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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1898)
THE AMERICAN, a o m t I t M . M a 11 1 I -ai i ih t l hi ll i Ml V I Hl t ti 1 .., w -. a . i I 11 I i,iM fci . I - r- . . w i I . i. , , 1 I - FARMER BROWfi'S I (i t a ai i i i. i . t ' . .s4 ll ft f. r I.' I'H.H A MM l I. lr.tHif'tl l ft UlkMlM it'. ),IV lwt1 .! fro fi. Wr,'.' t tvHl t't)ti t t l Ae, WiM Mf !-- M. ,. 'i-rt I 1 k ft.fwl jm at iWt .,t Mm I ,r h.i,M m ifc. Nv..rt w t.ia tfc. tMft,J f W" M.anlW 1 tVI. Is4 c.v'4 ! Ika wis'iiv Is j,,.,, ilh, t4 if at l hi- sltst la I a tha Mid a I rti aimd tl rfcrln(t fctie at endul It kt ftlrr, Mis (Tide), and tHe tHde iwni lt ma aa Kvan 1 h -art. Jury rontmiaMitftrr, t Iju- ansa rmmtjr. Mr IVi'jr ksd aitradj toad kit ! ma ,ti, and the iViat lt r-rleat aled -Win jou. Mfitft, Ule Tlm.Khf rVlry to W , Iaarut ku a ha tut" Instead tf answer I Mi tha yon mumnn tnquirvd "In U t too late, father? Faoer Walsh, tbnuKD surprised by the unusual ques tion. Immediately annaer-ed. Mt U tH too late." hereupon tha lirlde-elect Id: "Thru 1 will" and turning from I lie altar, her fao as white a marble, she faced th suddenly startled spectators and walked down the all toward the door. U as moment of Intense txrltemeut. Th priest, the bridegroom and the guilts seemed transfixed as th bride passed down to the church door. After walling for half an hour, expeci'ng that the bride would return, the gtiits gradually dis persed, and soon the at range tneldVut became the talk of the entire town. No reason has been given for the bride's atrango conduct. To all questioning the answer Is thru she simply exercised a woman's privilege and changed her mind: but thla does not soothe Mr. Foley, who was deserted at the altar tuv wuiiimi ui ti in ciiuire, wu'j ucvnr gave a hint of her dlspleasura until she was asked the final question. ELECTRIC FORQE. Whtra Iroa U IlMUd by Itrlog Hub- nieracd In Water, One of the astonishing things devel oped through the Introduction of elec tricity Into every-day affairs Is a forge, mad for bench use, for the beating of soldering irons or light pieces of metal tor working on the anvil, where the heating Is accomplished by plunging the article to be heated Into a tray of water. This curious forge Is made as follows: The tank Is of wood or of ay other substance which will hold water and not form an electrical con ductor. One wire of the electric circuit passes to the bottom of the tank, where It Is connected to a plate of metal -wblrh lies there. Over this plate, waler, preferably saturated with salt, Oils the tank nearly to the top and serves to conduct the current of what ever, object Is to bo heated. Nothing could be better for this purpose, for the water naturally dunes all about the oli- , Ject and fits It on every side. The other end of the current-conducting wire Is fastened to the tongs or led to a metal frame work at the edge of the tank on which the tongs or the shank of a soldering iron lie when It Is to be heated. The moment the object to be heated Is plunged Into the water a cur rent pauses from the water through the object, and at the same moment some of the water la decomposed by electro lytic action. The nitrogen of the water becomes electrified and adheres to the abject to be heated and forms a film of gas, which separates the object com pletely from the water, while at the sama time this gaa forms such an ob struction to the passage of the electric turrent that the energy of the'eurrent Is turned Into heat. Tobaceo In, KnflanU. ' In regard to the suggestion which is sometimes made that one way to relieve the agricultural depreaslou in thla country would be for the govern Bent to allow and even to entourage the growth of tobacco, It may be In teresting to note how long tho :iro hlbltlon has lasted and how sternly It has been enforced. This may be gath ered from the following extract: "Cor net Wakefield, with a party of horsn marching out of Gloucester upon the last of July to Wlnchcome ami Chelt ham to destroy the Tobacco planted In these parts, the Country did rise against them In a great body to the number of 6 or 600, giving then, very revllelng and threatening speeches, even to kill them horse, and man. 