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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1898)
THE AMKRIOAN, 111!": AMIiKICAN II N X I ' ' ' v I I t I I j a S - t S ' I 4 V t . . . I 1 ,. . . . M . 111' ' ') In, . t i ( i f- - . I' VI M' t - I . . t. -1 -w - I I,, I - t M .- I 't . i -- ' ' I ( i t M WK t , 1 . r I ' rl It (nil il a-1 tn- . m IMPORTANT. lHtPtn li'it'H'W!!1 4i ttH In lull HW m .U- lltttl , AM MlWi ftIW '. til'- ( Mftlt l Hltlli. hfIH iliirvv1 t AWtRICAN PITMMIIMi CO,, 1011 Howard At. 0UH,. NIK OM AHA, N , NOV, !J I IIX notki:' We want your help! V llefll It. We miiat have It, If we (iinlliiii.i t kih rrchfully combat tln terrible, ae rrcl, bloody, trnltoroiia enemy IIimI Im irui.hlng civil iiml kIIhIoiih 111mm ty, I hid hna ileal royH n free proa, tint hna abridged frcii apcm-h, and that U now' waning upon Dm iiulillc m IkiiiI hyMlcm of thlM country. I.nt Jtinmiry b tulil you wur wni niinlii: tn.lny, ti ll you tl lny i tot fiir iliHtunt ht'H, mtofiv. , ; 'lng thuii nr will liiivu to Im iih'I mill ivrromo, Future Uhih ofth" Tli Ainci lriin will inilrit lonyti of. thi'Hi' tliliiKH out, H ml If you would Im jir Ihii'imI, you iniiHt know what tit rupuct whiit to b rr-iuly for,' lint we can not do thin work hIoih-. ...Yoii , will linvft to hflp im. Your purl will Ihi to fumluli thfl fumlx to Imy wultn pit- J Iter, to imy for typHotttnn, tfnt, funl, IlKlit, jjimtiigw, bwI oIIut nicnrtr," tliliiKH, while our will Im to 1 thn work. How do you llkif tliht KrfnnKt iiicntT Will you do your Hi t hh frun ly thin ynr h you hnvo In tlm imnt? W will tlo oiim In that xjilrlt! If you will, I'li'inm ttt'iid tut'tii'for Jan. 1, IS',10, two ilnllnm for next year' uiliHirl)lton. It will tnkn Unit much from cmh nnn of you, ml nh much mora rk a free will offering rnt you imy foci like giving, to iimke tlm IlKht it hiicchu nnxt yi'ur. We have tried for thrfi yrnm to puldlli r pa per for lc tlinn f 2.00. hut cm h ynnr we Imve lout money end gone In debt. We do not want to run behind next yenr. Will you put your tdumlder to the wheel gnd nmriflie n rxtm dollar to ate fearleaa American mnr ckumip tbla territory, If you will, we wilt give you a better paper than ever be fore. I low ma n y of you will Mend im wo donara for next year aubmrlp tlon during IlecetuherT . We neeu every one of you, and every one of yon wilt need The American, I'leane remember that we' want yoii to read The American ne,m er, even If you can't afford to pay two dollar for It, but we xlmll only give a Ichn rate to thoe who want tlm paper, but re loo poor to pay inure for It; and we would like It understood 't Hat W are and have been ever'alncu'we begun puhllablng I Mm paper aa poor, If not poorer than any pemon who hue been or la now a auhacrlberi (I will take the help of hi her poor puople to enable n a to continue to opp'we thla great ene my of advancement, enlightenment, and libertythe Church of Hom-t, Itemember we need YOI'K help, May we have It? WHAT UOSHWATKIl Itlii.K MHAN8. The republican of thl precinct have figured tip about fifty voter of their political faith who d hi not ahow up at the polla on election day, No wonder they were hy, Valley fCnterprlae. Valley precinct baa been one of the banner republican preclucta