The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 25, 1898, Image 8

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v.1't I link ti tie tf
MA vl IV . I f.ana .t. 4 tt I l -4
Aft ire -r '" ' I
lit VumUM ar-4 Itirfwttnt. u
Vkateta ' ""'4
u miM ".-tvi-aa
till lite.) rntt-!tittS trt
tat wi. M ri t f !
lw.fer4 Vttt H 4 fc.t
ldir.l. a.m.t y..4 tu ..
Vat t-r if itfcM mk'U IN a
tor t iik-a'm. t.t t Hi
art Ik rwM.f Mrm-I fct 'lhe
Oa.oeial tCia" H W () V
flail' tl !, a., "H ,Mrtt'l
fVta tf wnt Him," tv .
tamery Incce reader will iri
taat Ik fit! to aiant full anl
ttr Merit nf riiM letue aa H
.aland under the eei.iH tf H'
Rome ltomanltU tcltre that wttd
nl them th t'nlttvl Htatea wuuUt net
f liave riWe.1. That there r-r Ho
man t'ihih anion. ili Itetuiuiiot,
try eolttlcra liu fought for Am-rlrm
Independence I not denied, Hul their
nuiiitier vb very email not la ay In
i.ntftt ant. Va It the hue of Ww
If which anlmntetl thorn? Waa H the
lovt flf Un mill which Rave (hem
dally lirea.l which IihI tlirtu to Unlit
h KnKllxh? lYrtmiift, hut In nil In
atancea It In rn wm tile to iipioe the
tat of the IrlHh Itotiianlata for Rim
Und wee the nil aumclent nuitlj
Whlth led them to flulit.
At tu tlii HtrniiKTi who runic from
France ami cli' win-re to OkIiI un tli"
tide of WftMlilnttton. Tut num. HtarN,
trvlnn, anil Wayno, It la rnny to know
What tholr fntltninta woro, WI1.1
ttcognUoa RomanlamT What wpi
Lafayetta ami other ortlccra whom
Franca atnt to America. Aa to th
Oldlora, how much ronrnrn tll'l they
aavt for Home? They wera niercpu
tries ami went where they were aent,
Tha French hnleil Albion; the IrlHh
Wrtalnly would not he hehlml Ui
branch when th.i auhjnct wna hntreil
t Cnglnml. Ah! my good Dunne, do
hot blow the lyric trumpet. Do yo'i
sot aee Unit I ileHlra to accommoititte
you? 1 grant that the French Cathu
Ilea fought for tha United State in
1710. Hut explain, If you plenae, how
tt ll that the French .'athollea did jilT
tod It Inroii ven lent to declare wur
agklnxt the mine United Htulea ,1'
Why make audi tiolxe and nth mi
lium? You were only a mere hand
tul In 1781, my dear KomiinlMt. Co.i
tult llancrofl and you will find your
umber 8,200. The T 11 Met a Homnu
Catholic Jimriml of I.0111I011, In Itt
ftumber for Jan. 3, 1HX5, doea not fe. i
to alllrni that ouUldn of Miirylntul on I
iHmnaylvanlA, your eliurih did ' nut
have more thun l,5tio adhnrenU. A
handful, yen; that wan declared equal
ly hy JuIk Merrick at, Hnltlmore In
114 and your Cardluul UDiinm nt
Roma lu 1SS7.
It In a flue thing to know how t,i
manlpulntn hlatory. Hut It doran't
alwaya pay. If your co-rellgionl
htvt done to much for the I'nll" I
SUtea during the taut century, ho.v
3ofte It happen my friend Dunne, that
among the algnaturra of tha Declara
tion of Indetietiileni e there la fon d
Only one H-omanM. Charlea Carroll f
And that algnature wa not there Jut)
4lh. De algned hla name during Ui
month of Augunt.
Btlll a little more hlatory. Wayne,
Whom the Irlnh call an Irishman. wa
born of KukIIhIi pnrenU. Ilia gram'
father fought tinder the dag of Wil
liam of Orange and received for re
ompenae aonio property In t'leler.
Queer IrlHhman that.
It U true that the parent qf Hulll
an were Irlah. Hut Sullivan avowed
ProteatanlMin, and we are unaliUi l
wmiDreheiid how a "Catholic" Ilk)
Dunne wa aide to quote hla name, for
Sullivan wn that numt odloua of all
thlnga to the Hotualataan apoHtnte
It I may he allowed to ue the term
Which la familiar to them.
Aa to (ienernl Montgomery -a name
qually cited hy Dunne-he wna an
honorable man and a good protect
ant. Hla grandfather nerved alno un
dor the ordera of William of Orange,
Irvine atid Stark were of Hcoteh or
Igln and Protectant. The glorloua
naoia of Ufavette haa been cited to
ua ery often. We elmply wlah t'i
ay that If there were a hoet of Ho
ananlata like him In our noble country
the "patriot!! anHatlona" whl. h
kare aprung up ao vtgoroualy upon
our aoll would have no reacon to be.
The Inaplred writer any: "There la
ft time to talk and a time to he allent,"
W invite Dunne and othem Jtb him
to meditate aorlouely u)on tbse
worda whenever the dealre to fnter
Into the field of hlntory aelgea them,
It we were rich we would aetid to each
of theae gentlemen a copy of the hook
of Judaon'a entitled, "The Bnge and
Hewj of the Revolution." Wo would
go even further, If w,e had the mean,
and give each the book of lllehop Per
ry, of Maryland, entitled, "The Hlgna
turea of the Declaration of Indepen
Cence." A. LAHI5IIT.
The Roman Catholic Church la com
munly credited with having at 4
,,..,--, .t f tlKf-J ;'-
-.! a 1
.i. t ) l
f. ( i - ?
