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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1898)
THE AMERICAN, ti-tt I I ,f"i M It k.l ' - Mil ttt ra ! Ml i tt t (mii t Ht ifcn ' N't f. w M thai M r. tirit ',1 tlutll . tii' I h . t- IMS lie S. I I. I '' ( ttl frl'lli cf Srl-k iKmifhi ) imH to ,iiij , tn t (h ,.f the tic.l it il i , iiimi ! ' tlrtvxhii'l Il IhiK I l! ttt , I iM ti itm lh !: ihat iVoitM j lo rim ti i-i In la ! t r If ii It I !- f.rf itft- 1 ! f lit iir tn ihint l hi- tt tl tilflsrt iH-t ,.f .m. pfn, .f an flKMt iirf, hn ninth mure li and tiled It 4 ttt ! tiiual the attempt t'f Mtr 1st man to tisane ll law spinst' Vi( Hot hip liillllnim ,f tru itttit ami vtutiiitt who are hutttailj IwHethta r iiU Alt 'I a II will he Just I"' fote Chr'St wotid touting Then lit dtsfull will lie wfottt with the woman slid go di make war lit r ut tialit of lnr ( lin kecti lint hi- ntllll'llIK III lf Hint, M It it llHtP the i'H- Inony of Jcsu Christ, This statement you w ill find In Hi ve tat tolt XII. 17. It allow four thin tlstlmtly. The tit hh'iii la wroth. Wroth, mail, angry: with who? With the woman. V'ho I tin- woman? The hun h, And whai flora the dragon lo with the woman? He l mak war with the remnant of her seed. And what l the remnant? The last, rnd; that which la left. And why dtes the dragon go to make war with the remnant? lb-cause they keep the com mandments of Ood. And w hat do they have? The testimony of Jeatia Christ. And what la teatlmony? Of a witness who I honeat and truthful a Jesus la, II la the truth. Then when Jeaua told John that the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of lu-r seed, that keen the commnndmenU of Ood and have Ilia tettllmoiiy lie meant what He aald. lie meant that after i.'ZW year of peraei iillon hy the Church of Ilome there would lie thoae living at IIIh appearlriK who were keeping (Jod'a fORitiiandnienla, and who had Ilia tea tlmony. . 1 KKKIMI.K TALK OKTOHTl KK. in liir n 11 A (ientlemai Wrltlnic Frum Havana To Detmlt. WHtlnif from Ilvn U frlendo In tbltclty, ft Kn(rtlh (entluman, who Mat rwtitlj Ii Detroit, Uslla tome frlh'-ful Ibltiifi abo'it th cndit!oo vl th Ckil(4o In that city, ttm at the ir!fcnt t'mi?, The letter wa dated Hepvemher 22, A portion of lu con VnU follow: ''LitMturday at Matan.a, twenty childreu died from starvation on ti e trt, and iraro picked up with kbor ! and thrown Into cart. Tbey wr then Uken out to tb grimy rd And left there a day before bdnij burled The vulturti bad left nothing but the tone to bury. "The Cubana are looked down on at doy ; hence, many, many thoutand ( I them will 41 U atarvatlon before the Spaniard leave. "Ll Hunday a 8,Minlh aoldlcr cut off the bead of ft lovely Cuban girt, near my houn';, becaute the would not aunmlt to bU ariabea, Hbe fell like an ox to the lir. Tb aoldler walked out, and nottilnjf ba yet been done to film. Can you bave anything done toward bringing blwi and many other Riurderer U juatltie' Hut ber cane la nothing to many hundred caei that I J,av ample proof to convict. Women bave been cut open witb aworda and unboro cblldran Uken out of tbem baptlaed by prieH, and then murdered Whole famllle beveand itlllare treat ed witb all manner of torture and put to death,"-Detroit Free I'reae. Oct. 4, im. Onn Of laterettt. Borne aoalei la laid to be felt In fclgb eccieafMtlcal clrulei in I tome over tbe corning publication of tbe memoir of Mgr. Caricci, wbo died three montba ago, Tbe dead prelate, wboapent much of bla time to tbe pa trician aociet of Home, wa known m b man of keen wit and bitter and aar caatlc tongue. Ilia memolra are in tbe aame (train, laying bare foiblea and fol li relentleaaly, and great effort it be ing made to prevent publication. It ia itateb tbat Hpain aup-wrU from