1111: ANIiKlCAN 1 1 HftH m T f !, O I'll "H, . ft l w 1 .v, .. - ee iri ! "' i . N 4 h n m ( . ,- ((.,-,., Ml M -! wur-i, ,- if 4 W imt turn !- t-t W M t ft fW -MM ! r- a4 ht f.ft t? HI rt Km tm it ft 1, . - v , , , M " rwa4fjlt tfc 0 1 , ,4 4 wftf ft ., . . ft4 M3Ht To HnlM i Hor) In - .-I 1 .... ifirt ft. to. .r ft-l '(' H "! ...-l I .. . r"i- ' t I ,.. ! tft. 4 ,! -m . ft ... . 'I .-- III f It . 'tr ' "' ft M ft tMPrtuT ANT. I1H l.tw. 1-4 . l Iftll H" ! f.H MM ft4 ft.l.in. ' ft" I 1 O'lltMa ftll MK .tM t i tt tr ! t it Httft t!it t 4 fwi t.l AttltllCAN fURtlSHINd CO., IM1 Hwr ftl.. 0H, Hi t. OMAHA, N.M, lK!.V'9, A M riy ChrUtma to you and your. Thn Imllnti tinprl(illon lilll ii.im) Ihn lniiif. I tSl It iirtjf rMT fm Owing to h fiirt Uml Mm, Hlni !n ri1' lnntitiiirlii faltnl tr arrlyw, nrn nbliiul lit dlHitjiimltit tuir rtt(lf thlii wk, We itr ! Inimn thai It will ftirlvu In tlmp fr tho nt lmu, Kit wonder men, wcmi al rhlMivn no In Mir, llv rm rha.rttjr nl frw, hn tbo ifiivornmnnt I hat kIuwiIi! jt im t Hitm, own It mm uml tk t lid lin'Hot iiilltloim of nwklllpjl, un IHtfri'il, tinliilrl)l tiwiyl. Knell nmn, woman m4 rblM In tbo rrillml HUtfB will lm to puf tribute to Tlomft from thin tlrn forward, or 1m traitor to th j!Ovrnmnt. Yf hr n MtHtillntH'd rcllxlon now; mn hv anion ttt church and (. Tho encyr1opwrl AdvortlMMf ljr tb Cut Prl IhK 8ton a,ra Ui tinya Thonn who have Imugtit a ulngla vt, hav rHitrnJ for nor, and th atorfc atminit rtiAffAil bfirra a now eonalgnmrot arrlrM, ( MrKlnlrjr haa ankH th prp to ap pMoInt John frotnnd a (h pupal dl gala to th Phlllpplnr-a. Thla U e'.rarlf an arfcnowlodrmrnt (h! tninpiiral jxwir of tha naixirf. Hut hn lima nkd It unomHally! '.twit la Jiwlut Itim, Th prculdent of fhla coimtrf In a dual pfraomtfc, l( U prmidnfit for four ynflrn, and hla et am tlif acta of a fjrnld.nt during that four ytwa. W alncrrf-ly thank thoM frlwid without wMln few a bill. W hoiw to ahl to Buy the Ut day f ami ary thiit fiioiiKli f thu tricvliliid jm- trMu have rrrpond'td 0 or call to l-r Th AfTH-rtifin of nil lnd'litvl f snd o onolilo ua to lo y h;it Hoi fituirn ff Tlift Aounlrjin la not In h hamla of any nuin, hot Hi dltrr. lint w ran not m.ty tliU Hlwut yoor help. Wn could $fit alnK wHhoiil thu iihr follow, hot not , without yoii AkhIii, tristy wr hour from yMi? A fv rif a hitn.lrrd tluwuifind dollar wh to Itrld and fwy for a'eorln thu lKnlnK of a IrcHty tbnt ftltowa m to pay tha hurch of umm f2fl,om,iiw, to vooimo and py 2.00fl,iKM dalmi lntt Spain, and for (ha privilege oi Kovurnlna; ljont 7.WW,(W0 lanorant nprtUloi!a Ilomiin (Juthnllca, may 1 ronttldrd hy th covers mnt .Waablngton aa a fulr romponaatlon for tha work dona, hot tha ftkw who nay tha taxra and work from 10 to boura ft day for thu prinroly aalary $1, $2 or $3 per day will think larceny from thnlr iwmona, Donglaa rminty'a cornmlxalonura ara rm tb rlgb tnwk. If ttttty will only inwh forward. That rrwolutlon to rm ploy pH lal rwintvl to ngtit tha allegnd rlalma of Moore airalnat tha county, and fa prrwiHula him for wlihholdlnn tboiirmand of dollar due tha county, I fti propnr tblnr at thla t!m lint thy ahot'ld not employ aoma xbyiti r Attorney who I undor oldltf Uona to tha man who baa Ihmw ad JikIkM an mbmlor, to trroaflcut tha ra. No drunkard, no mmbor of tha "rang" that baa roblwd cllfinw for ynara, and aold out the public at Try opportunity, aboiild t plaHl Id chaga of no Important ft caau. Tho commia alonrr will bo bold rwponalll for tba alctloD, iiVn AU.T, J. Btftrllng Mortoo'i paper, "Th Comtsfinratlve, ' Dflcemtwr lCth, uyi Rue 1 a final and IrreduoaJile fact. I ft 1 , rtv fe t t h -m iitw MtnW 1 t ( ;!:' f .. 4 ! . -1 i. i I f ... 1 l- i M I t (. " l M H'ii !'