The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 21, 1898, Image 1

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'AMERICA t'ON AMr KUAN" " W VwM ktl vert AiwiiliM brt tWrsf A Hi film ie tbe PH.t H(e llt. vrtat ttti,
I'HU K 1 1 V K I knt
Ni Mmii 41,
Votl.i. VIII.
To the Church of Rome, 1. 1
John Ireland, will Occur
Day Peace Is Made.
Verdlaal Teegaaft nan tfc Jreelt Dr
lM m latrnlrw-All Naberdla
U U Aiiwr r (Jaestieaa Fat to
tat Cftrdlnal, Tie Iftvlag
Place U IMr If Nlta
allot lliaii gee.
London, Oct 3.-Cardleal Veugh
aead of ih Catholic Church of En
land, a clot friend end adviser of tha
Pop, and undoubtedly the greates
diplomat In the church, ha been care'
fullr studying tha religious question
the rb''ipplne. The subject li of mo-
aientoiii Importance to the cburch and
one which the pope ha viewed with
treat concern. He has consulted with
Cardinal Vaughan concerning it,
Cardinal Olbbom and Mgr. Satolll
Cardinal Vaughan takes rank next
the rope In temporal power, li accred
lted at a representative of tho ehurch
to the court of Bt. Jam, and 1 called
the dean of tha diplomatic corps,
From Interview! bad with bit Km
tenco and with other In authority at
Westminster Palace It can be definitely
Itated that the church and the pope
are glad the United State are now I
control of the Philippine and Cuba.
even though It mean a decrease In the
temnoral oower. The pore
- r a
peace, prcsperl'y and clvll'atlon ahead
In the troubled Islands, all of which
means the greater gtorj and success to
the Christian religion.
Cardinal Vaughan Rave the Interview
today In the throneroem of Wentmln
iter Palaco, attended by Father John
on, hi cccbf (anUeal rwreta-y.
Ilia emlrence we extremely diplo
mats and reserved In bis dlreetcem
veraetion, for example, aa folio wa:
"Your rmlrenre, I bave come to auk
you about the Philippines," waa eked:
'Well, what about them? What are
they?" wai the Cardlnal'a reply.
"Islands, your eminence," tafd the
"Yes," queried the Cardinal alyly,
with a touch of humor, "what la It
you want to knew? Where ttey ftre
or what?"
"That' It exactly, you know where
they are," rejoined the correspondent,
emphasizing where,
"I don't know," quickly returned tha
Cardinal, feeling himself cornered.
"Are you glad the United State ha
won them?" wa tha next direct que-
tlonj to wblch the cardinal replied on
lr with ft amllo, but Father Johnson
answered for blm, hastily, explaining
"Certainty. Wa believe In the United
State policy, here."
A warning glance from the Cardinal
out tha sentence In half. ' In reference
to the settlement of the war the Cardi
nal said;
"Wa all want peace. Where these
inlands may be, to whom tbey may
morally telong, why do you ask nu? I
know nothing. I lsh peace main
talned. Everyone wlahe V, not I
Still persisting, the correspondent
"liut whom do you wish to have pes
aose the islands, Spaniards, Cor
mans, Americana, or monks?"
The answer was ft significant smile
and the following statement that can
be read between the lines:
"The war is over. Every one la glad
your commission Is In Paris arranging
terms of peace. May it be successful
commission. May it bring peace. Cer
tainly we ell hope It. It la much to
With the cognizance of the Cardinal
one of his subordinates prepared the
following official statement showing the
poalilon of tha Catholio Church to
ward American sovereignty in the
Philippines and West Indies. While
diplomacy and bis lofty position pre
vented the Cardinal from expressing
Stat : ( r
il 4Xht h vt(3e, -f- wn, A
sentiments hfrasdf they are direct from
the throne:
"It Is one of the pr-ten- of some of
the authorized exKjnertt of loelallum
tt-a Its principle arc not ntcgon!tic
to religion as such; that pursuing pure
)y economic lms It has no concern with
q'lrstionsorcrt eds. N' t pe rceiving the
snares laid for them, many unsophUtl
calrd and un'.ipecting Catholics have
been led Into the ranks of the pnrty to
find, however, later that this profes
s!on Is vain or thi oretkial.
