The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 16, 1898, Image 7

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A Few Thoughts Gleaned Frem I lor leturin
In Washington Hall, OnmhrvA Bcathlng Ar
raignment of Homantsm, 1'olltlcaHy, Morally
and Socially.
0 fsnUr. Mr.fl? ent TtJr nt
tfcte Mr MsrrsrM tt Hhri.hrnt
ilellvwwit ours of l tun en p
HUm I Homsniarn, and tpremHt
vn the Mlowtna. swntiniifits
All pri-ste art constitutional tiara
M It tret Intn them and thry run t help
tf tha wnnn eoubl tot mi All
questions It would bit axalnsl the for.
nipt In p"r o( money and of
I am neither republican, a demo
crat Bor a populist; my politl.a ere
anti Tope, and I favor driving the cor
rupting Influence of Humanism from
the halla of state.
There la no such thlnjc In the legis
lative halla of Amortra aa honesty or
patriotism. Men are controlled by
., eclf aftrandlfmcnt. politic! ambi
tion, sti.1 tha lova of (told.
The llonilah church lookt upon
women tfia same aa tha devil did In
the Garden of Eden. Ily controlling
tha mot hem they control the off
spring; who make the votera.
I am oppoaed to all denominational
schools. To allow one eon to have
(hem la to furnlHh arKument for
Roman Cathollra to keep up the
parochial achool wblch breed dis
loyalty and treaaon.
I personally eat In the gallery of
the Senate at. Washington wb"n the
Linton bill prohibiting further soc
tarlan appropriation was under con
sideration, and saw with my own eyes
messenger boys carrying messages to
eenatore from the prlesta of the
Romish church.
Of all the dangerous traltora to
American liberty Archuishop Ireland
la the worst. With bla auave man
ner, bla pleasant- fane, hia graceful
oratory, be cbarma ihe bearer, while
In bla heart be seeks the supremacy
of Komatilara with all Hi demoraliz
ing and retrograding Influence.
1 do not favor condemning the Cath
olic laity of America. Tbey deserve
the aympatby and ncouragemnt of
enilghieiied people. Tbey are the re
mit of pre-natal and educational con
dition the creature of environment,
Hut while I would not persecute them,
1 would uao every power to drive
popery out of politic.
Thirty year ago there was do such
tiling aa a distinctively fat hollo vote
tn America. Today llomanlara hold
the balance of power In American
polltita, aa the mult of the Influence
of the prleau exerted according to a
definite policy to control tbla country,
and all the political parties of to
day are truckling for It support.
Kopubllcan dislike to hear me Ray
that McKinioy la Influenced by Arch
bishop Ireland. The fact Is Mr. Me
Klnley baa done very well In the con
duct of ihe Hpanlsh-Amerlcan war, I
hope he will bo equally strong here
after In combatting the power of
Homo at the national capital. I don't
care whethctr you like to hear me
criticise McKlnley or not. What I say
la the truth,
Yu auk me what Is the remedy for
political and official corruption. 1 do
not know. The whole body politic
Is affected, Hut I believe there Is a
patriotism, a lova of home and of
country, in the breams of the Indus
trial elnaeca of this country, and that
ome day a great leader will rise up
and lead the people to that higher
plane, where corruption will be de
stroyed, '
The text books rn the parochial
school assail Martin Ltjiher arid John
Calvin In a slmtrH'lose manner and
there is not enough courage among the
Protectant people of America to pro
test against It. If there wms the slight
est reflection on a Roman priest In any
book used In the public chools, it
would make Rome howl, and the news
papers of the country would sivon de
mand (he expulsion 'of (he book from
the schools,
I attended the last national republi
can convention at Ht, Mills In tha
capacity of a reporter. The request of
the patriotic societies for a plunk
against sectarian appropriations was
to have been adopted and Incorporated
In the platform, when a telegram
earns from Archbishop Ireland of Ht
Paul saying: "if you adopt the plank
against sectarian appropriation the
party will bo accused of being under
the Influence of the A. f A and you
will Umn the Catholic n of the
country." Archbishop Ireland was
more powerful n that convention than
the millions of patriots throughout the
country who demanded that the party
pledge Itself against further use of
public money for church purposes,
The law should prohibit a Roman
Catholic from holding tbo of lie of
president Just a the law of Knglund
prohibits a member of that sect from
occupying the throne of tho itjiilsh
Kmplre. The reason Is obvious.
