THE AMERICAN, much us tHim ncwt.i ' t't ll (. ft, iet a a 4 ! . ! rM fi M t(e, in ie ,,,,', i,t, Kti f.wri.. til i.t M A I a dmt b.MM Hi - ".'t ,.' . it ! at I ' . 4 ! -1 ( ' ,.Hr .M. IM. eHln.. - , V t .1 ,r,.e,. MM lwile n the rt'nita I unit t !' ! et )! t4Ht.ti 1 I ! .wn t .etui l""-f H t- 'r." M an tMr and a M.airry eV4t I ' 'M n, .r!;;;;;i:.K:.: 1 Netfl, r,.ir,i ft, bla ft H-tx) "t fwt'l 1 MR ttf riiHH(, M Mtimr.t that I ',.(,,. tlr 4 al l. b I eer-"M f.k...u. l t.h.l.K.. ... ,).. i .. to ii " Mfli' W ".! U IVme, h iphhuml tlumtnli ft f h ( hnith, M h, .lr t ! from tw an T lh Hliliiiltt. haft n,h mti t Ih cti.t.ltir t.f nftUil irl lb litn f numtlir ' tr'1 h1mKlf Infmi llnitxrjr X ( l.)on- nd IiiiH rln ih ruilflmtlon I h Orltr. Th nhott murl h , ninnnn ttinn If hp mii i wli-ii. MM tiliimaiiir i'itn lio iliil. In lunilng lilii i'.i I on minlM flMi for l'n, ll li'l!tti on Mount Mnrrun. tHiiili'i In iwnltcn tlat rpriifii, hrn I h h- ( ImI ln run. tiujt li I n d aiir lirl ail ll it rat l.l.h ih aplriu -f Ui rtwrt l not awm tn hava annouttrnl bp- forrhond. "Th lirfiiihlpua mpaaonRra rllmlwd the ln pliTil a path up th llmntona numnlaln to find th mlratl woikr. 'hum Ihfjr wr to rmov from a Itlominjr cvrn to th mont ronaplr iioiii thronii of th world. Thy hnd ln Jolnd by Cardinal Petor Colonna, and tha report "f o xlraordlimry an oeriimnfo htl a'lr.irtut i-ountlpaa tnultlliiili'H. J am po Hliifnna'hl, Hon of the ruling Hnittor, haa (traphlrally 1arrlbd In rurloua vthp th atranjra aen of which he wua an eye-wl'neaa. Th nvoy, having found the pi tec, hfhclil the rude hut of the hermit, with a Mingle Imrred window; a man with unkwnpt heard, with jmlo and hagtcard face, rlad In a nlia)?y t uu It. timidly wirveyed hla approaching via ltora, They reverently bared their beada lufore him. The anchorite re plied U) their greeting In like mannc.. On learning their errand, he may have believed It one of hla fantaatlc hal lucination; for then unknown noble men ram, from dtalant Perugia, a aealed parchment In their hnnda, to Inform him that he waa Pope, It la aald that the poor hermit attempted flight, and waa only prevailed upon to crept the decree of election by ardent ntreallea, more eapeclally by thoae rf brethren of hla Order . . . .The reaolva of a hermit, who hod apent hla life In the aolltude of the mountain, to arcept with the Papal, Crown the burthen of the world, a burthen al moat beyond the gtrength of a great and practical gcnlua, la truly astound ing. . , , "An Innumerable crowd, clergy, baron, King Churl- and hla aon, baatened to do honour to the Pope elect, and the wild mountain of Mur rone beheld one of the moat etirlou acene that hllory baa ever wltneHed. Tb proceaalon advanced to the town of Aqulla, the Pope hermit, clad In hla ilarahla habit, riding on an aaa, which two King, however, led with reverent aolleltude by the brldlo. Trwjp of glittering k night, choir of clergy Hinging hymn, and crowd of diverse aapect, either followed or de Toutly knelt along the way. At th alght of the oatentatlou humility of a Pope aeated on an aaa, but between two attendant King, many were of the opinion that thl Imitation of i CJhrlt' entry Into Jeruaalem wa liber vain, or no longer aecorded with the perianal greatneaa vt tha Papaey The Cardinal, men erfitbe world, learned and pollahed I.