The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 02, 1898, Image 6
THE AMIHRIOAN, FARMER BROWN'S jCUT-PTICE . BOOIS pviff lNt i rami i B.aaaaa ..Sanaa Waa , la i I , lvt till U"t Imln la I 4 t aal' I tf l(l;lk' t(t I ' ha a. I , MM t t'S ,aia,a.Mi III -l ! I ' ' . limt t ( i't'H m-i ft ! t'ii (. i t I a, t t n. JtUI Ilia Ina' 14 . ' I I f t I W . 1. I I I IS I' ll l i Millr I . Ilk (ii tMfii aM 'm" taklaa mI!, . 'f lM 4t'H.. fxflll .(l . III ' If I' bum, bu uUtf, xiMii'H i'' via jfi In ! H H WIm l i. f !( '. Ill ilta.r iI'hm (!' ' k l IM Aliixh BUHrr ill f Ik StMUlatl.lft l Hl Mill- Sai ifli llail r,.i..i. Itn U BavlotialiFaa atiln. Wilt) Hi '' MHIHifirinf .pnli I't flllUH m fiat.iniL. fc f'r M!ii'l rU- Mill lfMl ffMf III lll'H' l'l lin Ilia .l finraita fltffald ft Ik Mit 'Hi ttntii iikikI? ! 111, tha I'ift lltily mi 'I rnii liiliil in I hir b-tW ronim!. whra t rir nf altirlrM ymiih mule tln Innm.l mm lha . ' wf sH, nt itniiiii, i hoi" '' et tha pad i.f tri iilln wallflirs fhf f"""-'li! Id lllinah I hairs lit tatls ii'l Iwhais itirally nl 'f Ih ruffianly wiiiinlr"e a,,iiioil maw f. 1 1 a v t n k lnii turnml mil, Off lai imh,i.1 i,,laiiKht (slur I'll. Til aetlnil(d ilamrre ahowsit Unlit and Vault royal ansuail. Tslila, ihaira. tool a, ilu ii( alir.r boitl ten U ril n4 lniTiMu poiu BplafM Whm fir Half hour' MgKmnt unlr iu rirrl lb Militia on lirfh llr r found I ) mrb Mil nf thr. On of ' lb vovbiM nn titl ln)ur! 10 tk h4 tht bl llf I dlrd of, Inllar HH bir tkn plr la otbr laKnlltle. Tb litbbltant tf two eon tifvoui ind fMlually Miiaaf o-lhtor-mo4-U Olarlar ind (ntlllr-bir kwi-iUBdlDg fud. Tbr flgbt pitch 4 UtiU motif tbcniMlvM on ordl WUj orrion. Whm tblrd tm (urn p, bor, Is tb bD of iBf offl JtaJ bo 4utr It I la tbit tb 9Bll I Bot dltirtd tbjr bury tfc fciUbM for i tiro iod band to MaW to t upon tb commoo onir Om HBfortuBat cBdirm baa tbu laialr bfl immIi4 la tbl manBtr. A polk official found blm lo tb fJaUb of lom twnly mfflaei. Otbur Mdarro wr jmmoB4 to tb r JM ud upwd tbair nnliukr eom Vl4 BOB tM BOOB. Ill MfrMOM r prorldad ttb knuikta-duaura, mlm and balr, all of wbkb tbr lutow bo to m with ffet, B C tb ! bar Imb irrtd. Tbf Uwa f'ud to bloB to in of fulMd rmr of l)dor, flld tb Bm4i 4 La Clai Ufa," Among tbm ! tb rlB(1adr, vbo iom bf tb IB f tb 'H rror of 1 Olvlr.'' AMNCH CVCLOMC TORV TOLD tM f afcaa iM rna, mm4 It Maaawaa la "flpoikfflf of ')"''Ba, I a a won iirfttl tttirif it Mnimcr," aaid th i i n,,t ahA I ' l-itf ' h.. IK . .1;.. f ' ' 1 l aa tk l'ili ) t i i t ,rtl !..!.