Romanism Is the foe of civil and re
Ilglous liberty, and It Is only senti
ment, not law, which has thus far
kept a Roman from being president
of this country, Jf the political power
of Rome continues to Increase for a
few years a it has during tbo Inst 30,
they will succeed in making a Roman
president and then woe to our boasted
liberties and form of government
iiTJl,?i.!!lh0.l.,e cfmrch olalm 10 hav
14,0(10,0(10 adherents In this country
lw." y,r.?rl "0 '10 dHlmed only 8.oot),I
000, 1 here are today at loast 6,000,000
practical Catholics In the United States
who purchase and use emblems of va
rious kinds which are manufactured In
the Catholic nunneries. I have been
in the business of selling these em
blems myself and can state that the
ohurch receives a revenue of from
Il8.0oo.000 to 120,000,000 annually from
ims aource, and these goods are manu
"ctured in Inatltutlona which are free
VU t"at,on. being classed under the
need of religious organizations.
The Roman Cathohj church is cer-
i3L,8Tea.JD,rtltutlon- It has a
feather from the winf f Angel
Ualwltd; (lis tsst brosth tf HI Joih,
tti eamiM roal if Jini Chimt, !
hoes 'l Jtthn lb lupiit, tnn(h
spilatrr frm Ihe rr on whli h me
fvir s rttti iniil if they wmw
my pul t.-tiu-r muiil a vtiis
mat sHMiid iioid a pitiistioa of o,i)
inhsbtiantsi eniHiuli npn or il
pitiK from the v It of tlin Vttgln to
iin.U a isrii triit; rite lnhib- if
iii ftins Ht. Junustis -when one
mxue all thy bsl nte iiat-a io;
. some milk lnnn the breast of the Vir
gin; tne a4t of Mw hen Ibe
i i,iie says that Mo died tn the
mount and that !! bunel blm and
I no man kn where hi grave Is
I yet the Roman rhurrb bsa discovered
the secret wid line I. Ih anhra! Talk
' aiMHit fase and fakirs, why the xte
or itomn Is the grcateet fakir of tne
nineteenth tentury!
in a small town not far from To
ronto, ce mula, a church was built, ded-
! b ated to St. Ann. Tbo priest decided
to get U p a pilgrimage of tneiiilNTS of
the church from tne New Knglund
states and surrounding country, and
the word was sent out tnat the pope
hud sent to i ue church a pi ere of sstn
that had come fiom the arm of the
Virgin Mary. Great spiritual hleslngs
were offered to all who wouid visit the
church of Ht. Ann and bow down be
foto this piece of skin from the arm
01 ttie virgin. Kueh person deposited
a sum of money upon entering the
cbiirob, and none of tbi-m less than
II. 00. 1 ti Mi Jo careful Invest Igalions
and ascertained that within thirty
days 130,000 poor, ignorant and su
perstitious buuiun bciutii went upon
that pilgrimage and gave tho church
not less tliun $130,000 of money be
side their traveling expenses.
Ihe success of this pilgrimage In
spired the priest of a certain New
York church with a desire to have
a piece of skin from the arm of the
Virgin. The pope was accordingly ap
pealed to, and while be could not fur
nish a piece of the Virgin's skin, be
sent abona which was said to bave
been taken from the left elbow of St
Anthony's arm. A gorgeoua parade
took place through the streets of New
Vork, and the "bone of St. Anthony"
enclosed In a neat oaee, was taken Into
the church, where the Roman Catho
lics went In to pay their devotions
and receive the spiritual blessing. Each
one deposited some money as they en
tered the uttered place. "1 wrote to a
friend of mine," said Mrs. Shepherd,
"asstng him to visit the church and
examine that 1ione. In a short time be
wioie me that he bad vi. c
church and knelt down with others
while tho priest passed the relic along
tha line, lie 'examined It as closeiy
as ho could tell, It was a piece of a
as be could and wrote me that as near
drum stick from a chicken's leg," Hut
the church raised a fund of about fUfi,-
000 by this fraud upon the people.