't that ha and bis Soldiers did come on, Insomuch that the tumult being so great, he was constrained to draw off and nothing more done," Mercurlus Polltlcus, 29 July-6 Aug., 16GS.-N'jtes and Queries. A Mntili of Pemlnlna Wlk Lady Hlesslngton, who was accorded the name, of the "gorgeous" when Pr'nce Louis Napoleon, the last em peror of the Krench, was In exile In London, was remarkably courteous to him, extending her hospitality In the most lavish way. After his accession to the throne of France she woa In Paris for a season, and somewhat nat urally looked forward to an Invitation to the Tullerles. Time possed and none came. But at a sumptuous ball given elsewhere tho emperor passed In full splendor of , his triumph. Catching sight of his benefactreBS, he smiled and asked: "Ah. I-ady lIloKslngtont You remain In Paris for a time?" "Yes, sire," said she; "and you?" The lliwlun ilrl. "Were you out in all that rain?'' asked the Clifton girl. "No," said the young woman from Doston, "I was merely in the portion of the rain that descended In my immediate vicinity infMr.Hn ram Ifce Kit u r a r t i 'miiI 4 a Urn v- at M4 a t.i.t tlf rn a Hrt rt,4 I tt, a . ft rt One f Mt. r. M.fc. tfcr) JV tw it, rUf..iwM s-Hiaty mt.rr. a ihit it i. aa "' " l tti ir(H.B ti, k It t h, t.i, t,.n I Ka .,-,-tn! tt c pn ,i4 Bt,ai.r f.tM,,i li4illn. ,n Bin,tl,tr .Ul1tilBg rurt i vi( a Ik r twia,thm ttat SMirwmd tir tYrn.a -rnal are Urtna nr tmiv mltra fr.w (h rtj nnntisl Ht Psrts. and viih other, h a tall- trm h,h amild etisl.le the lrnrh tmninJr to oulikly at e i-tnt a my !i KkI f . hlle the grnnsl f the txl-ing army, if he aUhed to prevent the city frnrn obtaining siilirs. and thus shut In the H-ii!r ,nd the army that was defrndihg , a-onl.1 hse to occupy a line extending ver miles, and hence rttuld not, tiy any pttlilllty, oil lt a Urge number of his force at any one point to rrsist, with even a shadow of hope, an attack of the enemy. It required a Certusn army of, approxi mately, nicu to lay siege to Paris from Sept. 19. 1S70, to Jan. 30. 1ST1; but the authority we refer to Is of the opinion that to repeat the same operation a Oernmn besieging army would have to number more than 8.000.000 men, and the work of main taining such a force and properly hand ling Its parts would be something which few anvernnicntx would enre to undertake and few military command ers would be able to efficiently perform. The French hHVe snent unnn these new fortifications an amount variously esti mated at from 6,000,000 to 10,000, 000, and hence can well afford to sell the land occupied by some of the now obsolete fortifications of a generation ago. PERIL OK THE SUBURBANITE. Why He It Mo Fr.untly ComplaUly Worn ut. Of a truth black care, In the shape of aome grim neurosis, alts ever close behind the city man, says the Medical Press. The rush and hurry of mod' ern life, the fierce struggle for exist ence, the unnatural condition of en vlronment all tend to exhaust and saps the nervous constitution. Perhaps one of the chief, albeit not always the best, recognized fuctors In the situation la the necessity of rapid and far-reaching transit. Rvery year the bulk of city men go further afield, and each morn lug and night perform their tedious pilgrimage to and from the scene of their busy labors, There can be no doubt that constant railway traveling of thla kind Is calculated, sooner or later, to play havoc. with the soundest constitution. While It is, of courso, Impossible to lay down any exact rule, It may be stated generally that no such dally rnllwoy Journey should be much over an hour In length, a space of time that Is far more than enough to carry the cltlr.en Into pure air