The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 14, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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M l till n H Hall
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I A-ltt-l -
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P" I '
. It . M III
l.t tn I
i. bk' lilt H I I I
.roil r m. "H
If III whI ftt III Ir.ltli Ut
I leu, lh t h"l fnl an end tn l"""l
tin in iM'lltli ami btlherv in cm.
lilt ltii Mil M el Ititaraatfr
Al tl an mini Mmne H-f lot'
Kul pitrn blniarlf it tn IT Mi Itim
l.l. II will Nk writ nf mmler In
pry Mm Iiwp unit I hat wilt niav he
H' IpiI In the Her fuliin
Meantime lh people are walling In
hear from twig pVntl. What tin he
In say regarding iiirrupHiiti III I In'
Judiciary of Nebraska. In general, mm
of llil Judicial district In parllruhir.
We hit nlKiiit mine In the cumin
ion Hint It In lh duly of loyal A, P. A
men lo Ml.-iy away from the poll nxt
rlii t Ion il it v , It matter not wMi-h
man I fleeted; lie will lie a tool of
Duly tn one' ronnlrjr compel oppo
all Ion to ll enemies, The opposition
may proceed from the pre, at the
poll or on Hi battlefield. Hut wher
ever It occnre, It should ln ii ti in In imI
with malic or hatred.
All Hi fellow who lid vn nubile
(out In tli"lr month, lhon who ar
trying lo fcnt on In, and Iho who
would llkr lo Imva on, were fur to
make up th crowd that greeted John
treiimd'a president Tuesday evening
Th Jesuit Chun h-the Church of
Kotn haa William McKlnley cm
Mainly uinl"r Ha eye. Al Washington
It I Miinl:iflili; at ttcpiihllcan ant tier
liK It l John Ireland, and where h
vlnlt tin! West It la IXck Kerens,
Yon can elect a public thief and
plunderer, who la nominally a Prof eat
ant, to an Important office, htil he will
not lm any better than th nmt priest
ridden memlier of th Church of Home
It taken pur men to mak pur pull
tie. T, W, Wat k burn la aald lo harhor
th Idea that th Republican rounly
ticket will h defeald. Mr, Hirk
burn la chairman of th eon urea I "ti a I
committee, and la a Rnaewater hench
man, la th wish father lo th
Th question In thl campaign I not
(told or silver. It la whether Mr, lt'
water shall elect to congress man
who will keep th army headquarter
In th He building by refusing or neg
lectin lo tirgn an apprimt latlon for
th til Una up of th old ponlomY Imild.
Inir, which haa heen dentunaled aa auch
headquarter. Whr do yon aland,
Mr, Hitchcock, on thl tpieaflon?
Wher do you aland, Mr, Mnrrrr?
Th apeciacl of official favorite
and peta lielnn taken Into th eoimty
rourl houa while th taxpayer who
paid for th aa that wa hurned had
fhi dior ahut and locked In Ihelr
face, waa on of th thin w aaw
prior lo th arrival of McKlnley and
hl popgun corf. If th American
peopl yr had any rlhta thou rlhl
fiav been atolen from them, Hun
dreda of reapectahl peopt wer denied
tdmlailon to their own building, whll
th frit nda and rtallva of Ihelr ar
anla went In and raveled In ea and
luxury at th expena of th taxpay
ra, Wr you reartonalhl for thla
outran, Mr, Hoiuk? If o, how do
you rxpwt pipl to rot frr youT W
will publlah your anawer.