. ! f " l.f I" In (Wutm t- It I - ! t r' l'f " 11 it : t (tiftlxmaHi Hliftt 1 ! Mil ti l.l IM rrf!f rtl Ino-ill i r v I.U rMii,lif ii 1 tin! iihnillil Im rmm AH I'fl IS it It iMwtiift, i !) iKiDkiHtt (r'm in in I ni iiii i iini-c isi f , ArhiHigh Hoi im ilutjr a a H unirfr at tint ln. IJ. li.i. r a ul Vim 1l!l'f rf m l ai'tmtr. br i.in.''ii... lit gil !lb lifltTUt ft.Sttiiiil iUmati1iK. lb- (lhf Kj "tr iHomanlmt, t't" tin t Miii y t ;mi mint I, an l r!'Unj H.ii (lt.m!nlti, wh.'tilh.y went lo apt lira 111 to llih'Vf at ttit ir bom. I Th five efil. lo he lioilno, klioikcd, and nftetnaid ttroke down lb tlmtr of lb hoiiiHi, and went In with drawn re lulvrr A tiioinent atr tby all tarn out and tha Mi live madit for Cox wearing Ihry would get thu - of a and that tliev would ntaka him run, Iho while ahooitng at Hi" captain and Ignoring lh prpenr of tha Ho fiuin detective, onlr flrlnn ono or Iwo tthoia at random In their direction. Tha! lhlivea encHpi-d, mid arn ullll at large. Tha llomitn Cathollit thief of police II led charge HKiilntt Cox and the four Hntiiii n ilHi tlvex, rluirglng rowardica ami conduct uulteciiiiliig oltlcer. Tha board of flro and police rommlntlotura beiird thu cvldenca and found Cox Kuilly and dim 1iiuki- hint, and an- Itendi-d Ihn It omit ti detective for 60 or il day. Tha four Homan wnra lhat Cox offered to buy or auburn a wltnea lo commit perjury, Thla charg would 't in to have been ttmnufaitur- ed fur the occaabm. t'oinmon aciine ought to convince any pemon that Captain Cox would not go to a Homan, let alona to four Koman, with o fool- lah ftroiMMltlon, J la baa lKn ladr In tha American movement for ynar and to cbarga him with putting hla neck In ao dlmlnct a halter I to rharga him with rank Imbecility. Wa ran hardly bnlleva that part of tha vlditnra. fttma teache her children that they can lie, and If nweaaary wmllrm It with an oath. May thla not hava ben raaort4 to In thla cai? Roma would ttoop to anything to ruin ilanch antl-Rimanlst, WILf, TUB HVjORORA RUI.B? There waa one point, mad by Mr. Bhephard In tha flme aorlea of Inctura whl.:h aha dftllvm-ed In thl city, that failed to rcclv notice at tha time In the column. It wa that the Koman Catholic church wo maklnc a tre mendou effort to ftrotntlyte the negro r(K, and that It wa meeting with con- alderable uccea, The riegro population of the United rltale at the time of the outbrenk of the civil war waa about 4,oiK),000,whlch had lncread, Mr, Hhepherd lated, o about It.flOO.ooO In 18!'. Thl mean tlmt rti a third of a century the negro population f the United Kiate in- cre(d at Iraal 200 wr cent. If It Incrertue at the aame rtlo In the fu ture aa It did during the third of a century Jitttt idoaed, we would have a negro population' of 8,0i)O,(Ki() in 1931, of 108,000,000 in IKfit, of 32l,0OO,0fKl In l'J7, of 72,ooo,0')( In 2031 and of 2,9l,eo(,On In 20fit. Mr, Hhephcrd further eUled that the birth rate among the negro population of thbi country bud been computed, by cnrefiil and eminent atatlwtlclan, to be 345 dally. Mr. Shepherd then etaied that the tendency among the Protectant peo ple of the north wa to amalt famlUe. or no famille at all.and advised her til- i 1 ftlioif'A In htiiA a enr 1..nt Ci u litf.4iijit of the national evil of immorality, ral up the colored people to punUh thl peofil for their alna. I It ha long been an open eeret that the Roman Catholic prleat hava ad vleod their women communicant to rale large famllle, and ft the laity of that church I in more ervll sla very than the black were before the late war, that advice ha and 1 be ing followed whenever It I possible. Take the Increase of these mental slave and add It to the natural in crease of the colored people, and bring the colored people under the baneful