- gentlemen, aurveyed with aatonlah merit the new Pope, who cama to meet them with th air of a timid hermit who bad lived among the wood, frail, endowed with no gift of eloquence. and devoid of preaenca and dignity! Waa It poaalbla that tbla almpl an . eh or It could be the auoceawor of Pope who bad known bow to rule prince and natkma with maJeatyT "peter wa eonaecratad aa Celetlfne V, In a church outlde the wall of Aqulla, on Auguat 24th, 1204, amid a ioneourae, a an eye wltnea relate of two hundred thouaand apnetator, He forthwith mado bla entry Into the town no longer on an aaa, but on a white mule richly caparlaoned, wear Ing hi crown and aurrounded with very magnificence." JregorovlUH, Home In th Middle Age. Vol, V f A P 15 cmfw cmfw cmf wmfwypp Part II., pp. M-m. THE FIIWT PROTKBTANT MI8BI0N AKV IN I'OIITO KICO. The Rev, Jamea A. O'Connor, Pa tor of CbrUt'a Mlaalon, N. Y., baa re celved the following letter from Itev Manuel Ferraindo, the Hpanlah Uo man Catholic prleat who wa convert ad In Chrlat'a M Union in 15. and afterward atudied In Princeton and I'nlon Theological Hemlnarlea: Ponce, Porto Rico, October 9, 1898. Dear Wrotnor O'Conwv: I take pluaaura In writing to you from tbla new American country which la opened to the Uoapel alnca j t t tfce t ..,.,. t I t ' tVMil Hi' (- rf, lt!l lMilW a,o(ii f llrrrllr'a VrnUr KlaaU A a litWrvxMptf ujHl up In H ri.wtcninloatlon f IVUab trnl la Chicago jr h Unn aliff. In o far a Ih a-'l f ctrrtnnunlcil'oi (T,tl Iho rW'i' r.Helui rlghlt, lha UUcan, ff c war, t U rVrc ; hut M lha analhemfTcpU a rU th H!iilr rlghta f m Udiirl4t', lr UnodmibialtU tmllhrt cSunh puUlUulf la dlwol e.nflidt with lha ala'a. and lha maj if eo. romunloll n that Home Invoke upia recalcitrant member of tha church will uniloubt dl; bave to be mmlldol a n it to trt ad upon tho right lo ' life, liberty and the purault of haiplnea" that ao vouohaafed to lha moaneU Amiirlcin clilzeo. Kxcommunlcatlon it not un known among tho Jew, It la rarely em ployed; but when It I affect only rtllgliu prlvllegoa. American Hebrew New York. I.KAKNKH8 CANNOT UK Cl'ItlCD hy local apiilliattona, nn lhi-y cannot reuch tha nliM-imcd portion o( Itie ar. There la only one way to cure l-ufnna, Hnd that la by coriatltutloiial rmdlca. H-afncaa la chuim-4 by an tnlliimtid con dition of the mticuim lining of tha Kua tarhlnn Tube. When thl tube gel a In nitmed you hava a rumbling aound or Im perfect heurlna, and when It la entirely cloned Iieufneaa la the reault, and unleaa th InllHmtttlon can be tnken out and thle tub roatored lo Ita normal condition, hHrlti will b deatroyed forever; nine ruae out of ten ura canned by catHrrh, which la nothlna but an Intliimcd contll llon of the mucoua aurfuce. Wa will Klv One Hundred Dollara for .J f,,.... (, hii..iI hv I'uturrhi I that cannot be cured by lliilra Catarrh Cure. Hend Mr circiiuira, r, Bold y Kruaalata, V: ltemt Of lnlercat. Borne anxiety 1 ald io be felt In high eccleaUitloal oirotoi ln'Rume over the coming publication of the memoir of Mgr. Carlccl, who died throa month ago. Tho dead prelate, wboipent much of bla time in tho pa trician aoolcty of Home, wa known a man of keen wit and bitter and tar caitlo tongue. Hi memoir are In the ame itraln, laying bare folblei and fob He releotlcMly, and great effort 1 be ing made to prevent publication. There are In Bpaln 120 protectant cboola, wltb U male and 70 female teacher. Tbcy Instruct 2.600 boy and 2,100 girl. There are