of Don glim county, and with a reputable ticket that I not loaded down with Iloaa water henchmen and pull ileal crook, It may be relied upon to give a re publican majority of from CO to 76 vote, Inalead of a f union major ity a wa the cwaa In the late election, IloNcwutcr htu mail; A feeble effort to lay the blume for th Defeat of the republican atate ticket upon John L. Weliater, the particular tomplalnt being th failure of the county committee to have the vol reglatered In the cltlea of Omnlia and Bouth Omaha. The return from Val ley precinct, where there la no regie tratlon, while only a email proportion f the total vote In the county dlaprove RoMwate.r'i claim and aupge .t ttia true ratine of the defeat of the republican eta! and lotiMy ticket, to-wlt: Oen rl dlaguKt g' iwlng out of political orruptlon. Th total vote in the coun ty In 1896 wax 25,435. Tbla year with A full date, leglalatrve and Important ounty ticket before th poop! th toUl wa only 19,289. And many of j t-CI III ! - 1 .-" iuic it n a itiiiiiii) .i.tni,i i !. !. tug ' It .,tNM Id '!.!. I1' t t ! i n ' titi ' fiH.t: ael 1 rt n I ! . tt t I tLi n, i ht '' t ' ti a it ,-4tft.t t x.m r4 ,1n!!' tF VI . 1 . t l-i I tin r 1 ! .1 .! I 141- I I l '! I ' M. Win I H-!u4 Uh I' k i i a i i . id cii! 11 (" ' . .i-fc ti itti h t.iaroe !. i ! t'litj ' hil -f ia Im aitiod Ml t.l nxl l lkMii K t'iti.ll i n in the Inline I hi I o hit tl i if '.(( ( )tt ne t tiiif!iin'f tin It !i.i. uliiiii) mil lni-rdy I'f hiitin mi hattSe, end who D niaad bj th tut mi eyiinl Hiil.r and ali hi r.iipivia and r"" t Kveiy ottli lal tioiik hotild ! ti !cled The lin lax paving di legal nhouM l ike a bai k i" "I, and the linn et yeoniaiity of tlm pany lutiot b" placed In the m.ldl.v In Intnuilng iiv,in till coiimn The Atiietleatl doe loH exH'it pcifei ttou, but we do limlHt on behalf of tliottaanda of our renter ho prefer to aiipport the repiilillrau tli kit. they nil it 1 1 not be luniitted by having placed before Ihein oil the official ballot nii'ii wIiohii record lire llldefenaihle. The peopln am not bllrd. They rea Hre that Koaewntar ruin mean Ilo man t'aihollc rule, and that they won't have, UOMANISM AND HI'AIN. The vlnlble church I ready to alep out of politic In Hpnln and withdraw lla repreaettlallvfi- the quern regent and her onand permit the Jcault or Invlalhln churdi to alep In and en throne Don Cnrloa and til mm. lit alwaya "hernia I win, tall you lime,'' her the church rtitea. Tlm people will be J u it a Ignorant, Juat a pxir and Juat na Immoral under Don Carlo a they have been under the preaeut dynnaiy: and that will be truly la mentable, for they are eijiml to Hodom and (lomorrah today If the following extract from th October number of the Adult, the famoit I it mil on tiinga line, la the truth: It ha linen coiiclualvely ahown that In thoan Calliollc cottntrlea where di vorce la fortildrten the moat flagrant "Immorality" I rrfe, France la the acxaul rraapool of the world, aa every one know who know anything at all. And Ilyron, writing from Ca'dlit, deacrlblng flpanlah cinHom, aald: "I beg leave to ohaerva that Intrigue here la the hualneaa of Ufa, When a wo man marrU-j ahe throw off all re alraln, but I believe their conduct I chaete nnough before. If