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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1898)
1 f THE AMERICAN r J 1 if J ... . ' i m tM f tttfrHI ha, a ' tVMtte Ik. eei tfcat ,M nr.fM Hitlt t.Hi a4 fiMtentiftg H let tr Mttt tuiiMll Wilt. nHty, Hit Kan . Idem- wt, tit. Uk thai kM H r r i (mi r at t k.ftUt. III t laMtg ! -4tt1y m j 1t..rra i la. Ml tr. tfcr a lte .iri. ,t t,lt" veil ,., tw.wt t,i I Uh t Mtca Ik rai tfmn-t; mil, tn. with WMtt. art. r,t-4 mt a mtift HM. e4 a p.tit mitt r4 ' ' " " " Hurt tft.1 ...... ...a ..I ,K. w.l '""" ! m. .meaUiM le.i a.r alto, m l u, il,JT' T" IS,l.,r.rf.. ... 1. Mi 11. lump 1 hli ' " ilnhH WM. IWf Hill t. I li II ln" ' tl tfcv . I I V. I tw tvB ! '1I ih wft 1 ti nwk"i li nt t thi i4)m "I l Wir l.i " ll4 nl ft hnkn iik 1 hi IK l.U fctm into mi 1 n I.! (Mitd lr t)iiiii 14 1 km kiH'l la ! fit,Miii ib trill f im M Mr mn in iiiita inu 1 hri 21 i?k . m hm"w - tr u Mir WB 1 ti.i him uu. t !,""A,r".r,,V,h i,f 'Bd ' h fitht IU "ihars.iMi.lh.-1 ''"J afr.1.1 of wr . ".r mi inn town r Hum... To tirln Ilia iliu ik. .1. ' I arnl itkor ih il.i . . n ,,f m..n. a. , i. workln , fcwr rJn ami ah.... ihrtn h..w Ih-r r n Ih. lunnol. on. at r.,h ro.l. Jnal , ,,rUhii,r.,. ,. lRhi Inn. '"l ua lv. (h. ai tmiFiti ttit-r ar. niiiVlnn at ,,.BllM Th , PhAn. r th.y wm.U m. tnv ? .t. . L- ,u,pvrr- 10 Prl.m. at' "" At U. Ju.t to myarir. I bftllnv..! lhat Ih. mammoth In Ihf tntrrvala nava umlprtakpit will b. oomiilplnl la wv.n jtam from Ih. flrnt of lh prw ml mnnih, Th. main lunnrl taxa dlwtly undir tho rnn. of IMk.'a Trait a a tlrpth of nearly 7,(MH foot, and J.700 fwt bftiifftth the town of Victor, IU av.rane depth fmni the aurfaca will bo 2,800 fret, and It la dpltnid to teat tha mineral dppoalta of th. terri tory at then, grent dfpthi. Thirty mll.a of latarala art contemplated, and n a rlrvlitar framework around the lena and to revol. thin fiam. by clockwork, Tlma th. light la ndM lo fit..', every lime a ptwaca litwecn It and an obaerver. Ily rbnnKli g Ih. nnnilici and plnora of th prlmiia, or the mxed of th. clockwork, th. ttnahea of any on. light ran ba hiadu lo occur at lutcrvala of ao manv econd for that lluht. Piittlng In red pnama aivee att ill M him put up hla immry and lemlete l It back to him after I had won, Tin 11 loon wire, tuner men in keep n 111 from whlppltia: nm Ixvaim. t look In in for a winealer. Una or two other In luted on having a try at It and nevi turned a hair beeau. of their li" hen It nam to thren-card monl. It wa the nam., F.ach of half a doxen tnen waa aur. that ha could pick Hie rtu-d, and, duaplta my warning, woull have a try at It. and aoin. of theiri wart ether cbanaea. Thna Mi ll llclit luia It. "oh. 1 --a He6 will pnm underneath all tha ihli u rr;iii.n h-,-,.. i i.. .' .... t.. .!, ,1.1... 71 . TL . . r , Bn? ehttr" n,, fu,l' n th. light- nm . P.P n ,'", C" ,,y v"",'"- Thu". I waa tha rank eat kind of a fraud, and Victor, aniettt, th- varloua iimall -ha.t you may time that tha light yon they chimed me thru, mll.a Into th toinia and a thouaand mine, are to be want to eight la marked "K. W y. W. i wuntry bfore It waa dark enough for n Ina t .1 hut .11 a . ihla .nat a m liana trait a . . . w ...., . ..Leu. vuu rl1 nj-aec.," wblih mean that It I m to oacapa." r.iv uivumiiimn iuv Ui.imr ( nx.ii wnite varied by wbltt flaah.a t&a ahort.t way-from Colorado v.ry ten aeconda," When a llcht la Springe to Cripple Creek la fifty-four nRhld you aee If thoae are Ita char. Ilea. By way of the tunnel the two otrrlxllca; and, If ao, you have found eitlaa will only be tliteen mile apart the right one la eatlmated by toe contractor that the average coat per foot of excava tion will be 