The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 11, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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rill: A Ml: IMC AN
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M !1A. M 0, V. II. '
h the i knn h p d t , Ian ! r
011 "r ...
Nil, lb K 1 Wh def t l Kiel Cd
It h I a l'ih l.'im ll More Ihaa
thl we r annul .
Mi nt. 1 1 Ii leilleg hi Irlend (hat
lt"tht d-d Hcwtcr who de
Ii ain m" " We add, 'at (I )i'ti record '
ItlaactlU'.l. The M.H'I. ) hill U
to he n Sew, prosperity If lit fitlUiW, and
tin n ft-r e ha ei I ler irolilit
Hal c'i tHl 'i I e inta'n4 will com
no me
Ihut't (orei lhat JtiJ,-s lluxler,
County Clerk lUverty, Hi'i'nrdi'r Croi k
rr n I tnher county iidl !! endorsed
V. I. Kritcad although they knew
ha had bm en uttfalthf.l public H I-
Ool, Akin iKi'iii'li'il In the campaign
J met cloned a poallli'll I ill 1 1 A r t 1 liBt
chu'iijjI. d by Judge Keyror, Pawcttl
rniil Klahiwch In the Monro' campaign,
llrt niUirn d an un'sli liful puMlo w r
vitnV after thit (ample had been made
acqueltitnl with that i 111 lei' rccurd.
The papacy tin mud w.ulderful pro
grot In ml I (.! vir tier ihu MuK Itilc
adnilnlaliatlon, so much in Hint It If
not considered out if tanlehir tbn preta
ideal to consult wild it representative;
In tbli country John Inlaid -on tha
most Important quitntlnri of statci raft,
W y t I, Rconj ting the published
dNpatchc In Urn administration organ
a the truth J ,
Ann hi ok rtuj ny ha been or
gaulmed In Omaha and in oi Jcr to In
troduced it took to our reader haa
a.loptiij Ox) t.litri rat forth In It
mumrtnith adrrtlcmcnt on pHgo flro
You will noon lis buying' primonU (or
th holiday and what I olonr than
good book, tivuu If It I In paper bind
lnjf, ly a l 'Jlrirf author ? Your atten
tion I raMi'd to thxlr advertlfomcnt,
We hope each ubcrlbr will show
the off or to at loatt flvo of bl frlndt
and Indues thorn lo tnko advantago of
tt, bonldi'i doing o IhitniM'lvoi,
A Kunaaa ubacrlbor tkc u lo 'aak
for orpoalrig Wall alroet and then up
porting thn Republican iiatn ticket in
Nebraska. Had be Iwen bore when
tho convention met and tin tho dom
ocrailj t!el ai.e to tho funlon conyon
ttun that namtd the fualon tickot, bad
be teen b party' atandard hearer In
attmdancoat a Homan Catbolioohureb
lawn party in thU city whom he apoke
at length (bl tpt cch being pr.nUid la
tho World-Herald, the fjaton or.-an),
bid bo been pnraonally acjualntcd
with the J lorn an la t nominated for at
torney general on bU party ticket, be
would hardly eont- nd that the fualon
party lo Nobraak waa the Amerloao
parly. There are good men In all par
tic, a there are g.od men In all
churcbr, but no man, no party, that
bendi to any church, bo It 1 Com an
Catholic or Prokttant, in Ihe hope of
accurlng In help at the ballot box, can
eer necure our itipport, be that roan or
that party, republican, democrat or
populltt. la wa tucti truckling that
kept ua from rndoralng either Meroor
or Hltobootk for Congrete from thli
dlalrlct The former began Dl career
m the avowed frlond of the A. P, A,
and baa wound up the ally of Ilotne and
the tool of floaewet'jr, The latter
dart d not be an American boeauae be
would Ioo the Roman vote, which, to
a man, I In the fualon party, and tw
cauie the cburcb would ruin hi bu.l
not If he dared bo a man and nay it
tnuat korp lt hanu' out of politico In
the district where we vote no let than
a dozen Roman Catholic who belonged
to the fualon parly end were regUterod
failed to vote becaute Tloeewatcr
charged la bl paper that Hitchcock
and Johnny Tumpoo were working
together In thl campaign, pravlng to
in tbat the funlon force lo Nebraska
nro made up, partly at kat, of tlat
that U neither tho beat educated nor the
leatt orejedlced part of our population
Fualon may be all right down In Kan
eae; at proncnt it U all wrong in Ne
1 III II Mii M
t h ii. a.r a sift a
t.)t hktt, it O f ln
tlwj Aa ara i-t t f..
