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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1898)
THE AMERIOAN. THE COMINQ FARMER BROWN'S An IntcrollPR Article Showing How the Great It diving Away T people or the nation wha-h, Id tea nineteenth century, li aatlsfM jtU what Is "ftrtt.M Is not "up to 4U;" It ny b In, but It Is not of At exatorr, does out Imblb It spir it tad nterprle. It matteri not what department of Iff, what sphere of art Inn In the af bin of business, of state, or of tue tallon, mar be laveatlfated, the eame ptrlt and enterprise are manifestly wttng pirn on, on, and yet on. Long also baa tb "groat been left behind; Xkm fritter" la made the "stepping; toa" of tbc present aa every energy li Uied to atUIn unto the "GREAT BT." ' la buslne rlrcle. are being orgin fc4 the GREATEST truata, the GREATEST combine, tb GREAT 3T eommerrktl scheme ever planner W an. Is etate, national and International tollUca, the undertaking axe the CXKATE8T ever attempted wit VMM the effort of the "boss." the etar. b taieer, ete. I Qmter BrIUin.Oreater Ruanla.all the BtestUr power, are. ever prslnc, Haling on; each determined to bo JMaa the GREATEST power, Kw.h Mti the ORE ATE ST "slice of Chi a;" the GREATEST "dlvlaton of Af Hea;" the GREATEST empire of the WHd. The cur would fain be the GREAT C3T peacemaker of tb nation. Th kaleer would fain be the C3ATE8T peacemaker and unifier af ta Catholic and ProteeUnt rellg- Th pope would fain be tb GREAT C3T peacemaker (dictator) of the World e wltneaa bit recent attempt Influence both parties to the con tent, and dictate at one to Queen and ataatdeoL The civilized nation are tbu mstgbt up to high tension; something mat happen, and that right soon. The Who! clvlllied world s Intently peer tog into the dawn of the Twentieth Mtry, looking for the "coming ataa Ills coining will be the groat act event of the world, "Who?" "Waatr "Where r "When?" This Is what the world seeks to learn of tlili greatest man who Is coming In (he twentieth century, WH1 be be Ruaalsi r avoguan ; r reni n m urnu i arew or American? Will be be Hli.- or Buddhist? Catholic or Protect att Christian or heathen? Will be tcae with the opening century? or, I j already at work, nnrecofolted till h soar of destiny is narked on ;b Jal td time? The waiting period cannot be very laac ere It will be sounded loud'y tva the globe for him to arrive and th world not know of It? And yet, "tie pity tl true," thl 1 Just what aftan of our nineteenth century teach wa T) would fain hav us to believe, Tay declar that tb greatest vit af the world HAS occurred; that the GREATEST MAN of the world has wee here that "tb Christ has come" already. Tes, and they are publtah Ug books to proclaim their theories, Bwt the facts are the legacies of een Urle past, and they cannot be over vmm by, but rather will outlive, theo ries. The coming of the greatest msj tie world must be the CROWNING FACT of the centurle. tb capttone Of the immovable pyramid of facts. Concerning tb! coming man, w Wish to present just here the statement of on of Amerk-a' greatest student of fact living in this waning eeot wry, Profeeeor C, A. L, Totten. To aim os of bis subscriber sent tbo following euery: A subscriber (I, P, P.) asks ns what thick of a eertaiji book that has tea written to prove that "the ChrW ha come" already; for Instance, at the tall of Jerusalem? Prof. Totten mad answer a fol lows: W have never seen the volume re ferred to nd could And little time for aad so hi rurt in It perns!, save a a natter of study, so as to reconnoitre its argument for tb purpose of pro tecting others from their persuasion should there eeetn to be any special need thereof. We are satisfied that v should reject it authority on prin ciple. We are quit familiar with the eontentioa that tb second advent oc curred at tb fall of Jerusalem, but the Chronology of Prophecy defee-t K a! along an endless number of !laee, each of which wits no break In Its oocticultr is still running to a com "taoa focus In oar own