Influence of the Roman priesthood, and you eee a, force that Protestantism would be unable to reaUt In the very near future. Add to tbl the million of subject of the pope which hava lieen secured to ibi country by ihe aid of shot and shell, and you can see a. power which the Dewey, the Samp son and the Hobsona; the Miles, the Shafter and the ! would be Im potent before. You ay the negreo wilt never unite with the Roman Catholic church. If you do, that simply shows you do not appreciate negro character. He Is ft ambitious u na Is ignorant Yet it must be admitted, he Is sot dull. He can see ft point when K I properly pre sented; and the priesthood will see THE AMERICAN. '' M1, r n5 , t -tM ai'itl In i. -in.t rit I m i f i't t. "titiiit i'l(-- im " ! fc.ft!tit f itrt l--iSft!jif n-rIS1 ml lk Wm tnm ''I lt ft-f !( 'MnR flfft la Ilf ) W ftftr !' M. l.tift tw ar ' A.f tHt!rt, ' Maa!JllsMI' )?, ( tra , ltfn 'afc! f-nr Kf ytf tit kt a rl atik list I'liiiiwil ait lit! I f y i- itif iftrva frn Ik y-tl.4ikiao.ft, III ai Ikmxtk Ik k d'iii aid diiit fm ik h(. tf ffw!f!4 ty lb kHHt Wl!i Ihoir m4 iitoa lkif VtndriKtl Tk Hoi .'itib Kilt I. .mi a Hnilir lit, and inr' ik a Mro -amtld I II afito. atd Bm II unuM b In (!! (id mrlrtl lh ttht, anl lib. 'M iihi ki iumn in nun, nrirr itt r' arnin. I !iH lint lll litdn lbi bli-rtiri ht In b i fi lun'irntil and ib linii f our trin?ni lit l f fl'fllltin? Thu kmil"!liri lltai hi lnflninr of (hi "ifiiimi in nn..n lb anvrnitH-nt of. lh m"ri lb IiiHii.-ih of lb. j Ilonmn CnlhoMc ihtirih In ll ttit Mr ( of iho mim yoVciniiinnU, and will,' utili- climbed, iiltltnattMy raii Iheni lo litnor llm eoiin!"! of lb pope and hi N't vtHora. Anierldi atanda for lib rrly In lh brnadnat aeninj. rooery Riand for alavery In Iho fnlleat mean ing of th word, fwllowlng lh aoul if Ita deVoU'? bryotid lh border of death a'"' d-nyii It bll and conHlgnlng It ",r"l torment Juat a twin he; to ult the purpime of the papacy. Two ueh opiHittlt nynictnit cannot exlet in the am country at the aame time for any rototlderoliln period; and that fact I recognized by the pstpacy. It kin mid sUo m recognised by the Amer ican' people, I'dIchh it la, and tiiileo the I'roteMtflnl colored people go among their people and advice them to lic ware of Jcttultlmn, which would In veigle them Into the Koman Catholic church for an ulterior purpose, and moke thorn alavet mentally and physi cally, there will bf danger from the rapidly Increasing population of the negro race of the eouth. There are good negrooi; there are educated ne groea, but unlne they go atwut the work ytematicatly and point out the danger that RomanUm will eurround their race with In order that the pap acy may flourish flourlah at the ex penae of thoae who honetly help It they can expect to ace their brother lead Into path that will be hedged in with dangers from which the bravest would ehrlnk. JESUITISM BETWEEN THE LINKS, In preaching a ennon over the re main of Gen, Garcia, who waa ft per vent to Prottantlm, from the Koman Catholic churth, John Ireland aald: The nodller of Cuba FOUGHT FOR A PRINCIPLK, for the betterment of that country; the aoldier of Spain FOUGHT FROM DKV0TI0N to Spain and FOR IOYALTY in that govern ment ; the aoldier of America 0HEYBD DUTY In obeying their coun try and following out It high pur pour1, "It I with auch eplrlt a thl at auch & aolemn time a thl that we muet look upon the hletory of battlefield and accept the Judgment of the Ood of battle a It I meted out to the na tion who tinv referred to the arbitra ment of the "word. "Now war I closed, let and friendship enter Into our oul and reign between America and Culm, be tween America, Culm and Spain, Jt there be upon u the peace of Ood made mnnlfoat among men. "There