One reason why politics are corrupt
is hecause of the Indifference of many
respectable people to tho duties of cit
izenship. T tie first thing an Irishman
does when be comes to tnls country Is
to go to the city hall and get a Job
to work for the city, even If It's only
a job of shoveling. His next step Is
to start a saloon. Ho then becomes a
political boss, runs for alderman and
often for mayor, and later turns up
In tne stats legislature as a senator.
1 be anil-iirithtii sentiment tn this
country Is stirred up by tho pope's
Irish, who are constantly talking about
home rulo for Ireland, The people
of Uie north of Ireland those sturdy,
loyal Presbyterians, Intelligent and
progressive-are a good people as the
world affords, but In the south of Ire
land the ignorance, superstition, and
crimes are deplorable. Talk about
homo rulo for inland; the irbth olllce
bolder In America are not willing to
give us decent home rule In the Unit
ed States. All tbey want Is a shlila
luh In one band and a bottle of whis
ky In the other and when you want
a favor you must bow down before
t.iem. According to th" rules of the
church they have to go to confession
only onco a year, to entitle them to
burial tn constseraM ground, and they
can spend the rest, of the year lying
to the people, I wouldn't believe any
Roman politician that lives.
Tho moral theology of the Roman
CuMiollo church upholds lying, steal
ing, murder, adultery, Incest, perjury,
bigamy and treason. 1 have lieeu on
the lecture platform for about twelve
years and liavu never iniulo a state
ment which 1 could not prove, and 1
chaUsjise any priest or bishop of tbo
Roman church to meet me on the plat
form and refute what I charge, 1 pro
pose to substantiate my charge by ref
erence to tho work of I'auier (Jury,
which Is the recognized authority of
the Roman clergy; Is kepi in tnoir li
braries, and Is used by student for the
Mrs, Shepherd took the ten com
mandments in their order, and showod
that the Human church broke them all,
tone proved that the Roman system Is
essentially an Idolatrous religion,
"thou shall bave no other Gods be
fore me," was violated by the doctrine
of trans-substantiation, wblcb allows a
batter of flour and water moulded Into
a wafer to consniute tbo body and
blood and divinity of Jesus Christ.
The church was. full of graven Im
ages In the form of saints before whom
the devotees bowed down, thus trans
gressing the second and tiurd com
mandments. She cited (Jury to
prove that the cburoh upholds murder
uuder certain conditions, and reviewed
the plot which culminated In the as
sassination of Abraham Lincoln, show
ing that It was planned oy Jesuits in
the home of Mrs. Surratt, a Romanist,
and that the conspirators were subse
quently shielded by Roman priests and
that John II. Surratt escaped to Rome
and Joined the popo'a army, and that
every man implicated was a Romanist
It It aakl ttat the Roman caurch
tt.ri . h a it
(tutu i Mlin . f t ). ft t
iM'ili . )' -V-n4 M
MtlfMII Ml 1 4 't (S
t. ! tw 'tt
it m ni t"iw i If- tiii t a a
I km- !" S .." '! '
th. -.,!' i4 ti iM
r,)!t04l .t H ! t ! ti. In I, aS
t M t. t l ,t..r4 !. H.I
ia ixi.iilt tf iiii. hr t
ti(i. ii( cfcS 'S 1 1
ttwien4 Is SRff ftM t e"l
ti).iM mux l.itswf th4 ait'tH'tt
.iet h liill Is l ( "o
(mi.' if amsher mma ihie th
rbvr. h ihtHi sis it
" tin sl'Sit "! "'
A "ftsnt gnl ri,,""o ',,r wof'
inM Hh aseta a 'r
Milm. l-tit I tMornwd lht she sn
gH U Khe aetetn e ) ! and
i.i Hk Aifiivdma ' wtal
uloy ( lh Km thiirfh tf she
lrltra tent her r Ir. are north
(hi she . te roii end !' n
have to fonfrs If she approptlate II
a eek mr ibn the itntrii pihs
A to ncMitsI rnstlon . A Hman
t alnoiie In arrcntcd, rlmrs- d lth mur
dr. He tskes the wit nee siand. The
question Is sukMl: ' l'll oit kill I'elrr
on TuesdsvT'' According toth moral
tlnxili'S) of Ibe ebun ti bo connuiia no
wrong ly ssjing; "I solemnly wsir
iHfore Almlsliiy iUn that I did no!
