THE AMERICAN , ti ' It lt t Mi.l( fititmt ,'. t rrl, , IK MNk 'B Ikl Ik ' m later. t ! IK lata Ike fmniM X t,h t isewn, ta i, 'tvi,' ! ww lltr I Ik taWMtot. i Mtt ii rwM IH fva -rwaina a I tt totrt4 k kiss M Ike taste ,t ft 44 -ar r I ) IK rMlt. 'm Ikst K It tt I rsk Ik mim tvf rA!fit t Wot M Krtl ir ) tr.f Mm i M ai. t 1H K en re tit e Ini we la jBfjt Yale r-rrjiinb-, krrw it!?! root among wir ttK -ntmtiBlt a reiBf jmn of Ike rountrr, ttet4 ot r ltl aaa la 'Vraiiil. la Twin, tr, imoM tear Bailor an4 Ik feoatmeB of lb IHaqK anl li r itlel erMt4 la Russia. Mr. Harry, la ate "itaa at Heme," i?ci a striking instant- el th Rneetaa repugn a or to savlni (If from drowning. On day a drunkea taaa alk4 Into tht atr and die rpr4. A Bumher nt spectstop Blood by and gated on th arena with ih utmost indifference, nut ao one triad to rni him. A court of la ejtilry waa hld. but aa on tiamlnalloa so rrtNMi waa found on hi neck, a vr dirt waa quickly agreed upon by tha lllagera. who declared that th man waa "drowned bccaua ha bad no croai upon hi nock." Th nohamlsn Usher tan abrlnka from snstrhlng a drown ing man from th watra. tearing that tb water demon would take away hla lurk In Huh Inn, and drown him at tha flrat opportunity. Thli i a lingering nurTtval of th ancient significance of thl BiipersUtlon, tha explanation be lug that tha water aplrlt la naturally angry at being deepolled of Ita victim, and henceforth bean a apeelal grmlse against tha unlucky peraon who ha dared to frustrate him. Thua, when noma one la drowned In Oermany, th remark la made: "Th river aplrlt claim hi yearly acrlflce," or "The nix baa taken him." Out of Europe, alto, tha accidental drowning of a per aon la attributed to a ilmllar eel jure, and tha Blame dread the Pnuk, or water aplrlt, that eelrtw bather and draga them under to hla dwelling. Tha Sloui Indiana bava a ilmllar fancy, and tell how men have been drowned by Unk-Tahe, tha water monater. For tb aame reaaon, It appear, tha Kamtchadnle, far from helping, a man out of the water, would drown him by force. It rescued any chance no ona would receive him Into hla bonne or give blm food. The Chinese reluc tanco to aave a man from drowning arise from quite a different belief It being atipposed that the aplrlt of a peraon who una met hi death In thli way continue to flit along the aurface of the water until It nan caused by drowning th death of a fellow-creature, A C'hliiamnn, therefore, who at tetppU li reacue another from drown ing I considered to Incur th hatred of th uneaay aplrlt, which la denlroua, erwa at the expenae of a man' life, to Mwp from Ita wandering.-Uoaton Olohe. HAD HEARD DIVINB PATTI. Way micrtaa Hlil K it tare la Hear lllaaehe HMWMelt Ming. An actor at one of the local theater 111 a atory of how blunt old General Hherman declined to hear Illancha Roonevelt alng. Th general' kind haart and helpful nature led him to atrwtrh out tha hand of encouragement to many a atruggllng awplrant for dra rnatle and mtiatcal houora. But bla protagea aometlmea were not aelected with a dua regard for their artlatlo capability, Among other, ha be atowad bla friendly Intercut upon Mlaa Rooaevall, who, fifteen year ago or mora want to New York to alng In light opera. Bha Inntltutad a weekly moalcale at her hotel, preceding ber appearanca. One of tbeae General Sberman waa expected to attend aa tb gneat of hlgheat honor. Tha hour want by and tha hoateaa waa In da pair, for th general did not arrive, lethargy fell upon the aaaemblage, wbloh tba playing and alnglng of wedlocr penpla could not dlrnilpata, After midnight the grim old warrior, wrapped In a long military cape, ap peared oa tha acena, and Joy beamed on Mlaa rtnoievelt'a handaome face, "Oh, general," ahe aald Impulalvely, Tv refueed to alng until you came. What would rou Ilka?" "Nothing," ha anawered laconically. The lady'a faea fell. "Ton aee," he continued, "J have been down at tha Academy thla evening lUtenlng to Pattl aa Marguer ILe, and I don't want tha memory dis turbed before I go to my dreama." at waa