The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 02, 1898, Image 1

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A Mr. Ml A t"OW AM KMC AN."- vV tiM leal all tmw Ami ie (a. sr A tt t ti th I'eit.d M.U. til...ut m.l irMtti h
A I, Y NfclnM'AI'l
Vol tut VI II.
iNn k nvr. a. xx a.
Ni wruui ii
.. I.
Some Thoughts
Purgatory is the Pope's
a Gold Mine, and the Pontiff the Chief Fakir
of the Nineteenth Century.
On BumJay, Monday and Twnday ot
tfcto weak Mrs. Marrarrt U Bbiphrd
aVllrerd a couraa of lac-tun on po
HUeal Romanian), and cart exprealoa
to tha following arnitlmenta:
till prlaata are eonMltutlonal Hart,
It to bred Into thorn and tby can't help
' a a
tf tba wonimt could voU on all
aiwatlona It would ba acalnat the cor
nptlim powar of tnony and of
a a a
I am oaltbar a republican, a dmo-
rat nor a ponullat; my politic a ara
aatl-Popa, and I faror driving tha cor
ravtlng In flume of Romaniani from
tha ball of aUU.
a a a
Tbora la no auch thing In tba Vrla
taUv hiilla of Amarlra aa nowwtj or
atrlotlam. Mon ara controlled by
aaif aggrandkamant,, politi(l ambi
tion, and tha lova ot gold. '
a a a ,
Tha ftomlah church louka upon
wornmi tba aama aa tha dfvll did In
tha Harden of K'ln, Hy controlling
tba mothnr thy control tha off
aprlng who maka tha votara.
a a
I am oppoatd to all denominational
aahoola. To allow ona aact to bara
tkam la to furnlah argument for
Roman Catholic to kp up tba
aaiwhliil arhwl whl:h tirndx dla
layalty and traaaon,
a a a
I pwraotxilly aat in tha gnlUry id
tba Htmla at Waahlngton whan tba
Mntjn bill prohibiting further ap
iarian apprrprlnt.lona waa undnr coti
aldaratlon, and maw with my own ra
aaaangar Ixiya carrying miattga to
aaatora frewn tha prlwata of tba
Romlah church,
a a a
Of all tba dangnroua traltora to
A mar If nn llbarty Ar'-hblabop Iral&nd
la tha worat, With bfa auava man
ar, hla pleaaant faca, bla gracaful
araiory, ba charma iha haarnr, whlla
In bla hrt ha awka tha aiiprarnaiy
of ftomanlam with all Ha demoraliz
ing and retrograding influancM,
a a
f do not favor condnmnlng tha (?ath-
oim laity of America, They dierv
th sympathy and encouragement of
enlightened people. They ar th r
suit of pre-natal and educational con
Hlons th creature of environment.
Hut whlla I would not peraecut them,
I would una every power to drive
pipory out of politics,
a a
Thirty yeara ago there was no such
thing as a aistinctivaiy c&tliollc vote
in America, Today Romanism holds
she balance of power in American
polltka, a th result of the influence
of th priests exerted according to a
definite policy to control thla country,
and all the political parties of to
day srs truckling for Its support,
Republican diallke to bear me say
that McKlnley la Influenced by Arch
bishop Ireland, Tho fact is Mr, Mc
Klnley has dim very well In tha con
duct of tha Hpanlab-Amerlcan war, I
bop ho will b equally strong ber
after In combatting tba power of
r'itotu at the national capital. 1 don't
Qathcrcd Prom Her
in this City.
