AW THE AMERICAN. 'A Ml. Mi A rK AN H AN t .v.t t i I m ".' A 's i. i I ..! r,i mI . m tUHvi I Ml l h I I M t Votim VIII. OMMIX, M IHilhK A, IHIIY( IHVI tlM U H. ivx V in 1 1 .a a- A Vi . YOU ARE SAVED BECAUSE OF YOUR FAITH. Even a Sentinel Duty if a Spy of the Such Is the, Instruction Catholic Schools Whose Keeping Is Paid by the United Government. The present superintendent of char Mm in the District of Columbia, Her bert W. Lewi, has Just issued his first annual "Report on Charitable tad Reformatory Institutions of the WlHtrlct of Columbia." Mr. Lewis, seems to be Just the right man lii the right place. He htu devoted a great part of his life to the management of charities and chari table Institutions, ha collected a kandsome library of wroks on cfcarl Mes, and everything pertaining there to, whether In America or Europe. Mr. Lewli li the first superintendent or charities, who has made a full re port of the religious, or sectarian phase of the subject, and this Is the part which patriotic citizens every where will rAd with great interest. A. eopy of this report should be In the hands of every official who has to ad minister tbe charities of any town, nounty or state, and members of pa triotic societies must see to It thnt such men itre provided with copies itftt marked. ', I quote verbatim from the Report: ma TEACHING OV RELIGION. ue of the subjects of the appoint ment of the Joint Select Committee to Investigate tbe charities and Reform atory Institutions of tbe District ot olumbla was to determine the eitent te which appropriations for charities U tbe District of Columbia are used fer the propagation or teaching of the special doctrines and form of worship I particular churches. Tbe report of tie committee gives a list of Institu tions which it declares are under sec tarian or ecclesiastical control, some ef which receive public granU and are eebject to examination and report by tbe superintendent of charities. It has been contended that certain Institutions are not sectarian, because persons of different denominations are embers of their boards of trustees Vad participate In their management, asd becaime no distinctions are ronde as to the religious beliefs or prefer ences of the pareats of children re ceived or of the Inmates themselvfs. This Is sophlHtn which deserves to, be set at rest at once and for all the time. In order to understand whether aa Institution is a religious estab lishment and whether contributions to kU support are devoted to the more arm and general establshment of any particular system of religion, It Is not accessary to Inquire who manages Its secular affairs nor whom it brings within the scope of Us influence, but what that Influence is. Not who em ploys the teachers, but what is taught. It would be naturally expected that persons who are members of religious orders affiliated with and subordinate to certain systems of religion would teach the doctrines and enforce tbe forms of these systems In Institutions administered by them. The asei-mp- tlon that they would do otherwise would require the support of evidence. Hut we are not restricted to the le soiirees of logical deduction In the In quiry as to what is taught in the In- Wwtlone whoso appropriations are made in the schedule "For charities' In tbe District of Columbia appropri ation Mil, and since In institutions for children the matter Is always likely to determine to a great degree the sa Will Neglect His Hakes the Sign Cross. (liven Children In Roman tire character of the Institution, and since no account of this important matter Is given in reports heretofore published, I here present a descrlp tlon of the education and religious work done In ,the child-caring insti Unions receiving assistance from Con gress: House of Mercy. This institution is conducted by the Association for Works of Mercy, all members of which are also members of the Pro tenant Episcopal Church. It Is under the superintendence of Bister Dore thea, a member of the Episcopal sls- terhood. Inmates rise at 6 o'clock and have a short chapel service before dinner they have another very brief service, and before retiring for the night a short time Is sepnt In do votlonal exercises. At all these the Episcopal prayer book, hymns, ano forms are used. On Wednesdays the Inmates receive religious Instruction from the institution chaplain, who Is an Episcopal clergyman. On Thurs days they are present at communion, but do not participate, except In case of some who have been specifically prepared. An effort Is made to pmce about them