The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 21, 1898, Image 7

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In Inr War v Kom WiU
Vr hi iVunlty an!
; Kcrp li linker.
I t4 I ktil IK tf4t M4 ra
n rm m wnt.itia.
Jan U IW ' tfcsrtti.
DiiM) Is OantftaM llMt IVpt
rm. ix.
MtnatUMl wwt U rswttttl'M
CVntll Mthnttllr, ! war
fcKo4bi-4Vrtlie orM
I hsualy vfaa Ihti Ik CatftHf
laal rrnr tht wintry as tfc
l of. Ike r-uV.le rhooit Tt't
I srtmttl as ailmlnlstsf art.
nrnt tft oB ta rathollra wr
n4 tWIr rtilUlrra to publle schools
ratlisr Walarr.
Th public srhoo'a h rrw1-eA!
nothing but r1ls tnratti of
tbirtpt nl bitft.rird. Father
It tll be a ttorlona day tn thla
country irhrn under tl.e ! the
chool systnm wltt he shlyertd to
ptcs, -Catholic Tetucreph.
Tbt public schools are nursr-rlea of.
thy rodlos. nd online nip
prsl will prat iho damnation of
tbtt country. rather Walker.
We must take part In tbt election!,
moe tn a solid diim tn every itili
against the party plpdwd to anstata
the Integrity of the public erhools.
Tha common erhools of this country
are sinks of morel pollution and nur
rrloi of holl. Chlcst-o Tablet.
The time li not far away when tba
Roman Catholic Church of the Re
public of the United States, at the
order of the Pope, will refuse to pay
their school tux. and will send bullets
to the breasts of the Rovernraent
ta-ents rather than psy n. It will
come qnlrkly st the click of a trlRRer,
and will bo obeyed, of course, as com
ton from Almlrhty God. Mgr. Cnpal.
t "We .''ate ri tcstantlsm; we atsi
t wlth'.tir whole heart and soul."
Catholic Visitor.
"No man hss a rleht to choose Ms
religion." ArenniHhnti Hughe In
Freemen's Journal, Jnn, Slit, 1852.
"If Catholics ever gnln sufficient nn
, merlcal msjnrlty In this country, re
ligious freedom Is t sn end,"--Cath-olio
Hhrpherd of the Vallev, Nov. 13,
Trotestantlsm, of every form, has
not, and never can hnva sny rlnht
where Catholicity Is triumphant." Dr.
0. A. Itrownson's Cathollo Review,
June, 18R1,
"We have tnken this principle for a
bssls: That the Catholic rellrrlort with
all Its rights, ought to bo exclusively
dominant, In such sort, that every
other worship shall he banished and
Interdicted." rius IX. In his alloou
tlon to a Consistory of Cardinals,
Bcptottihor, 1861.
"Protestantism why, we should
draw and quarter It, and hnni up tbs
crow's meat. w would tear It witn
plnotrs and fire It with hot Irons! Fill
It with molten lenu nnd sink It In hell
fire one hundred fiithoms deep."
Father Phelan, Editor Western Watch
men. "
"Reltslons liberty Is merely endur
ed until the opposite side can be car
ried Into effect, without peril to the
Cathollo Church. "-Illshop O'Con
nor. The nomnn Cnthollo Is to wlnld his
yolt for the purpose of securing Cath
ollo ascendency In this couutry."
Father Hockor, In the Catholic World,
July, 1(70.
"Undoubtedly It Is the Intention of
the Pope to possess this country. In
this Intention ho Is aided by the Jes
( ults and Cathollo prelates and priests."
. iitownson's Cathollo Review, July,
When a Cnthollo candidate li on a
ticket and his opponent Is a non
Catholic, let the Catholic candidate
bavt the vote, no matter what ha rep
resents." Catholic Review, July, 181)4.
"In case of conflicting laws between
the two powers, the laws of the
Y church must prevail over the state,"
V -Plus IX, Syllabus 1884.
"We hold the state to be only an
Inferior court, receiving Its authority
from the church and liable to have Its
decrees reversed upon appeal."
llrownson s ICssays, p, S82.
"We do not accept this government
or bold It to be any government at all,
or as capable of performing any of tba
proper functions of government. If
the American government Is to be sus
tained and preserved at all, It most
be by tha rejection of the principle
of the Reformation (that Is, tha gov
rntnent by the people), and tha ac
ceptance of tha Cathollo prtnnlnla,
which Is the government of the pop,'
Catholic World, September, 1171.
"I acknowledge no civil power."
Cardinal Manning, sponklng In tho
name of the Pope. S. H. B 1871.
"Tho Pope, as the head and month
piece of the Cathollo Church, admin
isters Its discipline and Issues orders
to which ovary Cathollo nnder pain
of sin must yield obedle ."Cath
ollo World, of August. 1888.
"Tn ISnn Itnma will tuba thli pnill.
0 "try and keep It." Priest Hecker.