Head Pawnshop, Relics
cara wtimr you Ilka to hoar ma
critklaa McKlnlty or not. What I aay
la tha truth.
a a a
You aak ma what la tha remady for
political and official corruption. 1 do
not know, Tba Whola bodjr politic
la affected, Out I boiler tber Is a
patrlotliim, a love of bom and of
country, Hi tha braata of tb Indus-
trial claaaes of this country, and that
am.e d.r a rrf u. .mi M ,m
soma day a great leader will rls up
and lead th peopt to that higher
plane, where corruption will b da-
Tb text books hi th parochial
school aaaall Martin Luther and John
Calvin In a ahamWea manner and
there not enough wmrg among tha
Protestant peopl of America to pro-
teat against H. If ther was tb slight
eat rcflwrtton on a Rntnan priest In any
book used In tb public achools, It
would mak Rom howl, and tb news
paper of tha country would soon de
mand th etpulaion of th book from
tb school,
a a
I attended the I ant national r'-publf
can convention at fit, fnils In tha
capacity of a r;p'rter, Tha requfat of
tha patriotic eocletlea for a plank
agalnat miArttin apprrmrlatlona was
to have been adopted and Incorporated
In tha platform, when a telegram
came from Archbishop Ireland of Ht,
Paul saying: "If you adopt th plank
sgalnat sectarian approprlnttona tha
party will be accused of Ming under
th Influenc of tha A. P. A,, and you
will 1. tba Catholic vot if th
country." Archbishop Ireland was
mora powerful in f hat con vcntlon than
ik.. ,J'
country who demanded that tb party
,.i iir further tie of
K. . ..... .
public money fin church purposes.
a a a
The law should prohibit a Roman
Catholte from holding th offlc A
prealdent just as th law of Kngland
prohibits a memlier that w from
owiiDvlfia- th thrrti of th llrltlan
. ... i
Kmplre, Th rasm Is obvious.
Romanism la tha fo of civil and ra
Hgloua liberty, and It la only aenti
ment, not law, which has thus far
kept a Roman from being president
ff lh wwntry, If the political power
of Rome continues to Increase for
few years e it bus during tha laet 20,
they will succeed in msklng a Roman
4 I
nresldent and then wm to our boasted
llbertle nd form of government.
The Catholic church clalma to hava
14000.000 adherenta In thla courtrr,
Ten years ago she claimed rmly H.000,- ,n ' "tor. iMtm Almighty tW that I did not
. . .IThe antl'llrltkih aetitlmetit In ihliLrM .. ... -4 ... n . I i..
Oiiii, Tber ar uidsy at leaat
wactlcal Cathollca In th United HUtear"U"try ' P bf th p"p4,'
r i
. . ... , , . .
who purchaa and us embl"m of va-
rlMj kind, which are manufactured In
tba Catholic nunneries, I bav been
In the business of selling the
Llm. mwif nA mn .tat that' tha
iiliiirh ,! . rv.nne nf from
$111,000,000 to $20,000,000 annually from
thla source, and these gds ara manu
factured in Inniliuiloiis which ar free
from taxation, being classed under tha
Jicad of religious organization.
a a a 0
The Roman Catholic church la cer
tainly a great Institution. It has a
feather from tb wing of t Angel:
tUbtiel; th 11 bteailt of l J. i'h;
lit rmlM roat of Jwnu t'htMi tt
hl f J. (tin the tilll, )) h
at'tlnter fhm lb chM on which the
Havtor was rtu lfll If h y arce prop-
etly put lHhpf it build village
that would hold population of lo.iMH)
I II h M lit (an I : ehiHifh air In. nr .11 it. I
11 nit from th !) of the Virgin to
build clivua tent; five Im.mI.'h tif
iiiimhi inm m, Jfiumrl - Ii.mi oitln, murder, adultery, ltuet, perjury,
but lis waa nil they hnt five yrara aao;
aomn milk ftitm the hreael of (tin Vlr-
Kin; th aehra of Mme -whn lh
llill r 1hmM(Hi.ii (tird in tin.