eighty Sun day achool. Tha froteatant publlth la Spain ilx journal la tne intercut of Prlteatect religion. m i 1 What do the frlenda of John Hel gron, who waa one of the men who checked defaulter Mooree, think, of al lowing the man Klerabsad, who dis charged blm from the county'e orv- Ice, to go back inW the offlce of oounty wm)mlioner? What do the friend of Halfdan Jacobaon think? ' There are fltoen ProtcaUntchurohe la the elty of Rome, all the work of the lait twentyegbt year. Tboae who would lead men to oppoae Rome mut look up her record. ' "' iii ieugisi ii tie nmEiicm coma ( fl aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. An Eay by Chae Royi, throwing a blaze of light on American blatory how that the Jesuit were tbe came of all tbe colonial war, Indian and French maaaacre of thoe time, and help you to properly appreciate the Image of a Jetult prleat on our new one cent postage (tamp, Pamphlet on SftTAIUAN API'SOI'KIATIONS, Con grea.tonal, State and Municipal, tame prloe. lo pamphlet form Price 10 Cent. Addreaa: CUASE ROYS, Washington, D. 0 Holding on to pagan aaperaUtlo gives Rome mortgage on four laitk. Do you know that Sawyer's Soap l the rery beat In tbe market? Aik your grocer for it, Inatit on having It and oo other. cvarvboay na-e ao. raack-ftt r.ndv Cathartic, the moat won- derful medical discovery of the ane, plcaa. ant and rcfrealung to the taste, act gently and poaltlvcly on kldnej-a, liver and bowela, Him entire svslem. dtsnet rolua. euro heatlaoho, fever, babltiiul constipation and biliousness. Plraao buy and try a bo; of 11 11 C. Lo-dav: 10. ga. fa) cent, ouiu anu iHi mw mrupucs t r net, i t ' ltw rri, ,W ! ili -lRfcithi t. V Intf Irt Ilia mt'nli nt l IS ii-iil !(, ilh r"( l (t H (iirHii(i f ll Mi Kim i ) isiiHf trlarjr IU h ral'ir t lnt I m I !.. MiuUtff Wctt r inl hlrh Itirontrh tin ii I lnI.Uin al Mnra. hnilrnn.t will tut Utlr l ilh IV I II nt 7. lia atf'iil lli r.iiu-' hia rrrm'it h awriil l lrr A rifin, r pi ! hi m an Amrrin ayitillral. fur iHo riir,i li-B rf lh ranal 'n Iho rlralin nf I In- tn traot ht-ltl I'V Urn Mar) iinr rmmpanv, Til lrrl-lnt ami iiipihIh-m f Ilia raMnH ar of the opinion that tli m w aymlli-at liaa Iml rtiri.- Into lh ajfrprmt-nt with llm U-rif nan trovrrn mrnt to liiilUt In ratial, Iml to inaka a !al with tli Mnrilliuat'anal roinjiany, under which the syndicate will reoctv a certain aum fur Ita right. So far aa Hi adniliiUtrallon la cm eerneit It object ion to a transfer of the etinceaiUiii at tlita time lit-a In lha ll cffi't-t It will have upon I'tiiigrcaa, which would beailate to vote tlio gov ernment aid ao ncivn-.nrv In the con atrucllon of the canal. "Private enterprise will never build that great waterway,' aald an official laat nlirbt. "A government will have to build it, and that government will be the I'nited Mutes. So far aa the administration la concerned it la not a queation of what company baa a con tract, but the President la pledged to the construction of the canal, lie be- lievea it to be a neccHwity and he there fore deairra that the statua quo be maintained. In ordor that when the anbject la diaciiHacd by Congreaa no un necessary complication may exlat which could be used to the diaadvantv age of the proportion for the govern ment to build the canal.'' The authorltiea are gratified at Prealdent Zelaya'a announcement that the concnaaion of the Maritime com pany will