you make a propomil which In Kngland would bring a box on the ear from the mnek eat virgin, to a flpanlah girl, aha th it nk m you for the honor you Intend her, and repllna, 'Walt tltl I am mar ried, and I hall be too happy,' The Hpaulah lady may have a rorteju a well a the Italian tier olclnlieo, It I H a ii lull Mbiintte for gentlemen to make love to every woman with whom they have the opportunity, and a Hpanlah lady of rank aald ahe would heartily dleplae the man who, having the prnicr opportunity, did hot atren uoualy aotlcH every favor ahe could grant, livery ttpanlalt woman reckon Ihla a a trllnitv due to her charm; and though ahe may be far front grant ing the favora a man can aak, ahe I not the lea affronted If he doe not aak them." Appalling na lb I alatetnetit I, II la true. It la true not only In Hpaln, but In every other country where Ito m a n Ik m e the dominant party. I'rlent craft drag the purity and aancllty of marriage Into the owet depih of Im morality and bnaeneaa, and reaurrecla It g vile and putrid character to allure and ruin thorn wenk enough to Helen to Ita limnlvlou and gnduetlvfl require ment, Thl will tie true In a greater or a leaa degree wherever flomnnlam la allowed to exlat, a the church offer g premium to every on of it mem ber, young and old, to commit atn, The minute a man or woman or a child Admit that the prieat ha power to forgive them their alna, and that he will do an If they approach the Al tar with A contrite heart, and If they are willing to pay a atlptiUted aum, that minute aln la on the Inereaae; iHialon between prieat and penitent become f frequent occurrence; adul tery become a pleaura Inatead (if A revolting crime, and lying, theft even perjury and treaaon find a rloak If done for tha "glory of the church," or for "ecelealael leal Utility," it would be a pleasure to be Able to aay that the revolting practice whjeh. obtain In Spain -that a woman ahould be vlrtuoui only until aha i a wife had found no lodgment in America, but Ihla It not the truth. Already In thoaa communltlea where Ilomanlam la atrong It la en to crop out Nor I the evil confined to Romanlal. It exlenda to all claaaeg of eoclaty and even beant many unniArrled female who bav paaaed tha aga of "rndlacri tlon," But the women ant not. to blama. The father And brother, and aoni, And huabanda, Am th one to blama for there cad not U n bad wo EV. m t t i t t4 tun. t itl t II- ii.l i.n t tUti-4 t'K ! I In uiu f I .t l. I i ' la ' a4 "t ' I i,in I 1 1 e I t !t li n t.f iv i ttxf , at u it ": ft l'' i , I I M. it .h,, i noiii a -.tii ! )' tf f i t tenn'f t( ! f ' - th- nn4 iiiflniMll'"! i-fc a w ei tt ti-i Hi tiiid .:.! I h I 1 ", LUflUli .i i h, , .In I lnn ! l and v lH()iU ! I I- ili.ikt.l ht unii'iH t 1 arid (. ( mm li-u ! ) , i i i I I It'll;! ti't i i Mill l-' r la tii'iie e;n t'i tin ii .Ki ii a ; n tt t ti cni iilnk In iti oe end hint? h ,tiiHtl i'. i t- li ,( tuf li'ittnl I tl" Hint Hi alii g brf uli It !'