The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 14, 1898, Image 8
Q Nnl! !HN .! OV. 14 afc-at la t V I T tM 4 f'f f ! lWia t tt llt tui all Mat t.,Ni twin r ) M M .. it ) tfc tn-Met fc'ai? t tfctt lel Ml It t.ett Hxt4 ! ef l-m m m IM'tl Haiti .. 4 IH MMI m! m4 U It iiH till M fvl nf Maa,r At IK trl rM taf Kt I Fallot ,.. !. I'"' HIM !f d.l Me a Ik tarn ei-! lit K t itftr,he h Ik ear Kntifii th mkif r , ana him A yt f kint t fni Ik ttm tbr MHM ( Ik tw.f hint mtr( Ik trait, Id Ian tat MM Vy. Inele. law ly IVIein Wll Iwm . htirher t lb OM mip .Hon, at Nil Knt aiR th Ira.., un , Inn l'l4 tlhlty la kit tr M lb ty. ftlihlenett blf I death, W Hot hi!. if hi liriit hurl. Th frallceroa tuM lulu (,,r on Ui rotner, ahr h nxm reiei. Wl.t I lh hoy." rr hi flral Van!, Thry (old him h unhurt 4 full of gratllu.1 fur Mm pull,- brav act. Hihrvlger itillnei that jnit aa h rlaei lh boy In hi rai to lift Mm mil of hrm' ay th kandle bar of cur No. I hit him on th boulder ml lhrw him Violently tn tlf ground. Itefor toncooiie loft him, 8thrlber ulil, h nimln nirf tiuou f. tort lo rll o that h in l hi II between th trrki. Ml heat) waa bailly hrulae.l and hit ahoulttcr apralned, hut beyond thkt h declared that hi Injurlea wera too trifling lo reiort lilnmi'lf III, no h nt hack to duty. Tim crowd rhwwl th pliicky M.i coat Renin and niiln. knd niaiiy paaat-r hy nioppnl Idiik noiith to h ik hi hand. Hi hrrlhir liki hfn on th forr flflprn ypr, nd tiki an x'illrnt rmird. An I rri. Tli pfoplt of Scott TOtinty, VlritlnU, kr tliluklim of ninkltiK a iiopiihtr i traction out or a wonderful IimIka of lc hl h ho bnn found thcr. Why It 4w not niflt undir thfi warm Vir ginia rllmntn a myatrry. Thl nut oral IccliDiia la ltuiitnd on I ho north klda of Hiinio mouMinln, and almut lx Dlle from ttiK mouth of a mini 1 1 at renin known a Htouy creek. Tho iiiiimd I aald to have Vn known to at d-aat on Of th rarly aet'lera, a Jlr. DiuhIiIk1, who, It I alli-icd, (lUroviTi d It w It I lo dMr huntliiR away lm k In lH.'lii. lit. lag to th fiirt that th Innd on which It wh tl( uittcxl could not li tioiiKht, Mr. DnnrhlK imaltlvcly rpfuaed lo lull f tha wherfabouta of tho lea IpiIk". II only vlaltfd tli plar when It wai IbaolutPly nfccminry to obtain a np ply of If" to lm iihciI in rnao of alik tiaaa. Th old man illfd mnny yHr ago and from that tlm th location of "Uanrldae'a ! Mlna" waa unknown, tha old gcnlli'ruan having never vnn takan hla own family Into I tin necret, Itaeently, howavrr, a party of herb dig an vlaltrd ttm niifreiiirnied region fontlngrnt lo Hion mountnln and r dlaoovered tha tout lea inlriti. During two or (lire monlha In thn mlddl of iimmar tho Ice I only protected from th aun'a ray by a thick growth of tnoia. Thf formation of tha lea layer It almllar to that of a coal vein, being thin In aom pin re and thicker In othera, th average thick nea being about four feet. I'eraona of aom acl antlfle atlalnmeuta who have v lulled tba placa for the purpoa of atudylng th wonder, ay that It hn th appear ane of havl igs been lher alnca tba tin of tha Ic age. t'rtil ef lh I'milla! ami. Unci Moae Million waa a ploua old darkey, whoa reading and expounding f (ha acrlpiure waa unliii and orig inal. On morning he had gathered tha family for prayi and tba chapter which ha chim waa that containing tha parable of lh proillgnl on. I'ncla Mo aet forth tha enrfr of tha prodi gal with Interpolation of hi own, In tended to prena homa tha leaaon to hla own aometlmea wayward flock, "Now, llatan, cblllun," hn ald, "Hera, dl young man, af'er bavin' apent all ha ewad and ha didn't hav nufltn' mora to buy him a plera o' co n bread, h went and at tip dent hiiaka dat d plga dona laf, An' ha didn't Ilka 'it m, an' ha want an' aol' hla coat, an' den hn went