The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 16, 1898, Image 3

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tin or an in niahr,
a t m t
tf ! ft, It.,
4 kfj kK
ft tW IvM H IVK
tt 4 ir i.if t fit;
MMf rMt r U t t.
Hki nii,.in Itri tt
f 4 k4 l
r u tt A 4 ..
'! t ... f. tM
ttfcm fj j k, i .
: !! i !
. Tfe lv.nt iv4 ,t,e r tns.t
4 I,t . ,, f,r ,ttit tt
. nr tMtr ih; f t th
Mf at .Mn,u f tl (h) k r ,
Wit j tl lnt4 l li
ft ti n thotl time (f
Ik sMit'it-m idii H t tth t.sil tfc
i(nr hi j tfi( it t
lnt4 f,,in,in fit l ti nt n In
Cl!!tH about ottifi fir. fc. tfi-
tHr 4ntf itHttts trrr tfletl
IBritf nx.iii 1 tlur U
htilr4 pr i hut rirnU sirmwi ti
M lin. tn th ltsi tnr
that f stitrhM Irt rmb W'i of th
Nllpd Ki, M h makes th silml rr
wniM tim fn.m for l b
r?ft r rUtmratrly tloti In In,
broad r narrow, .i-i-titiling to th
pt or lb Jpsir f fhf esrrr.
Im lit the fuUH Mtrtitlun si but
stn Inches ot)t, Uh rtvrrt the
3 pie, auj ruil In a lroail, flnrtng Mil
knot, all laro frttt-d - nikI Mtially
nad of th moiifiii'llti k. Tlic"
ultarfttpa ar very prrtly ami n-at.
and aa thry are all In nti ploi-e lo not
how the opening, bwaufe the only one
la at the bark, where the John.
Many women uee tliem to freshen P
Id frocka and they are helng uaed for
obool (tlrla who get tired wenrlnn the
aame thlngi, and two or three oollur
ttea Ufied aa "front" produce the ap
pearance of two or three new frocka.
C)Jt, rrlm I'onnn, llriakt Knfgr
menu from 8upintltlon tr.
Among the tiiOMt Intimate friends of
Km ma Calve In Parla la the palmlMt,
wlioin ahe devoutly conxutta before tak
any Important atep. Her declHlon
f,oi to come to inia country tne present
aesaon la probably due to ad v true ad
vice from the rarlHlan oracln. Two
yeara ago Ming Calve waa undur con
tract to alng at Covnt garden, Ioiidon.
tfar frlnn.l hnr that lha linn. In hup
. ,i.j i...
band prognosticated unmlHtakobly her
death If ahe went to the Drills!) capital
that your. So Miss Calve notified the
aanagctuetit of the theater that she
ould not under any circumstances go
that y?ar to England. A short time
axterwrd Miss Culve bought a house In
t certain street In I'nrls after making a
long search for a quarter thnt was en
tirely atitlsf'tetory to her. Hut the
1 aalmlst wurned her that her hinds s:iUI
.aha li ould never llv In, that Iiouho.
The prophecy of her palms was death
Within a short time. Mhs Calve Im
mediately derldo-.! that she wouhl never
enter the hou'i'e th ooa afterward It
jH.v-H, Just what the advice of her
' ocull friend may havo hud to do with
her decision not to come here this sea
fca Is not known. Hut It Is believed
Utat more than her deslro to appear at
tie opera In Paris and more than her
oor health the counsels of the friend
who can read her hands so closely have
determined her plans for the winter.
Thr Mr Such ThliiKl
Writing from Paris to tla lmdon
Mall, Goorgo W. Stevens says: And
what a magnificent command of lan
guage the Parisian journalist enjoys,
H. Dodottledo only, of course, they
omit the M,--ls "a surrender before
the enemy, a professional swsllower
of Frenchmen," an cx-hlrclIng of
Rothschild, either a forger or a traitor.
11. Roehefort la "an Incredible accu
mulation of disgraces, a prodigy of
corruption, both In his public and In
his private life," with "thirty years of
Uo, debauches, pots of wine, defama
tions, calumnies" behind him, M,
Oavalgnacthlnk of It; the pious Cav
aJgnocI -Is "the heir of two genera-
jus of assassins"; he "dreams aloud
of massacre, accumulates lies and
forgeries." M. Uupuy the mild Dti
puyl la "half cleansed of the murder
of Carnol, accomplice In the Dreyfus
trial, organizer of the Madagascar
butchery, accomplice with llunotnux In
the extermination of the Armenians."
And Uumon's nicknames and expres
sions: When It comes to saying that
he thinks of people on the other side
he can hold hla own with anybody.
"The Ignoble press of the syndlntte of
treason, the shrlekers of tile He du
Diablo," Is one of his gambits; "the
lies of Hard," Is one of his titles. The
other day ho dealt with the early life
of an apparently wull-mcanliig magis
trate: "He vomited Into a provincial
newspaper" things perversive of the
Christian faith, and "the Synagogue re
warded him with office."