not expiro until October 9, 1H0D, and it la Intended that every ef fort ahall le directed to secure the pnaaage by Congrcs of one of the measure providing for government aid In the onuatruulion of the water way. The canal complication la tangled up with tha entrance of the Oreater He publlo of Central America upon the aecond alage of it existence, which occurred Monday, The republic haa now been In existence for two yeara, having had Ita foundation affairs managed by what i termed "diet," which the United Htatee-taeltly recognized by receiving mlnlater whom it accredited here. ' The department will now be called upon to determine whether the greater I epubllc ahall be given full recognition but a , It opposed the dispatch of Minister Merry to Central America, and ha further, It baa been charged, exerted It influence to pro cure tha construction of th canal by Oreat Britain rather than by the United Htat, it I doubtful if Minis ter Merry will lie accredited to it, for the preaeat, at leaat. WILL IT BE LEAD OR BONES? Th Kamoin Droe tioffln to Re Opanad at !. Londos", Kov. 4. Tho high eourt of appeal ha at last authorised the opening of the eoflln o! Thomaa C. Drue In it vault In Ilighgate ocmo tery. On tha reult may depend tbe ownership of one of tbe greatest duke dom in the United Kingdom. If bone are found there tha ttory that haa dia- fJrbed the Drltlah aristocracy will t proved unfounded. Hut if tha eoflln hold only a lump of lead then the favorite of Ixndon, the friend of Queen Victoria, may lot the vaat estate and th great nam of tha Duke of Port land. TROOPS ORDERED TO CUBA. Tat lira of tha Oarrlsoa For te Vm90 AIkmiI Komb SS. WAinseTOii( Nov. 4. The War de partment haa Issued a general order for the movement of troop to Cuba Tha 6rt troop will leave about No vember SI, and will comprise a brigade under Hrigadier Heneral Carpenter, The brigade will be taknn from the Seventh army eorpa, and one of tha regiment to go will b the Third Georgia. The brigade will be aent to Neuvitaa, Puerto Principe. Th Tesaa In Dry Dock foe Repair. Niw Yoaa, Nov. 4. The United State battleship Toxaa arrived to-day from Philadelphia. She will go to tha navy yard to b placed in dry dock for repair to th propeller, which waa in Jured by contaot with a log while pro oeeding up the Delaware. Hla Olfl to tbe Gathollea. Baat.w, Not, 4. Kmperor Wltllara'i aoqaialtlon of a plot of laud from the euHea and hla transfer of it to the Oathollca ia regarded aa the final touch In a long and carefully 'prepared scheme to mollify the Centrist (the Catholic party In the itcrnian uelah star). Th ohlaf feature of thUtoherae wa4 tbe vengeance taken for th mur dr of the "atholio mUfclonarlea in Chlaa. Einparor William ta the first Chrietlan to have vlltd tha tomb of Daridatnoe th yar 1187. Tbe tomb waa one of tne moat aacrea Aionam . S., i iil n f4 of I tt . " r fci.4 Iia.ihi A , i'mw I, IK I r ..:i M, 1 wa MW Hi 1 lunMl Fi4nm-ll i44 .iiin 4 t t ijfw at f.-.. l.4 aH .t i rr4t 1 1 h4I trml lrla r fl ll.r M ml , ,t laUwil l).v k, tH t4 Kt4a I tMWfHA km ..., lal ollia, X at ant I ,, , l III llahl I I I.MIIII rfHI Will !,,,, m I lnr. A nl e. il n.p -m ll rrfi lll(f. If li l Ih p. I nl a lll Mu ni t.f i li..l nn.-al " 1 ii t.ailtt I aatltnliaUv e IS Ml 1 1 ' !. m r .til.ivj,r,t ta, II. kI yn. wlli lln fmUtrr MHton wnll MVirWr rlii..l rttt l lti.i tn 1 tin nuUr. when rpUitallna w i'.i U f.rlbtim ln- a I., In ft .n for Waving l a Ii.mI ivt - ratter. 