and the most sylvan of scenery, Think of the rat tle, the dust, the draughts, the bad lighting, the extremes of temperatures, the jolting, the constrained attitudes, the draggle-tailed discomfort of the average railway carriage to a man al ready exhausted with mental worries, especially If he has slept badly and acamped his meals, lt the country dwelling citizen get his physician to make a note of the state of his nervous system and keep the record at hand for future reference. As every medical man of any experience can testify, the attempt to burn a candle at both ends, one In the city and the other fifty or a hundred miles away at the seaside, has cut off many a valuable life In the flower of its maturing manhood. U cm n1 Mlury of Lord Chsrlos DarMford. A good story la told of Lord Charles Deresford, during the time Commander Ileresford was on the East Indian sta tion. They were crulHlng off the Cey lon coast, and the hero of the Condor thought he would like a day's shoot ing, so a boat was put off and landed. Ileresford and a Cingalese snrvsnt, after a weary tramp through tho Jun gle, came to a river; the river emptied Itself Into the sea three miles distant. Ills lordship stripped to have a bathe, hut first asked his servant If there wete any alllgatois In the water. The ser vant replied In the negative. After a delightful swim in the cool placid water, our plucky sailor landed, and while dressing he asked his servant why there were no alligators In that part of the river. The Cingaleso re plied. "No alligators, sar; they plenty afraid of shark." raoieau. Marling the Main Tb mummy rooms at museum have been completes and are now open to the public, These sleep ing beauties of the ancient past have been systematically laid out In a man ner becoming their age and rank. Kings and noble, priests and people have been assigned to their places ac cording to their chronological or ec clesiastical order and no fairer 'show or better display can bo seen outside dhlxeh than the recently augmented company In these rooms, London Mall. Walt Tralnad. "You're too old a man to play foot ball; what makes you think you can kick?" "I'm the father of aeven mar riageable daughters." "By George! 35 rtf.rlllsh You can have the best place on the team." "II . M I A 4 I 1 - . . i . i i i I . I . .. i - . k I I I t IK ,. .-A m I.- Ht t nit (Html ut 'll f'4 t ... ! t'--v4 ..i,Kf I ..null, ei- i..i, i .(.. n a t a.-i ii W !. I ' H to Hi ru-' d t In In ... )lH ,,!,., i, ,. I !. S IK til.. A IhP tiW t i.r IIi..i'-i,t Hi t,t.rt.tMt f.4 fclnrll. -l l tlollHI I !,, , 'ill itonw i i .f ( tn -r . :l titini.ffi fi,.i ( .l nl I rH, I l,-iiir utt on iiiitt ! ( i h. h nnf.iriifl mi a f:tt tw M ul tn t.'.tiil tM'n' l.t CfiHptt mi in t In Mm h f4, t, .l. .iil,l ih mm wk hi,iM-l atul r .! p ant ! i-.: i ilolur in. It m. l, Hh mirt ih-t.,ii i-i ,f i. tt"' ui r i.i.i.fM fMim .i.n,U-r Ml, I"-". ! ,-iit.r with an m..ii a t ., hiih In a l)ii Urn wix.n )it al .ii.hI 'nhfiy. T mlli.rv Ihn aum if f.Mir himilrwt an rl.nn n.l I i ilillo.t rti4lr i'iwU hi'i. in. tuftclhrr Hh ai i riilim t.ii. ar i'..nliii i.i a iti.Uni. iil imilnvii .v lh IM-Iit. I 1'itnn . I i,l lii.ut in. i'.himii. al im t. !i.'nil-r inm, A I.. Iwk. In a ii'HhIb i Hun Hum mnl I hi in (.. Him liin-ln Wnlli-r K KM-Ir l i.lnlnlin and I'Ihm'Iwi H.Ih-ih Klinl'lh Klwlne .ln tiin, and Kn'.l. i li-k Adnlehna, hr himliMtiil, ami Julin Mnrila. Wllltnm Mi lla Bint I mliK 'rln. rn-iinrtncra dulits tHixliK'KK as Anhiif"!. MnrilK. I'rlnii A I'linmsny Jnlm Whlllakir frtuppr and llll.iin ln:ii rlhnnl. lire il.'f.'li.l:int MiihIih, NVlirxHtin, Iis-iiiiIht Mh, IKW. JOHN W. M'lHiNAI.O. Hhirlff of tniEln Cinitilv Nulirnnks. U. A. HAI NliKUS Atturnry. Keeli-r v. t.lnlnn. et al. liH'kt't M. No. trj. Kx. iHtrket 1, l'age M. I'rolmte Noilce. NOT'CK OP HNAI, FKTTI.FMKNT-I.) i he county court of Ihiiiplna nuu'y. Nrlirimka. In Ihe mailer nf ihe eHtale of F. twarj J. rotieekf n, decrraed : ausuhIuh II. Iiunci -ken. W Ilium lioncckrn, OliHr'Ct lniifMk.n Kium tuackea Haiitiicl ('ulna K lwiiril Ualim, Jm-uli li klna a. id Au ualui Unina. and all oilinr iierai ea Intr eatril In aald matter are linretiy rollH d that on thn Iwihdavof Novenilier. IS'.IS iiitiii u H. Ilnnei'lii-n Hied apntttlnn (n aald cminiy court, praylnK that ins II mil ailiiiliilatratliin ai'i'ounl Hied herein ha phiiIh.I and alluwed, and that he he dlHt'liurKeil from hi" Iron an admlnlKirator aid thai. If you full to uppear bffojeaald court on the IWifi day of Urccn rr lMi'H. atHo'c M'k A. H., and conteat anld patl MoiiM.he court nim srant llie p ayrra of aald petitions and make audi other and f inilu r onli'rn, allnwancea and riccreea, aa to thla court may aeem proper, to thi" end that all inaltT" prrtainlns' io anld aalaia may he llnally setlled and determined, ikVINQ K.nAX'KB, I1-S.V4 l.'ounty Judge. NOTICR. William R Cowlea, difendiint, Will take notice that on the liilh day of NoveniU-r, A. 1)., 1K!H, Jennie M. Cowlea, plulntllT heroin, tiled her petition In the liWtnot Court ot I lunulas County, Nebriinkn, uviiliiat him, Ihe object snd prayer of wiilch Is to oliluln from him a il"i ic of Hbsnluto divorce, upon Uio aroutida of bla having wholly failed, nealactad and re fuaed to provldn sultnlila miiliitcniince snd support for her, sit hough being of siifllclniit ahlllty to do so. You lira further notlned thnt you Bis remit red to answer Said petition on or befora the 2(ith day of Dneemher, A, V., IKitM, and that In thn event you fall to ilead, answer or demur to said petition, thn slloKiitlons thareln contiilnnd will ue taken is oorfiaed and a deciee w'll he rendered according to the prayer of ml.l petition. lmted November Wh, A. r., 1SWI. JKNN1W M. COWI.K3, Jas, V. Carr, Her Attorney. 11-1M GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE LOW RATES ON OUR PERSONALLY CONDUCTED T0URI5T EX ,. CURSIONS. Leave Omaha every Friday via Col orado Bprlngs and Scenic Koute. These Excursions Cars are attached o Fast Passenger Trains, and their popularity Is evidence that we offer the best. Write for handsome Itinerary which g-lves full Information and new map, senr free. For complete information, rates and berth reservation see your local agent or address E. E. MacLEOD A O.P., Topcka, Kan. JOHN SEBASTIAN, 0. P. A.. Chicago. THE GREAT HISTORICAL REVIEW Current History, An Illustrated Quarter); Magazine. DEVOTED TO RECORDING) IMPORTANT EVENTS, PRO QHKfla AND GROWTH IN ALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. In Its Field Current Hls tory Has No Competitor. Agents Wanted.crr7.Td- O maeazlna for aasnts to handle It appeals to Intelligent Iieopls, Addraaa NEW ENGLAND PUBLISH G CO., 3 SOMERSET STREET, BOSTON. MA8B. B.veriiKiif eajrs o Cascarets (,'amlv Callisrtlc. tlie most won derful medical discoverv of tlie ape, p ea ant and refri-sluna to thn taste, ai l vently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, Cleansing thn entire system, dispel roloa, euro hnailsolie, fever, habitual t-oiiatlpstioa and blllnuaneaa. l'losae buy and try a bos of C. C 0. to-day; 10, i M) cent. Hold and guaranteed to cure by all drugglsu. I. ! - . . w . I I -I t. --,1 ' , 1 I I t I tl . It 1.4 Ai,..ii I - , t ilt .1. 1-4. li tH. i,.1 l I i I , . n V,I ',, ..., i. It iu m - , ll - t,u,( l,.l ..I . , ' t A I - n I I .4 imi4 ii.m ' I.I r 1 ... . '.. a ti" i,..i.4 I 1, . IW.,p H ..4 ,.- I,: it', ll .. k 1 1 RUl 11. 4 I 1 -ll I HI fr, I ,, I . 4 n t ui li. . i ., -. a i. .! ih i I'-M ji.t.,1 . ,. all AH I . t IJH.l I ...,,i.n (i4i h I . ,( in i in a iii I.,, . . .ii , li .ii, a a a.l,1l!,l , IH- ( l) f : , ft It 4 Hut' H-il -.l , I - .1 ai l-ln. I l ,h l .i ..f M .',ii'i. a p v.m m In -l.f l.f I ll i-Wlr-l Irt tS .ltv.l.l it nil"- 1 1111.1 li,tnlw,t finlt. illllnl Nrt r'il ll, i Li. i 1. 1 Km Muii.lil Mai i. a i ri,, n4 ni. I. !e thli f I mil Ih,. .1 nr. Ili,i,.,.l lhal llirli tin a t.f iif,'fi il. att't timtlv it.i Ihe aum ! Nhiip Ilim.1n4 Kil Im a llt u f'l hnh nm llh tiilelrM Si'iii-ilwt finl l-;, etui linen . 