We underatand that fUiwater It
aetretly working a combination In fa
vor of certain llalativ candidate
on th fualort ticket, and th candidate
for eonitreaa on th Republican tbk
t. Th achem la to be worked
through th Roman f'aiholle Church,
which recoRnlxea th lie man aa lla
political aactit. Aa Mr, Mercer baa
proved hlmef iKith tb friend of
Kom and Roawater during bla lift
aa a rongrenman, It If juatljr due him
that tie receive their aupport. That
upport, combined with the Patriotic
Republican vote, wbkn be I certala to
M tmvii tit Am iinn
ti t Ui .. ti ! ! m
t i. i . thi tn
i I i nil tl'M' H 'f ' I tlli
to l hl III ! ( t!H H f"l
I- it ii t I . i) thi t i
tltl. tn m ! lit lit p-lMli H
l 4 i I lift l it iltrt ri IN lh Ulltl
III th .In i.f lit I y i It !w
mil I "i ih iton t"i a" anife I
in i..i,., i,t it. Mti aiiitm in ilttt
i oinhiiitiitt i i Mint tk M'I
in l ( in i timn wliii wl ii hi
ti.. ii tiiin i in-in 1iin ) 1 1 up, Dill alttti
a tn an Itnliililual or I" a few an
on. I I ! p.illlli latia, but tn rtety one
Willi Hl!ll. i lf.lp ililp rl'plit
lot Olie I I. mi Hftiitl.ll Bil l clutter lo
Tim I 'am y and l:d Tat lor, tiie wlmle
IIiiiiikIiI I parly !n
They would ruiher be iii pnlulial
litilnlilKe to ltii. lili'il i lll'I'lllill. Nil
I "III. Ill till III lie free lliloiiah llli'lr ll
rltoria Thla I not trun i f tliin pnptr
or lla editor, To ua iulm liile and eon
altileticy In iiime pret Inu than min i iift
and If It la tiei notary fur ua to o;i(mhi
Hie tinli to whom quciitloii wer pro
ponded IhM week, to b oiihIhIi nt that
oiiiwlllori will be aa viKorom uny
that lb fie could poanlbly offer wer
they to torn out and dnclar them
five opponed lo ltmewatr dictation
W ahall hot be In th oppoaltlon
thla week, W want to b certain
that liter I no hop for th creation
of an honest aeotiment In th lt-
puiiiiean party; a party which ran
never hop to return to power aa long
publle thieve, their conaiHia and
ib'fendera are the bright and ahlning
lllthia In lla count Ik The party that
lav to th nmlori a Mncoln, a (Irani
n (inrneld, mimt Indeed hav mink to
ttrrlbl depth to permit public plun
dercra, thieve, crirrupilorilta, gam
blera, dlv keeper and rteepollera of
virtu and wrttkera of houiea to die
tale and control Ha nominee and to
formula! Ha policy, Vet that la th
condition of thin, In liourlaa Conn
ly lodny! Without tarlrn on nia for
the mnaeotieneea that will certainly
ronow oppoaition to men wno ar
hek by jowl with V Hoaewaier, w
fall ttpon John ,, Webater, wl waa
th flrat Hunday at hool auparlntt ndent
w became acquainted with In thla city
to alal to tb people of thla city and
thla county, and ihla alat how tfly
tsfin plac their Irual In htm aa t'nl
led Hla'e aenator If w l' ka h eour
a K, th manhood, lo lake up fh fight
anftlnat th man who ha for yar
killed vry aaplrant for public: offic
whom h roold wo ua? Will John
Wph(r an for peace? Will h
aare in vol n mak Koaewatey a
member of h cabinet when ther la
vacancy? The ar queiona whhh
muni b anawered, Ther r hun-
dreda of men In th r!ty of fmah who
will never n to th poll to vol for
men who ar prt.feaaedly your friend
whll Howatr knlfea ym and aup
porta ihem, Thr la aomeihln wrong
aomewher; Klther (hey ar playlnf
you f or they ar ptaylna" lloa-
wafer fal. They cannot aerv Iwa
maaiera Neither can you, Von mut
b th aervant of th peopl or you
mut b th aubaervlent Unit of ftoa
water? W want lo know what our
friend r In xp1, May w nti
aaaur fhetn that Mr, Webaier ran b
Contianilna J, flmyib la a Roman
Catholic lie la a member of Hi, John'a
Imn h In thla city, II la the fualon
candldata ftf allorney general, No
rolealant who know what Roman-
lam la ran afford to vote for Mr,
Hmylh, II aeeepta the rtcarat!ona
of the head of hie church aa Infalli
ble, and all bla decree aa binding
under pain of eternal damnaibm, The
head of hla rhurrh haa aald, and Mr,
Hmythe haa accepted II aa binding,
upon him, "That where the law of
the church conflict with the lawa of tb
ataie, the law of the fhureh are to
b nnhealtallngly obeyed," If you
believe the lawa of your country are
Llndlng on each and every citizen, you
cinnot vote for a man who bllva a
thla man Hmythe bev, or who ow
primary allegiance to a foreign eerie
alaetlcal power, which alao clalme th
right to exert le the fundlona tem
poral or civil government, Kvery true
Romanlat beivea that be la a Roman
Catholle flrat and a clilwm afterward.