1,iii.nv Ky , Nov i Th flrl wllii,'-. U'fure the war lii,llatt,n eiimiiilkAlitn wa liciier! Jmteph I. Sailer, who ha bad command of the Itilr.l ilivWIoti. He ftld Ilia aenuul itlvUion ,'kiim l Clil,Umnir waslof badly located, tieing In na-ky ground 1 " I hero alnka could not lie deeply dug. When asked why Hie tpiarlermasler'a department could not furnbth article niMVMtary for supplying I lie army, tieneral Sanger aaltl: "The romplea sj-htein of furnUhiiig supplies to our amiy ia at fault. If there was mi do part in iit to supply all want of the army there would Ihj no clashes and I these complications could not arise. At riiickninauga the control of my I Hivlslon hospital waa taken from me ana given to mo ciiici aui-geon oi ine norns I I iKtlleve Heneral HrtHike tried to I do alt be could to bring the camp to a , ,. ...7 , . good aanltnry condition, but be waa aiirroiindfd bv a medical board which ... , . . .. . ,. i did not appreciate tho serious eondi- tlon of affair. Dr. Iluldckopcr espe- in .. .i.inut. ..... .. daily thought Dr. tlrifllth was uu- neceaani-ily alnrmed. Dr. Orifllth In- aisled that a case diagnosed a. typhoid malarial fever waa In realty typhoid fever, lie examined Chlckamanga creek where the intake waa lix-ated. An engineer oftlcer examined It and I pronounced It bad," I eioi rn,ikriy nti,,iitiii. SANTIAGO UK t.rnA, JNOV. . The ... ... i United Htalea transport Port Victor . . t. . , . i waa to have left yesterday at noon for the United States with a number of sick officer and men. Fortunately, list before the hour fixed for hor de parture, (Sencral Wood, military gov ernor of the department of Santiago, went on board, To hia amazement, he found no provision specially suitable to !uk persons, an entire lack of deli cacies and an Instimcleiicy of medical auppllea. i General Wood declares that here after he will nav a nersonal visit to aner ne win pay a personal viau to every trausHirt before It leave the harluir Ha tli nks It very atrano-n iiarixir. no hiiiik u very airange that, after all the experience had here in this line, the medt-nl department ia . ... .. notauieio manage na anaira ueuer, and that the personal upervllon of .. ,, , ,ii Ilia miiiiinDnillni, itkniilB kh.inl,! lit, na. ceasary Kyi lUpodlstes Ills farty, AnKRUKKiT, S. D., Nov. 4 United States Senator J, II. Kyle, in an Inter view In the New to-day aay: "1 re pudiate the Populist party manage ment In thia state." Although htill an Independent, be will oppose the fusion until the ttate ha been redeemed from th element .. . . , that now control th party. He charge hi Popullat colleague In Con- grea with being unpatriotic In not aiinnortlnir President McKlnlev In tha war against a common foe. He aay.: l am an American cii.i7.eni prouu oi our country, proud of our President. proud of our army and navy and proud of our flag, and a long aa 1 hava breath to cast a vote it ahall b re corded for my country, com what wllb" Job a Wsnsmsker la Troalil. Pittbuho, Pa., Nov. 4. John Wan amaker, who la making a tour of i,rr I.