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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1898)
M Till-: AMKKICAN - lit , I SJtfHI i l A4 Hm( V f ft w I .M ' ft.,, .m. A o IT hi MM n 111 I ,t in..', Ifc M 4, S ;in t,,ru"(i''. .... Mbt, I'Ntlli.MH, i,T sM, ! t - - IV4 hi Muf or-theld, ht U It far from Mef rrellaV A (tin ek, WMre ! Wmweter-- KrHltiMil V. Him water. No pvlltltel tarty dt seises lo cWmI If lhy permit IhfBiwIves to be ilUUU J toby nx-n of the Ilk of R.nmv wairr Mil M'xir. rnt hiulil end II C. Jordan rea now put tho llwn condoling each other, both nl lot In the board of educe lion primaries ani convention. i Not on of the legUlellvo rsndldates hestatJ whether or not ha will favor a lw thit sill give Douglas muniy grand Jury at least twice a year. When thit writ of ouster comes down It will be la order for "Nebraska's greatest men' to road another lecture to the highest court lo the tt. The "American lllble Study" article wa not written thl wook. To put It lo thrt language tf Ihe Quaker, "tho spirit did not move ur," to we kept (1111. i When corruption get Into a politi ck! party It It like tewor (ran In the houno i - It can he found everywhere, and Its odor blights everything it touches. If there Is a pepUl on your ticket to sure to vote for the man on the other ticket. Never vole for a Unman Cath olio even fur road eupervlior. They cannot be trusted. 0ing to the late arrival of the man uscript ef "Chrint'i Saoond Coming," by Rev, Fairbanks, the article rannit he set up In time to appear In thin litue. It will appear next week. If the peoplo of Omaha would bo free roin Roiowator rule they must them selves strike th Mow, F.very known Kotewster tool shi.uld be marked and slaughtered at the ballot box. While this paper bai been opposed to the municipal ownership of the wa ter work lyilem we cannot overlook the fact that the plan setim to be grow ing In favor among our cltlzeni. President John Ireland wet at jChl cairo and toon charge ot McKlnley on hli arrival. In hl tpeech he told Mr McKlnley nsveral thing that the United Slittet must do ilnoe It hat taken the pope' territory with Hi mllllom ef Roman Ciithollo votert, prlosts and nuns, ., Some three week have panted ilnce the Omaha Use made Its cowardly and uncalled for attack on the supreme court of N libra. k a for rendering a decltloa again! Moorrt "on the eve of moinentooi political campaign," and yet that ptpjr hat not apologized lo tb court. If worklngmen could realize how closely connected I the question of oily and county revenue and taxation with tbelr own well'belnff, they would be more on the alert to lupport no man for office who haa been a party to eharp practice or downright dlthoneaty In publte aCalri. There would be one benefit which would accrue to the Republican party if the city owned the waterworks. Tbooiandiof dollari which the com pany now pay i the nee company at rental could not be ued to keep alive paper which never tupporte ajtepub Ucan candidate that It cannot uae. i - j Omaha, the falrcit commonwealth lo tha weit, should rite In the majetty of her might, and atrlke down every man and destroy every Influence which have brought reproach to her name. Where dlthonetty hat held carnival, let hon city hn enthroned; where boodllng haa ruled, let purity prevail; for ember-l-ri, tubttltute men of Integrity; for hribe-givert find a place io the peni tentiary; oo ward ice should be tup planted by moral courage; and Rose water and bia Imps should be driven and excluded from every position' of leadenhip and trust. CANDlOAIIM rttAU HMJHH" II U IWUrk, rK.I a, 4 MrwMtrae IVI I Antral IW vattW. liii!rwa WavaTn Aminh sw hIIikkI H lf ttttowfal vf tl iafdiii the ll. setf.f wait It ,m erv the tgrs we ar iHhw4 vhi rcitaM aitthtwHy lhat ) Itttrw trd thriw t Vn rrptt i.r IMIr tfiilv dual MfV awiirl taem at th tim I) at tti would take rare tf that