A Dfiilileil Gain.
Hobson How did you enjoy your
summer trip, Ilagley? Ilugley Had a
delightful time, tlalned 130 pounds.
Hobson One hundred and thirty
pounds! I don't believe It. Ilugley
Don't you? Well, here It comes down
the street. Just wait a moment and
I'll Introduce you. Harlem Life.
Light ml Airy.
Smith What kind of business Is
Hrown engaged InT Jones Pneumatic,
I think. Smith Pneumatic ( Why, I
never heard of a business like that.
Smith Well, whatever it is. ho'i run
ning Hon wind. Chicago News.
i Rnelal Prestige.
"The Nawcastles art perfect nobod
ies." "Oh, yes; but their butlers and
coachmen are from some of the best
of families." Cincinnati Enquirer.
. !. I m( IS ti f -It,
N f !!. I'ml tt
' 1 ' ' i'l M f..m t
tf, f,m a wt,l !,
l' t t. 4t,l T
14 Illr4 V t-f Hnt f,,
' ' ' .K.4 ( "B,H f )!-
t"" t' t( " me i ii
f ) ill 'r lh 1 n
t t ,,:t.r llr .t,i Htit ff MV
tiini n t.'t t , p M ,!' 1tr
t fn-t,! (, tfi.i, f tH,
V, it t i ti.p,.MH. w t J t. ! t i.
to (e (irnmw.t. r.-p iM f th
'! 1t e pv. tn ftsir.
td n .f ttii!lMti(jiiitli B re IM(i
My follrwrd H lhp InltrolsK tiok lf
ip ( V thttt thf tru.l-rmt tt f
r!r.haM" anatxuiT. tt,t thf
liitlttB .in, ht strained and
whm tht taittiMiUr elt'phant re
Mhcr rphit atid to ji. to j-ai-i the
time f.f day , nni.;tUlticd In it'umr't
tone if the tinritiiliUe'a of mrh
land of Me kwppr et tdi ally, Matiern
appear to rei hed a rllmM whi-n
the keeper one day appropriated a por
tion of the food attpply allmtod to the
elephant. Thin a more than tie
phant flesh and Mood could atand. The
big Mlow remarked to himself thnt
while he mlttht oofSKlottally be In
duced to work overtime at the nrdmis
labor of drawing heavy trucks thus
Inylna: himself liable to expulsion from
the Elephants' Iibor l'nlon-at least
It could never be wUI thnt he so far
forgot his poltlon ii :i to suffer the loss
of a square meal at the hands of a mere
man. And so It came about flint Mr.
Keeper suddenly felt the welRht of a
(treat foot. What followed la not sup
plied by the keeper, for he waa by this
time a subject for the obituary writers.
Rye witnesses, however, averred that
the elephant raised him by the trunk
line and thnroiiKhly beat a tattoo with
Mm on the stoniest ground In that
vicinity. The elephant was properly
tried In the presence of all the ele
phants belonging to the station-. These
Kid been marshaled In two parallel
lines. In the center stood the prisoner,
his giant feet chained Into four holes.
A chain held his neck secure and each
end of the chain was firmly attached
I uK elephants, which stood on either
. .. m. ,.
aide of him. The brigade major was
the Judge. Ho and his staff were
mounted on horses, The facts In the
case were related after the major had
announced to the elephant that he was
on trial. No counsel was assigned to
the prisoner. The prosecution had
things all Its own way and the sen
tence of forty-eight lashes with a chain
was carried out Immediately It had
been pnsHcd. The corporal elepbnnt
was selected to put the Judgment In
execution, He was provided with a
heavy chain, and grasping It tightly In
his trunk, he applied the four, doyen
strokes so vigorously "a to bring forth
most agonizing groans from the prison
er, In addition to the flogging the
murderer was sentenced to, draw a log
chain attached to his leg for threo
A Nliuwur
uf Cola rii
llaai rlliail.
