The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 14, 1898, Image 6
THE AMERICAN, aw a m at,, 'fa t-. At it4 I mt-t An tin tin t (villi a i tt fit- " A i k -. i .i ;, H I .- ytf',htiM U f l !-.- tg ho t ( ,t t l"'"n"i ' t. ,M A ( I :mt ) oimi MfN U . ., It ., !' t ...i .-r tifc. f Ktf t t .. jW.tlfc HO .(- t W ? . " ." mi iit tm kt ' V ! ( t wh, M .( Ik'm, S sfc ! !t H ), 4 , j lfcfrtl. tt m ; r tinit t )n tv inl t t rtn,.vt, WtiknH IfiJiH J l!k a lc ni I h . i :.v ' making ) .! frktH m(T. IrnfV bstj ll lug tl ' -A I ba nmisiJ .alt vf 'I twiHet the Ml 4 toitreelf. huSd hii fcjr the bin iriii.Hl m the sr i arm WnnV tn.1 In Ittitertng la rP ftim (fiir band the Mat la ilt iaJ r iha bud wir." h ) I hooting a few dajr ltr wlih Mhrr ft lend I fKtnnte enmuk (i mat kxr shot oa a wisvltwa. whl h mm the ground wlih the wing unbroken The dt caught the bird, which had at tempted to By after li (truck lb ground. I look tt from ih dog a month and, awlni lt ni fr unbroken, I Mrmlni-J la mkn h Ir.t then aad hr. After tolling my frlomt what I waa nhmit to do, I hold th bird by IU kill at arm'a length and tha reult wat that It mat the whlntle thr tlmoa, arh tint by necuilng a rotary niovt 't of the wlnga and bwly whllo fliit Hrlng. If any aportaman doubt thla atatement I wlh he would do i hav ood and all doubt will b dlrtplled from Mi mind aa to how thla enchaut- log w hlatla la produred. . 1 ft ' . . ' t t i a i 1 in . ...I i : l tin t I 4 V ' ' 1 t- t tit t t M ' fiflv rP U br . d at ' ' :i )rat!tg l-l fHf !! ! W !!llt tl(f t. M htl Tt tri "'"t 1 a b h, im wr k f. r tbe lrr al Hut ki tn t rmii I and Muni twtm. The I .at pilau itetrr tiarl withmit bia ife.iah He Hit tt with Kittled water, and in the morning ran roand a pint nr mure of water rwlrd by evaporation tbmugh the unglared rlay. 1hl prtt loua fluid he doe not warn on ttnwitlafied thlrt. Taking oft the lung while wrap and tha pier of rlo thai rovera hi head during a'eep, the native pour the water over hk head, ne. k and hand. Tha Euro- P-n, wiih all hla Inatlnrt f,r cleanll- ne, eek flret to rellev hla over- manterlng thlrat, Thera are In Kgypt aa many thlrta aa plague, but tha duet thlmt t the womt. Every port I aealed; the throat I a lump of dry flay, and one feela what It mint be to be a mummy l,ondon Standard. I- li -! t..-t ,. I f .4 I ' ' ' t 1 ' i - ... f 1 - t !': j. . on, Ui !. I f..4 I u -d m (.iiltrl Tif ttst a ft i i a ni 4 r-l ' " I t k,I nr gmxkd. w.t p ! !: IcttftK rt bth t'hW ai4 dimtntlltn, laHt !. iiUtt .:sli ,f lt of rt tt.n Kl Bd bnp at Ike m laetieg tot tH4 WimWIk. A Rimh frit warn Htird at ! t vety Niotbrr know how mm a faa'rr the fmd itxllon if a almklng weat than the upprr pari. He-aipla( taking with feet rut frmn tha trg of old onea wa never aa entirely at- tefartory etppdirnt, aa tha aeama were unromltirtable. New aeparat feet may I bought, ready to tw aewed to the Irga of worn atot klng. Thla I a "H'Bi whl h few mother of large fam ine will fall to appreciate, Tha fret nay be had In rotten and merino wool. The former are aold at ten rente and be latter at fifteen rente per pair, reduction being made when the feet are bought by the half doten palra, itefiUS? jlDO YOU !:',, I pilillH Bishop mm - ; - Our Book WANT . Coxc's lAMms Satolli Letters iLMi ruin Tho Jesuit Party in Ainoricau Politics Exposed and Expounded, Win it intra of rigl.t iHtpn wriltftt ly tUSlIUl A. CLKVE LAND COXK, of HufTalo, Nt?w York, to th l'apal Al.legatc. Tills litllt jmintihlft cimUim 72 pugei of etcelletit patriotic