"At best sodallstfo religion iseml
tootly that of the prodigal son who
pausea and sty, 'I will go homo t' my
father,' only when he finds hlmelat
the day of starvation. Bucb in brief
wss the position of the Cubans and In
surgents in the Philippine Islands.
Finding themselves hungry they pro
pooed going home somewhere, They
apparently decided upon thi Ublted
Stales. Incited Vt riot, thay were
heedless of advice and counst I of their
best and earliest friends the Franciscan
and Dominican monks, aa well as in a
less degree of the Jesuits and their
gentler assistants end associates, the
ilsteraof the convent of the Assump
tion. Koclallstlo to dr a-ree, Indolent
a the extreme, advised by faUe friends
they were excited to riot and disorder
nd the most monntrcnjs abuse of their
early friends, the monks and nuns, as
"Atrocities of wblch the Insurgents
were guilty would disgrace the middle
age. Angered by the great wealth of
the Dominican fathers, which was not,
according to their idea used freely
enough to assure salvation of their
souls or comfortable feeding of their
bodies, they did not hesitate to plunder,
murder or torture these monks who
came within their power. Jesuits suf
fered to much lesa extent. Tbey bad
been shorter time in the Islands and
accumulated much lea wealth. This
It also true of the nuns.
"The insurgent did not believe in
the will of the church to protect them.
Certainly tbey did not consider the
distribution of wealth sufficiently gen
eral. The Spanish troop kpt as much
out of the immediate neighborhood aa
possible, and not until the American
ofiloora brought on the crisis waa there
ny protection for the ehurch ii the
"In all rellgloua houses la lurope
anxiety waa great natil it waa deci
sively known not that the ImuicoiiU
had won tiit-lr battle with Hpaln, wr
that the United mates laa won, fcuij
rather It w a question of military
f 0es!cn of '.he Ulunds by American
troop. Then and not till then d'd tho
servants of the cburch feel thatth'ty
were sf' f m aho1ut. personal moles
tation. "While Biain Is absolutely Roman
(lath olio, ll cre Is a fedirg among the
ft irnan Catholio cot angent In the b
lands that with the lnurgr nt there Is
much of the spirit that might makt
right, and In consequence there is a
feeling of m eurlty, In ti e pioteclion of
the American guns, to wblch tbey
have long ten atrangr."-8;eclel to;snd horrors of practical anarchy, This
the Chicago Tribune,
ft' II (Ion In The Philippines,
Advices from Home tend strongly to
corroborate the itatement (bat the
Pope wishes to see the United Stales
bold an) govern the Philippine Is
land, There are indication that the
Hpanlah ISUbopt and the clergy aUo
want the Philippine to pas Into tbe
UnlUd BtaUa bands, It will be re
membered that Archbishop DainX of
the Philippine Inland recently came
out In a pronounced Interview, declar
ing that the only hope for peace and
progress in tbe Island now lay In
American control. Ill presentation
of the case ha evidently bad It effect
on the Vatican and on tho Spanhib
elergy at home, with the result that
the Catholio Cburch has become desir
ous of seeing these misruled island pais
Into American bands.
Tbe reaon for this la not far to seek
or bard to understand. Tbe Pope and
the Csthollc clergy know that their
cburch will recieve equal protection
In it rights and will be treated with
tbe tame impartiality a tbe Protes
tant churches under American rule.
On the other band, tbey know that if
wa withdraw from the Island tbe de
parture of the American soldiers and
fleet will be the signal for Agutna!do
and bit insurgent horde to begin ft de
vastating era of guerrilla warfare, in
which the persona and property of the
friars will bo made objects of the first
and bitterest attacks. Even if we were
to say we would hand tbe whole group
over again to Spain the result would
be tbe tame. The only power that oaa
now tave tbe Catholic la the Philip
pine from persecution by Agulnaldo
snd Ids Malay roMs Is ti e American
cov rnment.