m"u"( "nd ihnt iM '",rM hlm n'1
m iiinu Knows wnr ma xrava ia1
yiH lh lltmian rhurrh baa dlmovir.Ml
th am-rnt ami haa liki aahnu! Talk
about fakia and faklra, why tha po(w
of lUona la tba ralt fakir of tha
nlnetimnth cnnluryl
In a email town not far from To-
ronto, Canada, a church waa built, dad-
Icated to St Ann, Tha prleete dldad
to g't u p a pilgrimage of mom ours of
we cnurcn rrora th New Kngland
imu ana surrounding country, and
tha word was sent out that th pope
had sunt to tb church a plac of skin
" J ' ' tb
Mfy' ,I',ltua, b,nw,n'
war offered to aJI who would vlalt tba
church of 8t. Ann and bow down be
for tbls plan of akin from th arm
of th virgin, Bwfi person deposit
a sum of money upon entering tb
church, and none of thwn lea than
$1.00. I mad careful inveatlgatkns
and ascertained that within thirty
days 130,000 poor, Ignorant and su
perstitious buman beings went upon
that pilgrimage and gar th church
not less than f 130,000 of money be
side thlr traveling expenaeK,
, , a
Tb suoceas of thla pilgrimage In
spired th priests of a
certain Naw
York church with a dlr to bav
a plec of k hi from the arm of tha
Virgin, Tli pope waa accordlnxly an-
pealed u, and while ha could not fur-
nlMh a piece of the Virgin's akin, be
sent a bone which was said to have
been taken from th left elbow of 8t.
in.'. t ,
r m aiiii, n "ig'iu perxiei
took plac through tha streets of New
. .
York, awl tb "bon of t, Anthony"
enclosed In a neat case, was taken Into
th church, wher tb iUmn Cafbo-
i. ..... .. .
1 v 7
na rtm" lM r'tu'
r"""'K' ' "" "n
mi. ii,,u. il. ...
"f I1 Mr, flhepherd,
'" ' w wt ':"un-.h and
I , . t. , l . . 4 . ... I
" s anon time n
. . .
wroi ro mat o uvi visit. i
chnrh ni bni. a,. m,nh uk... I
wbll th priest passed tb relic along
th tin. H examined It a closely
as h could and wrota me that as near
M h ,','", u w
oriun slii'M rrom 41 'nU'U4tii'4i i..4f " it,,, 1
th church raised a fund of about Z3,.
W0 by this fraud upon th people,
a a a w
On reason why politics ara corrupt
la because of th Indifference of many 1
reapeiftaW peopl to tb duties of clt-
isenablp, Tb first thing an Irishman
doea when b ootne to this country 11
ta tb clty H i,,h
I,. ku,.rLf t. tha tllu .... II I.'. .... ll
' " "" " n '
1 tm nn
to atari saloon. than become a
P"IH,'', ,un t(,t ldrmn nd
I lit ln tiVT ffiA Wrf aafll toitmm iuana ni.1
' ' '
'" "
a j t . . . . ....... .
ir.en, wuo ar oonaianuy uising aoout
I HUM4 ,1,1. r,4 l.b ... T'l. . . . . 1 .. I
' ' ' i'i"
lh n"rth lrjln4 tV sturdy,
'rn, lnteiiBnt and
proare.v-ar aa gw pettpi aa in
1 a,.M mfl,..A. I.... In tl.. .....(I. f.. I
" .-..-.. ''""" r-
lana th ignorant;, siiperstlUon, and
crime ar deplorable. Talk about
horn rut for Ireland; th IrMi office
holder In America are not willing to
give u deceut bom rut In tha t'nlt-
il t'tates. All tney want I a siillia-
.44.4 ....I
lah In on band and a boUl of wbia-1
ky in tli other and when you want
ft favor you muat bow down before
j l.otn Arresting to the tub i-f the
thunli thry tome t.i,m
"Mil time j.r, rniHU ihein In
burlel In n.(ti nm.t, ami ttiry
can apHid lb f the year Ijlitg
(he p,le I wouldn't belieie any
llimn pnliMn (bet lltra
The tnorel theology of th Roman
t'atlittllc. iliunli upholda Ifing, etenl
bins my ami tnnn hate lieen on
the lecture platform fr about wh
)Mn ami have mrr ninili m lali
tiiiMit bliti I iDiiltl imi n)vi, an-l I
ph" "Jr ,rl,- ,r
kouihii i nurrii in ini f I on f tin iint-
form and r'fiii what I iharttn. I iro-
ptm lo aiilmianiliiip my Hiantu by rf.
