The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 25, 1898, Image 1

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"AMf.HK'A K('K AMI li'AN."W, bold thai alt him AhumUm. who wr Alhgiatiit !.. 0. 1' Mate without k.h.uI ir-uvntixii
1 k .
f '
Vol.lfM VIII,
I'hU'i; HYK ' I
Rosewater's Opposition to
Webster Fully Explained.
"Col." Livingstone Tells What the
Deal Was Between Hay ward,
Murphy and Rosewater.
Other Inieretiinq ' olitfeaf Gossip for the Busy
ReadeMVas Poyntcr "Sugar Coated."
llowatf'a unamly fight on John
J Wbatr In a wyfry f a grt
any panpla, 1tj t to tin American It
kt fxin an "opn bmk" for aoma
Jtoawatr nvr fight ft candidal
far offlca unbtaa thera I aomathlng In
Igbt for hlmlf, and political patron
ga l commodity which tin manlp I
fl, In on way or dm otbr, to b
if moualarr valu to hlmaelf or th
aompanl In which ha In lnlrld
It will b conceded that h
Hli amount of low tine
ll(g Willed lnd III Ml Well 1(1 hald
wbn h ba a political Jolt to do- ii
talent wlil I) mink tl imllouall y
to whbh h U liiim and whoa frj
HHonal algn U lhra ball, And ther
I nvr a wi Mt or Itougbi county
nvHon wbr tlila political Joblar
d MflWlllfltor d'l pot 0M'fH, it
la a rnMak whb It aoma lU'iHibllcan
taak to aaanrna llmt li vr d- a
thing from a pur and unaelflnh mo
tlva, or (hat ha ha any parly prim),
ala whatever, ll bellevea In th law
ut fore. According to hla pblloaopby
do nothing from an bonl tno-tiva-iby
ara controlled by neeeaaoy
and by llra for gain, lth"f mn ia,
uaii' lal or polHI'l, lla haa f lalm"l
to m a fu-puhll'-an, Inxfancoa ar -lon
whfa ha haa foiiiflit th party
anit Ha IMata, iM-for anil afl-r
aomlnailori, Dnrhig Jh rir'l'-lrarit
aawialgn, ha offrl to m-II out to
UrmfWy to t th ncwiapfr ron
aa away from (ha Omaha UfjinlilliiMi,
Whn Tom Majora waa fiomlnH"1 foi
i)ivrvnr, ha ut'l"'"1 llolromh,
alalmlioe that MJor wa a "rallroal
M"r" whi llohomh rfrf'tw'l
to ')o hla 1l'MIiH! ha ftopi"'! hwh ai
In lha ramjMlcn Jt low'l h (ko
lof't'l Xr, Maywarrf, whom h h
tiitutily lyma'lf'l aa a "rallrofcf
t-p"lll'H" from away ha'fc, T fla
aala Cowir Jo, Jlohomh haa
Hm a iir lo him yln thai If
tt,iih,n will r!fl ha will HWoHit
ttimHtr in fill lha aay,
lha itirhnif MmM ha waa io
t,i,tM iwifliU or 4hli'itirt lharj h l
li hla f)fht ' h fy, WUhr,
t (rof of Ihla 'I ha AirUna all
f'ol, Myliigttthii, tha Aimnhiy alalia
an from I'Wnto pr1ni-l, to tal
ih aa4 ard tll wha' ha fcoowa of
Ifeo 4)H,('iMa hnflfl that W'
ir tiuSf4 toi'i lo Ai'lwt tha l'
lii In oioelaa o'y for
hi own a!fMj pwpw. UwHUr
puhltrty AkuUA hilt a ihii1I4h for
U,n l'i,Hd4 Unit-- p.'nuttt, IM M Ut"-muu-r
famM amonn'a lo h'HhfHK H
4u4 UM Vruk pfifir wa a !