-..II.IV,, ri,..ii k, iir, .....i ...i,tfc. .4 ii..t , rew itrignton ana jteaver raua, waa a . i. nikktuiiiiiiw, vi n it.. to sianuer wncn no autppau irom in trkln kf P,u.beklke Tltsi n .Ihl If 1. " " , " braaka, beina a twenty-live Vii) foot atrip Thoma M. Robinson, formerly atat off the wrt aide of Ts lot M (as i nrlnlee at Hsrrlslmrff Mr. Wan, '"fd In I HMO. exiondlna from Urwsii tar r... . , maker recently criticised hia manage- ment of the atate printing ofllce. Tha umrnon I returnable th flret Mon day In December. Indon Tammany Tlekal Nkw York, Nov. 4. A meeting of National Democrat waa held in the llrooklyn Academy of Muale last night to make a formal declaration In favor of Judge Van Wyck for governor. About 6,000 member of the German- American Reform Union met in Cooper Union and put the formal In dorsement of tbelr organization upon the Democratlo ticket pala Will Hold th Hag. a, Nov. 4. The Kollel con n .. . ... ..... . t'ARia, nor. ine rtoitei comment- ing editorially upon tbe position as sumed by the American peace commis sioners aavs: "No monarchical trovern ,.,, ,, i, , . j,,..,! , -,i,,. it ment would haie dared to conduct It- elf after the faahlon of the American, who sr. forever talklnu- so inticl, of who art jorever iniainif a mut.ii oi right and liberty. The plan of tha Am.rioan 1 now .vldent. It I to take all of Spain' oolonle and leave Retain th of all those oo on lea. - , . .. ,. . . . . , inia ia vne result oi vne uoiy war up dertaken to Insure the Independence of !-.. r; "., ... , k.,.'(, IM, f.;r,,,m I j i ,,.. . . i i . i ! ..,. . ,. ! . w j ..,! ,, 4 I -n - ' -I ! a i i-. t t Ht i i ii t a ! tit i - I.i ! t.. .-t . t l-.l J i ? I a i, i " . . . ,. I.. i .. a ? tin nl I i i . i n i 1 1. a is I i . . -I f - 1 t n. i-. n i i.fc a it 't i j. 1 l I i. I : l.- .. .- I - t n, I .t I, U tntM . n I I In '. I? , I t i . 1 1. a u iii- ' i All tt m l.t. i. l.i l I.. frn I, k.. .Lt. M,l,llll..n l' lh. MH .'I I .,m I iftl I '..mwii N.l-t.t , "I I. I,.t,l ti,N.n , h ,l atl.l m ., t f-i ,.f I, n t'.-t -l I.' I tittuttt l,ft -I (t,.. (,..!, Ii , , h. t It It krt klt.tin.t k .r itti .ttt ,t.t t.l I, n tt ttl t.f llt .1. ,t i.lnltilin limit I.i, .1. . fy lhl Itk Ivik Ml It II tl.t kt.l tMtlnl. ttia, Ittr ,1.1. ,..ktik kl.All ll,,. m- kti.l In ,1. It 111 H..1..I ll.kl III. .l.l I..,h ,1, l k.l. lit kwllll I It NITIittitO (omIhI till,". tt.t tlti. tlfwtll kl- 111 It t.l tltf. .I'l.-tt. tttl l- .t.l. .1... I til mII llilil tin. mil inter. tki in kMi.i ivti tkinit . Mtttl lr itih.r rt-Mi I nt, mi- ttlktt It.'t. l.v tt.itrli..l Ot tl ttti eit.l fm b tif tu ki. rtiniitl lo nnkt-r kit I.I iH-iltlxti t.ti or b. I..if tin I r t It il,i I.i,iIhi v II....J .. V..t..L.. V... IHi. I"v U ItlliiWNH: IMitliilllT. lllk All.tim litH- ait Nil. li.. W. A. HAfNHKIta. Attorney, Merthanla Nailoiial Hank. NOT1CK TO NON-KKHIUKNT 1'K KP-NHANT. To H M Kb v. fliKl and real mtni.' mi- hnoan, Hiihii V'ay, bin wife, Kiln Itfeve I umiiltt'll anil Jiilm-k l.rwlk, liiiii-ri kl'l.'lil III l. llllHUlk Vou are li,reby nolllled thai on the Jiiih ! .;, , J "' , "in''XI'LA: lion in Hie pitrit-t I'ouri or imiiikIss Irmilily, Nebraakit, nKnlnet H. M. Kay, I llrkl Mini rcil niniie iinkinitk-n Miiknn I'uu his wire, l:ila iteevee ('ainiiln.ii. Jumvs Andrew J iMirlnnd, l lie object and prayer of which la lo foreclose one return laa ceriihViita dated November iwi, uiam Hie followliiK d. acrlbe.i ren, esiaie, io-wii: rh ,.uttl f (a. i, W,,,V three isn In sect ion 1 5. IowuhIiIii If,, ruin.