H 1 e- l t,r " 4 it
. - ,t a k (.ti -i
iae t ei;!l Ma
lk h 4 . . 1. .f
a-. 1 fni e(-lr4 It l-e ..ul
l al-rHnl - I l"
anlti CH.n.. 4 wVtih tti
. Ji( li lii4 f ll-e at
la aMntlii T 1M
r (n.1.M1 Its the Mlutit duta
Munh 1. If I, (he MfS. I ml
' hfA f th tS'hollr Ctinttli ha (urn
Ijf XIII. lh Ian fcnndnxl and all
' tv thti.1 lSiw. aituMttteg Irt etflf;
'aMdal nmttatln H' full tttle
"1 'Vicar f Jei thfll. Im.r
"of the Ptlm .f lite Api'U-. H-ad
"of (he t ehrl t'hnnh. I'attlan't
"of the tVil.lmt, primate of Italy,
"An lilillnp and Metropolitan of the
'Human Caiholle t'huri h Prhn-e,
"Htshnp of Home, Hoterelan of thu
"eiililar pewmemdon of the Holy R.
"man Chunh, '
"Next to the Pon eland the Colbn-e
of Cardinal, the aacruni roltcghi'ii,
"under the pienldency of a dean, the
'oldcHt cnrdlnal IiIhIiop, who I alwav
' IiIkIiop of Oxtla-Velletrl. Till pot.'.
"Hon I at prreent held by Alvya Or
"eglla dl Hiintii Htepano. The college
a divided Inlo three aeetlon. name
"ly, the alx to called auburban bUii-
op In the Immediate vicinity of
"ilome, nil Hallatm; aecondty, 53 rnrd-
mill prleMta (with 6 vacanclea nt
preeent) In which cIiim are 20 ltal-
"liuin; thirdly, HI Cardinal deacoiia
with 10 vacancle), five of theae hold-
' Ing oltlce being Italian, Ihe tioin-
'Innl atrength of the college la '!
'member; but .acordlng to latent re
'port, t Here are only 69 actually In
'otllce at present, beeldna two who
'hnve been named but not yet pro-
"clnlmed, In the approaching flec
tion of a new Pope the Italian would
have a majority of three-fifth of tho
"In the next tng of the hierarchy,
"there la a dlHtlnctlon between Die Ro
man and Oriental rile. The I .at In
"rile number eight patriarchal aeata,
"namely, CotiHlontlnople, Alexandria,
"Antloch, .lertiMilem, I.Ubon, Went In-
"die, (Archbishop of Toledo), Kunt
Indie, U tilxo number 174 arcu-
"blahnprlra, of whom 19 are 'exempt,'
"that I, Immediately aubjecl to the
"phi 1 ml eat In Rome; while the bUli
"oprlc number 720, of whom 83 ero
"exempt, At pieneiit 1(12 archbishop
"are In odlce and (IKO bbihop.
"In the Kiiropean atule, Aimtro
lliingnry, with Hoanla and rw
"govlua, ha 12 nrchblHbop and 4'i
"hlahopa; llelglum, 1 nrchblehop and
"6 blKhop; HulKarla, I blliop;
"France, 17 archbishop mid C7 blub-
"op; l.uxnmberg, 1 blahop; (lermany,
,1 archblNhop and 0 bltiliop; Oreut
Htllaln.O archljnhop and 45 blahop;
"flreere, 2 nrchblahopa and 0 bbihop;
"Italy, M archbUhopa and 211
"blahop; Montenegro, I rc!
"blahop; Holland, 1 arch-
"negro, 1 nnhblMliop; Wolluml, I nidi
"blhop and 4 blnhop; Portugal, 3
' an hblnbop and 9 blehop; Roiiman
''In, 1 nrchbltiliop and one blhhop;
"RiiN'ila, 2 archblNhop and 12 bbih
"opa; Hervla, 1 blnhop; Hpaln, 9 arch
"blMhop and 47 bUtiop; Hwltxcrlimd,
"S blaliopa; Turkey, 1 archhlahop and
"4 bbihop.
"Aula ha of Ihe Latin rite, II arch
"blhop and 28 hhdiop; Africa ha
"2 archbUhopa and II blnhop; Amer
"leu ha 42 archblhop mid 177 blnli
"opa; Oceania ha 7 archblhop and
"2o blahop.'
"The Oriental rite Include lhn:i
"chiirchea of the Kat which have been
"united with Rome, though formerly
"Independent or a part if Hie Orlbo
"dox church. Thl rote tiumber
"pntrlanhltea, The patrlachal aea'a
"of the two rile together number II
"The Oriental rite I repreented In
"Armenia by 3 archbixhop and 16
"blahop; among tho Copt by 2
"blahop and the vicar In Abyltilu,
"In Itiiiiinnntit bv 1 nrchlilHholi And $
"blahop; In Orecee, yrla, and elat
"where In the Orient. There are nl
"together l archblahoprlc and 53
"blahoprlc of the Oriental rile, of
"which 67 are at preaent occupied
"Then come the eo-ralled 'titular
"tiiahop, appointed In partl-bua In
fldellum. that I, among dlaaentera
"Of theae there are 347, together with
"29 other prelate with the rank of
"blahop, The total memberahlp of
"the hierarchy when tho year-book
"waa hailed wax l,28. Of theae 211
"ara new aeal eatabllahed by the
"preaent Pope,
"In adltlon, the hierarchy ha H
"apoatollc delegate, 130 apoatolle vie-
"ar. 43 apoatolle prefwla, belonging
.0 the congregation de propagandi.
"fldn In cltargA of the mlaaoln work
"of the church, the whole non-Cain-"olle
world being divided Into o
"called ierra mlaalona, or inlaalon dl
"trlct. A epeclal poMltlon I occupied
"by tha 8 awpotolle vicar In Mexico
"and eeveral South Aemrlcan atate,
"theae being member of the congie
"nation 'for extraordinary affalra of
"the church.' "Exchange.
w a ii"vr
Imiitit'i .m4 -a lt
fiit k
ri Ntxr
IW Mi t inl tt
i t ! kt
Mf i4 tl re l
At a t,t. i 1
Vk ,'!.-! fcr.i ''-A .t !!.-
Ilk h pl(H t'l-vtt k k- .. i I
..k Mf 1 1 W
k. In ' I I "
!., (. e, 4 , kt. f . 4 .n
1, a .t ,1 iMkiikiflii'i
r'l J t.k. k- l k " lrt I. 1
1 M kk fk (. k . I t I I
14 Ilk , A r kk '4'll H I-
,'it ,.i iNkli ivmil wi ii
I il fc ik ,k i. !
