The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 09, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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to,) Nt. W Wf
farfctv - 'FWn
I ri-rff Iiu.miiii m . tail (
ffwM friw 4't-4 VintMt Atl itrf
ttm ,im m nhirrtn vtrtYl HMt4
mil Hwti i. otn. lira
Ai f'nrl n.irratlvn of pvrnln rtn-
nwtPil with Ihf 8nUh-Amoi-n
war, rrSilfnt MKlnl(y' iiii'kuhkp,
vupplrmonlrd by the ri'xrU of ctllnct
omrrra In liuklnK In (hat It full to
late In an honest anil f.rlii man nor
th tru niiin whlt h Itnl to tho ulnk-
hiK of the lmttli'Mlilp Mulno, and whlti
nindo It nrresnnry fin our govprnmont
to Intrrvone hi the bulwa wnr.
Mr McKlnloy rcvtown th pvcnln
' ldlnir tip to hU rpoomniomlailon to
rrnift-rfiM, which ronflrm th fll
wlBllnit anionn patrlotlo Amcrlcani
t th tlmx tie iont thn moiuun lu
that h had been tempHliiln with a
problrm whhh had Mihtd tha till
Iiod world; a problem out of which
waa evolved the republic of the Unit
ed Statea an a protend aalnHt the op
preiwlona reHiiltlng frmn a union of
thurch and Mate. Who waa McKlnler'a
advlHer at this time? Archlilalios
Ireland, who warned him of the danger
of our government going to war with
a lter government.1' the religion of
whoHe people wU tho eamo an tiio re
llldon of nilllloiu. of our American fit
laena, Connervatlem In a rhlef eaeeu
tlve la a eomtnendable thing, hut even
thin la a relative term, and what would
1e prudent with one alale of fadi
would be coward he In another. Mr.
MeKlnley'a ponltlon on the Cuban qui a.
tlon, aa dlarloeed by hl nionNage of
April II, 18fl8. wna for etabllhlng an
HtononilHt government, anil eoiit.lnu
Ing the Simnltih aoverelguty over that
Island. When this program wan map
ped out to rongreaM, tho prealdent, for
the fi;-.;! t!r.;c la hlx political career
wtia mndo forellily aaee tliHt the
American peopln; hnnw whut the trou
ble waa In ('ulli,nnil fur the flrxt time
In hie life he found out the prin
cipled of the American Protective Ad
aoclntlon were a living reality nihI bad
ben firmly planted lu the heart of
the breaiita of the loyal people of
thin nation, and that there were In
both hoime of ronitrcaa men who had
the courage to oppone the ponltlon of j
Archbishop Ireland whereby oppre
elnn, mlarule, alarvailon and crhne
might be continued under Spanlah rule
In Cuba. Jf tho president believed that
Anything Icm than Independence for
Cuba could give the relief which hu
manity demanded he betrayed ft want
of knowledge which la deplorable In a
hlef executive of a republic that I.
founded upon the Declaration tf In
dependence. If he did not believe It
the aimplclon will grow upon the
American people that he fell under the
Influence of that arch-traitor to nur
government who apeaka for the Ro
man Catholic vote of the UnHed State
Whatever may be aald of the aenate
of the United Btnlte. there were thir
teen republican In that body who were
cloee enough to the American people
to feel their heart-beat for the exter
mlnatlon of Roman Catholic rule In the
lalnnd of Cuba. Theae men, disciplined
n .the party caucuec, knowing the
penalty of dUagreelng with the execu
tive power of the government, came
out as honcHt men, and stood for the
proposition "That the people of Cuba
are and of right ought to be free and
Independent." Some of these senator
re members of the American Protec
tive Association all of thera on this
occasion showed the true spirit of
American liberty, and John M. Thura
i " -' " '
Kc :(.v I V. t..( I.
art at filffii4. H tfcal wf a
l alii v f iv aai,uitii4i wtia r
fr t at,t,rt 'WHt fi th iei
tarr We r" lit oa
tM '.. t h rl.1tnt I drat ia
Mme Inline tiaaA tiih ti"a la
the tNea rrtirrry a t flflerted
In t(tl luattrr
1 h areteg hih A tihUhop Ite
Und r t the naittinal rvpabllraa
nitn.HMoa that tf It adopted a plank
jtaint Mv-tarinn aipritil.m. the
Catholic ote of Annrl.-a would go
aaalniit the psrty ha Iwit efWUve to
Inourf the ellenee of th hlef exeu
live on a qtillon which tmchoa the
very core of our aydem tf government,
and hi meHHNge will Ite dUapolnl
Ing In this ngunl
In the light of Mi-. Shepherd' state
ment that neither the lice nor the
World Herald would print her adver
tUemeut, Ameilcaii who condemned
u Itecaune we said no matter which
muii was elected to rongrea from tbla
district. Home would own him, will
now be Inclined to think we were light.