Lieut. Unlcy a description of tho
night he passed on Pike Peak In an
electric snowstorm contains some pic
turesque and spectacular details. He
speaks of the storm as "a shower of
cold Ore." The enow flakes wore at
first ordinary Dukes, falling lightly and
silently, but soon they became charged
with electricity, and aa each one fell
on tho hair of a mule the lieutenant
waa riding It gave out a tiny spark
The mule aoon shone out of the dark'
ness as If studded with diamonds, Ai
the Hakes foil faster they would emit
their tiny light as they sank Into the
snowdrift, Presently the wlud rose,
and as the storm Increased In fury
and the flakes became smaller each
of the icy particles appeared aa a trad
ing blar.e of ghostly white light, and
tho noise of the Innumerable electric
explosions all around was like a dis
charge of musketry, with now and then
a deafening thunderclap. According to
the extremely vivid narration from
which this notice of the experience of
Lieut. Flnlcy Is derived, when th9
storm was at Its height, and each speck
of fulling snow was like a drop of
fire, electric sparks were shaken In
streama from the traveler's finger tips,
aa well as from his ears, beard and
nose, and a wave of his arm gave the
etiect of the sweep of a flaming sword
blade through tho air, every point of
snow touched giving out Its little snap
and flush of luminescence,
ahull W IUn lllrcil Hrlitmllif
Women are again offered a new field
for their lubors, that of becoming pro
fessional brldcsmalCs. Few people
have any Idea how difficult It ia to se
cure the requisite number of brides
maids at a fashlonnhlo wedding. Ow
ing to the superstition, "three times a
bridesmaid, never a bride," tho avail
able girls dlsllko to serve more than
once or twice. Theo again If a
bride-to-be is fortnnnte enough to havo
plenty of girl friends, she Is just as
likely to have tor. many, any of which
would be hurt if left out of the charm
ed ceremonial circle. Ry hiring pro
fessional bridesmaids she would give
offense tc none,
Tr'l nf Cnln.
A gold coin passes from ono to an
other 2,000,000,000 times before the
stamp or impression upon it becomes
obliterated by friction, while a silver
coin changes between 3,250,000,000
times before It becomes entirely do-
i faced.
togf tt mt tt t a
4 .
ttl Mi tuM , I
ii ,.i,t fc 1 1 M
I'M" Nl . M H
tMi ! ie4 t 1 t
M ti fstt k4 Mi
"e t I'M 4mi k K.I f klrf
M ter tif mi a - 1 k
i-4 kit innitvit, 4 Imp 4rft
14 t i tiisitf feu fc t loin'tn
t S. k. Mlk UikMi l'nM
Ht. f.if lf h tif I n.lli
i tuiii dul ih j-tif 1 In
m.t.rt U it t U t at f.''i.Hrt ; h t
,s A tTn,t. o (..'(
u. a inr hp,$ .f ti t. m
s m.iHxn k l l
i -'! ln.'lte.1 in i i s I i west
iiioottt f it..i,inK- a )ttn Jjiy aoitU
ir4 for ki in4iij jsis i( ltlt
ii. (.i ik an titvpsta U : 4 ise ..f lu-.wt
" i ki u, ranmd l j Issnlil fiesl r
IhmiI to fcrrp htK a!ii'Se pr.nn of
wm stiv tii hi tm etlfll that
..e iivU ftilsnt bad fivnuentlv !Oiisi
to many h-r, with th ondltl i thnt
Hie wdiling was hot to tsfce plate un
til the drain .f bin widowed to. niter,
Csthetii M.jyer, Mis. Mayer died latl
)sr, leaving eonsldrt able eat. The
son, Iniiiti, ittli. ,.t-. a email fittmn,
inl It nt thill I hut Sophia reminded
hint of the condition governing his
prontlt to marry her, and, she alleged,
the widdir day n M-t. Wlifa that
day nrihed, however, Mayer said he
prefeiud m,t to tt arry ber, but "would
raihrr pay her." Mayer, she slated,
hatl bought a house In Heading for
H.600, In which they wero to live and
conduct a bakety. The putchase or
the house was made after his mother's
death and lit full anticipation of their
marriage. A number of mutual friends
bIro testified that the defendant had j
spoken In their presence of marrying
Sophia. On the stand Mayer denied
all the allegatlona or MlS4 Uehrlng
and her witnesses, saying he never
promised to marry her. The Jury, how
ever, seemed to think thst a court
ship of nearly a quarter of a century
was In Itself sufficient to assume an
intention of marriage and gave the
verdict stated. The plaintiff is be
ing congratulated on her victory and
Mr, Mayer haa been voted Into ostra
clbtn by nearly all hla acquaintances.
How Woman t:irril Her Oplnloa
of a Vurnmr Frteutl.
Mrs. C. Ilolllnger and Mrs J. Delger
are next-door neighbors in Highland
Falls, N. Y and until a few days ago
were good friends. Then they had
falling out, which has resulted In
threats of a lawsuit which, should It
be brought, will be the first of Its
kind on record. Mrs. Ilolllnger went
to the health department and coin
plained that her erstwhile friend wus
throwing dirty water on the street In
front of her bouse, thereby violating
an ordinance. A health officer-called
on Mrs. llolllnxer in reuard to the
matter, Th-u Mrs. I!rI11 n;er began to
promenade dally, taking her cat along
and haranguing the 1'itilo beast about
Mrs. Delger until Its fur begun to fly.
