THE AMERICAN n a ronto mo an rowist. J I f ttM V?ta-l V im latrel. aftr 4 ltM ft f th N1 iriT kt:i (1(4 tal t Ls in if iiimI. rarldt aa Ctmfcy kn,trif,.it, alia clitH4 lHa r-.t I h4 VMifct u J its Ihi M 11 I a4f rM tiS KM f !. MM 14 OniMtf from )tir .ra I rM thai t half M M tM nf Qtlrni4 e4 J9,'ia., tktl wulit Hm4 a kUr trail f tor r it, M I r(l lt r tly, wasr planta f rnffM M loharco Uf ill 4t Al It tr ilarsW Ml ttHitit n.( and hr4 lh tl of llr1 lll nun14 Uss klptHitllt end birds At taal atriirh lb trail Ibet lbs bst rttantlnnvd I Me M JrHU sy and liHik the feu" l erlea, hrt tbrr waa sirln " feltlilm (rem vlw, and tbsr I fttll. hit ff( (a th hltr rope, myir tin ih around end went feet astaap, Tha latt think I beard a tha beautiful of tba toll 'Ira alnglng to a ropa abov ma. I wee awasanrii early tba out morning ky Ika acrcw ding of lb graan par quirrrllric wltb olbsr blrus In lop of a eneosnut palm. I was 4rnehad with dew, but forgot all a I thought of my bora. To my grt telltf, found btm atandlng behind t kit of ofnitr buab ri with flowara, ntarhlng tha Julry atalk of a prlrhly Par. 1 watrlifd blm with lutrraat ka took tha atalk and with bla trath rlppad off tha akin with all Ita thornt. Ila whinnied aa If wa wera old friend, Aftar Irldllng aid watering blm t found tba trail and roda off amitbward, Ob tha way I ate everything I could nd, from graen rherrlea and guaa pluma to Julry nungoea. which tlaln 4 tha front of my coat, and bell ap plaa, tha meat of which inggeated aalldfw, Tlirra wera alao cuatard ap ', a larga green fruit not unllka traam puff Inalda, Tba moat aton tahlng and tha beat or alt waa fruit tailed pulmo-ln our language, aour p. It la about aa larga aa a quart bowl, and ao onurlahlng and full that ft alngla fruit waa tnough fur a good !, although Hut did not deter my boraa front eating fur. I-a!r I found that they are alo lellahed by doajt. Of tprlnga and at ream a tbera wera to Many that I had no fear of dying of tblrat, If water waa put handy I could alwaya climb a coroanut trea and throw down tha green nuia, wbl h vara filled with an atniiiilance of watery milk, mora than I could drink at on a time, other nula Ihera vera in plenty, but mnny wtre more curloiK than lUlbln, even to my willing appc tlta. One had a dHIHoua odor. I taaled a lilt In, and thought It I I ft t for flavoring randy, Hut It aoon dlolved la my mouth In fine duxt, almorlilng all tha molalura, ao that I bud to llow It out Ilka flour, Nothlrg aver tuud ao thlraty In my life, and v-n after final rig out my mouth I felt for a long lima aa If I wera chewing punk 'r cotton, Tha fruit of Ilia tamarind only added to my torment by at-lllng all y teeth on edge. When we rcai-bol tha nit aprlng 1 fell off my home, for faar ha would gt all tlia waier. Only after I had aatlafM my thlrat would I lat blm drink, QUCEN MABV'SPBftMHSION. fitaata aa ll.e Might in tv, 1m a Mlgbteait. Atbong tba tini.ijf tat docunituta of t i,! Ilrllalu la una ah lib twry raader vt Hla Hirlfblaud'a "Uvea of tat Queittia" Inevitably giggle ovr, aaya tba Mempbla Bilmlur, o tba Ufa of Quean Mary Mini Ilrkkland raprodurea a wonderful iiat ducu asent, n wblrh her majeatr grant ujeaclal permlKKlon to ona of her cdun llra to wear a night tap In her pre, wa, Tbla royal roncaaalon I mnJe, Itroaumablf a a reward for valuahla aarvlrea rendered. Tba ear) of fluw.i waa tha nobleman thua honored. Tha aarl waa valetudinarian and had a treat fer of uncovering bl bead. Coaalderlntf, therefor, that tha colda ba draaded reapected no peraotii, tin petitioned Queen Mary for leava to waar cap In her preaenra, Tha queen it only gave him leava to wear one, but two nightcap if ba plaed. Ilia patent for thla prlvlleg unlijua In royal annala: "Know ya that wa do grant to our wall beloved and truaty eoualn and councillor, Henry, earl of BtMMt, iine and pardon to wear bl ap. ealf, or nightcap, or any two of than at bla