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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1898)
THtE AMRRIOAN nMARGARET l. SHEPHERD. A Few Thought (.loaned From Hot Wturv in Washington Hall, OmahaA BcaUiinji At rtattfutncnt of HomanUm, Politically, Morally and Socially. i . t rll ( - lit -. M . lW4 T ' . M a if...-, I. . 1 , I til ' ' I- ' .' a i,t f.n ( ' a ! 4 tt fc ! fcrt ' , I r- t- 1 ; i t " 'fit ' 1 1 i t i It' .&., r ri t ' - ' 'J ( llf ptiMitifl by t J e.1t tf ... . a I 1 -! ltrr.( it t-.i of IwHutv tHI f llll.l N.n , a. I B tiprii liaMtrl. ' U ! I , i .. t N ). -t . '' H Mtil 4 tl its Hf pmt fi.i tn ti i h t ii ! k ut , r ((( I t - , ' .- t" " " :..- : I- ' fcuT,:f t k i. t l ' t ,.l S('t ! '' (n f .! , -. M 1 - I,.! til t I I"'" . it It to Iw4 he th I ' " V I i "f l'" ft ' II;' -.1 ! f t ( fl '! ( ttllla lull 11 tt.aiil.t .lll tHl" I iW - !tHil'. ' 1 ' ' ' nt. l(f. tb hftii Tli io r tllv JmUn f Amrrl.a a hon'r w " ' ' IMHrlotlnm. Mn r r1fiin.liHt by "' "" -ktrm bf U r'f aptranMtiivni- nl. .liM.-l aml.l Home U b f t'r r in Hn, ami h Uv of il1. ! riltioii'. iitli wnniryt Tt. n..,i.i. t,.,,i. lii a. Kinall lotn mi ih" from Trt union 1h irnim IIib ArvW .11.1 111 fMlH. VniU. fhuroft MIH. ftlie Cliir.h n f K.ln lt iiit mlllns ImmiluM in Mil t.Hi mi: i- mit (it'll '' l" Will " " ' ' I i. i, r it, m t . r lil f .! i anl m t lit I. ! V I , ...-r t O Ulo-l'l thl ti .!. . "'" . .!. tin ' ' r I il v. t ,I'M. H' ""' 1 . M itn l I- ' H tj-it ft' .) t,,r Hi ) rl 'i ' R'l ' ti.m.o h I I J r at" tilOr I'l I ,.;.! 1 i , ' i. . f 'f ! Ia " t.-h ik dm I M ' ' tL ' ff" ft a 1 1 . j I r ftl 11 ' (rtH.M Il t''! "'.(.: H' I'M' .' "t ' -r' i lit f'.'-'i - ' " ' It u tiM i w , ; 'it i m) . 4 ' I. it. . .,,.' hlft M l l .t't ls' t 1 - -' It llllMh1: '' mllrrt f t fc-t-- fi ." l M ) t , , l Ifci'-Hkt , I . ' " 4,i M 1 I f Kf ' in, ' ' It itkltt It,,-,. ' .4 n-,-,t. .. ' M ,fir,trt M " lc-.'niT nl . . a,i4 I' - HA 4 il i ! 1 I !. ' V ifw4 w rfra ivtitm !i' HM .! IM ' : n ! aatiM fHr-tia mm j ,r4 k-! li lt,t-i ti!.li l.t ftitM j IKrl ' 11 n an. iiial itiiu. ,. i K.i.n.r ' II" I . .... i.ik, , t I,i.. .. l.t !. M ! t1 I . .It-.f I h.l 'f !( it'HHM y I II !. fl III I t 'll I It m . 1 1- . i t. i ! '! it ,i . a I I I lM " , i..n Itif Hft-Skl N M i h on t'iM Mi. I ,ttt. i i. a . lit Ih '' ( ,t i 1, i. I silt IH.U IH. m '"Uk . ..,i i.t H"N 'll H' ?' II ' 11-,,-t, t t.i t"l !""' '"nl i ktMi m M-i ti t ! Htm tt'( fitlfitta t 'T Mf, tin it1 itit i .ti.-f it- it p?i, .!tii.k. t I 1 1. .in ! aa l ull 4. " .-.- i. aalnl. t'lt ttini'i qiji.sH.i n.i . , .it. 1. 1 tl m I- n Ii ' I fti i an tt.n ! . 1 m r, .. I iv( t.. n at t . f l !l -f I ! ( . I : . .... . . ft a a nil no i nt-u ! t. it- id i I tl mil- awiin" tmik f'twi In liii.i r lit ir f , i ,ilp , ,(. ' ntti . ., j rut iimlw a l " A iwtj.nimi, nr imlitl. ara a.hi- f ,! aitin ..tiitt; "I mimnj mt ii,. ihi nln I" ! nrin. ami . n4 I fanr drtlm ih rtr .. m- Ul M.. itrti in " , ,., Ail(aiiiv U. .1 1 UJ l m In h. r lt. nil.m llirtini wf tlitiniiai fitim lutit nn-l Ual ! i""'' n"" i.WM Tit.n ntiur l fctw- ; a:iwM ' ' 1 1" a of alalP tio tuan hKf IU i . ...j,. )(rt Vrtlno4av. i inuiian (-l mw. a-Mi a ' r- . , . l . ,i . U .....i .L, J.a ,ti iil I ft . . a. . ... .. .a i.l ... I. ... ..UI..J .iu. n l.,lit tiil In Kii Mil. li Ifiltitf ill hH lr H I H" ?hh unimi '"" i . Ann. 1 he I'Vt' -' u-.lrd , ai Jt K.