(, Unlit an edniii ii ii iimi mtM'in I h o'lu t im ii bi oini an p i bap a ('i x ant, tp I'liHii liuiimiiU'it lldt nil baa pied In fanv uefi i diy ivn Calhnili tiivnir. iilitil e me the bf ihniing of an er Dial will be in cor rupt at ! Hi'ulii nl the iliuc win ii Djiiiii rnle Chi iwilmit luiild ib e.iincihing In el. in the (ld, Ttudr thl'ilieii may be taught and ilraHK'd hittn Intu the piMd, lirWHWATttlt AND WKHHTKIt. The repiiblicnti voter In the wett ern part of Nebraska would be Int'-r-eeted to know why the permmallty of John l. Welmtcr wa carried Into the DoiikIiu county cntnpalKii. Why ehuuld It not have been Ignort-d and why waa It recognled by the Omaha lien? The ntiawcr to tli e" qlienlloliM WOllId PI like liiiereatlng reading for eotne of lla who believe tluit th(i line' oppimll lull to mime of the local ticket la largely re aputmllile fur the lout of the atate to the fuabm clement.- HaatliiKa KviitiiK Ilecord. It I no aecrel In DoiirIii county that ttoaewater preferred he re-idee-Hon of t enntor Allen to any republic en vhimi he could not me and ar tlcularly to John I,. Wt bater, That h encouraged VMor It. Walker to be a candidate for the Icglalnture, he ad r I liluiKf If, and further, tt la an open eecret now that Kdward Itoan wnter peraonally aollclted Mr. Koutaky to be A candidate, Tticea men were placed upon (he ticket through ICd ward ttoaewater' Influence to afford him a pretext for aupportlng two men who when elected to the leglalatitra would vote for Metmtor Allen, while at the aame time the Ilea aupported Wm. I, Kleralend, whoae record a county commlaaloner i indefenalble from any Mtnndpolnt, and continue to anpport acting Mayor Frank K. Moore, a convicted emliexxler. The piibllahcd letter of ftetiator Al len acknowleilglng the falrnea of Koeewaler to him confirm the belief that there I a cloae alliance bet ween theae two men, for Iloeewnler never treat any man fairly whom he can not nae, ' and It I underatood, alnee Hen at or Allen' defeat la aaaitred, that Thoma J. Flynn will, at the proper lime, vole for Itoaewaler for the ann ate, The republican party of Nehraaka may learn aftr awhile that Ilonewater I a viper in il breaat, ready to Utig It to death, lU publlcanlam muat either throw him overboard entlroly or aub mlt to having the party deagraecfl and Hheeneylged, Hl'AIN'H AI,I,Y, Mia Hchley aay ahe reaponalble for Hpaln' ault for peace, Hh alao aay the publication of her claim will bring atorm of abtiae from the Jln Koe and Iba A. V. A. If alio will par don ii we will aay there I no ha of the Hpanlah queatlon that tin not been endoraed by member of the A, I', A, Mia Hchley t a Romania! i yet In her letter of November 19 ve find that aim claim aba directed th) an (Iment (o the queen of Hpaln laat July, "I advlaed her to give ti A coaling ela tion or two, though alrlclly apeaklng we ahould not lake even that a we had begun the war In the name of hu manity," Had Jeala been reader of our paper, we would dt lare ah had atoleit the American' thunder a wa advlaed' Independence for the Fllllpi no in cne Hpaln aited for peace, W thoitglit the Fllilplnn ahould glv it A coaling elation for tha help w had given them, but that wa ahould not Annex the Philippine lalanda a thl war wa not a wr of conqueat, but A war Wt the name of humanity, Tbla wa publlahed before Mta Hchley reached Hpaln, nd while wa do not claim or preieul to believe that It in fluenced Hpaln In the leaat, It, how that it I poaalble for A fonaclentloti and honeat member of th A, J', A, to reaaon from th