pleaaura, aa wall in our praaanca aa In tha preaenca of any atktr paraon within tbla realm, or In lay other plac In our dominion Bttaoavcr during bla Ufa, and tbe, war lotter, aball la aumdent warrant la bla behalf." Tba queen'a al wa affliad to tbla elniular grant, Tbra par ton a In Or eat Urltaln alona eiijoy tba privilege of remaining covered in tba royal preaenca-Lord Foreatnr, trd Klnaala and tba matter of Trinity college, Cambridge, ae kgllfc Aotkmn Compare, Mr, Tbowa Henry Hall I'alna, to lv blm all th nam be I entitled to, la a tnan of atrang appearand, aaya a Haw York writer who baa izd up th Brltlabr, If could mak a marvelous difference In bl look a wera be to have bla balr trimmed and bis face shaved. He Is not a whit batter looking than tangwlll, who la lee bandaom tbsa Oaa. Pryor. Cain Is s balry than East will, who la pot a blrsutocblneou pates oa Mr. Richard U Oalllenn. A Tkrbtrl riMM Jack "Buppo I tacb you to play earda bow, aad then you'll kaow an about ft aftar we're married." Marl "Won't tkat ba tovalyl What gam VIII yoa teaca mer "bWIUIj-.- Uf. tt t. aa a roan v ariitr. tltnklr at a t i Ike tif l l."t., (a in..t tn a ftal tn.lir ff !!: nalMe ftp ' ' Mh kaa .it-4 M e 4"Hi i tk grater r't "f ike mmw reniHrv In tha i-enihg it hf I!ih f,. tt t nt !' ron.iiKirr etmniliDg frM It. t 'a an rad ll will N mt Ifcrnttah d.atrlct aw laer. fH rrkM ad eariiw ih..fn.,thf.. and mkat'iiM kr H'UlatlHi at ahont I a) artiean Iba lHtt anient iuilr tba te f theaa Mhiia frm thatr homae, i4 tka london It baa agreed la raknnaa tkaai wiibta a miia f thmt preaaai qtiartata. n a "t to dUturk Iketr voratinna It la aatlmatvd that It will awa ika mnnlrtpalitf l koomw t -i tk la. iig an avaraga of l. fr a.h familv. Tha rnt to ha derived from theae artlaaaa when ouariervd In their new humea wilt repreaant only a email a tiara of tha interest n tb capital Inveatad, l ut that la tha penalty hick the aiualrlnalttv baa bea will ing to aaauma la maklnc tba change Involved In tha main Improvement, whlih will coat M.koo.oou. Incident ally tba meaaura baa Introdiired a cu rtoua problem Into municipal govern- mont, for lu rehoualug the evicted working people employed on tha line of tha new thoroughfare It baa virtual ly eetalilUhed the prluclple that the municipality ahall reaerve a part of the conatantly eipandlng and high-priced areaa within It, which ar devoted to commerce and warehousing, for the houmng ,f the laboring people em ployed In them, and that the ruunlil pallty mimt benr the diffirenca -tween what the working people can tcaonnbly ba enperted to pay for audi Mccommodatlona and tha actual Inter t due on the IihmU of aurroundlng Innd value. The experiment haa been made there on a amall acale for year paet, with eorun degree of aucccea. The treat citing 0f tn1 wor,, )mv groa during (be preeeut century a thiy never grew before. Modern traveling farilitlee, the development of manu facturing indtiMrlita and the growth of commerce have ateadlly drawn Into them the population of the rural die trlrte, Aa a conaequence the crowdlnit ha been ao great and rapid within them that many aui h Improvementa aa the one which Iiudon now coutem platea making to relieve a gorge, which were little dreamed of In the earlier lart of the century, have, In the latter half of It, become Imperative tieceaal lie. Within the peat fifty year the around plana of Parla and London have been materially altered through the opening oi! new thoroughfare through ciiiiKCHfe,! dlatrlcl In the In ters! of convenience, adornment and commerce. During thla brief period all (he boulevard which muke Pnrit the city beautiful and the tiiHnincciit acwer ftyaiftu which make It th bcl drained Hly In (he world have bei ninatriicifld, Ho, alao, the Thmnca m banbirtnt and the great aunltniy prob lem involved lu the relief of the Thame of the iiiy'g wnn, which It carried wlih It; the opening up of great