefter lha Cat hoik
clergy of rlpaln and IbV auppoad mi
(rallty 'A (he pope, ba found much
aecret aaalaiaii'e whb li wa nlurally
denied blm, whan the vatl'Hu'a dl
ration In aupp'rt of lha preaent rip 11
IpIi g'vernnieut w mda known.
Oraat eplaton for bl iicc
are entertained by Don t'arlo hi
be ba planned a peroiil pleading for
aupport from th bead of the Catholic
by JUr, T. E, Vayiaai p&par, tQo.
Hoiiip, Nov. 12 The eM rUciiUr
Journey of Wllhalm II. (' Jnmaem
crown a arb' of acilona of hlh
tha ilnitiluntit may funtnibiiad Hum
A irii,:!e of Hi itniinlaiii ngiilnal letl
InlMin wlililn the Caihollc dum b, with
llin utiji'i t of pl.,iiiltig ('HHiotii'Uin ami
the nioral forre of llm pnpney In the
ecrvh'f of (Ifrniniiy, Thla grand dream
j mm horn In Murk HrNmh'iihurK on Iho
' ilny whi n llarr von tMimir k. htivlng
' beronia ronvlnrad by the Kiilliirknmpf
' f back of Itome'a lin'ocrclble power,
formiKl by the plitn of aeaklng the
t bni'kltig of that aplrlttml roik. No
aoouar did Wllhalm II. mount tha
throne of hla fulhera than ha enlarged
the acope and defined the oiidlne of
the dream, Ha apiiolntcd a hla chnn-
cellnr I'rlnca Hohenlohe, a Cntholh!
and the brother of a cardinal. H
mad Mgr, Kopp, prlnce-hlahop of
llrealau, hla court chaplain, and a car
dinal of Rome; he formed an alliance
wl'h the hlahopa and the centra party
In order to carry out hla Idea of gov
ernment, II appointed to tha poet of
director ut foreign affair, llerr von
Kulow, ambaMador to Horn and hu
band of an Italian Judy, a man who
had made a careful Invent I gull on
at the Vatican and at the rolletra of
the prnpngimd on mnller and men
at Home, To liike the plnce of "tl;n
bleat diughter of the church," to
aiidlch from France bar right and
prlvllayea, to break up bar proleelor
ale In the Orient; to atrlke the Imag
ination by bla pomiHiiia pIlKilmnKe to
r)ilcHiln' and plnce upon bla head the
crown of the ancient Cruaiidera; to
win over men' mind and to touch
IhiJr hant'ta; to a.tiow In plain light
the ri-llglonriiea of (b-rmaiilmn and
Ihe Kulturkampf iitid liberal tenden
el" of l-iiiliilmii; am h la lh pl ni
The Journey to ,f"riiH(ilem Ii the flrat
hiiltle fought by Carmiifilam on Ihl
field of Letln and Cremh lrdll!ofi,
The atage aeiilng lacked hellhcr gian
danr nor relief, Tb protection of the
Catholic wa one of the element for
Ha activity )n the Orient, Hliice to,
when King Frederick William II, open
ed Ihe wy Into I'alealln by the ea
tabllahment of a Lutheran pariah and
of a I'ruaao-Anglban blubojirlc, the
bouae of llobenr.ollarn ba aleadlly
tended toward II cotoiueat. by com
bined religion nd material action,
Olplomacy and the Herman minion
formed tha I wo face (A a alngla Una
of action, Wllhalm IL, eager for col
ofilzi.lloi and of a Weltpolltlk, baa
bam forttuiaia enough l gain the con
fidence of Abdul Ilamld II, Whan
through (ha Armenian mnaaacre and
the Craeco-Tuiklab war 11 eeemed that
the Kullan would have lo euhmlt bl
deck to the hulier of a European dlc
(atoikblp, Abdul Humid II, threw
blmaelf into (be arm of the Kalaer, lo
whom ha In a manner offered the
protectorate over hla inuntry, In
change for the protect ion of hla per
mm and of hi Inaidloii policy,
Counting on I bene clrciimatatice and
bl precedent, Wllhalm II hoped to
ruin the French proieetorte. It wa
b, (t la known, who ent Cardinal
Kopp to Home with the milon of
bringing together again "lha (wo
halvea of Ood" and binding to each
other the International force of J'rua
ala and th moral power of the pupal
tiara It waa be who auggcaled tit (be
Kullan (he taking of the flrat efepe to
ward eaiabllahlng an ftomun emhaa
y at Horn In order to compel the
pope to create nutulature at Con
eiantlnopla, a creation whbh would
have brought about aa a logleal aa.