1 llf I ix iMiim 1 1 '! ti-mn Mil fad, l. ami luii-iini ih lliiui l lii.iuia .l;iiii fii.m Niivrtntur rti,. Iv.t ail ai IIiii talp nl l,ht in-f a' ui H't aiiiuim, AMil II. ft Oilnlll itna li a .i lr it, mi Ihe de. ,n,li,,i n-ir Si Huntum and Nina lliinnmh, hla ai lie, I lriitlti'il to n' I lii a''ine r thai ald irnilea iiiiv li hi. lit l,i mli.f lit, niii.ilint Inn I .Im., n ii, ttmt h,iliir lnleiia htf Kill I.-r-inl ii ii i iini) he in ami in Hi., (,nii. Iiea aliiie di-aiiilHil may In fni'tnef hurrnl. Vim hi rwiutfid In nnarr anld pell Hun un ui lii'tme the SMh d nl lineni-lM-r, Ivx I h il. niiiiiha. Ni-lini'ka. Nov lTt h, tW. t ut IM-; IIKNAR. Ity I'daim Kli h. tier Attmni y. II -IV-It V, A. BAt'NPKItfl. Attorney, Merciiaiits National flank. NOTICK TO Ni)N-l(KSllKNT FKNUANT. To Kale M. Jiickninti. VMwIn A. ,lek man, lur hiiplniiul, A Mutt llnrlaun ami I.iiiiii-ii J. luake, irualee non-resident defend:! Ilia: You tire hereliv notified that on Ihe 2lMt day of iielnher, A. I., Ivei. Jiunea 1 llrowne, plalnUfT, herein nied Ma liell tli.n 111 the IHHtrlet Court of HiuikIus ounly, Nehrnakn, imalnat lianlel W. Hhulf. Ida wife. Mnry A. Klllull, Adam l;ilinit, her hiialinnd, Kate M. Jarknian, Kdwin A. Jaektnan, her huahund, ami oth ers are defeiidatita, Ihe olijert and prayer of which la to foreclose eleven certain tax certKlcates dated Novenilier lklh, 1SHS, iipon which there la due the follow Iiik amounts upon the following- described real estalii, to-wll; (in kit , block 3, In Hhiill'a mldltlnn to the city of (inuiha, the aum of ITO.S.I. On lot M, hloek 5, thn aum of IW M. On lot 22. block 9. thn sum of 2.M III. On lot 2, block 7, thn sum of I'il.M, On lot 111. block 7, th sum of wi.IJ, On lot 12, bloek 12, thn sum of On lot l:i, blH'k 12, the aum of ir.:i77. t'.Ti. 4., rui.iR. on lot ii, iiiiK-K in, tun sum or (til bit IS, block 12, the sum of Oil lot HI, blocK 12, the sum or fin I,. I 1? l,l..,,l 1'J 11. M MllIM tt !i.l. All of which said lots belfiaT situated in RlioH's aeennd uililltlnn to Ihn city of OnmliH, INiiikIiis County, Nebraska, with Internal upon each of aald nnmunla nt the rate of ten per rent per annum from Oo tober Srd, IMik, for which sum, with Inter est and costs toaether with an attorney's fee snioiintlnu to ten per rent of the de cree, plaintiff prays for a decree that he has a first lien iiimn said real estate, that the defendants shall pay the same, and In default thereof that the said property be sohl to satisfy thn amount found due, ii ml that U mil sain thereof the defendant be debarred of nil rlshl, title Slid Inter est In aald reul estate, and for other equitable relief, You are also hereby notified that you and each of you are required to answer am Id iM'lltlon on or before the 12th day of 1 leceinlicr, IMin. 1 lilted at (Una ha, Nebraska, November 4th, 1 !. .1 A M KM I.. HltOWNR Ily W. A. HAI'NI'KUH. J Mill lit I IT, Ills Attorney. Hoe. 0(1, No. 13, NOTICK TO N IN-HKHI I IKNT M KICNDANT. To Krnest C. Johnson mid Mrs, Johnson, tils wife, (drat mid rcitl limne uiikiiown), iiini-reNlili'iit ili'fi'iiiliinfN: You me Ihti'Ii)' iinllfli'd Hint nil Ih" 11th day of Novi'inliT, A. 1 1. . Ihhs. WuIht 10. Kefler, I'liilntirr, heri'ln 111ml Ills pttl tlnti In thn I'lairlit Court of luiunliia County, Nrlinifkii, ukiiIiikI lOrueat '. Jol.naon, Mrs. Johnaon, hla wife, (tlrat mid rnil nil inn iiiiknuwiil snd I'm (li'iniim Ainrilriui HiivIiikh lliink. it f ir lioriitloti, lii'fi'tiiliinta, Ihe uliji'i't imd jimyer of wlilrh la li foreclose one t lit In Tux Cerlltli'Hte, dated Novamlifr Idlli, upoil the fnllowliiK di-acrlhed real eatiite, to-wlt: Lot 'I'winty-aH (Mil In Hloek Klcven (III In HrlKHa' l'liire, an sdilltlon to thn City of Oniiilm, lnuislna County, Nebraska, upon wlili h t ln-t It now due the aum of Fifty-two snd "ll-IKI liolliirs, (tU.TU), with InliTeat lit lh rita of ten per cent per snuiim from Ocloher 