arlec before u new repoKf billtle for America, and new rponl billtle for Cuba, "For the latter there open the vlnta of liberty to the Cuban to ahow that they are to develop their own talent and resource of thlr country. If they fall, the fault I their, Religion liberty will lie their, let them show thMiiMctvea worth of their Catholic tradition. IM Catholic faith and Castlllan Wood renew their boat tra dition. "United, they have had In the paat a, glorlou history. Today with the blessing of civil and religion liberty, they should not be unworthy of their foal In other ages. The friendship and the aid and the Institution of America are pledged to Cuba, snd she must prosper, if she profit by all her opportunities," OUR FRJBNDS ARE ANSWERING riloomlnsrton. 111., Dea 16, 1898. Editor American, Dear Sir; A It 1 about time for nt to renew my sub scrlptlon to The American, I send you enclosed postofflce order for $2.60, and would like to get a set of Charles Dick ens books. Hoping the subscribers to tha American will help push the food work along, ,1 remain yours truly, C. B Chicago, 111., Dec. 17, 1838. American Publishing Co.; Please continue Tb American for the coming year, ftnd send me The Mammoth Book of Wit and Humor, for which find postofflce order for $2.25 enclosed, and oblige. Yours, etc., W. H. Chicago. Dec. 17. 183S. Friend Thompson; Your favor of the 13th . 4 ii i.i la tf mi oi f r U I Nil -. nl I lt Orel til 1 1 lot ft i j H tl.j t ! ) kt 11' t iil ! ''t!. Ul " I'ftHl l ) t t f ! !k , I bi.fwt M K (t4 III l'i" kj .. i4 t l"lti W J .4 tb(m it !' k tk l.k'. a ' ,t r.ifti h i4 t) lr kflj li k ik wfi p i ir Ikn lf t- l!) lk p.tt Ik itittxa' f In Ik k, 4 UkM. Iit Ik lata rain i4 lb pl I ? Win Ikry iHtltt il ) Ir Ia b mt lit (m I lr1 lo t lki ttt tttia -a' r4 hi wr lil jr hIhi !p.bi (f'tf 11, b'il III d'l l t!tH an.l IMt tkll f hoi. and don l ll lb ilti ! I twtid alt my tafwr In nm i r 1 1 and ii ait lit ! l, ! Ili li Indian on Ul hMi? I n I a tfi"l miiy pnpf i lhr. al' to Muh ifn. Wluhitu a Mi-try i briimai ml a llippy Nw mr, 1 rcmin rirr ymiri fur lb RihhI ran. Vrry n iifirul!y, l V. r. v. Halleyi-lllr, Hon,, IM-, 17, IVK -Anierhan: I btreln end nontoffli. rd r for 2.oo for anbat-rlptlon to Th American for on year and for book. Aiiierlranlmn nr Itomanl(m, Which, by John T. rhrlftlan, tm per offer in American of I'eeen.her I, W. W. J, O Huron. Kan.. Dec. 17, lS!i.-Mr. Thompson: You will plc-ioto give me proper credit for tnl order. Your fraternnlly. II. H. V. Independence. Ka Dee. 17, 1RSK, John V.. ThoniiiHon. Ikar Sir: Kn cloat'd pleaae find cxpren order for one dollar for your paper. Will eend another In February. Your reupcH fully, J. C. Eureka, Mo., Dec. 15, 1 (!). Ameri can Publishing Co.; Find enclosed Pacific Expres money order for $2 00 to advance my subscription up to the 2"lh century. Sorry I cannot get oth er to suberlle, but many, like my self, have other paper to assist In other good cause. My effort are en Ihtted In temperance and religion cause, o it is easy to see why editors and publishers are seemingly neglect ed. Hope your subscriptions will far exceed former subscription for com mencing th year 1899. Respectfully your, A. n. M. Keokuk, la., Dec. 14, 1898. American Publishing Co.: You will find enclosed a money order for (2) two dollars to renew my subscription for The Amer ican for 1899, Wishing you the great est success, I am your, D. L, Chicago, III,, Dee, 14, 1898,-Oentle- men; Unclosed And ft cheek for i.o, two dollar for The American for one year; 25 cent for the book, "Two Hundred Complete Stories," nd 15 cent for exchange on check. Wish ing you a Merry ChrUttma and ft Hap py New Year, I remain your truly, C, II. GKNBRAL WKYI.KR TBMA A to what