! ! - ik. il ?
. (i M l M "IM M 'i
'lalil ' r- I" im. (
lk.k, -t4 l t-d fm
Ml v4 k.l .lllt Willi kkk M
t (. kiv.k"i 1. l-k Um fwr nl (
(lie dniH ,kikkt? Hkk t. a rk
Ihtt kkk a et ttik m M'l
11 hl I K e-'--lilk kkt Mf
aM, Hlk4 te il-(al tk)M"f (( (k
t. tii-ilf 1 firtM ' Ik
imkiiM f in4 4m tiki (k
,i.lf Ikf itrfk-t..lnt T krr, nf kit
nM I in kn.1 ! In nM r-kl
! k4 (nt nlKot iwi.i' toll
V,ki a k h-Vi noiiek-4 ihi .ti an-l
M, It t Vint r riilt"l li kr' hM
ki-llt -k Ik - tfnk l I I e' ! I
ft, W.
ta e4 l (Mka .-.'
javrw I. nnnw'
H W A aMBrlr, fita allnrn
It,,. N - It II I
w. a aai'Nnieiia
atxehant Nllnl Han lltittitlee
, .
TnKkik. M. .Iki-kkk kv . I.lklkk A .k.'liri.a
hrf i .i,.r.l A AM.- r ln...B er.l
rlr-l ,rfe.l,l.l..
Voa.r rrirli nnligrd e th tieh
"at if N,fr.k A. H. Ii l-f k I,
lirnwrt itiaini rr heroin niei ni ?finin
in Hi I Hal rift CWt ..f tW,.iKna (,unly,
' ' . ..... ,i t. . .
M..,r.iik -.i.. i..i W till V.M.wi
aaiii', Ma ifk Ki v j M-'A
ji-n.M ; wr 'iimi-ii. r'"" flv ae.l a ei.Hi le ktareuh l arit in.-
ar..1 nrfk, 'rf-rtkelk H- ol wl ar, t(,M (,,,.,,,.,,,,,,, r ( p.,flB ,
.rav- of ''h la M nn . ,,,, .,..,,., In i, i',, .nd ,
an ( rrll"l itkleit Nnnibt t"lh. aiiW tr.l.lent . II,miIk. Cmtnly al
Urns, upon Ihe ft.llowln rtiwrHrl ralfali, ,,, , ,, aaM taral
w!". . . .... ., mm . I l'liiekT,ni' 1. 1 tun i ii'ii ran- traa fna
H.ili l.l n T'i l.ol III In r'li ft. innrn. 1 ,, , . ,. ;,.'... ki........ . L,
..ll.IS" 11-a.l.all.l In ltr...f-t
Ciiiinly, Neliraafca, lipun wlilcn mere la
now due Ihe atim ef IIIJA7 wllh Interrat
at Iht raU of (en (ltl irim -p annum
Irimt aril, laiif) f'-r nh'eh a.mi
wth Inlertat ami enala loiflhr with an
allnrney'a f amoniillna li tn tr eenl
of th deer, t.liiliillfr iirav for a tie
ere thai h haa a Oral lien upon HI
I , . rM,lnU 1 1 ,. 1 1 tint
ih. ..m. .nrt In !...iiiilt lhr.,f that (lie
.l.l i.r..nrlv l.a mill in anllafv Ih
amount found du, e.ol upon anl (hereof
Ihn defenlanl lie delta rr1 or all rini.
lllle end In.ere.f. In .aid real e.lale, an.j
for eqiiltuhla relief.
You ara alee hereby nollfled that you
and each of you ara required to anawer
aid iwltUn" on or before ihe lllih day of He-
Cl.iltr. INI'H.
Ualeil at IMtiana, wn n .remorr irn, i".
JAMB" I flltnWNW,
Hy W. A. Kaundere, hla attorney.
Doe. m. No, til It 11-4
W, A. eUt!NI)i:KH,
AtUirney, MerclianU halloual Itaak llldg.
T.i Dana U. .lone and I'atty A. Holloa,
aou-rral anl defrnilaniki
Vou ar hereliy n .lined 'hat on the Huh
day of Oelolier, lau. amea I.. Ilrowne, llif
ulalittlff herr-ln, flleU hla petition In ih IUa
tr.t'l (linn for liuiinliii run If, Nalirnak,
agalrial Julin Hruliai'r. Ht, II, Jour Cany
A, Million innl olhera. deftiidnnta t
Jt'Ct rt ptMvrf df which I- to fn.afllok
iwo errlaln lax cert Nil ledld Nov iiii..-f
Itih, lau ant) ISiivr m er pull. IK rikaii.i-t
y.-l upon tha rullowlii ! riuea t
Ih. lo- III
Ti e undivided one 'h of Tu lot IB. In
a.Tilnr. , town hip 14, mnve lili a t Upon
li i h there la eu (he in f im A ' i
A lit iheundlvl id (our If f aof Til lot
III, in I n '. lowit'lilu II ranva ,
tin nhirh Hut" la now ilim Ihe ami. of l''7l .Ml
all whli-h lil iifiUM riy b-leg lniin-' In
Hiiunli-k ! IV, Nt anil wiiii i i'ni
o em It t,f lil aii' nl Ihe ral of leu
(Hi) p r raiil H r an " ii hi from n lulior Mrii,
mm, j: r wmn iiin. wiiii iimr'ai nn' n i
litiiell,! r wlih fit aiiorn y Hiwiiinl'iiir t
u ii u r r.-ei of the decree uliitnlllT uiaya for
a Unrri" lhl ha h a llr.l Hen Uioti aald
real, V at Dm li fniulaula aimll It y
Hi Ban -i n in nt ruiii iiirre. r - nat un- iimi
nriitn.fl v lit w.ld W aw laff Ihe aiiinuir found
tin.', mi thmuiion aal Ihi r. ol the deleeil
am he del cf all r i, tliln ml In rr.
r.i iii i i real lata an . fur uiher rijiil'
iie reiier,
Vou are aim tier f eolllled (hat yno and
o h nf toil aft r. iinlr d lo aeawi-r raid 1K--
tiilufi io or berui the IV h day of I'ru. la'.t r,
Hated at Omaha. Nt hra, Noveuiherinn,
iw. . .