a' aol' hi vent, an' at I' ha want an' aol' hi ahlrt, an1 den when ha cama to Blniaelf ha aaw der waan't nultln' mora b could aell an' den ha aald: 'I will rla tip an' go to my fadderf New York Herald, i liulierl'i lllriliilnr. Th rnteuary celwnratloD of tba birth of rUbulxirt will ink plat on Jan. II In Vienna and Ilerlln, Tha faatlval In tha Auatrlal capital will ba dvotd antlrely to Hcbitbert'a worka nd there will alao ba an exhibition of fcla autograph nianuacripia. lo lierlln tha celebration will bar a unbiua tharacter, Tba compoaer'a opera, "lia Verachworenn" t"Th Conaplratora") will ba rendered, aeveral member o tba royal family taking part In th performance,-New York Trllmna, The Wlilln (Jueen. Mra. Kmm Forayiba U an American woman wbo la called tha white queen ly tha native of the ftouth Bea Manila, where aha own JSO.oon r.rr f Hn, She will wkiii have four ahlpa, built for trade. ha ha made a large fortune by her own buainena aenae and tart, having been left a widow when only 18 yeara of age, and In almoat a pennl leaa condlllon. Kxrhange, (In lrmlf. Uila: "Tlioae aandwlcb m"n are very auperalltloua, aren't they?" Mill; "I don't know that they are. Why?" 1,111a: "Nothing, only I notice that they are completely wrapped up In algna. New York journal. MAI .Mlttt 1H rM j . tll .! nw t '".. artt. 11 kl. k 4 ef Ki- " a''k A 1 1 a ok 'iiite4 Mtlliiirti bI anll i aeiifc ft n lake tti It, ) .Uf tel ItxW Ikt i"lt . it i m l - 114 It 1114 la leiieHe ant la I'mm tfait. iSe It), k. b lKltl b M; "Ik IWiMih Aflltaa 4imib4 Itiiae ! ttevre4 Ifclrly )r t !MMe iff 4eiait. A a44i-r aha litlieg ft(m farm la fan i bii eutiai e. 14 a bftlliaai e'en ami4 Hi ptl.t eiih aktih e.'in ihilJi i lfig farm iioiih r th Yl Th Idea oi uried I him tkt prtkap It anight hat m value II aeat II In aa wneled teller lo hr. Aiherainna of (lrhmle a, a ho tninetblng el a geologlut j he rerogniled In the alnae a fine diamond. The fame ef (hla diory grw, and a.n tha diamond ter 14 many Into lha ftelda Mini- aer dlraevereil and a ramp waa qolikly foimed. whbh received lh name uf Klnibeiley, Water waa ararc near I bene mine and, neverthele, it a almoat Indlapenaable fur waahlng lb diamond bearing aoll and getting Ih precloua gem out eaally, Many workmen tried lo do without It and to find their diamond In lha dry earth, with tha reeult that a great n umber of the alone re.nalned In th debrl of the diamond bearing aoll that had been (objected to aearrh. Th city of Kim berley, growing rapidly, amm had a municipal council, which, among other thliiga, under'ook to mncndanilxe Ita atreela, Tha debrl thnt waa In tha mlnera' way waa found excellent for I lila purpoae. The city undertook, lo the grent ant laf union of great number of workmen, to rid them of their rub- Hull hen pa." tllO SI'IIINOS FOR UNCLE 8AM Nimie In lie lluffer on Mia linna ami III her I'lm eil lli lilml Armor I'lwlea. Hofl ruMblon to take up the recoil of I'lirlo Hum' great gun are being made In I'ltUburg, Pa. lCxperlment are alao under way to apply tba cuahloua to tha brcnat worka of fort 1- flcatbina and battle ship ao a to lea aen llie force of tha alioi k rauaed by a heavy projectile coming In contact with armor plate. The principle of buffer on the end of the pin! forma of railroad pnaaenger conch I to b ap plied lo gun and armor plate, and the experiment will be watched with con alderable Intereat by everybody. If g aucceaa they will mark an era In the building of bnttleablp and furl. The cuablona for tba gun era huge aplral epilog made of the very beat alee) Huron are aiiuare, while other are round, They are being manufactured In conalderable quantllle. Iteatlea f,leihe. The elephant la ao bulky wa can hardly belleva that he la really a moat rrailem creature, anil the