The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 02, 1898, Image 8

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riiAnicu i.xix.
It i HPirif In grt lm V i i()i I rfli nUl
lug llif a.lvrMur of Father il'Aijttigny, lin
try tf iitrr wa.le t r p iii iiitrrint ijm
MoriA Jtt at the nmnietilof Jatits l!eiittiviit'
1alh. We hat unlit Hint tlir tmt ahtunl mitt
alarming rrjuirn were lirruUHitg hi I'nrli; nt
Only ilhl enjh Nik of mi!Mn given ia the sicV
tr thrown Info tha jmLHc fountain, hut it was
lso il that wretches: hl lceu iirjrlpt in the
art, of putting arsenic into the, mt w hich are us
ually krt nil reaily on tha rminter of wina
hojin, (io)lnlh win on hi way to rejoin Morok,
after ileli ering h rtir(nmi to Father il'Aigrigny,
ho was wailing in t house on (he Flare tic
FArchevprhe. llr fiilrrr! a witic-h p in ihu
Hue le ht Cntamtre, to get some refreshment, at, l
having 'Irutik two glasses of wine, lie prowileil
to pay for them. Whilst the woman of tliu house
was looking for chance, (lo)inth. meihanieiilly
ami very innocently, rested hit hand on the
mouth of one of tho pots that happened to he
within hit reach.
The tall stature of tit Im man and hi repulsive
and savage rouutciianco hail already alarmed the
good woman whose fours and prejudices had pro
viously hoeu roused hy the public rumors on the
subject of poisoning; but when she saw (iolialh
place his hand over the mouth of one of her pots
he cried out in dismay: "Oh I my gracious 1
hat are you throwing into the not?" At these
words, spoken in a hud voice, and with the ac
cent of terror, two or three of the drinkers at one
of the tables rose precipitately, and ran to the
tou titer, while one of them rashly exclaimed; "It
is a poisoner I"
Goliath, not aware of the reports circulated In
Iht neighborhood, did not at first understand of
What he was accused,
Rascal 1" cried one of the men, with so much
violence that several of the passers-by stopped to
listen; "you shall tell us what you threw lu the
"Hal did he throw anything Into the wine-
pot 7" said one of the passers-by,
'It is, perhaps, a poisoner," said another.
'He ought to be taken up," said a third.
"Yes, yes," cried those in the house honest
people, perbsps, but under the influence of the
general panic; "he must be taken up, for he has
Veen throwing poison into the wine-pots."
Tho first accuser, seeing his fears shared and
almost justified, thought he was acting like a good
and courageous citizen in taking (Iolialh by the
collar and saying to him; "Come and explain
yourself at the guard house, villain f"
The giant, already provoked at Insults of which
ue jia not perceive the real meaning, was exas
perated at this sudden attack, and knocked his
adversary down and began to hammer him with
bis fists. During this collision, several bottles
nd two or three paoei of glass were broken with
much noise, whilst the woman of the house, more
anl more frightened, cried out with all her
might; "Help a poisoner I Help I murder J"
After struggling for some minutes with seven
or eight persons, knocked down two of his most
OS f ' . a , m ... ...
furious assailants, disengaged himself from the
oineri, drew near the counter, and, taking vie
wous spring, rushed head foremost, like a bull
about to butt, upon the crowd that blocked the
floor; then, forcing a passage, by the help of his
normoui shoulders and athletic arms, he made
tils way into the street, and ran with all speed
wwaru ihi square or Nolre-Dame, A hundred
Toicei exclaimed: "gtop stop the poisoner ?"
A threatening crowd advanced toward Ooliath.
Ihe first who approached Mm was Ciboule, The
tug, healed and out of breath, instead of rushlnc
upon him, paused, stooped down, and taking off
one or tne large wooden shoes that she wore,
burled it at the giants head with so much force
nd with to true an aim that it struck him right
In the eye, which hung half out f its socket.
Ooliath preeied his hands to his face and uttered
a cry of excruciating pain.
"I've made him squint," said Ciboule, with a
burst of laughter,
Ooliath, maddened by the pain, instead of
waning Tor the attack rushed headlong upon the
nearest. Such a itruggle was too unequal to last
long; but despair redoubled the Colossus's
trength, and the combat was for a moment ter
rible, The unfortunate man did not fall at once.