The bearing capacity of a Maltese tab
by has yet to bo determined In court,
but It Is averred that Mrs. Holllngor
found It necej-snry to talk loud enough
to be heard a block away. One after
noon the gentle Mrs. Ilolllnger tied
her four-footed confederate to a sled,
so that It could not get awny, drugged
it down the street and fed It eboVkful
of all kinds of mean remarks about
her former friend. What with th
howls of the Lalf-froen victim and
the shrill tones of her owner's voice,
all the small boys In the town had an
afternoon of Joy, Mrs, Delger objects
to this second-hand abuse, Therefore
Mr, Uump, her lawyer, haa served no
tice on Mrs. Bollinger that "unless th
said conversations are discontinued
forthwith" he will begin legal proceed
Ings. It Is also Inferred in this notice
that, while the Maltese cat Is only a
passive purtnor In the offenses, Mrs.
Ilolllnger talks more than enough Tor
both It's worse, Indeed, than two cats,
even at night.
' Klnrstor f'oiKlueton' tVnya.
Have you ever studied the different
methods of the men who run the ele
vators up and down in the large stores
downtown? Some Jerk you up in a
successive series of bounds, never stop
exactly at the required floor and let
you down again as If fcellnf their way
carefully till you. think the ma
chine Is out of order. Others fly
through upward spare till you know
the sickening sensation that greets the
sensibilities of men in a balloon and
tumble, down to earth again with the
rushing BWlftnos of a descending aero
lite. Then there la tho careful Individ
ual who never mlssen a landing nor a
call, never causes your head to feel
abnormally light nor makes you desire
a bed after, leaving his car. The prop
er and perfect elevator runner seems
a being born, not educated.
IUch Trenann.
Citizen I am John Btnlth, author of
the well-known economical treatise en
titled, "What Is money? police Sar
geant Well, Mr. Smith, whot can we
do for you? Citizen I have Just been
victimized by a green goods man. Do-
trolt Jourial,
Aa KipeniW I trim t.
"1 see you brought your daughter out
last week, Mrs. Slumm."
'La, yes; but it cost so much, ber pa
declares he's ont the most." Washing
ton Star.
On Hint Show,
'Did you bava 'any aort of a show,
Tom, whin you went to ask ber fath
er?" "Oh, yes; the door." Chicago
MM t t t l- M-t. ,1
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'V,.t..i ,l..i, tmUtiirit! t'k lut. i I'll1 to nil n ..
..nt.iiin i. .in f (.i. filte r- run t,
jitt.t nt nttoft-t'i 'a .-. ..f
k t,i, h I. a Ci-l ii n ti.,in Miit ulum. 1r
r. ' 1 ' ll i n. in 111
T nitt-ti tin. i in ,.f t,ntt hiifi.tunt aii
i n i-n nn.t ! l.i ili!i!i tt.,,1,,1. .
hrt' ltl l.iltii-r Vllih iflioB
"! t" 111. It III. lit f nut, tnl tv tti
1. 1..U.I i,,i,il .. l, th.niita" liiunll
at it" Hi i. i.,i r tr im A i. i in
ntli.lit n. ll, .i t In H hi ,1 Hi, ti. ,,.ii lint
Wllfintn nlt.T , Klilii' a ) ilt.tirT
l'ttin-ti l!l I hmli.Mli f lwinti In
l-itt, nti'l I I. It 1 1, K A'l"l't!ii I iiilun. hi.
hn.l.ti'i.l i ,t .tiiim M,,,m tni ntti Mm
ll mul t'runk i'tli, ii.mrlti'tn itnttiR
i.iimiii -a na "l,iill ta i 'i Ihii
fmi'tiTinv J. .In W liltlnki-r Cimwr n.l
V HUB lit
I ic M
Hliertl. mo ilrfrtnlititu
omitti.t, N
itni,n I 'iM't'iti lii'f i(, lVSt,
.lt"M W M IMiNM l.
PheiirT ef It.niiiliia t'utintv NiiiiHk,
V'. A. H A I' N I 'I'HH Allortiry.
v !. r . I, ct Hi. .
Iimlrfil r... Nn, 13.
i:x. I'm h. t 1, I'ase M.
NoTli'K T MiV-ltKHlni'.NT
IN Till: t'lSTHUT Citl ltT OF tol'
Moki'H It. Tniiii'riiinu. WIHIntn Klutl
Mull, his wlfp (Hint hih!
mul Minna unknown) I'rlts Mull, n minor
I'reili'tii kit Hlli-g. Kriii'Sllim Zi-cli, mul
the unknown liWrn of Fred Mutt, it
craneil, will l:iki nnllrp I hn t tin the 17th
lii- nf Novi'inlier, lx'.is, l.nnla Ki'tiiis, nun
Of tilt CII-lllri'llllMlllH ItlTI'llt. flll'll III'
ii n it unit rrnaa-lilll In thn I MhI rli Court
of I'iiiikIiih County, Ni'lirnskn, tlciuuiiillng
unintuitive relief iiiiitliiHt her until co-il
feiuhtnlH, I he oh let ! Hint prnyer of w lileh
km til criiKH-hll) tire tn forei'liiHti n certain
ttmrtKKi-'o executed ly thti defendants
liHinr H. 1 toff nin n find hla wife Nina
I luff mn n tu Muses H. Trnuermiiti, mid hy
the unlit Trn Herman assigned to defend
nut 1 .mi Is Menus, ilium the following du
seriliiHt iirenilses, l.i-wll: All of l,ot
mi in lie red fnurleeii (H) lii lllurk three (Si
In Die Htihdlvlslnti uf John 1. JumIIi k's
Addition tu the City, of lllnnhn, us stir
veyed mid marked and deslKiiilO"! lipi.