9rd. IW'H, for wlilih auiii, with lutvleat snd coals toaelhor v II h un .i". y foe amounting to n lit rwu of llm it eree, pliitntlfr prays for n (lucre thnt he has a ttrst lien upon su'd rtil est ii e, thnt the iicri'iiiiiiiits sliittl tmy tlie snm, o ml In defiiult thsreof thnt Ills said property he sold to satisfy tho amount found duo, unit Unit upon anln theri-or the ii'ii niliint he Mirreii or all rtsnt, tine aim internal In sulil rem rat lit", anil for other i'iiil table relief. Von are slso harahy notified that you and each of you ithra rrnulrnd to answer snld petition on or before the 5m h day of iinremner, litis. Iitid t Omaha, Nebraska, November Kith, IK!'. W A ME It K. KERI.FR His ii tiff My W. A, Hniitidera, Ilia Attorney, 1I-1K-4 NOTICK TO NONKKHHiKNT PK- KKNUANT. To (Inorire W, Amaa, Marin Amea, his wife. Nuthiin VV. WHIs. truati.; M. A I'lae, (first and rent name unknown,) Clesllno, Costi'llo A Compiiny, u co-purl-nershlp V. M. Harkelt, (tlrst li ml real mime unknown), and Christine Wolilgrh, lion-resiiii'iit niTfiiuaiiis: Vou are hereby nottfli'd that on thn llth day of November, A. ! , IMW, Jnmea U Ilrowne, I'lalntlff, here in filed hla petition In lha IMatrlrl Court of IjoiikIks County, Neb, asiilust (lnorsa W. Attii'a, Mrs. Mitrla Anus, his wife; Nathan W. Wells, trustee; M. A, I 'Ike. (first and real ninnii unknown); K. M. Hiii'ki'tt, (tlrst snd ri-l name un known;) Clestlnn, Costi'llo & Company a co-iiartnerablp, and Christina Vvolilseh, and othara, lha nbleet and prayBr of which Is to furecloan two car lain 'fas Certificates euch dntd Nil vcmlier 17th. lS'.a, upon the fol lowlna deacrlhed real estate, to wit: l.ot Twanty-tlve C.Ti) upon which thars Is dun the sum of I7X.W; slso Lot Twenty- seven (Z7i, upon wiiti'ii there la due the sum of 1'iH.M: all of anld iironerly 'leliu slliinted In Itedlck drove, an ud lltion I J the City of Omiihu, IhiiikIu. .uniy, Ne- nriisKn; wim imerrai si me rate oi ie per cent par annum from October H'l, IViH, for which aum, with lntresi anil costs together with an attorney's fee amount lug to ten per rent of thn decrse, plain tiff prays fur a ibcren thnt he has a first lli-n upon anld Mill estate, thnt the ile fendunta ahull pay tha aume, and In de fiiult thereof that lha snld Property tic sold to aiillrfy Ihe amnii ii found due. imd thnt tiHn sale thereof tha defendant he debarred of all right, title and Interest In sulil renl eatute, and for other eipil tiitiln relief. You are also hereby notltled that you and each of you sre required to answer snld petition on or befors tha aith day of I lecenibor, HiHS. lmted hi Omaha, Nebraska, November l(tn, in.. JAMKS I,. nitOWNK, I'lslntlrT. Py W. A. launders, Ills Attornsy. ioc. 7. No. 11-18-4 Kilneaia lour llnwela Willi t aacarata. Canilf CalharOr. curs ennatllwtlon fnraaer Vo, Iffto. IICOO fc. -ii! refund money. I u I'll tt's lli-n Kvtitnlv H t hi Out In Imti t1nMiii;hly U lrii iltt.tni the l.tvl Oittf (htti'Hil IUipm, .i t aiiil Nrl-tls, ttnA lia tit ttttv iiuUiim t rl iii t .hil hi n lion Jt,ti U ii t Iom It lonitl. it i im iMiii Uttnnly lhat h.i mh-Iw'iIj Hog Cholera, tn! as I'rrxrrHivc t lie i nolliinn laHit M on llic titntkrt U-Uy, (tin! it i11 jay rvrty f iiini t rttnt h t.iirr to ltrj a rhI supply Af Urn Rtmiilv ill vt a n ot ah. Oik (i.illon Cut Ciilit.titi J20 ihisrs. Price, $300 per 1-Gallon Can, all ftriht charge! pic-pnid to nnv fliMifw. Mail orders ptoinptiy attftnlnl to. Sotul numry by Kink ilr.tft, rxpiei or nioiu-y onlrr or rcjjiMcrrd letter. The Kcinrdy will be sent on receipt of price, l'or futthcr infoi ton address, BROWN HOG REMEDY GO, OMAHA, XmiHA&KA, Edith O'Gorman's CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED S1.25 Popular Medical, Sal Science ( Sensible Book for Curious Pcoplc-A Useful Book for Evcryom I NtW TOItK'l MOOT UHMUUII MKIHt Al ArtllOR AsD HHCIUIsT, DR. I, B. I00TI REALLY r0UR OREAT IN ONE LARGE VOLUMt 'ART 1,-DIRtASrS AND TlltlR CAUSC8, PWVINTION AND CURL 'ART H. - CHRONIC DISFASI8 Of AU 80RI8, AMD Alt fARIB, INCUlOIHO TRIVATt" fOfl P0TM RfXU ART III.