JA V r L nijuwir, i-ininiirr.
Hi W, A Mail' dnr IH AHorn t
It II 4 lloe tMt. No. IH.
AlUrney, Merchaul National .lank llldg
ANT, . . .
To Kilna N, Arnold. Boa-rel(ient defend-
"Vou r hry totlflntl that tin th llih
day of Noianilier, lau. Jamea I., Mrowna. ha
rimniiir nermu, niru ma peim d in i" in
rlt'l eourl (if liooila coun , Nel.rikkit,
aalnl Kllen N Am Id. Jul n KlannKn,
Julia, KlxnintK hi .Jellur II, (iimU'in
and Mra, (.oehll- . II w fe, lira and ren'
nail unknown, dt f.'iiiluri'k, I hit on. rum ami
prayer f whl h ara to f..r lnk three eer.
lain lat eerllfralea dated N.iven.ler 14 h,
IfUil. ii inn the fulliiwlni Ut allied ral eaia e,
to Will
,oi N Mi.i'V Itt, npoa which there I due th
a..,., .if l:'a mi
Lot 4 il rk U, upon wwen tneraiaru in
uoi of a.'uini
1.1 1 lii.K'k III. upon whl' h theia It d Id
Ulll Of 1-llliM, , ...
Allot ltld propiriy neing aiiiiaien in
llniil'k ailiilliiin t" II f 1 1 Omaha houir
I... niiiiit. Neliraaka. ami with I t reatuuiin
ui'l. I kultl aiiotinlaat Ih fill if tinier
eenl per annum from (! tolmr llrd, l"'l for
Wliliifi auin, witn inii-reki. ami ri.t.k iiicm it
wliaan kl orttiya fee aiii.iiintlii lolen ief
nil til Hi ilei'.ftk, piaiiiiiiT praya i.ira.e
i In Ima a llr.l Un uii'in wnnl r nl
iiU'i ihkt ihn dnfi.ndanla uliull imy I In;
aame, and In default ti't.rei.r Hint tlin aali
pr. perty lw mill Ui aat'aly Ilia an mint fo inl
uue, anil inm tii e aam tnr-rn..! ik u"in-
aula l. delarred ol all rini. inn annul
tere.t n a d reiil ml ate, and for iii hereiiult
alile rttllef. M . .
V.iii .ra niiiilfiid t i amwvr laid unl.ltlun
nn t-r Iwdira ih Itt h day of lu-eemi r, IMia,
Umaha, f-eii., oa u, law.
JAMM I. lll(UWNk;,Pfalnllir.
Hy W A, H i n- era, III- it 11-4
.(H-, tat no
t k ka-M- v.- j im-. -a' - -
-iff: r:a:Ti.i'i I
m g ui vcm
ht-f auti ik
k (k 4'
1 i ! a
(, -.t 0 t k. .-,,, r .
II . l I., k k tV,
k I .'-. I', kl-l
k k k . k kk I 4,-k .k,4 If
- k . I w k". k.. kkk -
t Mkl'ilii . . I kk.
- ' k i kkl f kk kk-k4
ll.l' 4 .,-. l kr4 kit kHkkJ Ik
kl rik i Ik k, k kl
. k . U i li 4 kIUk I
'' !
f t- Irt l " ' "' Ikk-fk- . lg .
I. tk. 4 ' 4 el -! -Ww w.
I I,. ok l,-k., k , ,
I. (k- t t f tv.,
I K,, . r,.i , t it, 4 .k,,..ij w
I - ..-kikilri jt t k.4 I 4,4
1 i.a i k-n.'t ik ,,.. k,m
Oh-4 k-4 I few m ...
r-k n kk hl. .- k
M i,lkt4-l k lm '. kiktH
k-M I kl" W4i IH Mk
t 'ri - k".Mi lkrk k4
k. kk II I t 'll p'klk'
j'K i et i , a !
l-' t . Hi 'ik.t I ! i Atl
,k - l f I ,.n rlkVuartk
t.k, kl Ikwahk Jk-li'k.kk. kk ..h tU
' l
ir txie w nl Hiitg
-- Il Wklkf,kkrf
W 4 kn,i,4, kki,rf r,,k uitkkiif
X'i . k, i.rtv kl, t. i Un an,
'a ft a
t.. i"'iri -nhh hi a.i
i Vrt.l I I Ik' nr.ll M, T'I Ik? I (
I. m.i ( II. Ki.l." a'" Mi lilll .kf
.vi , J,,...,. is lift - W ! r a
T t...ik r, it,. (..,., in , rt ,.. imih
' ""' .'' 'i.kl t. , h
' ' e.i-.i.i i i-et an lmt. -t i.r
I h"' "f" '' "'. .'"'".'l
' J'.? "Tt"! ."" .". " ?
r ;''"' ' in i h"--.. (r..m
"" ,""" '. ,
''" '" ell 'kfll.-j -ark i !
. fin Iff aii .1 an aW all tor an nAr nt
!,...,. . . ... 1.1...1 i. i i ... i
t , t tlpnl, mn, ()irrt ,
'' rV'S '" ' """ " - "'
II VntlN. IMalMlir
10 I
11 f riwoa Kicii hlaAlluincy
w. a aAt'NriFtia,
Merchant Niillonal Hank Hlilg.
