The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 02, 1898, Image 3

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U lh 4 il i hihJi felt Ik If , 'f''-it Um l l A,lt.1ttn ,.!.!
w knltn Hi tr. mi1(y . H nn 1 ft ( krf m..,ri4 at, nt
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H lh dmli ti4 ht fmtl rtr(. iiij, M nlih... Ihrtr .
H tt.mi!y n.1mt tht it ,jii. . lhr ,,ng f,, lB (m
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(xiunlry ( ( lh tmlly in Kt(tma-
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lHbr. In th duW ... uk.'. ",, r,"r,"y h th 1,h Ub rrlUo( Ik rry
ttry III i.. u, ,m ld nut.! "r '""r or,u r i UUh
kluuj ih.t ,h .lk. ... . lrHl of lh r,WM.I f fl d """"me tthc.B hi. if. r,.mio ..i.i.,. ftwiu. ntljr ihrv r "ojw ffrwln out of (he
It rwn!. nj ihn hit lf an I l,','r tlttn t.jr Hi mithnr Th tu I n.ttt.-r comxIt rc to puhll-h thit my
wiiiarn nm.lo a ilmperat effort to m inBtn orll It rilkl,, ,,,,,
lus lutiutipr rnwuj i nrj wfr ....... . it i i inm it tiling iiati
ntHMTPiMful and attain lft the devot- ,,,,h 10 ,h l't If th IihI word
4 rlr to thmnlvea. wrro nmounroit on the plsrc bifr
Almoit Imiuedlatrly aft it tbla trn- nmt night, lint aa th play mut I CANDLKS
Th . . ? a,a V. Tr .. 11 ,,,ott,,l hnown 100 P ttonthl, maeaalna on the
tkla country la a uplrndld yacht, but H prrnt thai It It at an end. the . ,, '
vcly atorlea followed thm. and even rtor or adr.. mimMi.H .i.k ,,,. of Popery. One copy lOo. One
New York aoclety cloaed He doort. The last linin umially InirpoUtea a word )"r'- Addreta "Roman Candlw,"
auae purcnatea a nanatome property or two. For Inmanre. the actor would
in Florida, where he and Mra. Itlalr y: -My dear girl, my dear boy.
went to live While they were there .kneel before me. that I may forgive
Uieducheadled andlnleM thanfourlyou .,, b,Pl(, wlth-a farthing
montha Mra. Blair became the duchete r.k "ti nu. .bioi
oi nuineriana. in Bepiemner, 1W2.
Ban Franoltco, Cal
the duke died at hie ancestral home,
leaving to hli widow aa much of bit
property aa was not covered by entail,
.'nana! Orltl ot a Trlnkal.
Will Shy of this place has a very odd
also giving her during life the use of . but beautiful ecarfpln made from the
the family Jewels the very diamonds' ,UKl1 of a wild boar. The tunk was
which form part of the stolen jewelry. 1 presented to him by Dave Nichols of
The new duke contested the will In the Halvlna neighborhood, who, while
court on the ground that his step
The many friends of Mr. and Mr
J. C. lib. will be palnoJ to learn of the
death of their daughter Gratia. They
hv our sympathy In tbelr bereave
mother had prejudiced her late hus
band's mind against his children In or
der to gain possession ol bis property.
During the progress ot the trial the
duchess was arrested for burning an
Important documeut which she bad re
ceived judicial permission to Inspect.
Our patrons who have ordered books
digging the foundation for a dwelling but have not received the same, are
uouhb recently, wnere many yeare ago ,,., .... . . ,
a pioneer', log cabin stood, excavated BOtlfled th,t We h"6 Ure Con,1n
skeletons of several wild boars. With I ment 00 th road, and that aa soon as
the skeletons, but not attached to them, they arrive all orders will be Oiled.
were found several tuxki half a foot
or more in length. C d residents say
that It has been seventy-live to a bun
On April ll, MM. ah. wa. condemned ( dr. yeari ,nce Bny ;j ;e
We eipeot them dally.
to all weeks' imprisonment In Hollo-
In this locality; hence the skeletons
... n tl . 1VI. - . . . . . linn O IUD BAriGlUUI
eZt!an , -J be very
drawn .uit ... .etti.rf n .t h. oW.-IIarrodaburg (Ky.) Democrat.
drawn suit was settled out of court by
a compromise between the plaintiff
and defendant. This gave the dowager
duchess 12,500,000, besides an annuity
Th Boo". Chun gin F.o.