80. Thle make the to tal probable coat of digging the tun. Ml and IU tubaldlary branch. $20, 120,000, All of thla turn the tunnel THE EARLIER BENIN, Mail a I'rof renlve Monarch la tit. Old.a TIdim, linn 1 n at n)ki.,k . . people eipeot to cruah out of the ore 'l00(i d ', ,hm T "V n0Br?l. ly yuyagea to India, and specially of Vaaco da Oiima a, tl, 400th annlveraary t which will he celebrated thla year, that l'ortiiKtirait rurloalty with regard ,o India lu tho. fur-off day waa whet d by the report which elth.r king f llenln or hla envoy carried to LI. ou of Treaier John and the Neatorlttti Jhrlatliina who held away on tha otlior ilda of th. Indian ocenn, llenln wan umn iiHh.n mien, mora or ea intlnmte Mad a aamltil. "There are two cniplaa," aald the bright old lady, "who are happy aa the day la long, and yet thnlr atory la al moat beyond crediting, Ilut for the TkmI common ne of on. of the , bfothera there would have be.n four QOBBLINO OP1 AFRICA. If. ' Urea apolled. "Itnfora Harry went nliroiul to atudy to waa eiiRHgnd to Nettle. Harry waa iv. wi,h Ah.,..,!. tV. JJ? 11 T .?. , eJwaya given to oklng and wrote hi knowledge of India reached tha king of edd aunt a le t. r, In wb chh. Intimated lienlu. KlnK I .loan o Uat ha had found hi fate In n charm- vnt forth two t nvovr via Kivnt i, nia Uig French girl, It waa Impoaalbln for -over the inyMcrlm hmd whenca Veni Uie aunt to keep uch naioundlng n.wt, I'ce and other rlllea l.i.d drawn imiohi Md It n rnached Nettle, Harry1 Icliea. Hi, nlac, dlnpatched Itarthol i. brother Jim had alway liked Ni-'tl., iieu Din on a ,. ,n..,...J' ad, believing the atory ent over by lown tho African cim.t, with the r.ault w aiw iii junor, ruwam iier on uie r- inni tn cape w arcldeniall n j W.nnri Whn lf,ir ,,,. Iw.n.- .n.l ...I i.. ...... . ' roiinuwi " ' " ...n " , inn niv I li'lll'll I U for th IfllHlt uvniw .mil. i.mun miii jiiii wrrn in OB . t""K HI liac'0 lie (lama In HH7, J'or. wnn iiHi, me urjw waa a nam one, nut "gai ior ear rcrloii. to the be atood It Ilka man and pitied hi .titt.liiiia miuie) hy the king tf i,!nf i uuict. ur eouraa, narry l real en Nettle rather crvall.rly, It waa a ninth before he congratulated h.r at fart riay.4 ay Kngland -ll.r thar ef tha Hpoll. Up to 18M acarcely more than the edge of Africa bad tm.n occupied by the Ruropean powera, aaya the Atlan tic. It waa In that year that Germany auddenly began an attempt to reallie her long-oharlahad aaplratlona for a colonial empire, She naturally made the attempt la Africa, aa the only place where It waa poaalbl to make It, and In doing ao aha aiartad all the nation In g wild race In fear Itatt their neigh, bora abould get the advantage of thetn. In thla scramble, 1 Kngland ha bean left far behind by Nome of tha other In the area of her galna, ah certainly leada them all In thnlr real value, and the proapnet for the control of North America lo 10. Thla la urly true If wa confer ICgypt an ICngllah po f at tlaaaeat lit a ia iut ataitatMa gitei ' ' ral V.I kit t.liti W IM e. et K lh ii r ... tknt H la lite ta w,,,,, ,4 W ! vINnll Hum le a. ,f ie lkt tH a,i, ia lrt I ia ff KtmPaiit , ,f ,,. lit tag k. at. ' I it lit. Uretf et w,,.ta, m lai . ik N la le lite l Ik. ... f,. ,4 ti r d.i h, t.ait ik e. v t tif a emmet M ' a. vt M Mat ', l I In revm r.f Htlag Agate. f e k,., ittina at Ik. aa tf ?N Ih. Imi ).ta fcoir tkal l. Ii In ln lit. ,t ik. a. t Ifl, a4 Tl la tM do ant, ih. tkance at Ike ait f M uf a maa lit leg la to tig la kaall attt. ta tlM.ratt In tiiler ia control IN gen.tailon of aiftilrn. M( f,MI ratbld., I rtana and teiiollr tntiMi., In a rtmimini.un (h, a-r.n,li i'ht.l. tl F. clity, to aicep h. fiagrtieiil of tal rlum carbide n a