Mr. Hmythe la no exception, Ifeat
If. according to Roe water, Dave
Mercer waa "a boodler" in mi, the
'I t. ..( K fliill t h I t, turn
t if mt Ih .- ii .i(i,,(if(
et .1. .! .4 e fttitlBi'il tMn.ii.t
n4 1 1 U f i s a tmi t .. . f
an ti r! i t a - mt la ,i.f
l l hl'ii't t I tittHt
l-'" I' It lime lil lute ttt
i Ute.l til-nnf t ti i,l In
th wne tt t , t th p.'l
the mirimTAHCE.
Ihrt i iiiii iiim.if a itn th
found t.f Ih parlillee to th tfft
Hint a teftaln tandld! fur ttmiitt
t -tiiitmllnitf haa tievtd an offei
frmu i.'tiulM nuti-e of I in tn with
draw frtnn th t for rtiutilv itnn
Hi Ian I oner mi trial another man tmill
be put In hla pla N'i dnildl thla w II'
be Ipfereat'tig IteWa to III frlctoin ti
kiiiii of tb i auit'ititie Tb rumor
due not alat helier Ih ret Ipletil of
the tifter bm Uki li any i oKiilfitiu of
It, but tb peopl will naturally look
upon any withdrawal among th can
d'dntea with aimplflon.
Hornet I men a man la put In nomlna
Hon by th party rotivenllon aa i
"alool pigeon"--the achem being m
nlpulaied by Hi leadera of atime par
llcular party In Ih lnlrt "t can
dldal on th oppoalng ticket, and It
not Infrequently m-ctira that Ih "alool
pigeon" devebqi Into a real man, and
th peopl recognlnlng hla ability
placea film In charge of their affair
Thla la aa'd to have happened anme
yeara ago In I he caa of II, II, Irev,
Al that limn but few would wager an
opinion that Irey had a "ghoat of a
Mbow" for an election, but on eleitlotl
day th people ap'tk and he waa Ihelr
choice for county Ireaaurer, and no
tn tin who vtrted for him haa alri'e had
reaaon lo rtgr"'. Ifcy f aald to have
made lb beat Ireaaurer lhal Iiotigla
Coiinly ever had,
Hut a few duye a a promltitiii
Iiciikm ratlc ward heeler waa heard to
remark: "We put up the job that
nominated a certain candidal for
county comm aaloner, bctaua we
llioniflif h waa tb weket man that
ua I'emttcrata could nominate. We
elected Kleraiead, and we want Ui r
elo t him again, Our man la only a
a tool pigeon." Moral: lmk out fir
alNtl pigeon,"
We wlah all I'nlted f'reabyierlana
who think Rome la growing more ol
erant could hav had our experience
Habbatb evening, September t. Vimr
lit ua, Mr, Hugh Copeland, Mra, Chal-
mere, another young lady and myaelf,
went out lo hold a afreet aervlce, (t
wa a large fore, but we had commit
led ouraelve unto the Itrd, and truat
ed In him for help and protctbn, W
went directly Into Ibe heart of the
great Roman Catholic region of the
Went Hid We had fi'rt before at
tempted atreel work In that Immedl-
at locality, but w were not exttecf
Ing any etanling reu)ta,
We halted at, th corner of Taylor
and Aberdeen atreeta, and !egn alng
lug the hundredth pnalrn to the tun
of "Old Hundred." Hefora w were
half don w wer aurrounded by a
larg crowd of men, women and i hlld
ren, the (alter aneerlng, yelling and
