The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 04, 1898, Image 7

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ft 14
Wm t Ki ieft tk tenl
of the Xirl, Kfcli eM Nmta tJ
A IMrt , in lh rff.- t iiat
rmml,trr a pmn a Mn M
tat during lb r-a-st thee
year Mr Ktettte it a tn4 hi "r'tir
! Ifcrti ' Ik ee ahra
H'H te little Ktt t th t
Mit h mj ae ttaimteg the wrrt
i ?w(mHthnt the tfcst tt
na the K'tnl'ltitl UkM, tt H
wnli ltd rmt term l-re.
f rt. ! ft t"t ! T"
Iwl kirn l to etmttnoe the MWrttr-l
rale of Roetaatrr In the wnnljf rA,
to dereat him I m administer a r-
ltk Itt ft gang ff foll'lr! tl(MI.
mho, raring tor l4rtr, have
public offli to tine their own iwwket
nit trpetuste thwnerlvcs In powir,
The Amerhan has heretofore r
posed Mr, Klerstead s nefarious c
lion ft rounty rommlsnlnner In lb1
matter of defeating tli In of th
state to allow himself ft Halm of over
IS.fcOO, which, with enough other
rlaima. to amount do lion.nuo were
outlawed. We have shown that W. tt
Iteckett, the special attorney of the
board, gave a written opinion to the
board Hint Ihe claims were outlawed,
nil thnt It waa tha duly of the board
to plead that defense, We have shown
that ft bill was Introduced In Hip legis
lature to wnpower the county board
to make deeda of the properly, thereby
furnishing an adequate remedy fori
those wtioBP clHliti were otitlawwl, and
have alate lhal the bill wo Watil
through the InfliiPtire of th clalmanla
thcmwlvpg In order that thoy might
rpeover taalj for property which thpy
had bought, which aulwitiently fell
In price, Mr, Klermend waa otis of
theae claimants. If the property had
advanced In ihI'P he would have ro
aented any attempt to tak It from
him; but It fell In prlca and his con
duct aa county oommlKHloner show
that ho waa determined to profit, no
matter at what coat to his reputation
for honesty. When Mr, Klorateud bo
fame ft candidate for county commls
plotiei' these claims were ponding be
fore the board, lie was at that time
Indebted to the Merchants National
bank, and before the outluwed claims
were allowed through his efforts, ho
hail given an assignment of bis Inter
est to the bank, which was pressing
him for a settlement of his Indebted
ness. The men primarily responsible
for (he allowance of theso outluwed
claims were Win, I. Klerstead, claim
ant, and Commissioner Jenkins, both
Itosewater tools, mi'l '" holding of
fice today through Hosewater's influ
ence. This Job of outlawry has cost
the tax payers $100,000 with per
cent Interest for twe nty years,
One of the most, persistent defenders
of Frank H, Moores has been Wm, I,
Klerstead. To assist blm be has ex
hausted his personal and official Infill
rnce from the day the disclosures of
Moores official eorriijrflon were first
made, lie has thrown off restraint
and stepped beyond all bounds of da
ecnev to defeat Justice. Ills eftl hits
made of him a falsifier and ft tyrant,
With tho rashness of desperation Com
tnlssloner Klerstead, as the represent
alive and go-between for Frank K.
Moores. voted to allow the sum Of
tfl.000 to Moores In DecemM-r, 1897
when Mr. Moores was being tried In
the supreme court on a charga which
disqualified him from holding the of
fie of mayor of Omaha, and while
Moores still held large sums of money
which should have been paid to his
mieeeesor In office, and which have
not been paid tip to the present time
The crowning act of Infamy for which
Klerstead Is responsible is the dls
charge from the county'a service of the
men who stood by the county's Inter
est.1 and who sought to bring Moores
to Justice and pressed blm for ft set'
tlemcflt, and substituting for these men
unolher set of clerks who had formerly
served as deputies In the office of the
sheriff and tinder Frank B, Moores(
from both of which offices the county
was trying to recover moneys, flnbs
quent developments, wfcjch are dotallod
below, will show why theso changes
were made. There are now filed In ths
county clerk's office bills of Frank J3,
Moores for misdemeanors and other
fes, amounting to nlrge sums, a part
of which hnl been rejected according
to law and the opinion of the county
attorney, and which were barred by
his accepunca of the county warrant
In December, 197, The tax-payers' of
this county should understand that the
re election of Wm. I. Klerstead means
the retention of the force of Moores'
clerks, and we believe It will result
In the payment to Moore of a great
deal of money for which there Is no
warrant In law.