KHKItlPP'll BAtrR.
'V r of a titnrlea order of ale J
in.l "ill of. Ih.itllrl. ( court for Dniialn"
, '""" I'Tk "'4"Ja.7 . P a ''i.
":,"".;',."" "'J. '1,,"' 1,
j , " ' .. ' .m'.t,n' J '.?. 15".."
ly eourl
hoiia. In Ihn elly of Hmnha, fionirlna
entinly, Ntraliit. aell at rmlille aut'llon
lo Ih hlahxal tihlder for enah, Ih prop
erty deaerllied III an Id oril.-r of an In, a
follnwa, lo-wlll
t ot (irn. iw and (Cii In l.uke A Ttn
nlelon' nildlll'.n lo Ih elly of Omnhri.
aa anrveveil, iltttd and reeoriled, all In
poiiplna eoiittty, alitl of Neltrnaka.
Huld nrooerly (o li a.ild lo aitllafy Wal-
ik ii. i..MiMk. htHi..iirr t,...Mit. it.
on an Id lot aa follow, lo-wlit
On lot Ihlrly-aven Ih nm of 129 W,
(In .. I thirty IM Ih hih. . If,
tt- In. f,k il. rum ' t am in.
whlrh nmounl, aeeordlna fn Ihe dere,
hear lnlral al Ih rut of (en (101 nr
eenl per annum from FVIinmrv J"(. 1"7
Tn itify Hi aiirn of Klrhly-four and
Tl-I'ifl (l( 711 d.illnr eoal hreln, (oaellier
wh rrriiliii enata, aernrillna lo
liiilymertt rendered l.y Ih dlalrl.'f eourl
of aald fiour'na eoiinlv, at Ha fBhruary
rm, A. I. IW7 in a eerlitln ei(.n then
nod Iher f.efiilli."' whf-reln Wtilter "
Keeler la filiilnllff end Alexander M.
Johnainn ed olhr urn dfendnnl,
(iron ha re?.ra "ml itci.
.triMV V. M'fiOVAf.Ti,
rlherlff of fionirlna eoiirtly. Nrit.rnk
W, A. f.iiiier1..ra, nllorfiev fur Plaintiff,
k (. t-a .Tutirik'nn f, ai,
MncVi.! M Vft, 1(14,
p, fiorkef Y, nne inn. .J
Attorney, Merehanl Nnllonal flaek,
aitirrtrrrri Mi.n,
l'edir end hv vlttu of nn order of anl
on drre of fneeeloanr nf tit Hen la
aoed nut of Ih ditrli't eourl for tloua-'a"
eoiinlv, rltnt of Nel.rrtaUn, and lo m dl
reetod f it-ill, on th Hh day of Oct" A tl 11 a II o'eloeh A M of anH
dnv, el th eAT fronl door of Ih eoiin
lv ro.irt hon. In (li rlly of north.!
ftoi.wl,. eoi.oty .elirnla aell ( rtutiHe
anetlnn In tit hlehnut litdiler fur enah
(ri ornr.r.i-1 v deai'rll.ed In klild order of
",te n follow, lo wltt
f .ol on fn i.lo.'k one f(. In Ttrnnnnii
np an tn th eltv of Ornnhi
H anrveved l.ltrd end recorded, r) tl all
liated In tiotitrlaa eoiinlv, Nehniaka,
anld orooertv In h aold lo aitflrfv
Jam f frown, nlnlollff herein, th
aotn of fine Hundred and (wo .J nm doi
l..rt (nlrrme( wln lfitrri.t (hereon from
eViitemli!. Wlh, l'7. at Ih rt of (en
(trti or eenl oer annum, (oirefher with
attnrnv' f of (en dollar which
nmntiei ar a flrat lien on above d
rrllid eronertv.
Tn kklf W, Thnma. TTeeelv'
nt th l(1thd fOnt dnnW de'endne'
(.Brain h i.m of viehf ?(imdrd ned
nit. nnd 31 M Iwmifli d'.Uara lildirmnt
ft'tth lntrt Ihereon et (h rat of vn
m rt nt per annum from ftentemher
rh Iff,
To t..llfw lh forth aum of Thtrfv.
ev and 41. inn Hid 11 dottnr cohI h"rln
nirnlher with neernlnw eoila neenrdfn'
to a liidemnnl rndrd hv th dlatrlet
eourl of aald rioto-la eoliolV, al Ifa an. trm, A Tl 117, In certain a"
lion thep and Iher eandln' Whrln
tkmin t, ftrowe l nlnlnttf and Adeline
l fnllrteri nefl (leue MeCllHoch, her
fciiatikeirt nod Alfred ?(, fomafoi-k, and
Tott li' O'hnmaa reelk.r nt the Mid
nd "'at ar dfnndnt,
Tinted ( rimnh, Nel.raaka, Aua-ual
Wth A, Tl. IM,
toiiv w. wriovAT.n
aheelrr of TlotiKlaa roun'V, VehrV
Itr A anitndr tlnrnev for Plaintiff
llre- i' erlneh et, al,
Toe to, No, 19. J H
w, A. aAITKlta,
A Homey, Merchant Nnllonal tlnnk Rld
N rTlfir TO NON-ll!l DKTP fiRKKNII
To I, Monro flr( and real nan. tie.
fceown H'd Mra Monro, hla '(,!
dral nam u-known. non-realdnt fe
(odatai Veil ar herelit olied that OB (he Pith
dat of Novemlier A II ati ,lat.i I., prowtm,
Pl'e(,tff herein led hi peHllon In th dla
irlef eourl of tiouyln county, Nehyaaka
atklnal M. t,. Monroe Bral and ral nan a on.
known, and Mra M"r-., h'a wlf, ll"l
and real ran. unknown defendant, lhaoli
jel and pryr of whli'h II lo 'orerloi on
er-ln (a er(ifl( datd lovniher inh.
la'fl, upon th following denerllied ral ratal
l wi't
Mnh l.ol. thlfli.threa (!Ht) of fax lot By (IP.