-PIAIN T Al K ABOUT CONIIKiAt RtlATIONH, (RRORS, RlfliltMH, MARRlAOi IN alt COIjNTR'M RT IV.-IMPROVtMtNT 0T MARRIAOfi A OlilOt I OH Tilt WAIIRIIQ AND All WHO H(rt tVlR TO . K TnTTTTTM V ClslM 200 ",P,ln ' ' rul n cSfiml tv4m A H Kh N Ll A ti"" lO lu snd thiWian) ratifHets IsMt f antidotes Is Sniiwin IIKrtlrtW i4 4 'iftcliunt far fMMt Hating tin d'wil hyglsl( ruin for Ihs c' tl lf(it VTH X TT? THr X rlelmi-aa cif IliM laaik and ilia aallfai1li It ylfas Ut tlimitif it, iU A illak eanaiiaaiMl 'iy la7U(lai,;. tii I pn.imrl iaud tiwfa, 10 PLATS!. 30 oixnomoa. aoo xixurrxtATioivi. fha Analiimy nf Man and nf Wemaaf Tha iy nf Man and nf Wemaaf The Orlaln nf Ltfei Man frnm rse'ral KriiBllimai I hrae Klraanl I iih.f I'l.Ii-. lial Oner tO IllHxralliina nf r'ill Ortelnainrnli li 1 l olnrliiart ay I alnr rhaloaraalir, In rlta I af ta in 1 Aro You Woll ? fidtl IIRAl.Ttl I tar jninn to" tU'lii'lnllf llalilxl. 1 Imi" fiiriniia'i'ly Urn rn rtipwi il In mii lilrih ari- apt In (, ri " "I I l" i' li'MiiK". It in an i-af In ("m nf ilinl' ,ai,. U llii lia fi-iliianaia mk halri'd If llwt liata nv niniiisll I" l am hna In I I iiialnlaln It. una an run an J I l rnnlifis "I'laln Idima Vl Tain" a Ilia eamna nf ,IM raai',arriiralnilal,iarMll'-, 4J ,., i ln. mi ll rallna, fi C?l an ri.ltin ililnklii. Ilw 1 an.i aiiima "f ad'nlmll' , ll all 1.1 nl lillilri'ii. tlia irvraH-Nra nf errura nf imitarmlna viar..r ul miilnil a iimo'ir rtiail anil tiprili'rt InniMiarrli 1 hf uliit-ra n in w 'l.a ti.' tin , , ,innN tiers nf aaiilta, I li" winai n iiann n in-Mt. ivhi laiilns la aunniit, ni , cm , ant llin all iMiwiriul i iMiiniia nf a,M-l,'iy ulii.ri't.a man nf Ida Ini of la, Hi arira arn Snuinrfl Ui "anrlal alaraa ilnn, 'I lilt I'lianii'r alitma wli ihrnitfiii!,' aiM.nil liilkt n i.rnai tl.ll I' rl daa i,h, .,1110 i,n i ut, hr II tfl 1114 rluMti, lin Ha haaffnl Siai-an'S tin rmivriiMl In (Im ''Innucenl "-11111I niaflltiis anS imiKiriaiii racia 1.1 know. fh r.'anlia nf i,ml rliaaa fnr aldl, nf n. aura. tinT tlmtr, fmiuri't In l.nalnraa, thi- fa. I Milt 'laalifi la ilia IhibIn nf ai-alil, -nut H. rrwr -ainl ihn, auaiHi ami rffi i ta nf lii.rrll.ln Mir lani'Nnl r Itnan raall uiaimra 11 wuuld hi will fur fan lu tlilnt nvur. Aro You 111? j TiiF.s anil are iniiarn arara maa x. 4 ii I If T"'l arn ant anmnia in lrn I AT l tin fl rurna alnml, whan ina aOwJlK fi siailrr au'l Khar. In bn d-ma, Vih I her It Im "untf S iiM," a rliriinln caiafrh, nf aii,,hlni tmirn thai haa "ariilra on lha hiaia" In Lrnnriiina cnnauiiiii inn, lha ai.ufii-r iim Snd Mil li 1, w arrlima It la, and What In dilfnf iiun !f Mwtr'.'J t. !ff"11 ninal li-arti "hnw In llva Wtlh una iinw" tha rarll.-r tim ft thla ni,w!Mitf'Hfhi'l,iirir rMiilltla. (ir, mar im t.nir mrtl, niar wrnk la In ilia Hvi r, aiimiarh nr !,.,,. la. Thi'S Inn ran Inatia mi nilaiaka In Nnrnlna lla raat tiatnnrtaof irfftlatli'S " "' fnwlinn. If 'Hi ra full nf arhi a, ialna, neuralala of rliriniin. ll.m, tt wtllan'i-lr I"' I" l""S up Hi" Inaiiaka iln'.uiiff, siiri'ly nn I'an't waul I" tialM'Hn' Itiai4. 1.111a liiipl.inn 1 llrlahl'a Slaraaf , nr Ollnf Sr. .iriH'llli. illai aara nf Ihn "tfi'iiltu urinarf oriraua," ami rnu l.M.r lircimia fniaiiul ,m aw h Ihlnrt aa 1.innrriM,'a,alt,'i urn anil wraa furmanf ritniaihint laaaara "tir Mia h.ia" than h atiwrlrm n Inn mimil will mail aim avhliir all aimnl lii'imlrw , arr'iinHia, dl"aart nf aiimi'S, nrrtnna Slmara, aarivla, iaral)tia, akin Slaraara, a. rnlnia, eir- 1,1. Ptnlt, una lunik ranii.,t rnirr "all Ilia Ilia tlai J'tHi la h.