ijuenea tha aledHlon of the Aptattollc
Oelanilon, hbl) I tba keyaloiie of
th edifice of tha Itln proleciorate,
It I be, too, who ba bought for the
J'orie, for a large um of money, the
land of the "Uorml Ion da In Vlerg"
at Jerusalem, for tha purpoe of In
augurating the "natloiuillr.iiiloii" of
mlaNlona. In all Hichm anM French and
anil Iitin effort the Kiiler hue bat
an hi agent and aatiiataiita the Car
man Cathollca, Two year ago the
Catholic congrai t tatHbtlmt puaeed
a reaolutlon In favor of collecting con
tribution for the purpoee of piirclm
lug the Cnentti'uluiQ at Jeruaiilcin, The
mlaelonarle of the Rieyl bouae have
ever alnee 191 accepted the protection
of the Carman flag tn plaia of that of
tna French proUtctoraw, When WU-
THE m.
hi lm II I'Iih laltucd Ihl ha bxtn of
i ,t -,) Inn at Klmi t'hou ttm IiUIkhw
aeilnlitiait llu iilibin of Hie Kalecr'
nrbl pnlliy mllh Ihe Caihidlc ndlg
lotm Id. it Mi tut e, during and alma1
the Journey of I heir aoverelgtl ( (he
Fuel, tin' orgniia of the Centre pnrly
lime 1 111 rli-il on a violent lampitlgn
agalliat the Intereela and pi 'Ullage of
mince. At all polnte, at Itmne, at
('niinliiiilliiiiilii, at JiTiihhIi in and rlw-
here, the ronaplrncy amiiuiad nil
klmi uf Imiee and put on every man
lier of form,
Well, KuImit and (lerninnletii have
loct thla flrat luil 1 In under riiiulltlon
Hint will make the detent chmm Ittlly
fuuioua and reNoiindlng, The pope,
having knowledge of the hidden
thntiicht of tlermnny, deeply regretted
the Kalaer' atago play at KI110 Chou.
He wh aorry that France wa not too
quick for the Merlin chancellor' of
fice. Ila refused the Sullnn' gift, for
he rightly looked on an emhaaHy at
Rome and a nunciature at Oonntantln
opln a being a direct blow truck at
Franca and at Latin lam. In hi In
atructlon to Mgr. I'lava and lo the
head of (he Chrlatluna In the Orient
he gave Inatructlon lhat not Ii Wig,
whether before or during or after Ihe
Kalaer' Journey, ahnnld ba allowed to
modify the privileged piadtlon of the
"oldeat daughter of the church," In
writing hi letter to Cardinal linn
genleiu and In addreaalng hi aieech
I to the French worklngmen, he for the
; Oral time In the mime of the Holy Rc
I aanetloned the right of France and
the prlni'lple of the rupitulitlliui and
of liitermillonal trentlea. The Kulaer
i wa ilecply hurt hy Ihia check; by the
! recall of Ihe l'ruaalnn Milliliter to the
V 11I li nn, Huron von Kulow, aa n Huent
' of a riiplure with the piipucy, lie hnicd
I he would tench the Vatican a con
) and make II draw hack, Inflexible,
lco XIII, did not turn aelde from hi
I blond lliiee of conduct, When, In or
j der to gain the gniiliintn of the poe
1 Wllhalm II, bought from the Hultftti
j the fiiAioiia at if of (h "I lornill.lon" of
the Virgin and announced lo the pope,
that be had taken poaaeaalon of It,
lo XIII, replied to him In cuiirteou
but vague term, lo ahow him f hut Ihl
ru,ulltion pliM'ad at (he aervlce of the
I'ejeallnn Vereln'a mlaaloiutrlaa In
volved no development of the ponllfl
cal policy In the Orient, At flrat Wll
lielm II,, with the aaHlalance of the
Herman Catholic, bail tried to appro
priate the Cncnaculurii, but the Kullan
did not dare to fly In the face of Mua
adman fanatlclam, which hdileve thiwt
the Coeniiculum ton I ulna the tomb of
David, who I one of the forerunner