litfrature. CtloU, Price, 20 Cents per Single Copy, postpaid $10 per 100 Copies, I O. B. . Karope'a KleHrlit Rallwaya. There are now 560 mile of electric railway In Kurope, an Increase of 125 mile In one year, The number of electric rare ha lncreand from 1.23 to 1,747 In the nne time, Germany haa 850 mile of eloctrlo railway and 167 motor car; France hn K2 mlla Bd 125 motor car; (Treat Ilrltaln hn M mile with lis car, and Autrl- Hungary 45 mile with 157 car. Then SwlUerland, Italy, Spain and Helglum, In the order given, while Kuaala haa! but one electric line with alx mile of track and 32 motor car, rortugnl cod the list with one and even Ightha mllca. Of the UltCuropanu line 1 are overhead trolley, of which there are 35 In Germany, 12 In Switzer land, 10 In France, 7 each In Knglund and Italy and 6 In Atmtrla.llungnry, Us. Of electric rallwaya with under ground current there were but three at the beginning of thla year, one each in England, tlermany and Hununry, Nine line are provided with an Irnrn lated central track, through, which the current U conducted, eight of thena line being In (heat Ilrltaln and one In France. Tha remaining eight line are provided with accumulator. Of the, four are In France, two In Aim- trla and one en. h In Ungland and the Netherland. A t'lilnea I'ormatlttlnn. A tory which, If not true, I not badly told, appear In the Ronton Tranncrlpl, to the effect that whllo the bark Cape City wa at Hongkong Chinaman waa engaged to paint the necessary nme on each bow. He produced on one bow the legend "Capeclty," without a apace between the two word. Then he noted that the "y" waa nearest to the hlp' atern, and remembering thla fact, he afforded an excellent example of how eeverely logical hi race ran be; for In a little while he had painted on the other bow the atrlklng permutation. 'Ytlccpac," to hla own delight and the crew'a amatement. Refaa IndlwRahber, Goodyear a great diarovery of the art f vulcanlxlng India-rubber needa a upplement In the nhape of a proven of devulcanltlng old rubber ao aa to make It amenable to a aecond treat ment. No perfect reclaiming procena ha ever beeii devlaed. The preaent Imperfect proce give a product which I used for aome article, uch aa the heela of India-rubber boota. In dia-rubber la advancing In price, and ft aubatltute for It remain to be dlacov- ered. It I ald that an India-rubber factory once built a road through a awamp with the waste acrap from It work. Now It would be reclaimed and utilized, Oiieal to Hire, A limited liability company ha been formed In Hullo, Germany, for tho ptirpoae of upplylng boatoaaea with RucKla iilted to their vnrlou need, The following are aome of the charge mentioned In the pruapectna: liane- lug men In evening drcN, 2 to 50 mark; dancing men, good talker, 2 to 80 ninika; dancing men with mono cle, 3 to 10 mark; cotillon apectal t, 3 to 75 mark; old gentlemen, with decoration, 3 to 75 mark; re tired major for chaperon, 3 lo 75 mntka; nobleman to take huKtca Id to aupper, 30 mark, Trenteitiloua Katnfalla, A recent remarkable rainfall of 81.78 Inrhe In twenty-four hour, which oc curred In northern Ceylon, lead a correspondent of Nature to recall other record of heavy ralna. The greatest annual rainfall known cmrur. It la said, In the Khnla Hill In India. It amounta to 600 Inches, or 60 feet I On one ocruHlon 2 feet of rnln fell In the Khasla Hills every twenty-four hour for five iticcewdve daya, Gibraltar haa been drenched with 33 Inchea of rain In 20 houra, and Genoa with 30 Inche