The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 16, 1898, Image 2

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t.m . r !; f !' St t'mii mni Mm
mnivtiiiB ft pitni in lh ruint.
Ihr Pcmitfiti n'imr llnitii Arr-,
Tupuin fnm Manila nn Nfm-
U-r uriHct m uh ret'
rln(rj f'luiilhh Irimim on IntnrA.
Thor rri lxtv ilivmlm on ih
tmtfr ft!1r im lh vcnc from thi
I'hliipltim to 8pin.
rj'titriil lli'tuy, i-omnmmllnc (it fun
4uu u I iiiio imio, Iiiik iHiillli-.l I tin
w r din ftn f t of thf f 'i w it , bt
from pi n'e-1 im "m drl i; lrlvi ri
ri k JiVl loiiHitl. n'nnwnv K, l-'urly-pIpMh
Nrw York, wut I'rlvnlfl Wtlllitm
K. rnnnnr. Klrvt-nth Infani7,
'icnrrnl .liwoph Whwlrr wm t tli
W'hln Houhi', unit the nrrnlitont In
formiHl III in ttint h wimM iiiitkn
tir(cf vIhH to MoniirdMirry, the capital
of Alal'imn, (IiiiIhk hit hhiiiIiitm trip
rtpxt vpi-h. ami would atop at Mont
BomiTy from .1 until & o'clock KrldHjr.
A decided rlumsa waa nindu t(Ml:iy
In t ho Wynmlnn actiatorlal cotitfnl by
a itivlnratlon nuida dy ax-Scnntor
Curvy lu liiii ruin-'orlcm t lint ho will
not lie a candidate. Kx-Srnator Carey
haa boon conHldcrcil one of tho trailing
poNtilhllltlca for election by the atate
tcKlalHture which meet In Jatuniry.
Mondnyt Ipi'rmlir It.
The death la nnoiuiccil of William
Illnck, the novelist.
John 1 (liirdticr, htmband of tha
well known aoclctyi leader of floaton,
tIM Binldcnly of apoplpxy, acd 63.
TJ coui-He of proceeding; In the
aennta thin week will (lipcud upon the
dlcptiHlilon that la mnde of the N liar
anna run id bill.
Cnnndlnn raclflc rhmlnta for the
week ended Deci'inber 7 were r91,
tltJl); aanrn period luat year, 1534,000;
Inrreimo trx mm.
Todny'a atatement of the condition
of the treasury hIiowh: . Available
raah bnlnnce. 11)2,022,744; told re
aerve. 1244.297,61 1.
The treaty of pence haa been alKned,
The American and flimnlnh commla
alonera place their mIrhuI urea to docu
ment containing ternm,
Jamea Hhaw, thu only aurvlTlng
member of the MIchfKiin leglalatnra of
1847, when Detroit waa the capital of
MIchlKnn, died lnat nlRht, aited R6.
Owen ZelKler and Muttln Mnttbewa
of Now York Kpuired a lame twenty
round draw before the Qnnen City
athletic club at Toronto UM nlRht.
John I). Hockfeller rlnlnia thnm there
la an overvaluation of hla property ta
the amount or IllO.oon. He bring
milt In New Jirwy to hava It lowered.
II. C. Hiilhhone of Ohio, ex aHlatuut
poHtriiBMter general, hit been appoint
ed to take chiii'Rn uf thn pOHtal aervlca
In Cuba. He will leave for Havana In
a few day a.
Major (limoral Merrill, Mrs. MorrlU
and the generttl'a alda-de cntnp, Lieu
tenant 81 rot her, anlled from Liverpool
for New York yeaterday on board the
atenmar Lucnnln.
I'runldent Hftfanl tgleatar Ot CohIii
UIca willed yeatorduy for Fiance on
the atenmer Ia Onacngne, lie aald ha
waa very much plniiNcd with hla cor
dial reception In thla country.
rty a fierce fire, which occurred In
ft flat hoim at 134 I'roxpcct Place,
Urooklyn, four perHotm met death, and
the fireman are at III anarchlng the
rulua lu fear of finding mora bodlea.
General Callxtn nnrn'tlie Cuban
general, who enme to WaMhlttgton at
the head of the Cuban delegation
from the Rnntn del 8ur cottvtuitlon to
i ronfer wllh the American authorlllea,
died at 10 o'clock Sunday Morning,
The aum of $500,000 waa drawn from
the aub-treaHtiry for ahipment to Cuba
on the atenmer P. Com ho, which aall
today, Major 0. K. Smith, pay ma tar,
' V. 8. V., and a detachment from lha
Thirteenth United SUtea .Infantry
from tlovenor'a Inland, ' aocompun
led the treaaure to Cuba. i
Tatty, liiuW 1-1.