ftnillur, b)( lha 0iioi f'ool haiaaM
that h I; h 4l'l lhl I
K)'rvl4 fo4 a ha'f offl'lJ i'fl; -tha
UpHlilUnii trnt uhfcw Ih II lo
lhal aa'mol lf vfoniun a mo"
In K Jflo l'a (jhoa, Tlicra fa no
Iroiihla to niulifiily liiMlunKii whara
thla f'lMI'al Johlr for a'lflli pur
pofa tina (lnl'f facla'Tn orJr to di'
cya (ha (aopla; ami HlcwlNa hla nh
II! Jnlal that ha waa a farillf1la foi
lha 1,'nlM Hlrtf Hcnala waa rrifalini
liK, for wlilla ha Ihoiuht thara waa no
uaa of allowing hla nama lo kh lfor
tha lKlNfnlura to ha voil upon, h
waa a aiii1lli Jnl tha nnm, And
It waa Ihla way,, aa Col, f.lvliiKHioiin
ha iald, 4tt hifora lha llnpnlill.
ifm litnl ('iHiiloi met ItowwHii
wnt lha Colonel out Ihronuh Ida alat.i
on a "mlaalon," lla woit lo ll.irh"
and lold Mr, Murthy that "th old
j man" wnd him lo run for Mmun
ant'Oovarnor, and Mirphy ai orr h
iam a candldHla, Then ,lndj(fl Hity
J ward waa a"n and Induced to rnn for
i Oownorz-ao lha t'olonid aayx, Th
HoMwafr fditn, a aialKd hy th t'ol
one), waa ihl llayward waa lo h
alw'd twtftmr, aiid waa lhn lo l
a randldalt for l'nltd tl Hi-nattr,
and waa of conraa lo le lK ld, Thla
would niaka Mr, Mnrphy lha Kovarnor,
and whn Hnaior Thnraion handd H
hla ralitnailon tlovrrtor Mnrpliy waa
lo appoint Rotffwaifr lo All lha va
tuiuy, 'two candidal from Doiigtita
'onniy onld not t lha appoliiimni,
of 'onrr, and Iimkb Wheir innat h
kllld olf, ao ha would l powrlaa lo
l'f'a(. Hoy word lfor Ih l"islnl(ilur,
To woniplhli Ihla d, II waa n"'
orary lo ft up a fliehf, and Koiilaky
and Walle r w hoili lndM' "d lo n"tU
K'Mjhl(n nomlnaflona ao ltofwl-r
wonld hac a prii for AiUmiu;
t o whola Wfehnlur ft;!llv lhki-1,
Km Ih 0I, lima loaded, inlawed
fitf loinor l'oyfr ttol loo many
o'"; Mr, ffwywaid fIM lo m In
poalllon lo lv np th unhT'iaiorlal
fhalr lo Mwphy, and Murphy la ow
h la lo mafea limttinr I 'nil 'd
la ftt'tmtnr, tint now (hat fto-wal-r
haa had Ih ambition of hla Hf"
Ml'd, h t'HUilwm, with 4im'I
puftUtuniii, to aH John tl WtU
otf nd trnnk Ut Mint him la'for
Ih U Klulatnr.
'td( Hay ward Ihla wm-M ap(W(d
dlrappo(nlmn and antprla that
fooaa fouitly trava him only ma
f'iVy, fmt In ih'i light of lha foro
In" fttulniH l0Mld n't ha ur
prlrd IUmi tuny f'fil loma pm
pit O'll In (h utfi, hut th fpnWI'
wim of Im'iylt, lot'iuy wUt h M
hl known Mva ttim to imt him
Thy kn that hla fiht on ohn l
Wihitr waa a "lflb and ylndijya
atflr, aa tha aijiod abowa, and whda
many tfap'tlllana o'dd not on!arnt
ly pttppon Ih f'alon ll fe i, lhy thotr
-d lhlr ilhwiM hy Ktuyiiw awn? IrtHH
ib polla, h offldaf i'ona thowlng
thai whlla In Mi h htcloal a on
M'Klnly nmUm waa l?,?i, (ha yola
on llayward waa otily l,4l, a falling
off of l,H M', I'oynlfr'a niajitrlty
titer liayward la J,7'i, wlili h aa ahown
rotild aaally bava tin omcoma In
loiiKUa fin uly aloti, ronaldi-rlng tha
Inrrraaa lu Nipulailnn, If II had not
hai'ii for ltiMiwatr and hla dunlila
dealing gang of dlaorganlnera,
AnHlmr gentleman who will ha In
ftotattd In tha foregoing alalcment of
furl a la linn, llmijiiiiiln Maker, at ona
lima thmght to m a airong tandliUta
for governor, When Judg Maker,
HIierlfT Mi'Donald and CommlaMloiier
lliirla adecled tha Mouglaa di'lrgiiilon
to tha alula t'onventliin Itoaewiler'i
nama waa turned dnwu hy ilia two lut
ler gentlemen, hut tha Judga, whlla ra.