Pint of siild inlilllliin on tile hi IteulHti
of lierils' olllie; tit securo the payment
of one certain promissory liula ilntt d No
vemher 2nd, 1Mi, fur the sum of N'tim
Hundred liullurs (Simo.flm, due and piiyn
hie III three years from thn tlittn thereof
Hint there Is now tlun imuil s ilil Hole an
iiinrtKiii.'e the sum of Nine Hundred I)ol
hits i$!iiimiiii for which sum with Interest
fmrn November 2nd, 1SH7, ntid Interest on
Thirty-six Pullers HIM.iKu from May 2nd
1V. end Interest on Thlily-slx Dollars
1 1 111. 0H) from November 2nd, nil hi
thn rate of eight tier cint per annum, ant'
defendant prays for n decree thnt the e.
feiiilimts Oscar K. HolTitiaii mid Nlim
Huffman, his wife, he reunited to liny
the seme or thnt said premises may t
until In satisfy the umoiiiit found due, and
that whatever Inleiesls her said ' de
fetnlutits rimy have In and tn the lirem
Ises -hIxivb rtei ei Hied limy be forever
Von lire riijulrnl tu finsvver snld pll
I inh uo- or la fore inn tiny of Decern
ber, U!tK.
Dated. .CmtiiiIiii, Nchni-Kn, Nov. I7lh, 1X1)8.
fly Kdsoti Itli h, ller Atturtiey,
Attorney, Merchants National Hank,
CUD II K'HSAI K- lltnler m.d by vlriim of
- mi order nf s ile lsie i mil nf the iJlntrlrt
e. air irr Hmtabia eounly Ni l.r alls si d I
hie tllrecteil. I w II, on I I.i 'Mi h liny ef Jiinti
H V A. H. PHI. HI ter. ncl ii k A M of an 1(1
liny a- the AI fruit llm r ft Iter only
i-uiirl hotiNe, In lliu cllv iifOn.s i.i. IiiuikIii'
county n nrrf.n. aellst pulil c aiirlli n ti
he lilirlu a, li llili r t r rnn. tl e nr. ui-rtv lie-
it bed Id Mild o'der nf sl M fulliiws. to
l.ots one Si d two In hlnric t o I" Ciinnln
hate's sob-dlv slim of I lie m st luilf nf the
Mini In al tiunrier (if ei'iliuij unni' blii IA
r imai liirii.i ofibi flh P. M . all shuti.-ii la
DoiiuIhs i i mil v, N htsss a. ss'ii p o, eri r lii
lie lii to Hllrfv .Is' fa I,, brnwiie, nltlf
neiniti t-ne mini or isinn ; nuiiiniii, uti in-
tenn llieriun st I I.i rat.' of ', p r rent per
milium in m ifiteeru'i r xe'n, is'it roKi-i,ijer
wllhthe fur her la til ,lIi'o.H I ere In
ml the hci ruli ( ci s si curdl u ii s lb cn-e
of h" I'salrtrt Ciiot. of siild ninety m In
S-pi em ber t( rtn, letM In sn seilue Iheu snil
there i ei dim he eln .lames I . llr wne !
uls nltn nnd The NeiritiSa I, nd Nod Lot
(.'( tiiinmt , s ci r orstionii Ksi'l.fl under the
lHWnf Nehmsm, Is uef i limit.
tiii.shn. Kehrssba, lie e In ' ZM. IstiS,
Hhcr'fnf iiiii(lits I'ouniy. frebraska
W, A. Hsiiiillert, etli rney.
Leave Omaha every Friday via Col
orado Springs and Scenic Kottte,
These Excursions Cars are attached
o Fast rasrrgf r Trains, and their
popularity Is evidence that we offer the
Write for handsome itinerary which
gives full information and new map,
senr free. For complete information,
rates and berth reservation see your
local atrent or address 11. 12. Macl.l.OU,
A V., Topcka, Kan.
JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A., Chlcafjo.
r.prnoiiy pais eat.
Carar'ts I ainlt' Cittliui-tlc. tbe must won-
(terful iiii-dicitl ilii (icrv ef the ate, p ens
ant mid refii'slung to tho taste, ai l eently
ami positively mi kiilncv s. liver and bowels,
uansnur the entire svstem, dispel cnius.
cure lieailiiohn, fever, habitual emistlpatioa
and bi;ioiiin s. Pleian buy and irr a bus
ef C tl. C. to ilnv; 10, Si. Ml cents. Hold sod
ginrantMd to cum by all ilrio jrKts.