1 MV 114 1.1, ! UUQ IH IU l,VI UMW
law of all lands." rcbbIsbop Ire
Wo bava plenty of tho lssuo of Jan
uary 28, containing tho exposure of
Rome's plot to take this country by tho
oword. Ten for 90 cents; fifty for $1.28;
100 for 2, EOO for $7.60; 1,000 for
flO, Have you sent any of that num
bar to your friends? You should! Tbey
should not sleep longor.
LakoLtndon.Mljb., Fub., 21, 1808
Dear Sir:
i I received your Atlas of tho World
and I am well pleasod; far beyoud my
No man's Influooc la go small b
what ho could make It tell axalut
H I ( SI M l JVM,
Kit MnH lit ' I j
rfctu4'V: l"'",,v 1 e hi I
v4 An ra4. lkf
rH Jrt H t tkiwl Hil) I M
4r Ik Ik? ellf4
l kstf a rt S !'
t a Srrtlh'Mt,
t lit if - nM itnt.M. hi
mm tt tfcrm ati', Tet
m li--nm Is tw! h4 fxr-
K toi iihr tKsa ttiti h
e malie owr( rritlrre ttt
ntacfctnrtv nl K cwnVlno It t epJ
Irtr a Uit rvt rtrH if Jfa
hilt t r m.t( 1 rtrgl.r hi
tn a bt enjr int'iitr l rbuiiks of If.
Yt'tt (He hi tn cntrf i 4 he tsl-
mil a rter, t pin, k!f ss tt si
th flui. snd t(h a isMrne tnn grstrr
hi In ih ( title a tMrk mow, whwa
111 Into a mp r fobtn It ruUe up
rnoiish !- stMHit half fill the vrmicl,
thitiwa nr tho top of It a spoonful uf
posilrrrd eMsr, tnJ sninfjrt Into It
the Juice of belt s lemon, lie hsnt
th rhil to on, with a iim. end
jou csn t It In whsifcr style you
like. Yon ran mil It up end It bcomt
like water !. or you ran pick out the
Ice and suRar togiMher end ronaume
that separately. In the place of lenmn
you ran have, according to the aeaatin,
lime, orang pineapple, mulberry,
cherry, tea and coffee. For a small cup
of this simple but pleasant delicacy the
chare Is 2 renin, snd for an esRrup full,
1 cent.
In Hi Mill Uuamit li Told ill liny
Why II (am Out !.
From the New York World: It was
the season of the year In Texas when
the entile are rounding up to be driven
north for better Rraxlng. The cow
boys had Jiiat flnlHhcil supper, snd sat
around their little dugout swapping
lies. Gradually tha conversation turn
ed on the motives which prompted the
different members of the group to ro
west. They all told of the more or
leas disc red (table cnuacs for their mi
gration, with the exception of a rather
taciturn but generally popular fellow
who was known at "Parson Hill," be
ratine of the clerical cut of the attire
which he universally sffected,
'Why did you coma weal, Parson T'
aucrleil Swamp-angel Ham.
"Well," drawled out the Individual
addressed. "I left the cast berauao I
didn't build a church,"
Kvciybmly smiled at what was con
sidered the drollery of the Parson,
who, not noticing the merriment which
he had cientcd. continued:
"It wn this wny, We used to hold
meetings In the district schoolhouso In
MHsaiichusolts and I did tho preaching.
The llttlo flock grew, and It was da
elded to build a small church. Itie
funds, as they were collected, were put
Into mv hands for safekeeping." 119
paused. "That's why 1 came west."
In li.fmio uf Their feting
Tho Ixindon Field told a whllo ago
about a rabbit that pursued a wcaaol
which bad captured one of her young
ones with such vigor as to cause the
a easel to drop the youngHter, The
rabbit Is a timid creature usually, but
no more so than the partridge (ruffed
grouse) found In all the eastern stales,
The female partridge has often put
boys to hurried flight by attacking
thorn when they have molested her
bicod. When an egg hunter climbs the
tree In which a kingbird has a nest ho
Is at once attacked by the birds, who
dive at him st full speed, with their
sharo bills pointed ahead, Whole
flocks of crows fly to the prolecllon of
a nest that has been disturbed by bird
or beast, Even the gun of a man will
not send them fur away, as under or
dinary circumstances, A doe will
strike a man tflth her sharp hoofs
should he happen to surprise her and
her fawn. She will battle long and sr
dently to save her young from a pair
of eagles, and the fox flees from her as
from a dog.
Tom Iteeil'n VmihImiiiiI Cliilhr.
One of Tom Reed's casl-off suits of
clothes is wundcrlng shout the country
on the person of a vagabond barber
who was in a party of tramps that
broke Into Reed's cottage at Grand
Reach luat summer. The fact leaked
out In th Portland police court, where
one of the tramps was arraigned on
Saturday, and now the Cumberland
county ofllolals wsnt to get a pull on
that vagabond barber's whiskers, Mean
while all persons sre cautioned
against bestowing hospitalities or cour
tesles upon any of Tom Reed's clothes
unless Mr, Reed Is present to vouch for
them, Lewlaton Journal,
A Mmn llualinml.