sin IVter." Then mentally t hlm
se.. lie adds: "on Wednesday."
I'urgatory Is a place which has never
been located exactly, but It Is snbl to
b suspended tomewhere between earth
and hell. When a Roman Cathoilc
dies the soul goes to purgatory and re
mains In pswn until It Is prayed out
by the priest at so much per prayir.
I call purgatory the head pawnshop of
Tope ieo XIII. us suppose thai
a man dies who has been a suhsin
kecper; whose life has been devoted to
destroying men's souls by wiling them
strong drink; who has licen a scourge
to bts neighborhood; who has been
guilty of robbing young girls of their
virtue, and of living a shameless life,
but who, withal, has accumulated a
large sum of money, which he leaves
for masses. When he dies his body Is
taken to the church and burled with
all tho pomp and ceremony which
wealth can command. The priests at
once commence saying high mass snd
the soul of the vile though opulent sa
loonkeeper Is carried on a lightning
tralu to the realms of bliss. Take an
other case. A husband and father,
leaving no means to support his wid
ow and orphan children. The good
mother goes Into the wash-tub to sup
port the children she loves. Day after
day she scrubs and washes, and on
Saturday comes back to the hut where
her half-clothed children are kept, with
porhaps $4 In her pocket. She looks at
one child and says It ought to have
aome shoes; another, and says It need
some clothes. The surrounding squal
or and wretchedness admonish her that
the money she has earned should go to
relieve the suffering of her family, but
she thinks of her husband that la dead.
Ill soul Is In purgatory, and accord
ing to her religious training It will stay
there and burn, and burn, and burn,
until the prl-st shall have been paid
ti pray It out. Then, closing her heart
to the necessities of her ragged and
hungry children, she goes to the priest,
reminds him of her husband, and offers
him 'l of the six to pray for the re
pose of his soul. The priest, with a
heart of stone, take the money, makes
the sign of the cross, tells her ho will
deliver the prayer, which he never
does, and the mother returns to her
wretched abode to pinch and starve
with the pittance that remains.
Her lectures Inst Sunday night, Mon
day afternoon and Monday evening
were certainly a success the hall be
ing filled, and the audiences applaud
ing her arraignment of the vile and
corrupting tendency of the question
propounded by unmarried men to
girls, young women and even to mar
ried women In the confessional of the
Roman Cathoilc church.
The subjects she discussed were of
such a character that, because of the
stringent rules governing the trans
mission of printed matter through the
mulls, we cannot report tho extracts
she quoted from standard theological
works of tho Roman Catholic church
and be certain of the paper ever reach
ing the subscribers; although Mrs.
Shepherd, let It be understood, used
exceedingly chaste language to convey
tbo Ideas that were laid down In
Rome's text books In the grossest,
moKt Immoral, Indecent and licentious
words and sentences.