For many yearn rareful drawings of
of $25,000. In consideration of these the shifting Hpots seen on the face of
amounts she renounced all title to the the sun have been made at the Kew
residue of the estate In favor of the Obncrvatnry, near London. This year
duke, who thus crime Into undlnptited It tins been decided to dlHcontlnua
posHesslon of a fortune of $7,BO0,0OO. thone sketches, which were made by
Since then the energetic woman ha hand, on account of the great progress
secured a third husband In the person recently nceompllHhi'd In aolor photog-
. ai iii.... u,.lil, ............ . .. ' "
", .i..-r,,- rapfty, Fhotograplm of the sun. which
tlv6 member of parliament for one of are now ,akon ,V(l.y fnr ,l(iy at
the London dlvlHlons, whom she mar
rled two years ago.
If Tan Do Von Arm l.litbl to 1,000
Among the United States statutes
vnrloim otmervatorlcs, prenent a more
complete record of old Sol's changes of
countenance than the mont careful
drawings could do.
The Only Railroad to Chicago,
With a Day Light Train: Leave
Omaha 8:40 a. m. every day
arriving at Chicago the same
evening at 8.15 where close connec
tions are made with all lines beyond.
This train Is CO years ahead of the
Times and Is proving Immensely
Popular with Omaha people
Other flying trains leave for
Chicago at ;f5 and B:65 v u. dally.
City Tloket Office
1401 Farnam St.,
"The North-Wontcrn Lino. "
. . tl , t, ,
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Oi h Imi Im linint. Ntt. lh
i.'iinit.r lk-,1liilr i' .1 In V..-Ii
lV fur Hi I. I II A lil.l- M k. I I. 411
I Ub Uliotl li e. It anil ( h l( frtf
tnulia M a n t Um lint ui nun with muU m.
mill Thi liiMtM ah ihi!i.) mi titltt.l l,,t .u, t in
Mjmt If Hit . Hlu.i a Ot.tit 1ic 1 in U Imii,,,i. a
Ca4i l'.! tmul tlomn ni
A C'owho 'niiipllmrnt.
Once when Mme. Nordlca was sing-
A Xap of the lulled Male.
The nt w wall map Unued by the Rur-
North American Review
has been In the tan of American thought
tor more than three-quarters of a oeo
tury. ranking always with the beet and
most Influential periodical of the world
It is the moutb-rteoe of the men who
know most about tbe topics on
blch Americans require to bo In
formed from month to month, its eon
trlbutors being the leaders of thought
and action in every field.
Those who would take counsel of the
highest knowledge on the affairs of the
time, and learn what is to be said re
gardlng them by tbe recognised author
Itles on both sides, must therefore read
Tht Noith American Ilevieto, the Nestor
of magatlnes.
"This magazine has for mora than
eighty y am, within its well defined
linos, stood at the bea t of monthly pur
llcatlons." t 'hiram liecord.
''The Revikw may weil be oroud of
veeigoty vo years, lor truly It may
be said of it that 'age cannot wither
nor time stale lis Infinite variety.
Fortunate Is one who can sit down and
feast on the food thtnirs furnished h
the bost lltorary caterers in the world."
(rand iCavuli ikmocrut.
"II any outs name In mairazlno lltera
ture stands for wbst l authorial v thai
name lithe North amekicam Review
which for moie t'lao eivntv vear ha.
remained t th head of the monthly
perloUtcaU." IltuUm 1'ont.
'The Review N filled each month
ith article which should lie read by
very true CltlZ Jn." Oddtidlnm Itrriiw.
Ut Paul
"The Review has dun.i mora for the
better clans of reader than a'iy other
liuiuicaiion or inn kmi in thn ooun
try." VltrKtiun Advocate Ut UmU.