( l . It'll! . I kHi. Ikia .' kl '! l- Miain'j m if 1 1 t hi ! a I -.1- I ' f t it n 1 1,. !: si4 i'ii tb.ikra l"t im la In ltra ri-.'H M la in a. lia't !k'i H Ht ti!tl In flu I (( l. , III '! ihf.aiinl,m at 'li mltril IkU I ' Ilia fM..iia fir lYfa ifflllfl !! ,.nn In tktiilirr. ftr I b In I Urn in r) fiiiiml th. I I a? dip limVfla," ahoa I Hnmllio tha nn"ll fi lli iniiiin ifiirf iiii ami li I. a tml U l.ilti linn Hi'ia I lia iii a. tifmii hfihr atiit in tM Itil iMim Ilia is, limn i f lit anrnxn a (iikfii will M tin mi) tin n nr In Hi M..H. la i, Hit yrar I ho Mo'lhia Millar haa li-rn In r"l for" "full ala tiiaka to niramir Th finh Imial'la atug aimrna rdf ni'U if' Hi!, no diiiililT" "lla l mad giwd mild N M'lK n't' f'r din-a," aald M VI l-r. ' and all our i imtiimrr r (traari o niraaur. He llnT," atl'l i mliiipi In Ihn nulla of hi work liou, aialnat nblrb BuinriM iWh of aimit ti'r rut mil In lrd forma r hancllic on flla, "thu lr III tiHriia of our rlona cuaiomara. Kaih iloi, that I to rt ru lonirr, ha bla own pallcrn. We bav to tnraaur tb lriiih of bla bark, thn in round bla nark, and Ihm round Hi loin. A dog la mora dinii'ult lo drrna than a woman, howvvrr caprlcl oua ah mar b. W ilwaya guarantci parfMt fit, and tbli la very dlDlcult lo oliialn, bwaua bo on dog'i bark baa tb aam abip my otbar dog'i hark, and lb cut baa to viry In tu n ria. Wa try tb tblnga oa itvcril tlmra, ind aicb tlm a freb difficulty praaanta ltlf. Ton Br can gt i dog to itiod la my given poaltlon. On day b lUnda ao, ind tb oit la a dlffarcnl wiy, a that wbit may am to Bt today la a mlafit oa tb morrow. It I rtbr oa iceouat of tbla dlfflcolty than bcriuai of th eoitlln of tb miurfili mployd, tbit th price for doga' clotbn in compiritlrdy blgb. I'raraoa'i Magazlna. ENOLIfH WOflCN'4 0AMBLIN3. Waatlag llalr Lira aal Laaiaf Tkl air-Kaaaaai, Of couraa, for ytari, It baa ba a rcognls4 fatt that a certain Mellon of London wll-to-do loclaiy folk apend da iftar day it ch other's bouMM, "hiring a little flutter," bo (Inning with carefully drawn down blind it ibout 4 In tb afternoon ind going on until midnight, My London Borlety, Wbeo on paunca to tblnk oa what thM women ougbt to be ind might t on la ibolutly aatounded t lhlr complet lone, Drat, of Mlf-re ip-t; Mcond, of th opinion of their btttar friend; tblrd, of tbelr mlf-goy-ernmnt. Tb fvr often brain In Kaiai warj, r-'-Hng iroond. "Tb taaual llttl round at a half pnny a nllro4 run rl bt lo front of our j doD-. to develop Into th ruin, tb bm and w U ryfbn ellar be- da(rutlon of tb rlrtlm- It la unl bru. Tb dpot rtlly knowa thing that, ifler wto- la aUm half a down tb traek, ! nht mtia, it ry dlfflnilt to draw a4 tb llgrapb ojraior la a young IB line. They do not aeem Uri rmra Ckkago tiinn, M Kra Hrwit, Kb ,,f thai In winning they ir, eapeclil- a honor f ryclone; ah rd ao'ly on tb ra roiiraa, taking money ab of thm for coming out tbr, front tbM who cannot afford to lone BBd lb w pearly ird U dfatbr who lr playing with money that i rwy tint lb wind blew a llttl t pot virtually their own. Who baa not iidr than tuoal or b a dark n th horrible fluabed fac of th