Tho general bud reputation of Com
mlsidonor Klerstead, and tho dlsclo
sure made by the American of hi
rotten record, have turned ninny ft tax
payer ngnlnst him, nd ft largo num
ber of th county central committee
toswiWt ic ft ihe pJ roll
Whin f tie,( lw-aa Itis rsmrets
for ttUl pitmeeii He M
rat o ptwM tor kts n fswilv.
tt of whom hate lf for ft bi
t'we on the pay rH The (si !
irthrr departments if Ihe rminly clerk's
om e Is a hp ht of tiwlleiis wo-n.
hetJ there to do the tIHIst wotk
f llnarwster'a landldsie fr roetv
rommtssliitipr fnle the p'ple take
hold of this matter ll that was gained
hv the reform movement if ls!l In
h f condiictlnt county aftslr
will be lwt, The American Is In
fmmed by a gentleman In position to
know that matters have lapsed Into
the former sllpebod methyl of noma
Imelness, and the splendid syntem that
existed when Klerstead became chair
man Is being supplanted by the meth
ods of the political heeler and roust
about, 1!-1.F.1AI, WORK.
Section 37, Chapter 1. of Article 1,
of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska
lays down the procedure that Is necea
sury for a claimant, to follow to collect
hill from the county, This alatnte
haa lMen grossly Ignored by Commls
sloner Klerstead under such clrcum
stances as to Justify the statement that
Mr. Klerstead Iibs voted money out of
the county treasury, for the express
nurpose of gaining political support
tho present campaign. During tne
Incumbency of Sheriff John C, Diexel,
the commissioners adopted ft resolu
tlon declaring It to ho the policy of tho
ounty to charge the sheriff for rent
of the Jull for the use of foreign pris
oners at tho rate of 12' cents per nay,
and under that, resolution deductions
were made from Sheriff Drexel s bills
Bualnst the county, and ho accepted
l.iu uinrrunt In full settlement, llfltll
lommlssloiier Klerstead became chair
... a , .1 .1 I,... u,arA
ninn nr iiiw mar uimohh" " ' "
made from the bills of Sheriff John
McDonald for the same purpose, but
the record makes tho following dls-
Voucher No, 184H1, of John Melton
nl.f. sheriff: allowed April , i"""
"For money due and unpaid on month
ly Jail bills for boarding and com
mitting prisoners and Insane patients
ifk ' m ((oitHtHt iff tst e
! ItH lti feft
s4 tA tft t,. 4
k 44 mmt uMtt
ftt4 4 teV 4
m ff i t t
1st alt wt V !
N'tk tie tt rf M '
llpaster, (ft tiH . t4
ht rttit wti rvit. tt
art t ttst tr "''
& M. . ft .
sprrftr m Piassf narr i"
H tee nHM ftar. e ees
ths tttite sH of ! , l It
rt tit fiaMtc 1h rmf "
pr4. the f 4r f left IB
itim ewtMi4 tele ft t. e hwr
ef iKHrmi' th 4r rnltetli
rn.o4 b,k tste the bottle. tntcioN
4 l the iettn I. ran lh b
pus l hlt i the n tnUi rx.ntten t
hate thplr sv att mhseg
thetr microti, or t It simply ecen-ey?"-
I'hlls-trti hl Mecotd
A s s r t ! (.
On ef the hmwI enrtoo facts with
regsid to snskrs Is that their ee srf
BPter rbtsed. sleeping or waking,
alive or dead, they sr alss side
open. Ibis Is Ueiaoee there are n
eyelid The rye Is protected nly "
a strong sesle, whlih forms a Prt ot
ihe epidermal envcloiie. end Is cst
off In a plecp with that every time the
reptile moults. This eye piste Is as
rlesr end transparent ss glues, na
allows the must pet feet vision, while
at the same time II Is so hard and
touth aa to iteifectlv protect the dell
rate organ within from tho thorns ana
twigs among which. In flight from ene
mies or In pursuit of prey, the reptile
n offim hurrleitlv alldes. SS any close
observer of the habits of the snake
can readily discover.
lee !! r Is" !