Ami lW aLiiht in MtMilhU lJimrnt .f $tO. r.t. h, ami nihtral
4 PER CENT PER ANNUM. l'i,..i Du I'UtlKIll tlf
ttip fyvm tW jMitthiMt Rri WAKKANTY IM tUl, nu lu
rtitc I lie ilrfnit.1 u) mint, rt ns m,inK.,j.r un )e
pu iiiiv v Tht-M-mc h.m nm r l t n iluplkatcJ
in Mtuth i, ami a KiHA hnnit- t pl unl viitliin the tr.u h if rvrry.
ono, no inith-r how limitct hit tur,uis, willmni luvinjj t jxty
iilinost UMiiioui intrttfct, I'm ftulhi i ttilot nt it . hi wtitr In
M. !. Z.nnK, 1M5 lluwitiil St., Uni.ili.i, Nib.
N. 11. Real Kut.ilc uwiim.i h.ivinc 'ii'x il) to disjiosc of on
terms cxjil.iinrd alwvc will fnul it to tluir ulvittit;te to scud me
tlcscrijitioH of their rojeity. No noiH-tty covcrcl by heavy
moncages wanted unless the rale of inlerrst run he reduced to
4 per cent, per annum. M. I. ZOOK.
Songs of Warning For the American People.
"Mrs. Eliza A. I'ittfeinger is a pool of rare ability,
especially in the realm of true patroitiuru. Her volume
entitled "Bugle Teals" contains the spirit and sentiment
of the highest form of Americanism, and the "grand and
awful times." in which we live.
These poems constitute a clarion call for the defense
of American citizenship and American institutions ,
against the world." J. Q. A. Hknry.
' Pastor La Salle Ave. IJaptUt Church, Cbioago, 111.
If you want to breathe patriotism' and renew your love of tbe
Little lied School House; If you want to oommune with gifted spirit,
buy and read thene poems. rrlcn,25 centa. Ad frees: The American
A.N Ur-TO-DATE. .....
llngton Route is three fret four Incbin BO Cents a Numberj $5.00 a Year,
rektlve to the postofll.e department U Ing at a conrert In Tens she forgot wld3 b' tvw ,eet lon! ', ')rlnt d ln,, N0W ,S T,,G T,M'' TO SUBSCRIHE.
one which provides a penalty of $1,000. ner warm overHhoes. A eowlioy whom polo,! mounted on rollers; snow mrm WfipTII lUPtlPIW DrTJirOT IT T
urlHonmeut for she hod utterly fani lnnted offered to e'" t'o. county, Important tosi "uu "u"lu iiuimii, fl, I,
One or two y
any defureme, ... , r boxes, says bring them to her says the I'hlla- H""1 railroad In tbe Union, and forms a
the New York .Wa.i awl Expreits. The delphla Urtger, and did so, but he very desirable and useful adjunct to
w inicu in luiif iu iiinwuviii ii- tirougm only one at a time, when
uctiide for years until it was brought Mme. Nordlea thnnked him, and In her
to the attention of Postmaster llltks 1 rrn(.IIM WHV r.-irrBii,.,! i-.n
of Philadelphia recently and be has hlm (0 . tr(lM(t h! tQ
icfii. inuij fiiiia iv viiiuivv iv.
Mention The Amnrloan when you write.
in a (,, .., ... I, ,.,, i ,it. o....
recent trip through tbe city he dlHcov-1 1 """ 7.'V..V ' ' "","'"
any household or business e.tabllih-
Purchased in lots of 6,000 tbe mans
oat tne uuriinjrton itoute nearly
crrd that the mall receptacles every
where were In a shabby condition, din
gy with dirt and marred with match
scratches Innumerable. On his return
to the postoffice he wrote to tbe post
master-general at Washington asking
were a centipede.'
enw apiece, but on the receipt -of 1ft
enta in stamps or coin the under
lined will be pleased to send vou one.
Write immediately, as tbe supply Is
, f n i r
llrltl.h Pollra Forr Rtatlatlcs.
The total police force of the United
Kingdom Is nearly fiO.OOO, Of these
fCnaJand has U:i2, Including 1S.4G8
that be be allowed to make a contract In the London Metropolitan Police I RFI 1(51(11 II TRF BHIFRimi Cfll IIMTrfl
l ll .. !. .,...ll. tu.J I .n,l OBf. In .,., .,!., ..ll., a I ei",M" Vfcn.fc,
IUI i iifnniii) i(J wt yiaitfiesi, if wi'i swi .t nun v"i in it; iwiii.n, m ut
came from Washlnxton to go ahead land, 4,744; Irelnnd, 12,100; Wales,
with the work, and the contract has l,2K3: ImIs of Man, C2. Of the larger
.. I . . .. I I., .. . ,1.. . . ...... I. . . .. .... . . I L 1 . , 1 I . . , ...