Four thouaand of Uncle fiajn'a owl
are to make the trip from tae aaat to
Manila through the fluot canal.' '
The war department haa begun la
earnest the relief of the volunteer
troop now ttatloned at Manila by reg
ular. A contention for an Important rail
way In the itate of Vera Crua. to ha
oalled "Ferrocarrll Vera Crutano," haa
paaaed Into the hand of heavy Phila
delphia capitalist.
The houe yesterday apont the larger
part of the day on District ot Columbia
affairs. Taa hill to relieve th condi
tion of the Ameilcan seamen we tak
en up, but nothing was ancompllabed.
The wrlttun realgnalion of Colonel
Bryaa aa commander of the Third Ne
braska roluntaer Infantry cam to the
war department by mall, an 4 waa Im
mediately accepted, notice to that face
being teleg-nphed Coloael Hryan.
Vhe aettat' on lu llclary
tlstusatd at conaldtra'jla lanKth the
question ot the confliaistl'in of the
bitjlua'Jon of Renator Cullom, Mor
caa and Representative Mitt to be
members of the Hawaiian cemrnlealon,
fcut raaehed ao coaelttalon.
s f mm: i tt t Ik ra
' !, its t"i mm a
,f :i-t t'-m-i" I irll
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1 , rtv. t I l. viloilire fp.l'llitl fitmi
. la Mr n
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1. 1 I aui i f i
I Tt' " n'i't' t'lHrt
S ir an.t 'a.ta '(ihs t.-f .
.,nHi, ( iiiirf'.m imBnt
'; i.'.e t
I Hlrtlfl tUln d i.n ! (hp WnijitO
f,f a rry l In the r ai i.f Kltuta.
I lm.i!Hil tnit ta the t Nnll trl
j ti .1 d.-til I '
i The AntMV an hteiltv tnte.
! bme a i''a to raise IJi'i.ipno endw
J iiient ilirinK h an alliem f pniitoi'
! and the onia'a gul'.d j
j tleneral Ludlow. tb nealy at''lnt- j
ej goct nor of itatana. m tniill lia- j
Ing up 'ii fr tin hesy tf.k Mt fur i
him, ait that he niav alatt fur bl ptt 1
tn th fxiure of a few daya.
The annate pwnd a t ! I hicreaelng
the pmmlon of Kleaalr Hmllh of New
Hampshire, whu I over 10 year tf ,
ae, and one of the three atirvlvors of ,
the war of till, to f id a month,
Senator Lerty !m plven UfHlce of an
ameiuluicnt he will o(Tr to the Nlcar
aauan caniil bill providing for the 1
re t apirotirlntlin of monev for the
cotiKtrui'ilnu of the canal and limiting
the coee tn I15,0itn.0il.
A 1'arla iUinitch aaya: Rxtrnm dl
nary precaittlona are miiltiUln'd by
both I ho peace commlssloneri to pre
aerve aeerm'y a to the contents of the
treaty, ronimlaalon haa two cop
lea, but even the cniumlwlnn employes
are not permitted to pcrunu the docu
ments. The preelilent will, after hla return
from the south, nvn and transmit to
tleiieral OH a nrncluiuatlon to be la
aited to tho llllplnoa. The diM-ument
haa been prepared, and It can be elated
on the authority of a cabinet officer.
contaliiM nn hint of an Indnpendnnt
government for the Filipino.
Thenidey, Detemlier IS.
Oennral Vmd hn nppoliiled (len
eral Hanches commlaaloner of agricul
ture at Havana.
Mra. Hampmin, wife of (he admiral,
haa elarted an enrtlcMi chain system
for helping the Cubana.
The statement of the condition of the
treasury deparlmenl ahowa: Available
cash balance, f(J.73ll,44l; gold reserve,
Hon. WHllam J. Hryan arrived In
Washington from ftavannah, (la. He
will rmualn there for several daya be
fore proceeding to NebraHkn.
President J. W. Thomna of the Nanh
villa, ChattanotiRa a St. Louis railroad
has resigned a general manager, and
J. W, Thorns, Jr., was elected,
A mob of women at Grenada, consid
ering that the discovery of America
waa lu their owlnlon the prmr.lpal
cause of Spain's misfortunes, atoned
the statue of Coltttnlma.
The total amount rsrrred bv the In
dian appropriation hill I $7..T17,24.