grettlng 11 aald ha hud Ihioi pir
anaded by John (', Wharloti (Moorea'
allorney) to plaia Hoaewalwr'a nama
on lha llat, Tha jndga admitted that
ha enpeHel to regret tha promlai, hut
Knawtnr had agreed to aupport him
for governor and tha nnma waa allowed
lo aland, fn tha light of lha forego
Ing revelittlona, tha Judge, Ilka all who
hava (mated Itoanwater before, ran
aea (hat ha took a cold and dummy
adder to hla hreaat whl li helped lo
allng lha pollilial Ufa from hla body
In tha atala eonveniloti,
a a
Thera la mu' li Inlereailng poat'elec
tlon goaalp going tha rourida of tha
piihlfa tongua whl h may maka good
reading for thoaa pollllenlly fnrllned,
It la aald that whlla (lovernor-ebrt
I 'oy ii ler waa a member of tha leglala
tura thera waa befora that laely'g law
bwklng toward correcting mitny of tha
abiiaea coiiimliied by lha vnrloita at oik
yarda companlea of tha atala which tha
I'nlon Hiock Yarda company of Month
fmiahn wera mm h intereaied In d
featliig, To do thla It la an Id that 11
waa neceaifiry to "augur coat" a num
ber of lha timm hra, amoig whom
It la alao an Id llml Mr, I'oynlcr wiia
nn of Ihoan who waa Irenlnd lo (ha
"coming," and III tnenaiira failed lo
become n , After th kmiI lninii
waa iiomiiiatfd by (h fualon forcea
for governor llm agent ,f ili I'nlon
Hlok Vaida company waa ona of the
Aral lo be vlalied by him, when It a
aald an agreement waa aniered Into
by whbh lha Iniet-eata of lha alo'k
yarda company waa to h carefully
guarded In enchanga for lha Influenc
whbh they might exert to aeeuta Mr,
roynira eiecnon ior governor, A a
leault tha packing and atock yarda
companlea - with poaalldy on eep
tlon-av their r'ordlal aupport lo lha
nomine, Thla action la In atrb i keep
Ing with ,hal of M'-uutor Allen In pi
venting iha adoption of that clauae
In th fualon platform pleading that
party to a'ur nonlfabl aiok yurl
Thera la a bit of Inlereailng political
hlatory lu connection with local poll
Ilea whbh might alao b well lo e-
In lb political campaign of t!!2 lb
tpublbana logether with their (ben
llca Ith A I', A ) wr eaatlng ahoil
for a aulialle candidal for iigrea
It. II, Mercf waa mining th Mplrani
for t'ongralonal hoti'ta, at tha hatida
of b republbana, On on part u!r
evening thera wt two committee
maeilnga In prgMaa, on of whbh
waa lo agtea upon a candidal and Ih
otlmr lf uttMmtory waa to recom
mnd hla eid' en 7h rpubll
an long Morn Ihla tlm had earnd
o dlatruat Moaewater and that gen,
tU'imn waa not Invited lo partlclpat
In lha 4eherailon of Mtlinr commit.
urn nor waa ha aonght for advb, Noth
ing daunted, Mr, lloeewafer, however,
and h liada aiverl att'-mpta lo gain
ad ml )( lo on of t(ia commffle
Oocllnga, hlit f,tlled, ll et Iruated
reporira to tha cn whlla h waited
to ih vicinity, but iji no purpoae,
pad b k and foMh lu front of the
building In whbh th nieciig waa be.