Wo knew Mr. Mereer wa the tool of
llome and we susprn'ted Mr. Hitchcock,
on account of hi hualnnRa that of
owner of the World-Herald would not
dare to take a stand against the Inter
est of the lloman Catholic church.
IV r some time It ha been apparent
that there ahould lie a new party. J.
Sterling Morton and hi confrnree
who are soon to moot In Philadelphia,
can do the people a lasting; service If
they will rlaa to the occasion and make
the cardinal irlncrpca of their new
party, separation of church and state;
complete civil and rellgloua liberty;
opening of all private or sectarian
asylums or house of detention; If they
will renew the declaration In favor of
freo apeech, of free schools and of a
free pre; they wilt again declare
that all power Is derived from the gov
erned, and that this la and ought to
he a government of the people, for tha
poodle and by the people. If they fall
to take that advanced ground thojr lose
tholr only opportunity to meet the de
mands of the hour.
It may not lie known by politician
that the American people realize that
the republican party Is but a toy In tha
baud of Archbishop Ireland, that they
real fen that tho democratic party Is
but a pawn In the possession of Arch
bishop Corrlgan and Cardinal fJllibon.
That they know that no matter which
party wins the church of Homo Is the
It Is In Mr. Morton's power to put
a party In tho Held that will cut right
Iw'twoeti the Influence of the prelates
of that church, and draw to his stan
dard the best and truest element of our
cltlxenshlp. Iln lis tho courage, ho
has the ability, to unify all tho reform
elementa, and If t.e goes Into the fight
with an eye single to the welfare of the
people, to tho perpetuation of their
liberties, and to the rehabilitating of
their free Institutions, he will have
written hi name high up on the scroll
of fame, aa the benefactor of bl coun
trymennot least of whom are the
millions of patriots who ana In the
steady and raphl advancement of the
church of Rome to a point of vantage
in our affair of state the real enemy
of their country and who are waiting
for a loader who u lll place In the frort
thoae principle which they love, and
for which their father fought and died,
Will bo do It?
To keep the record straight for fu
true reference, let It be remembered
that two of tho fighting supporter of
Win. I. Klnrslead for county commla-
sloner were John A. Crolghton and
Fred J, Rackett. It will be recalled that
these gentlemen formed an offensive
and defensive alliance at the lime
flaekctt ran for tax commissioner
when he became a party to foisting
Frank B, Moores upon the people. It
Is also a matter of record that alnce
Mr. SAckett was installed as tax com
missioner he baa cancelled a large
amount of city tax in which Count
Crolghton's diurcb is Interested.
&mt Talc ( Her HotrlMe Trcatmcnl i( lrU
ncr In Ihc Philippine.
IVn ifc t,.ff 1M Ifcrre p
hfc-d the nit mmilwt f a del1?
r-f la Manila. i tl d Tfce Amwu 4
U nurtlo t "Fqualltjr to All It
e'tttH h Ftstifttiu ttmok and t a
tmir ttr an I n'tftv I1
meit. en In I he fifth lue the ili
tor takes up tiiiK h ! to print leg
tranitlNtlons ! arte lee from the Ki'.ti
lh paper !-a tadcprndrliiia of tMoll-
rt 17th. descriptive of the tortures
Spanish Catholic put their miserable
victims to In this very year In Ce
Philippines and which certainly would
be going on today JiinI the same hud
not the Maine been blown up and the
was precipitated thereby, says Living
Only in a Rome-ruled country ran
such cruellies be practiced. Only
Catholic heart enn enjoy Infllcu 1,1
t ne in.
We quote:
Markon. This rltlxcn affirms that
on the 21st of September, he w .
arrested, as a suspected Mason, by thu
volunteers of the suburb of Bnii'ii
Crux, adding, although without being
absolutely certain of tho fact, that 'be
arrest of which he was the victim was
at the Instigation of the Prl'-
mei to Llxasonln, then in chargo of iVe
referred to auburb.
Ills arrest being affected, he was
taken to the Civil Government of Ma-
nlla, Into the presence of Mr, Motirono
Jere. chief of the secret notice, and
Mr. Juan Caroy Mora, anotner Ind!-.
vldual of the snme body, lie wis
hung up by the arm for the space
of one hour, tho operation causing sc-
vera wounds, the sears of which stilt
The cord wa broken and on falling
to the ground from height of fifteen
feet the executioner bent him almost
to a pulp with cudgels, afterward
subjecting him to the current of an
electrlc machine.