tl'wd In th Vy, t.U Mi 0i on day ! young girl and women with the con Uat If a real rycloo ever ram up 'vulalv twfuhlng of lb faHal nerve, aM wll run over and Uk rfug!wben tb hors ira flying over (b ! tm fellar. On day tb alarm wi;courM at KemptonT And when one tbinka that tbey ar women-tno who bar tb bringing up of Innorent llttl mm and daughUra, on trera tl for tbelr contribution to tb men and women of th neat generation. They ar throwing iwiy, i worthl, tbelr great lofluem for good or evil flr, ind on going outdoor I beheld t funnl-abpd cloud rapidly ip aroabiiig. looking dowo tb trick I Mw tb young My running it full tf4 toward tb boum, while tb i 7m wa daabfng dowa tb trick U- blnd ber. I vallafl anil ahAiilail and waved my band, but tb girl wM too . l" 10 A ,?'r I aaa-fu a.aA Ikaa aaa lan1iaa.aAlaial iLaila aataa. rrlgkt4 U a m. A I wa looking aba fell on tr f on tb tra k ind tb train pa4 over br, Tber iu phre; tbey are Influencing tbelr nu banda, brothera, coualna, to think that gambling I th proper thing lo do, wa Mam aaaaauj wit nar, lunt waa , , . . .. , , , ablig m,r. to b don, io I dov. 7,,l"0 "mM m l'hit fa ur ilia wwnwn m ana ai i.w- 4owa Into tb cellar to mv ny os llf, Tbr I touad tb rut of tb family, ba4 of m. Well, w wafted ttin f twenty mlnutea, tlm enough for tb thing to pm over, and then w aerg4 nd fkd around, eipectlng to Hud our b'u4 md bars ind corn rrlb i-tfd ill over tb country, Kotblif fc4 bB brmed. Tb cy toi bad turned off juat befor rea' fa leg , TbB w raa 4owb to tb railed trik to pU k up th remln of MIm Urnt, but h ilao waa un kirt. h wa lying, half InMBalbi and too weak to gt up, right leroa fj of tb rail " "Why on eirth didn't tb wheel cut af Is twot" ibd a Biia In tb uni corn of tb vBta Illloola voluo toer, "Why, It wm tbla way," replied tb Knaas. "A tb cyclon ruh4 by rt reiu4 )ut enough wind to tip the trsis a? en ora f 4, that the wheela tie etbr cid paased over Mis! ftrent'i Uo4y without Injuring her. Hum, I'm not a plou mio, hut I call that providential." cratle claM it Kempton park (a dont sub roni by tbelr arvant at horn. Url Baa plat Tb lirgett sun-dial la tb world It Heou Horoo, a larg promontory, -toedtng t,iW fet Ibov tb Aegeaa las. A tb sua awing round tb abidow of this mountain ft tou h-a, jn by one, a clrcl4,of lalind, which s:t m hour mrk. THERE ARE NO FLIES- ON HIM, Tbey bray Iaa1 a Taaettlag Ilia Klaa- trlaallf IWy, trom tb Nw York freac iinji min itcrdell, i wandering i:lo,. repair er, la death on file. Tbre yia ago, when it ftihwsy, N, J,, during a atorra h wm picking cbrrla, when th tree wm atrucb by lightning, llerdi-il re el d a sever hocb. It tranaformad blm Into an ele'trl man. Anyon who abakes ninda with him now re ceives a Mvr shock, Ily piling th Hid of a knlf beta ten his thumb and 0ngr during a storm h chirges tb metil