ifoat that h t I I al l '
taH( ih It'fh t.a-i4 il'M'
hl'h tSi' K'M ar ti
r4..rrrg that ? UtimWr t
((, ru otrd for Kifn'raJ, at l a I
H0 anil lfrair tluhl lcaa ottil
fn tWaidl la tha a'B on
pwli jlhr Hfl cmll'Ht-t dl
i t Ki C.iHly tmlio. r w u
llamt, aat.thrr llilr o..l, who
hlu-aahrd Miorv, M -wly tf
hitkul Ijr tltifnal fir ciwmlMiWMpr if
puhlli lahif and WWlng. h' o'a In
hi h'UiK! f o )itv Wing tirat bfdr.
Iwhlud th itl f ihu t ik t, whi?n If
httlmil l-inc'i-at , It hou'd liaagm
ahrad and b-cn a hiini 'f tmrgth
nl"d of ikt a, ('( tirC'iiiian
Moiicr wuu'd liav ruulvid a much
largi-r toll bad II no'. In f'X" bl
ItiH'watcr toiinoullnt, and Poll. Win
lor would ba hn oleoind ourey
atlorray bad ho not liohnoMwd with
Hjw4Ur In tha couniy convention.
If Hwiwator bad twin In Kjrow and
Mion-a lutiiond fiom tllluc, It U afo
luai.y that lb Hopubllian alato ticket
hrring WlilUm w-juld have rocclvi d
enough itijro ol In lla itaftof Ne
bra.ka to bnve elcuud h.
At It I the people am to ho oongra'.
uUu4 that tun uuunty bullUlng will lo
ol.-ancd op, and that they noud only 0
await a writ of outUir to bo rid of tie
niauhltic In tho o iy bull.
'I aiicccaaor of William V. Alh-n
Will lid a n lollillrltil, hill Ilia lililnn Will
hot hu John I Wi itnler.-ilfiiBbii H'-f.
Tim pri'nuinpluoua Indlvldiml who
rdlta (hn lice baa put tb above foiih
ii a hi ukimo to the ri'imhlh una of tlila
hr in nnn i -i
atalo, ll expeela tho republican
ineniheia of tha leglalnluro to do hi
bidding. IM ineiuia to make It ai
penr to Ibotn that be la thn political
hoM of HiIm coutiiy, and tlmt but for
him thn party would go down In d
feiu. Ilia effort ahull din "abornln."
Tim peopln of ihrtle ahull know
the exiiel atntua of politic In Doiigln
county, and when they know It f lime
water will not be able to dunce on Ihe
political mrava of linn, John h. Weh
aier, than whom thei la not a mora
deaervlng republican, or tuor loyal
American In tha wholn ataie.
