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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1898)
THE AMERICAN, . tm t i imrnilin Iflil i ''' ' ! tl cumin ni Nttwitiludin,i lit Unit, Out cardinal lial (iiiik l 1iU f In the lnln: tliiltk Mill- nrlf t(ionp'l, ll mtl llnn fT l.o tnUinj; .uicllillig Vrty ltil !. Th ilor ! ilie ! ''n' It whi Dr. Hale- ini'r. "Oh, do tor I" cried tl prinrcsa, a li ran jmI and fti)jli!'H'il toward liim; "l'"ltipr Kt. in iiitu Umii miil li'iily attacked ill lerrildo cvul ioni Quirk I quirk I" "Convulsions? di! it will l notliiiitr., in ml. mno, mti'l 1 1 doctor, throwing down Iml on h t Imir, mill hastily approaching llio group which surrounded the sick man. "Hera la iho doctor I" cried the prim e. All aUppi'd aside, except 1'athcr lAlj;riKy who continued to aupport Jlodin, leaning against u chair. "Heavens I whut y in pt oiii I" rriod Dr, Halo ,iiMHt.tllw !'. all the mUm that, in I'et.s lnn, m ll.rt ' IH U t Si'".? M;i m. t . ail Ms - .-.i - . ..!;. -I... ...... I ..,.1. m !..,' i n k II Hcr iirii.iH.f ' V jb, ru h mi uiu . . fit- frMruIme il It. i I'Hiv, in .m " Im.MtiriiUof t?rn hih s,.i.. tim- ur in lh ihik, iihy. I poii rnUiinfi the pi, the piim ipt l"'r f ih huf I'alhr.llttl t the Iffl .f lh sptvtMor, and fiig, him t the hospital t itil ltn: A Mile lym., wi ph ruing, which gav to tie ft poitiou of the par pit f the IJiaV Nolrelhuue A placard hml Lcen ki antly tm k tt lh die.dorc I au.l mnWn wall of thf nr hway; it contsinp.l thP wor.N, III larn rharactrra: vr.Ncr.ANrr.i vi-.nkancki The workintfincn tnrticl to the honpilaU me pniaoiiptl, hecaine the nuinhcr of pntienta it too grout; every nlhl, hunts lilled with corpse, lrop liowu the Heine. VenRemice nml ilesth 1 1 the munlerera of the people I Two men, enveloped In ( loaka,and hulf hiddeu aii'lCl prrulitf i lu r.'is. 1 1 d or Ifahird A trram of pi'.pU wh-i pn--.U th mjorr I . . t . I . . .. I L., .!... 1 1 -I. I.. nrth iutit t!i ft.iiui. utUriiii. I.nid rhreta ita dm I.ah.hi. Initf huu, tliey mUanc d. Caring Imie lor the praiie or JliaimM. The ii,ie a. raed hy the hammer hla.ue it iUI, de.erve, the mn.quer-le arr.vrd f H. Jj" Jii I , ., , , lid of lh roum in whuh had jut fn m1 I rfore the r in hou.e md made ila entry amid i wf , w,llhf r Mt rlll,. ,. prnje tth mMqorr.. m , . ... , e,x tumult. i.f Ui ntf rnipli. M thr.oigh the L,,,! m, M..irpd tp u ! the inlinjj of All remiue.t aileul mil unieial acelatitiitiona. The nmkert iiow got down from their chariot ud from their horaea and went to Uke their pUcea at the repari w hich waa wuiting for them. The adorn in the maa qurrnde nre at tnhle in the great room of the tavern. They nre joyous, noiay, even i..toua. All launh, and knock glasotea together, mid thai- lengo the nest man, mid drink out of the g!a of Jacques had taken oil the the ncuront woman. i.i,..L nn. I ixirill a nf .nun (Mlnlprit I'll in the deep ahii low of the vault, wero lutetnop ofl uf jcqUP(l wag M(irok, d t ..hia right the with muioua curiosity to the threatening mur Liri ,igKuied h 1'leHsuro. Hhe waa inuned Mar- tnur. which roan with increasing force from Ai the iioio waed Morok and Jacquea hegn what thev termed a duel. They were each to drink all they rmtl l of a bottle of Iremly. I the contet Jacquea wna worpted and fell ha karJ, almil aeimelena. Morok arose to go to the aid of Ninny Moulin, who - vainly endeavoring t ; hold fcUei pinhuir. Ninny Moulin, Uaving Jerque in the hands of Morfk, ran towerd the door to seek f r help when that door w auddenly opened, and the religious writer drew hack tn alarm, l the sight of the unexpected personage w ho appeared on the threshold. To he Continued. among a tumultuous assembly, grouped mound A mfltiiPflri Rihlo QtllHu the hospital. Hoou, cries of "Death to the doc- MlOUKill DIUIC UlUUJ- Ion as to wither the thlnits spwl- tors! Vengeance I" reached