natlvea have a anylng that "an lphnnt'a ahoulder la never atlll." A rurloue Inatanca of their reatleaa habll la given by a ea rn pi a In In whoae ateamer forty ide pinion had been ablpprd. Tli veaiol wa anchored In a perfectly amooth aen off tha coaat of Zanzibar, but, to thn great iirprla of the piiaxfTigrra, the ateamer began to roll. At flrat they auppoaed th motion to ba ruined by the ground-awell, but when the motion kipt Increualng there wa a general alarm, and tha captain m.ide an In- apictlon of the hlp, Then It waa re vealed that th elephant hud In aome way found that by awaylng to and fro all together, rocking motion wa pro- ii in i n w ii ic II ri iiii'ci iu pi. tiMO mem Immenaely, Bo th great head and bod lea rolled and awung In unlaon, un til tha ateamer, which had no olher cargo, and rolled light, waa in Immi nent danger of rolling clean over, Tha drlvera wera hurried down Into th botd, and, after a great deil of about- Ing and thumping, they made the ele pbnnl "break atep," ao to apeak, and thu atopped their dangerou amue- menU amti Queer Maine. Pome of tha name of pi'imloner In th lata civil war In tha t'nliej giAte are ao' rldleuloiia a to aeem unreal, 1'he oftli'lul lt of the depigment con tain namea of bird, plnnta, animal. vegetable, vice, virtue, color and all aorta of odd and end. A mong tbee name ar tho of Adam lluzzard, I'leaaant flreen Hwan, Minerva Hatchet, (leorge Ax, Treaerved Ireland, M. j! Yankee, Mexieo Waahlngton, John Hourbeer, Angulah Hmlih, Morning Aahby, Cochran lloiich, Adam Apple, Ohlnh Huckleberry, Heacat Hbowera, Chrlatlan Kaaierday, Celeatlul Oood, AMiiln rani, !vl llible, Conrad filn ner, John Hoeke, Jamea 1'ollte, K. Uogii. Henry Pancake, and Mary (JrMhopper. Chicago Tribune. Nlavery, In lUd alaveiy wm aboliabed In Pennaylvanla by gradual emancipation, In New Hampahlre In 1784 and In th tame year Ibl example wa followed by Connecticut and Ilboda Ialand. kmancloatlon came In Vermont In I7u and In the aame year In New York, In New Jeraey tha alavea war compelled to wait until lHOI-Kxrbange. True K.roiinniy. 'That Hebrew that died th other day waa Dior than conomlritl." "W hat do you refer lo In particular?" "He left Inatrucilon that hla doorplate ibould be taken down and put on the comn."-New York World. To Train IlrllUh koliller. Arrangementa tor th training of nrltlHb Infantry next winter ar to ba a more elaborate acal than uiual. and eapectnl prominence I to be given to long-distance marching. THE AMERICAN. !. f k i l font eg .!' ! Ik Hil k 4 l t I'klm M' lb Hko 4t ' aa iifniM fui l4ie I'm it) ba (- up l U-t 4 t. ie m ax4 I 4.t i t li f. la immh lib em pit 4 aura a4 nei ta il m' !. (j.ii. b uf j aa4 fc-t i.n. 4 iktil ai lb a"i lei) iIIm, e4 la lhr 'Kill ii-iU lb e4iii laiber ika mhet i, ti.t tbey eti'hn iiiiek ni wt b bl In lb mnf H f tut iba aera well "'a I i ilk gill if iil I ltlf lieellr 'l la b t'fiilher frin fftr tilel of le. Meet la idea ata 'l ' tIUhei an4 deVoled freirr, aed, Ub leg litem all aroued, an female ppn mild l he male W ei I fliblle fr Bir life there at rrMla wnmra I ehniitd mil like In eland opl'""! la leg tindiuibiedly Improve Ih car- tlg and deMirtmenl of any woman lh Ml at Mar. Mulhall. In hi "Dictionary of Kia tUlln," give the folio lug aa lh i ' of a few of Ihe moel Impmtant war f Ih pretciit rentitry. Kranr and Mexico, NttA. I'ri.lHNi.iHHl; 1'ruanla and Aimirla, Hoifl,; France and A nut rla, Hr.n, t:'2ri,0on,iHHi; Kunal and Turkey, 7 77, I'.iriO.INHi.OOO; th civil war In Kurope, 1MX, ,'iO,0()0,OiH; I'nlt led Ktalea war. 1HC1 nr., 1,700,0O0.000; Fiance and Algeria, laao-47, $190,000, 0W); Ilraxll and I'aragnay 1H04-7O. L'I0,- Ooo.