Mrs. Wallace: "1 do believe that
woman could wear her dreaaes almost
to rags before her husband would no'
tlce it." Mrs. Ferry: "That Is not th
case with M Ferry. He notices the
dlnglness of my clothes before I do,
can tell when I'm getting shabby by
bis beginning to talk about how scarce
money Is and l:ow necessary It will bo
for us to economize." Cincinnati Kn
Heynnil Hop.
Husband (to wlfe)-l cannot con
celve what Is th matter with my
watch; I think It must want cleaning
Spoiled Child (breaking in) Oh, fath
nr. I don't think It noeds cleaning
Ilaby and I had It washing In the basin
for vr so long this morning. Tit
tint Snliitmrln Wlm.
The first submarine telegraph wire In
this country was from Governor's Isl
tt lha nnflarv In Maw VnrV loM In
1 1842.
in h-nm,
St S twk)
rtl fit's art tr rri4
r.jin to it. t Ri r
tM a rrtt i lalek'at ael th
t ll 11 tare ws,
lit pHi s itiat to the
lie Irr tk aanal sS'y fweee
A Hi Ma la lb hrfl seel a
Prit ran m4-tf wo )au nvoa
Home's ft acta,
N.t man can walk with rtvtUiatlmi
and la Ik wwds it ppl nrr-
Rome weara a religtiHis rloek, yet
has a ltd J heart
A fonfeeelonal box Is the lomb M
elf respect
WVarlng a cns dora not euro cm-
HstrtHl Is nursed by papal prejudtr
The brighter history shines the dark
er Rome'a record.
It Is bard to convince a pip!4 who
lets th prleat'do his thinking.
To know that popery Is a curs
makes a man want to rid the earth of
Keeping knowledge In tho hands of
the priest starves tha minds of tho
You ran never tell what a papist will
do out of a church by his looks of de
votion within.
Rome has trouble with the man who
does his own thinking.
Popery throws tho moat mud at tho
whitest garments.
Use Stwjoi's Soap. The best In the
Every fact la an antidote tor som
foolish fancy.
Passengers arriving at Chicago b
iheChlcsgo, Hock Island &, 1'uoKlo lt'y
can, by the cow Union Klcvaed Loop,
reach any part of the city, or for a five
oont faro can bo taken Immodiutuly to
ary of tho largo store In the down
town district. A train will top at tha
Hack Island Station every minute.
Tbcsn facilities can only bo ulTcrod by
the "Ureal Uouk Island ltouto."
Add runs
Holding on to pagan superstition
gives Rome a mortgage on your faith.
Do you know that Snwyer's Soap U
tho very best In the markol. Ask
your groour for R, Insist on having- It
and no other.
When Rome lvos money in always
puts a chain of power on It
Store Price
Best describes Hie rntos hi
Is doing all kinds of Denial
Bot Teeth Ifi 00
Host Hot Tooth 7 fit)
Gold Killings 11.00 anil up
Silver Fillings 1 00
Gold Crowns , 6 00
Teeth Extracted 2ft
Teeth out In tho tnurnltiu
IVow Of i cm Homo Dny.
All work at about IIalk what
other Dentists Charge.
ICYkars' Kxtkiiikncr 18
Dr. WITH KltS, DcntNt,
Fourth Floor Urown Illk.
Sixteenth and Douglui Btreoti
An Illustrated Quarterly MnRazlne.
In Its Field Current Mis-
tory Hns No Competitor.
S 1- Uf 1 I Cttrrnnt Ilinto
"O in lie mi ii for
Knt to nmull. it Siihim to niiHintii
liMopia. Aaurews
; nm r nrttn and ALI
Tl'kct Olllte, 1. 1. Ctner 181k ui Fn SU
h at tiiM
Nilr i MUM tl'MlMtltt
1 l -N I 't 1
! iv . t .( I;.-' i
i 1 (..! l Ik . t-lal- ot It
, ,.,m,I a,, I, l'.,. t
t I . .,.,. .... H
I . : ,... I !(
I I ' 1' . - i
v !.,, It I., ' . l -I II 1 ..
lN ft t , ,.!, IV I, I
.( ! I I -m t Hl
llttH.."!.!,.! , ll.iil If ,. 11' 1 ll , ol if I I'lh H.i '
f t I'M, at .. . I. k m , ' i j
r-,i-i . I 1. 1 i.. 11 .- i. t.i 1
It. r . i!. hut .,l.i i, !
plh. ll f.rt ,l-l, IIMItHf.! I f
r. It- I !! niMl ... H t-1
la thw 1l M ll. I.. I
all , ! Hiai . .HI.. I ! t rtr .