the ears of the per. sons who were in ambush under tho arch. "Tho posters arc working," said one; "the train inier, examining with growing terror tho count- j U on fire. When once the populace is roused, enance of Ho lin, w hich from green was turning we can set them on whom we please. blue. "I my' replied tho other man, "look over "What is it? " anked all the spectators with one tj,ere qqlftt Hercules, whose athletic form tow Voice. ere above the moh, was one of the most frantic fid had transpired and whher Chrhrt "What is it?" repeated the doctor, drawing 1 a ii flora whnn M. Hardv'a factorv was destrovod." returned m Ho had prom- x i. it i.. i . i ..-.i t on 5 J . . . ' .. . laI. We thought thla the proper war ., D .1 i .mu w.r.,... a , uj0 bo gure j,. wa9; j know nun again, vv iier- to prwnt thl, BubJort We BU think the (Inderal and rontageous I , Lver ntischief ii to be done, you are euro to find so; but as the subject ha not been On thia frightful, magic word, I'ather d'Aigrig- L oM vagabon(a exhausted or brought to a conclusion nyvandoned his hold or Kodin, who rolled upon NoW( tflke my ndvic)( (lo not let us remain older that Wthread of argu the floor. lnnilrthU arrhwav." aaid the other man; "the men t. which waa broken off by an 'He is lost I" cried Dr. Ilaleiuier. "But I will I . , ! a odl.t ni inn onrt tlioiitrh I am cased in I effort to kep corrupt men out of of- m. toblehlh. .no..,, for. l.lf.rOTl." Ami h. .,.. -J iualic.1 lor. Hi. .loor. y rlelit: th cholcr. Is confoundeJIy mm, xMluoa. the priiicofs do HainHi;ier, t'utlier a Aigrig ny, the bishop and the cardinal followed In tor I of men Instead of lha lllMe as the. In I fatllhlM rule of ihelr faith, ara ihtwn who will 1m last, while thoiio who kc i c. pi ihe lllble. do Ood a will, keep Ills coiiuiiandments and have the teatlnio ty of Jeaua Christ will receive their reward when the "klnas of the earth. ; and the great men. and the chief cap tains and tho mighty men. ana every bond-man, and every free-man." will be hiding "themselves In the dona and HV JOHN 0 THOMPHOM. NUMIItlt XI. The last article which appeared un der thla don ding dealt with the signs will. II . n r ih.i.i urn .imw ' . M . , . . , , . . , . ! in the rocka of the mountains; and the second coming of Christ, but left ' ' l ,hov vln tha nioun. the reader to draw his own conclu- whon they are saying "to the moun tains and rocks, 'fall on us. and hide us from the face of Illm that alttoth on the throne, anil from the wrath of the Umb; for the great day of His wrath Is come; and who shall be able to stand?' " And what Is the day of Ills wrath? It Is that day when the Ixrd comcth SUDDENLY to Ills temple, "llohold, he nhall come, salth the Ixrd of hosts; but who may abide the day of His coming? and who shall stand when He appeai-nth? for He Is like a refiner's lire and like fullers' aoap." It Is that day "that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea. all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, salth the iou are rig v..... w , - - - - R impolite. Kesides, everything U going on well ni neither root nor breach." Ma.ach. l.arA. T nm liknwSsfl assured that the whole of the . v,. n.. ..nrf.a, h nf 1 .' r . . ,.r . ..i.i.i - ..... ' m. 1 1 " - iviurnt u w " i Ana &ecnann aiv., i, n, u.-nwiu ror me ingot of vt. naieimer. , iiiey an preaaeu i Pau)0Urg gt Antoine is ready to riso in the re- the Bavfor. was taken fr to the door, which, in their consternation they miilicft.. caUge. ti,at wm BCrve our ends, and our it'Chl . . t . .. i !ii 1 1 ' . i -" .. . . . couiu not open, n openeu anusi irom wnuoui j0 religion will triumph over revolutionary chuptcr. and Uabriel appeared upon Hie threshold. Ga- in) iet Let u9 re:oiri Ffttiicr d'Aigrigny." chrisj" m . m . . m . ... a . I I at" w brad, the type or the true priest, the holy, me where shall we find him ?" evangelical minister, to whom we can never pay N . i ere come come." enough of respect and ardent sympathy, and ten- Th , 0 jugliiY disappeared. ler admiration. Ilia atiffelic countenance, in itsl m . i: n..,.i.. .. ,i i:t.n..i,. o nnn m o r. v I nation with His disciples, wherein He ' 7 ' " , ? . . : . ' uo u,8 viwuu., - &"v ...