geatbiilatlng. (tn finlahlng the flrat
atrtig (he crowd had lncreaed In about
oo, and waa conaianfly growing In
alsw and vloleme, We aaug another
(malm, but aang only one vera, Then
we attempted In apeak. All our word
were Immediately drowned by tr-
mendou yelling. We aent for a police
officer, but t hough one waa aero the
afreet when we began alnglng, none
were now u be found,
fmr altuatlon wa becoming decid
edly unpleaaent, The crowd Jeered
and threw ateke and clod, The mn
became threatening, eapeclglly on
aavage looking fellow, who wa held
back 1v hla wife, A woman whlaper-
ed to Mra, Chalmer, "0t out of the
crowd; flee for your Uvea," We aaw
the nciiy of fllgbl, but how lo get
away without etlrrlng the crowd Ut
violence wa a o.oeton. We all kept
cool and In g'd humor, which aided
In reetralnmg the paaabma of the mob,
Finally we moved off alowly and
quietly. The crowd preaaed about ua
eloaely, and looked very threatening.
It waa evident that the Jeaet provo
cation would et. the rough nrn upon
ua. Volley of atl'ka, atone ar.d pav
ing blotk were hurled after ua, We
were followed all the way home and
repeatedly etru'k by mlaalea, but no
Injury reunited. Mra, Chalmer re-
ce yed a aevere 1,low In the bak, hut
ft turned out no! to be aerlou. It waa
pitiful to aee Mr, Copeland alruek over
the head by rude boy and pelted with
aton. Hut Rome reapecta neither
womanhood nor gray bah-e.
Tbu ended our atreet aervlce that
evening. It ahowed u emphatically
the temper of Rome, tfh bate tb
Ml W hi tnl !! tr i
if lrHli"i (tn, bul I fee Heal,'
k'l.a tiitr put .r Pa fclt lit t
if llnei.t'U it Hit Una.'!'"
i i. t f ii to tut i ti " W
Win II 'Hie I aptloi ti "It tit ' it t
lh" la I I ."( nil ! Wal
iiiiirt,. will i,r rtik Wire a
I'ti war atle In our Uel. at we
at itiiil.trel II will, what
tun t iitr la r iiriu' 11
en in, Itimgin lht Home I aa eld In
the .t-.i nlli,n ssf sle!f !H I
inaklhg luff II I ati.l liaihcrlaiif and
pirpattng umlfiv fur an awful tluttip
(Inn W ltiic th Frelii h tetiiliillon
H"tie bait("be I he Hlbt, and frtietia
nil all freedom of puili With tb
aid of th Mliein and grogeety Itnrn
It it. .trill III III llli. lllr if (Ix. fr.
I'hIiIIi a ii. I will yet make Amcrha rett
Mil IiIimmI
Hi t on Hie Went Hide a legion of
Ii keiliicn and ln Tb ItiaiMutlniia
of Home eie iHiini-roii, ilnirilu.
fitMi . niiiii hU, eie., all cnuilillilria
lo biild lllii lit thoilMlid of pnople In
lilrlHinl -'ti 'I liitt'lli'i lull ihiikin'
Our lieartii Irani titer Ihla ereat tin
tnllKlili lied 'onil:ilioii We hat tnnie
and more longed lo do aomethlng for
Ihla peruh'tig niaaa In July hebt
our flrt al 'eet aervlc In thl doman
ial region and for Homanlala, and al
ready Rom let ua know ah went
no gimpt'l llgbt. Our luit tiiim lem
only Intenalflea our dealre to help th
needy Moula down In that tbirktie.