the Catholic church baa done for Cuba, and what she would do for the United Stales, may well be un derstood by what she ha done for Spain, a told by Genera) Weyier. And ibi he has done, according to pre dlHpatche, lit a leiier to tbo Queen Regent Our authority Is the St, Iml Christian Advocate, which myn; "With a, force of logic impoi(til to answer, bo (WeylerJ tell the Queen that Spain' lamentable condition at present i 1 to the clerical;" that "while Spain is poor, the church i richer than in any country In Kurope; not even in priest-ridden Italy doe the church posse so much;" that "many of the richest corporation in the kingdom belong to the church, notably the Tran-Atlantlc Kspaniuio, the leading steamship company. The clerical also have large landed -tat both in the peninsula, and In the colonies. Nearly all the land in the Philippines belong to the religious orders and it rented to the Islanders by them." Mr, Weyier then ask; What tbe cburcb hn done for tbe country, in re turn for all these benefits, and an swer bl own question by saying that the church ha not only done nothing, but that In crlsl like the present It Influence ha always been against the court and the government, and while the bishop have ostensibly favored the priest, whoso power among tbe common people I unlimited, they have Invariably opposed the few measurea of reform that tb government ha had the courage to suggest And this 1 the way, says the Advocate, the church ha returned thanks for the benefit conferred upon It, for the privileges enjoyed by It clergy, for the Immense wealth it has wheedled and cajoled from the government end people of Spain. The letter Is tbe most fright ful arraignment ever made of ft relig ious denomination, ftnd Is all tbe more ltfttkVt ( f.rn I M ' c t rrt -t M ' d' i !.. ! f .! ;. a I f ' I In i f Ik sn4.iifwj ! I "I- f kwii fc " Atil llir .. t'mig f"S .i,ir. Iwry 1 1 lr tlstl 'l li t! le mi l 1 1 e Ii.t t li w.Ml., In Ihe tit 1' tki.ktvA an itll g. r.a. et ik Ikronsk l i h!titt.M lb I It nt. li if H ftsd II" i d.t ik Vi!iim :. as4 efn.hiie b dftha'r ta lb w-l a'li'wt f lhl aoirtttmtM "t'l lh ihtifTh ! t.. la lb IftUnd of t'el ' lined br tt r i)Hp"t't' Bt of l I li Ihi f Am. t it nil Th follow li't is potti' of 'be t of rr"'h d. m- rf,.rr.. lt ll In fnm lh iu tiniont Deity inerUn, of tl, IV end rei'tils a itbuun whlth I noitiln If it la not do nruht law .n s twt fsr as lb rlcktm i f tbe I oi'l'lesnd the pttni li!t of Ihe govern lueni re row f rnt'd And tbl lal'. lies i bt liig carried on by he t'alho ! l on h and Ihe government of Ihe I i.ji, .1 Slate. The correspondent ays: "Archbishop Clieppelle, who Is to go to Cuba as the legal of Ihe rhtireh, will find himself confronted with ft serious problem. The Caiholic church snd Its clergy In Culm, as In every slut where th church of Rome I offlcliilly acknowledged a the stat church, Is supported almost entirely by the government, The annual budget of Spain Include appropria tion for the pay of the Catholic clergy and the eupport of the Catholic churches In tbo Spunlnh dominion, nnd tbe revenue for this purpose are ralcd by taxation. Hence, wlib the surrender of Ita authority to collect taxes in Cuba, the Spanish government I necessarily compelled lo withdraw all supiiort from the Catholic churches and priests on the island. "The question of providing for the priests thu deprived of their susten ance I one of no little difficulty, and president McKlnley ha held numer ous conference with Cardinal Gibbon and Archbishop Ireland on the subject The people of Cuba have never been taught to support their church and clergy by direct, voluntary contribu tion. Indeed, so dire I the poverty on the Island at present that It 1 doubt ful