aame premhe a a Roman Cathode on certain quern Ion, Ml Hchley will probably Admit on thing About th A, P. A, which muat le clear to All thinking American, It w th teaching and preaching of A. !, A, principle, And th xpour of Romanian! Ita Ignorance, H obedi ence to a foreign eeclealaatlcnj power that mat th Hpanlah-Amerlcan war poaelhle, Refore the flrat gun wa fired It waa generally underatood that It wa not Weyler a th reprenttlv at th civil power, but Weyler th butcher of th church of Rom, tht would h to b driven from tb laland of CuIia, hefr humanity could cUlm All or Any part of th bleaehig for which It bad l-it itnHfa !' lk (at t 'H II . '-u . l i t- -i l it. 4 II l II H'iet II r Ii n..n 1 1 in. it t ) t h i ait (.) a r v l.i1 IK tVnijo l ! I Wl I l t I'K 1.1 1I lh 1 1 I. l I 1 I 15 l It-Hi II j , bl It ' 1 I t . 1 4 II niM (' iu H HUil v( n'ill't I. H S ldt ri t a . -t fc,t on tn f-:anf t hie I tieli f . ti oh I i t- -i t I ,iid. tl nut 1 1 I In ht vr el h !":ne t ) Ii. ! i -. n a I I i It" e- " t t It .-. - rit-1ii fi cf wttiim '(imkI h aid le ati y f in'm t fn tl VI M' li l I til t fMll1 tt Ml P lt ! I put dull lit We Will tnV tbl tl tt .ml I Im lutttiat fnf br In be line to br ih'irih and t i Ii le Hpaln t'e fidf-t itumh't r f that bun h t?He pit f i l" it to the I'liii.d Ki-iiia and nmdi'iinina the A V A the iiil llti of llbitty and lb" l ilt tilt im n t.f equality - n p- p n i :iibt' iii'llher riinnttlelH y Ivir al iidl Hr, but t"illiet "lb tint JiKtllli the mrana" and '"faith la lii't In le kept with h-retlta" It will be lather ilittleiilt b-r Ml ibhby to net any gbny fur the church iml of the benliiiilng. the conduit or tlrni end of tha war, I'enple reallre tlmt her itiiiith waa an illv of Kpnln. tl wa nitnlnai the I tilled Hlatea, The coinniiiiileailon of County Clerk llavirly notifying the county board nnd all concerned that the cleik con abler It a hi prerognllve to iiatiie the appoltiler n tha clerk'a ofllce la regarded aa a aomewhtit remarkable Ibicilliieiit, (If lourae If Mr, Kleratead had been rlceled to auecced blinaeif no rin Ii teller would have been writ ten becauae the appointee now em ployed would have been retained. The people who pay tha ta" care very little whether I lie political machine I oiled with one kind of greiiae or atiothi r. They do Inalat, however, Unit every run n who ha been a party to uhleldlng the corruption of defaulter Frank v,. Moore, and who I held In the court hoime n the anpporler of lrank 12, Moore thnll be retired. Mr, llaverly wa tha Moore candidate for county clerk, The people expnet him to do hla duly, to control the appoint ment Hi the office ao he can do hi duly. The alntute I plain in thl re gard. The law I alo plain that the commlaaloner are the reponlble ail' (lit or of all account, and the defeat of Wm, I, Kleralend wa notice to the county board that the Moorea clerk In the Auditing and other department of the county government ahould go, There fill be Another election a year from now, and It may go hard with the men who dlaobey the warn in, If Admiral Hchley la not a Roman lt we certainly ahould feet grateful, but If be we certainly find A certain amount of relief in the fact that Hamp ton waa not more than forty mile away when that flrat