so strongly that heavy weight can b lifted. Wbea Die night upon him they drop 44. When b I la a dark room spark flash from his f.b and his eyes shtes !!k !s tajideactnt lights. Whenever a storm pproicbM Iierdell baeomes highly chsrged with )'trlclty ind It I dan gerou to toub him. If ny that b feel no Inconvenience icpt that b will not go near a moving loco motive for fr of being drawn igalnst tt ind killed. n nth 1 Y Here' l!itn' Hkj Ktntnly I our Ui 1.i lnt tlimonthly tt ttril ilmiiii t!ir I il Uiht Omu;hiiit IHintn, Jo iittij Nrl'itukft, nl lia in futv iiilie tmti tuTfl Vtlit II til ililn tinua Invr' Im n i i1y l-Unfl. It U llli iMllv Rum !y iIm iuif.fiilly Hog Cholera, mtil n 1'irvf iilivc I lir i nulliitij; tU t M n the IohI.i)', ami it villi pay rrty l.mncr ami hoj-tai'rr t kicp a pKl Hiip!y if tlii.i Krninly nl,ni at ImiuI. One (.llutt C.iii loHt.iiii" 3 JO lliiMH. Price. $3.00 per 1-Gallon Can, all f t c i jv 1 1 1 cIi.iik ptr-paiil to nti v mMrfw. Mail onlcrs jmuiiptly attftnkil to. Hctul money by hank draft, express or jKmtai money order or rrgintcreil letter. The Kemeily will be M-nt on receipt of price, l'or further information adilrcss, BROWN HOG REMEDY G 0, OMAHA, NMIRASKA. i..-MinlOl I'L'KCKLL'H MI!l)ll,K. Th hearing In Judge McNolll's court Thursday on the application for div idends on 1197,000 worth of claims held by i'unwll creditors, ittrwted a large ittendince, Including some of the iged creditors. Th irny of counaH In cluded Bymme it Fox, Judge II. t). Perk, Col. len W. (Joe. Tafcil ft Hrhott, Iolle aV Doll and J. L. Meyer or Camp bell, ItitM, ClenDenlng ' Meyer. It la claimed tbit dividends were paid oa eom of tb clilmi, but none hive been paid for several years. It Is il ligd for th truateM that tb claims were brought up by the archbishop or central committee, of which Mr. Mich ael Kyin Is th only living member. Th claims over $1.00 ir m follow: Theresa Hone, $1,200; Kllxabnth Rod- eker, $2,611; Luke Drenmn. $1,000; Miry Ila, $3,500; M. Bush, $1,200; r. Mruescher, $1,090; IL Uookbomt, $1,070: Miggl Connelly, $1,392; Kllen Clary, 11,035; M. II. Cunningham,; $1,000; Michael Conway, $1,990; Mary Curry, 91.031; Miry Connelly, $1,634; Citberln Conway, $1, SIS; Mary Ilevoto, $1,000; 1'eter IXilf, $1,035.07; Htephon Imgan, $1,233; , Dillon, $1,1(15; Charles IXvrlcb, $1,250; Miry J. Fllnu, ll.iiHO; Cilhnrln Uoi-tha, $1,670; Mary doing (deceiMed). $1,000; Kllza (loeghun. $1,159; Anna Ueht)rti, $1,076; Kdwird Orange, . 0,427; Mrs, Ann lllgglns,, $2,656; Christian Vogelbrlnk, $1,700; Hop lila. Kenl, $1,000; Catlicrlna Ken nelly, $2,173.65; Ilonry Knetililng, $.'