F. r this nart e r ason vo msy depend
uru th aUenceof the ex Hpanlsb
clergy in tho i'hMpplfiO In preserving
the peace titer , notwhhuianillng that
they kooff they will no longer have
uriHruik-il power by ebuo of which
they have got themneilves Into trou It.
They have cotnn to tie point where
they will be glad to help tho Amerlesn
government to preserve the peace and
security of thenuelves and their con
gregations, Tbey are convinced that
any other course will mean internecloo
war, rapine, looting of churches and of
church property, an J all the suffering
, why the hope Is Inellntd to counsel
nil njiirnin inrnui iv icv no uiiip'
pine go without any further ado.
Are not these reason which bars In
fliKCiced the Pope and t ie Catholic
fiUhops and Archbishops also good arid
sound rcaons for tbe American gov
ernment a well? Is not their e mtio
tlon of tbe woeful effect of our with
drawal alo a valid and conservative
reason for our retaining all the is
lands? There I also another relfglou view
of tha matter whltb mutt not be over
looked. The , powerful Methodist
Cburch, numbering million of mem
ber In tnl country, ia taking a lively
internet in tur acquisition of theso is
lands. Of course, one of it motives is
tbatof mleslon. The Methodist know
that tbe opening up of the Philippine
to Protestant worker wilt afford ft
great and favorable field for missionary
work where tbe Catholics bave ft yet
made but little headway, Tte liaptiat
clergv and otber successful missionary
churches favor the retention of tbe la
land for tbe tamo reason. The Prot
estant missionary motive la as legiti
mate and commendable a tbe Catho
lio desire for peace and security in the
lleod,and both ccmblned make up an
enornoua body of Intelligent publlo
opinion in favor of American occupa
tion of the Islands, There la plenty of
room for the effort of all cburcbe
among tbe Philippine native.
With these rellgloua force at work
under American control there would
be more doue in a doxen years for tbe
oon version aod civilisation of tbe Phlli-
pine natives than ha been accomplish
ed under Spanish control la tha last
tbr o or our centuries. With the aid
of K'igllh-pcklng churches, loth
Protestant and Catholio, and with the
t -aching of English In tho secular and
religious school, the ianruagg would
Iks rapidly iprend and adopted. Add
to this the Increased trade, bettor mar
ketx, cheaper goi d,lowcr taxes higher
wsg, and equal civil and political
right, and who U so stupid a not to
ee what a u lately thiiriK for the bet
ter would quickly take place among
thce yellow but quickwitted millions
under Amei lean Instruction, protection
and encouragement?
It Is not strange that Hrynn of Neb-
raka, Jones of Nevada, Altgcld of Ill
inois, Hnllcy of Texas, Illand of Mis
souri, and other debased money leaders
of Democrat y cannot ace ail there ben
efitf to humanity and to our own coun
try In this proposed expansion of Am
erlcan li fijenet? Hut honest benefit
to the nation aod Ui the human
race aro not what they are after, so of
course they cannot advocate tbe annex
ation ef tho Philippine. Chicago
kouk'm roMcr.
A rrhblshop Ireland Outline the AC ion
of tbe Inorah in tubs.
Cblcago,Rept.8.-Arcb bishop Ireland
ba given the first definite information
regarding the policy cf the Roman
Catholio church In Cuba, Porto Illoo
and the Philippines, It inlucdesapprovl
of the administration plan of leaving
the church question out of peace dis
cussions, and announce that tbe church
In tbe islands will conform to new con
dition. He ay;
"When the dominion of the United
State I fully established tbe church
will come under tbe aame law that
will govern thi country and bo separ
ated from the tamo ft it now ia in
America. Whether the ecclesiastical
jurisdiction of Cardinal Gibbon tball
be extended to cover at least ert of
America' new poeeesslon lr, according
to Archbishop Ireland, ellll matter
for the boly father to decide, and at
present no American prelate, knows
what will be done.