of the Koran, Herman? Intended hy
Ihl theatrical effect to atrlke the Im
agination of the Cathollca, who would
aaauredly have hailed the fuel aa a
triumph of the Crowe over the Udm
elar, In taking over the alle of the
"fxirniHIon" of the Virgin aa peraonal
property of the llohenxollerna, the
Kalaer ha arouned li-ert 1 1 rn 0 1 an
pldon, The ground doe not hdong
lo Cntliob lam; the aoverdgn may
take It hack at will and turn It lo any
other Hie, 'I'll 'it murk diailncily the
character of the prnfeed Hertnan
protectorai and the differetice between
It and tha trudltloiuil proleetoriile,
which I a mlnlalry of unlvcraal Jua
(ee and not a national Influence. At
Rome, where ahtide of difference are
eaaily perceived, (hi Incident hue
opened many eye till then cloned to
real Intention of Hermutiv.
Theae epiaode In blatory have an
Incalculable Importance. My remain
ing fulthful to the capitulation and
to traditional law, Io Xlll.'a, Inten
tfon I to diow hla unhnknble reaulvt
not to favor In any way Oernunlem
In It silent and teal(hy atruggle
ttgaiiiat France, and Ijitlnlam. Rp'at
edly on receiving perou of Import
ance I XIII, hn expreaaix) hla l;u-k
of conflilctue in the Kalaer and In
f utheranlm. He fear that a ahlft In
the wind tuny aome day change the ul
tiiotphero III I'ruaaiii and overthrow
the Cuthollc Inatltutlona In the Orient.
The Invitation to Jeruanlem of repre
Hcntative of all the Lutheran churches
ha been a groaa blunder In tactic on
Wilhelm II,' part. How could the
pope, how could the Cuthollc, give
their confidence b a aovere'.gn who
"jemed m a pojie" of Lutheranlira?
It will ba Intereallng to watch the
struggle between German Um and Liit-
tli, h) ae 1n f-..,.,a H, ,
IHIf ni ft ;hrt h4 ! pFH
l iti.i I 4 i (Ke h'.,i ,4 a.ili.
tr ihn iu ittiMiel flhe ill ai)lel
la a h !.. . tr a ii.. f n
airi'y ttiUiv 4 ihe lirrman ettaa
ay al iN.fwniieniln, md frrfrii
eiqiitlelid wild l.'nin a affaHe,
( nd a ItaterUn, tike 1'ilnr
Ib.hi), liha nml thertf.ire Hint ogi w
able Mine a I .ie I , ran li.iinii , h'tr
il nfl.ilrw al Rome undi r ll-rr Hh
ber, and mhii nni nil) inn tii .t ttv
lhi Hiyetr rle f Hie Mhlincal mmiH i
later I'lubr KetiHniy of Ktate In the
Foreign Ih nnilnii nl, nhere h haa
lenrnad all the imnw tlnna if Hie el
termil admtnleirethin. Herr von Rt-i-nil,
111 be a vnliiiilde aarnt fitr
I'mikhu end ln-r bmg plnnm-d policy
and ibiiigeroua for France and for Ill
inium. "Hie (let noma are well awaro the preet'Ul ,iw will remnlll Op
piwiil to their itcplgna, but thay count
on Mi-Mug the hiiI of lha Holy Choat
at the lomlng com lave, and wreat
from the Kihriweor of rt XIII. what
I heir plot a hove not Hiicceeilcd In ob
bilnlng. The KWiiatliiii Ih therefore extremely
IniereHtuig from n general point of
view. A they Imve entered vlctorbma
ly Into the nffulr of the world through
the war with Kpnln, the United Htate
have no longer the right to look on Ihl
duel without liitcrcHt,. The protector
ate lu the Orient, the fight between
Herman Ihiu and Ijitliilwm. I one of
(he nuietci piece nil the dlplomatla
chcMHhoard. The reapectlva poaltlon of
the power I cloeely connected with
thla game, The net Ion of Hernianlam
at Roma and In tha Orient cuata a cu
rloiiH light nn ihe recent Carman pro
teiiNlon In Ihe Culled fitato. Inno
niluuto In New York 8un, Nov, 27.