(MM); France and llermany, 1X70-71 Il.fit0.0oo.000; thi! war between Bpaln and rorlugal, 1K.10.40, i.V),ooo,ooO; Ihe war between tlrent Mrltaln. France and Ituaela. Isr-t fiO, 11.625.1100,000. The na tlona of Kurope apend annually more ti.nn 1,fltin,00(),000 on their exlenalve armamenia, through fear of war. Illmied to II I hi. The advantage a millionaire h over a woikliiKUiiin la that be may anaume Ihe other part. The woi klngmnii can not play the mlllloiialre. Koine amua- Ing Incldeiita Bre told In Harper Weekly of patriotic youtha who have given up Uvea of euae and pleuaure to work and live like any common aiillor In the iinval reaervea. Ono of them wa lut ly awabbliig down the deck under the upervlalon of an old tar, who ex claimed: "Hy (ieorge! there a line yacht. I'o you know who alio belong to. young feller?" "Hiitlier," drawled the iiillltliimnn; "alio belong to me." On Different Mlilea. One of he coin that Cromwell hnd m ruck wa culled the "broad piece," It wa of gold and preceded the guinea, which ha In turn given way to the aoverelgn. Upon one aide of the broad piece there appeared the word "The Commonwcnllh of Knglund" and upon the olher wa the pbraae "Ood with ua," Thl gave rlae to a plenaant bit of wlltlclain on the part of a cavalier. Holding tb coin In hla hum), and look ing flrat on one aide and then on the other, he remurked, "I ee (lod and the commonwealth are upon different aide " IMnlKiite Traveled When llewillng. Hn It ever occurred lo you to reck on how fur your eye travel In read ing? The dlatance will not atartle you, perhiipa, for letter Inor dinary type would tnenaur hardly more than a mile placed aide by aide. In a lifetime, however, lb average render wend hi way through 2,000 mile of print. The average novel of 800 pagea contalna one mile of read ing; that la, the eye travel 1,760 yard In reading tha book through. Mrv elniii I erfnrmer. Mlnka (at a variety performance) Thoao Japuneae gy rim aula go ahead of anything I ever aaw In ground and lofty tumbling, Did you ace that little fellow place three ladder, one en top of th other, and run up and down them without loalng hla balance? JlnkYe, Indeed. Wonderful! I be lieve tb on fellow could aafely go down a factory flre-eacape, Th ValuaM 1'iilnl. "I'll tell you one thing," nld Mada- pop to hla long-aufferlng wife, "If Wil lie doe not behave hlmaelf I'll give him the worat apanklng he ever had. He'll get It In th neck!" "Do be aa- rloua, my dear," replied Mr, Madapop. "The neck la no place on which to ipnnk a child," Jew of franc anil Their Wealth. According to the Matin, there exlat In France 71,000 Jew In a population of nearly 3S,Ooo,oo, The active capi tal of Franca la eatlmated at KO.Ono, 000,000 franca, and of tbla tha Jew poaea one-fourth or 20,000,000,000 franc. Ni mi ruie. Doctor That' a bad ror cut In your head, Ilaatu, Why don't you profit by tbla leaaon and keep out of bad company? Haatna Ak would, doc- tah, but Ah ain't got no money toe git r divorce. Ill Mentation. Inquiring Kantertier How did you feel when you were being born away In th awful whirl of the cyclone? romluent Kariaan-Jeci about like a fly 'pear to feel In a glaaa of aody water. ftpanUh llnll-richiln ftiatlatlrt, The average number of home killed In Bpanlah bullfight every year ex reed 5,0oo; while from 1,000 to 1.200 bull are aacrlflced, Th Miiat Valuable. Anyway. Th man who can aay "Yea" and "No" at the right time baa th great, rat command of language. i I mi mi i iMir n-- i 4, tt la I ,1 . I. LI I ,,.,.( I . I . . I a I"' s - I !- Il .U ,, .I.. ll . ft t; ,..4 , M i ..,Kt . ). .li al .. , ii.. (. i. I i I i . i !