lMM t thews Wt hmt twin
t4 V ir h b i H titt4 Wi
rttei It mmW4 r Mei
tt stft'Ss etf, ttftl W
W& He-ft4 t lit t'W. M-4
rf ft4 Mi'M
Ve4 re lsft ftWtsl
NerVs4 in hW rl ft t lk r
m tee t.ftie.i H. eftHf r
rrM rtrk, lMt tm te ewlft w
rtt la ! r ewtt Ike er
f eel will Hi lrao V few e
VH IsnMeJtfttett, ft h Mfr't
J, f cfteets, U 1. A, i lUfHVW
IbmK thft, NeH
It Uke MtrkH m trt tft4 tml
sg ftlest papal ty easftf.
fwrti, th tpii, t vihftosM,
III seed to tftcn suWrlher ftrtidleg lis
the Rune of tf Ms Irlend, ftw
Itr4 b SIAi. for lv ftplft endna ot
Tilt AMIHH AH, out Volume of "Tbt
4Usogrhee,M ft hmli wm'ftlataf Ihf
tor ot th life, lrlsK trlhulatlons,
tmurtshlp, cto., of ft tnogrpher The
twwk bs 5.H) pages, 1 elegftntljf hound
In cloth, printed Irflfl good, cb ft tjl
on ft high grftle of btsik issper, We
hv 1M) of them. Get jroue order Is
erly, Hegu'nr rle of such ft tssik
, ordinarily, II .25. You get U for
nothing If ou buy fi samples. iVm'l
end stamp of ft larger dnomlntlon
hftn 2 cent.
. -
Remember that bruising th ttar-
pent head I fer than pinching his
Auothrf liitmiitnla fare.
A physician says that acute Insom
nla msy he promptly cured by the
practice of deep breathing. Draw Into
the lungs as much air as posHlule, and
do not exhale it until obliged to, and
then as slowly as possible. It I some
what of task when the night Is op
nresslvely warm, but If persisted In la
fairly sure to relieve that hyperaemlft
of the brain which every-day folk call
wakefulness. The tricks of the sleep-
I KM to Indues sleen are many, but
none la found to be more Immediately
efficacious than this plan of forcing
th lungs to take the burden off the
brain and nerves. Ttoston Transcript
One that You Cai Pay For
I nrir t mow ifktr (! atr inmtWl -t mU IVtUgrt td
limit ,.or srtrtt im rih, nt 1 P'l Di vtin jMtll l
0u1,a, t t .tif fttt.l Irtitt h v ilh mU liten t
ttirtl. T)tr ltr tr ttttatr) full itt.l in Rwi4
trvtit. If hVrn wilhtn a tititr ttiry tn W jttnh ff
C"kh I'MimMtt i!tt f
ami the Umt t Monttily lt)iiifMl SIO. rtl, nl intrieit
the ,v J"nvtH r-m WARRANTY DVMDi n to
Btt'Hlt Hie itrfrlinl JMjmcttl givrs d fitnt litoHg.igr "!t 1M
j.trinisrv Thrc ntf lutein H.t have ufcx Isrnt dttpltcftted
in Ottiiih t. (tti.l (t hntc is pt,ul w ithiti Mir rciuh of every.
one, tut matter ltw limilrl lti menu, witluntt having to Y
ittiiitiot itsmioitH iittrftst. l or rititlur inbtttnalioii wnte to
M. L. ZOOK, 1015 Il.iwitnl St., Onulu, Neb,
N. H. Real V.sUXe owners having iroj)ctty to iim of on
tcriiitekil.tinrit '"vc will fiml it l thttr mlvantiKe to MMia m
dcwriptioti of their m.fity. No .rojKMty covrifd hy heavy
mrti!itce wanted nnlcsH the rule til tiitetcst can ue reonreu m
4 per cent, per annum.
M. I,. 7.(XK.
Olv Itomo usa of our polttlclB
and she will oon control our gornni-
I'ulillc Mel Ice.
Tho Northwcsicrn Llna Daylight
HiHclnl now leave tha U. I'. 1. oV at
8 40 A. M , arrives t Chicago S 45 same
eyenlmr. No chanirn In the other
trains. Overland Umlted 4:45 t. M,
and the Omahft-Chlosgo Special at I
0:45 A M.i arrives at Chicago 7:45 and
ti ftn remiectlvelv. nest morning. Tho
most dvsnctd Vstlbu!ed,
Diner ftnd Free Parlor Chair osrs-of
course -What else would the "NOHTII-
WKHTKItN " havtV MOl-Farnam t.