(iiry h(1ll, ,,mi nf the njoihri Uiry inn trot th oS- R,1 " v ',. Xill mi u t i i.i pritiR who mnk lh tiHwi. h,,l:h r,,,m , , ,P,T, m i a !i iiiii Hi- '" a,, ",n- I am cippiwid io all U.-nnmlnftHonal' "i J rraundmit r,l,,' ""J kpri-r; lu Hf ha tnn lrvoir. to arhoula. To allow on- m-t lo hav ''' " 'P!a T ' f ilinirnviti ini'ii'n '7 '''nit tln iii (hem t to furninh rumnl for 1 i rliim-h a I-Uvp f tm . , who H M ..wum- thill liml tome mini m arm m uir - , i,.,,... . i, ,. l n t. l.YtnAn fill h(tl( lit lin Itlfl iwmt-lilnl iirhiV!! wht. h hia.rla dla- ! VHKiU Mllfy, Hull hail come Horn mo arm in imp -y i,.. i, hua Virata Mary. . T.ifp'.l!.,i ,l,:l'.,f Iiuliir of n.l.i.iim )'" ",,l,,r ... 1 . Wl'lt ll.lllliJ l nil W T.ia. ' . i..-. i . - I,i.,.f it Mlll.lllt PD4 llll't I romonatly .-.t in tli Rallory of crt n.1 ' d " ,ul who, wlihal. Ihih ar.-tiinnlttUMt a the Uiute ut WaahliiKion wh. the ! fr tala ; . fcom U is -rm ( ,1)()tl(1. whil,h h(, v,-a t Linton bill prohibitum furthor '." vlrg , ."'"r,; tor mawa. ln'ii Iih tHi hla ." , ,' torlan apiiroprlfttiona w.w tit.dnr von- '"' "p5' u'"" . '"lof .. ,akmi to rim i-Min-h ami ImiM wil l aldorntloii, ami iw wlih my own ty ".' """":"," ' r:.,, . Ull tho pomp nl .r-immy, tm..H8.i,Kur hoya rarrying nuaaaKia o' ... 1 ',"d,! ,rf. 1,1 JTi '"5.1 ! wralih can roiiimaml. Tho jTrtrata at k. or; Id aonalora from the prion., of 'the , .nd l that th JftlW.'f" I'Wiia ,.ii..b piiAltloiia human b-lna WHit Mixm thai pIlgrln'iMge ami gnvn the rhurrh not lima than l3U,uuu ot moiii-y th.ilr lravtlliti cXD"Uttiv. Th amvoaa of this IlilKlimnKP In- anlrnil the mh'hl of a curtain New Romish church Of all tho danKoroiia traitora to American liberty Anhblahop Ireland la tho worst. With his itiavu man tier, his pleasant face, hia graeriil oratory, he rharimt tho hearer, while hia heart bo aocka the lupremacy Komanlam with all lt dmiioralm- ttwt and retroKradinc liiflueneea. I do not favor coiiucnmtni; the Cath i lic laity of America. They deaerve the aympathy and encouragoment of enllBlitened people.. They are tho re sult of pre-natal and educational con dition the creatures of environment. Hut while I would not persecute thnm, I would uao every power to drive popery out of politics. Thirty year ago there was no auch thing aa a distinctively Catholic vote In America. Today UomanlHui holds tho balance of power In American poiltlvs, as the result of the Influence of the priests exerted according to a definite policy to control wis country, and all the polli lay are truckling Kopubllcans that McKlnley blahop Ireland Kin lev has (ion J aucl 01 IIW wpanian-Americaa wm. hne ho wl l be equally Strong nere t.... ....i .,1.1 ii.. i ( iii, ( thai t.U-H at. ( I nl IM!lw l-!T M .....II ,l.u lt In. unit kill llttl It Htftt II II tn Pill III tJinmiti- .. I. . . ,t .. . .1 ..I I .in l.i.l lhi l,i.,ml l,il ' pi,. iit-i i hi. In Ihl t i t i. H. than. I wili-nil I'hMM ... ..... . .. l,....t llll.lH I Wlh a ti- t mi I li. tf l;l li a arnie !! ki,i, a m a r fi i'ti i in i I.,..,...... ........... ..i ii. mil, tin n I am rtihntlr I nlmi. tahiili m In rto. ai ulna ton l..iilthl The Mil of lm j ih- aiai'l.M ITfl.t.m t'letiKlanil that h...iii I. nail..'