-.v the deBlructloB of jerualem; from the sixth ml comprised verses of that Reference Is made to this for the purpose of showing that more than twenty years after l he destruction of Jerusalem and more thsn sixty years ofter His ascension, upt J exactly the same signs to desig nate the end of the world as He used on the Mount of Olives In Ills conver m-iu sereniiy, dierea a aiming contrast w wiose f tl er -dhorents were among the mob. The hi Mcond coming and the end of the faces, all disturbed and contracted with terror. I. n i -- Tli v.iififT itriAM Msiit iiAurlv llirniavn iwiwn hv I ittA tm lii, inftumAi ftVAa nwllptll I thff ADOfttlei, This Claim lif Clearly Btt the fugitives, who rushed through the now open futures he yells at the top of his voice,"Death to Ul' g0 t0 Matthew xxiv., 29-35, .1..... ....!..!...! nil ... I' tr (.1.. i . i i mi K.:..'ii,. ..r.U o I There we read: uoorwa, evimiiiiuS; v nov K- iui .o '"line OO'iy suaiciierB I mo poison nio imnifidiatelv after the trlbula- dying of the cholera. Fly I," A fresh incident now attracted the crowd. A tlon of those days shall the sun be ,..b... knit ih. mrwin hn!1 twit rlv O.i these words, biishiije back the bishop, who, travalinir carriage, which had not been able to Uer light.' and the stars shall fail from being the last, was trying to force a passage, Oa- paH along the QuaUNapoleon, the pavement of hh.ken0"" ' briel ran toward Itodin, while the prelate sue which was up, had ventured among the Intricate 36, Heaven and earth shall pass iii .... 9 it t . t l ... . i i ai away, but my words shall not pass creded in making his escape, Kodin, stretched ,trcols of the city, and now arrived in the square iW(,y upon the carpet, hia limbs twisted with fearful of Notre-Dame on Us way to the other fide of cramps, was writhing in the extremity of pain. jScine. Like many others, its owners were flying Hr uty years after His ascension? The violence of hie fall had, no doubt, roused fr0m Paris, to escape the pestilence which deci- Khcidhin he'liad opened him to consciousneaa, for he moaned, In a sepul- mated it. A man-servant and a lady'a-maid were the sixth seal, and. lo, there was a chral voice; "Thev leave me to die liko a dog Igeated in the ru mble, and they exchanged a glance Uiack as sackcloth of hair, and the . i i. ,1 it.. ,.n lot wli at moon Decama as moon; ioi aiarm m mj rao. ..-r..-., " -1 ij. And the stars of Heaven Ml un- the cowards I Ilelp I no one And the dying man, rolling oi convulsive movement, turned toward the ceili And the dying man, rolling' on lia back with a young man seated in the front part or the car- to the '". ' " ;JnrcVe"u iling riage let down the glass, and called to the postiw gbHken , miarhty wind. t .. ... ... j. . . i I i r..,. nt nrwlnt na tlial 14. And the Heaven departed as a lce on wnicn waa uranaen me iniernai uespair vu 8u .v. w. - erM whfn It Is rolled together; and of the damned, as be once more repeated; "No crowd was very dense at that part or the square, every mountain and island were moved one I not one I" , This young man was Lord Monnvai, ana on ine t dMW1 not uk, a very His eyes, which auddenly flamed with fury, back seat wero Lord Montbron and his niece, smart person to J tho similarity just then met the large blue eyes of the angelic Lady Monnvai. The pale and anxious counten- Hevfiation vi 12-ia-n. The sun shall lltj UUIHrilfU ! IM""H ssuv srlv hr Uaht iilit fihli.Il tiA AM hl(x1. I.I. .,.fi I ilm fH: and Montbron. notwlthstand bis firm- The stars shall fall from heaven. ' -' -" ft'"'- . ,nd .he heavens shall depart or paas tones: "l am here, rather to help you, ir iieipioeas oi minu, appear w i v uU0, twayi be poiible-to pray for you, if God calls you to well as his niece, frequently had recourse to a ij Mark's gospel we read, xxi., 25 bim," Smelling-bottle filled With Camphor, 25. And there shall be signs In the ... .. ... .... I , . . . . .1 sun, and in tne moon, ana in tne stars; "tiflurieir' murtntiied itodin, with railing Uuring tho last rew minutes ine carnage nau ,nd UIM,n lne Mrln dllltrMi or nE. voice; forgive me for the evil I have done you advanced very slowly. Suddenly there arose a '" lt hr(Sl!Ilty; th " "d do not leave me do not " I rumble in the distance and the crowd cried: "A z. Men's hearts fsiiing them for Itodin could not finUh; be had succeeded in wagon full of dead I the wagon of the dead I" Tho ft' raising himself into a sitting posture; be now ut- usual funeral conveyances were no longer sufTi- powers of Heaven are shaaen. ... . . ' I "... . I 32. Verl r. I say unto you. This gen. tered a loud cry, aud fell back without sense or Icient for the removal of the corpses so a numuer nation shsii not pass away, tin all motion. of artillery wagons bad been put into requisition, ' ruiniw. land the coffins were hastily piled in these novel out that ail these signs have appeared, The same day it was announced in the evening hearses. . ... . . . I . - - I M-k. 1 .... A Km. papers: "The cholera baa broken out in I'aris. "Here's .port I" cried Ciboule; "the omnibus or Te will t no chance ihe first esse declared Uself this day, at half-past! tiie dead, will run against the fine coach. Ilurrahl for repentance, 1 three, p. tn., In the Itue de Babylone, at Saint-L-the rich folks will smell death.' Sminiuick! Duier bouse." T?-..,i n. w.. A dirt1v in front of Cnrlt' y"uA that..."Vr "uu,". "to" - " - many win can upon 111m, eaying, the carriage, and at a very little distance from it. "Lord, LoTd. have we not prophesied ' . I In Thv name? and In Thr name have CHAPTER LXVIII. At this horrible spectacle, Lady Monnvai, who rtout fleviis? and m Thy name done I - 1 I J A-1.. A m. A Ik.. A wW.,ln..Md.ic.e Itodin was aeied with bad mechanically leaned forward, gave a loud j ' l. Min'r. an.l (La ravarrea bad continually In. scream, and fainted. The Crowd fell back in dis- depart from me, ye that work Inlqul- the cho.era, and iw ravages nau conunuany in- ty!'" This sutement you win find in traA. Tl.atwsi an awful time! A funeral may; the postilions, no less alarmed, too ad- Matthew vn., 22-23. And why win pall was spread over Paris, once so gay. And vantage of the space left open to them by the ti'om vet. never had the eky been 'or a more settled, "eai ui wis muuimuo, n; ""Tf inn qui.nun .u.wcrca mh " ' ' ' 1 . .1 . .. .j 1-.. 1.1 . a . verse of the same chapter: "Not every purer blue; never bad the, aun shone more bril- ana tne carriage aasueu on vuwuru 4UJ- I one that salth unto Me. -Lord, iord.' .. ,1 u disappeared uenina me lunnermoHi. uuhuiuh enter idio nm kiuruuiu i ncT l"ftly' . 1 , . . . en; but he that doeth the will of My Ttia olmlera bad not one aanect. but a thoua. or the hospital, tue anna, joyous noiea 01 uisvaui Father whlch ,n hPaTftn." Then .... .. 1.. ' - ... . - 1. I . . 1 i 1.1 -l. . I ir will ha mmi whn will nnl enter and. 80 that one week after Itodin had been trumpets were nearu, anu repeat iu f-w ,w , t ,re suddenly attacked, aeveral events combining the claimed: "The Cholera Masquerade! The the Jhrtat aajj. f0 horrible and the grotesque occurred in the square woras announce.! one 01 mose epiuu8 wuiuimug ftnd htmortQl Me with their lips; but .it, arn. 1 mifiAAnAfv u 1 r m ifirrnr which niHra rill l in 1 ma mu 1 uini nrrsai u sa aaa iivu OfKOlre-Uame. uuuvv"v " 7. 