For some seconds, almost buried amid a swarm
of furious assailants, one saw now his mighty
evrra rise and fall like a sledgehammer, beating
upon sculls and faces, and now his enormous
bead, livid and bloody, drawn back by some of
the combatants banging to bis tangled hair. Go
liath was overpowered and thrown down, just af
ter the qoarryman succeeded in reaching bfin.
A Im( jherr in triumph ,mnnied
this fall, for, under nub irtuinetatuts, t "(to
under it (. ifie " Instantly a thiuud breath
h s and angry iVr trjeated the try of "I'ealh
li the Unr I
Thfft legn me if lhe scenes nf insi( re
and toiltue, WiMthy f raitntbU, horiihU l If
!U, and the iit"te Ittrreilihle, (11 they hpen
lnl alwnys in the pirneiue, aid nfleii ith the
aid, of hiltrt and hiittiane penple, wh, Minded
by fU iiilnii and stupid prejudices, aUw
themselves to be M into all suits tf barbarity,
under the idea if prrfurtning an act of inexorNhh
justice. As it freiiueiitly happens, the sight fj
the blood which flowed In torrents from (MUth's
w ounds in filmed to madnens the rage of his as
snilanU. A hundred finis struck at the Unhappy
man; he was stamped under foot; his face ami
chest were beaten In. There was one moment of
frightful terror.
With his face nil bruised and covered with
mud, his garments in rags, his chest bore, red,
gaping with woundsOolinth, availing himself
of a moment's weariness on the part of his anKiis.
sins, who believed him already finished, succeed
ed, by one of those convulsive- storts frequent in
the hint agony, in raising himself to his feet for a
few seconds; then, blind with wounds and Iohi of
blood, striking about his arms in the air as if to
parry blows ti nt were no longer struck, he mut
tered tlipue words, which camo from his mouth,
accompanied by a crimson torrent: "Mercy I I
am no poisoner. Mercy ?" This sort of resur
rection produced so great an effect on the crowd,
that for an instant they fell back affrighted. The
clamor coased, and a small space was left around
tho victim. Some hearts began even to feel
pity; when the quarryman, seeing Goliath blind
ed with blood, groping before him with his hands,
exclaimed in ferocious allusion to a well-known
game: "Now for blind nian'a buff,"
Then, with a violent kick, he again threw down
the victim, whose head struck twice heavily on
the pavement.
Just as the giant fell, a voice from amongst the
crowd exclaimed; "It ia Ooliath I slop I he is in
It was Father d'Aigrigny, who, yielding to a
generous impulse, was making violent effort) to
reach the foremost rank of the actora in this
scene, and who cried out, as he came nearer, pale,
indignant, menacing: "Von are cowards and
murderers I This man is innocent, I know
him. You shall answer for his life."
These vehement words were received with
loud murmurs.
'You know that poisoner," cried the quarry
man, seizing the Jesuit by tho collar; "then per
haps you are a poisoner loo,"
"Wretch," exclaimed Father d'Aigrigny, en
delivering to shake himself loose from the grasp,
"do you dare to lay hand upon me ?"
"Yes, I dare do anything," answered the quar
"Jle knows him; he's a poisoner like the th
er," cried the crowd, pressing round the two ad
versaries; whilst Goliatb, who had fractured his
skull by the fall uttered a long death rattle,
At a sudden movement of Father d'Aigrigny,
who disengaged himself from the quarryman, a
large glass phial of o peculiar form, very thick,
and Ailed with greenish liquor, fell from his
pocket, and rolled close to the dying Goliath.
At light of this phial, many voices exclaimed to
gether; "It is poison I Only seel He had
poison upon him."
The clamor redoubled at this accusation and
they pressed so close to Abbe d'Aigrigny, that he
exclaimed; "Do not touch me I do not approach
mel" ,
"If he is a poisoner," said a voice, "no more
mercy for him than for the other."
"I a poisoner?" said the abbe, struck with
horror, a
Ciboule had darted upon the phial; the quar
rjmty seized it from her, uncorked it, and pre
senting it to Father d'Aigrigny, laid to him;
"Now tell us I what Is that?"
"It is not poison," cried Father d'Aigrigny,
"Then drink it I" returned the quarryman.
"Yes, yes f let him drink it 1" cried the mob.