Ing h II and feve uh far aouth aa far-
nam atrc t nd' vottig U mti h aoma
Inforn ailoii from within, but mt ve
a whimper leached hl mr, To hon
who hsnc.,d to paaa that way It waa
plain that hla agitation knew no
( hound t. Ilia gyratlotia runliiiiird fur
' nearly Imi hour. ta anliiiially ha
rould ba heard (inillerlng to hlmaelf
and hla geatliiilallona beiamn mora
and no. r Miipaaalmiod, Mually a roil-
pla of gentleitien whom ha hapiwiiad
to know emerged from tha Iniltdlng
and ba approached them for tha de
al red Information, but they gava hrtn
'lio aneoiirBgemeiit, Oilier followed
ahortly and wera alao acrnaied by him,
I only to fall hi hla dcalr. Mecomlng
j anaapnaled at hla aucnmalva fnllurra
he gava vent In hla feelluga: lla would
' fight tha A. I", 'A, to tha bliler and;
would dcairoy (hit political ambllkui
of every man whom ha anapected of
connection therewith, Hiild ha, "1
cnn'i g' them all together, hut I'll
get lliein ona by one," llu hud learn
ad that thera wera allll aoma iiieti In
Omaha whom ha rould not control
and ha would hava revenge, It will ha
remain hered that aa a yeault of Iheaa
two eommlltca dellberallona I tit v Id II,
Mercer heiaina th cntidldata for itui
great and waa Ruhatnnlly elected In
uplla of tha iippoaltlon of lloaewalcr
and hla paper, aa waa alao tha enllr
republican ticket, Hlnea Ihett ha h
rontlniied hla dlahonorabla warfara
adopting varlotia achemea to accoin
pllah hla piirpoaa, and im been partic
ularly ahtialva of every man whom hn
anapected of being connected Willi th
A, I', A, Ma nought to array bitalncaa
riian'agalnat bualiieaa miui, neighbor
agnlnat neighbor and It la aald hired
men to go Into tha privacy of tha
lodga room and aleiil (ha tucord that
hn might puhllali what purported lo h
lha tinmea of niemhera, lla aoon found
that Ihla ninntier of waifura would nol
ba tolerated and hla bualtieaa hegntt
to dwindle; ha Iherefora muat gdopt
other no ana, and haa alm a puraued
th (ofiT'M of lha political guerrlllit
often pliiylng the part of a friend with
nn bund while lining lha political
knife with Hi other, It la not necca
amy for ua (o detail lb many liiadinc
ea of hla political treachery, but wa
merely mil altetitloit to Iheaa mailer
that our tepublban friend may be
on their guard,
'Hie Intrigue of lb pollilcal guer
tltla wh never morn iiollreahl Hi an
In the In! haul campiilgit when he
outwardly aupporled I'hll K, Winter
for county allorney whlln aecretly
knifing him and directing hla political
lien liui' H iittd bUKiueaa aaao fale (o
piirauN a comae llml would reault In
th defeat of Winter, thua dlapoalng of
another man whom h aupcM of b
Ing 'in A, f, A Winter waa deceived
Into believing that Itoaewatr'a and
Moota' auppoil of blm waa aimera
noiwiihulaiidliig the warning that Ihla
paper gv blm, It la aiao common
report that lloacwaier entered Into a
deal with Judge Hhl'o'da hy whb h aom
of hi political tool ar lo hav dep
ulyjilpa, among wliffii la U llelaley
1 $ 0
If th republicait party b"'a not g l
fid of Moaewater, after hla mill In
defeating the at( tbkt, H ahould
adopt a tbcie ball emblem, don In
hrna, And hang It on I over th aide
walk mi that people will know lhal ft
haa becoma fboioughly ftbeetieylxed,
Another Omaha official hn hff aol
Judg'd guilty of embrlement, and haa
been placed under 1,oid to appear al
the nl iff in iif tU district court,
Thl tlm l I W, C, I lei hl, a repub
lican, a howon fi lend, ornjanlon and
advlr of Koewalr, an alder and
alienor In lb plot lo fore Prank Y
Mrea talto convbled of etuterr,l.
pientt on Ih peopl for mayor, and
lha friend and aoelat of W, I Kejr
aiend, who allowed the i utility of f (oug
ht to l-e rothed of more lhan IH"uu
while h waa ciinty coumlaafoner,
and Wb'xie I election )i HttMOpled I'l
foic o the peopi ,y the aid of Itoa
water and Moie Th gang I cor
rupt t'l III '! It mil) ti Weeded
Kvary f 1 It to anlldoia for aorn
Mllati faucy,
The Property Owners In the Nmlunui
Capital Unearth a Gigantic
Steal The Report.