rather tough, but Mlaa Itioae velt took It good-humoredly, for aba knew that tba old general had no thought of being ungallant when ha aald Jitut what ba meant In hli own dallghtfully blunt faahton. la Inllnn a Klaawher. "In ilia boui'iiilng," mud the corn fed phlloeopher, "man la much eoncrned ttiat bla ULtlo wlfo'a hert ahall alwiya h liKlit. Ialer, he paya more atten tion to the weight of the blacult'In dlannpolla Journal, Kit of tha Tnmata, According to Hie lutettt avollnhla gtatlBtlca the United State haa thla year tanned 4,500,000 ca of toma to. I thftn flf,T yhT' "so peo ple did not know tomatoee wer good to eat. flaaUy Wonder. "What a pity, Kloy, It la that you can't danca In better lime, when you've Rot auch lovely clocka on your tocklnga." ImhwII . ttM ktf. IK ! t4 i ra K Ktr k k a-kif-i w fs ti 1 Jane 4 I kw iNI la -t. W K t' tr rwa a4 i t iittt 4 ft.iwM 4 ft'-wni i at K r-aM M IK Ki i V. 4 IK tt r4 tr i 4 lKee a pe' tt at wh iKe itKetwt ' ir K(l r ic'r"- .a ft rl' il t i ma 4 n i 4iael), f -t tl.a I IKMa A tlmt lltiai 4n IKi kl4 it WK l IKal eie tr?i a llr arliee en if K ww TKe Wtea I M aiik KoB lake fTrt IK water e4 die teaually Of Ik f ef !W K-ktei iai fitted t at I WW almul ; hrte( Talalt aad lb riher lo aMten II la la theae to nrl that Ike rrench Hh- erwea eell their fih, Aa wdmarf ratrh of aardleea give la ea. k boat frtm le in lo.eoo nh, and Ik prlc la regulated by the quantity brought Ik by the (lab romer. Rev, franca a thmieand la a fair prlc. During tha eardla aeaann about loo women and fifty men anilonaly await tb arrival of tha flrat bnata. If ther are no flah there la no work for them. When tha newa arrive that Ih boata have their welcome cargo Ih women. In their plctureequ roatumea. ruah to tha tan nery like a flock of frightened aheep, and each takea her place In th great room wher the flub undergo their flrat preparation. Her tha eardlnea are apread upon tha tabl and aprlnkleJ with aalt. Then they ar cleaned, and when that operation la Bntihed they are aorted by little boya and carried Into another part of tha eetabltih mcnt, where they ar put In pickle. After thla the flh are waahed and placed ono by one, with great rare, upon the net, called "grllU," and put out to dry In the open air. It the weather la wet or even foggy thla op eration la ImpoBRlble, and tha flah apoll and become worthleea, except for fertilizer. The Una In which th ear dine are then packed are carried to the oiling room, where the Inat ma nipulation coiialata of filling them with oil. It la In thla part of the eatabllah ment that the tomato aauce and the apices are placed In tha boxes whlcn give to the French preparation of sardines their universal renown. In any of the above important establish ments tha sardines are prepared and exported ten hours after coming out of the water. Gourmets should never rat newly prepared sardines, They have neither the perfume nor the fla vor of those which have lain In tba boxes for a yenr. EXCITED AT THE THEATER. California Woman Orarcome by lh Wna of Nancy Bfk. As preaiinted by good players, the murder acena In the dramatized ver sion of "Oliver T 1st" la almost etiougti to upset the nerves of an experienced theater-goer. Nance O'Ncll and Mo Kee Itankln were the lending actors In a production of the piny at the Co lumbia theater, Hun Francisco, lsit week, and among tha spectators was Mrs. George C. Wlllnrd. accompanied by her husband. Dickens' Immortal chapter read once, Is forever Imprint ed on tha memory, but tha utter brut ality, misery and wretchedness of tha acena when enacted on the atage are accentuated many fold, especially at tha point whera Nancy creepa on the ataga after 1)111 flykea has struck tha blow. At that moment In tha Ran Francisco theater tha audience, which waa straining every aens to miss no word, no movement of tha supreme young actress, waa distracted and al most terrified by tha hysterical femin ine voice of Mrs. Wlllard crying ptto ousty: "Oh, Oodl Oh, don't kill her! Don't kill her! Thla la too cruel!" Tha apeaker'a