iri-sujr ucii hh mm mo wur com- ( towns, Liverpool iiiu a iu 1 1 strength or i oiazo oi ngot oDAmoucan nistory ICDCW PDIKfl IIIUPTinu
mented, It will take about forty days 1395 men; OIuhkow, 1,320; Dublin, shows that the Jesuits were the cau-e Aortll, UHARU JUrJU lUil
to give the 3,250 letter boxes and 300;UC5; Manchester, 1,038. of all the colonial wars. Indian and "0
"ZrL. f-ch massacre, of thus,, tlmo., and CRIPPLE CREEK
fleers In cltlsen's clothes aea 1 "'"P-' """"- neips you to prot)eriy appreciate the
1 rs'i... ll.l I . ......1. .11 a m .. .
1 una uih ib in io uhtb ui u n image or a Jesuit priost on our new
J. Francis. O P. A.. rtcirllnoLun
iwuie, umini, nen,
IFIP4HII 1 p Ma rtiiimsiH a .
An E...y by Cha-e Iloys, throwing a LtAUVILLt, ULtf, VVUUU SPRING!
. along the route to watch for peoplo
who dare to disfigure the new paint
roats, and a plAcard has been hung on
each of the posts quoting the statins
In question and calling the attention o!
the public to It. The principal offen
ders against the statute are smokers,
who utilize Uncle Sam's property for
match scrstchers. The paint used is
a silvery gray, and has been specially
prepared. It contains phosphoru In
laige quantities, which It Is hoped will
make the boxes so conspicuous at night
that people will have no difficulty In
finding them. Phould the paint prove
a shining light It will very likely be
adopted all over the country.
drop-curtain. The proscenium arch 0n8 oeot p,,,, iUmfc F.amphot 0 j
win irifuiri! 1, in ri, nun iu ijii niiuiu I HirrrAft?AM
"tunn.i an tne prinoipnl towns anil inle
ma oamps In Colorudo, Utah and
Naw Menloo.
feet wide and high, The aluminum !s
fo be In the form of plates less than
one-tenth of an Inch thick. Steel or
Iron would be very much heavier than
tlumlnmn, and this Is one principal
motive In adopting the rarer metal.
ArrrtOMUATIONfl, Ccn-
gres.lonal, Statu and Municipal, tarn
In pamphlet form Price 10 Cent.
Address: CHASE HOYS,
Washington, O. C.
EHpPdalljr prepared to meet the want" Of Farmers, Mer
chant, Mechanic, Clerks, Students, Women, and all who
Jenlre a complete work at the minimum cost.
Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps.
140 New and Superb Illustrations.
A Whole Library of Itself, of vital and absorb
ing interest to every member of the household.
Population of each Btate and Territory, of all
Counties of the United States, and of American
Cities with over 6,000 Inhabitants.
IT CONTAINS much special Information regarding any Nation, Province
State, City, Town or Village desired. The knowledge is rarolv obtainable
Ifi-ora A school gnofc-raphv, which neoemarllr hasonlv a few fonaral fact and
be location of Important cities.
I tall road marts are notoriously incorrect and misleading, hence the nutiiwl
iruth-ieeker, where large libraries are Inaccessible, Is without relief unless he
s tne nappy owner 01 a Knowiedge-tatlsrylng, pleasure-giving i'eople's Atlas.
All Countries on tbe face of tbe earth are shown.
HI vers and Lakes are accurately located.
All the larire Cities of the World, tha Important Towns and mm of th
villages of the United States are given on the Maps.
It gives a classified List of allNatlons. with Forms of Govern mant. Ami.
raphlcal Location, Size and Population.
fhli tutlful Atl l hoiisd In nssvy pupsr cover, and lll be sent to Cft PCUTC
tny address upon rucelptof OUtCRlO.
Th Merman Plr Department.
"I have the honor to announce, rap
lain, thnt the fire Is In the fourth story
and our ladders and the hose will reach
only the second," "Indeed? Then we'll
have to wait until the fire gets down to
the second." Fllegende Ulncttor,
It takes patriotism to stand
(gainst papal tyranny.
All through train ii1pfwd wit li Pullman fslar
and Tourlut Hleeptng Csr,
Wight HllnilnMi,
' CnrlMltlas of lh Alphabet.