Wenrh t f that ami ttfi Thevflwlvf thH tfe cUloa ha lwrn to pla eveiy ramll' dale OA the ufrr.Wf, and lnttal f adilmlig thtmwIvM Ut qutvt'ons of gix d gorttmihl, Ihry have twn va (tginl In i plaining tl em ilvft to ev er)one thry m r I. Whi-o Ihry n r-t a Itoteoator hemhmn tbry tll one kind ot a tlory, and whoa tin y mwl that much larger elaa of HopuhlU aat who have determined that the rule of KoMiwa'er, Mwitet, Tom PinnUuii, Martin While and Hilly KlcnU d thall come to an end In thin community, they ting ao entirely different tong. If you have uot advlned the candidates what to do, then you have ttegleoted ao Ira porUnl duty, and you have laid your committee open to the euiplclon that )ou are afraid of lUuofca ter. In any event, Tub Amek ICAN expected better thlngt. The lat county central committee,' pretldid over by G. R. Wllllamt, now a candi date for com mlimioner of public lands and buildings; who, as county commis sioner, entered Into a bargain to white wash the man who hae since hcn found guilty of cmbrzxlomont by tho highest court of tho stste, disgraced It self by voting down every proposition which was Intended to bring rancality to an end. Every man on the commit tee know that Moores was guilty, but they rifused to act on the pretext that It was not within the province of the committee to Initiate a preceding that would bring a Rnpubllcan rascal to Justice. When II 0. ilurbnok was elooted chairman of tho present com mlltee by men who profeis to be antl Koeewator Republicans, we suppoitod It mi ant a departure from the moth-eaten, hackmy,d and dishonest cuntutn of trying to find some little hole some where to crowd through, to avoid mentlng poople, who pay taxos, fairly, bravely and honestly on questions which concern them. (Jet tie mm of the committee, jou should reallxe the position In which you have placed yourselves by closing the mouths of candidates who would olhorwlse throw off the fetters of Hose waterlsm, and star.d up In the majesty of ao honest manhood and dodere themselves against the further domin ation of A corrupt and Infamous politi cal ring, You should remember that you have candidates on your ticket whose records cannot atatd the search light of truth, aad by making ao order, wholesale, such as you are said ti have made, do you not be come parties to a scheme to further plunder the taxpayers of the county? If yju, gentlemen of the com m It tee, are to assume responsibility for the oonduct of this branch of the cam paign, we call upon you o an.e all the questlois which have been put to candidates. We eta you to exp'aln, If you can, why you as a Republican com mittee are advocating the election of the Democratic chairman of the Hoard of County Commissioners chrome and dangerous Roewater tool, who bas voted away the people'! money lo defi ance of law and lo utter contempt of public sentiment? We ask you to ex plain, If you can, why you do not allow your candidate for county attorney to open bis mouth and answer the ques tion whether or not he bat made bar gain with Rosewater? We ask you to explain, if you can, what objootloo there can be to allowing Candidate Beverly to say whether be will be a Roeewater tool or not, as he hat been lo the past; and we ask you to explain why you refuse to allow the other can didates for the Senate and House to de fine their positions on this live issue of the present campaign? It will also be Incumbent upon you to speak for 0. R. Williams and to ex plain how the people of the ttate can expect him to be faithful lo collecting the ttate school fund, which will be bit duty if be should be elected commit i loner of public lands and buildings, when he allowed a man whom he knew to be A defaulter to get away with a portion of the state school fund be longing to Douglas county, until the THC AMERIOAN, (iIiimiwumJ m-4 Vl a fcwtvti . wiVi-r a 4 Kit inf e4 v ! tl . A a It-1 