It la a notorloii fact that tha le
mini auppoilnd W. I. K I era! end fr
commlaaloner and I'hll K. Winter for
county attorney, Mr. Klemlenil wa
a republican nominee, In a republican
dlalrh l, compoaed of tha Third, ICIghih
and Ninth wanla In till city, Im waa
lun keil hy Hoaewaier'a republican p
per, by a ltnai'waler republican mayor,
hy all the) lloaewater republican, py
all hut one r pulillciin county mid by
all th republican cl'y offlclnla, and
hy every republican aapliaiit for any
ofhVlii! poaltlon; yet. In a republican
dlalrlct, Willi the Immcnaa preaflae
KimrHiiteed by Much harking, In aplie
of Mr. itoanwiifr' earneat enilor-
mtnt, thn people, In a dlalrlct which
it live Iwvld If, Mercer m ma-
orlty, which gave lion.- M I,. Ilny-
wurd t15 majority, gave fl.'i majority
hiihIiihi. Mr, lloaewater randldiiia for
oimiy rmnmlaahitier, and 69 major
ity aanlnat the gentleman whom he
supported for county attorney, and
had It not been that lion, John I
Wehaier wa an aspirant for (be
I'nlled Htate aenate Ihe people would
have carried the entl-ltoaewaier cm-
end right Into the republican Il
lative fight, and would have defeated
the whole ticket, Imt out of love for
Mr. Wehater, liecauaa of the confidence
they have In him, they burled their
hatred for th contemptible Jackal
lhat Uvea only to ruin and deairoy
men whom tt cannot ue and control,
If tha ancpeaaor of W, V. AHtn I a
republican, hut. I not John U Web
aler, Ihe republican party will ha lb
moat ungrateful and the eat demurr
ing of auereaa of any parly that ever
enlaled on American aoll
The election I now a thing of the
puat, yet from it aevernl leaaon mnv
Iw drawn whh h ought not aoon to be
forgotten by the gentlemen who con
trol the republican party of thl coun
ty, Tha moat valuable leon In,
"No political party can name men of
questionable repuiatlon,the toola,
the creature of Edward Roaewater,
the prince of corruptlonlata, and a
cure for the an endoraement at the
poll from the people." That I aet
tied. Laal year when the notorlou
libertine, that cmbeler of public
fund, the pet, th" protege, the friend
and boon companion of Edward Hoae
water and Count Cielghton Frank K.
Moorea-when be wa nominated for
mayor on the republican ticket, the
people rebelled, and under the leader
ahlp of The American, and on ita ad
vice, refused to go to the polla and
(k !,. Uir if l ttnl t
. I I. ijlht.n not l'l
r . I. I. f if It: ,t, fll.1,1, ,.f t,
f-1 II l-nif t I tk lM
, . . I 1. 1 ,. H I.I l'1 i. IN "Hi in l Ittl
Ih lii if t.fuil.l(. mtit th
f.t-t 1 1 a ii- tt i.t i
o.i i t irt..i.i(iit .iii iii
(l t.nii.t j il il trhk(i ttnfi, n,..i
tl.l h. h ht.i.!.t..t tti ak tha I
lilliinit ll.ihllli frmllHt '.. ,.
llip t. . I rHHtnUotor ilUtilit t.i
t him h. I liiti r)ii Ttn. Air
hn iail tha U(i.Unl if rnll att.l
Nii!( iM. ..a.-it III" wititt and
an litirnllhful miuiiI, Oil Hm wil
Hi-.hi n a liini aatlnfm Ini f fi nlt
II iliddl of dm nmn who. hv Ma
nl!, ail.iwi.l thn iif th ,tiHi
y ii f rol.lird of .Horn (hall il'l
I i until l.nt )i,ir II wa I ho aim
and purnn of 1 h AiihtIihh I.i b
alul t ! In. II til ponlHoli of tioiinr
and liiii, hul have nvUn imt
Mini l i, aiol In r' n f 1 1 r II wilt l thi nlm
of i lii piipt-r lii ki-i'i no n of llu ri
of MiHiira Hint Kli fnti lid mil of ottl ''',
wMhoui any r fi t i ih t to who rU In
Tin- IihIIk of HI uli- IiiiihI h pin If!.")'
AIh ndy our lilicitha ari In ilmip'r
IIiioukIi Iba tfloil of rorruiit poll:l
I'lmik! If w would duv ll in H
linl .t In' hy if l aiiiuiintlliK In hniiu
TliuFf ai l IiiiihI ho H'i foi'iui'd hy iiimh
who Imvii no Hillilnil auihiiloiii, f. r
iIhmii Im no fulurn In poliiha fur the
mini who Iim (ho roiiinci- to opi'iily
flxhl nKiiliiMt I lin iiixiiIiimi of hi pnrty
- i'vn though ilm ri'i'ord of the nom
ine la an l.l.i. k hh an I'KVpMiiTi tilKhl
The Iiohncm won't nllow an li'meni mini
in the party to enpiiMi thn polltliul
IlilmleeiU lilul ulioi Ii niiiliiKa of n f' I
low piiitliin, Thla wiia nmiily piovi-il
In the cnaa of M. II. Hillld. Mr.