ber treaaury 117,0X1 monk, nuna, and other peraona under religioua vowi. There are in Hpain VIA proteatant cboola, witb 41 maio and 70 female teacher. Tbey lnatruct 2.SO0 boy and 2,100 girl. There are eighty Sun day acbool. Tbe f roteatant publlab in Sain aix journal la toe interest of PritetUct religion. Ho-Tv-Rm tor rtttf Cent, GtnrBte4 tobacco bablt etirts, makes weak aaca aWiKic, bkwd pur. 0e, L AU druf gist IT IS ROSKWATER ANT1-R0SEWATER ItillitIM, , th Oftl. hf ti it nit ti M lt nitil (hi t l -t ! I t. I ti n i1iw n the flt'l't II I e f I. It ! We i tM In itf th .jtii ttnir t't ktttta line t tuti.Uli .tft the u mtti Miittl t'f the a: ate in th inii h M.Htie re. r tti t Hnea lit i t it.iln lnl he l : tiUm lnaiitlietinilrfif tliilna ihat of np lirt inat a iii.iMhu l".il!i'i ami h lltltal rrttili fur a lilatti putilli nfTti e. He I flithlllia Hun John I,. Webal- r, Ihi aiine lie t Aliittit tie liliit, and ran tliilrtlia alitilllil tittl lien.ial" to tlei lare tin iihi li a i II the alile nf the it'tiie a'raltial Hiiewatrr To ivld II MiTirr, i aii'liil.tle fur ton - arena: Two Wveka K' the Anieilran naked yon a queation. e aiaieii thai you are a Koaewaler tool, and have been mich during the time yon have lieen In coiigreM. uepiilillcana olijis t to vot ing for Itoaewater tools, hecautw Hose- water use hi tools to line Ills own pocket, as well as to wreuk venKesnee upon the men who will not serve him. You had every reanoti to know this. Wheu the Repulilicana of UiIh diatrU t took you up as a hrlefleaa lawyer, with tattered clothes, and aent you to coit KreH. HoHevtHter was fighting you. He said you had been "an oil room bum mer, "a lol)lyiat. "an Incompetent. You owed your nomination to the man hood of the Republican party of this dlHtrlct. Kvery Roaewater tool In the convention wan flKhtliig you. The fight did not stop with your nomination. Roaewater fought your elect Ion j but the. people elected you, and you went to congresN, hacked hy the honest. In dependent (teoplo of this district. You had not been In congress three months until Roaewater controlled you. And when he found that you were pliable he commenced to praise you. In every political .Ight since that time you have been either an avowed partlzan of thfl Roaewater cause, or under hi advice, or through fear of him, you have slunk away from your district And you are playing a cowards part In the present campaign. You have up to the pres ent time wholly neglected to Inform the public through the American of your position. Instead of doing so you have undertaken to appease the wrath of Republicans by sending for them and using the art of a trimmer. Hut the Republicans are after you, When they tell you that you are a Roaewater tool you defend yourself by telling them that Roaewater Is supporting you because you are a "popular man," and because he thinks you will he elected. This argument Is fraught with dan ger, because It Is offensive to "Ne braska greatest man," who denies that there la any popular man In the state but himself, and because It Is calculated to confirm the opinion now frequently eipresaed that you consider youraelf Indispensable to the people of this district. You had better take a brave man's position, tell the people where you stand over your own name. But it will not be questioned that will be a winner, especially a congre alonal winner, Just at this time, when the government la In position to save several thousand dollars for rent of ar my headquarter, which now goe Into tbe Roaewater pocket, Aa suggested, you have not answered our question, and we now repeat It. If elected to congress will you assert your manhood and God given right as a freeman, or will you continue to be the slave of tbe political deepot whose dominating pas sion