.! evil II U our ! In ef .il wi t-Ktnil Ihrf M l I"'"' , ' , " r ' .:'r 1, ' ....I .lu,,.,,!! v.m i,wi..Hl .m.1 a..,t .I.IIM ... ,. ........ u h ... iii.i.ifti . i. 1 1 1. .... 1 1 ii a 11 a. 11 1. 11 pn n s. piif .i, 'i-i i m, .... - .... 1 lHltltl'Sllll'll -,'.. ; ' - ... I 1 ti l Whrn a H.itnail I'atboile ! imiahl, an Ihal she niay In Ine fiitui-l ...... ii. aunt ei to iHiri,ilr) ami re- I ,i nble to tjimrd lu-r "'tl as otn't l.l.l ll II la III (I Veil OH! ' till Allllllllll Ilia II .1 II I IH ."'" 1 ' I-' liniitp ' . - . .. ...... I in.. it..!l ,, r.taeniBI It. H I mini; . .it. . in'" .... bad a chlM" mind into rhaiiiteia ut lu? Ibl he not lake a i inlil and an II In the mltlat t'f lit ..Iw ipli a ami ay; "aultir linle children m cuiiie niiio mi " and. ' Ki lt Je liitiiu aa lllue ihlldieii jn can In no le enter the ktiiKilom of hrsvrii?" bat a ci. line thru, for (hla iil-al tn claim to reprraenl 1 .trial! lie l the repreaent- alive Of Hie ilf vll. That la Mrs. Klirpherd a aliilemclit, In our Htn ila. of I he lirat confcaaliui ol u K.iumn Ciiihiilii' child. Hhe alanda iciidv in prove Hint lliat I Him piae- 1 1 ... mid t own li v Unman i union" tne- ..i... t.i..t. uml .. .... .....i r., it. .......I I.u Oiitmin iini'i. com rnru injini ii"""- il itKlitim. nun i""vni'i "i Hie soul of the vile thoiiBli opiiieni en- cut !) tf pi'lcala. I He cimriiu i ao a- looiikeciter la CurrH-M on a iimnnm nOUa lliat we cauiioi biiow ii hi m I,,.,.. i ih.i iciilma of bllni. Ink.) an- unhoui olTcriiia fiiiiie In tliene coi- other ce. A hmdmnd and fathi r !., mns to lllshop Uwhnrd Hrunm-ll, the i.lttnif nit nimina 10 autumn m win- hind of I he KulilHll I ailiolie ciiuitu hi ,.U I. tl ll tl fiihiin children. The good una tmrt of Nebraska, to explain to ...m lint- v.Ma Into 1 10 wasil-liio 10 aii- I 1 iimili e I rial I no Cliuicn ii.uiii.i cliurch with a neslro to nave i"'... .,,.,., wi. i,.v... iihv nfier i...- ..,. i...i.,.ii,.... aui-h nivnitltiiz - . .i . i ru it inn I'll inir i rim iwnai i li'Hrm a inn in a piece of Bkln from the arm or uie . wiuba and washes, and on iiiIiikii. Will IUhIiou Hcannell any the Virgin, 'the pope was acton ingiy ! 'lur()il. com,,n back to the hut wh-re UoniB cuholle chimb theologies do pealed to, and while ha could nrtMr- half-clothed children are kept, with ,10t ,,.lu.h, or Unit Momau Catholic niah a pltwe of the Virgin' skin, tie tn meet It at.ttia dm 1 1 hem? Whut are l'"'l " - " " lor veira lite miinlun ha b'-ell ilhejs arme.IT 'tin. div la comlnt wh- a..!ili,. tl from Hie pulpit and front tha alll t I the anarr I'l thetw , bi-lme plalfuiiii, !'tr years h cnl Mlmta If yi do l"'l ake. This Paper will Publish a Series of Articlos irom tno ren 01 HRS. H. L. SHEPHERD. Send us $1.00 and rocoivo THE AMERICAN BUY A HOME- One that You Can Pay For, There is now olTt-rcd for sale a number of (small Cottages of not it'iiriii ui i ii tti. i,immm v i , m 111 I . ti I,. I..IH n.MLal Whu liUikH t I ....1,-1. nut htv.iiniinil Mlli'h ffVlllt- I f r i. a.,.,..Hd -t1i mtil 1ififf.1 Ml Vliflollf DAftS 01 r t. . i.i a. i nt'i minn 'ii - "- i-.