Iti'dOeld lohl th people Hint Fnnik
K. Moorea wh a defiiuller, ami thai
he oiikIiI not he noiulimled or fleeted,
lla aubmltted thn rworda In iti.iiwi
eaaea and offered to prova by Moore'
own hooka that out of 20,000 e.mca
there wnn not one wherein Minire had
not overchnt'Keil, i Im overchnrgea run
ning all thn wny from a few rent to
tunny dolliira, yet, In apltn of Unit
Vl.1l.tli'f Itlii fl'tilll.lliiu II lirtMM. tttl.
Iimii'mI f iififi.u' tifitii I rml Inn uml .liMlliin
lo (ho office of mayor, from which he
muat retire shortly, and ever after
weur Ihe brand "nmliiioii, Intention
al embcMler," which tha aunrem
court of the slate placed upon him,
For daring lo warn the people agaliiat
their dishonest ex-tllairht clerk, Mr,
Heiirtehl waa ostracised hy hi party
(iHsocliites, abused and maligned hy
Kdwnrd Hoaewnter, who championed
Ihe cnuao of Frank K, Moore, and
denied even a vole for a reiiomlnntlon
In his puny' convention; and tjin,
when alvi-n the finiiil nation on I lie fu
sion ticket, wa defeated at the poll
hy Ihe very men whoae Interest he
nttempled lo protect.
The same reault will follow the ac
tion of Alhyn I,. Frank In thl enm
pulnn. Id' fought manfully ngalnat
Mr, Hoaewster'a man, Kiersiend, who
wa turned down wlrti neatnea and
dispatch lust Tuesday; but when he
ask for a reuomlnntloii next year,
Mr, Hoaewaler and hi thicker, who
never aupport a man whom Ihey can
not uii", will Dalit him because he
dared lo help to defeat probably Ihu
moat unfnllhfiil county commissioner
who was ever on the board In Ihiugi
We do not glory over Mr, Connol
ly' election; we do thank Hod for
Klersfiad' defeat.
Mr, Connolly I an untried man. It
I possible for him to make or ruin
himself politically, if he goe Into
a combination wlih Mr, doctor and
llofeldt and loads down the county
par roll with a lot of Human Cath
olic, there will he no question a to
when hi political career will come to
an end, but If, on Ihe other hand, he
realize that It wa I'nrtestant Re
publican A, P. A, vole that put him
where he Is, and he appoint Protest
ant democrat, populist and republi
can to poalilons, he I pretty cer
tain to gel a second lerm, Thl paper
will not hesitate lo rrltfclsn him If
he doea wrong; and II will aland hy
him If be doe what I right,
Another lesson lhat ha been
learned, and thl limn It I by the
Mali, I lhat a corrupt Protestant re
publican cannot eectir the endorae
nomt of thl paper, even when an
Irishman I running nicalnsf h.m
While we did not endorae Mr, Connolly
we realise that our flKht on W. F.
Klersiead resulted In Mr, Crmnolly'
Another lesson I that the vote on
Ihe slate ticket and for eonaressman
would have been much larger bad the
republican party not lcn compelled
to apologue for nominating such men
as Moore and Klersttad, the apeclnl
pet of the Omaha Dee. The people
are tired of Uosewater dictation. Will
the republican party ever recognize
that fact?
Editor American: t saw in your
last lasue you apeak of the municipal
ownership of the city water work. In
lliiw I believe you open up a eubjeet of
vast Importance to the citizen and
properly owner (f Omaha and South
If the city would urchaae the work
at It value iuot for what it la bonded)
... t I I - i I Ii' 'l ' ' Cite
l,.!f t,l in ! pin lh ' l.'itl
ii t t !! wtita M hi ti it'l
i (' I , Ihe fioiiil !
tr. i t..i ii..... I. ii and , iin.i
lltlfX wt-S - I lllr .t i will
,tl...,rf a VHf t'' ilitlW lli'
I- r n ho ha an r-iiM n t tin
h. itiae, w ho ha Half tn I Ihe family
ae nitly l lh VKihrn I
laid epilekler, pia Ju a tim-h an
iho'iah tie hd rt hnl ixiuplnl
I hi la ml'.H tl.