!, 400; Hanh Kisnnedy, $l,5fl; ortrud Llnneman, $l,0ii5; Kit Uvln, $l,KK0; i:ilin $l,K'J0; HU-pln'fi MpkI (de- ceaaodl, $1,374; Mra. A. C, Meyer, $!, Wo; Henry Mtu, $1,400; John Mcara, $2,i3; f'ltherhio Mfttra, $I,4I3.0; Ann Meyvr, $1,100; Annie I Morrlaacy $1, 080; Miiry Maher, $1,3118; Conrad Mil lar, $1,940; lUwfni Mllia, $2,000; Margaret Mi' Anally, $l,93; Thomas Mctunni'll, $1,150; Henry Nli haua. $.', KO0; Mary Nlermnn, $1,175; Margaiet Itrgan, $1,KI4.50; Krinclmi IUI hinan, $1,191; John W, flfwllmlllcr, $1,000; Kmll KfVlgny, $2,000; Mary Hilinildt, $1,000; IVUrt- H. fWhnelder, $2,097; Oeorg .,,mpe, $2,120; Mary Tlermn, $l,xoo; Wm. Wllloike, $1,000, and M, Zelgler, $1,100, A miitr brought out by the min ute of the cofninltlee wi that In July, 190, a proposition was reelved from the creditors through a committee which met wlb the committee to pur chase claims, to accept $250,000 In full of all th claim and thus wipe out th assignment. This wis to Inclnds th claim held by the cornmltUw which had been purchased, ind also all those outaundlng. Th commit tea accepted tha proixmltlon on con dition that th ttecaeaary irrangmenU could It mad to raise the money. A to th amount, however, they agreed fully. That matter wa submitted to a meeting held soon afterward, and th proposition waa rejected because there was no way apparent by which the $250,000 could be ralsfld.-Clncln-natd Tlmf-Ktr. Nov, 11, i a a in - Ttoma bas troubl with tb man vrho doe his own thinking. Our Booi$ ANTI-ROMAN BOOKS. "FIFTY YEARS IN 1HB CHURCH OF ROME," by Rr. Chaa Chlnl quy; cloth, $2.00. "THE PRIEST. THE WOMAN AND THE CONFESSIONAL," by Rat. ChM. CblnlQuy; cloth, $L00. "CONVENT LIFE) UNVEILED," by Edith O'Oorman; cloth, $1.00 t "AMERICANISM OR ROMANISM, WHICH f by J. T. Christian; cloth, $1.00. "DEEDS OF DARKNESS," by Rar. J. O. Whit; cloth, fl.25. ROMANISM AND THE REFORMA TION, by Rst. Ouine; cloth, $1.00. ROMANISM AND THE REPUBLIC, by I. J. Lansing, $1.0 J REV, MOTHER ROSE, by Bishop J. V. McNimin; papar, 26c HORRORS OF THE CONFESSIONAL, by Rev. It. L. Kostello; paper, 60c. SECRETS OF THE JESUITS, by R. v T. E. Leyden; paper, SOc. SECRET CONFESSION TO A PRIEST by Rev. T. E. Leyden; paper, SOc. gaUtaJf ptaaaStatl. "I nm al sys griful to my parent toy tb musical education tbey gar go." Mid Willi Wlablngton. . "Uut fay la I he Spmmm Kavy, A JapaneM admlril receives, by a recent ordlnsnce, 8,000 stiver dollar a year, a vie admiral 4,000, while first and second-cist tsptalns get 2,494 and 2,2J repctlvely. nmcv,. Wllllnm II, Cowl.., (Wnt.ilarit, will Inks fiollca the on Ih lOl dHf f NovemliT, A. I, l, Jwinfa M 'nwl. plnliilllT liwraln, nifd hr partlilon In the Idain- t I 'ou ft of imi;I 1'iiiiilr, Nutimaka, iilfie him, I ha ohlru'i and iryir of hUH I lo oliiMin from htm a dmnca of ,'.l iiia, (livori'w, iiium the Kroumu of tils having wholly flli1, nKlactm and re fu'l lo (irovM aoilalila malnOiriHiica a ni aiiiipurt for hr, although twin of ufftclarnt alillllr lo d'i o, ytt are furthar nollrlad Ihat you are raiiilraH