Mr, N, l King, Clmlrmiui of lli.
( oiiiinlllce on anaeaatneni and appu
tlotimenl of aiproprlitlloiia, which waa
eupcclitlly Inatructed lo liuiilr Into
Ihn amount of nal eatnta In lha IHa-Irb-t
KuaIiIo and anetupl, nuwla a
purl lul report covering lha properly
of four unlveralllea and a eked for
further lima to Inveailgnla other prop
cil lea, Tim report ahowa that (leorge
(own t'nlveralty, Itoinun Calholie, hua
1'1,,'luy of real eniiilrt tiiialile a ml
$nr,2,7H exempli Coliimhlnn I'nlveral
ly, IUl'l tiunhln and 2I0,KIA e.
finpt; Howard Ifnlveralty, I4 laiu
bla and $IM,4(0 exempt; and I ho
Cm hollc Mnlveralty, rt,tluii (axnbla
and f,'.Hfi,!!iN exempt, making a total of
taxabla tinlveralty proier1y In
cluded In lha four collegea mention
ed of Ixil.SUfl gtid l,tir.l,ktl ex
empt, Tha report (ben goe on lo atntn (hut
Iheaa flgurea reprcaent but amitll
proportion of lha property In tha lila
libt exempt from taxation, and ex
preaaea lha belief Hint wlmti all tlm fig
me ara collet li d, allowing lha ev
I'liipilou of all other exlntlng and
propoaed Kent of b-miilug and tha
in any alemtwynary liialltullon from
which th projector and owner d,
rlvn large revenue, It will Im ahown
I loil, Ullit a amall pi'iceuliigH or pni
poitlon of all Ih iciil cmIiiIii within
III lUnlllit la burdened Willi Hut lev
ell Ilea fur lha aupport of llm govern
mciit, An eailmitin, llm report ulnte,
plmea tlm mnonnl of ten I ealitln ex
empt fiom laxntlon at tMH"),""i,
which, added lo lha mount of govern
ment property Mempf, lenvea mil
about 41 per cent, of really to pay lax,
Additional report upon thl ijueallon
Will b ptenenled Idler,
Any on who reada llm abova may
ace thai Ida eltltfena her nr nun
pelled lo aupport Ih llotniin ralbolli,
hleierhy whether h lullevia In It or
not, I' lame Ha you will, Ihla fa a
union of Church and Hint, Th mm
ter will b brouehl lo Ih tentlou of
Congreea at I'm next aeaelon.
Hut It f hardly fair lo call the gov
ernment property exempt; heeauac
Hi government puya one half Hie
(axe In li dlatrb l of Columbia which
la probably lu fair aliare,
Nol it a Ih van! dleptopoiilon h,
Wealth between I he I wo lloloitn Cath
olic I'ulveralHea and th I'rolciiiint
unlveralib a;
floleton I 'ill v-i hit y, it, (',
,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,, m,m
Catholic f'nlveralty, It C, ,,,
Total,,,,, , ,,,.11,2(7, U
Columbian Cnlvemliy, I'rol, , .$2lfi,klit
Howard rivrHy, I'rol , ,,,, WMU
Tflal , ,,,,,,,,,,,, mv,u
Not lhal lha two Human Cath
olic unlverllca hava moi than
lhra time ilia amount of un
taxed preporty poaaeeaeif hy the
two 'rolelwiil uiilvarallle.
Anthr Immenaa dlfferenca to h
ohaerved heiweoi tha Ibonan
CmHioIM' and I'roicatant unlveraltle
lhal whlfat die Itoniau CaihoMe aclmola
ar atblly unitarian, th i'loleatanl
ahool ain only" iiumlimlly o, iiiilem
all ach'! Iiiiubatlng iidependciie
of the thought and freedom of ton
i leiiif, of aiiiecli and wuraMp, mum
h ronaldered am (Wis n.