She began her lecture to men only
by characterizing the Roman Catholic
priest as the scavenger of satitn, She
said that, when a politician desired
some dirty work done he always
looked around among his friends to
And whom lie had least regard for and
then sent for that one and paid him to
do the work (A volee:"Jly're
right;" laughter,) "You vo done that,
have you?" (Applause,) well, the
devil, when he wanted a dirty Institu
tion like the confessional of the Ro
man Ontholifi church established, look
ed among his friends and concluded
that the priest of that church was the
fellow ho had least respect for, so be
had him do the work and put him In
Oh, you men; you fathers, and hus
bands, and brothers, how long shall
this blot, on social purity, this stain
on morality, be permitted to exist on
American sol!7
1 dislike to talk of the vlleness, the
Immorality, the soul-damning Influ
ence thst wraps the confessional box
about, but It Is a duty that I owe you,
It In a duty I owe Christianity, to lay
bare, to nnmnsk, tho terrible things
that are done In the name of religion
and In the name of our Savior, Jesus
Christ, In the secrecy of the confes
sional. In the name of Jesus a little girl of
seven Is Induced to make her first
confession tn an unmarried man. She
goes Into the confessional that daik
spot Into which not one ray of Ood's
sunlight ever enters kneel down
soys the prescribed formula, and then
.a questioned by one of those sleek, fnt
priests, whose passions and whose de
sires are no different from tho dedre
and passions of any other of Ood's
creatures, fiho kneels there! The
priest asks her If ahe has lied, If she
has been disobedient and many other
questions which her pure little mind,
Into which sin haa not effected an en
trance, readily forms an answer. He
then asks her I shall not give the
prleat'a words; I will use my own tan-
..t t miHt u it. a t,ii.t4 I
t. ., f v il
fcrl r'l.' t ( t 14 '
t f ( Km ft. . fc lfct
tMO.iihi f t tfce lT
lilt 'J t ti'fct, ( t 1 n ttt I t
il ii tt f'lt, . rMi tf
ie, i t .- t
ll?.. t Dill i .( ! B.J(
,..( M tmiwil n...
km a '! t tfct i' :
ti.ttnlrt. llxol st
ftlrM qx. ti lift H Mir Id leM
tt " k I wt '
tMl iiwif puit. we tll M
to tt-ai bt-r romp-sf tt Iw Ihs fi
fpnf M i r.n I to Mm S
4m v 1 hut rails. wKo
. wsrI sin I. t Isio iw w
with tw rH. eM getteeirn,
w l a rtne is ntiomHtwo In tw wains
i-f irlittie ami l Ihe Wswe of ivn
ttit( " 1 hi prwt gives Ihst rMt a
l.-in In h she es be 'tifl-w
she ran I Immoral
Will et tell re thai Is rwlisloa?
Will yi tell m ihst Is CbrMtshltf ?
Ihst rhlbl hs twrn t sushi a bsson
b- nevrr will forsr-l. snd Jesu I
made the covering. Oh. blasphemy?
linn the pilist rs on questioning
hrr He Sfk her wh.l sre her llV-metes-whet
her they re Utile glfli or
little hoy. If Ihey are llttln N'Vs. do
tbey tver midrets Iwfitre her, or A'
ht ever undress before them, and
whether they ever do anything they
should no! d. Think of a nin, an
unmarried man. asking a seven-year-old
girl surh revolting questions, and
then If her little mind Is too pure to
csteh what be mesne, she must be
taught, so thst she may In Ihe future
be able to guard her soul against thst
sin. And (hat man clslms to be a rep
resentative of Christ! Ild Christ ever
lead a child's mind Into channels of
sin? Old he not take a child and sit
It In the midst of his disciple and sny:
"suffer little children to come unto
me." and, "Hxcept ye become as little
children ye can In no wise enter the
kingdom of heaven?" What a sacri
lege then, for this priest to claim to
represent i urlst! lie Is the represent
ative of the devil.