suc.h religious influence as will not only contribute to strength and stability of character, but w 1h lend to their preparation for communion, confirmation and Imp tlsm. Those who express a desire to receive these sacraments are instruct ed privately by the chaplain. Secular Instruction Is given in an evening school conducted from 7 to 9 p. m during the usual school year The text books In use are a miscel laneous lot. discarded in tbe publlo schools of the city. ' At the Church Orphanage of Si John's Parish the schools are practi cally uniform with the city public schools. Teacher are employed who have had extensive experience In tbe best publlo schools. The grades are arranged In uniformity with the pub lie schools and a standard of work if maintained which Is said to be equal to any done in Washington. My own repeated observation of it has con firmed a first Impression that It Is in every way excellent. The books used are Appleton'i Readers, Swlnton's Geographies, and standard histories and language les sons, The board of trustees are members of St. John's Episcopal Church, and tbe rector of the church Is warden of the Institution. The Superintendent is Hlster Surah, Religious services are held three times a day and are according to the forms of the Protestant Episcopal Church. The warden being much oc cupied with other affairs, other Kp't. copal clcrgyment are frequently se cured to hold special service on Hun day, on effort Is made to prepare the children for reception of the sacra ments of baptism, communion, and confirmation In the Episcopal Church, House of the OoodfJhepherd. -At this institution Inmates rise at 6 a. m. 1 hey have prayers and moss before breakfast for half to three-quarter of an hour. t 6 p. m, they assemble In class rooms and have selected readings for a half hour. From 6:80 to about 6:i6 they study and recite catechism. From 7:30 to 8 p. m. they have pray ers. The catechism In use Is one tiro pured and enjoined by the third ple nary council of Ilaltlmor'" ind pub lished by ecclesiastical authority. All forms of worship are those of the Ro man Catholic Church. The Sisters of the Good Shepherd say that teaching (meaning secular teaculng) is not port of the voca'lon, and tbe Inmates of the "Penitent" i are r (i I ,t u. i,.iim in l !- f !.. Hi II ! Mi tf tH et !nf.n ! l ii . himA t .!.. ti t t-4 !! ii l l It-" rilt.. ' ! ., In t .l "t ! ! lt!1l' U U 'M S U t,'t in Mtt it I tl t I n' j l'-- t'ti -1. . f.ttuttn Ms !,.!.) ljtV, tHlut HHitll H ! lb H n't r (ijiilil ! 1'itituilli I lt- f tra in, ItMi hells I i - , i rli 1 1 , ati.t lf an-! 1'iil t Ki Hlim lie w ivn I (l III Ih !.. Iflllj llic mli'lir.) -li. t fe In IM repoit. At PI lli'sfd Iti'lit-li ll 8 htxd (lit r.liH ntliitiHl stvAtilsKi an f t tit ly a l boiim' wilti tf viil lo ftuily aiiil riM Itiiiinn lUily. A hue variety f luniks of mtil.n IiikImh (Ion aie itted, sntotig hih ttro Holmes' Kihncl ltcmlers; F.lcnten- I lury I'li llii', by KcIIukk; Mi(i leH of Our Coiintry; Ameilcan lllt.t,n Htoi ltM, fiotu llie I'.iltii ntlimul I'tiblhll InK t'ottipany, of HoHton; AtnbTitiu's introductory 1 1 In! i ; ('iinipinil b Ki'Utlliig Slid Dli'talluu I'xei'clscM, fit' I Mrs. Lincoln's Cookbook. The sinter In charge of the U.ol work apiteMrs to be a numt capublo woman, end her account of It woul I lend one to the expectation that iin-h would be accompllNhed In this lino In a short time. Religious Instruction Is given dally In various services or exercises, us ing the forms and ceremonies of tlio Roinuu Catholic Church. The girl attend tuuHs In the ItiMtltullon on Huu diiy. I asked us to the ealecblsm toted Bud taught, and tlio sister replied that It was oue adopted by the plenary council of llultlmore. St. JoncphV Male Orphan Asyium. This Institution Is administered by the SlHters of Charity, lis bourd of trustees being a private corporation. The school conducted for cbl'd tn who are Inmates of the institution Is very poorly supplied with books and such accessories of a modern school room as are usually considered csson tlul. The series of renders In use Is Sad ller's Exeeltdor Series. The woik Is nioxtly primary, extending only to the simplest combinations of numbers, and such language lessons as would find their counterpart !n the third j grude of the city schools. The toadi- Init is mertiiirilcul nnd shows lack of profCHlonal training. In what Is culled the "duy school, ' that Is tbe school, which Is coiiducto l for children residing at homo and pay Ing tuition, the rooms are much better furnished and better supplied, I