Hrethren, II I a ra for much reflec
tion and prayer Thoa M Chal mere,
Chicago, In Chrlatlan Inatructor,
la not the world gettlni tired of
popery? Tbet rorpin-atlon called the
church of Rom, the papacy, that mya
lerloua and terrible power, whoa aeat
haa been at Rome many centurlea
at whoa mandate klnga have In en de
throned, under whoae withering Influ
ence natlona hive attenuated between
anarchy, and deapotUm, dutigeona
have iwn filled with Innocent vN
time, million perlabed In th flrea of
martyrdom kindled by her cruel ha
tred. And after th hlatory of ao many
centurlea, written In the blood of her
victim-after Inspiration baa written
upon her forehead, her name "Mya
fery. Ha by Ion the Oreal, tb Mother of
Harlot and the Abomination of th
Knrth," and her clalma, deed and doc
trlfiee have demonstrated thla, yet, In
th end of the nineteenth century, by
her "eoreer)" endeavoring to de
ceive the natlona and with remarkable
e, confidence, boldneM and enee,
H puffing tb cup of her ebomfriatlone
lo American lift, la If not a abame to
the Amt-rPan name and th children
of our Pilgrim Kathera who fought in
battle of freedom on American aoll and
laid fb foundation of thla great na
tion? Are Americana ao Ignorant of
what popery la that aenafor oley her
prelfirM nod, and the pulpit and pra
are often Intimidated or llencd by
her dictation? yet we have reaaon
to thank the trd that pooery la loa
Ing Ifa grip on the nation, ft baa
aeen too miib of Ha knavery and
wlcfcedneaa, It la only another name
for all that la lyrantilcal, cruel, )dol-
atroua and abomlnahl. It la th renr
anarchist. It ha corrupted all nation
where t could get control, Pone
prleet and Jeeult have disturbed fh
peace of every country where they
have set their feet, Inaugurated riot
and revolution, by aatumtng the die
faforahln In both civil and religion
matter, denying everywhere tb right
of private Judgment, the righta of con
aclence, denying the people tb rlrht
of reading the eerlpfur, ao virtually
naniaritng ine from every land
where popery I In power. The Hlble
ha no authority or meaning except
what panal dictation I pleased to give
H, In other word, Ood la forbidden to
apeak fo hi children through hla word,
I h Irtvloe Master aaya: "Heart h lb
H rlpture," Rome aay: No, we for
bid It, Rome cannot endnr the light
trf the Hcrlpturea.
Horn baa waded through aeaa of
bbetd lo force her fals and Idolatroti
orblp tlfton tb people, Appeal fo
Kcrlpture, eonaclence, rnn nr hti-
manlty la of no avail In a court of
Rome, Hubmlf fo her dictufn or burn.
w toe only alternative
Had It not leen for tb tyranny, cm-
oil ..ii A..mMm t..... ,.J ... I
.,-'p . n.f i,.n iiiiMi'-iii" o yrHfTj
the I'nited Hfafe would not have wag
ed war wit ft old, proud, cruel yjpaln.
it wa not a war for rononeat and
brtoty, but a war In tb name of hu
manity and In defeoee of the Inaliena
ble right of men, The I'nlted Htate
armlea ar not buceaneera and pirate
like lb freebooter of old Kparn who
Invaded, robbed and murdered for
plunder the defefle Mexican, Cu-
bana and Peruviana, but fought for
humanity and against, a Oodie tyran
ny and th cruel opprem that de
file a man' right to life and liberty.
Tb I'nlted Hiat government, a
representative of Iho rat orlncl-
pleg emleidled In the civil and rllg
Ion liberty which belong to all men
fll'iy f rtg"
and another horn hi alav or vaeaal,
Kvery man le-rn crne Info th world
a free man, All wn are created free
and equal, Iaw and government were
n'rf designed lo rob mn of their right
but to do Justice to all and aeeure to
every man hi right, Civil govern
ment waa not designed for monarch.
autocrat, ollgarcblea, prelate and
ahad bellied prlef, that they may roll
In wealth and luxury and rob and en
slave the people to gef. tin, Juxurte.