7 .f . vain they do worship Me. teaching for Instead of the DueTd'ArCoIe. which now leads When IDC pestilence was on uio mere, uivugu doctrines tho commandments or men. kid focus la our own immeaisio ru- .r. wifK.rtiflRAnltv he credited. It is I. -J From this It Is Inferred that those the day of the Ixrnl cometh, "and his feet shall stand In that day upon the Mount of Olives, which Is before Je rusalem on the eakt, and the Mount of Olives shall cleave In the midst there of towsrd the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of It toward the south." 12. "And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Je rusalem: Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away In their holes, and their tongue ehall consume away tn their mouths." Now go to Malachl IV,. 3, "And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall bo ashes under the soles of your feet In the day that I shall do this, salth the lord of hosts." Now to Obadlah, IGth versei "For the day of tho lrd Is near upon all tho heathen; as thou hast done, It shall be done unto you; thy reward shall re turn upon thy own head, for as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continu ally, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and THEY SHALL UK AS THOUGH THEY HAD NOT REKN." 9. "For evil-doers shall be cut off; hut those that wait upon the Lord they shall Inherit the earth. 10. For yet a little while and the wicked shall not be; yea, thou shall diligently consider his place, and IT SHALL NOT UK." XXXVII I'salm. Amos VIII.. 9: "And It shall come to pass In that day, salth the I-ord Uod, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken tha earth In the ckar day." And Amos IX., 6, says: "The lxrd Ood of hosts Is ho that toucheth the land and It shall malt." Now turn to Joel !., 80-81. There you will learn that Ood "will show won ders In the heavens, and In the earth. blood and fire and pillars of smoke; the sun shall bo turned Into darkness, and the moon Into blood, UKFOKB the great and terrible day of tho Ixrd come. In Joel III.. 14-15, you will find be fore God's day that many will be try ing to decide what Is right. Wo read: "Multitudes, multitudes In tho valley of decision: for the day of the Lord Is near In tho valley of decision; tho sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining." Tho 38th chapter of Kzeklnl speaks of the latter days when the mountains and tho steep places and every wall shall bo thrown down, and when "all tho men that are upon the earth shall shako at My (tho Ixrd's) presenco." And why? Isaiah LXV says: "For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and tho former shall not bo remem bered, nor como Into mind." And In Isaiah XXXIV., 9-10, you can read: "For It Is the day of tha Ixtrd'o van geaoce, and tho year of recompense for tho controversy of Zlon. And tho streams thereof shall be turned Into pitch, and tho dust thereof Into brim stone, and. tho land thereof shall be come burning pitch." And In Isaiah XXIV.. 19-20, It la stated that In that day. "Tho earth Is utterly broken down, tho earth Is clean dis solved, tho earth Is moved exceeodlng. ly; the earth shall reel to and fro like a dmnkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression there of shall be heavy upon It; and It snail fall and not rise again." Hut that day, Paul says, shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who oppoeeth and exalteth himself above all that Is called Ood or that Is worshipped; so that ho as Ood, sttteth in tho temple as Ood, showing himself that ho Is Ood.' And then shall that wicked be revealed (ths lawless one, according to tho revised version) whom tho Lord shall consume with tho solrit of bis mouth; shall destroy with the brlghtnees of his com ing; whosecomlnglsAKTKKthe work ing of Satan who works with all pow er, and signs and lying wonders, and with all decelvabteneea of unrighteous ness In those that perish, bwauite they received