In proof of the existence of hi
wounds, Mr. Ceclllo Velarde possesses
a medical certificate signed by Dr. j
Castellana. who cured the martyred j
prisoner. Three day after, seeing I
that ho wa not a Mason, he wis
sot at liberty.
N. H. After writing the forego
ing, the victim state that at the pros
net moment he cannot find tho cer
tificate referred to, but that be will
look It up,
Having read thn above statement I
find It correct, signed In Manila, the day of October, IMS.
ercciuo vuLAfinic.
Mr, Nunierlwiio Inocenclo, who was
Recond Lieutenant of tho flevenlleth
Regiment,', was arrested on April 3rd
of this year.
He was taken to the first subdivi
sion of the Veteran Civil Ounrds, Ml
tinted In IntrnmtiroR, where they hung
Ii f in up by the arms, and In this posi
tion his executioner left blm from 6
o'clock of the afternoon of the day
on which ho was arrested until I
o'clock on th ii following day, without
giving him food or drink of any de
scription. In order to compel him to
make false declarations an electrical
machine wns npplfed to his face,
All these martyrdom were Inflict
ed In tha presence of the commander,
Juan Valderramn, and others.
Mr. Inocenclo shows the clearly vis
ible scars on his arms and says that
after undergoing Imprisonment he
wn reduced to the lowest rank.
Having read the above statement,
I find It correct, Signed in Manna,
Oct. 16th, 1898.
This cltlxen, Mr, Pollcarpo fincd.v
Ian, who was tho corporal of the 8ov-onty-thlrd
Regiment of the line, wa
arrested on suspicion on the Hth of
April, 1808.
Taken to the barack of the first
subdivision of the Veteran Civil
Guard, an electric battery wa appl'ed
to him to extract a declaration that
he wa a member of the Katlpunan.
They hung blm up to the celling tied
by tho arms, tying to his feet four
weights so that ho could not move,
He wa in this agonizing position
from 7 o'clock at night until 1 o'clock
npxt morning.
Having read the above statemei'..
I And It correct. Signed In Manila,
Oct. 16th, 1898.
Thl cltlxen, Mr. Tomas Rivera,
who waa corporal of the Seventieth
Regiment of the line, on being dls
charged from prison, waa arrested on
WORK IN 1090.
- - Hung Up hy the Afm
MiiiiTtlit to tattifc la Merits of
this Jir rn !fee pew.)lliB tf tl $
iI4im uf !trg rHttr4 la tee
ntreer la Cawha trf-t.
tsWn to the giisr1hoti
if the f.ii uMtlln of the Vrtrr
ati ittttrsmutiwl, hire, lfore te
vommsndieg Jinlise. Mr. Jusn Vsbt-r-rsms,
and 0e n r'unt of the ft -ae,
Mr. tisr is, lie s ulet'l ti
the i ill nut of an ileitlle tsltety and
Hii In the t.iinmh l'ti rudgtli
mere gUi-n. lU'lng threaienel with
bolting water, he lind no remedy but
to siibixrllie to the statements pre
ferred agiitiiKt Mm by the execution -r,
elgnliig anvihlng they liked.
Afterwards he was placed In a cell,
of a yard In height, In the shape of
a niche, kicking him In the mean
while, the wound on the left shoulder
being canned by rolling on the stones
wlilili were there; besides In conse
quence of the blows he received n
the belly and stomach, It wns Impos
nllile for him to en i anything solll
fur the space of three months.
This titan carries the sears on hi
shoulder and arms,
Having rend the above statement I
i.m iuic It to be true. Manila, Oct.
Mariano Bun Pedro, calker by trade
aid living at 19 Principe street, wai
raptured on the tut of November, W,
in tils own bouse by the Veterr.n
(limn!, who curried him to giinrd
hoiih of Han Nicolas (formerly Bl
nondo). Once there he was forced to
' dowu on a bench where in tlmt
position they bent the aolea of hi
with tt eun
Presently, when his feet were bloody
completely raw, ha was carried
to a tell whoso floor wn completely
n with small stones, where be was
'""'"'l ' remain..
The wounds on the sole of bU feet
fnn vvn "X "'"rs, which still ro-
"'" rf,n'1 th tt,,ov xtatcment.
declare It to bo true. Manila, Oct.
Pedro Molina, calker by trade, llv-
Ing In Principe Street, diet riot of ft.