Thla Is about .'7H.0()O more than the
orltlnal eatlniHtna siilmil'ttcd by the
treasury department.
It Is reported from Havana that Gen
eral Greene was offered by the presi
dent the position of governor of Ha
vane, but declined snd offered his res
ignation from (he army.
It Is asserted In Vienna that Russia
and Great flrllsln are aerloualy at
tempting a solution of the Chinese
problem, owing to itussla'a lack of d
alre to be oppused to ICnalnnd, Ger
many and the I'nlted Blnles.
The pension npproprlallon bill re
ported to the house carries $146,2311,
(130, being $4,000,000 more than carried
by the current set due to the Increase
In pension disbursements, whb'h rose
from $l.'l!, 040.717 In 1W to 91 44,4151
R7 In 1W8. The total number of pen
alonera on the rolls la 8H3.714,
A siieclal from Washington say:
Paul Neumann of Honolulu waa ad
mitted to practice In the attpreme court
today on motion of John Sydney Webb,
an attorney of Washington. Mr. Neu
mann ia the first of otir annexed eltl
saiis to be admitted to practice before
the highest tribunal of lha land,
ftnnntor Proctor lairodnced a reao
lutton provid'jig for thf appointment
of a rommlUee of live senator to visit
th Islanda of Cuba and I'orto lllco
for the purpose of "tnuulrlng Into the
military requirement necessary to ea
tabllah and maintain order In these
blind until civil government I In
augurated." " Benator Hale haa reported th araiy
deficiency hill. The mol Important
amendmenU are: The $.1,0M,tna con
tingency appropriation for the war and
he same amount for the navy, to be
expended under the dliectloa of the
president; for the signal corps, $36,000
Increase; pontoon tralna, engineer de
partment, $30,000; assistants ta engi
neer department, $30,000,
Friday, Deeeaikar I.
The flour trust e heme I dead ao far
aa th Minneapolis mill ar concern
ed. The ftpanlsh government haa agreed
to oaf tae January coupon on the Cv
bn debt
Former tfnllad State Bonntor Cal
vla 8. Brice dloil yeeterday at bit real
dono In New York ot pneumonia.
Captain Rlgaheo of the Texa hits
been ordered to Havana by rail and
eteamar, to take command of bis ship
The houae today aurpad all pre
vious records In the expedition wRh
which It passed the pension appropria
tion bill.
The aUte report real to the Oeorg
Wajihlngton Msmarlat aasoolalton ta
Washington showed renewed later
eat In tne asaoclatlon'a work and pre
dicted greet premise for th future.
Ta committee on si tee for tae uolvw
aaty reportel ao declaloa reached, bnt
aauob data compiled.
" '' I a aif-.'M f t
- ! .' tl l
tt K tip- t
ifllti e1 a m-tif-, (-.'
tta m.t a f n H i-
ear aa,l m-ti u Hiti
t s 4 4 re ipniitii4 r f
lt rn (unit t iif at-'"' tt '
t ttf,.,. h 4l irH IV mm
pa t a !.- t 1h hitf v
1 Hk;a i:t A kit iiIkm ai'h
Htt.t a It at tt ie ltm th ,
,,i' I, ,( , 1n,i ' h' b tut
Itk q i i ,,,.,,. . , , wMirb-ng
tr di-lsnt fit i sbl 1 h
fiHxt'ia oi in-l! t jlr "nl e1
an rvfi"ilm' sit jiirMi v''''
The fir t pk',n a tmud m m
l!h iidl. iatu, ihlifiy inim-e t 1 '
Wind. All men haadi l ixaHl-d
and Is piw.l in pmrn- fit of a an 'l
tax. Pu( when an i !ti ial :ke tilue
comes tn, fiion whom they are dtr
mia of rxsitln a god round sum,
the priKYdure I alteml In this r
tlcular case Hltcni( a ghen to un
derstand that tiiiitratand artbles
Would be found In his luagsse inle
he aailsfied the fartnera of the gate.
1 believe I am rorwi In saying that
Sheng did not evm stfempt to dispute
or haggle, but resignedly acked what
amount waa required. The answer
waa 30,000 tacts. This wss paid or
promised, and Phcns proceeded on his
Journey, probably glad at having got
off so rhenply. Hut against all prece
dent and ciiHtom, he was stopped at
the Inner gate, and did not get off un
der 20,000 tacts. So altogether this
unfortunate official, called to (he capi
tal by the rmperor'a order, had to pay
over $ti.2!i0 before ho was allowed to
go to his duties.
A Martin to iivl That Fur I anal
lir Vin Air.