am informed that the children who attend this school do not receive supplies purchased from the funds of the In stltutlon; so that the only part of It maintenance to which the Oovernment contributes Is the support of the sis ters who teuch and the expense of keeping tbe rooms warm and fit for school purposes, One of the best rooms In the Institu tion Is fitted up as a chapel, having the usual means of Impressing relig ions lessons, such as an altar, images, crucifix, pictures, lighted candles, tc, All children are bnptlxed upon re ception unless that matter has re ceived attention before. All are to gether in classes Instructed In the cut eehism, doctrines, and forms of wor ship of the Roman Catholic Church. If the parents or relatives of any chil dren object to their recelvlg such in struction, the children may sit qtilat ly in the cIuhs without taking part, and are not given the usual special preparation for confirmation and the reception of the first communion. No standard of secular education has been established to which all who are capable must attain before they are eligible for transfer to family homes or other Institutions, hut ..11 nust be prepared for end receive con firmation and communion, except those found incapable or In regard to whom objection Is made by parents, The school readers adopted and usd In the House of the Good Shepherd and St, Joseph's Orphan Asylum are Bailor's Excelsior Cat hollo Series, The title page announces that thoy are by a "Catholic teacher." The ioI lowlng Is w.e Initial statement from the preface of the Third Reader of this Scries: Surely no period of human life Is more interesting and critical than that in which observation and study first exert their modifying Influences upon the pure and ready fnlth of dawning youth. It has neon faithfully said that "the ml ml of the child Is like wax to receive Impressions, but Uk. marble to retain them." Hence it Is essential that during this placid per iod religious Instruction be frequently and attractively presented; that thus the earliest impressions may also be the most beneficial. This principle Continued on page 8 ITIPOSITION ON TEAH OWNERS Because of a Honopoly Voted by the City Council toflcDonald they Can not Haul Their The Supreme Court Seems to he Pl.yiiui Very Poor Politics-Will it of the Office of Mayor porationsAn Omaha Thoc seems to be a very unsatisfac tory state of tbltiKs In Omaha with re liitlun to (he disposition of garbngo The council bus entered Into it contract with Alexander McDonald f n a term of years which gives that gentleman a monopoly and the city has undertak en to protect him In his enterprise I'nrter the garbage ordinance no ne has the right to dispose of nor even bun I his own gurbiige to the authorized dumping ground, but h tmiHi notify the contractor and pay him for the hnullng as well as the "dumping" In the river or on the cars to be hauled a few miles Into the counirv where It Is burned In the open ground by slow fires. There are hundred of men living In Omaha who keep horses ind do hauling for a living wh.i ought to have the right to haul their own ma nure at least to the city "dump," but they are deprived of that right and their tesms must remain idle wl.lle they are compelled to pay for Its re- moval. We know of one gentleman , I . mi.,.. ,.i ,nm in who employs a number of (reran In express and moving work In the city uh. i, compelled to pny m blg'i us $i;8.00 a year for removing the monnr from his bams while his teams rermtln Idle In his barns, This Is a hardship which ought to be corrected . once, There Is no one responsible for iMs except the mayor and city council. The dully newspapers of the ( My have lieen silent, and but few of our citizens knew the real condition of things. Spotters dally throng the city looking for "In fringements" on the MclKmald con tract, and when an offender Is found he Is promptly arrested and taken If forTthe police court and fined and the expense thus Incurred amounts to more than tbe cost of the servbe when per formed It the contractor: and In this way the latter is protected In his iro nopoly while the cltlxen and taxpayer must suffer. With the organlxatlon of the new board of education there Is liable to be an effort made to correct Ihe abuses In the awarding of contracts for school supplies which has been In vogue In that body for several years It Is evident from the way the people spoke in the primaries preceding the recent elec tion that they expect better things from their representatives In that body, There ought