- 1.1 eskl, all situated In HoiikIh I'oiiniy. ,, HlH(H , N,.in,.K1(, ., ,;; la now due Hie sum of 7n.mi, with Inter- m"t TX.Zr'ZirVH sum, wlih Interekt and cohis iouiilir "WW J?m.,:!!.l.,!.l.,!!v x?..l1n. for a decree that he hns a tlrst Hen iiiiuii ZZ ; .,'!''", .". "" V. . . liay the same, aid I defiin It I hereof Hint the said nrniierly lie Mold lo Hiillkfy Km iinioiini roinni due, mul Hint upon Hale thereof Ihft defentliilll lt ,l..liurea.l nt nil iriKMl, line linn inlereal In said real es re, ,.i to, inn.-, ru i i i p ri'iiei. Vou an, also hereby ikiIIIIimI llnil vmi nn nh "f you the reuulred to answer knlil peiltliiii on or before the I2tli day of i.ri nw. y Haled at Oinahn, Nidirnskti, November 11 n, iws. II A It It V .1. TWINTINll Hy W. A. HAI NHKIIH, I'lalnlirf. i s A I lornev line, nn, run. M2, W. A. BAUNDKRR. Attorney, Merchant National Hank. NoTiero TO NON-MKHIDIONT ri?. FKNDANT, To Ami W. Ilrluus. William II Merit Alexander M. Kerrls. Kaln M Hull am U'". ,'",',ll"Ml Nalhinal Hunk of I'ortlatid, Maine, non-reslileni defeiidatiis: You are hereby nolllled that nu tha "l,v or i n-toiier, A. l IW. James I,, MrowI1H .,,lln,)fT i,,,,.,.,,,, ,, ,,, . tlon in the liiMirlei rotirt of IioiiuIhs " . """"f,"; """V:,, "'lai.iio M I Wood, Asa W. HrlKKs, Wllllnm II. Heck Alexander M. HVrrla. Kate M. Hall, the l'"HI"i'd Natlnnal lank of I'ortlaud. I Maine, et a ., the object and prayer of I - i., ......... . ' . .' which la i foreclose line eel-lulu tax cer tlllealn dated Niivntnlier loth. 1WW. unon Hie followlu described real estaln, to-wlt: I tie iinnivineii I welvi-l nil'teeiit hs IIJ-l.'ll of sub lot twelve 1121 of tux Inl live III section in, township 15, raiiK" HI east, sllllllleil In tlonirluk ('niintv Nt,.l.p.,.Li. uimiii wiiii-n mere is now due the sum of liilll.lll, with Interest at Hie rate of ten ier cent per annum from October Jrd. urn, lor which sum. w lit tilerest and costs toKulher with an attorney's fen amoiiniltiK to ten per cent of Hie decree, !,", i!.' 'yn f,r, ? 'J'"'!'"' '.T defeiidanls shall nav tha same, ami Iii default thereof that th said property ha aold to satisfy the amount found due, and that upon sate i hereof the defendants b debarred nf all rlalit. title nnd Interest In relief' ' -i....i. Vou ere also hereby notified flint vou ,,,, neiition on or before the nth . day I , "n-mm-r, i, tinted al Omaha. Nelirimka. November fill, iw. JAM 1-lH I,, HltoWNK. Ily W. A. BAUMMfiltM, I'lalnllff. Ills Attorney, Doe. m. No, IW. ' " HMIOHIKrS BA!,K Ity vlrMm of an order of sale Issued out nf the district court for Don laa county, deorasaa, and to tna uirmc-teii, l will, on tha 4th day of Octnher, A I;, IKHH. at ten ,i',.,wl, A k.1 ...t.l ,l..u L'..u, front door of Ihn t.'nurt Mouse, In the t'liv of Omaha liouala County, Na I oraaaa, sen mi uiionn noeiion lo intt man ,,. bidder lor cash, lha lirolterly Hm- arnneti in aaiu uidur or aula, fuiiuws, I to wit: . k I ,.,.. ,kf,t .., ,. t ioi iwenty-inree (.-;u, section .it, towiii 1 snip lo ran I. Koimias ouniy, N. Vlnlon) Htreet to lioulevard i Btreet. Also a strip or alley twelve 12i feet wide from North lo riouih, and twenty hve (iii) rimnltiK from esst to west anil abutting upon Ilia north aldn nf 'lax lot sixty-two th'Jl formerly a part of Ta lot twenty-tiirca i&ij in awtton w, town ship lb, raiiK IS. DouKlaa Counly, N braakn, belli between Ihn church prop erty and that owned by lha Carpenter l'"lr Company. Also a strip or alley I u, weal, end aliutim- in.iui it the south " of taa lot ureiva Hi) tforinarly a w ,i u township 16, rana 