The war wlto Kpaln baa been a -ri
educator, If the nation will (earn the
lesson, T7i war with Hueln for hu
manity and freedom from cruel onnre.
alon, M a declaration In the world that
civil and relllona Utterly are the In
alienable right of man, and whoever
deprlvea him of fhese I a robber and
Ivranf, No doubt, the envy and
Jealousy of Kuropean monarcba la
aroused by the noble example rrf the
meed Htatee In the late war. Her
power and marvelou vlctorle era a
revels) ion to them. Hut liberty I
marching on. Nothing can atent the
tide. "Kvrr tr which my heaven
ly Kathr bath not planted, ahall be
rooted op," "If th Bon therefore
make you fr, ye ahall be fre In
deed. 'V-John 1:84. Rerou liberty
briogn civil liberty. CALVIN, I
American Bible Study
hr Jti'liU 1" 1H tll'ia
I'v itfrttieg i,i fti,u x . ant
hi t, iiit 11..1.111. . a. M.I in
ttmret a in tb erar at'ltah of
tfi Petit. U.rt, from tb Ulh
ibiter of llrtflalli.n ead usiiini .
the l.'lh. U'h ahd It'll Irtte of il
I .! It' f.irhir Ii made In ttiii
e.!tl fur tb piilpia nf thnaHig I bat
i Hunt, none itian itiMi ytaia after
il. iiratrtt. tiott of Jt ruanlem and mm
jtlnii eltly yeate nfirf Hla . tii.i.m
it'i I nartly Hi anui igti in rtielg-
KM the end of the Wndd a He Maed
on lb Mniinl of oiitta in III i. niter-
hIIhm wIHi Ilia ttiai iiea, wheteln He
f. rilold the of Jmiiaitli'iii,
Hi utiiuid lomlii and I he end of th
wnrhl, wlili h prophi'i y aom writer
It-ll ua, w eob'ly for the guliUm nf
the A poet lea Thla claim I clearly an
-t ror.
Ul u ro to Mutlliew XXIV,, J9 3.V
Thete w read:
29 luitiifillately after the trlbula
Hen i' Hioae dava ahull Ih autt be
diirkcnt-d. and the moon ahull not give
her light, and Ibe alar hall fall from
Heaven, and Ibe power of th Heav
en iliall b ahaken.
Heaven and earth ahall pnaa
away, but my word ahall not paa
That waa what ChrUl predicted be
fore Hla ct in I fix Ion. What doea He
aay alxty year after Hla aftialon?
Read Revelation VI., 1M3-M:
12. And I beheld when he had opened
th alt lb tw-al, and, lo, there waa a
great earthquake; and the aun became
black aa aackcloth of hair, and the
moon became aa blood;
13. And the atara of Heaven fell un
to the earth, even aa a flg tree caat
efh her untimely flea, when ahe 1
ahaken of a mighty wind.
ii, Ami tb Heaven departed aa a
ai roll when It la rolled together; and
every mountain and laland were moved
out of their pah e.
Von will ace It doea not take a very
amart pereoti tt detect I he similarity
between Matthew XXIV,, 2!-25, and
Revelation Vl IZ I3-H. The aim ahall
be darkened. The moon ahall not
give her light, but ahall be aa blood,
The more ahall fall from b'-aven,
end lb b'-avei, ahall depart or paa
In Mark' goapel w read, XXI,, 25
'I' i. And there ahall h algna In the
on ii, aid In th moon, and In the atara;
and n oii the earth diatreaa of na
tlona, with perplexity; the e and
the wavea roaring;
Vi, Men a bert.e falling them for
fear and for looking after tboae thing
which are c,ome upon the earth; for the
power of Heaven are ahaaen
'lit, 'fty, I aay unto you, Thla gen
erafion ahall not pas away, till AM,
be fulfilled
In former papera It baa been pointed
out that ail these algn have appeared,
except that one whit b mark the actu
al appearing of our lrd Jean Christ,
The heaven have wot departed, but
when fhey do there will b no chance
for repentance, for the appearing of
Jesu Cbrlet ia Ut Im aa the flash of
lsbfilg -quick, grand, terrible,
Christ, himself, aay that, In (hat day
many will call upon Him, saying,
"lord, fxrrd, have we not prophesied
In Thy name? and in Thy name have
eaat out devlia? end In Thy name done
many wonderful work?' and then will
Iprofesuntothem, 'I never knew you;
Anirl from me, y that, work Iniqui
ty;'" Thla statement you will find In
Matthew VII,, 2Z 23, And why will
n.i- ... .. . c...