EdiK Ht l our llowels With I uimrru.
Cnnilr Cnlltnrllr. cure pniisilnatlrin Oirar
Vo,Si. IfaO"t. "i'stA refund moew
luiiup fo)nrnn
imra ire
liWlt' Jt: RmumIv I 'f )i.t u Wttl lltotitti;!ilv
It hi itiiiittj; thf .s tltttr r(na thtotilnittl llttii, .iwa
tuj Nrttti, mul Its, tit tMIV titLtttir J'ttn1 ttitltt
v lit tt tlie ilnt t tiotis Ii im-In it t i '5 "mnl i Utf tmly
K m !y . h tntt kfnly
Hog Cholera,
iiii! A I'lcvfittivr the is imlliitt IhIUi miIiI m the itntktt
to-tl.t), an.! il wilt '.iy rvt iv Ittnur tttt'l ln-i.tisc r to Itrp a
ptunl Mtj i'ly tif litis Kritinly alw.i at h.iiil. Otic (.ilioii
Can 1-oiH.tin1 320 iIom s.
Price, $3 00 per 1-Gallon Can,
all ftrijjlit tliatcs i c-p.-i il to any aililics. Mail tuJiis
jmniiplly attcinUil to, H-nl iimiicy Ly ,tiik iliaft, rxjucM or
jKi.stal tnoni v nnlcr or ngistt trl Icltt r. The Ui innly w ill he
sent m of pi ice. lr fiulht r iiifintii.ttinit adiltess,
Edith O'Qorman's
Popular Medical,
Sensible Boot lor Curious People A Useful Book for Evcryoni
er akiv ioiik'i must umutATrD mkum al sitimir isd nrriMLisT, dr. i. b. roott
:'! !':''Yi VA Si l t
'--iJ' t ( '
1 r 1 '" ' ''
1Hiv.ii M I US s .
-r"ii 1
m i.-Di." aiid Turin causes, pm viNfioii and cuml
'ART IV.-IMPROVtlWNT OF HARHIA(if A (itlll)E f0 THE slAHRllO AND All WHO HOf't V11 70 B
f TTT'TjrNTTT Cr,'',,,' ?W pX'X'Wion l oll.f bI mm of suits ind cliionic i'Wiimi
A J )t N JJ I A ftf1"1" " Is srlulls Snd liililrmit rwipli lt of to jwiwnii IIMtnts
dirmtiorit tu niuxititmg ttn ditncil hygiic rulM for th ur f Infante
L TT? Tn" "'" "f t,im "'"I th siitlfwi.n II el"" to tliouiftiffctt,
iJ A lUimil tm-iiwil, mul wttxlf in'imetllvf firnfilt cnu lie jirejierl mul bnrs.
20 rXiATBs 38 ciinoMoa. aoo zzxviTRArzoKra.
rn A h.Ii.iii ,f SUn nnS f Uiminni The rll .f l.lfei Mini frntn the fit: ltlee rf l
kklul rtierrl f.ruiiiiiin.t Hirer I I. ..nil ..I., r I'l.m nf ll.l mi (.frrinl Uiiihi
0rr lllii"iritlliiii ef I " '"I lleteleriiiM Mi, II I
i olurllpr by ( uliir l'hiiiiriiili. In 'ie i ofi.n.
4ro You Well ?
iitf rlF.AI.TH In mm
tl'Httl tHl (!' rltf PHittO H.
t foflllfiNK iy luu m.
fj'fwifl tfntt iiiriii n a'i '-'
5tt- rrt hlPM uf ill ir Ih tntn.t
t mi ' w if ' iw r mi-
IiNti' II Hi' y ff'Mii mrn
Hi f UuUttt M Oh f tmtn
M uur t un'ttfU li U nfit hnw lt
ftmintniM M, I ln ml f mi t'i
,y ttsylltitf "I'lnln irrt4
'I ft lii" "t the tiM'ff tit fit
t-Knt', vrrnr tu fll 1, "irtiH ,
ni'iwlis ifK'i'l iftiltirf, I 4
Hint CMffrf tihklUU, Vtf II
M't fclltW! (tl Ml' ofMiilt R, ftitt
U'l In.l lfK Vt fllKlti ri, llH'
itri'VAli tu ft ft ftutt tit
ist rn'l ihhI iiffkil liMtrtity'-riy. 'I iM'iilifi
ti. ,'i't ins tlrra f a till', I h 1I' hnift,
u ifit-11 1 1 Jlii Im fhtf In Horn 11, t ti t fit:,, fcti-l (lie Nil'
MiMiill r'tisfltfitm ttt nimUtf -tvr'hy ifmhy of lit"
M'fli u( 1 11 hi dm m nrtt ilrri-iit! tu "mm ll (iirA
'Ktfl' 1 hl ( liMfHl r HIh" WltV Ihunll.lM JiH f'tf
9U lf4ft ll'iff lift rf I II I left ftMsl iHTMlUf tin J-
ltr II Will riot i'n. Imw I In ltiH f it (I
fills ui a f,,fit ttittw fnf Wf-ilMi. t.f tvt-f.