-. ih ik it,).. .i .i.... ,n Hi. f..f ka I 1 . n i i ..i. if i .i h,i i i i f k v. I ' M M. I ll tilt .1 I .!. a-. ii. laiiM an4 ..tI.. a in ria ....t.i ,. S, !) i- fill It I ain-'f Wal lt I ,i.f Ii.,mH (I, tma en i. ,iia aa I .o-. ),. an Hn i.. im., .n lha aum f in J l M iknif rh Ik ... i ; la ll ,. il., ,n, I i .y til. h 1W...11111 i. . wlin ma fimw la I., I,,. .1 i, .,, iri.l ..t annum fi. ni I plx.aii . u.t T .t.f( n inn f I aim f,.,if and Tl H il til l,.n ra i I,, in., i.nhnt ariin a'tii.H. f..i ar. i.f.lii. in m 'i'ln"-n i.., I., ih iliiii.l rmti f aal.l t,iiil. (.mull at n. ..,rifl l"im A Ii wJ In a cj-t'aln a. H.,n Hon ! Ihft wn.lih t.rn In allr ! h e-lff la I'lnlmtn? an.l Alrl.n.l U a Ml other at .l.frn..M Oman N.l.ra-iaa a-t.trilir .. ton Ji iIV W M wV A. i. Whl-flrT 1.1 IhiitnlMa r t. Vl.r.L. W. A M,imi.ira. ii 1 1. .mi fr I 'in in 1 1 n Kenlnr i a J.thmliin al al KnIiI U S'., .. F. l.-k.-l V, tn t'.A t I H W. A g AI'NtiKHfl. Meri hatila NnlL.tinl Hunk llldg. HIIKIIIFK'H HAI.K ' ItV Victim i.f an allMa ,,..1... I- . and oul i,r the M-in, cunt iiii In iiiiimv. Nrliraai, ii n.l lit me illrect I "III. i.ti thn 4th itnv nf Ihl.ihor A d. I""!. Ml tell ll'ilin li f ,,,(,) ,)1Vi emnl liiniae. In the rlly i. Itniihii Ii.hii. a i-Liniiv, iM.i.rnahn . II nl tmlille biic. ill til Hip IiIiI...h 1. I.I.I.. i. Iirniinrtv ilea, rllie.l In ani l order of nle rilltiwa. t.,ll' l,nl fimr Mi. I.hick th rPA htlllill'n.1 an.l al Htl'I'M l!fil III IllM ...lul.,,,1 ..I... .L. , , ,, 7 .'...i.-.i null , ,, I.I,IP llll,ll,.,l II,,,, a c.totily, alnin .f Nehrfiahn Hill.l liri.M.TIv In hn anl.) lo anllafv nrry J twiiiiiiih. rlnOoifr h..r,.ln n. aom of l'iriv-al nml :n.lii ifjiTwi .1..1. ra IiiiIi.iiii.iii uh I1.1 '.im H.rtli.n.l...p w? 1l.i1 1 1. ....... i t a ... . . win ni - iri. 1. 1 nvn lino nvimi (", (,7) i! inr wrni'n "nut ii niiiiie i a nre n llrut llin UP'in nn lil nl. nve ili.a,.i'll....l T'l MfiMafv It... r..rlt... ...m. .. ntil. - nrl art im if,,', mil .1.,Hr ..! hr-rnln 1,.. eelher nllh ncirnlmr I'.isia ...... ...11.,.. ... 1. in.-.,, . mi r-H.i. ri ,1 iiv the iari l riinrt r anld tiriuetna eminlv. alnin i,f Vndrna. nl Ha Heti'emher ti-rm a 11 ik'i7 In a r.i.plttl.i ...,n,. ' : ..1.-" mm inm iii-nii lilt- l.i.P..lrt t niu.l...l. 1 . Y"ii- 1 iiuiiiH ia iiirun MIT end hn Afneiicnn Nnilntil t'ank nf .. .niiiii. nenrnaHii. a rurin.rfit in nf rittilxeil llluliT llin li.u. ..I 1 1, li.. Hllltna. lirriill n r'nrlla ami V..l HI..1 . .r. 11,,- 'T.'l.'ll.lMflia Otiiiilin, NelirnaWa 4i.tiif.rTi'er "-id 1W, '"MN V, M' IIMVAIJl Khifirr i.f 1 ii.iif'in i mull v, Ni'iirnxltit n niiiiiiiii.r afirrir-v fir I'lnlhllff W'litlne Am N'i Itimk et. nl Inr. 1, N11. CT. I p. 212, 2 5 W. A. BAUNfiirftH, Aftnrney, Mrehnnt Nailonul flank. HIIKfllr-K'H HAI.K t'riiler and hv Virtue l,t nn nrili.e nf fin ili'i-ren i.f furnclnaurn nf l,i l,.n iM. ailUll Mil i.f 1l.n .1l.lrl,.t w.... ... t. t. . ciiiiihv, HI 11 If of Nnhniakii, end In tun 1. ' n inn iin liny nr iictfi. A t l ' .a . m .1.1. a n ,11 in ant'l iiny, 111 inn r. n n i rrofii iinnr ir lha emin. Iv m.i.rl I.....M.. 1.. .1.- m i' ......r-.., ... ,,,,, i-mv nj tirtlflTiri, Twittelna rmitily, Nehriinkii anil nf tinhUe HII.II..I. In ... .... ' "' i"i iimiifai riniiinr rnr cuah lh tirntieriy dean ll,.-d In an Id nrder of an In na fnlli.wa. In wll; I, of una li lilnck life ft). In Unmtnin ' ..... .-iiv .,, ,nrilpf aa niirveved tilnitivl nnd reenriled, nil alt iiiiirn in 1 i.nir inn ruin, v. w .rmki, Mnl'l liri.iinfl t' in i.m m..i,i . . .llimi.M 1. 1 1 r . m. .. , ..I..I...I.V i.. .... -, - ... f I BIT .11, in n.-r.'in. inn -nn in ne iiimnrno mm tint ritiij mi fnra liiiliinniii ttiin, i..i,.r..i n..... Hnrilninlii-r ?7ih Ht'i? i n. ...... .- .. i ...,n n,.r iininim, inwei her WUh n fllt'irtiev'a fee nf Inn d'llllira, which ..i.i..i.ia urn n tirai Hen im iilmve tin r l IikI .... m 4.9 II.. 4I.II.....I ui... . m . ,p in, r'lirn 1 WIP" ff-rr-fKlMflf h'-rfln iUt pitm uf v,fh Ifiutflrffl nff1 ' ' iF-T---ii mi irirv rill" 'IT IM'VPfl 7t Ufr fit fit fw.r aiiniiin 4. L'llil lfllnt-.,a. jl.ha..... a. .a .. 