to nawr wM puiHInn on or lirure 0 .ih IK of liatxmlwr, A. If., !, and that In tha avant V"U fwll to plaail, anr or 6-tnur to ptlilon, th aiit-atttlona tnrln eoniained wiii be take ae eiit'ff -d and a decree ii! lie randorad according to tha prayer of said patlilim. lald NovemW 1ih, A. I)., I WW. JKNNIK M t.'OWI.Fg, Jaa, W, Curt, Iter Attorney, D-IJM MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. , PEOPLES' ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Contains luteit Informitlon and mips of Cuba and tha Klondike Gold Region; piper, 60c. IF CHRIST CAME TO CONORESS, by Hon. M. W, Howard; paper, 60c. AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN, I vols,; cloth $6.00. PLAIN HOME TALK. OR MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, by Dr. Foot; cloth. Popular Edition, $1.60. PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD'S FAIR; Illustrated; cloth, $1.(0. THE STENOGRAPHER; cloth, 76. LIFE OF JAMES O. BLAINE; Buck. ram Cloth, f 1.80. IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE T Pop ular Edition; paper, 69c Tb above ar some of the beet an4 most popular publications, and the cloth bound books will be an ornament In any library. Bent oa receipt of price. Address, Cut Price Book Store Will fill Yofl KIGH GRACE. BICiCLu sbb Liia Moaiv THAN AIT QTdfft CORBIgl ib mi worn. riartrla Wafaaa I la (liaaaaai. Espenments mads In Parts show that To, never lng." "No. Tbinka to my! fD 1"lr, 7 V ..,.f..l naranl. I knnw an nn. n 1" U TUU tblB B bors W.gon and nlxmt muslenot totry."-Wablngton(2 V "at lM ihtn petroleum Htsr, motor brparoaaa BaaBBBataBBaSBBBBBBBI ,,a dlrart trwa Uie I faHama. S full lf LaUla or Canta Medal from eie.oo ua. IOOO WiOOIkfl ; Ml arar troai U aaaawa l your own prlcaa from (lO.oa UP. OaaaataU aatoloffwi a lliayaiaa ! MMtMalrM. WHIwSlirliaa - am aam a auiaaa la alia nca, enaaf " ' Br aa Cuarant Tham e"ar Two Vaera. a44raaa vibtbi MgiireToiiRi eor. at- 47. s M7 rm a., cmca. ms. s a book Bargain i Vin iKt Sirtriei Vttt Trituiw , t - 1,. 'at ..t.(.a f , frr f t ' ,!"' l11' U4 i ttiai-'g m U tr - . ''",, ' " ' l 1. I l ja t iviiat 1 V v " '' r la-. wli! at V lha I, ,' i . . . I a a.i 4 t . aa I ' ' r4r I" J twla. 1Ka hi ft . V St eewl. ftrll. lry milj U a ' i 'Jo !'." l-r iiat. rrttV.VSjCit ?!' raHllli a(ia aaa j ',7 atA I a. m a. a,.a a- (.aMii,, wa - Fl I . ' i """'a i"t '-1 -a V VT- " I l ' a Iwa i". I aawar a.-aa.fha a I ... r i . II M ik4 II aa, am a a a r . - v t m I I J raw a I . .111 1 aw f t aw aa aM. mai.-a- 1 Vfl -4 ma v " ' J V I"'. ia4 an aaaal wK'a y. waial.w ll faa aa I ... ta. T a aa tm raat aaaaw a.a an aaaaaaii'4, a Ml aaiaaa Ii-a1 Via. ntv OUttl . Ma W'tttllW H Tt III A I- I ..4 ,,i-a... pai I a4 4 a - Unmi aa n .-il akml It.- aa .4 t.ia aa alar a.