amotion overcame ber and aha could no longer articulate words. Bha stood upright, tense, moaning, sobbing, ber arma stretched In suppli cation toward tha stage. Her excite ment waa contagloua. Clasps and aobs were heard from all parts of tha bouse. In ona of tha boxea t woman fainted. In a few aeconds tha acena ended, the curtain fell and tha lights went up. Meantime Mrs, Wlllard had been led by her husband to tha lobby, where after a time sha regained aome meas ure of composure and went home, MANY MILES OP OOLDEN HAIR Orewulng Olorf Oaler lloa.ld hy Chora Mlrl In llo.ton, Knvled by all In lha Castle K'inir theater, Host on, la Maria Htuail, chorus girl, who according to cnrnful estimates baa 200 miles of licautirul golden balr. It claims attention n only from tha quantity, but from lit exqulslla texture and color. There l no bint of bleaching fluid about Hi' strands. Tbey ar aa flue as goHmiiimr and glint Ilka tha purest gold, ICm' to end thosa golden hairs mensiirn up proximately 200 miles, or l.Of.fl.O iO foot Figure It out yourself. There ere up'in Miss Stuart's head about 123 so.1", inches of halr-bearlng acalp, The hn i la very abundant, and counts on mi average 1,860 hairs to the sriuare ln :t The hair averages about five fo. t n length; taking the b nEth at evn five feet and the actual number of !inir at 211,200, you see the 200 miles of bun and a few Inches to spare, Miss KiuhN Is hardly five feet In height, so Unit Ihe hnlr falla In a golden shower about her shoulders. Made It llarmonlra, "You didn't lasU'U your iwmiy with a blue ribbon, aa you usually do," kui.j tba editor of tha magazine, "No," an awered tha contributor. "My arnso ul harmony wouldn't permit It. This It an article on th management of tht war. I tied it with rcn tape." Wash lngton Star. a a it t i at-.. ,(. mk v.n i- i vAkMWr i t I M INT V I, V ,. Ht v"-" ! i, - tti4,i A- . -r' tt'ft?4 : r m v - i i ' S.t,l e . "t . a t. I t 4-ta I I h at i. I A j - n ... ( 4 ,.. , 4rM th b4 M IKtt Irt (.,r, , rr-'n !. ,Mrl fittt U K - . . I ! ..!.-. , hi. ta !- i ih4 In al - a n !- I - a t l awl a a I ! r" ' h n ! I " ini U . a k h m r4 i-eta l-l ? M a l lf Il I .iil V " t " ' Oa l I J ihm i f I in la M II fcini a l (i , rl ff- a tn M It ).. k It it ,.nt ( 1 1 M H k l im if l -l i i,a U ik im t H M I, IM. k II .m III A II, on I 't It M.k k II I axm ft All H aKh aatl k Iwini imi,l In BKiill a .( ln..n n lh riif f Oman lkttla i kiiwi Ni,.f, ana lntrc-( upnn o. h pt MtA mmnta al Ih ri t 1,-n nr rnl w r annum Irnm Inbr tl l" for a M, k um ftiih lntr Ml an4 iii .vthff filth an Hitnr ft amMitlli l.i ln rf rrnt n th tr, rllnttfT prat fr a A-.rr- tht ha hna a Ural -n tin t, rwil rtl thai Ih Hi li-nilant hl Ih m ami In (Irfnitlt t hrtpnf hl Ih Bnlil ttiM h li In antlry Ih amount fximil 1m, anil lhl iwn aalo Ihimif Ih dotmiUnl Iw ilr-hrrr. tr all nhl. Illtr iit.,1 ,iirr. l In atil rnl ratal. anl for tithrr aMllali rrOi-f Villi ar aim hrlr nnllfll lhal vnit anil rh of vnu ar riiilr. to nnaarr and) iM-im.m on nr b -for Ihe Iflh day f lhrnilpr, !, ttoi a( innHha. Nhrnlia, NovomtMr llh, !'. JAMKN l HIIOWNK Hy W. A. MI'SOKItH, lllnll(T. Ilia Atlnrtiry. Pw. M, No. Hi. V. A. BAt'NnRIlll. Attorney, Merchants National Hank. NOTICE IX) NON-ltRRIDKNT I'K KKNDANT. To O. M. Kay, nrat ami rent nitm un known, Hiiann 1'iiy. hl wlf. Kiln ltva I'nmplioll and Jiimr l.cwl, non-rt-nlilont ili'fi'iiduntK: You ar lioroliy notlflod IIihI on lh Jilth dy of Oolnlior, A. It.. IK'S. Hurry J. TwIntltiK. pliilnlirr horojn, llleil Ida p,-. linn In Hi iHntrli't Court of iMxiKliia County, Ni-hriiPku, iimiliinl (I. M. I'ay, ft rut nitil rou I numo unknown, Hunan Kay, hla vlfi, Klin Horvi Ciimilii ll, Junto I, owl mul Amlrow J. lltirliiiul, llin nhjoot ami prnyer of wlilolt la to foroi-lono one corliiln tax cnriinonle diiloil November lull), IMi:i. upon th followliiR tloarrlhotl ri-nl Ktnin, lo-wll: The cunt ono-lmlf of tax lot lwnly lliro (ilt In em-tlon 15, townahlp 15. rntiK 13 iiMt, all alttuiloil In IxuikIiik Coiinty, end Hlitlo of Ni-lirimkn, tition which