At the tuba a thr'd one tall put
in a I ii hil well and a f'ri piinui and
i. av fr II In two r (hies uma end
In ltnl laara have 'id or hetlrt
water Ihe I unit: will lie rhanaed If
ih. Iruih l li'i iiKhl out and t'.e up
-iiMiiii iitiileraiie.d I l'.li'e the Amer
ican la the imlv pdn r In ttnnih.i that
iHite lo lr has the iiiursee to show
ihe nintin t.p In H true Until. I'tmli
the nnltililial nwiiershlp M the frotil
ihe people waul It. A CITIZEN.
It whs evetili'g and a dim IIkIu hurii
i'i in the chamber of Ihe Vatican where
I'ope U-o XIII, lay HI and aufferlng,
Allia' said lie, I feel my life ebbing
i v n v . mid ii 1 survey the past I find
no comfort In the thougi.ia lhat course
lhnmi!h my wenry brain. I aald at the
iK Klftnliiit of the war le t ween the
1'i.lied Hiiiica and Hp.iln thai il would
kill inc. poor Hpnln, (he most Catho
lic imlloil of Ihe world, my pet child'
Why did not I prevent her from going
lo war? When they p-rs'ste,! in their
mad course, why did I not threaten Ihe
Hpunlnrd with rxeuiiimuiiJcHio:i? The
queen rei?etit dally solicited my bless I
ItiK, and, weiik, PkiIIsIi man that I am,
I did not refuse her request. If I had
known what the result Would he t
would not only refused lo blea her and
her ltd v liter, but 1 would hfiv warned
,cm of lli fate that awaited (hem,
'lliev deceived me, even when fto-y
said I wa Inftilllb'e. They aald their
navy was more powerful than that of
the ( nlied Hlnte. and that they had
an nrmv of f,o,noo men, while the de-
ipUed American- the "Yankee pigs,"
n Ihey called them had no army at
And tho American hlahops d-cdved
me. For yenr they had been boasting
of the conquest of the i'nlfed Hlllte by
my church; America was becoming
Catholic; (llbboti and Ireland were
the great men In lhat country. Every
day a sackful of paper came to me
with (he eulogies of those prelate
printed In the most eonsplcuou col
umn. If (hey had (old the truth I
would have warned Hpaln nKalnst go
ing lo war with that country. Hut
they did inn, Ah! If I could only pun
ish them, Oli, for the power that some
of my pridefessor wielded! Hut If I
should rebiibe those American Idxhop
Ihey might, false the slnndiird of revolt
and defy tne; and what could I do
Mien? No one know what those Amer
ican mlaht do, Even (lie Catholic
who brwtfhe the air of that country
manifest a spirit of Independence lhat
HI accord with their allegiance to
. . . . . . .. . , .
me, i tannot trimt winuon, ireianu
and other of thai aiamp, The cry of
Americanism" which Ihey have been
shouting these yesr past may have
unconsciously Influenced them to be
real American Instead of my ubjeet,
The Jiilu had warned me agulnat
such men, but f wa anxloii to pose a
liberal'' myself, and I said I aw no
danger from "Americanism," Now 1
see I wa mistaken, The A merman
spirit bn seized upon the whole peo
ple of that country, and when (heir
president ld he wanted an army and
nAvy to flaht Spain, they all ro up
a one man and cried, "Voq sbsll hve
the men, and the money, too!' end
force embter1 on (he land and
sprang from (he sea a If by maglft
I had no Idea of Ihe reoiire of that
country. I thought lh people mere
were largely compoaed of (he poor, (
illiterate, the hewer of wood end
drawer of water, Ihe peasantry and
unskilled worker that went from er
ery European country; nd I aald to
myself, amrely aoeh poopla cannid
compete wllh the chrvalrf of Kpafn
In feat of arm, I did not know, I did
ot,think It possible, lht, (hose eml
rrant end (heir children could Ire-
coma American Ilk Ihe original slock,
enterprising, skillful, brave, Independ
ent, moulded Into the very life of (he
nation, Hut that, It eem, I what
h occurred, 1 did not know It, nor
did the other ruler of Europe, The
American wer looked upon a im-
elvllls(ed, without refinement or cul
ture, wholly devoted lo making money
and to politic of a low order, They
had no diplomats such a w have
here, Indeed, Ihey admired and eulo
gized me ,ecu they thought I waa a
great, They had no history
a we understand It, Hut they are
now making history o faet they car
nothing for (he past. They had no re
ligion, at lenat not lh true on, for
even wltn alt the emigrant that have
poured Into the United Ht(ea, my sub
ject there do not amount to one-
eighth of the population. Million of
oule have, ben lost to my ehurch in
tbat country. And the blhop kept
. n)..iu- .H ia. j.rn.'i af
I-, t in .it in f..iti f'il' of
11 ii I'r. i f th I,., i iici. (it
I'll' N 11 ' l!l ll.i-'. l
Ini; ! H.i I. haa M.ien In
ll lo H I I I III tllH I II ' !'