13. DouKla I county, Netiraska, and bein just smith ui tiiv tut... it . m n.i.t t,t t.'t ownetl by tha Carpenter l'a(er company, In tha eliv of Omaha, as surveyed, nlat te nd recorded, all In liouglaa county, Htitte of Nebraska, Hald Drouerty to b sold lo satisfy Jamea I.. Ilrownn, plaintiff herein, tha sum of Four Hundred and eleven and aa Iml till SMI dollars ludamelit and Inter est thereon at rat of tun (ID) per cent per annum from i-enruary 7in, , in nil r tlltt iiiiiner kiiin Ul nun ,jr,l and Korty-slx and 41-l'wi UM II) dollar costs Herein, toKetner witn accru InK costs, accordlna to a JudKinent ren dered by the district court of said I'hiik- - 1 laa county, at It February term, A. aa countv. at it I- rnruarv term. a. i. I w", in a cerium action men aon tnere ,)nit .,1r., j,es I.. Urowne Is plaint irr, and Jereininh c, wibux. rerlla J- U' o. carpenter raper t o npany, b , , j .,. - lla ,....),,,. the laws of the Statu of Nebraska, and V Z '"hV "V "1 ,w ,,.,i ' Joiis W. M' HON ALU. ... tmerin: or lioukiss couniy, nDra. I - - PHUIIiima. aiiuihi'I - iirowne vs. w cox at a . Hocaot i. no. im. IIS. IIIM Htt MIIIV T Vvtrt siff liaf am It. tlaMlWat II f-t r tl ra lw vt-a4lct. t h trft r.wtttf a leiU'-li tUV Kewa ' 1e ' ia vm, l aatly 4 apaitweav, WttUy rv I . t.-t a.i.s..j ! kki l.tuWkkt i raV t a-r -, fel Uaiaa, tberaeeval ).Hrt4ll, a llVatt mA a tUt 4 -a te jwt re ) .!, nan, g.i antt-ke r tdaf ctrJa abtie fa teg at th rale at a t lt aa ketif Mulhk, I t tt-li a V full laf iraaalbj) at Tit kt urbi lwint I'ei! l-a Hi t ih aal Mtoa tt I'aaweger artirleg at t'hlcan ky thrhleags IU k Is anJ A Taelfla Iff can, by lha w Ualo KlevaWd Ixwip, nach any (tartnf lha city, rr h a ti real fare ca be takra Immediately to ary of the large tort la the do lowa district. A Ira I a will up at the Usk Island Station every mlaaW. Thi facllltlea ran only he offered tf th "Oreat lloek Island I lout." Addrt JOHN SKIl viruN. O. P. A., Chicago. Call and consult tha moat reliable palmist and card reader of the age. Only here for a few week Iloura daily, a. m. to 10 p. m Huntley, 1 p. ni. to 10 p. in. MA DA NIK WESLEY 1022 South IDlb HI. Every fact Is an antidote for foolish fancy. Rome find slander a better weapon than a bowle knife. 5$ S r Z c -h tfl A - & S S . 5 S 2 2v a c o r C O kJ a in at L. W w - ' fll 3 iy : a o . c S S 00 3 J U - T E t5 o tn '5 5 3 I 5 u, a - tn - a c PCS .1 5 - P s a. 2 t .0 9 rf o tn T ,n a k. K c ? in 2 3 s rt c Z THE C.RRAT HISTORICAL REVIEW. History, An Illustrated Quarterly Magailne. DEVOTED TO KKCORDINO IMPORTANT EVENTS, PRO ORKHH AND OROWTH IN ALL UOUNTRIICfl Or THE WORLD. In Its Field Current HIv tory Has No Competitor. Agents Wanted. Currant Illsta- rv Is a aplaodm nairaaln far Kent to hsndls. pnonlM,- Addres It appeals tu inuiilga NEW ENGLAND i'UHLISII G CO., H0MER8ET STREET, J" s" BoeTON, MAaaet. 1 .. 8 Department Store Prices Beet describes the rates it which DR. WITHERS Is doing all kinds of Dental Work, Bet Teeth ..15 00 Iieat Bet Teeth 7 60 Gold Filling 11.00 and up Stiver Filling 1 00 Gold Crown 5 00 Teeth Extracted 2ft Teeth out In tho morning Sow Orion Same liny. All work at nbout Half what other Dentists Charge. 16 Ykars Experience 16 Dr. WITH Kits, Dentist, Fourth Floor Brown Blk., Sixteenth and Douglas Streets. TELEPHONIC 1776 it cama into the posaeasion or our ne guaranteed to cure by ail druggist. medan abtinea tbe Cuban.'