77'h, IVI7 ' n.,Mn, To ntltifv Ihe further fn f Thlrlv- nvn ..nn ti " 1 f.iDTii 'iniiiira enata imrein littfi.fher -lh nenrnlnif i.nkla n.........1l . In a Itidvmeril renilernil t.i itm ,n.ii,i eniirl nf anld Ihinlii eimnir, nl Ita H"0 Inmher leriri, A, i 1f7, In n cpfliiln nn. tlfin thf.n nll.1 Itinrn ... .1 1.. u,....... .Iiirriea I,, rirnwne la riltlri 'ff nnd Adeline . miiH-fi iirni i.riiff. wi'tinnr-h her hiialnitid end Alfred If I'nrealriek' and l.i.n.ili U 'I' I. ....... a ........ . larnl "lain JlimV, era ilfi'ndiinla Imled m -rri.ttiri. Nehraakn, Atmuat Willi, A, I), lie. jaiiv w M'fi.iVAr.ri Hnerlff rif limiiiliii (iiiiniv v,.i.pMHt.H W, A Kiiiiii'1"ra Mliifimv f'ir f'litlntlrT, Hr'iwna , Mcfiiliinh ef, al. 1 inn w, ran, , SIS. W, A. gACNfircrig, Attorney, Merchant Kallnnal Hank, BUV.Mri'H gAI.K. f!v virtue i,t an nriVr nf anle laaunl mil nf ihe dlalrlil enurl fur fimiflna ennntv V..I.F..L H .. .. .1 . .1 t . . . . t f . . 1 ... .,, ,,,, ,,, ,,i, -ifT., , will, nn lha lh duv nf ficlnhcr. A II. IK!i at Inn n'clnik A. M nf anld day al Ihe Knat frnnl ilfinr nf thn f'nnrl Ifniiaa, In the Clly nf fiiniihn fimivla I'mmlf Ma. hraakn antl nl puldle aii' llno In Ihe Ma-h-eat hldiler fur enah, Ihe nrnnerty rtn. aerified In anld ordr of ante, na fnllnw, In wll' Th weal twenty-fly fff.l feel of l(i Inl iweniv-lhree f ;!,. and inn t ,,wn- nip 1.1 rnnen n, imnelna f'mmlv, N- ruakil. Iieln n IWMilv flva (2M fm.l atrln nff the wel ahln nf Tn Int ?1 (11 e lled In I I'll, enlendlnu frnm 'Ireen fnr Vlnlim) Hireel In lliiulevnrd Ulrenf Alan a alrl'i nr nllev Iwnlva im fnnt wide frnm Nnrih In anmh, end iwenly five ir,i riilinltn frnm anal In Weal and nltiilt Iriar npnn Ihe nnrlh aide nf Tnv Inl ntiv.iwn 1 1 rnrrneriy a tmrl Of Tm nl twenlv-lhree (in In anellnn SI, (own- nip r., rimire u, rmiir'n r'uunly, Na- rnakn, rinltirr between Ihe ehnrih nrnn. env and thai nwned tiy (be fnrrientar I'nner f'nnitienv. Alan elrlp nr alley aevenlv-flva HM feel In lenalh frnm enal In weal, and alumina' titi'in It lha amiih aldft nf la Inf Iwelva flJi ffnrrnerly n tmrl nf Inn Inl twnlv-lhrea In el Inn M Inwnahlo 15 rnnri 11. Tiniielna eminly, Nehrnakn, end Iieln (nal anuth nf Ihe church firntieriy and nnrih nf thnl nwnnd Iiv lh f'nriienler l'aor eninimny, in lha env or iiinnhn, aa aurveveil, tilnl led and reenrded. all In IimiBliia cnimv. Hlnle tit Nehrnaka, H11I1I liruiierly In he inld In antlrfv Jiimra I,. Ilrnwne, filn thl Iff herein, lha aum nf Knur llimdreil and eleven and .11 il UlliPii duller jiulameiil and inter a t hereon nt ral nf len fl'n per cent per annum frnm February 7lh, Iweij To aallafy Ihe further aum nf fine (Inn drd and Knrlv-ala nd 41 -1' (IIMIM I lira enal herein, tnicnilier wllh arcm. Ina cnala, aeenrdlna In a jiidament ifii- (leteii tiy lha uiairni eniirl or aald linn. Ina eminly. al lla February Inrm, A, Ii. Intel. In a eerlnln aeilnn Ihni and there pendlna-. wherein Jiimea I,, llrowne la iilulnilff, and Jeremiah '", Wllinu, ivrliu J. When. arienler I'nner ('nniniiiiv. a cnrpiirnlliin nrannlsnd and ealatlnit under thn law of the HmM (if Nebraaka, and olhera ar dofendutit Omnha, JSebrni-liii rtefitemher Znd. Kill. JOHN W. M'lifiNAMi. Bherlff nf Imiiala eouniy. Nehrnaka. W, A. Bniiti'lera, Altnrney, Ilrnwne v. Wllcn al al. ItiM ket CI, Nn, 1.11. II. Krtrrboay no. Ceacareta Candv Cathartic, the moat won derful mnliral illnenvcrv of tlio a'i, pica ant anti rnfrealnng to tbedaale. eel ently nil iKa lively on kldueva. liver ana Ixiwei. rl.'unalrier Hi" enlirn avab-m, dlaie rnln, cure heailaohe, fever, liabituiil rnnatliutloo aim tullouanna. I'leaan buy anil irv a boa of C. C. C. to-day; to, &t, f0 iima. hold tod guaranteed to euro by all drupgirt. (UT PTICE Q00$) T-jaVa ea-l V-l avTa aV 0SJ 1 aVam V 1 icrca a jjuuiv uaiy ami , m a kw wvn torn tin cl iU IWtl jt t '" Vw tk A i geanl llileg. ft . i . 