Nicolas, was arrested on Nov. 1st,
1KD7; be was taken to the guardhouse
of the Veterans, where ho wn forced
to lie down on ft bench and the sole
of his feet were then beaten with t,
ennej afterwards he was conducted
with his feet bleeding to a cell which
wits full of small sharp stone.
Onco there be was forced to rtn
up and down several times,
The scars still exist on the sole of
his feet. Having read tho nbovi
statement I declare It to be correct.
Manila, Oct. ifilh, 18H8.
Deograclns Fajardo, engineer of th
"Dlnrlo tie Munis," was arrested In his
house In Hnmpiilok on the 10th of A I
guilt nnd tsken to the guardhouse oi
the Volunteers In Hunta Crux, where
by force and blows oud kicks he was
forced to say that h was chief of u
parly which fought the Spaniard in
Hunt t mesa. From tho guardhouse he
was taken to lllllbld gaol, leavng
there on Oct. 12 to be transported to
thn Chnsarltius.
During the voyage he was fed upon
state bean and rotten cod fish, wl'.h
out being allowed to satisfy the most
peremptory necessities, delighting his
executioners by having bl unfortu
nate, body treated like a cube of wat
er, being lifted tip and dropped down
upon 'the bard floor.
I remained In Chafartnas one yen
and seven months. Today 1 rUin
the murk of past cruelties In spite
uf the time which has elapsed.
Ildefonso Ifvangellsta, native of
Caloocan, was caught In Hugo-han-toy
by the police of that place and re
moved to the tribunal of Tambohong,
where thn Lieutenant of the Civil
Ouard ordered eight of the guards to
beat blm until he wa almost dead.
From Tambohong he was passed on
to nillbld and from there, after twen
ty days confinement, he was shlppel
on board the "Isla de Luxon." On
thl steamer the PpanlHh soldiers tor
mented hint almost to a point of mad
ness, being forced to Jump about, by
means of a thick tarred rope and hav
ing his mouth filled with coffee
grounds In order to make him cry
"Viva Kspana!"
lie was transported to Fernanlj
Poo, Today he 1 almost useless be
cause soma of hi limbs are dislo
cated. Having rend the above statement,
I declare it to be true, Manila, Oct.
17, 1898.
Do you know that Sawyer' Soap It
the very best In the market? Ask
your grocer for It. Insist on having It
and no other.
nit Iiovaoi'?
to California.
The through tourUt sleeping cars which leave Omaha every
T.mrday afternoon via the lturlingtoit Kotite for Salt Lake City,
Sun Fratirixco and Lo Angeles, are neither as expetihive nor as
fi ic to look at as standard sleepers. Hut they arc jut as good to
ride In.
They are clean and comfortable, are In charge of experienced ex
cursion conductors, and are accompanied by uniformed Pullman
Hecond-cLms tickets are accepted, and the cost of a berth, wide
enough and big enough for two, is only $5. Of)
W ite for folder giving full Information
J. PRANCIS, General Paenger Agent Omaha, Neb,
, (C n'luod fro-n P g" I )
Roman Catholic church and they laugh
them to scorn, but I tell you the day
I coming when the signal will be giv
en, a It wa given on the night of ftt.
Ilartholomew, for the Catholic to go
forth and lay tholr Protestant neigh
bor. You say thl will not happen!
Then you do not know Romanism
a I know It What do they mean by
keeping an armed and drilled body of
men If it I pot to subdue tu with the
bayonet? When there wa supposed
to tie a chance to embroil the United
fitate In war with Great Britain, the
Cauiolle Unlon.whlch wa In session,
telegraphed President Cleveland that In
rase of war with England they had
100,000 armed and drilled man ready
to take the field. Where did they get
them? What are they for? Why are
they armed? The day I coming when
you will get the answer to these ques
tion if you do not awake.