ttiore la now ilua Ih mm of iiiki, wlih Inlor et at lha rntn of Ion por conl nor tin mim from Ootolmr 3rd, IWts. for whloh sum, wllh Intoroat iiml coMta tOKoihor with an atlornoy'a fon amoimtln In ton Pi-r ct-nl of IIih dot-ree, pliiltitlit praya for u iIi'itoc t h ti t li" Iih n I leu upon aiild roal nnn, ilml h ilofi iiilini tmy Ih aiiino. nml In dofniill llioronf thnt ilia an hi property i aulil to Hiitlfy the ninnuul fomiil dun. iitiil Ilml upon anl thoroof tlin dofonditnl tin dolmrroil of all rlnhl, III lit nml InliTHMt In aulil roul ra ti) to, Hint for nllior aqillliililn relief. You itr itlao lioroliy tinlltleil Hint you and eaeh of you tlio reiiilril to nnawer mi lil poiition on or lief ore (lie 12th tin y of Jieoenilier, X!iH. Initeii nt oiniihn, NetirHkit, November llh, 1MIH. HA tint .f. TWINT1NO, Ily W, A, BAI'NUKHH, I'lnlnllff. Ills Atlorney. I toe, Ml, No, 112, W. A. BATJNDltna Attorney, Merchant National Bank NOTICI9 TO NON-HICHIHICNT I'K FKNDANT, To Astt W. KflSTKM. W'llllitm If, Heck. Aleaitniler M. Ketria, Kill M, Hull hiiiI Ilia I'm (liiml Nnlloniil Hunk of I'orlluiiil, Miiltto, iiiMi-rMlilenl ih fenilnnla: You lira hereby not llleil Hint on tha 27t b ility of dotober, A. I)., tsm, J union I,. Ilrowne, tiliiliillir heroin, (Hod hla pell Hon In the IHalrlct Court of liuuuliia Cuiinly, Nebraakit, HKiilrmt lirlnndn ft, Wooit, Aatt W. IlilKsa, Wlllliim II, ller k, Alexander M. Knrrls. Kale M. Itull, th I'urtlimd Nullonnl think of 1'urilnnil. Miilne, el si., th ohjoet and pniynr of whloh la to fnreelitaa on eerlitln ts cer tllloiite ilitled November Huh, IHKI, upon Ih fiillowliia ileaorlbeil rent ealitle, to-wlls The twelve-lhlrtoentlm (U-1,1) of ailb lol twelve (Vi) of Ins lot flva, In aeetlon 16, lownahlii IB, ratiK" l enat, sltunlnd In PmiKlii ('oiifily, Nehrnaka, liiton whloh therm la now due Ih anm of t-.H4.64. wllh lntrl at Ih rale of len er cent pr annum from October Jlrd, Ikiis, fur which aunt, wllh Intereat and eoats loanthor wllh (in attorney' f smoiinllns' lo ten per pent of lha deerna, PlulntlfT prays for a rincra thnt ha hits a hral Hen upon aald real ealnla, thnt Ihe defondiutla ahall pity the anm, mid In default t hereof thai the anlil property ba sold lo anilafy Ih amount found dua, and that upon aula thereof Ihe rtefendnnla ba deliarreu of all rlsht. title nnd Inlereal In anld rani ealnle, nnd for other eiitiltuhla relief, You era also hereby notified that you and eni-h of you are reiiulreil lo unawer anld petition on or be for a Ihe 12th. day Of December, IHWI. Hated at Omaha, Nebraakn, November Iih, iniiS. ., . JAMRR 1 rmnwNH, Ily W. A, BAtlNui'lliH, Miilmiff, Ilia Aitorney, Doo, M, No. HI, W. A. iAUNDERH, Merchants National Hank Hldg, miKniFP't amc. fty virtue of sn alias order of sale la. sitnd nut of tha (ilatrlct court for Ikuik lus counly, NelirHk, end to rna dlrncf. ed, I will, on the 21 day of Nnvetnb r. A, I. iwis, at tan o'clock a m, of anld day, at lha eaat front doo, if lha county court houan, In tha city o, jrnnlia. Don--laa couniy, NebraHka, sell t pubiin aue. Hon lo lha hlsheat bidder for cah, lha property deacrlbeit in auld order of aula as folluwa, to-wlt: Jrfit four (i). block three hundred and alxlnen CII1I, In the nrlalnnl pint of lha oily of OmHba, aa aurveyed, pleili-rt and recorded nnd all belli aliunteii in Houa lua county, atnla of Nnbrneka. Hitld property to he auld to antlxfy Itnrry J, Twlnllna, plnlntirr herein, tha sum of Klfty-sls and 7H-IK) (twin) dol lars judKnient, with Inlereat thereon at tha rata of ten I0) per cent per annum from Meptember J7, 1N!I7, toiretlier Wllh an attorney' fea of flva and 07-l'al (tr, S7) dol-iHt-a which aald umoiinla are s llrnt lion upon aald above deacrlhed property. To anilafy Ihe further aum of flfty-flva and KO-UKi (ITiA.Mi) riollara roata herein, to gather with accruing coat, noeordln: to a Judgment rendered by the dUlrli t court of said Poualna counly. alala of Nebrna. ka, al li Heiiteinlier term A. !, lwi7, In a certain action then and there pend Itur, wherein Hurry J, Twlntltip la