-t mm, i u, IIHIOl WHO uav
thought they were very near to Him?
that question fa anawered by the 2lat
yerae of tb aame chapter; "Not every
o that aalth unto Me, 'Ixrd, fArd,'
ahall enter Into the kingdom of hev
en; but be that doeth the will of My
Father which la In heaven," Then
there will be aom who will not enter
Into the kingdom of heaven. Who ar
they? Cbrlat aay they are those who
"draw nar to Me with their mouth
and hoooretn Me with their Hp; but
thejr heart la far from me, Rut In
vain they do worship Me, teaching for
dotrlne the comrnartdmenta of men."
From Ihi It. I Inferred that tboe
who accept Ihe doefrlne ir tradition
of men Inafead of the Hlble aa the In
fallible rule of their faith, are Iboaa
.who will be laaf, while those who ac
cept the Hlble, do Hod' will, keep HI
commandment and have the tetimo
fiy of Jeu Christ will receive their
reward when the "king of the earth,
and the great men, and the chief cap
tain and Ibe mighty men, and every
bond-man, and every free-man," will
lie hiding "tbeniaelve fo the de and
in the rok of the mountains; and
whn they are aaying "to the rnoun
tain and rock, 'fall on ua, and hide
ii from the fe of Him that lttt,h
on the ibrone, and from the wrath of
the Mmh; for the great day of HI
wrath la com; and who ahall be able
U aland? "
And what I tb day of Hi wrath?
It I that day wb'-n the !,rd comet h
HI'HDKNI.V to Hla temple, "Behold, he
ahall nne, aalth th Lord tit hoatg;
but who may abide tb day of HI
coming? and who hal stand when He
appeareth? for Ha I like a reOnerV
fit M i f'tl'tta t,-f t it ii
'I i 11 il I I ' at e i n anl
H lt. pii.n I )t( . I HiM rto i.,
t I I aiul I V M the .lit Ih!
t.mlk hll I at Ihtm ut'. aai'h 1e
' tt-a
j'd nf ki l Hut tlitll . ait. V,.tri
anilitf t. n.n Itamb IttaiNI
And y.ilnilab XIV t atia bihnld
lb ilti of tli ,m tottiiih, 'e. hi
f-t IU itted in thai d ni.n ih
Vniml tf tllm-a ahbh I In fnf J,
n th in on th rati end Ihe Mount nf
Olltea tliall tbat in Ih ti.M.t Ihet.
of In aid lh ta.l and tuaard Ih
Weal, atul llo-te aliall .t' a tety gieet
tall.), nnd half of th mountain ahall
remote lnt I the lioith, and btlf nf
II Inwaid the a. mill "
12 "And thla ahull be the plague
whtreallh Ihe I .onl a Mull, all th
peopl I lint bat fimghl aeniiiai J.
inaaltnii Ihelr flesh ahall cuimum
away whll ihr-y alnnd upon their feel,
and the r eye slmll rntiaum away In
their bole, and their tongue ai
ciiiiannie away In their moutba,"
Now go to Malacbl IV,. 3, "And ye
ahall tread tlowr, lb wh kd; for they
ahall be a alum under th sol.- of your
feet lu th day that I shall do thla,
aalth the lrd of boats,"
Now to Obadl'th, l.'dh verae: 'Tor
the day of the Lord la near upon all
the heathen; aa thou hast don, It ahall
be done unto you; thy reward ahall re
turn upon thy own bead, for aa ye
have drunk upon my holy mountain,
ao ahall all the heathen drink continu
ally, yea, they hall drink, and they
ahall (wallow down, and THKY
. "For evil-doer ahall be rut off;
but tboae that wait upon the Iird they
ahall Inherit the earth.