immediate fu GREATEST MAN. to t tic Greatest. ture! There Is no historical record of such an event, th second advent Is more stupendous than the A rat h It scriptural prominence and results, and It Is absolutely Impoaalbl that It can hav taken place without th concur renc of all of It predicted concomi tants. It cannot be true no matter who wrote th book. W would have no right to believe th testimony of an angel even, to this effect (Gal. t, 1 I. Every eye could not hav seen the re turning Jesus and th record there of the last He could not have appeared a the light that shlneth from the east unto the went and not be seen ly all. lis the devil ever been bound 1,000 years? There Is no need of a book to prove that he has not been, nor of one to prove that he Is still most successfully at work. Israel hns never been restored, the Jews hav never looked upon him whom they pierced, nor mourned by detail, and then finally accepted him, etc.. In definitely throughout the entire New Testament W have no us for "theo ries" In these premises, and even leis us for eiposltlons that undervalue and slight th entire concert of the Scripture. To us th contention is a parallel to that on which St Paul o ably met and defeatad In II. Thess. I., II., ilk Th proper understanding of thl a w hav shown in a former leaflet (LXXXI.-III. pp. 7S-S) ia that "tb day of Christ" could not then hav been at hand because th "man of aln" bad not been "rvaled." II was not revealed until th 7th century (600-700 A. D.), and as bis leas of power wa to be for 1200 year (Dan. vli. 2&) we, only, at last, hav, at a dat which satisfies and Intensifies on any and all of th "conditions," a well grounded conviction that Now "the day of Christ" is and must b close at hand! In view, then, of th par ticular car taken by God to "provide sufficient and authentic testimony as to th "fulfillment" of all tb predic tion looking toward th first advent, It Is absolutely erratic to suppose that an event so superlatively more Im portant a th second advent could have occurred and mad no stir, found no on to record it incident, and that Its truth has been left concealed so as to be accidentally discovered 1800 year later! There I much bet ter proof as to the loss of Atlantis than this, and we would hav quit as much ground on which to contend that the physical world Itself was destroyed by Titus as to suppose that this hiatus between the consummation of prephecy and the evidence of Its fulfillment; and this lapse of system as to tb phil osophy of proof had occurred. Th law of continuity I involved in th following sequence: Prophecy Ful fillmentHistory and this Is broken by tb contention. W reject It. Until THEORIES can undo FACTS, th abov answer will stand Arm; and th world continue looking for the "coming man." THE CHRIST at His second advent FRANK E. HARRINGTON. Denver, TESTIMONIAL TO FATHER CHI NIQUY. Tb death of Gladston ha removed from th active scene of life a greet personality, a man of power who has served bis country nobly and faith fully. It Is always with regret that the friends of liberty and progress wltncns tb removal of these bright lights from a world In wblcb tbey shone n brightly. In the religious sphere there remains a man of th sum generation, whom God in HI providence has used tr accomplish a unique work in th fur therance of the Gospel among the It man Catholic of Canada and the United State as well as ia many other par's of th world. Rev, Pastor Cblnlquy's nam is known all over th world. His voice has stirred vast multitude In Amer ica, Australia, and Europe and bis work, translated Into several tongues, hav given light to thousand of souls. Pastor Chlnlquy ha been a marvel of Intellectual and physical strength. Born tb 20th of July Io. h will soon reach hi 90th year and I still active. He I now completing a ne book, "Forty years in tb Church of Christ," He preacbe from time to time and still draw Urge crowds of bis countrymen eager to bear him. It is thought that a large number of his friends and admirers