Ihorniglifiire Hi rim nil congealed Jiv Irlcta, the ci nalructlon of new bridge to accumiiiniUte the ever Inrrcnulng tranarlver traffic, and the construction of a ntiliterniiiean ayalem of tuetropol Hen railroad have largely changed tha face of the Ilrltlnh inetropolla. WHY HISJBHOE8 HURT. Jalittll IHacauiiU Ilia frlnmU' aiorle About foul wear. They wtre sealed In (he back room, and after eihaiiHtlng all tidtlng top ic of th day the convcrnalloii turned on the (iitijert of ho, One man held (hut fhfr Hill tl.i BMnrfM (fl IihvIh. .,n cy pricee; H wa better to get cheap shoe and buy them oftener. Another claimed that be found It more econom ical to pay Waxend 113 a pair for bl, s they outlawed tbre cheap pair and looked better all th time. A third raised hi foot to th level of the table and ald: "There la a pair I bought eighteen monih sgo for $5. I bsve worn them all th time and they have never needed repair and never hurt my feet for a minute," Then Jabblt broke In. He waa on the third dey of spree and be pointed a wabbly finger at bl feet and said: "That's funny, There's a pair I have bad on only two days and nights and they hurt my ft already." A Jap- Kafltoh, A Japan yuuug man of education and social atandlng recently became a waiter In a Ban Francisco club In or der to learn English and make a living. When be asked the steward for his wsges the latter cursed blm and struck blm with a potato masher, whereupon be wrol tb following not to tb club omclais: "Through all thla affair I wa never offensive; when I went there to demand the money to which I am entitled n unjustly enjoined me to get out; that Is ao unreasonable move ment and can not fall to burl a man's feelings. Wbatt Without being sat isfied with tbat losult made my blood boll and veins burst wltb successive onslaught of Ignominious swear. My returning was completely excussble.for to be Indifferent to such ao Ignoble treatment denotes that on la a stran ger to tbe sense of honor; and ao be ought to bave relished It with abashed submission. And what agalot Tba tongue, tbe countenance was not ca pable enough to wreak bla aavaga fury and tbsa rraorted to tb flaal stp of violence, aa though t waa a diim of call (callous ) lnsaslbt to disgrace and pain," Nsw York Trlbua. A Few Hays A . Ha mr!y remarked It waa "Hotter than I" 8b wa wIm aougb not to ask "Wbatr lb knew enough of the bel-weather mcB To demurely admit It was h-' r, a l"Vllewlt th n4 feweal vvaioea vf faiin a a ff tnratiNi nt a aa tvf aNikniiv tk twvP f w4ia are ali u et Ik rlrtKlnin - 1w anib It i, nk a ni-it iif tnr tk dra'g .!l1-lt lb f tf k et la la KmI4 Ik bead, tiiulr4 ty aa lieil rrttwa. la dlvMe4 lut four fl hi of eeraM. ipiftg ike mar liiiti ikaidr f ih tiiy. Ik fi"t una a lllied ,v ib nt ot aiNia i4 Ik !ty, Ik rvr by h wt Ik ! ear. ike wfcot nf the aietal wk mi a ia or atir and richly gilt. deelgned ad etnuled by a tiM of all tamttke In niimiaghiTn Ike n I I4 o b among the ban4omt la the world. we) mt Watae M tUUrfOI. M. C'laudot, rrem h laactor of Kur ta, ba publlahed bla obrvatliMi mad during vral year. a th ln fluenr r wouda on rainfall. II find that the mean temperature la alwaya lower In wood than In th open, but the difference la only about half a d tree aa a rule, Kaln la mor abundnl In wooded land, other clrcumatance being equal. There la three or four tlmee more evaporation of water from open ground than from foreat In a year, and the difference I greateat In aum mer. in open ground evaporation greateat In July, and In foreat a It la a maximum In April. .Wood expoaed to the aouth and aouthweet receive aioat ralu. l'y What Ynu fa a. The Swedish doctor on hi native heath lend the alck and makea no ratea. Ill wealthy patient pay blm bandaomely, hi pmirer patient give what they can afford, and tha extreme ly poor give nothing at all. All get the eajne treatment. The ayatem appear to have It advantage)), but there