gun boomed In front of Hantlago da Culm aa t'ervera at templed to eacape on that memora ble day In July, A recent telegram to the dully prea tell of A reception ten dered Hchley al hi old home in Fred erick, Md which wa preceded by drive about the city, It I afafed that the admiral vlalled the "Wcmian' Col lege, the Academy of Vlallallon, the Catholic Novltate and Hi, John' Col lege, At the taller Inatlliilloq the ad miral received hi early education," There may be no algnlfleanc in that, but a Romania' are albkler for HcciirlriK Ihe early education of (half children lo the church, and aa HI, Jobn'a Collegn la a denominational acliool, one would naturally aupp'm (hat It would leave fl Imprea upon him which year of contact wild the world would not, efface, Certainty Ht, John' college may be an Kplacopal Reboot, in that event, hi early edit cation would not be a menace fo hi loyalty In after life, In thl con nee. tlon one can read with profit Ihe lengthy Arlb l on Hampaon and Hchley publlahed In tha November number of MeClura' magazine, My examining the Hat of member' elect lo th leglla!ure, Roaawater Ihlnk h ha dlcoverd enough Ro man Catholic vote of the Tom yiynn atrtpe among th ftialonlat to nvr coma lha opposition of republican In (he Dotiglaa county and other decg tlon, and he ha actually entered the race before the leglalalure for t'ntted Hlalea aenator, If he miecead In M ambMlon, he will Jump aatrldw the neck of Herman Kounlts, Charle V, Man deron nd other gentlemen of thftt claa, and will learn then who I ma tr of ceremonle (n the part, even If they did hold hlrn down In the ex poaltlon directory, Houthbrldge, Ma Nov, IS, IH Bdlfor Amerlcn:-I am deeply inter euted In lb Article from Harper' Weekly In laat week' laau, (Nov, ti,) which it aeem you appear to en dorae, but I m atrongly oppoaed to that aide of the queatlon. What have w been doing for nearly IW year hut expanding? Wher would Ne braska b today bad It nrrt been for thl "expanalon" you aeem tfl b op poalng? That rtlcl aeem to m to b a on-lded affair, W did not Ak (he r -t (a Ike wlifi l. t net ! (H t,, 1,1 hu t. I l HUM t eitr t t! I we 1 1 ii. t ) nl!i. i i i in ii-. tlnli i l tt- Ukitt (nun l' an (il ,,i, ,, With Ihrf,' jUintid ! n H i n Ibi k .t !e J tit I tutlaif in'1-id t-1 li. I H .l I t Mm I. 1. 1. in ( mhi.ti, l l,nih i. tMile In tn Mi-h 9t l!:i (n tin,, (if Iflkthi It I Til t I ..i."- I . '"il!li did I'lput ;,.i. It I I nt i i,nt with le lt-t Ii g Dm W hn ' U I t'e fn.,.,li ti f 1. 1 a iM"i ' ll I I I W III K It l I . I lltl.ii . ' i '' i" III I , 'I (mi" ai d e I'imlil mt in in .I. i in 1 1 to 1 4 ii ii itiuiipi. hiw n ivil tli i itdnlit I ( . ,ii lit ; (itltnw I be I'blllpplnc -((ii, ne pirn Dial ly licnn r the n i n t f -itn nui nl now Hum (lie t.iiiiMiina ttiiliiur a et j II i pni t b ami and ot'b' le a ini at In II at 1' iili'iiy at lo the t li 1 1 1 f t il.tilw-H Cttibmau, iii of tlic I'iIkiIhi I n' In i . inlil : " ii an lum l iml ititpeit oiil In Hie and do amnl I t ibiiliulf. It tt t be nbould wi whele bt i in lite in ilo liiual ,t'"id to 'oibir; for a nn eiillh, "lie v-lni i' living la bid for bltitotii', It I- ttiui' he wine ib ad," (Hie ha Vetv nplly anbl: "We do Hot live for cur edvea alone." We hale taken