are ambition, avarice and re renge? In replying to this queatlon you might explain whether you have not neglected to answer because the Hee la giving you Its unqualified sup port, while it Is aaaaillng Hon. John U Webster? Have you assured Rose water that In congress you can do as much to get him a place In tbe cabinet as Webster could do In tbe senate? We ask this question because It I known that Webster can at any time quiet Mr. Roaewater by acknowledg ing him to be tbe party leader, and by agreeing that Roaewater aball have hi aupport as a member of the cabinet rt,. iu.nnU w it 1 1.1 alan tllra n Vnow why It 1. that you bave .upported the .'tttl! ftfi4 l!t !, tlX 111 f KM i !. t im 1 ittf afci k !) j ti 'i. f nlt l.tkt t. kt MfSlB4 "M it ( n ! t '' I f ! ik tt Ifce limit la tM !. , . Hi it eta )tM t)e Un tPr, upitn tit vi it'tt tmtf tiia in the lli.mtih M Htt niir ml are (he .if tf the rtt wtttt MM h ill tstce ii tin tf hi.ilut Whtih shmiiit te In ntir ttlm1 The Hi'ir won I, I Ilk to km' wh Iml ii not take lh iti.t.mtj lit t.t '( iii(-aiiii n( this itimiiy V"l ttaie iinft eneil to h tinmit t Mr MmHM t atine he b lterr turiteit the uttti e im r lii mi, and many H tmMli an ate grestly atit pi Iwd after IhaiHi )iittr prnfeaaliili ,lu linill )tn haie sinlnled a ntir ' it' pn ty. the ntsn who la Kisitk Miairea' con fldenilal friend, and who iitttll m nily was III Moorea' euiplnv. Hid Ruse water illi tale this appointment? We aagain reniliid you, Mr. Frank, that when you come up for ottlte again your record will tie the heat campaign document you can present to the peo ple. To Joseph Crow: Will you tell the people whether Roaewater had a string on you during the session of the leglaliiture, when Allan's Klreand I'ollccCommlsslon bill waa the bone of contention? Were yoil not absent more days than you served the people? Will you be used by Rime. water this time If you are elected? Can the people trust their Interest In your hands? Why are you opposed to answering questions propounded by newspapers? To the Members of the City Council of Omaha: You have agreed to the appoint ment of a board of (Ire and police com missioner that has, since It Induction Into office, appointed a man ns chief of police who did more to injure this city abroad than any other man in Omaha, barring bis accepted master, K. Rose- water. Did you not know wneri you voted to confirm their appoint ment that two member of that coinmlaioti were reported to have been pledged before their appointment to vole for Martin White, as chief of police? If you knew It, are you not tools of Rose- water? How can the people trust you? To Mr. Jordan: There Is said to be a steal of $4,000 In a certain real estate deal, which the members of the board (rf education re centlv had under consideration. Will you tell the people what you about the truth of the charge? know CHRIST'S SECOND COMING AN ISSUE One of a Scries of Articles on the Subject by Rev. A, I). Fairbanks. To the old connonlal church, ac cording to the plainest and most dl rect prophecies, and fulfillment, Christ came In the flesh made his first ad vent. Through hardness of heart and blindnens of mind the Jewish church rejected him. And she still refuses to believe that Jean was, or Is, the true Messiah, Kor him they tll look and wait. A truly will Christ come the second time, and as surely aa did the Jew reject hi first coming, o the (.entile church has, and doe still re ject hi eeond appearance, The Jew hav missed the thing they look for. Ho have the Oennles, A plain, too, a were the old Scripture prophesies con cerning the first advent of Christ, o, of Christ' second coming. Every thing concerning It, In both the old and new Testaments, are clear and ex plicit; yet through blindness of mind the truth