In the mine length of time. ANTI-ROMAN DOOK8. FIFTY TEARS IN TUB "fcllURCH OP ROME," by Rev, Cbaa Chlnl- quy; cloth, 2.00. THE FR1EST, TUB WOMAN AND TUB CONFESSIONAL," by RT. Chaa. Chlnlquy; doth, $1.00. "CONVENT 1JFB UNVEILED, by Kdlth O Gorman; cloth, 11.00 AMERICANISM OR ROMANISM. WHICH t" by J. T. Chrl.tlan; cloth, fl.00. "DEEDS OF DARKNESS," by Rer. J, O. White; cloth, (1.25. ROMANISM AND THE REFORMA TION, by Re. Guinea; cloth, $1.00. ROMANISM AND THE REPUBLIC, by I. J. Lanalng, Sl.Oi) REV. MOTHER ROSE, by Blahop J. V. McNamara; paper, 2 So. HORRORS OF THE CONFESSIONAL, I by Rev. R. L. Koatello: paper, 60o. 8ECRETS OF THE JESUITS, by Rev T. E. Leyden ; paper, 80c. 8ECRET CONFE8SION TO A PRIEST by Rev. T. E. Leyden; paper, 80c. Cash Must Accompay alt 'Orders. AnSRICAK rUBUSHWGJCO. : HIS WORST BLOW YET FOR ROME! BISHOP J. V. MCNftMftRft, Tbo Converted Trloat, ha brought through Proi III New Hook, entitled "Rey. Mother Rose. A Bishop and A I'mkrl llli ), k t.... . . . n i' inn niiiiHi unnieii M'guir, WHO I an entlinsliiHtlc bicyclist, and ha had untold trouble with train guard and baggage men when transporting hi wheel on the allway. hn Invented for hi own convi.tlence a pocket bicycle. Thla name 1 n'tl to taken literally; the bicycle cannot be folded no closely a t go Into a man' pocket, However, each wheel, after tho rubber tiring ha been remove l, may be taken apart In four aectlnna, and these aoctlon. Clapped together, a a fan would be, so that the whole machine goe Into a caae of about tha le required for five or alx umbrella, M. Ugulr cnrrlc the package with h hawl strap. A Herlln editor who went to Parle to examine the machine, with tho Intention of hav. Ing one made for hi own use, remark d after hla return: "All very fine, but we ahull think a long time before trust ing our own bone to thl machine, ' Curing a llorae of R Irk In. It I wild that tbo following expe dient will cure n hore of kicking: Put the animal Into a narrow stall that haa both aide thickly padded. Sun- pend a Kiick filled with hay or traw to that It will strike hi heel, and let tbo horse and ack fight It out, lie mire to have things arranged so that the horee cannot hurt himself. The ack will be victorious every time, and n the end the home will absolutely refuse to kick the aack or anything else. Mleriilie fur Toot la lie. A German dentist named Dr. Hera ha made a most valuable dlcovcry, which It. likely to prove beneficial to vast number of persona. It consist In an inoculum pre purea rrom microoe he cultivate for the purpose. When applied In the cane of a decayed tooth It atopa the pain, but doea not destroy the nerve; further, It again fixe the tooth and make it ponlble to put In a lasting etopplng. He hn already treated a number of casee with It, and they have proved moat iuweful. The l.areal lluller I'lulo. The largest steam boiler plate In the world w recently turned out at the Krupp work, In Essen, German:. It dlmersl hi are a follow; length, 39 feet; width, 11 feet; thickness. 