irna Ut tha work at Kalhi-r Oury,
whlib la tha roeoKnlwil auiliorlly of
tha Roman dfrty; la kwrt In tlmlr II-
brarla, and la ul by atudanta for the
Mri. hphwd took tba com-
mandmrnta In tblr ordr, and abowad
Uml tl( fiomna rtiun h broke thitn all.
gh roV(Mi th,t th ,ynU,m
Untlally an. Idolatroua religion.
"Thou ah alt have no oth.r (knla be-
tt$ ma," waa lolai4 by th doctrine
of trana-subatantlatlou, wblek allows a
batlar of flour and watr moulded Into
wafer to conetltut the body and
blood and divinity of Jeaua Christ
Tb church was full of graven 1m
ages In tb form of saints befor whom
th devotee bowed down, thus trans
gressing th second and third com
mandments, fine cited Oury to
prove tha tb church uphold murder
under certain condUla, and reviewed
tb ol which culminated In th aa-
in KM It waa planned by JmuIU f
th hrnne lA Mra. Hurratt. a Itofoenlifl
.nf Ifie n, were subae -
quently ahlelded by lUmn prlfa and
Jf fmt
and Joined h pope's army, and that
every man Implh ated waa a Ilm.anlat.
It is mki i ii i vw tummn nunn
T"r r Mt" tmmmn un w nu n the
I ...
(ht,r'h m f"f
I wife. Marrlaiee scord)n to tha church
Mmm-m over vm iiv.i
I 4 ,
""' ""
"'' '"" ' rtmww m wnicn
I a l . . . tl. .. mi... it . I
,n t",,", mn"w "'T"T'"' ""l lo"
I inal lltr of the w f to Berrwm tn
. ' ... . ,
T, . ... '7 7.7 T .
wnim ui ra imi m raiwn mm 1 1 vroi i
' .
" w,,r' ,M mi' ,7 fr HWi on
t"'"" n'' thbuly H, JIM. th Plflc street srhJ
" - ""' -
AmA, cHrrid t,t l.lvurrir end adiiltArv I
- '
4.. , . . lull tatv 1,4. lt.Unr tinlo I
- - " " " 1
himecir another wiman wnotn ine
, hur
"Thou ahalt not steal."
A servsnt girl sppll for employ.
ment, Hh want I6. a wwk for ber
-iw", - ..i..--
.,.-ui.j.. .,., 1. .h. 1
only get 13.00, fiba accepts the job and
goes to work. According to the moral
l,i...f.w mj Umu i.ii.h i ui.mi
,-. ,7 , ...,.
Mleves fhat ber servk'e sre worth
15,0' ah oo,- no wrong and does not I
have Ut wmfess if ah spftroprbtf f Z 1
a week mor than th contract price, I
Aa to mwital re.TvaHon A Roman
Catholic Is arrested, chsrged with rour -
. .... ..
f, l wxea in wunea atsni, rna
hueatbm la saked; 'TJd you kill Peter
l,m Tuesday?" Ac. ordlng to the moral
thrigy of th church b commits no
. . t.m i . . . I
wrong ny aaying; stxemn.y awear
b" M'i "WB Wednesday."
. .... I
purgaufry is a pis wnicn naa never i
t j,.M gHly, but It is ssM Ut
expended nmewbere (--iween eartti
tmJ nft), when a Roman Catholic
. .. . . . . I
otea ma aoni goea io purgaiory ami ra-I
mlns In t.awn until it Is nraved out
by tii priest at o mu b per prayer.
I call purgatory the heed pawnahop of
Pop XIII. f"t US auttioae that
a man flies wno raa wnn a
kenu r; wtiwe life has i d-voted to
destroying men's souls by selling th-tn
Ltrong drink; who has a aeourge
(Continued os pag 8 '
What the Records Disclose f
Pacific Street School Site Deal.