trk, itvt-r at tut, f rt ,1 m r In rnilMiM, tl tn t M.ot
i"Kh I i tip tm j nf mih Mot r'( f vri mul lit
mtt-tf a 'til frfti'd nf liorritilt mrlniifliof Ihfsm
rt. ml umUi'ttt It wouli iw well fur J"U to iliiuH uv-r.
Aro You III?
T 1 1 f . U ftnt -m llf1 A ruff man
4 -v f tt Y'i f" U"t fcimitiu M I urn
TV.!1 : l"w It ttiic nhuut, t'H('t i tit?
jtmlif iml WltAl' ta Ih (li-IHI,
WluiiK-r It I'" "onlf A ti.M,"
fdfMitfi rmlarrh, tr uini'i liltttf
IH' r mtIimib ttiAf ( "rtllr
C ' ,T f n ih i until in urum s r
L-LJf '"(tinniiif l ii. thi- tvniif-r ytti flrul
t y 1-1 mil huw wrlwii II (. svi1 Vr-tint In
ti w k &i 3 3 of V'-titfc ii ihr i KT. itym
h pt-- Him I Irani 'h'iy in llv wUh ou
M',V( Inn" ! f-aillf Y-.u ((.t Un
'i ifi no w ii ir if i ii-1 ' Miift r yoiiw hi in
V'Vy r. it. My 1) .mr f trU' umr rrK
, t' ; j l' i' ( m tu ('' IhiT, Moui'h r
V- - v V -twt . 1li n vou riti iiink T"i
tnMrtkH III li-ftr I'-tf li.i- ltht
iinrttiof rtfiMtitirf in viffil i "n i ! in if voti
rt' fttil of arlii a, n f iif ululu nf rtiritmn
m, i" tn mi'-i'ir I'flf i"1' up it'" ) f -Ttj
I fin ofT, ftiirt-ly V' ti inn't Kiif f ' : U't t t( r
mih v 1 1 1 t ( m " lfltfhi rilsfitii', nf oih'T tlr.
i(Hi'i(vfiiiw'nrrti "tf--nit untiar vttth," mi
it lu'llrf li'ftittii 4 on , t I UI ti i4
if.tif rliu.trii t urt- tlt-t W orv f rrr; if rniiifidUiiia
ilri-i-sj "l.y lhr ttt tut.' Ihnfl lV l'-' fn ; 'I h
I' Ini Will f'J Kllli Hvi'liitf hi) Ni'Otii in ..olfMiry.
trfiwm, (imtuc-ii of tiitn-ii, tifrkiiti illfa,N.
'urrtlsv. ttnniH, Mklrl r'!iifi, - f "f n. i''. i ottti lt k iti l atitiot rouif "nil lt UN U l
slfnii ii (f if fo,' tii -A Mn rt'l'irn ' futttrp mu'iift. tn.'i.
mm ronft htm f i or wt t'ffrp,
Vorfr, utm liifHi-iuiry win h anii:mi w utg uom
i liia ' 'Li or.
)0?JT TUT VTv n" If""? tiiiT"somiihtrrB live It" nr "Just i,rrwvl," IttimlrMs h
'vA (leilnreit Ihai It In jienWKir In Uwlf'twA fur nf r'l otir-r m.tlm
M ) M'T F0 1 1f i l."P m "rk '"' '"r ' "" linriir fun u si. I ntitttr Stul not
nJM I 1 V'UMIil diirbiil4-.iir;iiifiirmto.lerliiM. t mm iei.,i i, e,-i
n'XTTMn' I A T "' K'"-" tnlliii -
' '' ' ixl" ln, winit .I, even t
M KSSIO AT li'i-not Sll ei, e,rtWrni. irtr.i, Utimjn. idHitrt, critics htv
i v .v'Ogivc.n flaiieriiiiiiilorinirnij n-umrkiililji fo ciliusi. 1
POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mall, SI .BO
American Publishing Q.
St Science
Op CotrrtRE You Want to Kkow
Wuat EvBitvtdy Ought to Ksqvt,
Tnrt "Vn?w.i now to i Iksw fho U.Ht ono to nmrryj
Tub MAinmon how f hi Imppy in rnfirrliitro;
TliK J-'oMi l'AHKNT-liow to huvo prio t,ubii '
Tnr. Moi iiiut - Imw to havo tlicni wiilmtil, pnin; U) ho fruitful nini nmltiplr'
Tun ( 't mot H-how thoy "yvoviV Mw cuno to lj
Tnrc JIkai.tiiv How to enjoy Jif0 um kwp well,
'J'liiC to et vi't ll iafu fifxiHily ;
Tiik Imi-iii Id .s r - how to regain wiiKfi-iJ t ncry.