Count Mlchncl von Knrnlce Kurnlckl,
tho czar's chamberlain, ha Invonted
and perfected an exceedingly clever aP
paratua for the prevention of that bug
bear of the nervous a living burial.
The appnratua was offered a a Rift to
the French government, which still has
Its accoplanen under consideration, A
tube protrudes four feet to four and a
half feet above the surface of the
grave, and upon the top of It Is .fixed
a small metal box with a spring lid,
suys the London Mall. To the lower
end ot the tube, which Just enters the
upper lid of the coftln Is fixed an India
rubber ball, chnrgod pretty full with
air, ao thnt the slightest pressure up
ward on It would cause a discharge
of air upward through the tub and
thereby release the lid of the box,
which springs open upon the slightest
pressure. The opening of the lid auto
matically raises a small flag and sots
an electric, bell In motion, which rTngs
Immediately over the gravti and In the
aexton'a house, where It also relcnses
a flap which Indicate tho grave over
which the box has opened. Aa will
be seen, the slightest sign of breath
ing on the part of tho burled person,
or th slightest motion of the heart
will suffice to open the box and sound
the alarm, and the open box, by a
clever and Intricate little muchanlsm,
pumps a sufficient quantity of air down
Into the coffin to preserve the burled
person from suffocation while assist
ance Is arriving, Count Karnlchl, It
may be added, Is firmly convinced that
thousands of persons are hurled alive
every year In a state of lethargy,
flie Invention ft the Tloin,
One day, nearly 300 years ngo, u poor
optician wna working In hla shop In the
town of Mlddlnburgh, In thn Nether
lands, his children helping him of
amusing themselves with th tools and
Object lying about, when suddenly his
little girl exe1almed-"Oh, papu, see
how near tho steeple domes!" Anxious
to learn th cause of the child' nmnxe
metit he turned towards her, and saw
that aha was looking through two
lensea on held close to her eye, th
other at arm' lengthand, calling her
to his slile, he noticed that the eye-lens
waa plano-concave, while the other was
plano-convex. Taking the two glasses
he repeated hi daughter' experiment,
and soon discovered that she had
chanced to hold the lensea at the prop
er focus, thus producing the wonderful
effect that ha bad observed. Ills quick
wit saw In thla a wonderful dlarnvury,
and h at once set about making use of
hi new knowledge of lensea, Kr long
he had fashioned a tub ot pasteboard,
In which he set th glasses at their
proper focusand so th telescope wa
Invented. "
(Irnwlh of the llama llalr.
Authorltlea differ aa to th rate ot
growth of th human hair, and It. I
aald to be very dissimilar In different
Individual. The most usually ac
cepted calculation give alx and one
half Inches per annum. A man' hair,
allowed to grow to It extreme length,
rarely exceed twelve or fourteen
Inches, whll that of a woman will
grow, In rare Instance, to seventy
Inchea or seventy-five Inches, though
the average doe not exceed twenty
flv to thirty Inches,
Keep th millers rillert.
Th boiler of Br engines are auto
matically filled In a flrehous by a
new device, consisting of a pip ex
tending up from th floor, which has
a self-coupler at th upper end to con
nect with tha engln and open the
team valve to draw the water fnto
the boiler.
;t IkiHIiS AHfc IMtttfU!,)
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MH 111 I f riai'
" I I a ( t . t I t
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i-.-rn h l nf l 1n tutt.K m Awti'- litutt.
It t y m .' r mi
We ! h-f . f llti f
hit la t r , '. iv,,.r W itiiij.kai
t m. n-th, ti' int.ii-1, "afil rd
r'J Vnvvtii .i smI-'UH tn tr a
f.xt f.MtMiit wllh "1 the Pmii.ijt
m,fiiif( n. l.imitij iSifif hi
II l and Hie l-ihir ..iiiy ir a
lie tin1 i1 OiSJ be, lo krp t'tit
luiit.i kSfntr the pulitv aM rnske
H in N litte he l full i f nm 'Umii
and l r f.r tmniuii llii-t'.ttii and
fT-, ,,,m (,f (h-Micht and ."! r n. e
t Ilk keeping up be finht as
long as life Ums or (here ts a b'esth
left fir a Isxi Vtik at Hutu I ace
The Amerlian and the Cut Price 1'ook
Store both advert) the same iticul
and number, e I take the liberty to
s lid to them through yuti for some
iHMiks jrou advertlae. "Th Standard
Cyclopaedia of I'scful Knowledge," In
five volumes, and enehwe their price
In postage stamps, 35 cents. ttetppct
fully yours In the cause of liberty,
II. M t.
iHindee, III., iVc. 8, IMS The Amer
ican: Knclosed find P. O. order fcr
two ib ill iirs. Send The American an
other year to my addresa. I). W. L.