-i---- -- , irriiii niiir ill kl'vi i iiuni: vav ii win 'v " v a ... - i acnt t bone wnicn " " ..,. ,nd .,.y. t ought to have ,nlf niieatlon to llille girlsT If Ihey . . . .. ... ne icu ei ww ,ome Bll(M,a; another, and say It need ,0i umM they not be arrested for Omaha, at a price ami terms uiat nny man win. n..... ...i-.. been taken from the left elbow ot-Bt. Anthony's arm situated on full-sizel lots ami in good short time tlicy can be purchased for ft Anthonys arm. , ,"" ' i0nie clothes. The surrounding actual- ninnm schools of ImniorailiyT T1... ImiiaM nru i tiaik place through the street o New " wrpl,.hl.dnro, 8dmonlsli her that Mri. KI.epb.'rd then took up the rase meet. I llCHC llOUHlS are I York, and the bone of Ht Ant i y mrrtfll uhmA K to of yllnK woman who Is about to be r.pajn If taken witllill a encKwwi In a neat case, was taken J to th; mV,.ritt1 0f her family, but miinU.. The young lady goes Into "I " the church, where tun Roman La Uo- (( h(.r hlll,i,and that 1 dead, tha cotifesalonnl. That same fat, sleek Cash Payment OOWll of ineir ubviiiiuub . . . ,..... ,! accord- i il.uria tin la iinniui rlcil. Hal FIFTY DOLLARS lies went In to pay their devn twin -- . ,....,,.-, B()l accord- , .!. u ihera. He I unmarried. II and receive the spir.iual blessing, i.aui M.nliiti training It will stay t,HHslona IU other men, yet he one deposited some money a tiiey en- hurnt brilj R,, ,. ft(jk( ()!r tnat n,m hut a man tered tha sacred place. 1 wrote to ' a . ., ,Vft ,,,, paid ... ... emlA aHi, g young, prepos- -.....i ... .i.. ' Mt.i.i ui. Hti i.t. . i '" . i. ii .- . .... . menu i iiium, - - -. ... Then, closing ncr muin Haalmr. v rluoii woman ami noi cans.- 1 I ... .... ......uuiiii. (if Inir rHUEied and .. u w. .. i,. Minmtiiin lilttt. Hlie kneels i t... ... .... ll... niiimm anil i -' - . . . - . . ... ... t .1 link ina nun iu yibii in" . ui'" "!. .. I, . ,,t i,r ami . ui,. ... ..,.ii.iiiiiin iiiin H e anee si ,.,iini,i ihni liitiie. In u abort tlniH t I . 1 . .. ,...- ,,, n,. nriimr I ! . ...... ui,. ,,(.. ni imr aim. . .. . ..i i.. H....1I.1., ....ta ,J ftm fnfli.nttd interest political parties Ol to- , .... hn had VU. .. "Iingry rnimmi, nun p,... ... .... ueioio unit. oB ........ r. .., - lalKl tile 1 HIiHHX ill iilviiiiiiiy 1 uyiiiviiwrt ui 14, , v , , for it support. , .,.!,.h and knelt down with other. !!n,n' V'"ri '''irV, l.! r'!1 Tr".:'":,uan,, n,. Li DC a ocmt PPR ANNUM. Uton the payment of dial ue to near me say , . . . .. ,.n i mm a 01 1 ai n va' 1 ma in i ii"i """" 1 i un wt - - - - - - - - - . - umiiKO 10 lumi. 1110 ,t,ii- ., nl. mil nn.aaed thfl relic along I . . , . ..i...t, I . ... .... . t I,nrl I .......... i.iiiik. ..4 tm. is Influenced by Arc. -'mlnp,i closely .( " ' " "lZ Kn."w " 7 .. J. ' . .! ..J. . u IIk fco.fK) the Wire Uasef cetS a WAKKAW i iwm w '. P'Jl1 ! "Ja he could tell. It wa a pleea of a h'l 72' (1" ..... h, ,,e will JllL7 ver atternt.ted to take un- tu AtA - vii.enta e ves a first mortcnce Upon th e very nun iu hid ... ,., ,. n,n tinii aa ninp i ! ... 