In.i.eit n II 'own. hip 1 ranya 1:1. rmt all
li.i ioi in minima roomy raeiirKa,
There I now dn upon nld -entlBeat (he
linn of ait7i) 44 with inlereat at th ratof ten
pee rent, n r n"mn 'from Oetohnr B'd,
lau. for whlrh auin. with Interrat, and noa'"
loynther w'(h an ai'ornry fe amotmtlnr In
Ion per cent of th d'-er p'alntiff praya fo
a dee re lha hla a flrtt Hen tiponattid
ral that the defendant ahall pay
Iheaain. d In default llmreof thai, tha
aald property he aold to ttfy th" m.iunl
found doe, end ' i upon ael thereof Ihe
de'endanta Im deharrrd o all rlyhr. Itt'n end
Inlereki. In aid real eatate, and roromet
.....11.1,1 relief.
Vou ar a n hereby nollfled that you nd
ea-hofyou are rriiilrnd lo anawer aald
pen. loe on or liB'lir inn iin (lily in neorni
,er llt.
.lAMM r mt'iWNK, Plaintiff,
HW A aauederk, hi atlcrnry.
Hoe at Nn, It. H-tH
Do you know that Sawyer's Soap I
the very beat In tha market? Ak
your grooer for It. Inalat on having: It
and do other.
' itwkt. laHa) tVNIHMm tif ill !f rtVian t
!XrOl .1 laMuai MUMenui , i Ulna ivu ' 1
An I nlitiljf
If JAMtt rtKIMOKC coortx.
t lw k4 ykeikk t-t . k .., i'.' lt. f-. twytl l'k k k'
Ml I a Ik. k M -..kkk. tin .." Mr k H kk II I . Ik I Ik
HI ik. 4 I I'k kk It kkf! e-1'..k 1 lr I ki.l . k tt i ... k le.n, kk k M
i - 'V- '
, ' . " ' , i
j l ""'I'JTk-eai'''
. ,r B kMek ..
1 , rf-?r.M-T'l'
liar in lol f..r Ihentkelyei i rkh IH.'MI Ir-nt M l n.. n( Hi fi.ilt . it. I win I- .1-liyl.l
nl .Mil ll.eiii, We tir lead all amuiir. i.o l WC'i ihe (...liil-ltrf ..( Ii.ia -ril. i.l e.littu.i i.l l
Ir-ailt.-tti.N kin Till wiiei. i'l aie ett d.-. In .'d r una Inl- ''' l'iiilful lek Mltitieal
,, t ti.itik) ni.rt. em-ii an.rf. m .ke w....i. m.l hav l .ii.i a tew teart
tut., ".nt Hi liyii'iiitiy, ininiiiui pr.-t lw piuenl ptoff an l arxii v pii..n In Hit ti' tiaUt
.) d..ii wun.i. n lot Hit r fling puiili', uii-l Htm U urn in.iti mtiiriluiit u( all.
Thirty Complete Novels
. " wwMOt," rvrworia
i : , ; ,
I., (he f.etler Mmi. hy Mn llatat Wnon,
'I'll lllMI. lletjuett, l,f IKilKI ntwtr
Tlf KnUltlaPildft Mytltiyi b C'Mtaiia
llnrlna Fiplnll, r Mra Jul 0, Al'lTIII,
it. .nee, i.r r .rt w, riaa. a
I'enrl-Olter'i I'rlee. In M, T Cil,o
1 Una aiiorl War, 17 lli'n I win,
When Joy
A Ver Atf'i, . H. lUiiMrn
All Allmntl Ilia kt.imll.i-r IPefk, V, (iilhrlrl
At I il IHullilii l.laa Iii In.,,, J. li. I hit Inn
Arl'iml (lie Mi'il
, , ,, , I'lrifl.ii'l Utthl lil
II. l im Him k 'Iliy Nillialillia,,,,,
III. in Kyet, , 1 ,,,,
( iillilaili t , ,, ,,,
mn til Hie lllia't 'l l ru, , , , , ,
llrHi... Ihj'M
,,,,Witrte rutwtnrtit
.JiiinrB At""i'k
,,,.titir MrlllrlHUin
mi.,,. Mm. Hrmtlh
,,,,11'. W, Ihilthuim
ieiiiiilal 'lemler and 'I'riin,. .,......'( h'i'i
i.i,.t..iiiif nf iIihiim .......J. I,. Iliillnn
"lliiwn lli'l.iw Hi WlM(Miidi.iia",,. ( 'hit
yii.led lacea ,,,,,,, I'mil llnirUin
I.TMi't Mn Nut,,,,,,...., WUktlm limit
'rin O'CI.e k III Hie Mondial".,.. ,,,,,,,, ('"'"!
Olrl I Met 1111 tl." Kitriit ( liiej,., ,,,,,,,, Julin limit
O.1I1I111 V"ra Ara yiiK'HiiK,,. '""! 'O11I
(liaelnlylil ,,,,,,,,,,,,, A11O iiftw in "fr"i4 "
lli.lirilf Heat (Tl.el, ,,,,,, J"" I'll ., llnrrM
llitl'liy Mi 1 In ( ..iiiiiry Olrl. ....... .MmMH I'lMp
lluW Will ll Kfur l lUlll 1 IHUM r-4lll'.
If, TmtlirH
lie (a All PittflMiman,,., Hit Arthur Hulhmn
j Wlllalle anil Wkltfin. Kitlle ,.,MUluui S'lliln
i llenily Itim't Think I aimll MitiTV d.m
, h (lie Hiti'iiOi'itUy i'l'": .(. la
ilenny In Hi I fn-ltiki ll "'"".''.!'''"