rfniliH., f
iii tst r i r K !
a t I I 'HHBV Jl'l
NOTU'K t' AtllK'I.I'M !' INiMH
lull M uN
Vkp Hull, r tl Hi ,.n Hi ih iln .Iiim-
lN Mil- ,.f 111. li..l..M i.f ' li
I'ml, Inn." ii.t iii alii, ilit!) tfanta.l
HI. 'I 111 III.- ..Ill," ..I tit .KillllV llllk
uf iH.nutn it'i'nii, N.'lli 1 lit . H-
11 I'llO lf Im.III- ,,f A lilt h III rl'l
of HiiimIin. , I In-Ill. Ilir niti.lil linli.l .
iif Hit- MHIf l l.i l. II g. ll.'Kl . , 1 1. -
Iiih, ''HI "inn itn imiiitiiin mil in,. hi
fMi llltttlli ll t 1'tlirf Llt-illi uf lkl llil
tUMV Tin. mii.iiinl .f runtial timk I llii '"! .l In Imii's il iiii rm li. I.) nlil
fur Ml lilt llllll' tif iBMlttlllrf. Mini III ! Ilull
, !it,lp hi.m k nm kii in mi-Hi u(
Mini. Iliil or
Tlii i'"f n nili'ii I'limtiii'ii-'M iitnliii ii mi
Julia -lh. Ivw, mi l lii t-iiiilliiiir- f-ir i -rlii-l
of llf'' '" llii-n-nfii-r
Th IhhIii I nniuiiiil uf In. In. i-r
llillillllv lit lilrll Ihn rmtmrmiult tliMV ll'
J.i l Hauir I Mil miiuiiiit ruiml lo
uf llin pill. I up i'Hillnl tni k.
Th ultli-rt Iif lili ll llii- luiKliii-iiit (if till
I'tirpiit iilliill la In ln i uii.liirl ri r ili-l.
Ii-iil, vie iri'lili-tit, IrrHnun-r, d,-rri-lniy
mill Hetirml mntiNKi-r, ami a Ininnl uf tln- i
lUii'i'tum. It. r.Mtt.IMN
tl V. nit I .III.,
HKtUtdW i'. IHOWAt.T,
W. I. K l'M)i;tlH,
Attorney, Mcrchutits NhIIoiihI llrnik llli'K.
A N I'M -'l'iii'lirllln tlliiiniiifilli-ii kiiil
T. l.'lli iiiiiii-ill, li. I. i t IiiihIihiiiJ llml m il
.ml imiii it ii k am w ii, null-rr Hi lent Ui
li H I
Vnu sm Ii- rt liv n it ' Hi it llml nn Hi i-th
(Iny tit J ii in- IMwi, . k m I,. Mr.iwne. Hi
pliilnlllT lii-r-ln. tiluil hi. pi-Hllon In th I'U
tricl Court fu I'liiicliui cuiiiily, Neliranlin,
m w ul ii h t ( l,t-l tli it 1,'lliiiiiiM'illi ii Hint Mr,
l.'lliiiiiiiii-ilii-ii, In r tiii-li.uiil tlrni uhil ri'ttl
nninn link ii,in hint tithi-r. ti fiiiiilnnl. 'In
t I Juct unit pmyi-r uf whlrli l til funn-luMi
(n certain tM prt.'llr1 ilittril Novi-nihi-r
Jfiili, IMi!, tiiiiii th rulluwlns ilimcrlili il r Hi
n.lnln, to- it I
Th Sifit mi luil f (W, Hnf lot i-vhii (7
In hliii-k liuirili In Hlilnn'a I'lril, u l I 1 1 tn in
the o l til On kirn lioiinliiii i-iiiiuty. NitU
'I Iiiiip In nnw linn ilium ail Ii1 r t Hli-u I I hi
linn of tun on wlih iiiu-n-l ul, tin- rtit uf ten
i)ii, i-r i-iiil n r r ii ii u in f rum II lulir i ril,
I Kit. f,,r whim mini, with Intt ri lit hii I r-i 1
iMiintl.t-r llti u.i Mi.turti vh ri-ti iiiiinilnt.'lllf t)
( it i rennt nf llm tli-i-rcu, iiliilntlir iiniyn fur
um run llml li int. n tint linn upon ni
renl ml nil-, llml thn ill frtiiliintii a. mil tiv
lliKiiiiii.ii, hhiI In i, fititl Iherenf thl Hi mill
tiriini ri V tn nnlil In an Mi I In' Htiioiin fiiini'l
il in-, Hit i Hint u i. in anil- llii-ri-iif III" ilelet il-
iinla i ili'lmrri'il nf nil mil. I ll ttmi lu i-r-
i'al In aiil'i t-i'iil Hum, i-ii i fur utlinr eiul .
liln relief.