uWirtr, IMrStll a'M VM ItWit lU'f, IkH vtiiy at Wi, to saptwt pMU ee e.1'!e' hf tV, eil ek i to tr;t, H ) m r Vr jeu Sf to I If u to il ie.s suit at ihe seme time trwe U thtrtut til Jtta L Witt-r, m long a Mirwf, Hj t watalrg la . . wUh !:. Ur, 1. trtrv-tly h Ipinf In kalfe Vlmr n.t the who have hwi rtnialaaM to suppori him at candidate for the L'nl- d Niw-t senati ? The tw opU will aUdfxwt l. k o from you whpther )im are gving to al low tha li fl ivni e of your cimltUr 't he um1 to furtht-r line the prK-kelt of the K. pub:l(n r y's gnattwt ton mi in Ndbratka, I y inablln him to ro'lin-t lhouaiids of dollar In rental from ti e Unltnl Mtati's govvrnment for armj heai?i(urtis. Thee are a few of the particular matters which should claim your attention. Oilier may he sug geted as election day draws Dear, FOrUIUNISM. Until but a few years ago the true American tontlmentof our forefather seemeu to be waning. This was, er baps, the natural retult of the lm nienne foreign Immigration landed on our shore, and I' was also natural that those same foretgrer ihould cling ten aulousty to the unagns and custom of their futncrlaml, and thu forolgnlsm through contact ha grown among the American people. The Roman Catho 1 lo church ba born no small factor In the oollnlssatlon of this country and lo It may be ascribed the downward ten dency of Ainerloanlam and ntln r rollg lous denominations have followed In III wake. Many of the brightest and bent men that this country has pro duced havo looked dura tho Una of tlmo and have warned tho people of tho danger to bo feared. True, they did not all call It by the same namo,thoy meant the stmo thing, Various pstrl otio t'Jolotlf theva launc'ied thofr prin ciple and lentlment up n tho puoplf, aud all have performed some rolxtiun In staying tbeonwsrd pr"grrMof fr olgnltm and tho downward tendency of trui Amortcailm, hut n ine havo reached the root of tho evil, and what ever they may have eonompllilii d hsa boon ovenhadowod by the action of tha various political parlies, Right here In eur own olty of Omaha the party tickets are not ma le up with a vlow to honesty and compttoncv, The ques tion Is how Ut oaten the forolgo vote? We have known a nationality that was fortunate enough to have a represent live on one or more of the party tick- ets to secretly advise their people to vote only for such men lo the exclusion of all others and that too without taking Into consideration the qual ifications of sjoh candidates, We tingle out no particular nationality nor do we blame any one except tho loaders of the poll Ileal parties, who are blinded lo their ambition for siiccei at the polls, and to this end public poiltlott are bartered and told, They atone are to blame for the decline of American manhood. The war between the United States and Spain ha done much to bring tbo poople of thla country to their senses, It haa done much to raise the plane of American citizenship and to command for us tho respect of other natl nt so that today the name of America Is no longer a by-word. The progressive nations of Kurope ire now forond to become our friends, while tho declining nations know not bow to act. Yet, lo faoa of All this, the political parties continue lo the old rut. Wt care not In what country a man may have been born, or under what flag, so long at be It an American cltl- xen and has cat aside the garmeatt of the land of hit birth And adapted him self to America end her Institutions without a mental reservation. Rut we protest against making American poli tics subservient to any foreign element of our population to the exolusloo of honest American oitlensbip. Foreign lira ihould not be a factor io tho poli tics of the United States! Us the M. K. church In Omaha gone Into politics? It seems so. Notsatla fled with having a notorious rake, em bezxlcr, whlsky-aot and convict occupy tho pulpit of tbe Flrtt church, it goet