1U Inches; mirfnee, 429 square feet, and weight, 87,800 pouiuls. Compared with thla gigantic ateel plate the on re cently rolled by tho Stockton Malleable Iron Company of England sinks Into insignificance. Thl plate, which wa announced by the maker a the lurgeit ever turned out In England., measure; Mng'B, 74 feet; Width, 5 feet, thick- tie, three. quarter of an Inch. It ur- face mutimirea nearly 370 square feet nd It -weigh 12,300 pound, IllrU' Clnl Bl llurkay. College girl In England have taken of lata to a new old game hockey. Hoy know all about It. The girl of Glrton College and Newnham College recently played a match game at Wim bledon. They wore short skirt, but aa hockey I bad for the shlna, each Khl had cliimey leather guards over that portion of her anatomy, so that their appearance In the field waa rather clumsy. Hoinallilng Hare. A young colored woman of Oswego, N. Y recently gave birth to a child with one white hand and a white foot, and Ita note and the central part of it face I alo white, giving ft a most un canny appearance, The physician are of the opinion that If the child llvoa, the other part of It body will turn light or else the whit spots will grow darker, Wood-Carnar for tha Men folk. A common short bag, with a rope of the right length, It two ends fastened to the upper corner of the bag, makes a good wood-carrier when the kitchen box ha to be nlled. The rope la slip ped over the shoulders, or over one and under the other arm, then the other end of the bag Is held up apron-wise and the wood piled In, A huge armful of wood can be carried easily In thl way, A llualneia Matter. She had hn several time to let a gentleman pas out between the act. "I am very sorry to disturb you, mad am," he remarked, apologetically, a be went out for the fourth time, "Oh, don't mention It, she replied, pleas antly, "I am most happy to oblige you; my husband la the barkeeper." MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. PEOPLES' ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Contains lutest Information ani maps of Cuba and the Klondlks Gold Region; paper, 60c. IF CHRIST CAM IS TO CONQRESS, by Hon. M. W. Howard; rapar, 60c, AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN, I vols.; cloth $8.00. PLAIN HOME TALK. OR MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, by Dr. Foote; cloth. Popular Edition, $1.60. PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF THfl ; WORLD'S FAIR; Illustrated; cloth, $1.60. THE STENOGRAPHER; cloth, 75ft LIFE OF JAMES Q. BLAINE: Buck. ram Cloth, $1.60, IS MARRIACJB A FAILURE? Pon- ular Edition; paper, 60o. Tha abova ara some of tha bast and most popular publications, and the ctoth bound books will bs an ornament In any library. Sent on receipt of price. Address, Cot Price Book Store Two Priests." , , Price in Paper Cover 25 cts. Sent by Mail, 11 CONVENT HORRORS AND SECRETS CONFESSIONAL BY R. L. KOSTELO. Thl book I ono of latest addition to the AntMtoman literature, but 1 among thu host that ba yot boon written. Itdoals with tho oonfas'onl and otbor practices of the Horn an Cutbollo Church, a wull a the political Intrigue of the Jeiultt, lo a clear, connlae manner. 1 hi book Is now on lalo, In paper cover at 50 CENTQ, by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1015 Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB. Knew tha Name. The late Archbishop of Canterbury naa a ravorite nog named Watch. Once, aa ha lay on the mat at the open door of the chapel, the Archbishop read Impresalvely thl entene of the acrljv mr ieon; "wnat I say unto you I say unto you all-watch." The dog sprang up, ea.ns forward, and.lay down oerore the reading desk at hla mas ter's feet. One hearer, at least, heeded the lesson and responded. Congrega- iionaiiat. 