plain, tiff and Ihe American Nation! Itntik of finifiha Neliraakn, a cortiorathm or aniildcd tinder the Inwa of lha United Htntea, Samuel H. Curtis nnd Knt Ulrd Curlla are defendants. (Juuilia M'lira Ira Oi-tober'!!! t"'S JOHN W. M'PONAI.n. Bherlff of PuiiKln county, Ni'lirnnka. W. A. Hnundera, attorney fur rhilntllT. Twltitlna- va. Am Not. Hank et, al. Poo, 61, No. 2t'!, K, I p. 812, - I For fifty cents wa will send you a copy of tha Atlaa of the World, con taining th lataat and moat accurate maps of Cuba and tba Klondike coun try, bealdea a great deal of nseful and valuable Information. American Pub. Co., Omaha. I t I atX'M, Han t l M lWk li ir in t. ii viiMinki ti.,n (r iiwi m I ii t vt'a eiiat, I I, m .'f m. ll, ! M I M li tT.I tw V I ' A ,. I l. I- I s.i.t.ii at t-. l H e . fm "rl I l-l 4 ltl,f r et r.ft4 tl-l fM tK lia a rl e.--.-l-tn ai K iihMi )lr Sih4 -tlll' la a!4 r-ii , ,tea .! V. fe a ttemMtititf, P. wmi at- 4 iu1 4 a I M il I J fi- !, a an'iaiei . mat if ie fan i ,-., m hii o ih ia l ihbi i a ai4e, a aa . k r-il I 1 1 1 Ve IK need ! IK iin .-.f r !., axali . a r ii e I fwiihet i"e aa I A m a I IH r-rm! ni .-a t--t- , a Ih ! I Ka I H ntir,a i.ltnte Ia ai ii ar K Bnaity llle4 an4 intin4 ikvivii r wn n a t t uny Ju l notib or iutct.m or inii- SIUTloN Tak well.- hl ea Ihe amk if Jiiae, law ih arttolMi r tn.-oir-'niiioa tr ' II t'tlei,t " a c -i alien dolt iurantte-1 a Bi4 In Ih m, f Ih ronniy rleia ef Imualaa enunty, Ntak Th rrtn-l. pat li of hoina of whtik la Ih rtty ef Omaha. Nrlika, Ih reeml nattie of h Bam I lo do a stital advent. In, hill Kailn in palittin an.l man, tailurtna an. fithr hulnea ef Ilk ha lm Th anvoonl of rapllal aln. li a IAnWna -ll hie,! In hr ef Inn ii h. to h paid for at Ih urn ef iMiianre and In l nun awhle Htm k may laaiie In payment of malarial nr labor. Thla corvoratlon commne. hnalnaa on Juo Ka. nd m cootlmi for a pe riod of nfty viae ihereafler. Th hlhel amount of Indebted nea ft liability to which Ih corporation may aitb. )cl tlaelf I an amount rqual la Iwo-lhlrds of Ihe paid up capital toi k, Thaotncer by which Ih hiialn of thla corporation la lo ba conduct,! ar pr. denl, vie prealdeol, ireaaurer, awrelary and general manascr, and a board of throe ilirei lor. It. CAUt.TON. H. v nttr.HR, UKOIMIM I. PKWAt.T, Plreitora NOTICK TO NON-HKHIPKNT PK- FKNPANTM. IN Till': PIHTHICT COCI1T Or POCO I.AM CUI NTY. NKIIHA8KA. Moae It. Trauerninn, Wllllnm Kliitt, , Klnll, hla wife (Orel and real tin too unknown) Krlta Klnlt, n minor, I- 'rederlckii HI leg, Krneallne y.eeli, and tha unknown belra of I' red Klnlt, 1 -renaed, will Hike notice thnt on I bo 171 h dny of November, I win, l.oul llenaa, on of tha f'o-ilcfctiiliint herein, llleil her aiiHWer ti ml ci ohh-IiIII In the Dlatrlct Court of I ioiikIhh Counly, NebrnnkH, iletiiNiulliiK iiltlrtnul Ive relief iikiiIiihI her anld co-di -fenilnnla, the object mid prnyer of which anld emeu-hill ar to forecloa a cerliiln mortSHKe executed by the ib-fenilntii (incur H. llofrniiin and hla wife Nltui llofliiinn to Miwea H, Trniierinnu, nnd by Ihe anld Trauerninn naelKiied lo defend h til liula lletiua, upon tlin followInK tie acrlbed premlaea, lo-wlt: All of l,ot nuitibercil fourteen (141 In lllock three 1H1 In Ihe Huliillvlalon of John i. ltodlck'a Adilltlnn to the City of OiiuiliH, aa aur veyed nnd mnrked nnd iIchIkiuiio'I iii. n pint of anld addition on III" In KevlHter of peed' olllce; lo secure Ihe payment of one cerliiln promlHHoty nolo doled No vember 2nd, Mi I , for the aunt of Nina Hundred Pollura iliaal fsi. due and paya ble In Hire yenr from the ilnlo thereof: thnt there la now dun upon aild note nml niorlKMMe the aum of Nina Hundred Pol Inra ttunoim) for which aum wllh Inlereal from November Stud, IWi7, nnd Inlereal mi 'l'hltly-lx Pollnra (t:Uiiu from Mny 2nd, Imih, nnd hitnrext on Thlrty-alx Polhirs (.!. (Mil from November 2nd, lhi-f all at tho lata of rluht tier ci til per tiniium, and dofemlmit Jirnya for a decree thnt the tic letidntila liMcnr H Hofrtimn ami Nlnn I Infl tun it, hla wife, ba reunited