(There I nothing obscure In the pa
pal policy na outlined In the above
letter, The wime mlHchlevuti game
Ih being played now that brought
nlx'iut the Franci) I'niHalaii war of
IR70-IK7I Hint ended no dlauatroiiHly
for France, The cnnUiiuoii aim of tha
Vatican, now controlled by the Jca
tilla, I the UeetrucHon of Hi rmutiy.
Iliuiie never tun nml never will for
give (,'eimuiiy for liming bceii the flrat
to hreiili away from her thriildoin, and
any nml every manna, even If II ahinild
ulao Involve her liiairunient, France,
in n rum moti deKtriieilon, will be lined
by Home to ruin (lermmiv. For tho
furlhernnce of the devilled policy, It
la tiiecHHiuy that America ehoiild be
brought Into eubjecllon lo the ViitL-an;
hence the honeyed woiil and dullei'l'iig
phrtiaea (if Rome'a ngent toward our
country. Hut we tnmt. their efTort
will prove frultleaa, mid Hint whatever
peaceful or lie revcrae, they will al
way be dlciuled by unit he In harmony
with A mer lean and not Romlah Inter
eat. At the lime the above letter waa
penned, Ihe writer wa evidently not
aware Hint the French government bad
renounced It protectorai of th Ro
man Catholic of other than French
nationality Id Turkey, and would
make no protcat or oppoaltlon to
Ihe action of the Herman ICmperor In
the mailer of Herman protection be
ing given to Herman Catholic In (he
Ottoman empire. The hope Indulged
In at the Vatican, therefore, thut A
ciuiae of conflict between France and
Ocrmuuy might be found In Oil quan
tum, happily prove to he .futile, a It
la llieeralv lo bo dealred all It In
trigue for the illHlui'bitiiee of tha
world 'ce muy he. There are bet
ter cauaeH and higher Internal than
llmae of Riimleh aacenduney In the
affair of the world to be fought for. It
fighting there 111111 he )-Primitive
The oft repealed aaaertlon on th
part of Ihe I'ope of Rome that the hope
ol the Cuthtdie church U In the Re
public of the Culled Stale, eem to
find JuetUlciillou In the anxiety of Hie
church ul hoi lllc to promote ttm an
nexation of all territory conquered
from Hpuin to thla country. ICven the
1 ouaervutive and usually correct lh-
ton TruiiHcript fwl alarmed at lh
prpepei't of having ten or twelve mill
ion of Roman Cuthollc .uddenly
placed under Hie control of tht gov-
erniiient, In eome of the Inland there
I a union between church and atute,
und the iiciiulettion of the mne by the
United Htutea may require the continu
ance of the aitiue policy, Whut a lino
thing it will be to have Roman Catho
lic prlceta In Hi Philippine, Porto
Rico, efid oilier colonial dcpendenelee.
draw their aularlc from the capacious
P'Kkela of I'nile Sam! He may oven
be called unon to build thu if
ctiurihee mid cathedral, a well
aa to kep theiu In good repair. Spirit-
uallatH, do you waul a policy of thla
kind carrbd nt by our government?
If not, what are you going to do about
It?-Truth Seeker.