Vnu ur ii I an hnr iv nntlllnil l.hnl, vol suit
Huh nf ion me r'-itiifrKil in tttiawi-f nlil n-
t tl inn tin ur In-fin o ihnlilli iJuy of ocuiiier,
I him.
liHli-1 t titri'ilm, Ni'liriiaku Hi utniMii'r inn,
javk.nij nu'nvniK riiuniiiT,
lit W, A. Hmiiiili'ra. hi. Attnnn-y.
4 tine, .V Nil. H.
Attorney, Men-hnnl Nuilniml llneS MI'IfT.
Tl) Kilwlns Cliinlwlck, tinli-n-aliJi'lit (In-
fi.mliin ' l
You sr lirrni'V rntini'tl tnni nn in an
(I h y nf Hi'iitainlii r, lxls. Jiuin a I,. Ilrnwnn, Dm
iiiiintiiT Iiiti'Iii, ri if u in. iiiii m in in in.
r in cnuri. or tnnv i. iiiniry. ninirHaHH
HKHllial l-illliil l'lini)li'U, llm olijecl milt
timyi-r ( f whlnh Hl to fi,r.ieliia tin irliiiii
(hi cerllli'iit (IhU-iI Nnvmiilier I hi Ii, alij
nuun tint folluelns di wrllieil rsl eatali-. tn
wilt ..
I,nl tilnt-iMi In liliH'k I wo (Mi in e.. V. emlln
(1il II Inn tn llm i:lt ur Unmhii, I KumlKai i.niiii
ly, Nrlir-nak.
1'liiiri) la nn dim mi anlil imrtlllcHt thrnuiii
of :!l(i III llli I-.Im teal HI llm rnlenf H-n ht
cent nur Hnniiin from HK)if mlier 'J I, Iniih fur
w li li li ail in, witn lllli-ri'at linn rnaia iiikiiiit
with sn muirni'y. fun miioiintins In I mi tier
eni OT III iii'iir, lilililiilil (irny. inr n in
n tnni li linn M nmi, I mn mi ni niriii
1-aliHn Hint th lli-fi'iiiliinla alnill uny thn
Biinm. Hint In (li-fmilt llnui'iif llml thn mild
iiri iiiirly lin anlil lo ant lafy in no. mint rn mil
Him, nmi i hl nn .1, nilc ihnrnof ii ilrfi'inl-
aula in' ili'lmrri'il nf Mil nym, t tie hihi in
tnri'al In ati tl renl eatntii, sml fur other eiiill
Hliln rnllnf.
Vnu Hfn riiiiulreil 1 1 Hfiawi'f sum iietltlnn
f n or linfiifB inn niaiaiiynr iii'inimr, i""
(IiiihIih, i'i'., seuiniin'r hi, iniih
JAMM i, IIK'IWIMI-,, I'lllUllltr.
My W. A. SmiiiiH-ra lila m turssv,
line, iHi no. n.a
MeriihunlN Nullnnul Itank
II I'ls
A N'I'Sl
Tn Alemntlnr M I'errla.tnl t'liiiiiHj, I'crrla
finn-realilnnt flcfi'iiiliiiilai
V i.ii urn Imn.ln notlllnl Unit i n the
Ih of Si'iilnmlinr A l .tans. Jiuimi I, Hfiwnn
uiiitniiii nrri-in iiiimi nia fnuiinin in nm um
irti-t I'liiirl nf IliiuKliia fiiimly. Nnlirtakl.
atfulnal. A lllk IlllllltP M. Furrla kllll kllllliH, J
I'l-rri., iinii'iinnnia, in nnin-t nun urnyi-r ur
cm ilHli-il Novum luif I'ltli. I-U.l. npnn th fn.
iiiwlii. ili'arrlliKit ri l atiit. 10111
ii i-ii la ui riirni'ina nun iirriaui im.iiiti.iii
l li inirth on-tiilrii in. t) of i,ni rimn mi
In hlnrk i-lKhiy liln ihui. in umi-liy (if Uuinh
nil altimlKil In llniiahta I'niiiil y, NnhrHakn,
'1'hi.ri. la no linn iiimn anlil i-rl llli uli' Hi
.inn nfl I Willi Inmrnal ul thn rinf I in
iii-r rent urr miiiuin rrnni riu-miii-r tm,
I h'.in , fnr which sum, with Inlnri at ml Cnat
tiiKiithnr with nn iiiinrniya fn Hiiiininilns to
Inn iir cent nf thn ili cnm. illniilT pritya fnr
Artm ri ii Hint lihu. llrat lln uinin .itlil
ri-nl .iH,le, llml Hie dnfi'iiiliiiil almll liny
the asm, nut In Oefntilt Hii-renf llml llm
anlil iiniiinriy tin anlil to .t af tha amount
fnniiil line, Kinl ti ul iipnn hIh thernnf thn
fli'fi'iiilniil. In- of nil rlKhl, I llm sin)
Inti-rrat In anlil ri-Hl eatsl, una for ollmi
emiti.H.liln ri.lltt.