-lr ln,M an thi.ri'fnra in tr arifwu,.,,,, r. tifiiUi flMAnrUVI fAa if riawri(ir,n'if ,A,,unw;,,,r. ,ivr nl Jl. f " fimt m mli Utrhnh frit mn & nintuH Aim In ni'ana nf tutu; mih-nil a.rrtfa, ami 14m iBiulr will itt ainriil to tlit bnat hit aj.imjr. f Pi Mf flfiVT TTTTVIv J"s'r,,'" hsWuoiriafMnf tils llerenat .ond.n nnndra.ta list A 11 1 .1 IX ilm iaretltlislltta' invwliH'.M'wffaiM ftien. f ell mhr wuia 1)0 VP hYiHf 1 ."r' lhl ir la tilTiirra fur Oaetrn ii,-itwiiiart fi i.. iniiiiy, snd iwt 'vii x x v 11 a ,i.iru,ui, in rlmip fnrm In s.lveriian i.niiilnni i imiii -Inra nXTIAfi")Vf A T ltitu"tii'liii-laaile aln lnim nfj nmniriaa y i,t-ra KnsilB Isspa. I i'i "ii I A I r ,ni wnuiil, r urn m aaisll or1, H I m nf this sir, '( l'IMl,I,SSl(")VAT,w"no' "saea, raroyTO. dia-da-a. Miriwa, nlnnr$, erltles, blf 1 ' 'k- a tgivun flaiieriiistiiilnraeuint remarUlilj fin rrltiraU POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding. PropalU b y Ml al 1 S LOO American Publihin Y. lUll Or CotmniB You Want to Kkow What Kvmym) Ovam to Know. Tnic ovni now ti i liiHim tlin itnt otin to rtmrry Tint Mai(HIKI-Iuiw to Im hiiy in rnnrrlno; Tine Fonii Tahknt how to Imvn prl.n IkiI.ii-s; Tiik MoTHRlt-liow to lutvo tlictit wlthoiit mlnt Tiik Ciiii.iii.kNH -liow t Imj frtiitftil mnl nniltlfily( Tiik Ci iiiiH H-lKivr llioy "crowed" nud cnino to Im: Tiir llr.Ai.niv-how ti enjoy lifo and keep wollj Tiik InvAi.nt how ,i p"t, ni-ll ni-rtiln Hiiwlily 5 Tiik ljiiiit incNT- Knv ii, rt'unUi wfiHtc wwrpy, All wim win i. khiiwii ilj'o t hat Ih of most worth Find il. In )! K. t. 'a ' 1'lnin lloiiioTiilk," l.OlMi jmiv Mj 1 1 .da, UiJ cdl. plnliiMj UW rwlfKN. I'f.KAKICS At I, I I, ,'.'. ,s A IMMlK Hill TIIR M Salts' Orlaln ut Ltfei Man frnm INe f it) HUca. ot Ina ra-l-i,ll Aro You Engagocl? it 1, 1 nnnma tn na "l, tnlhaiK W fl.iirl liiiiri, ana aia an Inlaiaan ll la a iff In nit In ai.4 M iIiiikiiII In (i t cifTk II, al la win wnrll Whllaln "Im aum tna aia right ja-fi.fe Ina tin ah, ait " I M r iii 1'iH.k n i,,i fi anal. Hug in, ., aln..i K ftii'.f 'US ran a aia x.niaihliif fri.niiiih,r'aii,iaiai),4 lha lll.11.ff if Mar liaaa i.f all lilnda, la ail 1 'iiiiiirn a.liia fttrl. ant rtaarfniaalt Inn,,, anlnha liata wiaili , am bill anil 1iM1.n1, Imhar.iua ami 1 Iflilfii, t 1 1. na ., n what anl In in,. 'I ha Inmnnaili Kr.ain nul , iiniiirti,l uatnia ami inarMa. aiiafla, Ih,' liiaiiirt nl ariiaOinllun, Ha ini ailnn nn nia tlai.ara, ri-tiilia, inn rrf, la nf rrilainiia and a t-i h'ttirt ,,aula. ,J,m amlannir.'l ha 4nnHiaiit ,ahn. all I l,.a tii4, I. a aia Iruliliil In Imlh alln alllalla In SiMil, tin nflnr hatnl 1 hapH'ra lilt ailaii,li Mi lrai,lafaa f,h,al, ai, tni'inal ami liiaani'ili aany a'aiMaacc nii'riiiarri.iiri , rl,i mi'iiio, rii , all' , anl iln r.-aii, 1 14 l'" aaiii.4 "naii ti, . 1, 1 ' l.ti flir fi.i h'.h.r a.,, aininir, (.. a n '.l "I.i,. ill 1 Hal, l.ra' anil Uitm ana Ual fat IraaaiHlaiticra k (! nl marrlaaa. Aro You Married? . . Till flf at ft,.a- .it, 'S. r.iiail wtaful .X'iy ''lint Inli, Imeat lAiTI-W'-Vaj -1 Irinnah mairlrd," JMait, n.allM't III l 1l,' wmnil a.-t a(,,i.a ur II 1I1 1 1 n.'i 11. in an'i 1 n.ini. a Ina i a, i mi.rr, aiil amilil lt ivna- uitaiaii.i ,,na aa 11. 1 una aa inn.lR, Tl.i r In r a hat II. 'inn iaia 1,1 11, a nn I.I In f'lii.lh II a..,a aM.iil Ihn Hit 1,1,11, a,..,y nf l,lr "inali Mnar I lai, at i f lha a ,1 ,' It . 1,.1,.1-ara rJ;iwrr-v i ll ,Mlth n, aid ef fWiTt Wl, ",, wnflrwilial Ihal rml tlinr. tnrlaj llii'," i'i,' , ,! ftiohv a III t.i. 11 in I. mi mail n ta 1 1, a hiinr ,ia liarr nm an : u I' I. aa hi .-nth' tM-ana i,f rn at ). t in iti.M, a 1 i.iniii 1 an, ai'iii.a 11 . m ut dl,nvrr ami r-nl' ia tl i-I-kiriIi' Inhta l)Va Sa imiimn "I'M), f ir rhaftii'tl 1.1 1 Irraiins nl r,iial Mr, a, filinM nimrl, , ii',.ap, ii,.i, rallnn, alllnay, In, itifh ri ini'm nii.m, .iiii( i,nl f,,r ir,g nanl aniiun, ill" i- .aim,ai., 11 m t hilil-nialilns. ai, rhliilrrni-l M'li.liil liirf..,t irHihl'l, II.,' flial tl. .aia In almf I. fit. M a,t. a 1 11,1 1, ,l,nln In lalk will, (hrlr lmn l-l v,a Inna r.ifM. nli'tt I'.a a S, llrala anaa llnaja (I at .f n t Un Hi and Ihal ll r. al, litni l iin.l. raianit. ami whh Ii 1 hia Im. will rnlitf'ifi-n Ihrra I'll I"" rmwiwln Ifitli II II full bi 1I11 a... IA Hnlhin M' ra"v In .nlr , f ir lh ," If I ..'!, frHf ut(r ataariiil mm q chnu f.