not the love of the truth thai they might bo saved; for which reason God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. There Is but one man, or one sys tem, sitting In the temple of Ood to day that exalteth himself above all that Is called God. or that Is wor shipped ss Ood. That man or that power Is tho Tope of Home the papa cy. It has done what Daniel said It would do. It has thought to change Ood's law, and His time; and to wear out His saints. And while there are hundreds of millions following the lead, tho banner, the mark of tho beast of Rome In the observance of the pa gan day of the sun as tho 8abbath, and but comparatively few who follow God's law by keeping His Sabbath who are under His banner, wearing Ills seal. It can bo seen that there has been, a great falling away from Ood, and that He has sent a strong deln slon upon them so that they believe a lie. Now, what lo a lawless one? If the state legislature or Nehraata thought to, tried to, repeal a certain section of the Constitution of , tho United States, would not Us action bo denounced as lawless? Then, la It not right to term the power that thought to change Ood'o law as a lawless pow er? If It Is lawless for one set of offl cers to try to change tho 'laws of a higher set of officers, of an earthly power, how much more lawless ana high-handed must tho attempt of mor tal man to change Ood a law appear! Yet there are millions of true men ana women who are honestly believing a He today. And so It will be Just be fore Christ's scond coming. Then tho dragon will bo wroth with tho woman and go to make war the rem nant of her seed who keep the com mandments of Ood, and have the testi mony of Jesus Christ. This statement you will find In Reve lation XII., 17. It shows four thlnaw distinctly. The dragon Is wroth.Wrotn, mad, angry; with who? With tho woman. Who Is tho woman? Tho church. And what does tho dragon do with the woman? Ho goes to make war with tho remnant of her seed. And what Is the remnant? Tho laat end; that which Is left. And why does tho dragon go to make war with tho remnant? Hecause they keep tho com mandments of Ood. And what do they have? Tho teatlmony of Jesus Christ. And what Is testimony? Of a witness who Is honeat and truthful as Jeeua Is, It Is tho truth. Then when Jesno told John that tho dragon waa wroth with tha woman and went to make war with tha remnant of ber seed, that keep tho commsndments of Ood ana have His testimony He meant what He said. Ho meant that after 1.2SS years of persecution by tho Church of Homo there would be those living at His appearing who wero keeping Ooa'g commandments, and who had His testimony. limwiiaoii' CLOD HOfJKEft 0.1 WHEELS. The buffet-smoklng-llbrary cars oa the Durlington'a 11:65 P.M. trala for Denver and 12:05 A, M. train for Chicago are vortibla club houses on wheels. Tbe smoktag- room Is a brilliantly lightkd apartment, beautifully car peted, finished In oak and furnished with easy chairs, settles, card tables, tho current periodicals, a library and a writing desc. Lore you can lounge, read, write, gossip, smoke or play carus while traveling at tho rate of CO miles an hour. Hortbi, t'cketi and full Information at Ticket office Depot 1502 Farnam St. 10th. and Ma on st FOR I'ubllc Notice, Tbe Northwestern Line Daylight Special now leaves tbe U. P. Depot at 6:40 A. M , at Chicago 8:45 same evening. No change In tbo other trains. Overland Limited 4:45 P. M., and tbo Omaha-Cbloago Bpoolal at 8:45 A. M., arrives at Chicago 7:45 and 9:30 respectively, next morning. Tho most advanced Vestibuled Sleepers, Diners and Free Parlor Chair cars of course-Wbatolse would the "NORTH WESTERN" have? 1401-Farnam st. KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS nmn SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST fttrt Mitt. I. E. Cricf ttth ul Umm tk c: I) 1 I 5 ) 4 7i ) IV