la unpercelved, and tha Christian world Is vainly Indulging In the belief that the thing that ha al ready taken place is still to be. On the occasion of Christ' showing him self to bis disciples the third time, after his resurrection, he addressed I'der In thee words, "Verily, verily, 1 say unto thee: When thou wast young thou glrdest thyself and walk est whither thou wouldeat, but when thou art old thou halt stretch forth thy hand and another glial) carry thou whither tbou wouldest not" Thli he spake, dignifying by what death he should glorify Ood. And when he had spoken thla he said unto him: "Follow me." Then Peter turning about aeeth tbe disciple whom Jesu loved following, which also leaned on "Mt r- "ld: f jtt r'V"" VV OUR ANNUAL OFFER lit t-t iMtrti,t!N n.i4 tl i t Till'. AMI KICAS .m l ti-r mm nn.tnl tt'ir f lnr lUi t.Wil ti j;tr n iM n1iiiWt An. I all intra a wtll i Ii nut t t iitim ttt tM tltttj; thr u aiuunl itiiratNui aMmg itu it tnr i of lit r n ile ihi ahmtvt tntpini A nli tl oiWi r wU ci.l THE AMERICAN UNTIL JANUARY l.t, igoo. Cash must be sent with the Order ThU HV r N fur rash in Advance aymontt (inly, a suWtiptioii ptice in fa.w it year, ami wo cannot nflonl t catty ft Mijisctiptinn at any less tatc. Wc do not irt tcnl to hold thin oiler open very lonj;, and those who have paid to January 1st, 1899, or any other date during next year can avail themselves of our liWral offer. ThU offer does not apply to delimpients unless the arrearage is paid up at a year. Remit hy hank draft, Postoflice or Kxprcss money order, or tegistered letter to AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, wnicii im ne tnai neirayein nice: inn seel iik him, said to .lesns: "lird, and what hliull this man do?" .leans snith unto him: "If I will that he tarry till I come, what Is that to thee. Follow thou me." Then went this ssylnic abroad among the brethren that that tllsclple should not tile, Vet Jesus hii III not unto him: "He shall not die; hut If I will that he tarrv till I come what Is that to thee?" John 21 : 1H-23. All sorts of crookedness has been re- sorted to to render plausible an eva sion of this direct wordliiK of what should liHiinen to l'eter, and how he should come to his end; when, as well as of what other thins should happen before the close of John's life. At that, time the brethren tried to per t,,fi tli,. tTKiunlriir nt f'hrlHl'tt WfinlH. ... ... . nJ be was forced to correct it. 1 n( M-..m,.M lum,. theory (1 Chrlsl'si second eomliiK Is not very dissimilar from the Advent doctrine, Insist that John Is still olive, snd will be till the day of Christ's descent from heaven. The prevalent theories of Christ's sec ond coming, nearly all of which make It still a future event, torture this Ian- Kuage out of all show of slicnlflcaiice. , When anv of these nicturlHts get Wl.m any or tune pi.tur km, throiiKh with this prophecy they nave. , ,,.,1il reduced the language to a ridiculously, iiniiilelllglble form. This language to 1'i.ti.r urn liltcretl Intent ionally. no doubt, as confirmatory of his words to r" ivntaroalHl day, In his dlsclplea, when he first sent them1 which the Holy (Jhost was poured out forth with the commission to preach! "' " V'"T and marvelous manl repentance, and the near approach of '"""Ion, l'eter stood up before a skep. the kingdom of tlod, Informing ihemM''"'- elmnorww, profane people, In that some of them would meet death;! defense of that which they strenuously notwithstanding, however, ere they 'Hed to resist, and said: "Ye men of had canvassed the cities of Israel tun' '"''' un'' " '"n "f JTiisalem, be till son of mini will have come. And also,1 I""'" '"'" X'.: hur"n the language, for the son of man shall words; for these men are not come In the glory of his father with' drunken as ye suppose. H.