'r,," tin h tr iil Li if a V Ihey ' cpl V for 40 I,. . .. ... a j AM a.vM VVT J hnnanaef enaalblll,,, I. estate. nrarMri,,;',',;' " mwu M . A BRIDg rHOM TMI BUiM. O. H. II. IKHIMMI. A TVilr nf A utnUn tt'-, Ttitaatary na ami hn ua Kili.a a i.amf aiirl raiitaitvertw-iumtiiliinnta. 1 lipra la nn la. a i.f lltrtllina ilia. Utalli aUtialliMia tlinaialirait Ilia laaik, Tha a h..n M.irT liaa III- anil m.Hlitn, palhHIe and bi.lli nnia aiiiiallmia fnlli.w ra h ittlinr In r.lil . ., auu a haui.r anil aallai tm but ui.Uk-l Mi. II la law tnaltiitf laaik frnm enrrr biinver. TICKITNO. IS4T. V, rKt YS ADAM. riWralnt Tlila la emnanllr lata nf the wnnderriil a ).ii. A marl, an lii Miilin. II. .w ha n.ailf ai.iaw in thraa nar, ami wnn Ilia haml ml Ihafalri armallia, liy lha aid uC la kat HMf, la atranga aturjr u( halilahlu aliU uwl iiKk.aud luakaa liilfrillint reaillii. , FOR THI DCFCNtl. "f 1 t.. tA ttJKotf. Tlila la nne of lha beat anil meat tnterantlnf Work nf tin- Mtiiiixiaamliiir. Il I. a il.-im ua ami Infa atnrr, wllh il.p miratnry t lnvarly uurmraUHl La kllllul wnrk. H la nf llirllllu InU'reat Irian la-liui(ii( tuaml. IMI ma uf clear iym. fNOTt! Till! I'RICU-One liook, 10 cental Thret bookg. 23 ccatgt All I Ive book, 40 cent, po.tpald. e Thea prleea art f r .,,(, ciah with your order. Itomlt by llver, 2 cent poata.'u ktaiu.ii , I. o. or Kxpio money order, or bank Uraft. Addroa, CUT PRICE BOOK STORE 1615 Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB. . KKHUN KH'II, Alliitnej-, r, 8. Hunk llldlt. NO'IH'K: Null, Fuller At Co., ilefeml H nl-. Vi.ll Will t.ikn llnllce Ihlll nil thn lat liny nf Hfptctiihcr, M. .1. Niiylmi tiled hla bill 'if illl tll lllliia In Juallce l uiirt nf W, A Fnnler, H Junlie nf the I'eaee In nnd fur ImiiKliia ciiiMily, Nebrnakn, naiilnat )nil, Ihe anld ilefeiiiliiiila, Ihe nl (-! nnd prnver nf which lire in recuver JiiitKinenl iikiiIii-i vim fur ihe aum uf iiiik hiiuilri'l nnd furly itiei'mi itnllura, Initellter wllh Inlileiil Ihi reiiii friitii Nnvetiilnr I.", I!i7, nl 7 per emu i-f iiniiiiin it ii.f thnt nl the lltrt" nf lllluif nf anld bill nf piirllruliir Ihe iilnliilirr Hied nn nltbliivll fur nn ur iter nf nl tiicliitii-tit na pruvlded by Inw, nnd Ihiil a ild nrder nf nltnchmeiit wia laaued nn the aiinie itny nnd levied iitiuit eerlultt ahiir.a nf alnck 111 Ihe I In win Imrt ('i.iiiii.iiy, the pruperfy nf ynu, Ihn anld rtefeniliinl. Vim nra reiiulred ri Hnawer antd bill nf piir'li ll'ura nn nr In fnrn Ihe h'llir ll' l"i a in. h( the uih diiy uf November, A. I, IV. 1 3. NAVfi.V flninilff. tiy Milan ti filch, Attorney, The prleat doea an evil day'g work, when h gla g child to go to th paro chial aehool. Omaha Express and Delivery Co., J. L. TURNEY, Mgr. H. H. HAYfORD too Tro. MilVlr.a and lliil.l. annf..aa ia,.lf .1 .,. n. aid pucea f'lanii wiiivlna apenialiy lllalia..!.. ill lutltm .u nb .A u lt I ...... .1 mw. nil if an I fLffiif . Carry alia for ulcnh:. Office, jio North 16th Street. Tcfhonv 1203. The New Union Elevated It runs on VanJJurcn directly In front of the - Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Station , ,. m . w .m.iii. ... .,.. n.iir.n, II J I II a aaw Dillon Klemieii ,iip, ram li ai f pari of lha clly i nr. f a ye cent fare, can be Inker! l..,... I- .. I initiiaillnOly m any of th lrn lU.rm In llie uin iiiwn iiiairn !, All riana'eil Train will fup al .tba "lUtr lalaiill" atnilnn. Ti alrta avnra f..l.nil 'I'hn.f fuill I I . Ik. .. ,...M t.i .. M ..... ,t ...... . ...... w . i. r "r. .,ii ...r i iit ria " in hi uoirj IC." If ("ill will aeod a I cent, aiamp f,,r poain aia will n.ll u . ,.. - .. . ..L ... . "... f..., v.'