10. For yet a little while and the
wicked shall not be; yea, thou ahall
diligently consider bla place, and IT
Amoa VIII, !t: "And It shall come
lo pan In that day, a;th the Iird
Hod, that I will cause the aun to go
down at noon, and I will darken the
earth In lb clear day," And Arno IX.,
ft, aaya: "The lud Hod of hosfa la be
that loucheth the ilfld Hnd u i)(i
Now turn lo Joel ( 30-31, There you
will learn that Clod "will show won
der In the heaven, and In the earth,
blood and fire and plllare of smoke; the
aun shall be turned Into darkness, and
the moon Into blood, RKFOHK the
great and terrlU day of the Ird
In Joel ML, M 15, you will find be.
fore Hod' day that many will be try
ing to decide what, la right, We read;
"Multitudes, multitude In the valley
of decision: for the day of the Ixrd fa
near In the valley of declafotj; Ibe
sun and the moon ahall be darkened,
and tb atara shall withdraw their
The 3Htb chapter of Kt-kle) apeak
of the latter daya when Ihe mountain
and the eteen pcce and every wall
ahall be thrown down, and when "all
the men that are upon the earth shall
ahake at My Obe fyotd'af presence,"
And why?
laalah LXV., ya; "For, behold, I
create new heaven and a new earth;
etyl Ibe former shall not be remem. "
bered, nor com Into mind," And fit
Isaiah XXXIV,, ft-10, you can read;
"For It, la the day of the frd'e ven
geance, and the year of recompense
for the controversy of 'Mm. And the
trem fbereof shall be turned Into
pitch, and the dust Ihererf into brim
stone, and the land thereof shall Ire
come burning pitch," And in Isaiah
XXIV,, lft-20. It la ataied that In that,
day, "The earth I iitty broken
down, the earth la clean dla-
aolved, the earfh I mo-ved exceeeding-
ly; th earth ahall reel to and fro like
a drunkard, and ahall be removed like
a cottage; and the transgression (here
of shall be heavy upon It; and It shall
fall end not rise again,"
Hut I hat day, Paul aay, ahall not
come except there come a falling away
first and that, man of ain be revealed,
the mm of perdition; whooppoth and
exalte! h blmeelf above all that la called
Hod or that I worshipped; ao that, he
a Hod, aitoth In the temple a (UA,
showing hlmaelf that he I Hod, And
then ahall that wicked m revealed (the
lawlea one, acordlng to the revised
vorafon whom the Ird Jeu ahall con-
ume with the plrlt of hi mouth ahall
deatroy wjth the bright nea of hi com
ing; whocomlriglAFTKRtb work.
fng of Katan who work with all pow
er, and algna and lying wonder, and
with all dweivablenea of unrlghleotie
nea In thoe that perleh, because they
received hot the love of the truth that
tbey might be saved; for which reaaon
Hod shall aend them strong delusion,
that Ibey ebould believe a lie.
There la but one man, or one y
tem, sifting In the temple of Hod to
day that, exalteth himself above all
that la called Hod, or that I wor
shipped a Hod, That man or that
power la the Pope of Roma the papa
cy. It baa done what Hanfe) aald It
would do. It haa thought to change
Hod' law, and HI time; and In wear
out Ilia saint. And while (here are
hundred of million following the
teao, me ttanner, in mark of tb bat - V
of Rom In the observance of the pa- i
gan day of the aun aa the gabbatb, and
but comparatively few who follow f
'Ws.' e-