are grave douhta to the practicability of It adoption in America. It might rcaolve Itanlf Into a almllarltv with the payment of luxe on property, the principle of which are ao well known that a fuuture la made of the fact that certain rich men honcatly pay In pro portion to tholr rcaourcea. MM Marriage In Algeria. A centum wa taken lately lu Al geria, and It wa found that the young cat Arab married man waa twelve year old, and that there were very many hoy who were married at thir teen and fourteen, while aome at fif teen hud aeverul wive. There la a youthful Algerian widower of fifteen and a divorced IiuhIihihI of the an run age. CI Irl are atlll more precocluui, and are aomutlme married when only eleven year old, though twelve I the more uhiiaI age, There are IN!) Widow of fifteen and 1.170 divorcee of tie aame age. A (Jeraer llaateil Ureenlinu. In the VellowHtone Park (leyaer baaln a amall greeiihouaa haa been erecteii over a gcyxer stream. A cur rent of nearly boiling water conaiautly paaac through It. Htciini tlac In pro fiialor molMteiilng the planta, and tha aim aid In the work, ao that an ex Iraordlnnry rapidity of growth I tha rcHiilt. I.eituce mature In two or three week, nnd oilier plutiti grow with proportional rapidity. The ell mate of ttte locality la very severe, which makes more striking Oil exam pie of the utlUxutlon of nature's energy. Vrniti t'unrt t Altar. Cupid played a funny prank at Meg m- lhe thr 'f n,J"r 1 '"' In the space lwls secured a divorce from his wife and remarried her. In his petition for divorce he charged his former wife and prenent bride with trying to kill him with a knife and an Iron poker and that she cared more for other than he did for him, Nobody knows what cauned him to regret hi former action. Tuo rr Off tCntlrely. Flrat Theosophlst That settles It; I resign from the society, Hecond The- nsophlst-What's the matter? First Theosophlat Why, one of my teuants has gone off without paying bis rent and left me a note saying he would try and aquar wltb me In sum future ex istence, A furlauate Il-eory, Wlfls-Albert desr, while looking through some of your old clothes I made such lucky find that I ordered a new dress on the strength of It, Huh let What was it, dear? WineHalf a doxen checks that bad never been writ ten on. KiDllelt. "Ladles and gentlemen," said an Irish manager to an audience of three, "as ther I nobody her I'll dismiss you all. Tba performance of this nfgbt will not be performed, but will be repeated tomorrow evening." VanltlM l-ele, Mrs. Lawnvllle-Whlcb. would you rather do today, go to school or help me In th garden T Llttl Boy I'd rather go to school, "Would your Why?" "Caua teacher 'a alck aad there ain't agoln' to b any." Tk rraatleal BU f It, lb Fair On I auppoa you will marry, though, when tb golden, op portunity off era, won't' you? Tbe Cau tioua On It will depend upon bow much gold there It in tb opportunity. UittoS rarvrar. Mrs. Noear Do you think my daughter will be a musician T Profes sor I gent tay. 'She may. She dU m ah gome of A long-llvd vamllr. Ml U..-o. Our Book r Ctevloue ANTI-ROMAN BOOKS. FIFTY YEARS IN TUB CHURCH OP ROMK," by Rey. Chaa Chlnl quy; cloth, 2.00. THR PRIEST, TUB WOMAN TUB CONFESSIONAL," by Chaa. Chlnlquy; cloth, $1.00. AND Ray. "CONVENT IJFI3 UNVEILED.' by Edith O'Oorman; cloth, $1.00 AMERICANISM OR ROMANISM. WHIClir by J. T. ChrUtlan; cloth, $1.00. "DEEDS OF DARKNESS," by Ret. J. O. White; cloth, $1.25. ROMANISM AND TUB REFORMA TION, by Rev. Guineas; cloth, $1.00. ROMANISM AND TUB REPUBLIC. by I. J. Unalng, fl.OJ REV. MOTHER ROSE, by Bishop J. V. McNamnra; paper, 26a. HORRORS OF TUB CONFESSIONAL, by Rev. R. L. Koatello; paper, 60c, SECRETS OF TUB JESUITS, by Rev T. E. Ley dan; paper, 80c. 8ECRET CONFESSION TO A PRIE8T by Rev, T. B. Ley den ; paper, 30& MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 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