tbo.t" plmi-t fiom the granp of Hpiln nnd Hi" lioiioiii Caihollc Church, end II I liow our (IlltV to keep iiim! proteit llieiii and clvlllr.e them, Are Ibcy any jwotee than th" people of New Mexico I Bii'I AmotiH Were when we look pov ' acattlon ? I mnt touch tipoti another thing You pulillli an arllele from tlm Army iiml Navy Journal about our "miilvn born" eobllera, without iiot or con, incut. How many "native born" boy fiom New Mexico or Arizona, etillided In our army? Did tlcwe atate fur IiIhIi llieir quota? Not inm h. One (OKpany, Co. K, of the Hlxtli Maaao (iiioetta regltnetit, went from tlm town, and I presume to aay that at moat everyone-and per hap all were AmeilcHit born, from one h.-Jf lo two-tlilnla of !he company being homan Catholic, Oral, lent and all the lime, There were three regiment which were aald to im Irlah regiment, -all there were In the whole army, One of thene 'regiment wa from MnaaMchiiaettrt, me from New ftrfa, and one from Ifllnole, and not one of them waa allowed to go Into battle I preauma all of them were "native born," but you know very well thai being "native born" doe not make them Americana, Who are the rea, Americana? Your In V, V, V C, , HKWHAM fiifmiwiii 0 ..iiwiii in . , I) )(,u l-a ovt,r the a Jvei tiadfnenl la thi pttmr'f it i r, i , We erfer One Hundred I ndlar tut any cat of catarrh that cannot im eared tt Hall Catarrh Cure, f. J. VHKMtif CO,, Prep, ToM, th We, the undertigntd, have kmwn V, i, Cheney luf lha laal Mln fntt, and be lieve him perfectly honor!,) to tl biit' net traiin'dlon and nnanelally able to curry nut any obligation mart by th(f nrm, ' Wett . Truaf, Wh'detale ffngtl, 'th. Idn, Ohl'i, Welding, KUium A Marvin, Wh'dxaf Oruaaltl, Toledrt, O, Hull t'Mfth Cure I take Intenally, acting directly ittm ttm bnwd end wo coua urfee lit tim titifot, price, 7W, per bid il. Hold by alt f'rugglaf, Tm tlinolilHl fr, OR BAI r ROCK ISLAND ROUTH MW KATf'H ON tum M'MMNAUX (MNIiUCIfW TM'rffJT V.X CCMIIOMj, feave Omaha every VrMf vf iUiU orado Hpriflg and Hcenl? Kout, The Keiirtlon Car are attached jo Kat I'engef Train, and their iwpiilarlty Uevldence that we offerthe beat, Write for handaome jtloerar whb h give full Information and new map, enr free, Por complete InformaOoM, rate and fcrt(t reaervatloo your ba al agent or4dreJ!, , Mtl M" A (i, V,, 'fopeka, Kan, iOM SEBASTIAN, fl, P. A Cltkigd, i;?f-l300mF!T!U -9 ' " - ii,(f,fM'af It tf tut mtm M(Ai h4a mMiM f g4 ftmiMf0ttt V-m mt,-Uit if mitf ti-t'it.-. W f -er Ve) ff M'( $H, 0I4, It, H t""f t0,Wf ii,t mk, ff"A . m . ,.. ,-4 , M 4, ,'. ... It t tl IK H I er -! M, o.. ITrihM'hWteMlti' f Va4 $ P4 ft 4t fm0 4 ti,u..A .ffrt '.,-! mm m ftm Uf ovf y'tifog i t(t,if, tfct tf rata , iv. 'i 1 II 1 A J 1 4 1 NT-ti i HBO! n the tl IUi!4 lalhliM. WDh l I T'iei ! I. l M tl k'lir At I 1U I lb I imli(tlh thii ibww roe' II i It (itf'e W IS I I I 4 1 bit 'i U t ! bt I id the 1 laM il U l ii l(' Iniif Rttly i p car tih 1 1 dat.a nii liter ti ) item ! a tut I hit -'t ri 4 an t B f'S I' M t'all;. t I f lb (rtllUt Ill (r am l " f .t Nioilt U, i't ra l.tae, " - t - If Rom die- rbarltAble ! tl In tain tain with lbu h fa ftf wtd tub, . ... Call and contitli llm untl ri l bl laWitltl aid nil nalcr if Ibe ag. Hii'y bne lor fi w wnki Hour dully, II