1 f ' ftar In. combatting the power or Rome at the national capital. I don't eare wfoethur you like to hear me arltlelHo McKlnley or not. What I ay is tho truth. j m Yfrti ask me what la tho remedy for political nt official corruption. I do not know. Tim whole body politic Is affected. Hut I believe there 1 a patrlotlam, a love of home and of eountry, In the breast of the Indus trial classes of this country, and that aoniB dav a great leuder will rise up .. i...i .t, In In thai hlirher .nil i.Titi. t.i-J t"'l'"'. 1 - ; ro - 'Clm .i... tuhai-a f.rriiiiMon will be do- ' 1. .La I country nii7u. frliill Tho text book In the parochial achoola assail Martlq Luther and jonn tVtlvln in a shameless mariner and there la not enough courage among the Protestant people of America to pro test against it. If there was the slight eat redaction on ft Roman priest In any hook used In the public schools, It would make Rome howl, and tho news papers of the renin try would soon de mand the expulsion of the liook from tho atshonlftv ' ' ' ' 1 attended the last national republi can convention at 8t, Louis in the capacity of ft reporter, Tha request of the patriotic societies for ft, plank against sectarian appropriations was to have been adoptwt and Incorporated In the platform, when a telegram earn from Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul saying: "If you adopt the plank against sectarian appropriations the party will b accused of being under the Influence of the A. P. A., and you will loae the Catholic vote of the eountry." Archbishop Ireland was more powerful in that convention than the millions of patriots throughout the wintry who demanded that the party pledge Itself against further use of public mom?y for church purposes, . The law should prohibit a Roman Catholic from holding the office of president Jut as the law of England prohibits a momber of that sect from occupying the throne of the British Kmplre. The reason is obvious. Romanism Is the foe of civil and re ligious liberty, and It I only ontl ment. not law which ha thus far kept ft Roman from being president of this country. If the political power of Rome continues to Increase for a few years a It has during the laM 30, they will succeed In making a Roman president and then woo to our boosted liberties and form of government. The Catholic church claims to have 14,000,000 adherents In this country. Ten vaaxs aro she claimed only 11,000,- 600. There are today at least 6,000,000 practical Catholics In the United Rtates wno purcnase ana ubo i"nn oi va rious kinds which are manufactured In tha natholle nunneries, I have been in the business of selling these em Worn myself and can state that the rthurch wetres a revenue of from f 1 8,000,000 to 120,000,000 annually from nd these goods are manu factured In Institution which a.r free . from taxation, being classed under the ha nf rntieimis organizations. The Roman Catholic church Is cer- lalmlv m mil Institution. It hft ft feather from the wing of t Angel u. h could and wrote mo that as ,1mm aiiik from a chicken's leg," But the church raised a fund of about fib, 000 by this fraud upon the people. One reason why politics are corrupt Is because of the lndinerence oi many neoiile