N.. fl'itn' thl Will ..-i.r I'f
n.f f.i f Hi 1 1, la r air It ,t. ,.,lir
i t hi f i.tnHS xa Int. Wlt al
imt, t'fl('il lialbitl all ed
bi.W at ha fallen' W halla lb I al IhU p" till li'b'lnme.i All-ell. I Ca
lf hi f iln li and Ml t niil.) Il It the ' p. Mail wa a tflllii from Cmldnl
lti.'iiiii.n r butt ehia, in I In, l In 1u . n. nd ader ill four li)a'
S I I'llll .'I i I (rl of Hi 'p,.i'e i jrl n lolals ltlirli IMIy I hose H I'l
fd or Will or Hiiirl rtifepeia, 'simcad I'l'i Vlll III tipofl eH
,al rtef he the ruae, th Ameibana' gieally itl.lni bed and hs la a
have given her Ihe (InUhlng blow, and i'd of llallowiieae and fllielly by
(hem I ii. i hope of tier fn.eif A lid his baiilahhienl end liupilaoiinBle
ih i-oinini. i, of mi ihuiili in that'll" eM ut giel auiiia In rihliM-tnral
i uii.iry (Hi, I inni t hear in think
f it! I fir, however, mr ihurh will
niffrr m. hi in tim I ni e, Hi ale wliei
Ibe people. Will think lhal luy religion
dm no) proline great or good men,
Mv bent I hcrm I will now e, s
.t III Sleep (Yllt,fli. ChIIii.II..
U N Mtllli; I'OPEM Til IIEItSN.
Ihe fullilig heitllh of lope ,eo XIII
hill beill for Snliie lllli" a aubji'i! of
thntr'.lful comment throuKhout th
c,l,iid world, and lo ell
Mil Ion a, end iiilnlly t the rnl'ia
(if Europe, his sip cesaor on (he throne
of HI. Piter Is a matter of more than
milium y Inii-rexi mid iuiporianco Al i
Ihough devoid of temporal power, lhi
piiptoy Is en International force that
Ihe mightiest nations cannot dlar"
gard, MiO'iiuley, in a faniou rheiirl
uil p;isngi, pri'.,cied lhat II would
enlut when some savage New Zealand-j
er would sit on broken anh of ln
Inn htldge o view Hie rullia of f'.l,
Paul cntheilral,
HI. Malaihy, an Irish prelnie, who
llv-d In Ihe day when Ireland wa
known a "Insula Hanciorum el lio"-
lornm" the Inland of salnl and of
siholar-wa more precise, slid hu
ctf aordln.'iry propheele.a deserve nt
this lime more than mere mention. I In
predict (hat there will he (e uto.t
pope afier Leo XII'., end when thi
last ih iipant of Kt, Peter's chalr.wbom
he designate a I'clru H'onanus, die
(her will be and end of time. Ho Ihe
millennium cannot be far away.
Modern scholar say lhal, the proph
ecies cannot be traced farther heck
Ihaii Ihe sixteenth tfiiiury, some too
yi are after Ihe death of Ml, Malai hy,
but other equally learned have provd
their authenticity at great length, and
have sustained the universal belief
thai Ihe great Irish priest and saint
wrote (hem.