You sr Rlao hnreliy nollllinl llml foil mi'l
i-ifh of you sr rrmiiri-il to unawnr shIiI
iintuinii on or oniorn inn iiiav imy 111 icnnmr
I inli il ill Hum hit, rteiirs, Hi'Ltemwr ,
jamkh i BinwsK, r Hitiiirf.
My W A. Hnuiiilnrs, hi. stUirnny,
i mo. hi. lin. t. -n .
The Oiil ItAilroad In ( lilt nifo,
With Dy Ii'tfht Train; Li sve
UmahsO:40 A. M. every day
arriving at Cbluago the same
evening at 8:15 whero clo.o connoo
tlons are tnndo with all linos bevond
This train Is 50 yuars ahrnd o( the
Times and Is proving Immensely
Popular with O naha people.
Oilier flying trains loavo for
ChloHBOaMu'ioKn l (1:55 V M. ditlly
City Ticket Onioo
1-101 Farnam St.,
" The North-Wostorn Line. "
KdaeataTour ItowU With rrrU.
Dni1y ruthsrtli", etir mn.tlpstlnn fnrever.
wo, mo. iiuw'ibr ;-jvitrei una money.
Popular Medical, Sal Scicnca
i Sfnsftlc M lor fmioas Pcoplc-. Mil Boot tor Eurja
I kit loatt M tiuiiitii ih it IM irnuiist. HI I tmi
1 hk li
rttALLY foun cntAT hooks in onc unoc voluml
rsst rNStHnc oist r.ti of ah sosts, sno
past rn.-n.ii isik SRotiT coNtimAi stuthiss, issuss, an OSS massiai,i is mi cotmisiiv
rT ry. wmovtaiNT or SMsmAuii A Gtimc fos thi masriio and sn who non ivti To ML
MMtl (
ITH T X TT? TflTT t f It-lmm of
li'J i Ali 1L(.A
Mnm mil trttrl)
90 ounomoi.
fk 4aamiy f Ma
Hklai trMrrral
I S f pitiiai Th flrl.ln f l.lf Mi. fMm Ih (
rruillH. 1 hrro t Ir.anl I "Inr I'lalr. of t llal a.
SO of l-Hlal hr.rlnrmrnl l If 1m.
I'vlurlltr. ky I ulitf rhulii.r.yliy , la kit I !,
Aro You Well?
(Mill 1IHAI III M rara
ji.Mn Iihi .llwlit.'il.
laa iMtllllial- lf lima r
A,,i .l tn.m I'll Hi r "I'l I"
in, riH'kli aa nf lli' lt tirrllaaa.
li ta .i i-aay in i-r ilil-
.mll lliai lurk fi-ll.'waarn
mat lit.l I If II" I I'aia
rcval-ni'ii nf rrnr.
..u , Mhl.Mnl.a bl,,V ,,f lltantllltld a I'llNIH.'
Iia ,an l i r.-ai anil lli-i 'li'il liNi, a. ll niriili"
rr ...i-rniia .li'i-a nf ..llllla, l iinari ..
hi nu n. I Hi in larlim In wiiim-n, Hi- ,H .ml tl"- .il-
tHiwi-rful I a nf HH-li'iy wli.'ri'liy many nf tli
Ih-iH nf ImMIi ai iMi ara it mil l "ani-lnl lr.
llllW." Hila l:liallir alli-wa wny iiinilim-i i".."a
1,'lki u aalray, Imw litiwllliill-ll li". '' im' pn i
,riil, aliy II will n-it il.iwii, li". llaliaiii liilill-i a., J
tr- r.iiv,-vi In tln "Innurrnl "-inual .larllliis 'i
liiiii'irianl tai-l. tn knuw. . .
tha ri'aiilia nf . mail 1-liaan for wi-.llh, nf nv-r-Wi.ik.
uvi r tiiily, f.lhiri-a In lnilin-a, llm fa 'l lli.l
h-allli la llm Iiaalanf i.allll lint I'l' 'il - ami III"
'. ami i tti-i'ta nf li'.rrll'ln mi'lniii hiiU - Hi' 'i
tr .11 mallir. It woulil b. will fnr uu to llilnk uver,
Aro You III?
TURN mil srnliiiluM rr. nun
If VH am nut HiKluiia In li ani
imw tl laiim ali'-ut, wlial'a th.
inallir .ml wlial'a l I'" 'I'""'.
Vllii'llirr H h" "wily rulil."
r I, i "ill" laiarrh, nr .mni-ililiiii
ni'ini air I "ii llml tin "ailllril
l,n III liuua" III hr-im lilila i.r
I'imihiiiiiiiii Urn .iinin-r )"'ii finit
mil Imw ai rl'iua It. la, .ml wlial In
tn fur yinirai-ir tin- luinr, If ym
Inual Irani "Imw in II Hi Willi I'M"
nun" llm i-aill-r ymi S'-i !hl
imwli-ilun Hi" Iniisi-r T'lim HI Hi".