"Never," answered Father d'Aigrigny, in ex
treme alarm. And ne drew bock as he spoke.
pushing away the phial with his hand,
"Do you see? It ia poison. He dares not
drink it," they exclaimed, Hemmed in on every
side, Father d'Aigrigny stumbled against the
body of Goliath,
"My friends," cried the jesuit, who, without
being a poisoner, found himself exposed to a ter
rible alternative, for his phial contained aromatic
salts of extraordinary strength, designed for a
preservative against the cholera, and as danger
ous to swallow as any poison, "my good friends
you are in error. I conjure you, in the name of
'If that is not poison, drink it I"-interrupted
the quarryman, as he again offered the bottle to
the jc.suit.
"If he does tu4 drink It, death ti the pc4iM(M
f the f r
"Yi -.(. i,i h ( hilttt death ! him t
Tnhsj pr en I" fried Taiher d Aicrigiij.
whilt In hair M.o . end Willi terf'i J "d.i J oil
liuill t urdf lne?H
S hut it il all thie, that ou and Jf mate
have k I'ed, )uit wretch ?"
"Hut it is nt true and'
"Drink thru I" rel ated the Jnfletlbla quarry,
twin; I )"it fr the last time "
To drink that would be death," died Father
"On I only har the wretch I" rried the mob,
in if tfimrr i.t it mi : i i at rtijurrr.ii
i - - - -
ha tfcfd ?
' lie bat Htrtjr.l .lmrirr
"He ni l, 'hi drift Ut would death."
Hut littm trt me! rried the abbe, btpir j
his detuU toother ; "thi hil ft
rirt.ii fries interrupted Father TAtlf igny,
'H'iln.ule, make n iul lf that one!" (tied the
quarryman, putnlng tMtaib with his f tf . t
will begin in this Kite I" and he seised Fathsr
d'Aigrigny by Ihe throat,
1 he terrible rry whit h hsd startled Morok
was tilled by Father d'Aiciiny at the quarryman
laid bis formidable hand Utm him.
To be t'ontinued.
-r4t)Mt ( Ik trnmptrnf t IM
timwi Hark f l.
Tks tlrrman hark T.lon, wtit h se
rlted ai thU wn Humlay trum Koy.
Knelfliiil, limiiht a rather n"rullr
earii. Il mnaiateil f I.S'Ml eki t
china elay. but In aillltlnn Ibrre wr
on board .mo ranki or arsenic. Thl
part of Ihe raraii hint a rmrkltl f
fpi t on lh nw. 1 h fact that ai nenljj
a aa tr)'ehnltia li'tp Iht foiml
lion uf atlpiM tiiiktie when lakrn lnl
Ihe huniHti ytnn in mlnitle lutrlli
la well known, and both drug hava
hpconie fivorltii tunlra fr coiubIim
cents. On board the Zlon lh mn
alept nar th laruo array of barrels'
eonlalnlnj? I ha drug. They wra atof
ed In Iho hold, near thn forecast l and
ia it In 1 1 y cxiioHcd to the rays of tha
sua, which streamod In through tt.i
open hatch. Whwn only about a week
out from port oris of the crew mo ir
t lo tied to lila nicsamaies that a peculiar
and Indescribable odor wag coming
from tha casks containing tha drug.
It was not long aftur their attention
had been called to It that they noticed
tha mnia thing, and, strange to say,
noticed It all tha mora forcibly a week
later. Bcveral of the German tars be
came aware of tha fart that they were
filling out tbelr clothes to a much i
greater extent than when tbey ahipped. I
Man nl h.ri a Aavm w.ttl liv hwama I
abnormally stout, In vast contrast to
the former slim appearance which
many of them presented before the
land waa left, One man gained, It Is
said, twenty-fire pounds. Others were
affected to a less extent. Hut the ag
gregate weight put on by tha entire
crew was little less than 400 pounds.