hot awd concen trated oimii.n of gliii'it.., ai,'v a for eign exchange. If th. rartihl. thu Irealid U, afier drying, Imiu.raed In twice It weluM of water, aceten I given tiff In Ih. iiaiial wy, and et Ih aame time a micrat. of lltn I foimd by th Interaction of the glucnee. th calcium and th. oxygen, I'nder the condition the generation of th. acety li ne take pine with great uniformity and I .topped almoal Immediately on rutting off the aupply of water. BUY A HOME G3 E3 A l.eadU fur Watn.a, in the matter of woman' rlitht Abyaalnla far ahead of Kurope and Atnerlca. According lo an authority, the houae and all Ita contenta belong to her, and If the buband offend her aha not only can, but do., turn him out of door till be le duly repentant and makea amende by the gift of cow or the balf of a camel-that la to ay, balf the value of g camel, On the other band, It la the privilege and duty of the wife to abuae the buiband, nd aha cao divorce herirlf from bint at pUaaure, wh.r.a the buaband muat ahow reaaona to juatlfy aucb an act oa bl part. A af la ami tdr. Mary El. Miller of Uranvllle. 0 about two year ago commenced a 1 10,000 uit for breach of prom la agalnat Jno, A, Jonea. The other day the defend ant, through bla attorney, Died an an war and croaa petition In which he aver that be procured the llcenae, aa Ml Miller allege, but that when he went to her for th purpoat of taking her away aa hla bride, the abaolulely refuaed to have anything to do wmi hltn, Mr, Jonea (tale that he eaalon, and we can hardly atippu nB" ln'' trlf to Induce h.r to'marry that Kngland will ever abandon that country, whatever depth of anntlmnnt. nl emotion may be ail trail In varying mooda; nor, conaldnrlng th enonnmi bencllta which rcaiill, would the world ever conaent to aimli an almridomiiimt, If It were not at.lll much Iiii1uiiicd by barbaric motive. It wa a brilliant acheme which waa ntteinpt.d In lt!4 to obtain from tha Congo Kree Htnte a narrow atrip of land connecting the waterway of Ika Tanganyika with the him; that be ha been and la .till ready, anxloua and willing to marry her. One that Yon Can Pay For. llitlri tttw i.fliitct f,i mI, a hihhU t t'f .null CuUagrt f fiimi font lii rrn lima f,uli(n. l.a tttii iw vitimn iMdaul Onuhi, at A piiir mi.) tititia tin! any nun tlh amill inraiiatan nuil. TltiMf Itunaf air aitiMtr.t nn fttll 1 .u an.l in rin! trjSt, If Mun a imh liuir thty t U imihIumiI for A CaOt Titunt iit tUmn if FIFTY DOLLARS an.l )t ' nhuct in Mnnlhly PayntrnU f $10. r.ich, ainl inlctcit 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM. ti He .gviurut of the fyuai the pttrvluwr jjrtt a WAMRANTV DKKI); ml to aiiiitc the ilrfcttnl .i) intnU jjivra a (itM iiiiiil.ij.c iihhi the prrmiarg. These ate IwtMiua that have ih f U t u duplicated in Onuh.1, and a c-iMid Inline Amt within the re.u h of every one, no mutter how limited his means, without having to jy utmost tiMiiions. ititeicht. l'or fttrtlicr tnloim.tttou write to M. I.. ZOOK, 1615 llowatd St., Om.ilm, Neb. N. H.Uenl Ivstate owners having roj ily t disHsc of on tcriiH explained aliove will find it to their advantage to send me description of their property. No properly covered hy heavy mortgages wanted unless the rate of intcirst can he reduced to 4 per cent, per annum. M. I,. ZOOK. BUGLE PEALS! -on- Songs of Warning For the American People. A BOOK OP POEMS BV BLiIZA A. PITTBI1MQBR. "Mrs. Eliza A. Pittsinger is a poet of rare nullity, eipeciilly in the realm of true patroitlom. Her volume entitled "Ilugle Pealg" contains the ipirit and sentiment of the highest form of Americanism, and the "grand and awful times." in which we live. These poems constitute a clarion call for the