to tmy Ihe aiinie or thnt auld premliica mny h anld to anilafy lha Htiioittit found lil, and Ilml whotever Inlereata her anld en.. in. fetidiitits mny buve In and to the prem laea above di'Kcrlhcd may be forever burred. Von me reoulred lo nnnwer anld pell Hun on oi hxtufr Ihe iitith iluy of pecem ber, iwm, 1 hi l id, omnhn, Nebmakn, Nov. 171 h. lwm, 1.01'IHK 1IKNAH. Ily Kdaon Klch, Her Attorney. II- lli-lt NOTICK TO NON-HKHIPKNT PK KKNPANT. To Krneat ('. Johnaon nnd Mrs. -JohtiMon, hla wife, (flrat nnd renl mime unknown), non-realdctil defeiidnrila: You are hereby notified thnt on th Hth dny of November, A. P., Japs.. Walter K. Killer, rinlntirr, herein tiled hla pell Hon In Ihe Platrlct Court of poiiKlna County, Nebrnrkii, iikhIiih! Kriie! C, Johnron, Mra. Johnaon, hla wife, (flrat and renl name unknown) nnd I"i (lermnn American Hiivlnx Hunk, a cor poration, pefetidnnta, the object and prayer of which la lo forecloae one cm tn In Tax Certlllcale, dnled November Ifilh, 1iH, upon Ihe following deacrlbed renl eatale, ln-wlt: l,ol Twenty-alx (!Si) In lllock Kleven (III In HrlKsa' I'luce, an fid. Ill Ion In Ih City of Oniuha, Poiigln Counly, Nnbrnaka, upon which Ihera I' now duo the aum of Klfly-two and 7(-10fl Pollnra, (.'ia.7li), with Inlereal al th nt of len per cent per annum from October 3rd. IMix, for which sum, wllh Inleteal and coals together lth nn aVi ini-y's fea amounting to led Per cent of the de cree, plaintiff prays for it intern Hint he has a Dial Hen upon an'd renl phi He, thnt lha dcfetidntita hnll pay lha anme, nnd In defiiull thereof that Ilia anid property ha sold to anilafy th amount found dun, nnd Hint upon aula thereof Ihe ,i ii n.liint he barred of all right, title and Intern! In auld renl en In to, and for other r'jul luhln relief. You are nlao hereby notmed that you and euch of you nhr required lo nnawer anld petition on or before tho VMh dny of Pcliitier, 11'.. pnted nt OtnnhA, Nehraeka, November 1Mb, IVS. JAM l''.H I IIUOWNK, I'lulntlfT. Ily W, A, Huiinilera, Hla Attorney. 11-IM NOTICR TO NON-HKHIPKNT PK FEN DA NT. To (leorge W. Amea, Mnrl" Amea his wife, Nathan W, Wells, (runic.-; M. A. I'lke, (first and renl name unknown,) Cleat Inn, Coat Hlo Company, co-part-nerahlp V. M. Huckett, (llrat and rrnl name unknown), and Christine Wuhlgah, non-resident defendants: You ar hereby notified that on (ho 14th dny of November, A. P., Ik-.iX, Jnm 1a Urowtin, l'liilntlff, here. In filed hi petition In the Plstrlct Court of pons m Counly, Neb, aguinsl tleorga W. Amea, Mra. Mnrln Amt-s, his wife, Nathan W, Wells, Inmli-; M. A. I'lke, (llrst nnd real mi run unknown) ; K, M. Huckett, (first and renl namn un known:) Clestlno, Coateilo A Company a co-iiirtnerNhli, and Christina Wohlneh, nnd olhnra, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose two cer liiln Tax Certificate euch duted No vember 17th, ISM, upon Ihe fol lowing deacrlbed reul estnte, In wit: Pol 'Iweniy-tlva (2,'.) upon which there Is due the sum of IM.; nlo Lot Twenty seven Ci7), upon whli h thera Is uuo th sum of Sf.ft.f.l ; all of sold pioperly -ii-liu slluiil.-d In Hcilli k drove, nil ml III ton li the City of OiiuiliH, Pmulini I'oiiny, Nr bniKkii: wllh lnlircl at the lute o( t- ,, per cent per milium from it- i-iIht .(-l, lvet, for which sum, wllh hiti iv-it n ul nivti tiiMcllicr with ii n Mltoriiry s foe mil "iint IriK to ten per tent of th decree, pliiln tiff prays for a decree Hint ho has n llrst Hen upon auld rent eat me, Hint Iho do fetidunla ahull pny tho anme, nnd tn de fiiull thoteof Hint the mil. I ptoperty tin sold lo snlofy the .inni, u found duo, nnd Hint upon s.ile tliei.of llm ib-lendiinta be ib Inirred of nil tight, title and Inti-roHt In said renl eslnte, nnd for other equl I it I l relief. You lire nlso hereby notified tliiit you nml each of you nra resulted to answrr Mild petition on oc before the Kilth Uy of pecem her, lSiW. pnted at Oiosha, Nebra!i, November lit n, it. J A M ICS U HHOWNR, I'lalntlff. Hy W, A. Maunders, HIS Attorney. . Poo. 7. No. , ' 11-18-4 Popular Llcdical Sensible Bool lorfciioasrcorlf-A Xsth M for Euijo t kit mi fet MttttiB feinei i iiibH arimri, fe. t faaV 8 rtt ally rou" cntAT coks in onc LAc;t voluml aat I WMWill aao TW CUJ4a, rmvtkTkiB An nmi. Hf -maoj txsiksii or ait bobii, aw mi rwij, mrtitfMMi rttviu" in anm trot Har m.