-elng it Is but bis angels, and then he shall inward j ,ll' third hour of tbe day, Hut this every man according to his 'works.!"" '' was spoken hy the pro- Verily, I say unto you, there be some standing here which shall not taste death till they see the son of man coming in his kingdoms. The fulfill ment of this prophesy Is, in fact, par tlciilarl.ed upon when Jcnus Informs F'etvr that he Is to die at the .hand of violence before the day of his ap pearance, and that Jolm is to live to see it, l'eter' death occurred six year before the event, and John lived over and Into the day of Christ twenty or thirty year. One of the most strangely absurd I h Wilts that a lllble student oan do, or undertake to, is the attempt to find an excuse or a rule hy which to divide between the twenly-seventh verse of Matthew sixteenth and the twenty eighth verse, In the twenty-seventh verse Christ tells his disciples 'that tUe son of man will come, He de scribes bow and the reuuit, In tlio next verse he give approximately the time of his coming. And stranaely enough, not withstanding (his straight out, direct, clean, clear wording of connected facts and counts, theologians cdine up with dignified and signifi cant gravity and with an air of pre tended authority and tell us there a good reason to guens that six or eight days after this propheny bad Its ful fillment In Christ's transfiguration. That It was IT In a miniature. Now one of the things that makes this daringly groundless assumption InegctiKalily so Is the fact that only a fraction of the prophesy can ho found in the picture. If the transfiguration, with what attended it, had been a true and complete picture of what the prophesy expressed, there might be some show of reason for guessing thrt FOR l(lir Ilownrtl St rout, OMAHA, A75IJ For 1 5 Cents unless you ordor It for a lonor time. You should road this paper If you want to keep postod on the Campaign, as the Information contained In Its columns will bo worth many times Its price. Send CASH with order. Address, AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1615 Howard St., Omaha, Nob. the traiiHflKurailon plienonenon was tin. fiillilliiicnt of Christ' prediction. ""l " ' f..r inmiflcuiloii but the tioor excuse that a popular doctrine must, by hook or supported. Next and last- ly, I denlre .0 notice that the clos.m ! up of the old dispensation was deslg- ! ti tit i-d the last time," the Inst or final ,t...u 1,1 t.itiii'H Sfat ufitiiirnt aiiIhII "l jnt . m ' ' 1 t,,,,t, tt,f luiti nruu tin wrHiw 1 ..h.,rn ,, u .iIP iitnt time and ' "" lr 11 ,H 1 ' , h Hnl.(:,rMt tiutl i ' ., come, even now are there many and-, . . t iiriitin, witftei.jr w., n mow iu the last time." phel. Joel: And It shall come to piiHS in the Inst days, salth Ood, I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughter shall prophesy, and your young men shall Men visions and your old men shall dream dreams. Notice In the next verse. Continuing the description, he says, "In those days." I will pour out my spirit. I will show won der In heaven above, and sign In the earth beneath; blood and fire and va por of smoke. The sun shall tie turned Into darkness, and the moon Into blood before that great and notable day of the Iird come." That great and notable day, ns above described, un iicHtioiiahly could not be a remote day, If as l'eter represented. The oc casion of the then outpouring of the Holy Spirit was the last day or time, anil was the day that Joel propheHled of.