That Is Mrs. Shepherd's statement,
In our words, of the llrst confession of
a Itomaii Catholic child. She stands
ready to prove that that Is the prac
tice laid down by Roman Cut hoi la the
ologians, and followed by Roman
Catholic priest. The charge Is so se
rious that we cannot allow It to ss
without offering space tn these col
umns to Illshop Richard Scannell, the
head of the Roman Catholic, church In
this part of Nebraska, to explain to
the people that the church neither
teaehea nor practices such revolting
things. Will Illshop Scannell say the
Roman Catholic church theologies do
not teach, or that Roman Catholic
priests do not propound such revolt
In" Questions to Jlttle grrla? If they
do tbould tbey not be arreated for
..,..! ,.l,,..i nt Immorality?
Ilinmiin -w.
Mrs. Shepherd then took up the case
of a young woman wno la sooui io i
.I...I Tk. vmiriv ladV IfOCS IntO
limn ii-ii, " - " - -' . .
the confessional. That earns fat, aleek
priest la there. He Is unmarried. He
i tt m tin sjti If trial I in other men. Yet be
asks her questions that none but a man
of stone could ask a young, prepos
sessing, virtuous woman and not cause
passion to consume mm, n ii-i
before him. She confesses ail her sins,
except a secret sin.
Hut he Is not satisfied. He must
know the secret recesses of her heart
her very thoughts so he asks If her
betrothed ever attempted to take un
due liberties with her? If he had at
tempted to kiss her? If he had kisseo
her on the brow, or on her cheek? if
be had kissed her lasciviously on her
lips, etc, , M .
Then she says she has sinned grie
vously; thai she has parted with her
virti,rpthat gem of her womanhood.
He asks her when? How often? Wheth
er It was with a married or a single
man; whether It was with her Intend
ed husband. She tells him tho story.
if she has sinned the priest pro
nounces absolution, and men, while
Ihey are both wrought up over the dis
closures and the recital, what do you
It Is the doctrine of the church of
Rome that the betrothed husband
should llrst go to the confessional, that
the confessor might, the more easily
Induce her to, and the betrothed wife
be the more ready to confess her secret
sins knowing that her betrothed hus
band bud already confessed the sin In
which they bad been partner. If,
however, the betrothed husband was
not gulltiy of sinning with her; If It
was some other man, then the priest
pronounces absolution And sends her
to the arms of her betrothed husband
a pure as she was the day she was
born. Such is popery, To such depths
It drugs woman,
Hut you can readily understand the
regard, the estimation, which the Ro
man Catholic church places on woman
by the following Instruction to the
priesthood; "Should a monstrosity,
born of a beast and a human, be bap
tized 7" Is a question propounded by
the theologians. . The answer Is "If
the monstrosity be born of a man and
a beast, yes, because man Is a lineal
descendant of Adam, who was made a
living soul, and because man Is capable
of reproducing a soul. If tho mon
strosity bo iKirn of a woman and a
beast, no," There you get the estima
tion of woman from the standpoint of
the priesthood!
Mrs, Shepherd then went Into pre
natal baptism, but we do not think
we can explain It fully and keep clear
of the postal regulations, so we will
make the statement short and as plain
as tho Knglish language will permit;
If It Is found that tha child of a Ro
man Catholic mother cannot be born
alive, i hen the Infant must be baptised
befortf Its birth and before It soul Its flight Into eternity. This Is
dots by aid of a syringe Ailed with
water, and by making the sign of the
cross on any part of tho Infant which
tho priest csn reach and by saying:
"1 baptize thee In tho name of the
Father, and of the Hon and of the Holy
Ghost." If tho mother die In child
birth, or during pregnancy, the priest
comes. He enters Into the death cham
ber, the clothing Is raised, an incision
Is made In tho abdomen, the infant or
the foetus Is removed, and thla unmnr
rled mun holds the embryo In the light
and docldes by Its color whether it Is
dead or alive. If It Is dead It I not
baptized. H la not returned to the
coffin with its mother. It la denied bur
ial In consecrated ground, and Is hid
and burled In the garden or the field
as a thing of loathing and contempt
If It is alive, that pret baptizes It,
and replace It In the casket with tta
t r"f .. 1 vi I
: wu it. . t te '
. tM l- A. Is tssi
t r.Mp .