Property Sold School Board for $12,500 Had Ikcn
Listed With Real lintate Dealer for Sale
ot Prom $8,000 $9,500,
A fow axo tli la tmm-r bad or-
taalon to rWi-r u tha varton. rumor.
kfllH,t yarding th Wd of a,Uc.
tlon, and we now propoaa to give our
rmdra aoma InaM blatory of tha af-
fslr whir h baa Wn atudloualf avoidad
inhy tb dally papwa;
ihrre la now ornolnc In the MirUi
court a caa untitled flwlnion ra, Tb
boi Iat ot Omaha ct a wbk h
ba t-n bnHigtt by Attorney Jlugb
A, Meyers for tb purpe of sotting
aalda tb tranater of tb property
anown as tb Pa:WI school alt. Tba
points of facts raised in tbls caa are
that th board xcedid Ha authority
under th law governing tb piircfaaaa
of m tunA altea, building, etc., which
auction Is sa folkrwa:
ration zi. That tha Uiard if
M"" during tb mootb
iMtmf th tltf M"nc"
r"a" fc PPr of arhood.
ttm 4 I, . h.. 1. . . I . . . .. ,
I I""' """" "rnoi aiwa, tne
I da.f inm I.. u A f it... - . m
l '""""'" "'" payment m
Interest on Iwnd leaned Uit soliool nd tha cre.t,o of a sinking
P""" " meh Indeed
iU f '"by
auinoriwi and rou red to lev end
(ollt said amount the same aa other
ua; Provided, however. That In case
uurt.hlimt, l4 lu.ttlt
, r " '"ft " rw awii.f a,iia;
nm Don of bulldhiita shall reir. .
I .. ....... .
I eiinon.iir e'e4viirin fir,mH) fur any
UrSK CAI.K.VIMIt YKAft the wmm
ahall tm submitted to tb elm-for. of
(h( aiHirU,t .,
Within the paet year th board naa
l . ... . . .
""" "..owing purcnaaes or muM
J"" . I'P""t
" " " m 1 . tne
.. l... i ... .
alt for $120, nu,klng a total of W,
or 7,n mm than tha amount
limited by law.
As appears from th record of the
board of uly 14, li, a special meet
ing was held, It Is allegnd that that
Lpwial meetmg was eallM at
tM j,,,.,, rf A P Tfk( WM
.,,mn w ir,n agems ror tn racine schorrt
........ . ...
t,m property, tm tb purchae of the
Mr. (Home wn sr Inclined to
..... ..... ... . ..
woruiT wny s apw iai ma ting ahoiill
, t thM tim nw,much ss the
Moinlay following was to ocrur the
rgvnr M-weekl meeting tA Ue
rd ) At tbla meeting ther were
present th full lmrd with tba ex
eptlon of Randhauer. Jut prior U,
m mating rukey cam lnt the
board rotrnia and banded i secretary
Olllar, a d4 transferring "bta 6,
nd 7 la block 230, city of Omaha,
i .. . ... . .
rrom in ownera to tne rjooi umru-i
of Omaha, th ilderaikm belnt
1.14, .A ... ... I . 1 .
v ,'", ni wxxoti panning m same
w.ib an attract and a written opin
bin of Krnnk II, (Mines, tb attorney i
. ... . . ... ...
tor in ooara, wni n opmion ai iK-eo
gfve at tb Instaiw ut A. P. Tukey.