to the duties of cit izenship. The lirst thing an Irishman '8" , " , M'Uy evening vlrture-that gem of her womanhood. does when he comes to this country is " ' ",l.Mu . .uccess-the hall be- lie asks her when? Mow often? Wheth- i'tH" KprMiW'If JIM These are bargains'that have never ken duplicated deliver "Iho prayer, which ,i..,.u .i,,i i im mniiiep returns wretched abode to pln. h and starve bBr on ,hfl (,row, or on her cheek? If . () . . j j mc j, j,, within the reach of every with the pittance that remains. n(, ,d kissed her lasciviously on her 1 UWiana, ana a rouu n mc j ,,,!,,,. in v l..d M ttMllltV ItllV I 111111(11 IH IllL'UII. WILIIU It Milk. I' .... . t. . .. I. t.,.d a.lnw.4 Sfl. I ' .... .a I. n Mnn. v. I.Liv! "hV". ' arted 'with her aln.o.t usurious interest. Vox further information write to HN'HIIIU ll nu .---., v.- ......t..,. .. . .. . If.l M. h. ZOOK, iGf 5 Howard Mt..umana, ieo. to go to tho city hall 'I1' Tnit filled, and tho audb-m applamf- er It was with a rnarrle.l or single to work ror me ciiy, even n n . - . r .rr..i anment of the vl am mr.n; whether H was wun iut irii.ui.i- - , ,ii.rtB f nM a Job of shoveling. Ill next step I the tpiestlons ed husband, (tha tells him the story. N( n. Real I?tate OWUCfS having property to dispose Of Ott naZ Propo.M hy marrM ,ne to she h- - , C'S ,tM M!ai,,cd above will find it to their advantage to send me often for mayor, and lator turn up 'en In the confessional of tbs tiny are both wrought up over the dls- ,Wri,,ijm, of their t)roterty. No property Covered by heavy in tho state legislature as ft senator fti closures and the recital, what do you inscription 01 UtCir proj cuy. , 17 , r..t..ccd to The Bnti-urithih sentiment in th "'"".V,.,, were of expect? , .... morteace wanted unless the rate of interest can be reducea to country I stirred up by tho pope n,3;,;7hfa,,, .cause of the t Is the doctrine of the church of M j QOK, Irish, who aro constantly talking about ilng the trans- Rome that the betrothed hustmnd 4 per CCIlt. per annum, ! home rule ror ircian , ...b ' ' - , m ()f prntfl(1 nmr through the should first go to the c.mresMiona., u of thOtnorth td irolnnrt-r hw turdy. nnmi r(,f(ort tb? trEl.u the confessor "''""iihL"X.; ' loyal Presbyterians nroiircsnlve are as world affords, out in ui ii.Tw as The quoted from standard theoKighal Induce he .fmlKh of Ire! work of the .toman Catholic church be the mo II in SOl.t.ii o i1'3 .... ... ,t.- M., .Htiithm i n. krifiu land the Ignorance, superstition, and " ' " '',... .'iii,,.., Mrs. i ,1 had already confessed the iln In crimes. are deplorable. Talk about ., ... 'n,i..rHimid. used which they had been partner. If, .iiifnr lpiland: the Irbih omce- '.'.. . ... . itr.uisd huaiuind was holers in Aninlca are not wlUIng to W , e;a . i.. ... , ,. give us decent home rule In the Unit- hooks in the, whs gnrnn other man. then the priest ed StatM, All they want t a hlllft- TlHin ornl ln.lP.nt n1 llr. ntioiw pronoum c absolution and lah In one hand ami a i oiub . wn.