per statement herewith, !lfl.K2.'(
The above claim appenra 10 i'
u,if,.i-une,i Mioiiah. The sheriff
In his bill makes no reference to the
fact that It, covera Items that, had been
,ul,iiulv retoc ed iy Hie cimin
i.,.r,l Imi a reference to iOmmis
sinner's Record It, page 4, stiow that
the finance committee reports i
laltn correct and recoinmeiius n, n
..II...,,,.,,.,, iiurn in the reoori
'1H4HI, Deduct Ions heretofore made
on bills of IHiiii and 18!7 for Jull ""e
for foreign prisoners at li'to coma ier
day. $:Mfl 2." Mr, Klerstead voieu ior
the allowance or ine claim.
ft la a known fact tllBt, lltlill inn m
n 1,1 Hi in earn hi er n jneieni
aid was niost dotermltied opponent
um I Kinrstead. H nee tlie allow
,...,, ,,f the claim it Is
i,i he has been his sup-
norter. and Klerstead I now going
- . ... kfl 1.1 Wtmi ,1 UM
aiiotit (iiioting piierni " -1 ""'
saying that he favors klerstead re
election, ...,.,
If tha county attorney wouio no om
duty he would commence a procedure
.uui,..i h.m iwinilHinen of the coinmls-
alonera who voted this sum t the
sheriff to recover VMM. The sheriff
...... t., frnrn mnklfllf a c aim iwi
hrh in,,-1., , (
tho monwy by having wwi
Hrrnnt for claims rrom wnnn hit
deductions had been made,
If the tax payers or iiougias em,ny
Wkf 'till ,1 urKvunt further raids upon their
treasury they must defeat Wm, I, Kler
stead for ft second term, The record
show that ho will stop at "'"'"
accomplish his purpose, and thot he
regards the county treasury ft nap
to be used by himself to keep his cred-
(tors unlet and to prolong tneir nom
upon an Important putiilc office,
Tear In the Hockjr Mountains,
Tha "ftocnlo Tnsof the World," the
Denver & Hlo (JrsnJe lUilroad, ofTn
to tourist lo Colorado, Uifth nd New
Me loo the choicest resorts, ftnd to the
trftn-rontlnentftl traveler the grndet
saoncry, Two eprftte ftnd distinct
routo through the IVxsky Mouotalp,
ftll through tickets avallablo rift either,
The direct line to Cripple Crank, the
crroateii crold CftffU) on earth. Double
dlty train wrrlce with through Pull
man sleeper ftod tourists' car between
Dunwr and San Franolsoo.
Tho best Una to Utah, Idaho, Mon-
Unft, Oregon ftnd WwhlngUin via the
Wrltn H. K Iloonor. O. I. A T. A.,
Dinver, Colorado, for IlluitrHed des
criptive pampniuis
Ley den' "Bocrtt loatruotlOM of th
JbutU.w for 0c, nd hi "Secret Con
feealon to ft Priest," for lOo, both
paper corered book, ftre the eheepeet
book on th market today. Bend ni
6O0 tod bar them tent to your ftd
dree. American Pub. Co., Omthft,
Paper llitrnenhnea.
A compsratlvely resilient shoe for
horses hs been constructed from com
pressed psper, The Invention has re
ceived some attention in (lertnany
where several successful experiment
In connection with It have been car
rled out. The matter Is now coming
Into nromlnencs in this roumry.
Is clnlmed that such shoes sre cheap
er ftnd In every way better for th
horse than are Iron ones; needing no
nailing to the hoof, being fixed tners
In fact, with a strong glue; costing
lens and wearing nearly as long.
Where Hie I lleepeat,
A little more than thirty miles from
the wnst of Japan the Pacific, ocean
ha been found to lie more man ,
fathoms deep, Home officer who were
surveying for ft telegraph cable found
their wire broke at this neptn wmiuuv
reaching tha bottom, This Is said to
be tha deepest sounding ever made,
and I so deep that tne two nisi'"'
mountain In Japan, placed one over
the other In this ehyss, would "sve
the aummlt of the upper one two-t hirds
of a mile below the surface of the water,
Knowledge kills mny ppI myth.
no matter how old they may be,
Ulgotry 1 th mirror of credulity.
True religion I out of place in ft I
mas hous.
Songs of Warning For the American People.
"Mr. A. ruigliiger i ft of rare ability,
especially in tho realm of Into rmtroitism. Her volume
entitled "Huglo Peul" contain the spirit and Bontiment
of tho highest form of Americanism, and the "grund and
awful times." in which wo live.