a, in, In ID p, in H nn'v, 1 fl, n. lo 10 p m, MA DAMP, WMI.KY, In.'J Hniith ilnh i. .... When th force of pairlottmn r divided traaaon come out Ahead. The prlet dm i( evil day' wort when h gala a child to go to th pro- rhlal acliool, REMGlOJf IIMM CfllOIIEI. An Ky hy I'ha a Hoy, throwlnf A blaxo (if light on A me lo hUt-try ahow tht tb Jetnl' war t'i can- of ail the (vibmlal wart, InlUa ad PVenoH fnattucr of t iom tlmn, And help yo'i Wi prop- rl apcr-clat th Image of A JuH prlint on our nw one cent plaira 'mp, Ca-iiptilet on HMTAMMW A WWH'MhTUtK, CU.n yrea lonal, HtaUi and Municipal tarn prle,, In pamphlet form I'rht Rt Cr t, Addrct! f HAHK HOV-i, Wethlngm, U, a ( I, i n inninKn 01 WflaVf.f, Th huffat-tmolilng-llnrary ear tm th Hurllng-ton' J,fi V,H, train for Denver And 11M A, M, train for Ch(f ) r vertlbl ufub boo on wh!, , Th mnlil' room I hrllliotlr llf htl d Apftrtnent, iii',lfully er peted, flfifihed In tmk gad fur(h4 wild jr hir, "tt', , rl Uhl lh'irrrit peio'll !, il'trnr And A wrl'.lng 4 fin po l $ o inn, read, writ, g"lp, mok or pUy card while totaling At th rt of fA (fillet A tilhlf ihrth, t flket n1 full Inf irrntlo At Ticket offln HtA mi rVa A Mt, Ptth a1 M m l Tbr Ar flfp I'finV'atAitfihurefc-ai in th eit tA Mm, At) th work of th 14 twenty eight r, ' I'gWl'g dM, Th HitrihrnntU-rn Un iMylfght N-IaI now leave th If, V, 1 M4 H it) A, M , rrlv AK'hhfagoUfi w evening', W (iharnr In th th? train, Overland J"(mlted 4 tfi V, H.t and th Offihft'M'jro 4)!ll At V A M , arrive At Chicago 1A't and d reajienUvaly, t u,itriiUgi Th mott Hdvtncfd Vtihij;e4 fclpdr, Hiner A.d Jr're l'rlnr Uinir imrif court rrWhat! mmM lb "Of(TH' WMTWW'lnw? IP'I Prr, ti, P. --f T I'- -Tiv-W Wbi IVmt Kir- mowf th atwAg put ehaint ut yivt un it, H'ldinff tm U pagan uprtltbal 4Mnamv w ,m Mill tfpfiiHriii five Rom mwtgg on four fait. ,t. th(;bmg-o, U0,k flnd k i'adfia Iff A, hf th iii ihtUiii Y,v' Jp, rewih mj part ol th lty, m tut fir cant far f!n bUkn imiM'Hf to f of th l'g Uirn Inthwdow town dfatrhit, A trl will atop At th 1Umk NUf.d HiM'on try mlniit, The fillt,l onl tm ffr4 tf tb "Oret Wmk ld f(oW Add ret Chicago, f tff iitif , ( Waret ' andy Catt'MrMc, tl, mM mm dftrfii Hi'iiuM itnu'i-r ut UtH v, paa ant d tHin thihn ui im ii, 1, unuuf Uliii pnMv If Mi fcl'te, li'r and Icweia, , t lllUtlttllK Ml Mllll HDh lll, 1)114 fhUltm Ht, IM tlKWllUlllM. lu'l f, ,MI,I,, , ,,,l(.l , iiii ,i,c, f Icy mill Hf tftt litiH'il Un1, ,),. Ml ci, tini4im4 HHHtnhtAU'li Unburn ,i ell iliHm!, Threat who woiild lal men to tippim ft'Wi mut he-" tip her tmirh, wuum It. r will !- nla (111 l Ilie lii y lit Mirtn'ib'. A O, i, iIhuhI M, ('nmtn, t,inUi0 bri, niid IW putuUiH In n lie ' Wi,(l lit In, Hf l I ,,ml, hiMllt vn,l Mm, (,m ui, yitff" -t mUi H I In lAiimn tinHi him A-mim 4 Nl,,,ll Wly,rf,,, nun III uflHlHia if X lotvlnn wl,,liv falM, ni''l m it- III HlllHWH CIO IMldlHUMI nut milium! 1nr br, nwmnh imtim r mimUKht eblllly In An mi, iml mi t'iflir it, yu tf fk,,;iihH in ,,tr mum jmiii y,ii i,n mr h,t,m (i, p,in nut hi wi,i,r( ii,, awl (( in iw vni fin ri ,ld, ir i,f Auiimr It I4 pmnum, In iiiina , Fii,m iiiitmii.m ii n ,a,d m i-'iiUi ti Hi- praytr t4 ,mt Hvm1ir lh, A f , iA iVMHlfi H thwt.fM, Jmm, W, t'mit, it AH'fiMrf. IHI 4 1 i ... . .... .