defense of American cilizonship and American Institutions gainst the world." J. Q. A. Hsnry. Ptetor h Ball Ave. IlaptUt Cburob, Chloago, 111. If you want to breath patrlotl.m and renew your lovo of the Little Ited Hohool Ifoueei If you want to commune with glf Led iplrlt, buy and read thee poem, I Vice, V cent. Alimee:Tb Amerlota l'.it '"I M.iiilh., Home rnciiu.,a lock like pcache an1, cream, and aomn look Ilka a hole chopped Into a brick wl to admit new door or window. The mouth l A hotbed of toothache, (he biinghol tir oratnry, and a Mhy'a crowning In AN UP-TO-DATE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED Aksffl mm glory. It I the PatrlotlMm' fountain lirltlali aphere of Influence lo the north, head and the tool cheat for tile. With- mid ao to make an ICngllah highway nut It the politician would ha a wan. from th mouth of the Nile to the CDe derer on the face i,f th e.rih nj n.a 4...... ...I. I- ,, . " I A ... . ,. . . " "r lu " "c i rea route to India. """" ""'" n aeemeci tni wirnetiat would go down to an unhon till! 11 tu I'lll'liilm :. II.I..I. i... a I itf.rt l1...i t .ft.A Mm. .i.ij ..I . .A . . .. ... . I -" ""'" miia 111111 r(, een- I " """"" nn unn w ;iriq iu ureii Krave, II I grocer a rrtend I ,i..n. V ..L.mI.. jii ui Jt a a ttirlc airo n prc.b-ccw r of the barba- ol'K'Hon of the other In. tne orator's pride and the denn.t'ir li "M "mt twrfci, Ktudftnts, Women, and all who Kspmdally preparwl to met the wants Of Farmers, Her U, and then hla way of doing It waa , ln who now retire In flenln waa In- "''ed power, It la by no ni.ana lm- hope,-Monmouth Hprlne Monitor WAm miim WttnA .Tall ... I if eiitiuihtul I J . . I i a I . . ... a . .1 1 I ' 1 tar from kind, Nettle waa jtit a aar ovrtln In congratulating him upon hla atgagemitnt to 'that French girl,' but, When he Informed her that there wa ao etich engagement, and never bad veen, aha fled precliiltately, yet not be fore Harry bad aen that the newt (time to her aa a terrible ahcok Meantime, Nettle had a beautiful con. In come to tllt her, and Jim mad an oncondltlonal mil render to her charm, Ha had liked Nettle, but he wa tin Hatakably In love with the cumin, Harry thotigtit he underatood the alt nation, and bad a frank talk with Jim, Then there wire conference within Ui four till they became the jollleet quartet In the county, At length there traa a double wedding. No hint had been given of a change In program, but when It came to the eeremony Harry efood with Nettle and Jim with the remain, The preacher wa In lined to balk, and Nettle' father ln elated that tha young people had loat their mind, Ilut they would be mar ried, and married they were. They were the wlaeat lover I ever knew," Detroit Free I'reaa. itriimctitnl In lm Ulna her iiavlaui,, I PUI that the ohJM Bought mil1 w iivw enuria wnicn eventually brought i aim we.i hi 10 noaer touch, llrapbephmi A,.ln IHalfl.B. connrmeo OKI bachelor declare mac ioe grapnopnone waa the only thing needed to make (he atate of alngla bleedneaa far preferable to the care be accompllNhed fa the end. What la the total reaultf A little more than 11,01)0,000 aijuare mile under tha nl of Kngland, l,fi(H),000 under that of tha United ttfate - together, more than one-quarter of tha tirtal land area of m globe, foftlre romulete work at the minimum cost Nearly 70 Comprehensive Mapa. 140 Now and Superb Illuatrationa. A Whole Library of Itielf, of vital and abaorb and doubtful Joy of matrimony, 'I admit," he aaya, "(bat on a atonny mam, wiiru on. hoc not reel Ilka go ing to tin club or omt place of atiiuae. I'llllaetliiM of rrwll Nihm. The ed or tone of many fruit which would apparently eem ,t.. Mt .., Th, ,(wr,n. ..,,,',. nn minm