Theso tonn constitute a clarion call for tho defense
of American ciUzoiiship and American institutiong
gainst the world." J. Q. A. IIkniiy,
Pastor L 8 die Ave. HaptUt Cburoh, Chicago, III.
If you want to breathe patriotism ftnd renew your love of tha
MHlo ltcd School House! If you want to commune with gifted spirit,
buy end read the poim, Prion, 25 oimt. Ad Iras i The American
(lira This te Vus Toaeher,
To tha Bdltor-ller Is little prob
lem I wish you would ask some on to
aolv for me; A man haa two lot of
60 apples, Tha first lot he sells 8 P
ples for 2 cents, which amount to 24
Th second lot he divides Into
two parts of 80 each; the first psrt h
ii a for 1 eent-lB cents, end the
..nnM nart for 1 cenl-JO cents,
which amounts to 26 cents, Why the
difference In the price received for the
two lot of pple7-c.
A Trs f Capper.
The Duke of Devonshire owns th
fliirieaitv in ICnilann. it is
union as the weeping tree, This imi
tatlon tree is mad of copper and Is o
dexterously contrived ami cnnningi
painted that st ft careless gisnr.
a,. lUntlnaulsh It from a real
tree. It drips water on tourists who
wander neih It i""""'
u 1... i.,...l,rt nf llslf)
,.t 1t.1v Is the only vegeta
rian among ISuroiwsn n.onarchs, and
the only king now living who was ever
t 1 battle. In the battle of
r..-(,a he was attacked by n Aus
M,T who inflicted severe
1. .ithVis sabre and would prob
.hi have killed him had not assist
ance arrived,
Wnisine vs. tyeiiiif.
when a man walks a mil he takes
on an average, 2,203 steps, lifting th
welshl of his body with earn step
When he rides a bicycle of the average
ur he covers a mile with the equtv
aletit of only 627 steps, requires no
force bears no burden, and cover the
Knnie distance in less than one-third
of the time.
No greater, no more Intereatlng, no
more fearless exposure of Itomanlsra
w ever written thn that penned by
rte. Charlea Cblnlnuy and popularly
known "Fifty Year In th Church
of Rome." Price iz.zs. Bena n i uv
and tet the book, American run. uo.,
1411 Inward hl, omana, nen.
W. A. SAUNDIfilttt.
Mnrulmtit Nslliinsl tisna lltilldlng.
c,i lter lliokev arel Mrs, - HnrS'y,
his wife, llrsl sad real niune uiisriuen,
...... i,.f,.ii,1uiiiu ;
Vi.u tr heretiy imt Hied I h I en the Wh
itny of Heiilemlier A. O. KS, James I
lllliWIIH, lilllllPlill linri'iri pip.
Ill lh IKstrlet I'liuit of JwiiiglMS '
Ml,ik. iiuulimt I'i'ler Illll Sny Slid MfS,
Itiiisny, ion wit, Orel soil rtil in
llllklMiWfi, th el'Jecl f Willed Is t fore-
ilnm. on lertiiiii lit eerniH'iii" "- !
Niiveoilier I'HIi, IMl, itixin hs following
di.wrllie'l r'nl eKliil", (11 wit:
It... M..nlli ,,,, .liu I F I H. l-il 111 ffllll I"-
lhr. CI), of tHX lot Ihrn till 111 eoeiimi
ii . .. u. ,.u. it. lr. r, hum ia mini, ill .......
'nilliiy, iNenninHii, uii'm wm 1 ....... .
1111W nun in sum ' wn
... ii,. .,1. ,.( 111 i.r i,Kiit imt anniim
frotn Metiti'ttitier Wlh, !', for which sum
will interest Slid ces lusether with en
Mlluriiey's fe ofooimttoa to ten Pr cent
t th decree, plaintiff pritys for a n ,
i... I,,,. I1rl linn llli'm said
real etle, that Ihe defeiirtsrits shell pay
- ,.,1 in rti fiinll Ihereiif thnt Hi
...i.i ,.,.,,.i.riv l,c lo nut My th
amount fmiii'l due, end upon "'",? "'i ! I
Ihn (icfuiiimnts n ntmrrn "
11,1.. i,,iHr,.Bl In hIi1 ren enlMte, M
... ...iill.l. M ,n In, .
1,.,, ... U hnrehtf mitlfled that V'ltt
an.t eai-h of yen sr riiitrd ""wf;
miiI,) net It Inn or hefnr Ihe 71 It day of
N.'.M A "TnHha, Nebreske. f4.ptemW
Will, In.fll, ,,m t mirtivMH!