When the Vrd convened H reiary
Kfllaa reentd tJh proposition of
. . . ..
aia ano wii ptr., me a eme
was opposed by He, Klewit. Van t.,i
der, penfold and Thomae, and tb mat
ter waa d1Bd for iktni time, but was
finally forced to a vole. In which th
yeas were: Hm hanan, Ilurgi, lien-
nla, Orattoo. Irey, Penfold, Moore,
rWre, Jordan and Thomiu-10. Nays
Ha. Kiewlt and Van Glldetwj
it waa eouttnli4 by thoa opposlna
the a hetn that under the ruli of tb
board all matters requiring th expen
diture of $100 tar mora should lay over
till th next meeting and that th
tioard bad no rigjit, either under th
law or tb rut, to tiiaa tn expenut
tur without proper Investigation sod
coneluera! (m. Conalderabl aurprls
waa expreatwsl that Mr. Pen fold should
apeak for fully flfteen minutes la bit
teres opptstHlon to tb sohoro and
then vou 1 or R, wbll It Is aasert4
that anottirr niewber of tb board bad
affidavit la bl pot kt rrom UllTereng
real est at agent who bad th prop
arty listed for sal at from $,000 to
$9,500, but failed to present them. Bee- .
tMatt Olllao Jeo tuut a letter In bis
possesakia, srfd among th archives of
tb bojrd, from th owner of
the property offering to sell this earn
property for $1,000, yet did not present
It a ti should bav don. And It I
said that Tukey admitted ta a mem
tier of tb Umii that fa raised tb
amount by $3,600 on lb afterooon of
that day when ho find the deed exe
cuted. At ttil earn meeting a war
rant was drawn for tb aum of $4,0u0
a part of th purchaa monty of tb
property wbkb waa delivered to A,
I , Tukey and the board ordered a con
tract entered Into by wMi-fc a mort
gage was to be given to secur tha pay
ment of tb balance with Interest It
Is eoritenltid that th board of educa
tion be no, rlgot under th law to
mortgage property tit th district nor
tooiofgat for lhe payment of Inter eat
on aorh mortgage', and tbla In aouiiion
to the ft-t tM aboard exceeded tb
amount .allowed by law mak up th
principal part of Ihe ctrntentlon of th
plaintiff. "..
Tli d'etieec.aim that they ar
entitled to a offset 1;y reaatm of th
stile of the fsjg street school sit
to th city for pofle purp'me for V,
000, and that that would bring tb
trariaection wltAtu tha taw,
Th facts wfth regard to th sal of
thla property r that ther waa aim-
ply an exohatige of lot a In varloua parts
of th ctty, but no money was pasaed
to th credit of tba W hool Olntrlct of
Omaha by reason itf that transfer.
To sum., up jb whol matter ther
seems to le pretty gtnel groitnd for th
siiaplelon that Tiikey had hypnotized
the board and thet s "ugr-ctat.lng"
bad been applied..
It la aisled, on fgool authority that
in a recent Juer to the yun regent
of Hjialn, (Jeneril Weyr panted out
Ut her majratty that tb greatest dan
ger t hef Ktrfttnmnttt la tb church
of Rome, and that b earnestly ex
horted her to aeparai ber govern
ment from It, 'ft la said that ba Ml
ber that "while Kpaln la pr, tba
church In 8 pain la richer than In any
other country In Europe; not even In
prtetrldden Italy doe. tb church
poaaetia so tnnch, Many of th rlrboat
eorporatlone 1p lb kingdom belong
to tb church, noUbly tb Trans-Atlantic
Espanola, the leading ateamahtp
company, TM cleriiwl. Jao bav
Urge landed estates, both In th
peninsula and In tb colonies. Nearly
all th land A any vain In th Philip
pine belong o the religious orders,
and la rented to tb Islanders by
them." No matter bow wrong Gen
eral Weyler may bava been In bla bar
iairoua ml In Cuba, be la certainly
right In bla eatlmate of th deleter.
on effect of 'Roman Catholic eccle
rHatit'latn. It -baa ruined (Spain, de
graded Krance, ImtKiverinhed Paly,
paraly4' Atoitrla, and but for Prol
cut 4ii lam would bav wrecked both
Germany and Kngland. H 1 an enemy
to human liberty and Christian clvill
tatlon. and Its power mum be effect n
ally curbed ami kept within barmlac
bound In tho United Statea. Re-
n4nna T ihw r,