.lit. kri farewell ,.,,,,Jnief ., AfM"y
!(i,l, I'.a.r anl,'.iiiil.i.,.......i.... i'1"' (
( ,u..y a I Ml"f f .' 'f''r'"
,llll Annie ll.amey. , Mjihutl Snliin
,ll.ln li.her Miinli'ii iTIiei I.uilnlf ttiililitumn
a Mietle llreaa .... Thl. JIM Mr i..
t.lllle riiilter"iii'aMiin,.,, tllr Arllnit ulliin
jwnofi iire.-i.nia ,,,,, ;:','
L.TI.l elllllile-ia ,,,,,,,,AH' II fl
ill naaei. full iheel mind il.e, prtnl.d
I' ;"", :,"' I
t -tin
Th I
allowina H lo l..'ii Bt n tin lain rai-k, iP-almii il unver. yuii.-ii up 111 iit.1111 ni i
.M.flor a (ileaaina iirni..i.iit, and Ha Inierlor a lHiia ,y. 1'uhllalii.f pruw la il.iwOMf
Than Qold ?
II r o k 11 la
llrnllltf Ifao
III tu lilt, V.
aed tar hi
ll KM M!M
(lompoaed of
llonla, Hertii,
Pii'ia, llnrka,
a d Kluwira
lie t ea over
A nun it Iff rent
klnila In pre-
j rilm f rum
. i!s 3nd curra all
rnanner of l llll'IMH IHwIC !:, iiu'h aa 4 l rlt Ml.lney l ifer, llle.l
Her. ikloi.i.iili Ironlile A all. 10). Iltroal
mid l.titta rronlilea liirtlaeailun Hyip.,
HO k lie.iiliii li K. mill tVeakue., I.oal
Mmi.Ik.o.1, (tei tooa Ilel.illly.aii.l nil I'rlval
lu.ea.ea, All .'naia yuir,irii'-ed it in. ney
refiiiiilnd. (HiNHI) i.TATIO fill K, Call on
or wr in rni-liieinn niimp'tir booa ami blank,
A ll.l real,
8 HI-I'll N. IU1I1 t Oil A III, KKII,
Admirer of a, lilalna tn oh.
tain of m a beautiful bliitory of that
eminent atateaman. Price, $1.00
American Pub. Co.. Omaha, Nab.
New 1 .lilion rf
mm m
F... kk k-'r... -e ' - . . ' k . yk k it
i ,1 I' ,. . t I k'. lie ll.l1 Iklat
ytkke l.,(Mt p'k. l-w, k.k kikv .....4 l
k).kk . ,'t k .-rk-n. ktw.k I tl'k :fw t Iklrvtl
M y.k-t kk'kl Ik e- I l-tl lkktfc-,kf rt
k,kk.k tt. I lite I e. kthl WW rtkerf" kkt 4
f. tr.k - Ik- k l t .1 IW Ilk. II I lit I ',.rrk
fikt W.4 l.tat ft Itklrt, k"t Ih kk 0 ll (kk te
letpk . l.k t ' kt'l IN kakfe ttlll.t t'tttk
tkr.'k4 lieik'tml lt'r.4 lit I 'k ttkktkltt
IK 1-4 te.a in t Ik ptnl (l I .1 Ifht rrkt, I
l.ttak't ik-y t . kk -li la -'! el
r..r. ttrtiuhy ik.ek k'ikt i t... I i.f B
k t4if . tt.iMk bm'mnnt't 1 l.k r,.ie.a In-l.iH
"II k rt.i.4 k..k 4 l Wi' t ttH-kt.k, tuf
M..,y tti.1 I. ta I '.fl I k..n.'Hk ... Aa
liii. prw lm a t-l i I ' .h it',. iy Taie
kit p k I.r l.liMIi.r-l In r ll'f ka l I IH
.. .lk.H,r l k-tkl tt,tt ka. o.r-t ik.y. tMkllt
ft-yt-t mn t.liihl I'l k.t tl,-e (n,.'kl t'.aikll'kt.
I.,..'rir bit. ,..! .( WH flkkkl. iai
rrs tniuuTrs. :n:rATnn:r:tn,
tu la? cr Xu2 irniCA3t
mmm ,." tk ,.,.
Ikl i .k.'k.'.kk'ki I rkkl I ilAkkM.
link hin iteme etlHea ef in lihrrtti-lii4
f.l, t Ik (.lll"l It Mll f'kn p,i. I ll.itn litll 'we .
i it a d. HkHMiiI i-. ami n.. ef.-...rl
I .ve a pi,i In ""I Alitetltatt hni. II e,.N
I N -e t'l H.e tkti.kl . Ilauiilllf tntttklK'."! It'll Hit
I" it 1 l-f lliiktl I'tef .'o.t.-eife.l, k III"- tt III -I
I a l.k.llh, l t" l'ilk"l I'l III, t'li'timlt tu.
lime, AH "'. I. mil I' l l I'm p. f t il., Hi t
By Famous Authors.
Wt offer la on niaminoih viiltim nf in larye qtiaria
well nrinUMi (toin clear, reauame ipa on '
n'l na
laii'lai.mrlr lexiiiil In aliranllva
ptper foyera, Thirty Ottriplf-nt Aunr t. loin I of lb ut It i.rat ..( Ainerl. aaii'l Kurnji. Ka. h
una id Ile a novel la Itilenarly lltltiealiny and It I
llielury i ami innat yurli il eolleii.o of popHlar noyela
ever ptilillahed Iii aliiyi yiiluin. Thtwlioi Oiam
pmlli C"llei:iluii la mid fur onlytft renia, Wlili h la aa
pmrn than Hi iiatinl nil of a eiriRle Unrr. never Im
for hnl Iheia le olT"re'l nu ll a ylyanlln baryaln IB
fHipniar lll.-ratur. Tha following la a Hal nf Ilia rirhy
OmjitWf) fiiiwll tiiDtallied III till Uiauiuiulll tiuvk I
Onllly or Not (Julliy, by A" V I
An lil.l Man' au. l-III.e, l, Mn. A
lltlMtr Man una M'lrw, by hlel
thirni i
itt nana
MlewicA lUauiaa
'I he llhoai I t I,, l.f Mn tk 0. ACn.
r I,, lif M'l. J.t
1,1 M.HIIIM IlkaLkll..