a step further And invitee a candidate for offloe Mr. Meroer to occupy the pul pit of the Hansoom Park church. i'4t4ie rail le a UatMa a tt tt kral f las M Y rfcr) la to the rr,t that tlit ltg ut ptiUie e4 ftia:la I ! a M. ! Aw.rl. rl'U A" l n vt l.ta U t'4 In l rt Hite almlltrr-J lae Item a Ca'ho rim erh. The Mlhll.i will t iti lo i-rttflt hy the to tsa'hl the I tot a (ih '!., Nee Is the time Iluptl,e a. tl.. Will od dt tt Vol ti.n' H up! t thl pH.r to np p-e il l n ite In the ll.ian t'a' n e rHur H aed ;h at It la a Prole lmlrhMcS. It will ant Uo It. Ithw live and ha the mureg Wi say tHt tl.D M I: ft tirrh did Wiong, and tlml a iHo'l .n or to onen wiii rsuie no end of rm"rramet) and lilleeileg a nil" if u r neiib-r. Tho Ho mans thouM havt a inonoimly of the practice. We th's warning will he aHHpted In the spirit It Is given and not taken a a threat. We do not threat n. Hilly K emted says his cUlm of over 1.1 MX! again! the county, lo allow which It wss nooeaary to Involve the county In tho paymont of over IIOO (XH) with 41 per cent Interest for 20 years, was a Jut clslm. Tbe fact Is from moral as well as a logal point, it wa an unjust and unlawful claim. If the Douglas county poor farm lots had sd vancod In pi leo,Judge Doanr,who was a claimant, would never have started a suit to sot aside the sslo. Hut the property fell In price, and then tbe clamor begun for dno'arlng the pro ceedings Illegal, and Mr, Klertd was one of the claimant who took no action until his claim wit burred by the ttat uto of limitation, Whet he became A candidate for county commtstlotior hi was tho reprenenUtlvo of Djuglas Addition cla'mantr and tholr crcdltur TiiK AmkiiicaN can find no fnult wit i Mr. Klcrsteil, tho private citizen, fo trying to collect hlscUlin by honorablo and legal methods, but when bo ucd his ofll'to a county oomm'snloner to do fut tbe law ami sot asldo the written opinion of W. I). JleckoU, the board's stt.orney, thnrnhy Involving the county In A bonded debt of 111)0,01)0 moro than Itothorwliie would have been, he for full tbe ropK)t of honust mnn and hould te coiiilemnod by votor and tax payor. If tho holder of the out lawed olalmt had not dofoa'od the bill before the lat leglatature to empower the county board to make derd the remedy would have been ample and Jiut; but they knew they had an untir ing worKer in Commlsionor-Clalmant Kiorsted on tho board, and they did notiwaottlie property; they wanted money and thrjugb Klorslcd's pnrsivt- entand dlshoneat course they got It. Of ooiirno, Claimant Klertted would say It's a Jut olslm. The evil door never wants for an excuse, Hut It wss his duty, as defined by the supreme court, to plead every legal (lofente, and the sUtuteof limitation wa a good dofenco, and when that defence bad prevailed the remedy, as above tuggettoJ, was a deed from the county, which could be given by authority from tbe legislature. The gelvemz td gall of K. Rosewatcr la pretending that he was influential io inducing ('resident McKlnley to visit Omaha, provoke a smile. More than A year ago Senator Thurston stated to friends In Omaha that be was going to fell McKloley "that tbe only thing he owes me is a visit to tbe Trans-Missls I'ppl Exposition." The most influen tlal man with President McKlnley is Mark Ilanna; tbe next is John M. Thurston. The people may thank Thurston for the president's visit; all Roiowater did was to sorve as mcsion ter boy to bring tbe word from McKln ley that be would bo io Omaha October I2th, Wbeo Mel, Itedflold, a county clerk, was pressing defaulter Moorei for a settlement, Congressman D.vld II, Mercer went from one ward club to another Abusing And deriding him and throwing bis Influence with Rosewater oo tbe side of the roost corrupt ring that ever fattened cfT the tax payers of Douglas county, Will Mr. Mercer jus tify himself? 0. 