Ur, may tin ymir l-arlli iilar wi-aK
ii-it la III llm 111' r, al aril nr
lunula. Tln n ym r.u iimkn nn
liil.l.ikn In liiiinliin lliii lii-at
Sintlinit.ilf ri'S'llalh'S V""1 t. tt.. If y-'il
rn full of rlira, l-alna, in iiraliiln nr rheiiuiii., II Will aii'i ly Imy " l""k "Hi'1" ,,
I ,Ti i'ff Hiiriily 'ii I'aii't w.nt In Ik kIihHi" Inal'l
mi. lliVlll,".;,,. i.f llrl.lH'. Sla.-h.r-. nr l.lli.-r (I.-;
llrui lfvi. illai...- of llin-ifi-iillii urinary 'uriraiia, ".ml
: '.. i..,.....n n,,.i, it nn am h llilni'. a.
i.,ii!irrhma,if Hi turn .ml " f"rnia nf I'inila.liiiia
!, llm honk" llian I'V i iiii rl-nn-, 'llm
iini. i..,! wlll ri-ail Willi .vlilliy .11 il Inii-nli-ni y,
Fwrn-iiin-aa, illa.-a' nf wonn n, iirrtiin. Slafnara
iri-la, liaralvala, akin itlar-nal-., ai rojnla, i lr i'l,
frillil1. una linok I ai I nnnr ""II II'" HI" Inal
B"ah la lii-lr tu." .nil llii-rrfurn In fnttif tuil-fiH Wiii,
IZ wr "uf "', II, T" wlm Pint ta fwHn Uiihiilht
tt-kn mil nmniH him in immm nf hi Mttf, '""'
Sf ...Ill ... a tlk lIlM luiL
rnrtf.,.iirtthlliilr will In suawnma tu tli. hurt
t HI. klillliy,
I I 1171 III 'lll"'l'll"'llllll'.l....l."
1 USi'if I I fiialnialii II. I I'l' all n
V Vft- 7J I I') "nwims "I'liiln II
Talk" mi tin i anra i,
W V i T1 w, rrrnra In ill-1, para
L-Jwrisl i'i i-Mla li" ' lalliiil
Ci m'1 ri-Si- ililiikliiii, lli
a.. a a,..! .Liiu, ul bIi mIimIIi
fTTTTVI."' ynnslresrty tntys ".nmnthlnf tlk It" or "(nut s.fnorl.'' nnsdrsrlshsvsi
I JUIN 1 X 11 lil IV ,im.Hril lli.lll I. 'jn-ra((ir fo ffwfr," sml fnr nlmnt nf ill iiili.f work..
I trtKTI'P tjlllfl li'Tllmt till, work l.nirnril for If mm iilrlrifi' tni-t If sml lilllliy, surl waw
1 1 J li X V y.1 1 tvl 1 1 J iii.trltiuiril In i'ni form Ul silvrll iiriiirlliu y mullclni-a,
IMUTIIlirrtM f A T U nf thasiiwt nlhualiiailii klml rmn oil nmnlrim wlmr K'illab lssa.
1 J'iO 1 I iVH il I lii kn, wrmlit, fvn lii.Bi.ll typ", SUM) pay", of this sis,
l!rl,M.'UCmr A T me" "f i'l n"", i'rtV'nn, Hwlori Imnvtri, nUimt, erlllns, ha
1 HUT JOilWiviliglvl,n flminrliiKcihlnraeiiii nl) rmiiiiik.lily law crltlnsl, 4e
POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Plndlng, Prepaid by Mall, 9 1.
American Publishing (p.
Fifty Years
f a
For tho Balance of 1898, for r
t Tho price of th bonk alone at retail 1 f 2.2S. hh WyJSrVlS? sTu w".i
tho irnpor for 12 Q. Bend In your orders ACCOM I'ANl ED HY THE CASH to
1015 Howard Street. - - - - - OMAHA, NEB.
Is Carriage a
Of fVnst YT Want T Know
Tn ot - .tifi.MKtlMtitwrt msjTyi
Ttit Ma aim t- Im ! Itn't In tnirtlrn
Titt nSI 'aT-liiw V Intte iMH ll,Ht
Tt Mt'tiiitt - how l mvHIm it limit ftni
Tut I Int M t liiw l Ik Irtnlful Mini imiltlflft
TitK 1 1 Mt s - luw Ihry ipvsnil'' Mnil iftniei t im
lim lU tutiv- liow ii lift mim! ir-p 4l4
itnw irt pr vi li pln eiwiniy
Tub I Mint iMT Ihw l, nrmin ntil nirrny.