A itHtieren i.ii, "f 41.11.1 1
'('he Mr.rliotia Triifili. k:
IIHtteren i.y Mkaini ntai,ki...
'ruaedy. k Mn. JtaaO. AIWTI.
, li kl im M, V. MKklileil
A lnr-a t..ry, i,
.1. 1,.
ll.el'. I
.1 lb If.
lliel'. l.,k.,i. lit Frn W filu'l
a ii.ttiiiMia, tif ttar 1 m 11 ntr.
killed .rl.ed.. I l.y WiianColMia,
it it
'I he
r lll.ll ,fiifk-ll or T il." 'a
I he I'arm llrld. Ir Kkautaar
Hn.i .y
I inner mrrina, nr mn i.aaaT wgot.
W Mrel, T, Hiaa Hvuk
I I at nf (ieurttt I antlleina. y Oanaua
"ti'iV' Naai Cat oa m Oat. ty Htar (taini.
. Fills the Heivt
'I k 11. .HI ItMp, l.y Wneany Lneia utaiatana
'l it I'ltHMInm lilt It.hMtt, liy Bi'ti. Hiruwa.
Tun K....-I of 1 11 1 erne. a, lit M f (.'itirua,
A ..l(. lu.r't ai.iry, 17 In nN Cnawttr,
My leliotr l.ulMieer. i'l lonaa lltieiite,
M y aiitr Kale, 17 llitauma M. lataaa
ll. IrfMlae, l,f Mrl. Ilaaar Wnfit..
A lira) C, l.t Hunaef l II MTTt ",
yr- it And expreaalon In mn, Kratlfylnit" the j-frfonner
0 t 'and 1lljlitlii) tliolicnrcr. Nothing aoacrvra tcalin
tlio wenrlud eon! ftftcr n atiirni-tiioil Any na tli
awect mclodlca tlmt recall mwinorlua of tlilldliiexl
and tliimo Imik, to rent. Kccof)l,ln tho peel
of a vailed lint of aonji, In float (tint convenient
form, tlmt would Aich1 to (ill heart ttnd tftatc,
Tho I'flvorlt Collection of Sohjja Im Uun
jiuieil cxiri!"ly to lilt llilit wunt, ami contitina
word und niiialo of fi "f tho chokc-at jiroduc
tloti of Klflfrt mid famoii coinjioecra. I'lcturo
to youracif ii (jvwiiiitf ut home with tho follow.
I11K lli.tof ta'ttiitiftit aonjj ln-foro yotit
Hill )f and J0I111, t the) livera' Quarrel,
Vtiiy y.-et AK'i,,,, ,,.,..HW ArlUuf MnlUmn
MiHinr Wo It th l,iUI tmtl..,,..,J, II', ''
Nn 111 r iA'ii ..... ,,,,,, , . , , ,,,,,ai''e Alilmt
I I, I Von 1'ietly JllneKyod Wli. ll,,,. W. r.'lninr
(Hit Oarilen Oitl ( I het, ,,,,,, W, i". M'fllwin, Jr.
1 M'l I 1.1 Uim I l' k I'l l,.').,, ,.,,,,,,,,,-'". MnWlt)
III. I lli.lllllklk (I he),,,,,,,,,,. ,,,,,,.,,11. Ililllmim
I'lLiitiiHea,,,,,,, ,,,,.......,.,., eS'li'ol tnriiuM
I'ully .....,.............''', A- "My
Iliilli and I ...... ...... '.'.'r-'..; .e..f
Hiiiii. leely.,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, II, A, Mi rnnim
Nl.iiiiKi'ik Vel,, ,,,,,,,, I liltVui
NailiiiK Iliullnu Norn
npwk Ui Me. ,,,,,. fnliKi (Wii'iB'i
he ok Oeiii ly,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ... II', '' K'rKilil.'ik
That I l.v,,, ,I"HM Millltnium
Tlikiwe.'l.'kl. Tun... ...... " AH
'flunk of M Neieriiiiira,,,,,,, .,.,..,', '"
Th. Hoy I lia, ,... .(. timlih llumn
Twuliy Twit,,, ,, ...Ah ""' ttri
Tha l.-nr(llil K.niaof lloilie,,,,,, i,fril 4M
Tha (win- Hell........... ClariM
Tli ".ml ,1 y I :inialii-- irtiil.i. ,,,,,, vim rut
'I'liar' a ftllfer l.lnlna tu tsrury "",M,,Jf(fc
Telt Me Truly A. M. t('.rlr-l
When Kofi Kf.'tetllille,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, J'H, llnnhrt
Why Tarrle My lifn ,,,T, nilih
When Twlllaht Outlier III, , e, M"U'1
ra 111, m. e, ei'iu...
Will Vieir ll.-nrl, ttie.iidtoMlii',..4, II, liwim
When I View Hie MmliKf ll'ililliiK,.,. Aumi
WitL liiniin, Wlnitnf the Mahlf... ("""'"I
Wtll Wall Wall,,,,,,,,, ,,..,,.,,.,.'' e'ie.
Won't Vou Te Mn Why IPil. III ,n,irw,
Wlilap.ii- In thTwllllit....,.........r4ii0emy Attn
on Bna eream tinted pain-f with ewefl Itliidliitf,
. . USE . .
Ait your (ie'iri'T foe It anl If ha doc
not havo H. CUT OUT thl dverl
ment and have him order It for you,
We rnanuftrctiiru tha li I low In h'tirida;
Pure Family Soap,
floating; So p.
Pure Castile Soap.
ICO 8turten St..
mnhrn Ainl AdArv,
Sawyers Soap,