If the Cubans could by any possi bility raise sufficient money to keep their churches open and their priest from starving. On the other hand It Is manifestly Impossible that the gov ernment of the United State can un dertake to support the Catholic cburcb In Cub. "It I true that General Wood baa ordered all the schools In Santiago re opened, end as the school teachers tire presumably (he local pricate, the situa tion In that city, at least, has been met by paying the priests who are em ployed In the school. Hut thl ex pedient wiil erv only In a small num ber of cases, and would not, of course, apply to the vast number of priests and high church dignitaries on the entire Island. "It is the determination of President McKlnley that the Catholic churches shall be kept open, and that public worship shall be amply provided fou. To this end sufficient money will be advanced by this government to sup port the Catholic church. Hut fill will only be ft temporary loan, and when law and order shall be fully es tablished on the distracted Inland, the Catholic church will be expected to maintain Itself like every other church," Now It, must be very evident that this tetter Is a p)e for sympathy and support for these very "priests and high church dignitaries" Who have for four hundred years, robbed and peeled the people of Cuba and have never even taught "the people of Cuba to support their church snd clergy by di rect contribution," these very "priest and high church dignitaries," whose power among the common people Is unlimited, (Weyier), are now to be sup ported by money raised by taxation of the people of the United State of American Tbl correspondent acknowledges that Rome has had th teaching of the common people In Cuba for the last four hundred year, And notwith standing, there are 'a vast number of priests and high church dignitaries In the Island, who have had the common people under "unlimited power," and who ought and might have taught tb people, yet "the people of Cuba have never been taught to support their churt h and clergy by direct contribu tion." And yet, this same "Catholic church and clergy In Cuba.,,, is (has been) supported almost entirely by the government, and the revenues for this purpose ar raised by taxation." And notice still further; under this same "unlimited power," exercised by these same "priests and high church digni taries," and by this same system of taxation of the common people by the government to support these same priests in not doing what they should have done. "So dire Is tbe poverty on the Island at present that It is doubtful If the Cubans could by any possibility raise sufficient money to keep their ifct.fc tfi M tr e-fi fw lltftlliiiS " AM " lee ' ttr. ft 14 lk Hwktet is..til ! f-f tWr"l M' " , wir u . M ik f. f I triww it. r ifcrnk I t ejNul ri-e ti.-n ! 4 tb !f ' tM is trie4 trt Si iilattg Utfttoi fr lk '' r ft of lh pitut w4 'k tinl 4iBHi, e I MMgk M laial.mi ftti.t ! ditrcl ewlis lb ttM e fce la itrtwmM In ( tte 4 ikins. I iMimI Gi.b.a a4 Anfe I ibp lrelsn4 in lhslf ef I ptt .tt ed bisk ihimh lh;arn," wlib prefti.icBl VM:ey i s lb wit wf ll. t nitf-4 main atf Ihtit a fowpaet I r wbUb lb sum ' al Biimtwr t lint and hitth fbunh d sntutbe'' r til I uH.it1 front Ihe paldUl t Mh of Ibe govri fiftient, snd Jit opl of the Colicl Htatrs. wnill 't. k l ine hi n the --opi of Cub ran W taui hi to supiMttt Ibelr rhnrch and cetgy lltroiisti dirctt roiiUtbu;ton, Hut I It likely lhat It wilt Ink less tbsn othr four btimlred yinr under the "unlimited' euthotliy of thee win prli-sl M bring that people, to support their own cbiirfhes and clergy. wull all the time Ihey are being supported by Ihe govertinont of the United States? Nevertheless, "It Is the de