to be a thorough house cleaning, No man Is titled to a life tenure of office as secretary of the board or as superintendent of build ings, and It Is now time for those gen tlemen to step down and out and make room for other equally If not more ca pable men, The reported connetbon of the present secretary with several questionable transactions of the board do not lend lustre to his ability as a public servant and the people are tired of having their employes consort with contractors and others who are Intent upon robbing the taxpayers, whose In terests they are paid to protect, Th secretary I not alone blamoble; but the superintendent of buildings Is also entitled to his share In tho condemna tion of the people. We do not Intend to particularize at this time, but merely speak of these things In order that the new members may acquaint themselves before the time comes to act. In the campaign of 1M7 It was com mon report that the American Hook Own Garbage. Deprive W. J TiroMcd to Please Certain Cor 'Momo Pule" Scheme. roiiip.iny was fooling Out rniiipnigu ex penses for various rnndldutif for mem bers of the hoard of education, suit tbe agents of that company have sine? that time In en lavish In the line of money In vii rliiiiM ways In win favors from the hoard. Hiniijuets have been given and It Is said presents bestowed snd ms a result the Amerlinn Hook comnsny liove received a fnl contrail from the Isiard which if allowed to stand w ill re sult In fleecing the taxpayers and loot ing the school fund. That this Is In direct bribery the people will readily understand. In this way the n:cm!;crs who voted for that contract have be come directly Interested. With refer ence to mcmlicrs becoming directly or Indirectly Interested In contracts for supplies the extract from tbe report of the grand Jury of 18U2 published In this paper last week, Is pertinent and timely. It said: "We nre advised that this Is Illegal, though not Indictable, aa the law pro vides no penalty In such rases. Hut M should not rcoulre PcnoJ clause to prevent members from violating the law. The position of members of that body Is purely honorable, without the slightest emolument. Every member, by renson of his ofllce, Is a prominent character In the minds of the children ! nd Ihelr parents throughout the city i Jf wnU.m ,h, irfM.I)t f . obedience to law while the child does nor nsve to iook oinsiun me nony whli It controls nl dally tnimtiU M find eiatntiles of viols tlon of Uv. Members of Ihe board who wish to con tract with that body should reslien their positions, snd we commend the subject of a revision of the law to Ihe legislature." From this It Is plainly seen that tint school laws are sadly In need o' revis ion and It is the duty of our legislators to pnss laws that will speedily correct these abuses and mete out proper pun ishment to violators. There Is said to be a move on fot to give Omaha a new charter fash ioned after the "home rule" idea. The people are thoroughly disgusted with the manipulations of the t harter.which have been carried on for years and will gladly welcome anything which has a semblance of honesty of pur pose. The custom of giving tbe mayor the appointive power of the heads of various departments will not be ac ceptable to the people, as they elve they have the right to elect whom they wleh.and this should not lie overlooked In making the new charter. The fire and police board, board of public works, engineer, attorney, park board and the head of every other depart ment should be elected by the people, If they are to have "home rule," thy want U In the broadest pisslble seric, The supreme court In ordering a re- hearing in the llrontch-Moorcs rase on Thursdsy of last week ral!1 for argument on the question as lo wheth er Mr. Hroetrh was the rlxhlful suc cessor of Moores or not. The point in volved Is purely a technical one, suTIs supposed to have been disposed of by the decision already rendered, during the progress of the case through the supreme coiiiO. When the final decis ion was made the people of this diy breathed relief, and the re-openlng of the rose at this time wilt be a llsip point ment to the people who have been In a state of suspense under tb rule of a convicted defaulter for eighteen mimths. The court already Intlmstej that Mr. Moores cannot hold the office, and Out tbe only question now open Is as to who shall m his successor. At most the only comfort which Mooren csn get from the ruling is the privilege of holding possession of an office which he was never qualified to hold until the court shall pass upon this last point Hut even this may serve the purport of certain corporations wlio know that Mr. Hrostch's reinstatement v, III loose their grip on Omaha's city government. M a in m k it i i.ivN' X '! ( . . ti . 