100,000 Dispatches a Vear. The British foreign office receive about 100,000 dispatches a year. That Is, for every working day of the year over sou dispatchea come under the notice of the department presided over by the secretary of state for foreign affairs. A MUnnmer. Madam Well, Mary, what did you think of the picture at the academy? Mary Oh, mum, there waa a picture ralk'd "Two Dogs," after Landseer; but I looked at It for nearly half an hour, and I couldn't see no Landteer. An Arlatoerat. Broncho Bill-Since Piatol Pete dug up Unit tree the boy bung hi father on and planted It In his front yard he's . ... . . .1 rr . .1.. . . A gilt. IWU1I HUMU. 1 t'Uliri ItAIl 4 IUMU I What Is there about that to make him proud? Broncho Bill Why, he's now the only man In town with an authen tic family tree. THI PQPUIM UNC TO LEtOVlUE, GLEIiWEGD SPRINGS ASPEN, GRAND JUNCTION Americanism or InlomariSsm, Which? AND Sentlmantal Refrigeration, She I cannot entertain the Idea of marrying you. My heart I with our brave boya at the front. He It's a good thing for the boys. They need all the ice they can get down ther. In dianapolis Journal. CRIPPLE CREEK Raaohaa nil the prlnolpnl towna rule Ing onmpa In Colorado, Utah and Naw Maleo. Mrr Tvvth. A small boy, who noticed for the flm time the gold filling In his auat'i teeth, exclaimed to the dismay of all at the table: "Oh, Aunt Mary, I wlah I had copper-toed teeth like your!" Har. per s Bazar. Tha Important tletall. Fred There aecm to be a lot more fuss made of Ml A.' tinging than of Ml K.'a, and I am sure Mis K. ba by far the richer voice. Jack Ah, yea; but Mis A. haa by far the richer father. A llantl Rejoinder. An old Scotchwoman, when advised by her minister to take snuff to keep heraelf awake during the sermon, re plied: "Why dlnna ye put the snuff in the sermon, mon?" PASSES THROUGH SALT LAKE CITY IH ROUTt TO AND PROM PACIFIC COAST. THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE LINE TO ALL MOUNTAIN RESORTS. AU through train equipped with Piillnmu Pulac and Tuurlst Hieeping cur, . V '1 . " 1 IV 'ak.,. p. j y Matter of Neeewlty. Sam Singleton: "Do you honestly Tnean to say that you spend lea money since yon married; benny Dlctus: "My dear fellow, I have to." Brooklyn tlfe. Mo Douht of It. Friend I understand your wife's family trace their lineage bacg to Wil liam the Conqueror. Mr. Meek 1 guesa that's so. Old William waa a terible fighter, wasn't he? For elegantly lllustrat! dewnptlve book fret of cost, MUilres I. T.JEFFERY, A. t. HUGHES, I. K. HOOPER, ft'tM0u'lltT, Tnle Stiurr. OolP, ?. ijp DENVER. COLORADO. To Cora t'onatlnatlnn Forever. Tuhe CuiM'areUi (.'nndv OtthartJe. llksnrffila. IIU.UU tali to cur., rufunJ motley "Tbo book Is t)f grtat valuo." JOHNT.CHRISTIAN.D. Cloth. I 280 Pages. ::t , I PRICE $1.00 ) AGENTS VVANTEl "f. i "PloturoHqtio and aliln,'' "Itouuht lo brt put lu our icjim aohoola as a ii-xt-Uxik." Norh Vurohtia liu,i Wesley an Mctluxluit. Hot It Couldn't. Judge Have you anything to say before the Judgment of the court la passed upon you? Prisoner Deggln' yer honor's psrdon, could you tell me where the Reds stand? Tha World's Hl(heat Waterfall. The highest waterfall lu the world la Cholock cascade, at Yoeemite. Cal.. which Is 2,634 feet high, or Just half a mile. han't Tnbarro Hpit aa frmmit lour l ife Amy. To quit tobaoco easily and forever, be mag netio. lull of life, nerva and vigor, take No-To- ine woaucr-worKtrr, idiii man? witkk mvn i strong. Ail drucnieLH, bJc or II. Cure guaran-1 teea Bool .-t and sample free. Addren 1 Sterling K k) Co . Cblcago or New York. We will cnd thl book postpaid on receipt of price) or, for 1200 wa will send "THH AMERICAN" ONE YEAH toother with tho book. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., OMAHA, NEB.