0. Irey the only man renominated by the Republican party as a candidate for the school board, ihould not receive tbe lupport of any truo friend of tbe public schools. No self-respecting cit izen ihould support him. He has been a t tin fcM (.an 4H a tim le tfcrre e ai4 4il-iiMt, tl we tkatWufs htm Wt pll ti a !el Ur whet his vnlr wa ;) Iv far ? ths las ptjfra. V r hmi frf t A wjaat the Irr j htard ea if ha U A Psiru-il .hi of A sue! tea tr a vassrr st the JueUrodtr. "vry frUad of ihe pv. le hmtl should ) all la hi otr te d ft ti'f In-y, The pope ha rrfuwd to jllnn tla rar't prtHial for a gonsr! dUsrtna meet of the nations f the wtrld urlll the quodlon of the poM's temxra mwer 1 "tt!"d. That q it-dloa I st- Hi d io ihe mind of every one hut the ii-l-e, aid tf he ha any Urathatla tbe.e (itjs ol progrets and civilisation he will lie h r muted to sgaiu acquire temporal K)er he I hedly tiiUukcn. The World Hi raid has been tryln lo out the way for Onaha's future l io-pu.lty. The Amkhican bellevot that thero can be no permanent pros perity for Omaha without a radical re duutlon In taxation. There can be no reduction In taxation so long as polltt Cl loaders ancoursge hmidllng lo poll tics ani bribery In public affairs RotswaterUm mut go. The Spaniards have a provorb that " a scalded cat runs from cold water." After tbo scalding the taxpayers of this county have had, they should hie themselves at the sight of an Iceberg Tbe candidate who will not declare himself agalnt tne corrupt methods that havo prevailed In politics and in office should be marked for defeat. Now I it with you, Pieildcnt Iilng ham? lias tbo bun of the mayoralty bee lulled you to sleep, while the over burdom d taxpayers are crying out for relief from Rosewater rule? Your b.xim Is being nursed by Captain I'al mor, and he has bocomo uburvlent to Roewater a to loin hit lndlvldu allty. . Tho Irish Iteman Cathollo Regi ment, tho Ssvcnlh Illinois, together with Col, Marous Ksvauaugb, has boon mti to rd out of service. No t one of them smolled powder, but tbat will not prevent Hit Ir going Into old soldier organization hereafter and boallng of Irish Roman Calollo loyalty. The Republicans have announced a serle of csmpalgo mooting lo the va rious wards of the city and propovo to "make business lively" until election day, while tbe Fuslonlsts who have an nounced Uidr moating, will endeavor to make tbe people believe tbat "bulne stagnation" U running ram ptnt, The houe of blihops of the l'rotes tint Kp!co itl church bas passed A resolution favoring an Anglo-Ainerloan alliance, This don't sound very much like that church was pandering to Ro manlsm, May it nover be any more nearly allied to tbe ppaey, Even If Rosewater does not know ex aotly what Thk Ahkhioam is driving at in this campaign, we do, and when the polls close he may have learned a oew lesson In politics, TBE POLITICAL LANCE, The campaign thus far has not boon very enthusiastic so far at Omaha It concerned, Politician of all partlei bave seemingly lost all interest In tho nominees and there Is likely to be tome unsatisfactory public servants folited upon tbe people. Rotb ticket contain unsatisfactory and incompetent men and The Lance advises the people to be careful lo making tbelr selec tions. We know men who are so en thusiastic io tbelr support of Senator Allen that they announoe ihelr inten lion of supporting every man on the fusion ticket la order to secure that gentleman's re-election to the United States senate, Can It be possible tbat ourcity'i Interest pale into Insignifi cance to tho face of Senator Allen's en deavor to be hit own tuccetsor? The Idea tbat the people must elect unsafe men lo tbe Interest of one man savors somoftaai ef the dictatorship of Rose water. Whllo we all reoognlzo tbe good record of tbe senator is It not pos sible that there are other men who are equally capable and honest? Tbe Lanoe would not deprive Senator Alleo of any tf his lerK