All wlm wdtil I(tiiiw'ii that in of most -worth
1'ifi'l it in lr. ri'oip' "l'l,ia Ilorno 'J jilk,"
1,(IM) :w' , S,'00 cuIh, ;U t., pInti.'Hj 2w nxririfs.
vt.:.t'M m l 1 MM.rt a itoR i on 'mi; Mssi:s-
Aro You Engaged?
M,V hoping U h $$
ft. iM-fii!,. Wfli.
tin iMjit.h jt I m
my f, j, l (A and 04t
OtnruH (i rt out.
If.m H. U ')! Worifc
till- l'i "(Vf k iircf you
nrtt riulit tff'tm fuu
iru ahf'l " 'Il i ffS ta
lio l-rt k an In j.fn iu
rr.Nt 'lug yuii l'i Ht'lrrt
ls, If flS "I'lfll
II mr lull.,1' Vov
t nn Ir'ttn oiriiiMr(f
tnxn n r joiAiMff,
I lir liiofV (-f ,AUr
rii'i"- of Hi ku-'ln, fa
nn f-rf rlmonl mo nat"na h t .tnt, nn i- ni
null ifioiMT ii, brtrdaroti aii'l Mvitli il, f - u hi kuuw
v- tv l hof in tin 'f lir ai 'ml Ititinor niM y itru, Irsf out
t.f iifiMii iiHiiirn ainl titHrnntf" n,wun t,t- hut of y
tt firotif Mmlon, M prr v m m rf bltur n nf ,finr"r
r-HH, i St.- florin of trtfft,tti Mri'l 'i!i km iutmtp,
thi'- fllt't tllil t'M lf,l llotiiliottit I . all r Wf'i-
I. mm- frulMiil (m I'Mll-Mtiil fit If Ha (o lol4 Iff)
Hi" lli. r I ui.'l il.ftit'fa i,f( f4Nlon In onrriiftv
Jp'iV!' I'luniil tuifullr- on i any n imit jca,
Ini' nn i rlt.,j;r, i.( in nil i-1 4' , mi , ah' (ti rt mu t t
l.t it" a f (M. I Dlili'tf, U I (ml pily for hi ffti srf i off
Vt Jp.i, lo fc vi, I I ",M Ifi r XI it 1 1 I r. ' l.ii tU i Hiy tJi
mt (rap art't ioin ry kmtU of n arriu.
Aro You Married?
trim r'i ym-rijl
Ifl alir.W t
no 1 1, i . hi fiti
ii J,
mStfo'V si ! 'i ! in,
'Jjt'..i'V.v:frt': A - ".'
- ','''- l Ii lellrn l '
' 11 ",
I In
ef fiervrr&l'-fi, "II, n . fit't,vf.fil in i.i I ii., :iti r i nl
l.f. ii.-, i-w, yuuv u f . , r ti 'ii. r-- ii In
Ih. i i lnii-'cr nil tin r re n i i- i 1. I -1 1 v, Hi. n , 8ii
er en l J.-tr I pi nin i.i.. air, ft. in II in lu
Hi. .n. r el M..1...1 i i,. nn..-. In., Ha
tnil-l'ii- " . , r r ut : t i. .1 i I -. " tr. ill fV tl r, til
it II
Ui'-T. r
.,lllf 'ill, i,i,,. , -i i i,.i,,ii, J. a, lt.
"', i.i i i . -if i i i 1 1 1 ! i ' r'..'t Or en
11 11,1 Women, l.p i-1, , mi!,, I, , I , I, I I'l. ill I, nil, !,
i II. I 1 , I ,.i.k ,,.,, (,i, f, ,, t., ,ri
In lmrt. lin n nfi, .Ii i n I . n Mi- I.i lull HilltllnH
In. LB' li'iMli Inmi fii, i f.'- j r Si II- flf miro
lletia II, m j.i i h i 1 1. , 1 1 i ii , il II, nl II ' l- ,lt le '1 l
nn.n rntnn.1, nliir, n,;. ,i,i.k nl reli, v. ti f'i m
nil-lint fMiifii.ft,.. tin, I ,f il ,,e,,,.ta ,hnl':'hiiT,li rt.;i In neilr I;, ) v ihr t ih i Ij t'),!ntn
fret nf rhuryi til ;iln( intnt J i nqnii It
mxio klri'l n'l tminlrl, l,et Eiiiril!! la (no.
nun ill I ivpe, flu lui i,iii. i,f tinH '
r-; i' "if C ipeuiii rimrt
hyl yl .. , "i "" '-- I'll"