To those who have never cunsitlereii
the subject It mlht appear each
lotter is of equal importance In the very well during the day, but becomes
formation of words, but the rrfintivn
proportions required in the 15iikIw.Ii
language are then: a, bT; b, 16; c, .10;
d, 44; e, 120; f, 25; g, 17; h. 64; I. SU;
J, 4; k, 8; 1, 40; in, 30; n, 80; o, 80; p,
17; q, 6; r, 62; s, 80; t, 90; u, 34; v, 12;
w, 20; x, 4; y, 20; , 2. It In thin
knowledge of how frequently one let
ter Is used as rnmpnred with otiuv
that enables cryptogram readers to un
ravel so many mysteries. Philadel
phia Record.
Toon ia tbe Korky Mountains.
Tbe "Scenic Line of tbe World," tba
Denver & IUo Grande Railroad, offere
to tourists In Colorado, Utah and New
Mexico tbe choicest resorts, and to the
Kiallt blintllieSR is Clirinna HA.tlnn I ip.n..r.nlinonl.) Inuu. A . I 11
- - - ' ....... . L,., . . .. .VM.....'U.I V ..UIUI UUD M r II h I .I... flfK .
.1.- i .i.i. i. .. . .. I 1 nr. '!""
oi tne eye in wmcn me patient sees scenerv. Two tenarata and ll.ilnni I- .
routes through tha IKiky Mountains, lly
all through tickets available via either. HtS
The direct line to Cripple Creek, the
greatest gold camp on earth. Double
dally train service with through Pull
man sleepers and tourMs'cai s between
Denver and San Franolsco.
The best line to Utah, Idaho, Mon-
the Woman,
And the Confessionai
For elwwtly llluiitrsM dnnrrliitlvs lio(pkifr-
of cot, adilrH
iu40.nllKr, fnfl'HuMW
blind as night oppniHches, It Is mostly
net with In warm climates, and
usually gives way to mild treatment.
30 Days Free Trial I
x im -i if at n rtnifg ulTnci'f
Ofit Tli aji,Mria luvAMf
- wf wwif jm flit a Urarf kealaa i
sVfetatM a4 flrvasia tmm lias an.J
mm, m . mmr a rrwa $ 10 1. s)o
MKllf Marblt Wllh I i
lf Ihfaawlmtf rllhd. .L...i . .. .. . .
i iJL ' ft; J'u "'
! . . nm. M .ail. fsiarsrn stfwstaiiJ.
Ql i-i itoi iirfsns SHi riPi'4.iar ,,,(
TV .mmM
Woman msy be the weaker vessel,
but she manages to mske as ninny
knots on the matrimonial sea as tbe
other one.
An t'n.atlrrtnrr Fiplanatlon.
WcfB "I wonder why they call It a
football game?" Dls "Why, I sup
pOM It's because Ihiy kick the ball."
HlKRH-"nut there Is Just as much kit- Oregon and Wanblngton via tbe ' iV in'Xuii S'Thu iS'V'l"
ing aone at a ihihcuhii game." I ' ugden uateway."
Wrlto S. K Hooper, O. P. A T. A.,
Mareir l oiim tnr nt Hernial. I nver, t.oiorauo, ror uiuttratcd des-Johns-"Sy.
don't nronone tn her- i orlptive pamphlets.
you. jaynes
Bv Rkv. Cha8.Chiniqdt,
know she'U refiiHp
Thnt's why I nm piling to uronose." I Do you look over the advertisements
Exchange. this naper?
umrna m . m p n ST
t9snu ?S7IHh .nu. Chlraoo.
3 ni.i.f. .IUMflll1 In. ft.HA ti.
( I". Ill Ml.l.n. f Nrwht. MuUn
,m...T, i wwntrmm: prl.p.. .I.iiiipw,
Remit by bank draft, postal or exrirew monev order, or bv r!a.
tered letter to the
You can never tell what a papist will
do out ot a church by hla looks of de
votion within.
Edith O'Gorma
young tumM i - "i -
. iV. nnH.ln nf thm mil, that
i naereiy in mo f"1"" v " "
I descended in my immediate vicinity."
. nj-ve' w .'- . -
rlageable daugntera.
You esn have
team." .
the best place on the
Hold and , Wsnajr liai nanir, yyuw w".v
j Vc.Sftn. II O O n t.' -ii'r'lumI wonev.