U Ifcs .lmo ti fc, w I "S i
ft-i.el s II ft . R.tr4
t I-1 f Sit !. U mir4 I !
IH-w It I i t'e I'M iMH',
rioiiiH to !-tti! ti ihs
Wnstl IMS IS ! IWS !'! '
Htia wifii ae4 tottkr at hi
tt.f e ( . wiwdt. t Sm Kit :
1itt., st i-. 1 K Wlt!f I
UM'W I mMi-.i lst4rt a di-- I
iilj.ll.. t-4 ttis I lrt rent's t Wlssdsnil
nt tf I ti4 It renst bo S j
sSi tr thre anensri itst films snuM
I nlmrttM N'H til ( th"
wriMity rli 'sis (hem Itsbte lo renr
t sla an4 rnl dsmnstio tin
nv i? ou fsihers, yn .n :;.;;4. it"
ii una me who r giia 'h Kntn
I'slhoMr (Ills anil nv( In oistis
thm viwr purteer f.r itf, tin ulit
jon UK those e-hsros, drunker
ptlett to ak nur dear one smhj
awful, such InBUtttnit questions
ftum H.i.pti wiiii. dr at toy twlei.
able M stand bef.-re an au-tietir com
pitsmt of men and tell of thi revolt
ing and un t'hrlstlsn prst tlees; but I
bsi put Mills thst false modesty Ihst
would rlose mr mouth, and listen
only to the call of duty. I am but the
ptonrer, the Arcnnsiit lit ibis work, tn
a fow years there will be a seore of
women warning the public as I sm
warning you tonlshl. The evil of Im
morality Is a national evil -It I our
natttnnal rrlms and disgrace and you
men who wield the ballot will have
to meet It some dsy.
For year the warning ha been
sounded from the pulpit and from the
lecture platform. For yeare the col-
This Paper will Publish a Series of Articles
from the Pen of
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ml Ih w)it frtt Ik Oft
M ! 4. ,,. Mill ! I'TWIw
Suit tsi Itnit.i Ihst
l h l w.-fls t' tw H fw
WituJls ), i'f !.-( k4 "4
I - n m jki4 s "f lka
on t. r-. . I Sm Iksi wi i.
Ii.s r-f tuifti tif , a4
i.i:.t WW I k s4 li 4
I . lo w wwt
iMsvsiUr a . et H m 't f
4 it-. V wtnO mt wtu w 4
tr.M i ,(,(, .r fnr
4 it Was to Isnsw l lkn
Ko wi4 wne Uik iw teri 4
rati ikrm tttwtt lw 0t ak
ir. tk rtMe of wo-' !
hisr4 eooilef tin Is lts, A WiSW),
fcnMMi 4 ali't brmthte ew4
IhriMistl te ttrs-et of J..Kestnw),
shiotiiwg, "Tb dam bs ft wt
. . Ik bill" ts. II I ltv Tk
peop! Kfr Ibr Ihll'f asslnst tw
llitnian Csihollr f hut. h snd thrv ton a
lhm In . but I lell yio lh flat
I nvmteg when the igel will N Wr
Mt,, sua given " Ih hUM of lX
lurlholnmew, fur lb t'sfholic lo IW
forih and slsy Ihelr Protestant nets. Von sv the will mil bscnett
Then von ilu not know Itmnnnlsna
I know II Wbst do Ihey mean b
kei-plng an armed and drilled ledy of
men If II Is not lo subdue u with the
bayonet? When there was sunuo4
in b a rhsnee to embroil tho t'nll4
State In a war with Great Krltaln. tha
Catholic Cnlon. which was In si-selon.
lelrgrsphed President Cleveland thai
In case of wsr with Knglsnd they hs4
lon.omi armed and drilled men read?
to take Ihe field. Where did Ihey gt
them? What sre tbey for? Why arw
they armed? The day ks coming who
you will got the answer to tha ques
tion f you do not awake.
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