Several of tha sailors are known here,
and they are said to be scarcely rec
ognizable when contrasted with the old
days. The entire sudden taking on of
avoirdupois l attributed to vapor,
which, generated by the action of 'be
sua on the casks, was Inhaled by he
seamen as they sbpt, and sc'ed In
precisely tha same manner as a tonlo
la a prescription, Capt, Ilammes, who
slept eft In the vossol, entirely removed
from the arsenic, does not show any
effect of the Inhalation,-J'blladelpUla
ot the OjiHa t Ha.; a mam l e-4 ,
and various nj'Hs f Italian -
i y. The (lama pftflra, rmwurf. falM
him at the laM ammenl, and the host
refii't-d to ell down to dlntur oti nnl
Ina that the ronipany roiichitd ff
tlilrtprn pereona. Me made tluii
fmltful attrmpis to Mxure another
(tint, and at tat. In depalr, he an
noiimod that he intended to follow the
custom of the Arab, who always wait
upon their gupsts. and et ihelr own
dinners by themselves afterward. The
mal proved a great aiicceea.
(Irtlltif rnlntrra (rnm tha r.mermia.
"I've got to stop my paper," "Wbat'a
the tronbleT" "Why, there's no Ilvlnst
with my wife since she commcni'i'd
rcadlna how that Chlncwe empress was
carry In' on."
(Jive Roma use or our poitticloas
and she will soon control our srrera-meat.
Mtrsnae t'i,illU amtli
lr4(i ttt Them,
One hears from time to lima of
strange conditions b'dng attached to
the marrlagii of couples In love, some
times by themselves and sometimes by
other people more or less concerned.
An American girl of a somewhat ro
mantic disposition made the conditions
herself, Pome four or five years ago a
young lieutenant In tha United States
army was attracted to tier and pro
posed, Hhe confessed her warm re
gard for him and the deep Interest
which abe took In bis profession, but
declared that aha could oever unite
herself to a soldier who had never
known what active service was. A
bond waa therefore drawn up srtd
signed by the pair, which was to the
effect that for tha space of seven years
they should be considered engaged to
each other, taring that period neither
party bad the right to break the en
gagement nor Insist upon marriage, ex
cept In the ease of the young officer
having been on sctlva aervlca during a
campaign, when the lady would at ths
most opportune moment become bis
wife. If the seven years passed away
and tha lieutenant bad not sniffed pow
der, tha whole compact was to be at
an end.
the Sentiments of this Pa
per meet your approval we
shall be pleased to receive
your Subscription at
per year in advance. Send
in your order to
1615 Howard St, ' OT1AHA, NEB.
(ttieefclng Sysleai 'Applied e Hable.
1 la some of the New York depart
ment stores babies can be checked like
so many umbrellas, while their moth
ers pursue the elusive bargain from
counter to counter, A small boy (a de
tailed to stand goard over a certain
cumber of Infanta, The small boyi
and the Infanta bay not bees asked
for sn opinion, but the mothers ere
entbuslaetle In tbelr spproval. Is
Drooklya th checking system aa ap
plied to babies baa appeared in a new
form, flrooklya being recognized mi
tha city of cburcbee, the new develop
ment Is at rally along the ecclesias
tical line. The Rev, Dr. Wiley of the
Noetrand Avenue Methodist Kpleeopa!
church Is ths originator of the s hme.
and the mothers ore once more the
gainers. A large room has been fitted
up with hammocke and cribs, peram
bulators and toys, Hera a volunteer
committee of young women assembles
every Sunday morning, and here the
mothers, who would otherwise be kept
at home, leave their babies, while they
themselves attend the regular church
service. The plan ia a novel one, but
promises, and deserve, to be popular,
Harper's IJaxar,
A MIUlMBlre'e Mas,
Aa American millionaire who baa a
palace at Venice la mora superstition
than bis countrymen usually are. Re
cently be Invited to a ainner a party of
frtajida, tnrludine a -, s.-t
to California.
The through tourist sleeping cars which leave Omaha every
Thurdajr afternoon via the Burlington Ronte for Salt Lake City,
Han Francisco and Io Angeles, are neither aa expensive nor aa
fine to I006 at aa standard alcepera. But they are just aa good to
ride in.
They are clean and comfortable, are in charge of experienced cx
eursion conductors, and are accompanied by uniformed Pullman
Her-ond-cla tickets are accepted, and the cost of a berth, wide
enough and big enough for two, is only $5.00 ,
Wi ite for folder giving full information,
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An Accurate and 5plendldly
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Handsomely Illustrated
with over 60 full-pace
half-tones.'' For sale by
all booksellers, or sent
post-paid upon receipt of
. Price, $1.50, by
Publishers, Boston, Moss.