Sonthbrlilre, Mnss., Dec. 7. 1SDS. X
Hdltor American: I see yon draw
a very dark picture In your Issue of
Deceuiher 2 of our country, on account
of admitting those Spanish Islands, In
the article. "The Duty of the Hour."
Now, I believe you are creating need
lesa alarm. Those native are not good
Romnn Catholic, If we may trust, for
onee, to what John Ireland any. Of
thn Inhabitant of Porto Rico he say
"They are all Catholic, but with no
religion," which mean I think you
know whnt.
In your previous article on th
great content which 1 coming I could
agree with you heartily, but thl article
seem to lie In a different strain.
I agree with you that If the Jesuits
hrn pertnllted to retain all their stolen
property In those Islunda there will be
a great den) of trouble, but I have
no fear about thn result. I look at the
future with a different kind of eye than
you oem to. I believe that before 19G0
thla country will be ruled by Ameri
can once more, but It will be the hard
est struggle thla country ever had. I
have firm faith In George Washing
ton' vision at Valley Forge, and thnt
before many years the American will
be united and defy the world.
You need have. no fear about the
native of the Spanish Island voting,
for 'they will not be able to vote for
many years yet, especially In the Phil
ippine Islands. Very truly your,
The Only Railroad to Chicago,
With a Day Light Tralnt Leave
Omaha 0:4') A. M, every day
arrlvlng at Chicago tha tamo
evening at 8:15 where olosa connec
tion are inado with all lines beyond.
Tbl train I f0 fear ahead of tha
Time and la proving immensely
Popular with Omaha poople.
Other flying trains leave for
Chicago at 4:ofi and 6:65 p, M. dally.
City Ticket Offlo
1401 Farnara St., '
"The Nortb-Wetern LIna. "
Our patron who bava ordered books
but bava not received tha same, are
no tl fled that wa have a Large Consign
ment on tha road, and that aa soon a
tbey arrlv all order will be filled.
We expect them dally.
100 page monthly magazine on the
evil of Topery. On copy lOo. One
year tl. Address "Roman Candle,"
Ban Francisco, Cal.
An Essay by Chae Roy, throwing a
blaie of light on American history
show that the Jeiult were the caue
ofll the colonial war, Indian and
French mataacre of those time, and
help you to properly appreciate the
Image of a Jesuit priest on our new
one cent postage stamp. Pamphlet on
Sectarian Appropriations, Con
greaiional, State and Municipal, tame
In pamphlet form Prloe 10 Cents.
Address: CHASE ROYS,
Washington, D, C.
RaprrUHt (irrrr) It wrtl lb ant uf farmer a, Iff
.aula, Mr halt l, ttfiU, MVU, Montr, t4 (til ka
ilr rwrnplHr wntk at t Minimum fivL
Ntnr.y 70 Compn-hf nMv Maps.
MO Wow and Suporb Illustrations.
A Wholo Library of Itiolf, o! vital and absorb
itH lntirost to every member of tho hoiuchoM.
Population of each Stato and Territory, of all
Counties of th United States and of American
Oitlea with over 6,000 Inhabitants.
IT CONTAIN a.u-b littal tat,n matitMi rvfatdlng aav Nation. I'envlar
State, rity, Tow or Villa- d -Iisd The awiiHlr'l rarely obtalnahl
cm a hi l ppeaohy, which m,Maril) has only a few general fact and
i Im-aHon of ln Mtatil cltW,
lt(iiJ m aee nU'rt.i!y In.-orrvct and misleading, h"tir th puttied
l i ker. bcr Ury librar;-s are lnan wHle. Is wtt imkiI relit-t uni h
Vtn t apry pn rof a Si'i Ii i!e-li' n, rleur giving I'tMiple' At!
All t.tiriir-t on the 'ac I Hie varth are shown.
Uivers and Ijisea an H'iirulv bak-d.
Alt the larce Cltb-a of the Wiirld, the Important T'n and most of lh
't!lacw nf thn Units d SUle are fiven on th Mia.
It jflvca a d-nwlfb d List of all Nations, with Form of Government, Geo
graphical loUm Kite and t'niMilatton.
I'm besuttful Attn U Ixiund la kravy psprr cuver, aad will h teat to tft pCUTt
jr J.)rtH me rweipi ut QU ULftlwi
Here's a Book Bargain!
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