Mr. Chase Roys call out attention
to the omission of a word from the last
paragraph of tho article, "Pay Tribute
to Home," The word "unless' should
have appeared liefore the words "from
that class,"
In spite of nil that we can do errors
will creep Into the paper. In our edi
torial on "Romanism and Hpairi" tho
word liegullement was twisted Into re-
qulromcnfs, and liaisons wa printed
llalon In tho November 25 Issue,
Leyden'a "Hwret Instruction of tb
Jesuits," for 80c, and hi "Secret Con
feaslon to a Priest," for 10c, both
paper covered booka, are th cheapest
book on tha market today. Band ns
Ado and have them ent to your ad
dress. American Pub. Co., Omaha
W. A. BAt'NI:im,
Attorney Merchunts' National Hunk,
HllirillKKH HAt.K-Ilv virtue of ft tilur-
x tinier of mil" UHiieri nut of Iih lUntrli t
Court of Uuuslus County, NeliriiNkii, sml
to rim il rneifil , I will, on tna Mil h dny or
Juniiiiry. A, J,, Id:, at ten o'clock A, M,
ul' shIiI niiy, ill l)i mi)t front ilmir of the
County Tinirt llnime, In tha City of Om
aha. IMiialHS Ciiunly, iNeimoika, sell ul
public Mm: I Inn to the liluhfHl lilililer fur
ciihIi, lh property ileneriluxl tu unlit or
der Uf UHlfl, hk follow, to.wll:
Lot four (4) In block one hundred end
thirty-four (1.141 mm. I lot fiv i.'.i in Murk
on hiitnlreri snd HlKty-fonr (I1141, In City
of Onnthu, n surveyed, plan ml and rm
corded, nil slliuiled In l'ouslss County,
Hint nf NeliriotkM.
Hiild property to ha gold to satlNfy
Waller K. KeHer, th plnliillft heroin,
llin mini u follows, la wll;
To KiiilMfy milil pliiliillrf on lot 4 In
block bit hIiovb described, Ihn nm of
lino thoimiiml elKhl hundred mid ninety
seven (tlHti.imi iImIIhim JiiiIhiiikiiI . with
Interest thereon (it rule nf ten per
cent, per milium from Heptmnher 2Nlh,
tnitellixr with 1111 M Hnl liey fee of
lxH7n, which nmoiiiiis are n drm lien
upon mild uliovn don'rllicd property,
To miliary mild pliilnllrT 011 lot I) In
block Hit, nhove dexcrlbed, the mini of
nine hundred and neventy-ltve and 4D-100
fl',r.V4fi dolliira Judttment, with Intxreiit
thereon nt rutn of ten (KM per rent, per
11 firm in from September ihfll, iK'.KI; to
Kolh.T with Ml Hltorney'i fi.i of t'.flM,
which Is a nrnt lien upon suld sbovs do
m rlbed properly,
To millnfy lh mirn of four hundred sno
eleven nnd (IUI.02) dollar posIh
herein, loaelher Willi Hcirutns comIx, hi
rordlna to a Jiidument rendered by thu
1'lntrli t Court of hhIi) IioiikIhh County,
Hi Im Henleinlier term, A. (., 1HIW, In a
ci-rtnln it. ( bin llien mid thera pendluK'
wherein Wnlter 10, Keelnr In jiliilnllff Hint
I'hoebe ttebeeea Kllziibelh Klwlno J,ln
ton, itnd Frederick Adulphus l.lnton, her
h unbuild, nnd John MorrlH, Wlllliim Mot
rls nnd Krsnk Crisp, en-piirtners doInK
liiiBlneHu hs AwhiirHt, Motrin, Crisp
Comnsny John Whlttiiker Cooper and
Wlllliim Isaac Hhiird, r defendunts.
Omsha, Nehrnska, lecemher Bih, 1898.
JOHN W. M' LION A 1.1),
Bherlff of IIoukIiis Countv. Nebraska.
W. A. HAI'NUKHH Attorney.
Keeler vs. l.lnton, et al.
Pocket Mi, No. ITS,
Et. Docket 1, rase N,
A Aowtate mi 5f tvewtijtj
WtttlSl ItUtMy t l
I nbmrlr IIKntrlfl
with mtr C4 lull pat
hH tntift. I or a!( by
t UKVrllrtn, or imt
jHf -paid tijvn mctpt tf
Pik, $IM r
ISthlUhm, Post en, Mas.
An Illustrated Quarterly Magazine.
In Its Field Current His
tory Has No Competitor.
Agents Wanted.wiJ2sa
0 ... msKssine fr
Knt to hnmll It appaals to lnUilllt
people, Addrwss
bostoNi ma mm
Leave Omaha evcrjf Frdlajf via Col
orado HpritiKAiand Hccnlc Koute,
These Kxcurslons Cars are attached
o Fast Passenger Trains, and their
popularity Is evidence that we offer th
Write for handsome Itinerary which
fcTlves full Information and nevr map,
senr free. Vor complete Information,
rate and berth reservation see yoar
local agent or address E. E. MacLEOD,
A O.P., Topeka, Kan,
JOHN SEBASTIAN, 0. P. A., Chicago.
m im isj-i ',,
Bdncata Vonr Eowsu With CssearaU.
Do, Bo. Iiuaifc, jsiu refund monas;