M h fan M f ttit iirt t tse i-rot-le if Outage eel l-n.!a wwatf thHiM W t4 la Ihe aa4 wvt see The ItrpuhiUee twisty atral ! lave vt"ae4 vew-pe'ie h4 ta't ti "A Ihe Patfra-ui Vwek, al the etraet IHH aid faraam slrw. It It softtettftio inlet to have a untie trrrt and ol egrvtt from eampa'ft hralq tarter. Thebtard if cuatf (nimiwlMloners are "httwwa the devil And the deep h'ue ie la Ihe matter of the puhllt a Ilea of the delli q n nt t ltt la Ihe nrplrt printed la a tmelge Ian guage, ani they are atd to he threat ened with annlhl'atloo at the han Is of the various foreign elomentt tt the polls If the demands of the papers are refuted. The Lmce fall to dis cover any jdttlce In tbe demand of any foreign newpp,-r tbat the peopto's money should be iquandored lo thla way. The language of thlt oonntry and of thlt state la Eigllsh and all our laws are published and all Igal bus!nei Is transacted In that lan guage, and all cltlxeniof foreign birth ought to iwcar allegiance to aol adapt themselves to our laws, Institutions, language and customs. Of late years It seems tbat the tendoncy of our people bas been to t)ady to foreign isn. Even the political parlies over lockgonulne American citizenship lo making up their candidates for public ofTlce, They select this maa because be is a "German-American," that man because he is an "Irish-American," another because he Is A Sw do, another became be Is a Itohemtan, and still another became ho represents the col ored population All this Is dono with out reference to the qualifications of tbe men, but with tho sole Idea of catching the votes from these various nationali ties. The effect hai been to decrease tho love of country and honost Ameri can sentiment, No man should be chosen a public servant because he rep resents some foreign nationality, hut his solo qualification should he his honesty and capacity to Impartially ad mlnl.tor the people's Internals. Tbe toadying to newspapers published in foreign languages cornel In tbe saite ot' gory, and if thce papers have ee hotter cUlm to patronage than that tbey represent soma particular foreign nationality, they have no light tiex pect that It will be gives thorn. Corrections. Io Article III on "ChrUt'i Hoc ond Coming," Oct. 14, by A. D. Fair banks, tbe following erron oscurred through tbe carelessness of the ma chine men: In the flrit line, the word 'oonnonial' should read 'ceremonial,' lotbeeightb line from tbe bot tom la tho same col umn tbe word 'dignifying' should read 'signifying.' In the sentence, 'At truly will Cbrlsts come the second time,' should read, 'As truly has Christ come tbo second time,' Again, In 'When any of those plcturisls got through with this prophecy,' It should have read, 'When any of theo futurist got through, Io 17th lino from bottom la same column expunge 'and ocuntt,' lie v. Fairbanks sayt there are other mistakes but that those are the most absurd. Item Of Interest Some anxiety Is said lo be felt la high ecclesiastical circle In Rome over the coming publication of the memoirs of Mgr. Cariccl, who died three months ago, The dead prelate, whospent much of bit time lo the pa trloiao society of Rome, was known as a man of keen wit and bitter and tar castlo tongue. Ills memoirs are In the same itrain, laying bare foiblo and fol lies relentlessly, and great effort is be ing made to prevent publication. There an In Spain 126 protestantt schools, with 61 male and 79 female teachers. They lntruct 2,600 boyi and 2,100 girl. Thero are eighty Sun day schools. Tbe t'rotestante publish lo Spain six Journals la toe Interest of Prl tester. t religion. Call and consult tbe. most reliable palmist and card-reader of tbe age Only here for a few weeks, Iours daily, 0 a. m. to 10 p. m.; Sunday, I p. m. to 10 p.m. MAUAME WESLEY, 1022 South 10th St. Do-To-IIm for fifty Cmi GiursntMd tohtuvm h.hii awe itroo, blood pure, sot, At, All Orugflsi.