- nara lata aatxif conhkum nutkms, laaoirs, ttiitis, uaaiM4 m mi rmwTMit. nit w.-atmovimat or awa1.ii otwt m tat shd ho an who mm ii to APPENDIX Caehoai TOO SfMnlflaail far hadaf rw f N iktaalt ' I aSUti 4 cMSomi oe-r,! tohw at v la awwaai i(tint tar raastilUtiaf, ATk1 THI "" 1W a 4h IUmII 1 meat M ieM(y is rzrzi. Montt'okoi. too xxxtrimtATtoNi. r I ! y f Ma aw at Memaat Th aaiai reee l-.raelnai 1 hre .lraal vr ItlnHrailnm ar ii"l Hetelnamenti If lrala-l,lf t vlrllr ky I ale rhlfrh, I tit i Im, fare You Well ? IMtl nKAITII at a rara h.H too genrmlltf llslltril. lli, fiM-iaaatrly IIim ra. itiiwrit tr-Hii liirili are apl tn he rei khoi Un it lirrlle. Il u m e)t In le I Olmt, pal II lli be k IHI" mrm li k tmleed If I T em ,-nae enmisli I" i-rn how l-i tmllilsln II. I,v ri-killlltf 1 hla all run ao fltn Home Talk" on the ram- of ili-M-, error la dlel.psranllra, riccaall ni'-ai .'iiiib. ami rune ilt Ink Ilia. Ilia iim suit inio of Mli oloilli-a, th U-l Iml. l.i of chllitren, tlin nrersli-nr of error of i loin, andrmtn ylsor of maahnial a elweter h i n i t rel and hei-ili-il looeK-rlr. 1 heallier r.- i-roii lee i.r aSull. Hie Pilwci ou1'!! ii mm. i lulu l. lug In wniti.-n, nr , no., ml the all- i..,wi-rfiil Ionia of s,n l,-iy aheretif iimny In lieai of Imiiii w-tes ara ftmitnetl to "nrtnl lara Ua." Thl ehsiiter tina-a why lhoiialiili-aa young 'him yn aiirar, li-iw nnmilnitlnn lias tsteoin lireia ent, shy It will not down, Imw lis baneful dlaeaw am i-.-iivi-vmI to the "lonorenl" uioal larillug and uoiorlaiit (aula to know. , The ri-aulia of a mart rlns for wealth, of over- or, everallldr, failure! In ttllallieaa, III fai-t that in-all h la ihe liaala of wealth -nut en eern-nd tha Micu-a awl eiTio't of horrlhln melanrholy-tne arc all lustUirs II would ho null for yuu lu ihluk over. Aro You III? TURN rna ar Indeed a rsr man If you ara not sinloua to learn low It calll sltollt, whst's th Itiali'-r slid whsl'a to lie dniui. Whether H be "only cold," rhroiiln ratsrrli, vr sound lung liinrii crl-ioa that has "ellle4 on Ih Iniiga" In hronrliltl or ,itt nt inn. the sooner you Slid V- VAfl out Imw ai-rlotia It In, and Wfisl U l w k W I iln f..r ynnrw If Hii-lii-in-r. If you VV IjilS iniwl b-arn "how to live Willi on K ' W'fiW J'lt'S" H'" earlier yon get this ii 'W.UKs kiuwledafH thHl.niarof v.iiiwlllllva. Or, mar lw tour particular weak l"il la tn Ilia llv., aioitiaeli or niwi-ia. Then ymt ran make) no ilil.a In li-nlnlini th heat lietfioiHof reirtilatliig thi-sa MI function. If ou ,re full of arhes. enloa, neurnlsts or rbeiiins. It will stit-lr ir t' lo"k ni thn w oaini i lln in -'it, siimlv vi an-t want to m-ulei-l til lliald- It c i.nia vuiiloina f.iina of II Irlshl's dlaenae, or oilier dn. nn llin illm-sao of Ilia "genlto-iirlnsry urgana, n gi-illio-iirtiiHrT orsan-. ion heller iMo-oine piu-n on am u iionira ..iiiiirrhu-s.ilrli-tiire and wnra forma of eoolailooa tlaenaea "hy th hook" than by eiii-rlciini. In .iimivil will read Willi avidity all slmut huimleney, imriiniii'M, Ulai'saea ot wiiiui-n, nervous eiara, V ... tfwliu, ene leiok 11111111 cover "all the Ilia that -,,, phi- .n.'.w ..,, - - - ah la h.-lr tn," nd tlmmfer ( er miilnni'Uim, iot nt ". , t." .Mint $ '"I U vh'il as mny ensiuf "a In ,ra nr dy Itlirr, v-atAnnl iorii, and t4i luiuiry will lw suswored tu tba (mat liu-aj.lllly, , llrv WitlV1 flfWr TTTTMK' yea alresdy hf"nmthlnf Ilk Uernst sg'iod.'' Ilnndrads kaa I njl I 1 II 1 11 IV declared llial It Is 'pecMflor In Ifser" end rorndeodof all other works. I inWP l,a"l,"l"l,,,,l Hits work Is offered for Ksotrn frifriiiaietoetli and utility, and aa I'Wti 1 ' VltVIIil diairllnited In rieoporm to S'lvetnae proprieiuti rnnilt-lties, IM.Vrf HTMMf A T ti of His moat nibitlasllfl kind row ofl eounirb-n w her Kasltsk Ik sass 1 IVT I I IVII li 1 A l ken, would. vn lu ssssll Ivim1. flu o psges of this sirs, ll?f lli'l.'l-mTnW A T man of all flssi. rfargtmien, g.a-fors, forever, ntllort, ertUna, ka I l'l I v'' lgiveo (Isilerlug nilorun'ni remarlialily few critical. t n SOP JLA n CO tion. Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mall, I American Publishing (p. Fifty Years in the Church of iRome li'A'&js rz'ft v!w. BY. RF.V. CHAK1.I.H CHINIQUY, TOO KT II Kit WITH THE AMERICAN $1 00 For tho Dalanco of 1808, for lmJLfJJ TTbe price of tM rack alone at rt ttll Is 12 25 hut ym tre r-th the hoolr ard ihe imtwr fur 12 (0. St-nd In your or ! rs ALX C)M 1 A NI KH HY THE CASH ta AMJilMCAN PUHLISIIINO COMPAMY, 1015 Howard Stroot. OMAHA, NEB. Is fllarriage a f (nt Yiw Wkkf K a.w anf ritBtfrnt V tMwt w tmm. Tilt V4 W -hW . I Iw-kaaa VS Ut rl ) HMUTW Twt Vskkiin- Imw i 1 tt r ,n sm5i Tw Nii lr- Ik'W l Kavw 1 I.k llit Miib Snw ti hail nihit (it Tits I"mh i-iraa Imw l.t Iniitful M tnultir4f( Tlia (twins- Ihw Ihrf 'Vrva bm-I rani In , TitalUuitiY Imw Ui vjV'T W aiut ker w41; Twt lm u in -ln.w .fr na-win eiwlily 1I IwiHl lt how t, tvnui Wemtesl rtirewf. AH wlxi want i m that la f lixwt wtvt l iii l II In lr rNaite a Mum Ilim Talk. 1.11 Kt4-, ?hi nil, JW i4. 4tUw fist rw lw St.. All. Iltaapai A bmkiR mil f Ml Bt ABBRBt lh ) kifamai hi a etr at " h aalhrfaelln H ta In ItMaafWlBV ea.(M pet4 raa it prif aarly ! hera. Ortaln f I lni Maa fnta Ih fusi Ihm 4Bkk t ulnf I'lalr f lil mm ti-roil IIiiihi Aro You Engaged ? M l keefntla V i ei.i yi. lldula , perliaii w lalhiirrvi 1 a mUKaka It la aaa v t gi t la aa a dim, nit to that 11 at welt nea whtlr to Ini sties l.a ar rich! befora tMa an shrad" "th s ho !"" SO feelplul ensMliig nu lo wahHSt wiM-ly a "Flala. Mom Talk." To, can k-ara -imUl. tn im elhrr't nitatAkaaV llm II later of Ma riase of ail ktnata, lav allt'ounlrli. Ih rpf an ealmenla nm nattoha have ttiaile. aDcavai ami linn1 durn, liarlwrmia snd rt lilted. m l. ualo kaoss what tint In do. 'I hearatial tniliioralll v arnwllis f el uuaailarM ualiira ami marrlas inlania, th haaarja or iiroal Million, liatir.-val.-io-, iiiirrnienta.aangavv fi-aiilia, the i ltnrla of ri'lliilons and aM-elk lam luab linn and rum ro the douiuiaiit paaeton- all Ilia SUal linn ami rmiiroi the itouilnaiit paaeton- all iiisu4 I. a are mill 1 nt In Inilli-ailiia alilalla lu avoid, lam I lie nih.-r hand rhaitera on silaiiloB In marrlafa , . Ithvah-Bl, m.-iiinl and Miavnetlc-on early hiarrlsaasv lili-ruiarrUse, elO.eiueula, etc., ete., hl the warier Urn iiiaka a giioal met rli, a.1. . t liaj-pll) for honi and o(l aiirlns, lo avoid " Ifi-r Mali fn a," and tuascaaa tk rat lisp Slid loitery kliuls ul tuarrlsga. Aro You Married? TIIFttR ar ters r.,ually aaelut. in allowing ya. how 10 he haawav Ihouih mrrl4.fc jnany niarrieq lie Would Bet afi.t teller If Hi, v ksv Imw to ailapl itx-aa. a,'tvrs lo es. li aitwrk and would li la na diraiand a . nilii-r'anrrds They emu I I to r'Sa1 ! -I Tain llnm talk'" aavi al out th truss, rhilnaoi hy af lale r ourne, ilm"aair.. I rrlslfnas of tlo sra," liie InSiMnsrn. on health and win) of twryeralons, "th wnrmwond Ibst fiuhlller slai llfi-," ete eld. ninny Hill find ml" h sallatarltoa an. Iliiirhniilnr 011 liniri-nio l h l( l aalirfiillrcBirsnaa of sri-sl Joy to many a 1 hllilli i pslr, shllns t l.a mix. iHuiivi r sod ri'ioov the fdifcisi I. Iiih.ra Ilk v iinliu "esMiys tor married 11,01 le" trial UK of Kpal. Iir, kli i-phig apart, em raa, li nilcratloli, elf, la ellfi-renre, pn vi ntlim, cm loence fwul for preg nant women, the eiiiiiiatlon of rhlM-msaln. wa liililri-n id M-eond hiiahaiiit reaenil-le the flrat. e te,,ie Inaluirt, nun and women h'-aliaie In talk with that linui tifiyat, lana oimn rutos many Sellrste aMrK lions Ihsi p. Tides Ihi-m soil that thry really weed tat, mull raund, ami which thla hook will enllahiea ta" oil-Iml rrmnnlirr Hull It il lull Ul itti fi. Ia aaWVa al.oi'O miIh in mntf nil fur iff etetwros (g rtpljilmQ ft qf chary lo of ltll ij biiiIi g. - "V. -r cj i 4 1 0 Failure? $1.00