All tm tsnnl litnivt IkiI Hint lent hiiwl worth
Kiml ll In lr r'm'li'ii 'I In mi Ilimu TMlst,
I.iss) jinias, s'iile, Jtfl mI, -lul( gts) rrs-ltir
riktcrs All. I l.lssfet A MiMiK rtN INK MAalt
mi rwtis, wctimmn -rstvsn' ion both srxq
Cwit.liw tr ?00 fa-Mnifltw") l 'lirf Sn4 (w f Sot. turf ttnank lHStt fmpWt I'M "l'' t SM"SI Hki
IN SimI SjWik fit hs tM oS f I
Oil. Ih. ii.I th Mtlafnsi II (It. In IhoujIiNa,
fmHiMfiiw iiW co b inwly ilMnl Itar.
'f.l lnrMHI f k
Ml-rrlal WrB
Aro You Engaged?
M r Snprnt St W SA
I'l. M-rli"l Wall,
non i inirrfi .nn ana
Ho mlaiaka. Il at
y lo ( I Id m
(tlllirull III lit V
tliat II I. WrTl Wuttii
Wl.lli' tn "tm .nn M.
r In-fur iu
.l.,l" lln-rS k
rm l" k n hi-l,(i,l la
ni.l'llntf yuu In alv
lly .a "flkla
Home I .Ik Y-.w
ran M-arn -mKiilnpx
fiirni i.iln-r1. uilaUHii
llm lllalory nf klaf
tiairn nf all klmta, u.
.Ilr-.iiititrlra.tu rwrk
nii.iBrlmnt. snm B.llinia liaif n.aili-. lawt
.ii,l miHlvrn, l-arliarmiaanil , lllln-S, lmii u. lukau
Wlialllot. in nn. i ii" at-inai mi '" i m ''"!'
nf ioillHi'il li.llirn .ml marrlan" liilal'a, Ilia liUI
of l.ri.ailliilli.n, II. ini-vali . .llnri-limiila,il.niS
ri aulia, ll Sm la nf n llBloiia .nit aai uli lam m auli.
iliui ami i-iililrul llm (Inliiliiaiil I'aiwli.n-.11 Ili'ajwUi.
Iiaarn fruit I ul In Imll. ailii. ilillla In iil. Oa,
thn iiiIht liaml i liaiii-r. nn .ilaiilnn In marrlaa-,,i..-i,.ai
ai.. I ,(aifi,lli;- on .arlv tiiarrlamL
iin'ritinrrlatm, I'liiiii-nii'iiia, nr.,
ani i nr rra.Hr v.
niHlm . (mill mali Ii, a. I. , i iiaiipuy mr iinni
aiuliiH, to. mill -i.inlfi'r Man lna' and tu muhi tun
lat Imp .ml loll it ji kltnl. uf marrlaga,
Aro You Morrlod?
TIIFtlR r rh.f.
rra riiallir a'ul
n .lii'Kliif yn
hnw In hi- hp.
Ilnm.ll niarrli i
Klnny niarrlrff 1 i-
Iiln wnnlil fn-l al-...
'lll-r If Ihrt klH-l
inw In ila.l ll,n
i Ivi-a Inrai li lillia. .
.ml wnnlil try tn Ha .
(Iiraiaml una a
iitlii'iain-rra. Thi-w
fiiivhl In r-a4 l,aj
i.ln lloma Talk'
.ai a .In. ul Hi tiu)
,1 1 1 1 a.. ,(. I, y f Imw
I rrlallnna nl '-
ih '.," llm Iii Swum
nn l.i all h .ml avl.
Sit v
nf P"rTnriiti'n., 'Mil llml j-n.l.iin-r. .wiU
lit"." ili' , i-in. Many will flnrt inm li aallala. tl la
llirtiHpii-r nn ti.rri-ntiraa l Ii h I ;, (! m-ai
nf nn l Joy t.iiiiimy . i l.lhli- pair, .I'llni tlii
iltarim-r ami ri inor" Hi" nliailn. Indi ra lla.
iiiiliii""i-aay. for inarrli rl' tri al In. of 'ul
jlv,i--illif lipnrl, rti-i-M, IiunIi r.lliili, )iai,u.l, Mi
illffirim .', ,i ' i-ii 1 1, ,li, i unllm mi-, 'null f'
Haul oni'-n, tin- t-iiiian. Mi, n nf rlillil-niklns, why
i hllilri-li nf ai'i-iiliii Imalmmlri-ai' tin llral.rUi
Iiiahiirl. nu n ami Woim n lualiam In nilk with Uili
lioiim pfifali lana rmii'i'mtii. many Srllr.l
llolia that prrpli-n Ihi-in ami thl !, n all; nrl I
iiihIi raiaml, .ml wlilrh Ihl. In will "nll.'ifi-ii Own.
nn-hut rrmrmbrr llml U i i "."- i"
Mu,f rrwily In nm I' tip for Ibr mni'mim III rrpliiUif
JTM if i-Aiir V to ..arm) klUn ill riury.
in the
Church of Rome
i1: .
Failure? $1.00