- - . entn(,f,gi t he arms of her betrothed nusunnu ky in the other and when you want ' , , t , ()fin ftllII M mr un ,h wa the dy she was a favor you miia tow down iwfort b;B;,,r,,,B(, th Roman (Jatholle born, Such I popery. To such depths ttfem, , According to the rule of th h swengcr of satan. Bho It drug woman, t church they have to w to coiW , pr st a th. s. vrn r (H rdlly understand lha only once a year, to M thm n to " work fM ,e always regard, the estimation, which the Ro- burial in wmswrated ground, and they r f catholie church places on woman can snend the rest of the year, lying ''"f0" "l" Li ,.ri f,,r and t,v the following Instruction to Ihfl to tho people. I woiil. n t believe any ,n for tht "Hhould a monstrosity, Roman politician mai uvna. . , wo,.k,( Viii n!"Ity'ra born of a beast, and a unman, o nap- irt,. rnni ihnnlnay of the Roman I .,.,, ,..,i.,. i..v,.i. w done that. I fixed?" la a niicstlon propounded by i.ti,ii church upholds lying, steal- , Anniausa.l well, th the theologians. Th answer I "If lng, murder, adultery, Incest, perjury, rt(,v whln hfl wntd a dirty Inslltu- the monstrosity be born of a man and ,...... ...,i irMMin. I have been on I .... ...f...,!.,...! i tha lin. 1 a i,phhi. yea. becausa man Is a lineal the lecture platform for about twelve mfln (kohl church established, look, descendant of Adam, who was made a years and havo never made A stato- B(J km,m bl' friends and concluded living soul, and because man is capable ment which 1 could not prove, and I tht lU prlf,Ht o thftt ehr h was th of rei.rodu.lng a soul. If th mon- ..hnllnnira any nrlest or bishop Of the ,.i,., t, t,a,i iM,. reanael foe. an ha alrosttV b born Of B WOMinn and ft Roman church to meet me on the plat- h)(. h)m ,,,, the work and put him In beast, no." There you get the estlma form and refute what I charge. I pro- . tlon ()f wt,msn from the standpoint of pose to substantiate my charge by ret- ()h mwn. j,011 Whers, and hus- the prjesthood! i ih work fif Father Oury, ,...'.,. i,..t,r. t,nw in ahaii Mr .'Mhenherd then went Into pre- ..... - . t iiniiun, mi,. .... . ... ....... whirh la the recoan zed authority oi .... ,.. .nAii mi.iiv thU ataln natal (bant sm. but we no nor inins the Roman clergy; Is kept tn their It- mnrislltr, be permitted to exist on we can explain It fully and keep clear brarles, and is used by student for the mPrU,hn ',!!? of the postal regulations, so w w III priesthood. i dislike tn talk of the vlleness, th make tha statement snort anu as piain Mr. Shepherd toon trie inn com- immorality, tne soui-uamning mini, as '"'"'"'""""" ,7. : Vi .. t nrilop and allowed .i.,.i u,...,. th cnnfcaalona IkiX I If It la found thnt the Child Or a IU)- niauuuiiTiiw. ii. ...' ., w.... , -. t.,i:ti iimt t. , ., i,.-. - ,t . . . , t . that he Roman church broke them all. ,,0ut,'but It I a duty that I owa you, man Catholic mother cannot be born en.. tv,at turn iifinian v r i m in i ia i. - .l.iu r mia "tin wr i h n it w tn isiwi iiiivn frun tiir i n n. iiitini, i"i impun- nn wriiFvuii nifc w" " n j m, uui; www viiMnui" i - -- - - WIWII linn " - -linitl, H Hiiitirannj .ar r - ,. rttl la1 "Thou shalt have no other ds be- lhnt Rr, rtone In the name of religion taaes Its flight Into eternity. This I fore me," was violated by the doctrine ft(1 )n th name f our Bavlor, Jeu do, by aid of a syringe Ailed with of