In hi prophede he Indicate om
tir.ih-enhle (rlt of all fulure pope
from (ei-l)n II., who w elected In
the year I CIO, down lo Pelu Romano,
the lat Olie, when time will he ,n
Ml, Maliichy designate Ihe succes
sive txipe by mystical (Hies, and to
refer to (hem all and show their appo
slicio'ts would be too long and ledioo
a (ask, Mo, for (he sake of brevity,
Ihe nile of only (he pope who have
reigned during (he past 100 year r
given, wllh brief reference lo (heir ee
reer o prove how clearly (he pro
phetic llile describe ihn, and how
Ihe leading chr lerletlc of ear h suc
cessive pontiff I designated hy a few
brief phrases, The book of Ml, Mal
eby I entllled "Prophecy Concerning
lh Km ore of Roman I'ontlT,"
Plus VI., who occupied (he papal
chair from I77fi to I77, I given (he
mystical tide hy Ml, Malachy of Pero
grlnu Aspoidlcii fapiMfolif pilgrim),
and Ihe exile, Ihe peregrination and
the death In Krence of lhal frouiKf
well ,er out (he deacrlptlon, The
f-imlly nam of Plu VI, wa Kraschf,
and hi great eryce to (he people w
the draining of lh pontine marshe.,
work of Immense labor, After fully
half of (he moiiaier)e and convent
had been suppressed In Austria, Ihe
pope visited Vienna, hut vainly en
deavoied to Influence Joseph II, Mlr
ih outbreak of (he French revolution
and (he rejection of religion drove him
Into the arm of Austria, which In
dueed lb directory and Napoleon lo
give him no mercy and lo (k from
him one (hlrd of hi dominion,
In February, J7, (h llomn re
public wa proclaimed and Plu VI
w (rented a a prisoner, end after
being removed from one place of con
flnemenl to another he died l, Valen
cU In August, J7!'(
Plu VII,, designated by Ml, M
lachy a Aqullla, Rspox irapadou
eagle), w elected pope In Venhejo
IH'Mi, after n Interregnum of eight.
month, HI family name wa 'Mnr
dmonte nd he bed a black Ih In
hi coat of arm, And If ihl egle
w not rtMiloo enough lh eagle of
Napoleon wa, which flrt aeflled (he
pope' (emporwl dominion and (hen
hi person, If wa also carried Into
exile, In July, 109, the palace of the
qulrlnal w broken open by (he
Krench troop nd (he pope we lakeq
first to Orenoble, theio to Mavona,
and In June, JUIJ, to Koiilelnhleau
Hut the victory of the Irlahman, Well
ington, over ihe aquilla rrx of N
poleon at Waterloo, rtord the prn
(Iff to liberty, and In May, 111, he re
turned in Rome,
Plu VIK, (l29-2l), In the prophet
l vision of Mt, Mabtchy, w Vie Re
llglosu (man of religion), end judgul
by the standard of the church waa
most pious and rellglou pope. Ilia
p . ifl ai wa i "ii ( altt t iiiiint-
,nlel hi ii-"i i. '' niii
I ail I . '-. a I 41 '' I l 11 ''
la.i end ehal he tln'in I e'oi i f
Hi 1'.( il ,.f id nra
l..t.. t I Hilt IM. w I'HU
I i i,i ilium the I i(i I'l 'i I I
ft) MaU'ht rtilli'ti phrsae for
and rnainietlna woiha, and, Ihroiigh
M.anofaiMl. the great linguist and
iiher sihnlai. w.i a mnaiilflicnt p
in. ii of learning. I'm IX, Crux I
Cruee dros form Ihe I tonal, tn.iy
frtlrly bs consldued a lr tnet (hi
iiiilcl dewtipilon i,f Hi Muliichy,
ui 1 il 1 1 n at his 'oulin ' he had t'l
hear lre end heavy irons, (Ho
vaniil Maria Msial Pi rreitl wa a wi
ll v of Mltilgiigllii, end we eln led to
Hie Papacy June , JMU. Ill flr't
act wa lo proclaim a general nmnesly
for political offeiie.nd he wa hetkeil
upon a Ihe champion of the nation!
rlK-ht of hi countrymen, when the
revolution broke out In Pari In Feb
ruary, Hi IS, The sch' tfie to create an
Italian federal republic, with himself
as It iiornl;.! bead, he disapproved.