In Europe and America would consider It a priv ilege to have an opportunity of con tributing to a Testimonial to be pre sented to thl hero of Protestanlsm ,u tb occasion of his POth birthday. It is known to th friend who bavo in U 1 Hrown'a llog Krniedy i one that liai Iktii thoroughly tcslctl during the U.1 three years throughout Illinois, Iowa ml Nebraska, and has in every instance proved successful when the direction have been closely followed. It is the only Remedy that has successfully Hog Cholera, and as Preventive the is nothing better sold on the market to-day, and it will pay every farmer and hog-raiser Jo ktep a good supply of this Remedy always at hand. One Gallon Cau contains 320 doses. Price, $300 per 1-Gallon Can, all freight charges pre-paid to any address. Mail orders promptly attended to, Send money by bank draft, express or postal money order or registered letter. The Remedy will be sent on receipt of price. l?or further information address, BROWN HOG REMEDY GO, OMAHA, N1SHRASKA. taken th matter in hand, that Dr. Chlnlquy has very much at heart tho permanent establishment of two im portant missions before he ia called higher; one of these occupies a cen tral and strategic position In Montre al; the other Is in tb district of Que bec. Friends who desire to assist the committee In charge In placing at tb disposal of Pastor Chlnlquy th fundi required to give effect to this mission ary enterprise and to realise hi ar dent hope will kindly send their gift to lr. J, p. IMcken. broker, 129 St. James Street, Montreal, Canada, who has kindly consented to b Treasurer. II. M. Parsons, D. D., Pastor Knox Church, Toronto, Ont.; Rev, Rob'.. Murray, Editor Presbyterian Witness, Halifax, N. 8.; Robert Campbell, D. D., Clerk of General Assembly, Montreal, Que,; Calvin E. Amaron, D. D Secre tary; Pastor of L'Eglls Saint Jnan, Montreal, Que. Berne In Recent Fiction, , It was not without significance how large a Rome plays in recent Action. (is most eminent heroes and heroines are at this moment beading ror monat tlcUm. There a'e Ilell-e-k of BsnU dale, and Mfts Evelyn Inm-s, and Mr. Korert Oranpe, and, over tbe water, that sainted sinner, the M. Durtsl of M. Hiiysmans. M Zols, too, who be gan by advocating science, has endt-d with an attempt to withstand Rome. Readers who tske their current Action seriously should read their Ilelbeck of DannUdale" and "Evelyn Inner" tide by tide, The tj pes of Romanism and egnotlclra are complimentary In a way that Is neither untnttruotive nor usamuslng. W, P, James, In th St. Jam't C Ue, Ixjndon Bas'l fiUnt kf it iM immSS IMI IJft ;. Te quit UAmoeo SMlly end forever, be Bief aetls. full of life, rve and vlfor, USe No T Hu, the wonder rkr, thl make week roes Strong. All druMlnU, floor II, Curur8 ie4 ftoof-'n sample free. AddrnM tarltne ' e :hirmrn or New V" Ton can never tell what a papist will do out of a church by his looks of de votion within.' Rome bae trouble with tbe man who doe hla own thinking. Wflllnm li. Cow-In, dnfnfwlunt, Will ink Willi IhHl on Ilia Kith dnv tit Novnmli.r. 11. IMiS. JvniilM M. 'owl',, itlnlmllT herein, flli.d hr pntlllun tn tho I'luri't Court ot PohkIm County, Nntrt . tftxinut hlrn, ld oMmil and prtfiif uf whlh la 10 0M11I11 from til in a im:ia or ubiuiliite dlvorrm, upon lha around 'if hi rmvln whully rlld, nxsiwiiwi ana r foaari lit urovlda au tatiln malnlnriHnra and aupport for liar, allhoush Mi'g of iiimrlant a'lllliv 10 no ao. You are furihar notlflw (hat you are rniulrad to anwr aald pal It Ion on or hWiira lha Km (lax of iMM-anilinr, A, I'., I Mm, and that in in evant you mil 10 plead. anwr or demur lo aald patltlon, th sllatlons thareln contained will be Ukae as coefeaaa aad a decree will be TnAr4 according to the prayer of said petition atd NovamW lilh, A. v., vm. JRNNIR M :OWI,KS, Jas. W. Carr, Her Altornay, U-IM Prott Noiloe. vroT'cg or fxnhh sgm.rMgttT-r iv lha county coart of loul -ountjr. Dor k an, decaf aad i Auvuatii II. Ihinarlran. WMIIam fHinarkan. Ilhur ra linnackan Emm Mackaa Samiial Otiaa. Kdward Oala. Jamih llatna end AvululOaina. and all other perrr Inlxr aaled In nld tn alter re harehy rollHrd that in th lihdnf Movent lr, lata). Aoiriiaiu (I I. . I . (.. I ... 