.t n ....... m ff w inr'l any a vinw ef 1 hlcHtfii, Jul Uaiied In cnlora, uhlrh hnwa yu )u.l what ynu want tn know about - 'in., am arm ut- nnw ifiniii ail' r.ievaijiil ay a I in, I Ina iriap ynu ahnulil have ahrtlier yoi, live mil III llta.'lta and aia.f f a. ....... i. or whethar ynu live In ( blcayn and you of your friend i-riii i n, pi t n,ain( irtu. , tm t JOHN HF.flAHTIAN, O. P. A.. M"f ( Ii caao Stork Evtt Wrltun. Joit t well yem rteegtf fo ttlber 1 In laaik In I"(H t'lmlleg el fi.f ' ' Mern'V. la ir m.t - hewr ln irtVtl l ka thag if inl'V n'l'V. ar lor 31 iMtrg at III rila fr rtf y. I taall. 1 tA akkual LLi tfttlt INiatpala, Ibrr Wiiii 111 I ft i... 1... . .1..!!. 'nml m 111 I'l la iimiiai, .iOJOkl TOW'tl Cglt ) , life kmt Ike Unit, lit Hlhl.lM tit.t- HtH ainil a. Mat . I tv.p im a.aH.-v-i a.a vbmiaHir, a - krintaa) la ilnae, mflal4a Itw, an 1 l'fl. an. hanarn a 1.4 MnaltfldatTL and iuiiiu Itnaily al laiya pa, Qoggki ,., trift.Mkf rgraffn f (.il. nl nnfl A4rlir tm lie an ba. "Uin.n Vib" la aiiknni a.a.M it.. Ihi ... .. ,r u annnnaa 11 naa nntipantaf ntn twa - lk tu.. 1 una) ei-arfm I n. la t.n a 1 abia " auk I Ii "h aama Im aatnlmvnrinal Ihnt! mntlralfipta aai W ( rtam-t, .r II la a Na h niil A( " !" WiJ. aa4 thi-t rantnalin.a n biah A A " r ! I It. la Titra. II M 1 F"nal la 1 Irnr, rralal4a Itw, an eaal tmmr, ennt aiar aiiwi.w a wnrka, II la aa atarilin, enaliir an4 raai'lnalliia aa lha . j..i. ... u 11 t.. ... . Haaaalf1. ami .Ipala with tl.a .u,J..f..l .i... . tiiiiii r.naii-iiniaii im a n.iiaca 1.1 II, it.,,,1, , natfj.n tt...nnifi t rit-Mwi nmr and aifany Whafis 0cr Than Qold ? Hpaltha 0mm Allf. Villi It r o k e ii I n lleallhr Haw ao i im, d GEE WO and TNV lit wonderful IlKMKIilKn eoinpiiaed uf Koola, llnrba. futln, llnrka, hm Klowera. lie liaa over ftfrno diffi rent kind in pre a rib from and curra all leanner nf I (IIIUMO liae.ara, inch llheuniwllaiii.l alairh Kltlney l iter. IHa. Her. Mlniiiaeli I rmilila Allim. Tlirnat ami I. nn 1 rnublea lnilleallii, llyapriKla, aii'k lleailMrhe f'enml Weakneaa. I, oat Hanhoinl, Aaiaiiii lirlnli'r, mnl all I'rlvnl lllaeaaa, All eaae auRratileed nr im ney refunded. fJOMNIJ bTATHi! VHf.tC, Call no ur wriln enclinOn (lamp fur bixik and blank. AdOwaa, . DR. C. GEE WO, fl i . I n. taih at,, ovtAHA, n.ii. . . USE . . eWER90BLEBR XT ED SOAP A alt your Oror foe it and 1 b doe not hav It, CUT OUT thl advortl ment and hav him order It for you, W manufacture tba fotlowlntr brand; Pure Family Soap, Floating Soap. Pure Castile Soap, FRIEND " Sawyer's FOR SALE BY HARRY C. SAWYER, ISO Itfubcn St., rvcifiao. PITTBBURQH, PA. ni-Htern Aitni Addrrn. Sawyers Soap, 1610 HOWARD STREET OMAHA, NEB. r . . ... ; a fOH IriQIANTEKHI I flRV THE CHEROKEE STRIP, OKLAHOMA, FT.8MITH LITTLE ROCK and HOTSPRINGS. ARK Met OIIIm, , I, (araif (k an, ririiM u tin a nv ta khtu w tuaai naiiiMD p M r Waft (JOit l...i.i, i WmiTi.Uliniiii fH.l n.l.,,, t.Miii. I. l.i.r, (,,i,,, ,,, S Hlm"L""'A"' '- '' Mala lli.aa ( nninn-X.'.'..'.-.'1 "a" 1'fl.a, ( . n.ifi,iwif iaawaaaaa...rii, ,"") "arania-f. i...' arartll.1 Il "li".' '""M llann-ftaa autat liaa $m1k&:mv.m"&v't!"-....... W Will Sell You HIGH inAf aim wai rk DflAUC DlblbLtt rod List Moitr THAN Ml OTrtfi 00I8IM IN TNI rV0l.l.4 You Bet Till Profit. J:Z.Z aaaaBaa-aa nf airart frnm tha Man raetanm. ! full lira tadi or Cnt Modal from aia.oo oo. ooo aaootut lalt aaar frual laat .man t youf OWfJ prlca from IO.OO UDf lnipita aaialari of llwrolai aavd InnUifa frmrn. WaflpfarblffWlfrroaBaaU nywhaea without on can! of monay In da vno. nrae-r an rranrai aaarirnii an Ouarant Tnm ror Two Var. AiMeaai VI0T0R MAIIFACTORINI COI'llV. ItafA. 427. ttt 297 f rfia ., CKIcmo, Mia. . . 110 a V ntflfftl'J SHW(lt"t lJHin l