iiiiiiiinia tbiiio, aim in till acta mion lha fi.rmmrA ..,. ei. . wuju ia tinner lha weather nne. uon we are apeaauig cmeny oj gaaollne rerervolr, containing aeven and a confined to one" own room, It Ihoea which are often thrown away, ,,i,ar(J w,mr.M tor a run of fifty mile, " " i'-'ii7 hum; one tlrca Of I """"a wv.r many uiai are appiieq 10 hooka and lung for com nan ion ah I . I ornamental tiae. In certain part of That la to any, I need lo feel in ii.u Kevin the date Ntnne are boiled to Severely I'raetieai, at tlmea, before I bought tho l.i aofttui them, and the camel and cat. " 'Tl I'1"' make the world go grapnophone that could be had for the tie are fed upon tbwn. Tlmv a.a cut. ruumt," he blithely sang, "Thn ho money, now i have only to act It go- fined by tha ('hliic, and are ald to I m account for the action of the A IforieliM Slalgh, An adaptation of the llollee hor.e-1 lee carriage, driven by a gaollne en- .In. In mltiium n mm 1. a . I. . . , . I ' ' " ' " inveniei i a. a. i . . , . ... by Itr, Caagraln of Quebec, In pNc UK luwrVBb W OVUrv UlOUlOOr OI WQ nOUfleaOlQ. of th pneumatic-tired wheel of the PnnnKff nn nf on Hlnla onI Tlfn.n 4 ii ordinary llollee carriage ht iihtliute L- , JZ , " . , . . . Jr' tcci runner for the forepart of the uounuea oi mo umiea Diaiea. ana or American carriage, ana a onving wheel, whoa n 01 nr f h rxror F (VY. TnhaKUenr. rlfll I llldded with aleel ..,.lr,i. . ,.l wt. w,www tuucuivuuw, . - i a ewe riiaie i itiA i a . ... . ii lAiniAina mucn Kioiai information regarding any nation, I'rovlno Oklahoma Hrtubtng Vp. It la probable that Oklahoma and the Indian Territory will aoon be admitted to the union aa one atate. No other territory ever gained population ao faat, and If the proposed n.w state were admitted now It would outrank flfteen tf the present state In point of nurrbera. It I believed that there are 050,000 people In Oklahoma and the Indian Territory, and the number la Increasing very rapidly. Of tRe 860, 000 people In thee t.rrltorlo 6f.0,000 are while people, There are In dividual fiirm owner and 40,000 tier- aona engaged In other occupation, H I ia natural mat mi great population Mould clamor for atatehnnd, eHpuclally alnca rongre has conferred It upon several territories with not oiie-flfth as much population aa Oklahoma has. Atlanta Journal. ing ann i am amused all the evening, I niter Into the composition of their In nave trie moat charming and soofhlnu illiin Ink. In Mimln thev are selections played to me on the hlano tioaiitnrail for ileiillfrlca an1 iu.l,l- , uie (n.era and old ImI- I Ivory nut are aald to be applied to the inn. una iu nin in Uie tenilereat and aiima nuriidaea. Hmna aiiHilna i.t At. awM..t ...I.... - - . " ' "" . " ' - " 7- -h .. I V V " r,,m',r mat iniea nut are burned In Ilrall to 1" ",r '-. ir can always have blacken the raw eaoiiteliouo or India- V t I":";,. urea "r ruhher, The seed or stone of the tarn ... , , . "I , ", mf taH ln arlnd Is sometime prescribed In India w I., im.n a inn jnincn and ba entertained aa well a if I had a wife - ann an witnout the worries of a houae hold or any danger of the sweet vole becoming fretful or complalnlna. lie. sldea," continued the crusty old nil- moon ann siarsr- eased the young man from lioston In his severely prac tical way, And be doesn't know to I this day how much he mlMd by ink ing audi a prosalo view of the matter. 