1 11, .( in n IIIJ m unf.'.M court, praying that li'a flnal admlnlat ration arroiim niiHi ppif'b iw me.i ana tnai. nana oirnwiei iim n1- oja aald court on the Iftth day of Hwm ar rourt mvsrettlia p-ayera of ald patltlon and tnaka atirh other and runner order, allijwancaa and dacrea. aa to thl court may aeem proper, to th amd that all natter partainlns to aald ata,te may b Baally Utiei and de'arnilnad. 1KVINQ r.BAXT.R. U-O-4 Oounty Judge. Y. M Our D00I5 ANTI-ROMAN BOOKS. "FIFTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH OP ROME," by Rr. Cha Chlnl quy; cloth, $100. "TUB PRIEST. THE WOMAN AND TUB) CONFESSIONAL," by Ret. Cha. Chlnlquy: cloth, $1.00. "CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED," by Edith O'Gorman; cloth, $1.00 "AMERICANISM OR ROMANISM. WHICH f" by J. T. Christian; clota, $1.00. "DEEDS OF DARKNESS," by RV. J. O. White; cloth, $1.25. ROMANISM AND THE REFORMA TION, by Rev. Guineas; cloth, $1.00. ROMANISM AND THE REPUBLIC, by I. J. Lansing, $1.0J REV. MOTHER ROSE, by Bishop J. V. MoNamara; paper, 26c. HORRORS OF THE CONFESSIONAL, by Rev. R, L. Kostello; paper, BOe. SECRETS OF THE JESUITS, by Itev T. E. Ley den; paper, iOc. 8ECRET CONFESSION TO A PRIEST by Rev, T. E. Ley dsn; paper, 80c. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. PEOPLES' ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Contains lutest Information and map of Cuba and th Klondike k Gold Region; paper, 80a IF CHRIST CAME TO CONGRESS, by Hon. M. W. Howard; paper, 80c, AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN, I ' Tola.; cloth $6.00. PLAIN HOME TALK, OR MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, bf Dr. Foote; cloth. Popular Edition, $1.(0. PHOTOORAPHIO HISTORY OF THE WORLD'S FAIR; Illustrated; clota, $1.10. THE STENOGRAPHER; cloth, 76. LIFE OF JAMES O, BLAINE; Buck, ram Cloth, $1.(0. IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE? Pop ular Edition; paper, He, Th above are eome of the beat and moat popular publication, and th cloth bound books will be an ornament In any library. Sent on receipt of price, Addreaa, Got Price Book Store, 4 no 1 1 a! T Car ConallHatloa VrTar. Take (''.niau I'uii.lT Calbartlc. luo orise. If C C. C (ail 10 -"re. ilruiigiaui rcfuo'l noaaf I tra-e.larL. ' WWi riff. 5 DO YOU WANT . . Bishop Coxe's -f5Satolli Letters ttsrmnn Tho Jesuit Party Exposed and tin a lerie of eight letters LAND COXE, of Buffalo, New York, to the Papal Ablegate . Thia little pamphlet contains 72 pages of t excellent patriotic literature. Price, 20 Cents per $10 per 100 Copies, F. O. B. Cash Must Accompay all 'Orders). AAVSRJCAN FUBUSH WG : CO. HIS WORST BLOW BISHOP J. V. MCNftMftRft, The Converted Priest, ha brought through Press Bis New Book, entitled "Rev. Mother Pose. A Bishop and Two Priests' Price in Paper Cover AND CONVENT SECRETS CONFESSIONAL BY R. L. KOSTELO. This book is one of latest additions to th Aotl-Ilomaa literature, but ia among tbe best that has jet been written, It deals with tbe ooofesi'onal and other praotloea of tbe I lorn an Cathollo Cburoh, a well as th political Intrigues of the Jesuiis, in a olear, eonntse manner. Ibl book is now on sale, in paper cover at 50 OENTO, b AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1818 Howard Street, OMAHA. NEB. AmeirDcainiDsm or Romanism Whnch? Tbe rk Is of great valua Wutcyun ildJiodmt We will send thl bock pot: paid on receipt of price; or, for 1200 we will send "THE AMERICAN" ONE YEAR AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., OMAHA, NEB, in American Politics Expounded, written hj niSHOr A. CLEVE Single Copy, postpiiti YET FOR RON 25 cts. Sent by Mail, t tv JOHN T, CHRISTIANS Cloth. 280 Pages. price $1.00 AGENTS WANTED "I'loturuacjtin and abUi.'' Tin Coyri'iHma-. Itouirbt to Ixi put In our tjf. schools as a txt-book." together with tbe book. ERRORS