-Hee Jisd 2:32. In the first verso this day Is called "the day of the Utrd." In the eleventh as "the day of the Iord, great and very terrible." In the thirty first, as "the great and the terrible day of the Iord." And In the twenty-eighth verse Is that whlth fixes the time and renders the question undebatable. The words are: "And It shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out my spirit upon flesh, etc. When l'eter said this is that which wa spoken by the prophet Joel. Consistently he must mcnn that that occasion was the open ing, the beginning of a continued out pouring of, the spirit until all flesh should experience the IVntaeostnl blcesing. Joel tells ua In the last verse of the chapter what that great and terrible day shall eventuate In, thus: "And It shall come to paa tbat ri i e $1.00 YOU CAN READ THE AMERICAN until Jnnuary 1st, 1899, but no longer whosoever shall call on the name ot the Itrd shall Im delivered; for la Mnt ,, , j1.rll),llm th. ...... .. "'" "" """"""I 1 . . I . it I t II !. I The W- rlpturcs are parallels and explana. "" " " Horn. 11:20:27 11:11. . R r AlltltANKa. 101) lihlt Altlt KI0. 'J'h reJr of this pupr will b .... i ........ ... ... I.... ..... "'"" ' h.ft " "' a" " '" ami thai U t etuiih. jh.ii s . alarm cut. is tit, only iiumuvu cuu. now kn.iwii in iim iitwiicut nmituny, catarrh being a eimstiiuiion. .i,.....,;' reuuit... a oMMiiuiinnai trt. ,., jiuu w- .Hti.ri ti Curit Is tken In. ti-rmilly, acliig ill i ' ( I y it turn tltw bluud anil iiiiii'Iiiin eurruiea of On, ayiitniu. HuTi'liy iJi'HiniyliiK llie fuiiiiilulliiii of tlia illM-iiHi!, anil alvliig the patient airangta ly l it I lil I iik up Un ciiiiNlliiitlun ana u sImIIiik imi I tun III iliiltiK Us work. Th liriiiu leliirs hiive sn tnui'li full It In tl eiirntlve powers, Unit llie offer ns Hun linlliirs fur tiny cumd that It tails to cute, Hi'tiil for list of tcMtliiiuiiluls. AitilreHH, V. J. CIIKNKy A CO., Toledo, a Hold by liruuslsts, :. Tour In the Kockjr Mountain. The "Boctilo L'neof the World," th Denver &, Hlo Grande Itallroad, offer to tourist In Colorado, Utah and New Mexico tbi choicest resorts, and to th trans-continental traveler tbe grandest scenery. Two icparata and distinct route through the Ilocky Mountain, all through ticket avallablo via either,, The direct line to Cripple Creek, tbe greatest gold camp on earth. Double daily train cervlca with through Full iraa sleeper and tourist' cat botwcea Denver and Han Franolsco. The best line to Utah, Idaho, Mon tana, Oregon and Washington via th "Ogden Gateway." Write H, K Hooper, O, P. & T. K. Denver, Colorado, for Illustrated des criptive pamphlet. Mast Leave Papal Question Alone. Ilome, Ojt. 1. Voce Dll Verlta, tbe official organ of the Pops, publish e a statement that tbe disarmament conference ought to tike up the Italian and papal question. Opinion, the governmont organ, replle that If any state raise tbe question Italy will be. obliged to declare war on It. Spojlal cab'e to Chlcagi Tribune. Native To FKKKllKNIIKHU BKOH s You will tulle antic lli 'fiJ dty ot Si'plmtMr imiN II. KoliD fllsd bin bill ut par ticular In Jitatlce Dourt ut W. A. Kiwler, a Juntli'x of Mis IVacn In Hint for Oinulm, I ion Kin. County, NelirmiS. Mutual you, tit aid ilrfentlftula, inn iili)in'l anJ pritynr ut which sre to ret'orr JuuKiiamt ttiotliml vou, for tutu of one hunilrnil snd II ft y and Ml lo0 dollar ill.'! Mil with Intereat tlitireon from Ihe aim ilny of Seywinlier, IkU. and Hiatal of Hlin aald Hill of I'artli ulam to plaintiff It In. I an affidavit tor an order ot at tachment, aa provided bf law. and thalaaid ordar ot attachment, waa Ixxurnt on tit aani day. and a notice In arnlhoient aerveil up on the Model cloth I im Co., a iH-partnrultf diiln business In lHiugla County, and A. Splrvel, a resident ot Uouirliu County, at tacliTn money In th band of aald Kami atiee belonging to yout said cauie waa con tinued to tbe 10th day ot November, im, at V o'clock A. M. , , ... B. KOHN. Plaintiff. 10 ( 3 By EimoH Kich. bis Auorntg