-l it la aa n.nM aiu aa 1 1. ...L. J ... . ...... M aa ko- flaarranl. n4 la ana laa ...WI adimloa a a i.ittf I riad-hman rm v., nr aa lh ... N-t ! ilaia .rf I..l4..aai lnxv liaiv an. It W. VmanSanf naaHiOlla. tl WilalBiaTrl'li aava. H1il4 fiwa Ba ailat.a, a, atnioa bhom tmk iuim. w m mhhvi-vh a ,1. n i-i,. 1 Ilaa w.m l.M tl ,jiH.. a"'lMH aj atiail lnia-m I a rt ihii titi'nla t mn A a f ia,niu,. ,ll. lhrn.wli.xit lh t.k, 1 h.. h..i-i. kaa Ufa ami ni.4nai, aaalkrtlr an4 I n 1 1 I u att.aall.Hia fultttar aaat h 4Im In taH4 aaia-Maiitt, ana a aajiar anal aaMialartafta aat waka4iral laaaaa. II. a II laa Oua tnatiitf lah Inninmhiwn, TICHtTMa ISS4T. H.Kt'KrrV.t!Mtr. Iiar4t,4. a.ti..itiiM a it a aiKii.a AtiHrnan In Mralif II. .a ha malr naai in tttrr (raia, ai4 man tnkaial af IKr lair I armrlli. b liar ajid at U. kvi iaf, aa a Mnuiajt a4. r wal nanlaalu aa4 (aa4 u a.aaadBaakaa Inl. rraalita: rr4liit. rOH TMI DtrtNag. Ma n r. rAniKoJt. Tlila la n n lh rant kA anat Intarl.... o lliia faiti.Miaaiiihur. It la a iM.i-alaa and hv alairv, alili a uan mta4aM-v rlnaa44r Miuaaaaaal ar klllful aiak. U I a! UtrllUim miaraaa. trum arajlnnln VtiaiiO. laaata iaV rltMar aiia. imv-NOTB THI1 PRICO-One book, 10 cental Threw hooks. 23 ceoUi All l ive books, 40 cents, postpaid. These price am fur "pot ch" with your order, Remit by silver. Soeak postage stamps, I. O. or Espreas money order, or bank draft. Addreee, CUT PRICE BOOK STORE 1615 Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB. DO YOU WANT a a a Bishop Coxe's -S222H5 Satolli Letters UNTITLED The Jesuit Party in American Polities Exposed and Expounded, Price, 20 Cents per Single Copy, postpaid $10 per 100 Copies, F. O. B. Cash Mutt Accompay all 'Orders. AtteRJCAN rUBlUSHWG CO. CONVENT HORRORS AND SECRETS 9 C0NFESS10N1L BY R. La KOSTELO. Tola book Is one of latest additions to the Anti-Roman literature, hut la among- the beat that bas yet been written. It duals with the confessional and other practices of the Itoman Catholic Church, is well as the political Intrigues of the Jesuits, In a clear, conrMan manner. Ibl book Is now on sale, In paper cover at 00 OENTB, by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1616 Howard Street, OMAHA. NEB. Americanism or lomarsism Which1? .r I1V- J'jf' ir,,,'u.' a JOHNT.GHRi$TlAN.D.D?. Cloth. 280 Pages, PRICE $1.00 Ta Cura roiialipaUnn orar. TaVe fVainraU l andv Cnthnrtle I'le orlKa. tl C. C. C. lU lo cura. dtun,;au refund muoaf WmmfJ AGENTS W ANTE I? r-V --i i''W bf'-'-Js''- ' J' MI'lcturoH,t,oBnlalilo.'' - , v, " . - " TtrMlirril In u fint In mil. tmrii.kte X' J- " SohOoUlUtt tuXtrlNMlk." . - -Ji'urth Varohua ltupm "Tkio hoolt la of groit valuo. WuUyan Mdltodmt We will send this book pot? paid on receipt of prior', or, for 1200 wa will send "TI1E AMERICAN" ONE YEAR together with the book. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., OMAHA, NEB.