Tbe archbishop dec'ared that the
present personnel of. the elegy In tbe
Island undisturbed, lie ha
been.'attendlng'lth opening exercise
of Notre Dame university and learned
upon hi arrival In Chicago that talk
nl aa rW!atlral taUtkt h4
Tfcetw will We we wotntta
Irvm AatevlrftVtlavesttgaki thaoaarcti
I Cuba, IVHeTUeweettie I'atllpplawa,"
he l.l. "Asy autemaat that Ure
111 be la false) asd uarslr In the elergy
lawureww peases slows. The Upaalab.
prlesta will aot aw required to rvllrw, for
the rwastHi that thay, beiw-r than aay
one else, know what I nrwdtd under
the expedition, and raa brlsg
about a change much more easily thaa
any oommlsloa that might be appelat
ed. Tbeolargy la the Island ia made
p of men of Intelligence and taot.
Tbey will attend to their own work
and do It wi ll. None of our prlesta or
blshoiis oould speak the language of
the peeiple and woull be at a loss to do
aa much as the men now at the head
of the ehurch. Yeiu may say that tbe
prlesta of Cuha, Porto Woo and the
blllpptnes will bo in atcoid with
American Ideas of prugresaloei, and
tlicy will be lull to bring about the
neoersary e bange In their own way and
It wilt be the best way."
( allielle I'relale Are Kurd.
The etoend step In tbe proteoutlon
of one of ti e most unique sulta ever
brought In an American court the
suit for irAOOQ c'antiH asalnit
tho ofliulala of the Human Catholio
cburch for publlahlng the major rite of
excommunication again it a former
prlntt of their faith, Father Anthony
Kolowtki of the All Stents' Indepen
dent PolUh Catholio church has been
taken Into the circuit court In the fil
ing of the declaration contaluing tho
Itemized complaint ol the Indi pcr.dont
Tie document tots up In It opening
lines that tbe plalnt'ff of bit own voli
tion formally levered all connection
with tbe He man Catholio church May
7, 11(17, at whic h time the Independent
parish of All Hairitt was organized,
It Is further aaaerted that In tha
neighborhood of the church are turn-
e rous people who feel bound to obey
tho commands of Arcbbiahop Feehan,
helng member of tbe Human Catholio
cburch In the dloeeie governed by blm,
and that other perron rot mem her of
the Homan cburch tt wd In such awe
of the power of that kdy thattbey too
would obey the commsnoa of archbish
op and regard with aversion ftny one
placed under the bin of the church
through the edict of excommunication.
The spcolflo charge against the arcb
biahop and Cardinal Ledocbowakl,
who were mad defendant In tho ac
tion, I that, knowing their power to
nfluence tbe people over whom they
had ecclesiastical jurisdiction, with
Intent to Injur tho plaintiff they caus
ed a letter to be read in all tbe pulpit
of the diooese for bidding all true mem
bers of the Homan Catholio cburch
from association In tbe slightest de
gree with the plaintiff under pain of
being themselves placed under the ban
of tho church. Chicago Chronicle,
Heeularlzlng ef Catholic Hohoel la
Tbe conversion of the Doahlaha uni
versity of Japan by tbe trustees Into ft
school of rationalism and Japanese re
llgloua thought I tbe cauae of much
ndlgnatlon among Protestant journals,
aa It charter distinctly itatad It pur-
pore wa the teaching of Christianity,
Yet the Japanese aro tut paying Prot
estant back in tbelr own coin. The
grandest cathedrals of Protestant Eu
rope, tbe richest fief aud holding of
lU ruler and noble, were wrested from
the Catholio Church in ft manner which
aa not even tho frail tuppo't of right
tbe Japanese trustee may claim. The
Invasion of Home and seizure of the
papal possessions, the. confiscation of
church property by Mexican liberal,
tbe secularizing of Catholio achoola by
tbe French government, are robberies
unparalleled In history. New World
(Roman Cathollc),CbIcago.
It 1 itateb that Spain tupport from
her treasury 117,000 monk, nun, and
other person under rellgloua vow a.