'Chicago Tost, State, City, Town or Village desired, The knowledge la rarely obtainable from a school geography, which nooeasarlly baa onl a few general feci gad ce iiH'.aiion oi important cunts. J UI I road man are notorious! v Incorrect and mlslcadlna-. hence tha nmaiad ruth keri where large tlbrarlc ara Inaooeavthla, I without relief unlua ht a ma riappy owner or knowlcdge-aatlarylng, tlnaaure-glvlDg I'eople't At la vniitrina un tu imn-m in vne rami ere auown, Itlveri and Ik are MiouraUtlv IwaUid, All tha large Cities of the World, the (mirtaiit Town and moai nf tha lllages of the United riUte art given on the Mapa. It give a olaaalficd List of allNaVlona. with rorma of Government. Geo graphical ly cation, Hire and Population, rbl beautiful A tlaa la tiniind In knit mump n,ir alll Im ! u PA aruta tar llr upon receipt uf OUvLftltft AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO In case of dysentery as a ton In, and lo posa'-salon ,th form of an electuary, need I covered with note In the reformer' ft, A A M Malarial for (llara. iinimwrmng. u wa printed I In lha WAtmr tr.flO ar, lu 14 1't.m I. .i.i..u .1 I "' ' '-, i-a.u ogynlst. "I can ..way, shut Itup" htuZ : n:.;;fa;r;;.n7 ra "f-'-nt "f I want to. I wonder how many bus- baiiii could do that to their woman kind!"- New York Tribune, varied. Iron faun. tela of the ni jdlt age, embroidered leather and jewel- set (cloves of Inter times, gloves of hair, Trwt, "What aweot satisfaction it Is," said she, "to havt a friend you can trust, ' "And oh! what a convenience It is," rapnea nsroup, "to nave a friend who will trust you,"ColutnbuB, 0 state Journal, Heierl Ia4 Made rrellful. No fewer than 12,(JO(l,(ioo scree of linen, velvet, satin and tnffeta, glow l"d have been made fruitful In th Cufflm rrm favorite Traa. perrumcKi, whneo, wad and glaxed, fsnara deaert, an enterprise represent' James 8 wan and wife, an air,i -a f I" In the list, They have perhaps the most reniarkshle ex- wealthy couple living on a farm In ing- Vm'n tmm h"rH" ",,,,," 'ru O'nple of Irrigation by mrsns of art bam county, Mich,, fifty yeara ao 'iyrn Ir'"" ,n m of sisn wena wnicn ran anywhere bt planted In their dooryard a cherrv hal"a; from the fiber of nettle wo- found Irce, of which they became very proud ,",n ,lkn fl" ,nl" '"read, and from because it grew so straight and lo such ""'"'"'"a noers, so mat, use the napkin le Hard I n. a, l great size. After talking It over for d"MTlbd by I'llny, they were t'lcantd N. Taytou Hoswcll has bwn editor Letbae llliila, HPI TV 1 Miseum In Merlin hss secured I r fa KtH AOl slon of I.tifher'a Illhle, which he I I I Vj I I I fit 1 1 n hla atudy. Its margins art " v-f - WU, former' 1 TIT rthe Woman, ; And the Confessional By Riv. Chas. CniNiQinr, SI.OO. teveral yeara the pair concluded to be ,,y ""'rly thrown Into tha tire, of the Anna (III.) Union Democrat ,i, Komit hy hank draft, poatal or eijireeg lnonev order, or by retl. burled In coffin made from their fav- 0I"VM ,"v hm'n r,m',',' to"- trt, t" w,. tni nn" lrrty been sm-d for tfrcd letter to the AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY Ui Ita tree, ao several days ago the tree was fdled and a mammoth log taken lo Mnson, from which the burial cue Iteta will be made. I'Mloanphf, Wallace Why Is It you alway bet on tne wrong uorser Margreavee It ia ao j much easier to do.Clnclnnatl En-Qulrer. silky byssus, the fibers secreted iy cer tain iiioiiusk by which they attach llieiiisi Ives to rocks, and a pair of glove woven from till curlou aub- I it 11 in n waa presented to Tope botimlut XIV, Kschange. Wax matnhet art employed In BuroM to an txlent vastly greater than la I .'0,(M it, iibel, Ilut beany it will mxe uiort than that lo icsre him out.-Cx. Oaf Coal ' A geologist ba figured out Ihut lh whole coal aupply of this planet. If burnt at ouce, would not an 11.11. .1 best as tht tuo docs la the tnfh o! .1 Edith O'GormaiVs CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED SI.25 Uila country.