and thl aroused Ihe aiitngotilm of
(lie people,
In November he eseaped to fireat
and wa en exile there till IX.VJ, Hy
1,1s hull of J lec, , If"!, the doctrine
of the Immnetilrtle conception ws de-
firnd and declaied, and In an encycli
cal Issued in, l!, lfc',0 -historically
known hi "mm poomu"- b r
renled the allempl lo deprive the pap
acy of It temporal power, but hi pro-
lest wh In vain, a wa lso the rag
ged but brave army raised by Cardinal
AntonelllloreslsWheMerdintan fore,
the gale of (he (erhl city were
shivered with cannon belt end Ihe
stele of ihe church were lost Ut It,
wllh ihe exception of (he Pairlmonlum
isti XIII,, (he present pontiff, wa
pfef,gured by the Irish prophet a f.fl
men de Ceo flight from heaven), and
the successor of Plu IX and, remark
able (o state, (hi I Ihe family crest
of lo XIII., whose trt InPllecf n;ii
ililnmen(, broad statesmanship and
generous ympaible seem to jusffy
(he prediction,
After Ih death of I-eo XIII, there
will he only len more popes, accord
ing to Ml- Malachy, and those who
have faith In bf propheele r pr
lain thai hi successor will be Carll-
xnl Oolll, wh'rse crest I "fgriba Ar
dens," and which I the mystical ym-
bol by whh h I to he known (he pope
wlio succeed (he present occupant of
Mt, Peler' chair, Cardinal Orr((l I al
ready one of (hose prominently men
thmed a candidal for the pwrf,
Reside Mt, Malar by' predlcllm be h"
In hi favor th fc that he I n Hal'
The cheracterletlc nd propbetM
name of (h (en pope (o 'ome, v
rordlng to Mf, Malachy, are follow!
Igtil Arden burning fire),
Rellglo Oepofrlllata (religion deprrp.
Fide Inferpld (Inirepid flb)- -pastor
Angcllco (he angelP' pf
Pasior ef Nauta fpetoy and eaiJot ),
Vim florumf flower of flower),
He Mdlai f.nne (from (be f!f of
lh moon i,
tm Mlrore Moli (frorw (he labor if
the un or eclipse m (f unf,
Olorl (live (glory of ollvl-
pei ru Rrmnnu (Pe(f of Itrme),
with ihe last (here will lev o more
need of any pop r1it f"r ,M
worl5) will (hen ce Ut M,
Ml, MnlncUr f'fMorgalr) w wtrn
at Armagti, Ireland, in JWi. tn hi
vHiih he wa a rleld "eie and w
ordained a priest ut th g of W, d
In 1121 w consecr(ed bishop, Tn
year later h wa made archbUbop m
ar,sirh and iif tm" or irimi,
4 hs laie-rred (O Irring the Ifl
church Hnder doef rlthna with the
i.i.scv On a VH Ut Rom he v
prdn(ed legate tor Ireland by th W
H died at Cllrvu, frnc, KwJ,
ii4. in the arm of Ml- ltfflrn,
blographef nd wrm friendi
ut Michg w renowns
,;ley, learning and eloquence, and wa
one of lh mo( innuennai mr
"A l,rl!lln( lmt," (h
of Vmt Master called htm, "whhh
Illumlnafed terrnorie arm ""7'
t,y preaching and good work, '
went about th country on fool, w r
told, end lived In lrveriy, po(ele
neither bei-i nor property ft' w
vent nor Income of hi own- M
cnonl,ed by :iement IV-, who w4
elected ICrpa In I'M, HI fet dy I
Nov, J,
gists iif ()!"- t'Hf " T'dedl,
Krsek i Ch"ii fl'S r,IN (n '
I 'her,,. 7 , '!. lfi'r Irt y "J,
JrJ.",, IVe.eir sen Kiel
nt mm fh -M l""1 ITS
ut, Yrv .'"- . ; t ,,,, cr,
cured by lh
.Ji ...!,. II, I Ml n1 " ("'0,hr,
11,1 fl ty
A f, (.
UK At 1
A, W, tW.V.AWM
Hiltv ll,ll",
IfHfl' r.trrh em l I U,nmtif
( ,iir'Hy , Oi utA tiif
", ,',,( t tb r'm, ton4 f-f
,s..msK j;-VrT m TM( a
M'dd hy Irfiigets", 7e