termination of President McKlnley that the Catholic churches shall be kept open, and that public worship shall lie amply provided for;" even If It. take four hundred year more. Htn where and when has such power ever been delegated to the president of th United States? Those who made thtss government said that to compel a per son "to furnish contribution of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieved, I sinful and tyrannical." It wa for thl very reason that tber ' sepaiated the government of the Un "ed States from all connection wl'h re ligion, or any recognition of religloa. Will the American people acquiesce hi this perversion of the principles npoe which this government was foundeeT? Will they do so without a protest? II F PHELPS. St. Paul, Minn. ONE OF THE MOST. A correspondent of the St. Loufc Christian Advocate, writing from fit. Joseph, Mo., says; "One of the most striking lensatlog for some time wa caused by tbe vis't of Mr. Margaret L. Shepherd, as men tioned last week. She was billed for four lectures, but the enthusiasm was so high she gave six. Resides speaking to a crowded house each Jme, Hun dreds of ber books were so!,J through the city. Her lectures on "My Convent Life," "The Confessional," "The Paro chial School an Knmyto America Freedom," Purgatory and l' r!tLW ses" and "Celibacy of the Priesthood" were certainly eye-openers, and por trayed In the trout vivid language, the Inconsistency, hypocrisy ard alti.s ef tbe "Hold Church of Rome." St. Jos eph ha never leard such a fearless arraignment of Catholicism, The si lence of our daily press on ber work here shows the .-uitile Influence of that gigantic organization. It f true, toll tic, business 4tid pre cower ii'fore the anathema of Rome, However, th silence of tbe pre w, tbe prolan of the resident bishop end priests could not stop the fnflueji" of tre trelb, Mrs, Shepherd re.ut n from Karn t City to morrow for two more lecture," HOUSES OK HAD REPUTE. The result of the good work In the Selin Clewed ease against the House of the Good Shepherd at St. Paul, U shown In the following appeal sest out by the Northwestern Catholic; "For many year the House of the Good Shepherd ha been one of the most beneficent influences operatlsg among us, It mission wa not con fined to the people confessing oer faith, Women snd girls of all, and, indeed, of no religion, sought It ref uge from the hardship and wlckednees of their misdirected lives, the Sisters of the Good Shepherd had performed that work, with Intelligent public ee operation, "Hut the day cam when religious bigotry found it possible to retard, If not wholly to prevent,' th progress ef tbe good work. Fittingly enough, re ligious rancor directed Kself against the one undertaking of tbe Catholfs! community which should commend It self by its magnificent work In the cause of humanity to every class of oar citizenship. Since that day the har dens borne by these devoted women have become more snd more exhaust ing until at last they have become ua bearable. Months of expensive IHIgft flon borne substantially In the defense of tbe civil right of tbe Catholic peo ple, have left the sisters In the sad dest need of tbe susulnment of ftll cbarltabie persons, Non-Catholk s have shown their deep Interest In the satis factory solution of the problem before tbe sisters, and will continue to do so; but It is in the Catholic community they must look for the best way out of their difficult and embarrassing situa tion, liy their patronage of th ap proaching bazaar an opportunity Is of fered to every class of our people te prove their fidelity to the princtoles of Catholic charity and humanity." These wretched resorts should be closed In all parte of our land. Boats. Cltleen.