Iiv W. A, uri1rs, his st'orney,
M. Nn. 26. 4.
KHDMltllr nmiared to nwet the wftnts Of Farmer", Her-
ehants, Mcchanlcg, Ork, Htudcnts, Women, and all wht
llre a complete work at im minimum cost.
Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps.
140 Now and Superb Illustrations.
A Whola Library of Itself, of vital and absorb
ing interest to every member of the household.
Population of each State and Territory, of all
Counties of the United States, and of American
Cities with over 6,000 Inhabitants.
T CONTAINS much special Information regarding ftny Hfttion, i rov.
StftU. City, Town or Image .
from a school geography, wnicn necessarily b.m. - -
,he ImatloB or imjstrwnt muss. i.ut- haaoe the duI4
Lh seeker
All tiountrlo on the faoe of the earth are bowo.
Itivertand Lake, are SMurfttolf l""- -.. ,n& m(mi 0i tK
All the large Ollie ot tne worm, m iM.r ..... .
' ... ..... Mi.,.vi ut.ixa . ffin on the Man. -
It el
Merchsnt National Hank Hldg.
Mrs, Bdward Harris of ltlchmond,
Mo has given birth to seven pair of
twin, They are all living.
i',. tiiiMumiih and Mr.
ilnlilmiillli, his wlf, tout ami rm fim
unknown, tiiii-femilent ih femlantij!
Von Ml" linreliy iiiiiiiipii ini " T'
rt..u i.l Mnlilltlll r. A, It, rfntnen i
lirnwo", piHlnilfT fmreln filed his Peiliiiin
In th IMuiiict I'nurt nf IoiisIh t'lmnty.
Ni'titeiika, asmnot lumen ,Mf.fnn
M,, Ulti,inllh, his wit, lirel Slid
rM iiunia unknown, the nhjei t ana
prayer nf whli h la to fnwlos two or
.... i, ,ii. iK'in iiii,,n ilia fulliiwina ds
inrlte1 real enlate, aint stnnutits lu
I hereon, to wit! , ,,
i ... ,.,. Hi In til.irk hub ( I of O Nlll'
.,,i..,iivii,,n i,l I .ii wen HHi'itoit aililltluti
........ u,i,i,,h in aua tint mi in
tltf.114, snd elee on lot thre Cti In hlo-
I,..', a, l (i'NhIII' mu i-l vmlon of
rf,we's sn ond ad'IKtott. upon wlm h "'
. ,) tha ai.m of 1 24 46. nil of wHI.-h suM
. .u . l.i 1'MI I'M Aliri'lllVt-
bi,. i.t lAiwttm HHeonii attPlltli
Clly or uiiimm, iiuhih i-wum,
kit. with Intermit on em h of sunt amount
nt h rule of i pr enl per at
ki. ............. Ikl.k ,., Mfltl.-lt Hilt,
Ic.reut and ests msetnr with sn attor
t,ry m fen sttiiiuntlnir t' tn er cent of
ii duiree. iiliiliitltf lpraya for a (Iwrns
ii.,.t i, huii u nmt linn noon sunt riil f
tula, thnl th ilnfi-nilimis slmll l'iV th
mniif, ami In default thorwuf thai the
mint iiroirty ho sold to Htify the
r, ,,,i,,i ,ici mid thnt iiimjii NHie
(hnrnor, the il"fnin1iiiit he ili-liiiriet nf nil
rlaht. tl'l" simi inmri-m in p' tm
liii, and fr other iiiltnlile rlli'f.
v.... . iiri, nmiitml Hint you ann
ni-h of you urn riiiird to ww" snid
iixtiliiin or irora me nn ony m w"-".
i ... ikiii
iMitnl st Omsba, Nebraska, Hpltnhr
Hk, I HI. jiuirj T. flROWNR
riy W, A. ftiinilrs, his attorney.
boa. M. Ne. 17. 0 i
mrX OoMrnment, Dec
bloal Uo itbm, SIM and l'opttltlmi. t , nriiT
iful Atlas I hound la bssvy pr e" 7 gy y
mi upon fucelyt of
The Priest,
!;the Woman,
a 1
And the Lontessional
By IUv, Cius.CifiMiqrjY,
Remit by Imnk drafl, postal or eipress money order, or by regit.
tcred letter to the nnuonuv
AmLnlUAri ruauonmu wmrnm
Edith O'Gorman's