Thera i atnither reaaon wy Unee
Mulverallie ahould b taxed. They
ara money. making tmtei pilm. Tin
Ouorgown Ibmian Catholic
Utllveraiiy own very large
I mi l of vttlimlilH hind, ntucb
of which In under cultivation, and
pay th iinVveraliy a giwally ivnt; and
all t'i aiuibnt at all tluau aihooU
are required lo pay liberally for tholr
pilvllegi'M; but why ahould thoaa clil
xena who ara loo pour to avail them
aelvea of Ihn benefit of Ninth Inatl
tilllona, tin buriletied Willi extra nve
In order to halp eilucato tha aotia of tha
rich? Tb aon of tha
wealthy, having graduated at
Iheaa great unlveralllea, liecomn doc
tor, btwyera, Itimibiglitiia, geiniral
and government oltielnl, and anttla
down Into eaay poaltlotia, whit larga
aiitnrlea; lm( when ('' "f p'"r
mun wlahe Ut b-nrn hi trad a-to ha
ciiine m piimlar, a carpenter, a brick
layer-ha muat work for aeveral yean
n an appienllca to learn It, Nobody
I taxed lo pity hla tuition, though hla
fat.her'k llllli homa muat Im taxnd ex
Ira o keep up tha tinlvralty whera
tha rkh mini' aon la being fillet for
n fitay and luxiirbiti living,
Tint mitaaef nf tha people, who ban
din Hint ulKhly wen (ion, lha Imllnt, ara
beginning to aen how llm rich beromn
richer at tlm expciiae, of lha working
If the government will aid up tiul
vrralllcx to liliicalft Hie aotia nnd
duugbiei a of (hn pour wit limit chnrgn
or al very low chiirgea, wn ahould mi
III Ipnlit allglil ubjecllon from that clita
which la optH't'cd lo Hie apieail of ttnl
Vcraul education - lhal claan, which bn
lievea, and I'-in ln, Hint a high d'-grea
of Inti lb liial devi -lopnieni la only for
llm few, wliil Ignorant and aervlluda
fa heat for. the many,
, , CIIAHI1 HOVH, Ally,,
, , ( Waahltigloti, II, (!,
f mi, m .
ITriiiialated from lb Crctuh by Hep,
, , M, J, I', Thing j
It wa nhiied lo me lnlelv that i(
little Irlell ImiV when naked, "What
do you know about ()orK Wualilng
Ion?'' leapondeil wllliout healtatlnii
"Wai'hliigtttn waa an lilnhmnu nn I 4
gaid (t hollc,"
Wn th elorv true' I tiinuot iay,
fl hri-athea thti perfum of (ruth,
Irlrlt anil HuiiiIhIi, itnd bud tu 'o
lu ll ve In lla teallly,
AIiih' II la not only llm llllie liy
wtm vi'Uiui Into Urn field of hlatory
Imi fmitiir men, ndvo. idea, phyl
ilmm, jiiK' and exjudgea, which
ahull we xeeilf If It, wera pl'leata It.
could he piMned, but when tueit'bera of
the billy, whtin li,"ii who oiitslil
lo have l nil led It inlla for a lint Ice,
'I here la no ex Judge, mi Irlehtuaii
by the name of Iniium, who haa been
miik In aome aH-eehea eonceriilug r
llgloua liberty, and apenkliig of tb
colony of Maryland, dwlare that.
Miuybind by her character w lha
Aral lo prN'bilm enllr liberty of con
atleiia liiberly waa granted full and
entire lo (juakera, Cnltarlun and all
chad" t f rellgloiia belief, And then ha
ilalma Hull l-iod ItMlilniota wa nn
rlihmun nn, well na a ('alholli',
It ahould Im aald f'ii' the ad'Hciulotl
nlJlNiiiue tlnil lnd ft ilhiiiiiiii ut un
HiiKltelim.mi and not mi lit'dimmi, H
Wiia on of lb" nitiliinii'.iy jut' whom,
h I lice the HUlieXiil loii of !, ,,ifi, 1,1
I'lllglillid, the imtjnt'li y of III" li iull,
Cailiiilb a' itinl Itonim t tutvv La I i
n lemb i aii'l fr:ilern, I .v, ,t-l
In I'riiteni.itili-m, b I ten i a l -oiuiu-Iht
Hiwarda tt, iIum' ,f lit. It,
ICootlnucil on pti J j