'I :. - t t t llt'l) '! It t llnlt UM N ft II,.. It. i JU, ' l tti, (I M, H " ei'M'r e illr. ,4 l in (I " hllt.le r. t ( ml nf a h-,.h -, ( ho i i nit iiMl.l on tW r It It. rlui t. f llil- lt-tl . I'nUi.,!! I i h !,, Cu tis M Ihe l'!tH e!t- Me ;...d I t i m It, 1 1, in n ill Ki,. i , ' t ( U.I Mulit ttt ,.fill (.f bU Vu'elti.-fiW. m!"ljt t Hip p. six Ciii Ii. ni Ihn ! of ti ni iitui' t. bfii liml.t Sllttixiith tie li.l lold their n ie in, i to timlt t r'ulton ll -e linnl si Ulmp lid-, s Inlnlns tl'lU littir Hilti, l.iBt lilslit, Nittily eutif loiil lnlller l a ChMii.Mi i iii ! fieietfil t,ilein til l hlib (lie t'liili idle tmK ii(T ne, mih .m s jirtie, not In fe Ht thelu. 1, peei-; tied, A It'll nn luiiiiliieiil Slid the sillhorllles un l ed (hp lerliirn slriiil)', An i iiltoli left lliu bull a knot of inltii-is liemm i) pelt lillli With lilllipit of coul. He fled Slid Was hotly pur sued. He kiis struck In the bm k and on the h"nd by pines or conl, knocked down and painfully brulied, tfoimi ()ninseiiiin who tried to protect him were seHtleied by Ihe molt, tin flimily niillwiKeil to em iipo to Ills hotel, Wlo f his hurts were dresNwl by a physician, He leaves Hydney si. once. TO All) ROMIfl, In the senste of tho United States, iH'ceitiber 7. 1HIIH, Mr. Tettus Intro duced the following bill; which wiu read twice and referred to the commit--tee on the Hlslrlct of Columbia : A Hill exempting church and other property situated in tho Hlstrict of Columbia from taxation and assess ment, and for other purposes. He it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the I'nlted Btatee of America In congress assembled, that from and after the passage of this Act all churches and sclusil houses, and all buildings, grounds, and property ap purtenant thereto and used In con lint Ion 1 1n v-e wlili, and all grounds owned by any religious denomination, society, or church, and held for the purpose of i ni t lug church buildings or bonnes for places of pub) In rellg'oua worship In the IMstrlet of Columbia, shall be exempt from any and all tuxes and iisst-sHiiii-nts, national and munlcl psl. . , , ( Kectloii 2, That so much of the Act of Congress npproved August seventh, eighteen hundred iwid ninety-four, en titled "An Act msklng appropriations to provide for the expenses of the gov ernment of the District of Columbia, for the fiscal year ending June thirti eth, eighteen hundred and nluety-flve, and for other purposes," as has been construed lo repeal prior Acts of Con gress exempting church property from assessment for special Improvement where such property abuts tbe im provement be, and the same Is hereby repealed; and the Commoxslonere of the District of Columbia be, and they hereby re, authortxed and required to refund to the trustees or other proper officers of any church or tburchne which paid such assessments as may have been smsessed against the prop erty of such church or churches for the Improvement of streets or alleys upon which fhe property of such chimb or "hurches may abut Ol'K KIUKNDB AIUS ANHWKRINO. Morris, III., Dec. 13, is!). American publishing Co. -Gentlemen: Please find enclosed money order for $2.00 for American for !W!. Please send last week's paper, Yours respectfully, K. S. Chicago, IW, 12, IH'JH. American Publishing Co., Omaha, Nob. -Gents: FmeloMCd please find a money order lir 2.00, being fir a year's oubscrlp tton of The American in advance.. Yours Respectfully, E. S. Omaha, Neb , Dee, 10, ISM. Krieuil Thompson: Kncloeed find $2, being my subscription for "American" for im. I trust you will have a prompt renewal from many, It to most Impor tant that we have a foarloHS, outspoken champion of truth and freedom, and this part of the central wt can con gratulate itself upon having that In The American- Wishing you pros perous New Year and the compliment of the season, Yours truly, II. R. II. t e San Pedro, Cl Dee. 8, lJ'H. Amer ican Publlshtaig Co.: Tblr.klng my sub scription to The Amerlesa must be nearly out and as I don't went to miss one of the pupe-s that I think so much of reading, I herewith mall you two dollars for my next years' subscrip tion. FSvcn If It could be had later on for less money I don't begrudge the two dollars, as I think the paper le worth more than that to any one that (Continued on Page 4 ) i I i 1 1 n