tran-uhtantlatlon, which allows a -hr!t, In th secrecy of the confes- water, and by making the sign of th batter of flour ann water monition im,o slonal I cross on any pniV v, mW iuihh, . w.nirtiinto the body and ,h nt iaua a iititn airi of I ihn nrltesl can reach and by saying: KiA.wi ..nd divinity of Jesus Christ. ,vn la induced to mnko her first "I baptize thee In the nam of the rrw. wt, was full of aravnn 1m- confession tn an unmarried man, 8h Father, and of the Bon and of ihe Holy .aln the form of saints before whom grms Into the eonfe!nnal-that dark (Ihost." If the mother dies in rn ull ages in me iorm oi a,t,n.B ...-. ., ,.,i..h nn. rav of find', birth, or dur ng nregnancy, the priest arPsrrThVeTnd third com- Zn Igh V entersknM down, comes. He enter. Into the death cham greasing tne n" ,n ' 7. ; .d then t.r. tha clothing Is raised, an Incision pro that the church upholds murdor questioned hy on of those sleek, fat I mad In th. abdomen th nfant or prove mat inn ''....'' . ,iu,d i.n. ru.aiona and whose do-1 ihe ftK-tus I removed, snd 'hi nnmar- Z rtofwwc Tc mmated n th as- llres are no different from the desire. rled man holds the embryo In the light ln" .pl?,'Tii:T. i i..i. uUnm.l ... ...irt. nt an oilier of Ood's and dec des by It color whether It Is nTthT It wa V"n jw'uiu in c eatr. ! 8hi kneels there! The ,ed or alive. If it I. J It l- not the home of Mr Surrt, a Romanist, priest ask her If she ha lied. If h baptized, R I not returned to h ino nome in wira. A,..At. .i m.nv nltmal .iffln with la mother, t la den ed bur- ann tnat Wie conspirators worn iuiwtt- nnn iiith iiiiii,ur..iiii, ... . a - ----- . . i.i queVtly shielded by Roman priests and questions whhrh her pure MM mini, lal In ;Ui4 f Remit by bank draft, poital or Mpreil money Order, Of by fOgl .... ...v.- if oniMti ovnrvad tn Rome Info wh ch sn has not effected an en-1 and burled In the garden or tne nam and joined the pope's army, and that trance, readily form, an answer. H a. thing of loatbl "f eT It' ' ' iUCDWMU 01 1 HI IRUINd PflUPANY everr man Implicated was a Romanist, then asks her I shall not gtv thejlf It 1 alive, that Pflwt baptise it, AMERICAN PUBUSHIIlU LUmrAnT, It to aakl that tho Roman ehurch priefa words; I will ue rny own ian- and replaces it m vns cwaew w..u Imliicn her to. and the betrothed wife more ready to confess her secret knowing that her betrothed bus- BUGLE PEALS! -on - Songs of Warning For the American People. ' A HOOK Of P0IIM5 11 V KLJZA A. FITTBINGBU. "Mrs. Klia A. Pittsinger is a poet of rare ability, especially in tho realm of true patroitism. Her volume entitled "Uugle Peals" contains the spirit and sentiment of the highest form of Americanism, and the "grand and awful times." in which we live. Those poems constitute a clarion call for the defense of American citizenship and American institutions against the worM." J. Q, A. Hkhry. Pastor La Sillo Ave. IlaptUI Church, Chicago, III, If you want to breathe patriotism and renew your lova of tha LHtla Red School House! If you want to oommune with glfUid spirit, buy and road the poem. Prlo. V oenu. Ad. 1 row : Th American The Priest, the Woman, And the Confessional By Kav. OhalChiwiqut, $1.00.